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Greater than ever before. His new team, embracing his brash style. Were going to make sure donald trump is comfortable about being in his own skin. I think it is fair to say that donald trump has shown us who he is. There is no new donald trump. This is it. Lets talk, live in the cnn newsroom. Good morning, im carol costello, thank you for joining me. The controversy in rio, over Armed Robbery claims made by u. S. Swimmer ryan lochte and three of his teammates is growing. Brazilian authorities honing in on what they say is inconsistencie inconsistencies. Something the u. S. Olympic Committee Says they will do today. Lochte is back in the United States, but now even his story is under scrutiny. Nbc matt lauer, describing his latest conversation with the swimmer. When he talked to me the night, he said thats when the guy pointed the gun from my direction and cocked it. I pointedly said to him, you had said before it was placed on your forehead and cocked. He said no, thats not exactly what happened. And i think he feels it was more of a traumatic mischaracterization. I think people listening at home feel it was embellishment at the time. So, like, what did happen . Lets head to rio for the latest on the story. Nick paton walsh is there. Reporter quite remarkable. Not an uncommon scene, people leaving a nightclub, find themselves robbed at gun point. It does sadly happen here, but the inconsistencienconsistencie suggest brazil is as safe as possible, have led it to spiral into this International Incident. American swimmers, jack conger and adam bentz, detained after a brazilian judge because of discrepancies in their claims that they were robbed at gun point on sunday night. Along with teammates james feigan and 12 time medalist, ryan lochte, just hours after the incident, lochte told nbc news they told the other swimmers to get down on the ground. They got down on the ground. I refused. I was like we didnt do anything wrong. So im not getting down on the ground, and the guy pulled out his gun, he cocked it, put it to my forehead. He said get down. Pit put my hands up. I was like whatever. He took my money and wallet. He is now back in the u. S. , unlike his teammates, now conceding to nbc last night that his initial statement was a traumatic mischaracterization of what happened. The Surveillance Video obtained by the daily mail, shows the swimmers returning to him pick village just before 7 00 a. M. On sunday morning. The judge says it shows them seemingly unshaken, and joking around after the alleged robbery. Lochtes lawyer tells cnn that video shows me nothing. It shows guys coming home at 6 00 or 7 00 in the morning and shows me theyre happy theyre alive. Among the inconsistencies, the judge says lochte told police there was one robber, while feigan says there were more. Theyre asking the taxi driver to verify the claims. Now, some of the things the people have been looking at here involve suspicions that how come you have so many high valued items on you. As you see, they get home at 7 00 in the morning, the other question too to be answered, the judge in her extraordinary search and seizure order, talks about how they left the nightclub at 4 00 a. M. , yet the Tourist Police chief says 5 45, everyone agrees they got home at 7 00. So were talking about either a three or a one hour window in which these events have to be nailed down precisely, but still, the remarkable fact of the high profile swimmers receiving a warrant from the court and two of the colleagues being taken off the plane before it flies home. Well, the strangest thing, why would they lie about Something Like that . Reporter well, no one is suggesting necessarily theyre lying at the moment. You know, there are many things that can happen in a city like this. In a very late hours of saturday, but at this point, i think were all talking about confusion. We are potentially talking about the victims of an Armed Robbery here, but there are these inconsistencies that have led some brazilians to question the voracity of the whole report, the judge in particular. The crime is a sensitive issue. It afflicts many daily lives. The notion that these were armed robbers, the bedrock of security for the Olympic Games. You cant trust people in uniform, what can you do, carol. Nick paton walsh, reporting live from rio. On to politics, donald trump on the road with a vengeance, holding his event since rebuilding his campaign and sidelining his voice of restraint, Paul Manafort, Kellyanne Conway and steve bannon will fly a new flag, let trump be trump. Just a couple of hours ago, conway spoke to us. Let everyone get the benefit of his leadership. He scores very well in strong leader. Thats what so Many Americans are starving for. When he delivers a speech in his own words, in his own delivery system, then people can actually focus on the content. I think thats what so important. If were going to cover campaigns as comedy show, no content no, substance, think were doing a disservice. Sara murray has more. Good morning. We know donald trump made these changes because he was frustrated with the state of the race. He want aed a new direction for the campaign, frustrated with the leaks coming out of his campaign and thats why we saw him bring on steve bannon and the rise of Kellyanne Conway, and making sure the candidate is a happy warrior, making sure he is comfortable. Listen to how kellyanne describes her philosophy of donald trump being donald trump. I think were going to sharpen the message and were going to make sure donald trump is comfortable about being in his own skin, that he doesnt lose that authenticity, you simply cant buy, and a pollster cant give you. Voters know if youre comfortable in your own skin. He wants to deliver a speech, if he wants to go to a rally, connect with the crowd in a way that is very spontaneous, thats wonderful. Thats how he got here. Thats how he became the. We have some Serious Problems in this country, and im hoping it will start to be addressed bied media he will give these speeches, youll see more of those next week, immigration, followed by education, and were really excited about that. Pundits are not as thrilled with steve bannon. He is known as a street fighter, the head of breitbart, the right wing news outlet. Are you comfortable with his style. Im extremely comfortable with steve bannon. I thought it was a masterful choice to quote other people. You know, donald trump in the press release and his comments to the press described us as people who want to win and i think were going to leave everything on the field. There are millions of people who are relying upon a true choice election. They need to see the contrast. We want to take the message to the voters. The human proponent from the bottom up and the data operation, and steve also, now, he is a big strategic thinker. People will cherry pick what somebody says or did, and look, the bottom line is, the candidate has to trust his advisors, and we feel like we have the trust of the leader here. So this is the challenge for these new set of trump advisors. Can you let donald trump tell it like it is, be this blunt personality that brought so many voters in, but can you direct him a little bit . Can you direct him to stay on the issues, talk about education, talk about immigration. Theyre going to try to walk this line again today. Hell be campaigning in North Carolina and were expecting him to give prepared remarks. Prepared remarks, will he on prompter or not. I think prepared remarks usually means he is on prompter. They tend to try to not say that ahead of time, because it is trump. So maybe prepared remarks mean hell read portions. Like they said, they want him to be able to make the call what, do i feel like doing in this given moment, but still drive a bless sage. Interesting. Sara murray, thanks so much. Lets talk about this. Im joined by donald trump supporter, Scottie Nell Hughes, along with columnist, patricia murphy. Welcome to both of you. Kellyanne conway is clearly professional. She is able to articulate his vision. Is she the best thing to happen to his campaign so far . Yes, she is. Just watching her in that interview on cnn earlier this morning, she is just mast ferful, if she were the candidate, the democratics would have a lot to worry about. She is so talented at focusings a message, hitting democrats without making it feel like an ugly attack, and also very focused, very professional. We all know her. She is extremely responsive. She has a whole lot of campaign experience. Polling, getting people on the ground. So she is exactly what this campaign needs. I think the big question is going to be how much of her advice does donald trump take, and how much of her voice is going to break through between roger ailes, steve bannon, paul manafo manafort, corey lewandowski, multiple voices in that room, but she is a great choice so far. Thats my question to you, you have Kellyanne Conway and then you have steve bannon, who has been described as conservatives as one of the worst people on gods green earth. Thats from dana learn, who is no shrinking violet herself. How can they Work Together peacefully. They already have. They have a proven track record within the conservative movement of strong activism. But lets not lets not sit here and make steve bannon to be some like renogade, he was an officer in the United States navy. He has his nba from harvard, a National Security masters from georgetown. He was good friends with andrew breitbart, who was beloved, like ronald reagan, and he has the 12th largest political website, i think it is eighth now. He has done phenomenal things. What people are more upset about is kind of the same things that donald trump is. It is about the word. Not necessarily about what he is saying, the content of what he is saying. It is how theyre phrased. Right. Steve bannon right now, the Hillary Clinton has woke up and realize steve bannon and the team, theyre probably scared right now. I guarantee, that team has unearthed a lot of skeletons, and if there are any left, theyll come out in the last 90 days. Okay, patricia, here is why i asked that question. Because of something kellyanne actually said on new day this morning. She said it about clinton supporter, senator elizabeth warren, who has called mr. Trump thinskinned and a small insecure money grubber. Listen. I dont think a lot of the rhetoric frankly, because partly, yes, it is the mother in me, but partly, because i am tough in politics, alisyn, and partly it does a disservice to the voters. So patricia, if she thinks senator warren is doing a disservice to the voters for calling mr. Trump names, how can she how can she accept trump being trump, because he is pretty a depth at doing that. She knows very well, and she said she doesnt like a lot of the language that trump himself has used. She is looking to focus his attacks on democrats and on Hillary Clinton. Nobody is debating whether or not steve bannon has an education. We all know that. The question is about his most immediate past. He has made an entire career out of working to destabilize and da bi the time the Republican Party is seeking unity, donald trump is bringing in someone who wants the punch the republican establishment in the face. Thats the problem that people are seeing. It is not whether or not steve bannon is a smart guy. Everybody knows it is. What will he do with it, and what will donald trump do with the advice he is getting. Thats the fear from republicans right now. Here is what is so fun from the establish. For the last few weeks, we have seen donald trump trying to work with the establish. Has the establishment worked with donald trump. But donald trump didnt endorse paul ryan, right . He did. He ended up eventually. Eventually did it, but it came late. Where is the rest of the establishment. He started as a tea party member. The polls are not showing it. I think at this point, 80 days out, you have to go back to what made mr. Trump popular, which was his own voice, confident in the people around him. And Paul Manafort is very much a part of this. What all three of these folks have pulled off within their own private lives is incredible, but what Paul Manafort did at the rnc was nothing short of a miracle. I watched his whip team from our sky view. His whip team was incredible. Absolutely making sure that what his goal of getting mr. Trump that nomination with little hiccups, it worked. All three of these people make a trifecta of a powerhouse, which is amazing. Well see what happens. Good luck with that. Hell speak later today. Thank you, both of you. Still to come in the newsroom, days after donald trump says Hillary Clinton is against the police, his democratic rival is sitting down with Law Enforcement leaders from across the country. More on that major meeting, next. A major meeting for Hillary Clinton today. She is meeting with Law Enforcement officials from some of the largest in the country. Theyve said she is antipolice for much of the campaign season. Donald trump launching this attack. She is against the police. Believe me. You know it and i know it. And guess what, she knows it. Those pedaling the narrative of cops as a racist force in our society, a narrative supported with a nod by my opponent. Shared directly in the responsibility for the unrest in milwaukee, and many other places within our country. For more on what this meeting is about, lets head to washington and chris frates. Hi, chris. Good morning, carol. As you heard right there, donald trump accusing Hillary Clinton of being anticop. So today, she is planning to meet with some of the nations top Law Enforcement officials, chiefs of police from some of the biggest cities, l. A. , philadelphia and dallas. She is also planning to meet with clinton excuse me, clinton is also planning to meet with new york city commissioner, bill bratton, who has slammed trump. Take a listen to what he said recently. Mr. Trump scares me. Scares the hell out of me. Thats personal opinion. And i just dont get it. Why does he scare you as a possible president . The lack of depth on issues that the shoot from the hip, just watch this whole campaign, i just shake my head. Now carol, we also just got about this meeting. I want to read it to you. It says in part, as one of the most experienced leaders in american policing, commissioner bratton has a unique perspective into the profession and what we can do to reduce fear, build trust with the community improve training and bertter equip officers. According to a clinton aide, toweds meeting wi todays meeting will focus on that, and after the shooting of a black man in milwaukee on monday, it kicked off some protests, Hillary Clinton said the country has urgent work to rebuild trust between police and communities, adding everyone should have respect for and be respected by the law. Now, trump meanwhile, has accused clinton of being against the police, saying she, quote, would rather protect the offender than the victim. But by meeting with some of the most Important Police chiefs today, carol, clinton really trying to send a message that she standing with the police, while also acknowledging there is a lot of work to do. All right, chris, thank you. Lets talk about this. Former Clinton White house aide, Keith Lincoln is here. Co founder of real clear politics, and donald trump supporter, Scottie Nell Hughes is back with me. Thanks for sticking around, scottie. I appreciate it. Keith, ill start with you, what does it say Hillary Clinton is meeting with these Police Chiefs today and sending out the message to the media that she is indeed doing that . This a meeting that was planned some time ago. It didnt just happen, in response to what donald trump said this week. But i think it is a reflection of the steadiness that she would show as a leader. Donald trump, as bill bratton said, is a shoot from the hip leader, and Hillary Clinton will show she will build bridges and Work Together, not just the Police Departments, but with communities that are affected by the police. Bringing people together is not what donald trump is doing when he is out there saying Hillary Clinton is against the police. We have a country where the crime rate is going down, has been going down for several years. But some people like trump and people who are on his side are stoking the flames and encouraging people are going to hell when they are not. Hillary clintons camp has called trump a racist and bigot. Thats not a kumbaya moment. I understand that. I do think he is a racist and bigot, but aside from that, the reality is trumps language about the police is dangerous, because trump is basically suggesting that everything that the police do is always going to be correct. He is not going to every second guess or question the police. What Hillary Clinton is saying is a more nuance approach. Yes, she wants to support the police, but she wants the police to Work Together with local communities, particularly with communities of color. So we can start to build bridges and not be against each other all the time. So scottie, on the subject of building bridges, he gave his law and order speech this week, he spoke to a largely white crowd, but he has not sat down with members of the black community so far. Why not . Well, he has sat down. He has a very active urban coalition of black pastors, black leaders that are republicans that he has met with several times, even from the very beginning. Im talking about people from within these communities. And perhaps reaching out to black lives matter. I think the campaign has reached out to them. Just because they reach out doesnt mean theyre really . To black lives matter. I dont know about black lives matter. He has an invitation to come into these meetings. You have great people speaking on his behalf. They just held a rally at a black church that was phenomenal, that his daughterinlaw was at. He is trying to reach out to them. Just because you take this, he met in milwaukee, he tried to go into those areas in chicago and san diego and others, and saw these riots and chaos. He wasnt going to do that. Milwaukee had enough trouble. He wanted to show the Police Officers, unlike Hillary Clinton, that he supports the Police Officers. They feel like Hillary Clinton sn snubbed them. They feel like theyve been betrayed by Hillary Clinton and the democratic party, when last year, they passed a resolution solidifying, saying they supported the black lives matter movement. Most importantly, look at the dnc, philadelphia, of the new york post, Police Officers, philly Police Officers were not allowed to wear their uniforms on the floor there at the dnc within the convention center. Law enforcement feel like and rightfully so and justified i do think, and ill let you address what scottie said in a moment, but i want to get to tom. I do think will is a sentiment among many Police Officers that democrats are in line with black lives matter, and dont really care about their problems. The fop did sit down with donald trump, but not Hillary Clinton, although the fop has offered no endorsement of either candidate so far. What do you make of this, as my middle of the roader, tom . Well, look, i think this is, despite the fact this meeting was set up weeks ago, it points to the fact that Hillary Clinton is trying to trike a delicate balance here between appeasing the folks in her base who some of, you know, wont even day all lives matter is problematic, and you know, obviously the police and the law and order. For donald trump, this is smart politically. Particularly for him, in places like suburbs, where he has lost ground because for him to be able to say he is a law and order candidate might help him recover some ground with folks if they believe that and think Hillary Clinton is not as much in favor of law and order. So politically, i think it is a potent issue, and one that i think Hillary Clinton has to be careful with. Keith, i do want you to address somewhat of scottie said. I do believe there is a sentiment that democrats are not actually sympathetic to what they go through everyday on the streets. Well, yeah, and first in terms of the question about the Police Officers, i think that the Police Unions have typically over the past 20 or 30 years or so, maybe even 40 years, been on the side of republicans. Thats largely because of Richard Nixon law and order style of Police Politics i should say. I think the republicans are trying to carry that on. What has hurt the republicans, crime has gone down. New york, where bill de blasio has come in, and a lot of people are critical, they stopped the stop and frisk Campaign Getting 600,000 people a year, and reduced it, and actually lowered the crime rate while doing it. You can have safe policing and still effective policing. The second thing, in terms of what scottie is saying, i dont think you can say you are making a serious effort to reach out to black voters when you go to a white suburb 45 minutes away from where the black people are and give a speech about black people. Thats offensive, sko thety. It is offensive to talk about the event in North Carolina that donald trump didnt even bother to go to. After a year of campaigning, he couldnt find one single event to one black event he could go to, one africanamerican group he can meet with. Thats an outrage, 12 to 13 of the population, he wants to write them off. Thats not acceptable. I think that scottie, your rebuttal. Real simple. Thats wrong to say. He is not. He has embraced the black community, and is continuing to do that. Let me point out, while youre talking about while crime is going down, guess what is going up. Officers killed in the line of duty, 37 in 2016 alone. Thats rising. Thats a problem right now, and thats because they feel like the communities feel like for some reason, they can assault Police Officers and get away with it. The events of this week in milwaukee as people watched that, they saw the opposite of law and order, and that speaks to why donald trump says we need to establish respect in all the communities. If he could have gone to milwaukee and provided safety, he would have gone. Why he did it 45 minutes out, he wanted to show allegiance to the officers then why give a speech to black people . Why bill it as a speech to black people, when will is no black people in the audience, scottie . The doors were open. They could have come in, very peacefully. Why didnt they come, scottie . Why didnt they show up . Well, thats the community is only 1 black, of course there were no black people. Theyll probably get kicked out. We saw peoples lives from in danger because of the riots that happened outside by the protesters, he has tried to go into the communities, and unfortunately, they would not accept them, despite he could have gone to the naacp. He could have gone to a lot of different events. Im sure you agree, there will be no agreement here. Im going to end the conversation here. Thanks to both of you. All of, keith, scottie, tom. Still to come in the newsroom, cutting your vacation short, the biggest paper in louisiana, the state is hurting after historic flooding and needs a president ial visit. Fight back with relief so smooth and fast. Tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. And neutralizes stomach acid at the source. Tumtumtumtumtums smoothies, only from tums. This morning, the death toll has risen to 13 in flood ravaged louisiana, and forecasters warning more rain on the way. Today, cnn will join the head of the National Guard on a helicopter tour around baton rouge, as tens of thousands remain displaced from their homes. The Homeland Security secretary will be visiting today, but thats not enough for the states largest newspaper. Theyre demanding president obama cut his vacation short and come see the damage for himself. They say in coming here, the president can decisively demonstrate that louisiana recovery is a priority. Rosa flores live in livingston parish. Good morning, rosa. Reporter good morning, carol. You know, the American Red Cross calling this disaster the worst Natural Disaster since hurricane sandy, more than 40,000 homes impacted. Let me show you around. Im in livingston parish, one of the most devastated areas. Theyre pulling all of the wet, soaked stuff out of their homes to make sure they can start rebuilding and not only their homes, but also their lives. You can see some folks are already out here this morning, doing just that. Now, i talked to the owner of this particular house where im standing, and he tells me hell be back with his family, a family of six. He says the water started rising so quickly that some of his neighbors here asked him, because he has a truck that is a little higher, asked him to please allow them to take their children to higher ground, but he says that the water was rushing into his home, and you can see that he has started to remove some of the sheetrock inside. He says that is critical. Because of how moist and how wet all of the inside of his home was going to get. And so it is critical to get all of that out and let it dry out, but carol, as you mentioned, this storm already killing 13 people. I was here yesterday, when a Recovery Team recovered the body of victim number 12. Theyre still trying to identify the body, and identify the body and also notify next of kin. But carol, a lot of people here in louisiana, still hurting, still, you know, trying to recover. As you mentioned, with more rain expected in the forecast, thats not what people here want to hear. Carol. My goodness, rosa flores, reporting live. Thank you. A Massive Wildfire is rakgig out of control. More than 80,000 people are under an Evacuation Order. With these, the rate of spread weve seen, if we ask you to leave, you have to leave. Dry weather and winds are making the flames unpredictable, more than 1,500 firefighters have been called to battle the flames, along with a dozen air tankers and 17 helicopters. Still to come in the newsroom, the mother of a benghazi victim, emotionally laying the blame on Hillary Clinton. It was perhaps the most powerful speech at the Republican National convention. Why the man who helped write that speech is now saying hell never vote trump. Energy is a complex challenge. People want power. And power plants account for more than a third of energyrelated carbon emissions. The challenge is to capture the emissions before theyre released into the atmosphere. Exxonmobil is a leader in carbon capture. Our team is working to make this technology better, more affordable so it can reduce emissions around the world. Thats what were working on right now. Energy lives here. I just wish it had been for a better reason. Me, too, but the eulogy that franks daughter gave was beautiful. I just feel bad knowing they struggled to pay for the funeral, especially without Life Insurance. I wish they wouldve let us help. But, it did make me think, though. About what . Well, that i could leave you in the same situation. I dont have Life Insurance, either. If something were to happen to me tomorrow, how are you pay for my funeral . Or my other bills . 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This entire Campaign Comes down to a single question. If Hillary Clinton cant give us the truth, why should we give her the presidency. Now, cross helped write those powerful words, but now he says he cannot vote for trump. He will vote clinton. This is part of what he wrote in the baltimore sun. To choose otherwise embraces fear, as donald trump has chosen to do. Fear sometimes wins you elections, but doesnt create jobs, build skroochools or impr the quality of life. The only prospect more terrifying is not voting for her. She is the only choice. Lets talk about this. David gherkin is here. A former president ial advisor to nixon, ford, clinton. Thank you, carol. Thank thanks for being here. Kri Richard Cross writing this powerful speech and now he says he cannot vote for trump. What do you make of that . I think he is a simple of a growing number of republicans who are moderates. He is a selfdescribed moderate. And he feels increasingly uncomfortable in a party that is turned right. And he basically, i think speaks for a lot of people in the sense of saying i no longer have a home. You know, my republican pals think im a renogade, and there are lots of people in america who feel that way, who feel uncomfortable in the Republican Party. Theyve been hoping that they could see signs in donald trump that he would move more and that he would pivot toward their direction, and that he would moderate, he would stop some of these attacks that he has been doing. And now, you know, carol, the truth is, what he has just done here this week in hiring mr. Bannon and bringing roger ailes into the midst of his campaign, you know, he is doubling down as you know. And i think what were seeing in mr. Cross is the early part of the flow. I think the if what we see from trump is trump being more trumpian, it will have a bigger exodus. Dont republicans in general like attacks on Hillary Clinton . They want donald trump to focus on Hillary Clinton . And attack her . Oh, i do think that they there is a lot of Hillary Clinton sentiment among moderates in the Republican Party, and thats why mr. Dros is s mr. Cross is agonizing. He said he was going to vote for hillary. But if in fact, what these new theyre reshuffling of the trump team means hell go further right and go engage in even more in scidnary against women, muslims, there will be a bigger flood. You know, because much as people dont want hillary, they also feel, look, if i cant vote for this guy, who can i vote for. I throw away my vote, i throw it away if i vote for the libertarian. Thats why cross will go for hillary in the end. But listen, i cant emphasize enough what we have seen in the reshuffling is that trump is reaching out to people who are bigger they think toxic is way too tame. Mr. Breitbart has called mr. Bannon, who is the new guru of the Trump Campaign, he has called him of the american tea party. They understand lenny reonisthal, is the chief propaganda for hitler. Here is that kind of thing. You know, just read the accounts of what breitbart has been saying, and say do you really think suburban moms, educated women, are going to, people with College Degrees will move over and vote for trump happily. No theyre going to be looking at mr. Cross and saying i wonder if i should be doing the same thing. All right, david gergin, thank you for your insight. Thank you, carol. Youre welcome. Still to come in the newsroom, the horrors of war in a single hiimagine, drawing outrage around the world. Get between you and lifes dobeautiful moments. Llergens flonase gives you more complete allergy relief. Most allergy pills only control one inflammatory substance. Flonase controls 6. And six is greater than one. Flonase changes everything. In turkey, three Police Officers are dead and at least 217 people are wounded after an explosion at a police station. It was the second bombing targeting police in eastern turkey in the last 24 hours. Its prompted the naegs to raise its level of alarm. Turkeys Prime Minister says kurdish militants are responsible for the attack. Id like you to stop what youre doing just for a minute so you can take a look at this picture. Its a powerful image. We hear about the ongoing battle in syria and the fight against isis all the time but we dont often hear about the people who are living it and barely surviving it. That picture of a daze of shell shocked boy named omran in the back of an ambulance. Hes sitting in that ambulance as the chaos continues around him. Just waiting for somebody to come get him. Waiting for somebody to help. Cnns nema joins me now with the story behind the image. Good morning. We spoke to one of the men who helped rescue little omran and who actually took the still image of him sitting in the ambulance. He was able to describe to us what was going on behind what you see there. He said it had taken nearly an hour to dig omran out from under that rubble and in that moment when you see him sitting in the ambulance, he still didnt know whether the rest of his family had survived. He didnt know whether anyone would be coming to get him. As he reaches to touch his face, i think this is the moment that broke so many peoples hearts, that a 5yearold boy could touch his face, come away with blood on his fingers. And not respond. Still be completely impassive. And the young man we spoke to, the activist we spoke to said he thought omran was in extreme shock. But he also said something which broke my heart. He said but omran is as old as the syrian conflict itself, he is 5 years old. And so this is probably all that he has known. And so while he is also incredibly traumatized, he also doesnt know anything else. Other than the sirens and the air strikes and the rubble. His mother and older brother are in critical condition. And because of the situation in aleppo, theyve had to be smuggled out of aleppo and theyre seeking medical care elsewhere. Those survivors you see digging in the rubble, they were extraordinarily brave. Because so often as weve heard described, these are double tap attacks so the bombs are dropped and then they return again. I want to say to anyone out there watching this, they can go to cnn. Com impact. Theres so many ways there they can reach out and try and help omran and the thousands of other syrian children who are trapped in these conditions. Any word on who is responsible for the bombing . Well, we were told by this activist it was a combination of regime and russian planes. And today at the u. N. The syrian envoy will be trying to get those very same people, the Syrian Government and the russians and others around the table to try to pull together a ceasefire. Nema etugar, oh, its just heartbreaking. The next hour of cnn newsroom after a break. Liberty. 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Olympic Committee Says three of those swimmers will talk to local officials in brazil today and that meeting comes after two of the athletes were pulled off a plane in order to stay in the country until they made those statements. Lochte who did leave the country on monday, hes back hereby in the United States, this was before the search and seizure warrants were issued, hes also facing scrutiny over his initial story. Listen to what matt lauer said about his recent sitdown with the swimmer. When he talked to me tonight, he said thats when the guy pointed the gun in my direction and cocked it. I pointedly said to him, you had said before it was placed on your forehead and cocked. He said no, thats not exactly what happened. Think he feels it was more of a traumatic mischaracterization. I think people listening at home might feel that was embellishment at the time. Joining me now with more on this from rio, cnns Nick Paton Walsh and cnn sports analyst christine brennan. Welcome to both of you. Nick, whats going on here . Well, we have two Big Questions people are trying to answer at this stage, how is it accord to brazilians watching this and the Police Spokesperson that these two these four people were able to return home carrying in their possession so many high value items if you look at that cctv picture after such, it seems, forcible Armed Robbery . They were allowed to escape with their own cell phones. Thats a question to be answered. The second one, how long was the gap between when they left the club and got home. If you listen to the court order, theyre thought to have left the club at 4 00 a. M. And then everyone agrees they got back about 7 00 a. M. To their house. So either a one hour or three hour window. All this adds to the broader sense of confusion here and more importantly, carol, the extraordinary scene of International Incident involving search and seizure warrants, athletes taken off planes. This, for medal winners. Their team at the highest of the medal table at this particular stage. Challenging brazils sense of pride here at the games. Yet authorities are seeing discrepancies in the testimony theyre getting from two of these key athletes. Two more of them are supposed to speak for the first time to police later on today. Christine, why would lochte embellish an already terrible story . Thats a great question, carol. We have no idea. I think one of the big concerns here is that we have no idea what was going on late at night. We dont know if they had had a lot to drink. These were swimmers who finished their competition and they had finally their first night out on the town. But what we do know is that this is a nightmare for the u. S. , the u. S. Olympic committee and of course conversely if its all if the athletes were telling the truth, then its a nightmare for brazilian authorities. Either way, thats what the two group, the organizers and the u. S. Olympic committee, did not want happening as we close out the games. It is the story i covered the games since 84. I have not seen but two or three stories like this. It goes to the heart of the relationship between brazil and the United States. Obviously at these Olympic Games and even moving forward. So, nick, what could happen to the swimmers who are still in brazil . Could they go through a trial and end up in some kind of prison . Take away the publicity around this as far as we know at the moment, even if as some magistrates have hinted, without drawing conclusion at this point, their testimony to the police wasnt entirely accurate. Theres one saying theyre trying to assess whether or not a false Police Report was filed. That isnt a massive crime here so to speak. Ryan lochte is in the United States, so i would be very surprised if there was a move to try to get him back to brazil to talk to police. What it has done is potentially put these men in a difficult position to answer these questions consistently and not necessarily do it very convincingly first up and its put the brazilians in a difficult place. They have to explain why they made this extraordinary fuss. It all comes down to what happened in the one to three hours after they left that club. Thanks to both of you. All right, on to politics now. A major meeting for Hillary Clinton today. Shes sitting down with Law Enforcement officials from some of the larger Police Departments in the country. Meeting comes after months of criticism that shes antipolice. Just days ago, donald trump launching this attack in wisconsin. She is against the police. Believe me. You know it and i know it. And guess what, she knows it. Those pedaling the narrative of cops as a racist force in our society, a narrative supported with a nod by my opponent. Shared directly in the responsibility for the unrest in milwaukee and many other places within our country. For more on this meeting this afternoon with Hillary Clinton and those Police Chiefs from across the country, im joined by cnns chris frates. As were hearing from donald trump there, hes been accusing Hillary Clinton of being andy cop and now clinton will meet with some of the nations top Law Enforcement officials. This meeting includes chiefs of police from southern countrys biggest cities. Weve got l. A. , philadelphia, dallas and also planning to meet with clinton, new York City Police commissioner bill bratton whos been critical of donald trump. Mr. Trump scares me, scares the hell out of me, being quite frank with you, personal opinion, and i just dont get it. Why does he scare you as possible president . The lack of depth on issues that the shoot from the hip, i just watch his whole campaign and just shake my head. The nypd says clinton requested meeting and the departments chief will discuss issues of concern and challenges of policing. In a statement, the nypd says this, they say as one of the most experienced leaders in american policing, commissioner bratton has a unique perspective into the profession and what we can do to reduce fear, build trust with the community, improve training and better equip officers, having led Police Departments in boston, los angeles and twice in new york. And its worth pointing out here, carol that trump has not asked to meet with bratton but the commissioner would meet with the republican nominee if asked. Now, according to a clinton aide, todays meeting will focus on the challenges and opportunities police face in cities across the country and after the shooting of a black man in milwaukee that kicked off protests, clinton says the country has urgent work to do to rebuild trust between police and communities, adding that everyone should have respect for the law and be respected by the law. Trump has accused clinton of being against the police, saying she would rather protect the offender then the victim. Clintons really sending a message that she supports the police while continuing to acknowledge theres really a lot of work to do, carol. Chris frates, thank you. I want to bring in my panel. Donald trump Senior Adviser tana gurtz is here. Senior editor at the atlantic Ron Brownstein. And former mayor and Hillary Clinton supporter michael nutter. Welcome to all of you. Michael, why this meeting and why now . First and foremost, its just a continuation of secretary clintons demonstrated support over a long period of time for both Law Enforcement and the concerns that people in communities have. You can actually respond to both. Its not a singular idea or concept, which is the only track that donald trump is able to operate on. Its either a or b. He has no ability to understand the gray areas and what it really means to govern. This is a continuation of her extensive experience with Law Enforcement at all levels, local, state and federal, and continues to demonstrate her sensitivity and understanding of the dangers of policing, while at the same time, can bring a perspective of concern that people in communities, especially communities of color, have all across the United States of america. You have to be able to deal with both. So, tana, as a trump supporter, what do you make of this meeting . Well, i think what Hillary Clinton is doing here is copying donald trump. From day one on the campaign, mr. Trump has been 100 behind Law Enforcement, first responders, you name it, he supports them, he respects them and he takes time out of his rallies, stops motorcades to thank these people for their hard service and dedication to all of us americans every single day. I know what Police Officers have said about Hillary Clinton because i am here working every single day. Ive got my finger on the pulse of the American Voter and the americans in these cities that he has visited and Hillary Clinton does not have a good reputation with the Law Enforcement and Police Officers. And ive heard numerous stories. I think shes realizing that donald trump is hes creating this narrative that we need to respect Law Enforcement and shes going to follow in suit and do exactly what shes doing and holding a rally. Is it unusual for a president ial candidate to sit down with Police Chiefs from across the country . No, i remember bill clinton, one of his events in 92, when he got endorsed by the police union actually and in a pouring rain in houston and they sit out there in the rain. What you just heard is actually very revealing of the debate. Theres no question, carol, theres a racial gap in perceptions of the police with communities of color much more skeptical about the way police treat them. And white voters tending to lean more towards believing the supporting the police and believing they are treating everyone fairly. And in that sense, you know, this does echo in Donald Trumps language, echoes the late 1960s, Richard Nixon, the quest for law and order. I think the big difference, though, between now and the 1960s, is what mayor nutter said, which is most americans basically accept the idea that you can be both. You can have effective policing and treat all communities with respect. In fact, you are more likely to get effective policing if you treat all communities with respect. When donald trump goes and says essentially i am 100 with the police and not offer anything really, any kind of being a acknowledgement of the concern of, particularly minority communities, i think well, i do think though, and ill address this to michael, that there is a sentiment among many Police Officers that the democrats really arent on their side. For example, mr. Trump sat down with the fop, this is according to politico. Ms. Clinton has yet to sit down with the fop which is a police union with 300,000 people. So why is that, michael . Well, i dont control secretary clintons schedule, but if you saw our Democratic Convention here in philadelphia of course, the campaign worked with the mother of a Fallen Police officer here in our city who was killed on our streets and she had the opportunity to talk about her son and the dangers that Police Officers face. So im sure that there will be that kind of meeting with national or, rather, Law Enforcement leaders across the country. But really goes back to what ron says. You have to be able to demonstrate the ability to listen to quote unquote both sides in this situation. And supporting the police and being a supporter of communities across the nation are not in conflict with each other. That, again, demonstrates the lack of depth and understanding that donald trump has about these issues. He can only go all in one way. And doesnt understand governing which is that you really represent everyone. Well, and tana, critics might say i know mr. Trump tried to reach out to africanamerican communities when he was in milwaukee the other day. Many critics said, you know, he spoke in a predominantly white suburb. Why didnt he go into a black community. So can you address critics . Well, heres what i will say. Excuse me, no, mr. Trump is not afraid of anyone and black people mr. Trump doesnt see white, black, hispanic. That is a narrative people are putting on him. I know him very well. Im sure you dont. What i will say is he is not afraid of black people, he respects and loves black people. He has a lot of interest. Heres the difference, donald trump is getting up in front of thousands of people. Lets just say an average rally could be 12,000 people. But theyre mostly white crowds he stood up in front of but what i was going to say, carol, is hes standing up in front of, lets say, 12,000 people. Okay, maybe theyre more caucasian. My point would be and every news outlet is capturing him. What mr. Trump is saying to these millions of people watching is when i am president , we will all respect our Law Enforcement, black orb white, he doesnt say the color because he doesnt care, we will respect and we will honor and we will take care of hows he going to make 300 million americans do anything . He is telling hows he going to do that . Tell me that. Tell me that. Tell me the plan. Sitting in these meetings with two or three people saying, i just want everybody to know, like, i do like Police Officers other you dont have an answer, yeah, yeah, yeah. Saying we need to respect our Law Enforcement and we will when im president all right, ive got to leave there. The reverse is the thank you so much to all of you. Sorry, tana goetz, michael nutter, thank you. Sitting down with cnn to preview how the staff changes will shape his message. Es best cracked pepper sauce. Most ribs eaten while calf roping. Yep, greatness deserves recognition. You got any trophies, cowboy . Whoomp there it is uh, yeah. Well, uh, well theres this one. Best insurance mobile app . Yeah, two years in a row. Well ill be. Does that thing just follow you around . Like a little puppy the awardwinning geico app. Download it today. Isaac hou has mastered gravity defying moves to amaze his audience. Great show. Here you go. Now hes added a new routine. Making depositing a check seem so effortless. 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One of the things we know is donald trump was frustrated. Obviously, you dont have a shakeup like this unless youre unhappy with the way things are going. He felt like advisers around him were leaking. He felt like he had one fun in the lane he wanted to run in, one foot in the establishment lane. And above all, hes losing. The polls show hes losing. With all know how much he hates that. So nows a chance to get back. To Donald Trumps kind of more blunt style, let him be more of himself. Kelly anne conway was on new day sort of explaining what she thinks that will look like. So i think were going to sharpen the message and were going to make sure donald trump is comfortable about being in his own skin, that he doesnt lose that awe then ticht that you simply cant buy and a pollster cant give you. Voters know if youre comfortable in your own skin. He wants to deliver a speech, he wants to go to a rally, he wants to connect with the crowd in a way thats very sponspontaneous thats wonderful and thats how he got here, became the nominee in large part. At the same time, we have some really serious pressing problems in this country that im hoping will start to be addressed more by the media. Hes going to give these policy speeches. Now, when you hear her talking about letting donald trump be comfortable, thats a nod to the fact that you cant run a Good Campaign unless you have a happy candidate and donald trump is certainly not a very happy warrior right now. Theyre tryin to change that but changing that while making sure donald trump is still driving home a message to that and hes going to be in North Carolina today. Were expecting him to keep up this law and order theme. Were expecting him to deliver prepared remarks, so it might not be truly the end of teleprompter trump. But as always with trump you have to wait and see. So he may or may not use the prompter. Who wrote his prepared remarks . Was it him largely with the help of someone else or is it the other way around . One of the things weve seen is he works very closely with Steven Miller who is one of the policy guys on the campaign to write some of these remarks. In the past, Paul Manafort has chipped in. Well see if Paul Manaforts guidance is solicited on future speeches. We need to remember, look, we have steve bannen weighing in, we have roger ailes, the ousted fox news chief, and we have roger stone, so it could be any number of voices we hear. Well have to wait and see later today, thanks so much. Lets talk about this with our panel. Cnn political commentator s. E. Cupp is here. Ron brown steens back. Tana goetz. I was watching Kellyanne Conway on new day this morning and shes clearly professional, shes organized, she was able to articulate trumps vision, not combative. Is she the best thing to happen to donald trump so far . Shes very skilled. Ive known kellyanne for a while and anyone who knows her knows shes very good at her job but she is not the solution to trumps problems. Donald trump is the solution to Donald Trumps problems. With him lies the problem and the solution. Until his campaign decides to address its deficiencies instead of repeatedly going after the same voter over and over and over again, hes going to continue to see that gap widen. Hes already got the breitbart voter. It baffles my mind to see donald trump doubling down on the voters he already has and completely dismissing the new voters that he needs. Women, minorities and millennials. Theres no outreach anymore. Its as if hes given up on them. I just wander if there are enough old male guys, old white guys in the country to elect him. I dont think so. Well, and i think that other republicans, at least establishment republicans, have the same concerns as s. E. Does, tana, you know, theres steve bannon of breitbart, hes a street fighter, been described as some as one of the worst people on gods green earth, and thats from dana lesch who is no sh risking violet, right, so how can kelly anne and steve bannon Work Together to attract the demographics trump needs . I know mr. Trump well and i know he has the rare talent of putting the right person in the right job. These two hires, im very excited about working with. Mr. Trump knows exactly what hes doing. Hes put two people who are very well respected. Maybe the one, you just mentioned, has some negative comments about him. I have never met these people that are talking about him. But regardless, mr. Trump saw something in them. Help said, you know what, i would like on my campaign. Hes hiring and becoming stronger every day. We are reaching womens groups how . Ifferent various we must certainly how . No, youre not, actually, youre not. Oh, really, oh, im sorry, im on the campaign and im actually part of the Womens Initiative . Holes that show youre not reaching women, thats just math really, you think its going to magically correct itself on november 8th . Hey, she knows what were doing so im just going to let her speak, carol. She knows what the Trump Campaign is doing. No, you tell me, you tell me she knows the math no, stop, tana, tell me specifically how donald trump is reaching out to women. He has like a i think its 70 of women dont like donald trump. What specifically is he doing to say, you know what, youre wrong about me. This is why im good for you. Thank you for asking, carol. The answer to that is he is having people like myself, his lovely daughter ivanka, other strong republican leaders, hold Leadership Conferences where we are getting out in front of large audiences of women who would like to hear why women like myself, why women like ivanka, why other wonderful strong independent women who are making their own living, who are successful who are highly educated, are voting and respect and are working for donald trump. There it is. We were doing that. Tana ill get to you in a second, s. E. Thats what we call anecdotal evidence. Theres some women supporting donald trump, but to ignore the fact that 70 of women do not like donald trump and he has a huge gap between him and Hillary Clinton among women voters is a fantasy land. A fantasy land that will were not avoiding that. Okay, so hold off. I want to bring Ron Brownstein in to the conversation right now. So if donald trump is going to do this bare knuckled thing again, right, hes going to be really hard on hil ry inton, hes going to say what he means, hes going to be mr. Trump, i think that a lot of women dont really like that. They dont like that brashness. They want to hear how he can draw people together and create unity in the country. Yeah, well, look, i think, you know, i think s. E. , a lot of what you said in the initial answer, not getting into any of the back and forth, was correct. Kellyanne conway is a professional. Shes a pollster. Shes not going to respond to a string of polls in the last month all showing donald trump behind by saying says who as one of his, you know, advisers, you know, argued on cnn. So i think i think theres a dose of reality there. But the breitbart note here i think is very worrisome to a lot of republicans for a lot of reasons. First, i think its fundamental misdiagnoses Donald Trumps problem. His problem is not that people love Hillary Clinton. She is majority unfavorables. His problem is that consistently 60 of the country in polls for a year and a half has said hes not qualified to be president. Roughly 60 in polls say he is biyagsed against women and minorities with that number running up to 75 among millennials. His problem is he faces too many doubts himself. And secondly, think the breitbart note, as you guys have observed, is really aimed at this idea of a hidden white electorate. That there are millions of voters out there who will come out if you, in fact, push the absolute boundaries on xena phobia and racially polarizing language. It does, though, pull you in a direction thats going to be more offputting to the voters who stand between where donald trump is now and where he needs to be and thats overwhelmingly College Educated white suburban voters. Particularly among okay, i got it. We got it. Thanks to all of you for joining me this morning. I do appreciate it. S. E. Cupp, tana goetz, Ron Brownstein. Still to come, trump fighting back against Hillary Clinton but as ron said could it backfire . You dont let anything keep you sidelined. Thats why you drink ensure. With 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. For the strength and energy to get back to doing. What you love. Ensure. Always be you. Now you cant spell nutriam i right . T nut, i mean whose to say its pronounced nutriton, anyway . My mixes contain delicious nuts, specially blended for your optimal nutrition. Thats right, i just changed a word in the english dictionary, forever. Planters. Nutrition starts with nut. Wont replace the full value of your totaled new car. The guy says you picked the wrong insurance plan. No, i picked the wrong insurance company. With Liberty Mutual new car replacement™, you wont have to worry about replacing your car because youll get the full value back including depreciation. 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I have to listen to a little guy like rubio saying oh, hes a conman. Now the other guy i hear this rubio, and i call him youre right, i call him little marco, little marco. Jeb. Please. Hes asleep. Hes asleep at the wheel, folks. Hes on every show, donald trump said this, donald trump said that. And then he said, see, im the only one taking on donald trump, im not afraid of donald trump, im hes like a child. Hes like a spoiled child. He was talking about jeb bush there. So lets talk about this kind of strategy. Im joined by the former Communications Director for the jeb bush president ial campaign tim miller and the former Communications Director for the marco rubio president ial campaign and partner at firehouse strategies alex konnit, welcome to both of you. Okay, so, tim what does bare knuckled mean when it comes to trump and a general election . I mean, how silly, carol, do we all feel for spending the last four months talking about this supposed trump pivot to becoming more president ial, et cetera . Hes just not capable of it. You know, i kind of chuckle looking back at those old videos in the primary because nobody doubts that hes good at that, hes good at insulting people. Jeb acknowledged that but it was effective, tim, wasnt it . It was effective, wasnt it . Yes, it was effective in the primary. Carol, this is what me and alex were telling you throughout the whole primary, that its a different electorate youre dealing with in a South Carolina primary and in a general election when you have to appeal to women and hispanics and africanAmerican Voters and donald trump does terrible with all of them and he was doing terrible with all of them back during the primaries. They can try whenever strategy they want. They can try to pivot or get more barrel knuckled but trump is going to get killed in the general election because voters have already rendered a verdict on them and they dont like them. Jeb bush didnt really fight bailnt much later in the premipr preprimary fight. Do you wish he pushed back harder . Thats not true. If you go back and look, trump and bush had their first spar in the Reagan Library debate in september of 2015, and jeb also was attacking him when it came to the issue of the border back in july when he went back and had a press conference with the border in 2015. Heres the third, the republican primary voters were looking for somebody who was a bare knuckled fighter and credit to donald trump for winning the primary. The problem is, those same voters arent the voters that make up the general election. And so you need to have a strategy that actually wins the white house. Winning a republican primary is not good enough. And unfortunately for trump, what hes looking at is a massive landslide defeat, worse than any republican nominee in my lifetime. Let me ask alex this question. So if bare knuckled means that donald trump will come up with new insults and new nicknames for Hillary Clinton, but lets say he also talks seriously about policy, and he is scripted sometimes, and he goes off script and he does what works so well with him in the primary. Is that a good strategy . Well, hes tried that a little bit in the last couple of weeks and he hasnt been very effective at it. Hes not very good at reading off a teleprompter. His audiences dont respond to it well. The recent hires hes made this week suggest hes going to do the opposite, hes going to be more off the cuff, which worked for him in the primaries you said but has not worked for him in the general either. Tim and i have not agreed on a lot this cycle as is well established but i agree with him on the current trajectory, trump is going to suffer an embarrassing loss this fall because hes unable to unite republicans. Hes only earning about 80 of the republican vote right now. If hes going to be successful this fall, he has to win 90plus percent of republicans plus independents plus people that voted for barack obama. Right now, hes not earning as many votes as mitt romney earned four years ago. Hes not even earning mitt romneys vote at this point, let alone people who voted for obama. Lets say he does come down hard on Hillary Clinton. If you were advising the clinton campaign, how should she fight back . Well id start by saying remember trumps been saying for four or five months now he hasnt even started on her yet. Hes been promising this unstoppable attack on hillary. Theres plenty to attack her on though. Theres plenty to attack her on. I know, but hes been unable to deliver it because he has, you know, he doesnt have the discipline to do it. Heres the thing, that Hillary Clinton has an advantage that alex and i didnt have in the primary and that is that she has a majority of voters on herbicidher side. She can let donald trump flail away and bring up Monica Lewinsky and bring up whatever the heck he wants and just look back at him and say donald, you know, what im offering is a vision for voters of this country to unite the country. And as much as i hate Hillary Clinton and as unbelievable as it is that shes going to get away with that, she is is because voters dislike donald trump to such an extreme degree that shes on Good Standing here and she doesnt even have to go toetotoe the likability factor carol, can inju just add to that, carol . Okay, go ahead. I was just going to say the problem is not that Hillary Clintons unfavorable ratings are not high enough. I mean, attacking her is not going to help donald trump. He needs to lower his own unfavorable ratings. And hes in a really tough spot now because the more he attacks, the more hes just hurting his own unfavorable ratings at this point. What advice would you give his campaign, alex . Well, look, we may have reached the point of no return for donald trump. Early voting starts in a couple of weeks. Voters have been exposed to him now a lot over the last year. Most voters have already made up his mind. I think he needs to get back to basics. I think he needs to take a step back. Start talking about the economy. Start talking about, you know, the policies and the states that matter. But, look, im very skeptical about his ability to win at this point, looking at the current race. My advice would be stop embarrassing yourself and try to lose the race with some integrity and some dignity. Ooh. Thats the best he can do. Thats rough. Hey, i think ill leave the conversation right here, tim miller, alex conant, thanks for stopping by. Coming up in the cnn newsroom, louisiana, ground zero for the worst disaster since superstorm sandy. Neighbors hit hard by historic flooding. Burning, pinsandneedles of beforediabetic nerve pain, these feet played shortstop in high school, learned the horn from my dad and played gigs from new york to miami. But i couldnt bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. So i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. Nerve damage from diabetes causes diabetic nerve pain. Lyrica is fda approved to treat this pain, from moderate to even severe diabetic nerve pain. Lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. Tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. Or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. Common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs, and feet. Dont drink alcohol while taking lyrica. Dont drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. Those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. Now i have less diabetic nerve pain. And these feet would like to keep the beat going. Ask your doctor about lyrica. Craso come dive into disheser like the new alaska bairdi crab dinner with sweet crab from the icy waters of alaska. Or try crab lovers dream with tender snow and king crab legs. Love crab . Then hurry, crabfest ends soon. This morning, flood rave knowled ravaged louisiana and more rain on the way. Today, a helicopter tour along baton rouge as tens of thousands remain displaced from their homes. The states largest newspaper is demanding that president obama see the damage for himself. The paper says, quote, in coming here, the president can decisively demonstrate that louisianas recovery is a priority for his administration and the United States of america. In the community where im standing at now, homeowners say the water starting rising very quickly. Thats why you see mounds like these all around their neighborhood as people try to rebuild their home. All of this stuff was soaked inside their homes. A lot of their friends started helping them. Come in and take everything out. Now, this is the house of scott tubbs. You can see, i want to show you kind of whats going on right now. Because what theyre doing is theyre ripping out sheetrock. You can see, this is joe tubbs, scotts father. This is the work that has to be done. Now, imagine having to do that for your entire, entire house. Its a Monumental Task. But, you know, theyre up to doing it because thats exactly what they need to do. Now, i want to show you something, carol, because people here are very creative so they can get this job done quickly. This is a level but they turned it into a tool to measure how much they have to cut of this sheetrock. You can see it levels out to four feet exactly. And thats not by mistake. Because that is exactly the size of a sheetrock block, that then they can bring in. Now, again, this is scott, hey, scott, do you mind talking to us briefly. I just talked to scott a little while ago and he was telling me that the water started raging in so quickly, scott, what was the first thing that crossinged y y mind . Get the family out. Get the family out. Get a little bit of clothes for a couple of days. We got about two days worth of clothes for the kids. And just try to get out of the water. And he has three girls. We dont want to take much of his time because as you can see he has a Monumental Task ahead of him, carol. But he has three girls. He says that was the most important thing for him, to make sure that he could get his children to safety. You can see the work is just beginning. I can see the mold in that drywall already and thats why they have to remove it. I feel so sorry for them. Rosa flores, thanks so much. A Massive Wildfire raging out of control in Southern California. Firefighters preparing for a new day of battle. Yes, its riding a horse across fields and stuff. But its mostly getting to watch your directv with unlimited data from at t. Were setting families free. So they can stream away and not squabble over whos using how much. So go, family. Watch. Freedom. Ha seize the data get our best unlimited plan ever so you can stream and surf all you want. With unlimited data from at t hhis stellar notebooks will last through june. Get back to great. This week sharpie twelvepacks just three dollars. Office depot officemax. Gear up for school. Gear up for great. Was always on my mind. So i asked a dermatologist about aczone dapsone gel 7. 5 . I apply it once a day, any time. Aczone gel 7. 5 is fda approved for the topical treatment of acne for people 12 years and older. Aczone gel is a onceaday acne treatment with clinically proven results. 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A Brazilian Police force close to members of the investigation now says they do not believe any robbery ever happened. Ryan lochte is back in the United States but his teammates, theyre still in brazil. Two of them have had their passports seized. Of course well have much more coming up at the top of the hour. But brazilian authorities now say that robbery, the swimmers told the world about, actually did not happen. An uncontrollable and unpredictable wildfire is torching parts of Southern California today. More than 82,000 people are under an Evacuation Order from the blue cut fire. One veteran firefighter told reporters in my 40 years of fighting fire, i have never seen a fire behavior so extreme. Cnn is live in San Bernardino county. What that firefighter was referring to is the fact this fire seemed to jump from five acres to 20,000 just like this. In talking to fire officials this morning, they now say 31,000 acres have burned on this fire in the cajon pass, which can be a bit of a wind tunnel. It gets very gusty through here. As you look at the hillside behind me, the challenge, very steep difficult terrain. Theyve been trying to hit this a little bit this morning with water dropping helicopters. 83,000 were under an Evacuation Order. Told me they believe only about 40,000 people actually evacuated and that complicated the firefight because as people were leaving, fire crews were leaving with heavy equipment and that is no easy task to wrecken with, carol. All right, paul vercammen, reporting live from San Bernardino county, california. A notorious drug lord, his son and the new kidnapping case rock mexico. Guess what i just did . Built a sandcastle . Ha, no, i switched to geico and got more. More . 24 7 access online, on the phone or with the geico app. That is more. Go get some mud. 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Dont share needles or insulin pens. Dont reuse needles. The most common side effect is low blood sugar, which may cause dizziness, sweating, confusion, and headache. Check your blood sugar. Low blood sugar can be serious and may be lifethreatening. Injection site reactions may occur. Tell your doctor about all medicines you take and all your medical conditions. Taking tzds with insulins, like tresiba®, may cause serious side effects like heart failure. Your insulin dose shouldnt be changed without asking your doctor. Get medical help right away if you have trouble breathing. Fast heartbeat, extreme drowsiness, swelling of your face, tongue, or throat, dizziness, or confusion. Ask your doctor if youre tresiba® ready. Tresiba® ready californias clean air laws weve cut toxic pollution. Were seeing fewing cases of asthma in kids. And the new Clean Energy Economy has created more than half a million jobs. Im tom steyer. Just when were making progress, the Oil Companies are trying to weaken our clean air laws. But we can stop them. Send them a message. Were going to protect our kids not their profits. In turkey, an explosion at a police station, the second bombing targeting police in eastern turkey in the last 24 hours, prompting the nation to raise its level of alarm. Turkeys Prime Minister says kurdish militants are responsible. Police in mexico are focusing on four states in their search for the kidnapped son of the notorious drug lord el chapo. He was one of six people taken in the resort town of puerta vallarta. Three more cases of zika have been confirmed in florida. Bringing the number to 33. Two of those cases are outside the area where the bulk of the infections are happening, but Health Officials say that does not mean there are new areas of transmission. And in rio tonight, usain bolt is poised to make history. The jamaican sprinter trying to become the first olympian to win three consecutive title also in the 200 meter race. It comes after bolt ran his fastest time of the year to qualify for that race and it will also be an hiss stotoric n for usa track and field team. They will take gold, medal and bronze in tonights medal ceremony after sweeping the event. It was the first sweep by any country in the races history as well as the first sweep ever for u. S. Women in olympic track and field. Good for them. Thank you so much for joining me today. Im carol costello. At this hour with berman and bolduan starts right now. This is the second overhaul of team trump in two months. He can hire and fire anybody he wants from his campaign but he is still the same man. You say its not a shakeup, but you guys are down. Says who . Polls. Which polls . All of them. I think it helps us to be a little behind them. It lights a fire under us. Pulling two american swimmers off their plane. The guy pulled out his gun, he congressed cked it, put it t forehead. Inconsistencies in the accounts. Ryan lochte stands w s by hi story he was robbed at gunpoint. Announcer this is cnn breaking news. Ll

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