Meeting with senator bob corker. Here to break it all done for us. Lets begin with phil mattingly. Phil . No shortage of republican officials who predicted a donald trump nomination would lead to an electoral wipeout, and with good reason. Hypotheticalical headtohead matchups that showed trump trailing by double digits. No more. A much tighter race and for a couple of primary reasons if you look deep into the numbers. That is, the Republican Party is coalesking behind the nominee. One that is an important point and something that Hillary Clinton, in her own primary race with Bernie Sanders, hasnt been able to benefit from yet. Clinton brushing off the polls, looking forward to her nomination. Take a listen. Poll this is far out mean nothing. They certainly mean nothing to me. And i think if people go back and look, they really mean nothing in terms of analyzing whats going to happen in the fall. You think this lead for sanders is an illusion a little bit . Ill let others speak to that. I just think im in a much stronger position, have been. And the voters who have turned out and given me 3 million more votes believe that as well. Obviously, Hillary Clinton speaking to Bernie Sanders, Still Holding a head tonhead lead with donald trump. Republican officials are getting behind him. Republicans inside the party having a more favorable view of donald trump. Actually, nationwide, the view of donald trump actually Getting Better. Still at historic highs, his negatives. People starting to get behind him. Trump saying this is all essentially part of the plan. Take a listen. I think were doing really well. We have had some tremendous rallies. People are in love with what were saying. I think were going to do very well and even better than that. Shes ineffective. Bernie sanders said shes not qualified to be president. And he meant it. And he said it because, frankly, with her decisions, you look at libya, you look at offshoots of libya, benghazi, et cetera, et cetera. So many different things. We could go on for days. When you look at her decisions. Just bad judgment. She suffers from bad judgment. And thats Bernie Sanders saying it. Donald trump obviously making clear the attacks arent going to stop from here on out, through november, using some of Bernie Sanders own words, something you can also expect to hear a lot of Going Forward. Another thing to keep an eye on, pam, donald trump hits the campaign trail again in the days ahead. First, another important meeting on Foreign Policy. This one, with senator bob corker, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and also for those looking for Vice President ial candidates, something to keep an eye on. Corkers name has been thrown in there once in a while. Corker hasnt endorsed trump yet but was a mainstream republican. These two will be meeting today in new york. Were all trying to figure out signs of who donald trump may select as running mate. This piques a lot of interest. Donald trump and advisers continuing to maintain they will make this announcement in july at the Republican National convention. Phil mattingly, thank you so much for that. For Bernie Sanders, vow to fight for every last vote in the democratic process is going beyond his battles with Hillary Clinton and spilling over to the Democratic Party at large. Sanders taking aim at an establishment he says has rigged the process, including one of the most highprofile democrats in congress. Senior washington correspondent joe johns joins me now with more on this. Joe, good morning to you. Good morning, pamela. Signs over the weekend of bitterness in this race. One of the top candidates suggesting if hes elected, he would get rid of the leader of his party. And then theres that sanders sound bite, suggesting americans could be choosing between the lesser of two evils in november. But, look, some of the latest polls really talk about sky high negatives for both donald trump and Hillary Clinton. Bernie sanders coming out strong over the weekend against the head of the Democratic National committee, Debbie Wassermanschultz. In all due respect to the current chairperson, if elected president , she would not be reappointed to be chair of the dnc. Sanders going as far as backing her challenger for her Florida House seat. Clearly, i favor her opponent. Her views are much closer to mine than is wassermanschultzs. Reporter the head of the dnc responding, insisting shell stay unbiased, saying in a statement, i remain as i have been from the beginning, neutral in the president ial democratic primary. Sanders further challenging the establishment, doubling down on charges that the party is unfairly propping up Hillary Clintons campaign before the primary contests are finished. You had 400 pledged delegates come on board Clintons Campaign before anyone else was in the race. Thats called an anointment process. Thats called the establishment talking. Reporter sanders saying he is the one to carry the party to victory in november. Virtually every National Poll and every state poll, we defeat trump by larger numbers than does secretary clinton. Reporter pointing out the unfavorable ratings plaguing clinton and trump. I dont want to see the American People voting for the lesser of two evils. Reporter quickly walking back that description when pressed. Is that how you would describe Hillary Clinton against donald trump, the lesser of two evils . No, i wouldnt describe it. That he what the American People are saying. Reporter clinton less than 100 delegates shy of officially clinching the nomination. Theres no way i wouldnt be. Taking a jab at sanders sunday. Ive been vetted and tested. I dont think he has had a single negative ad against him. Well be keeping our eye on the west coast as candidates get ready for the california primary june 7th. Bernie sanders is spending most of the week there. Hillary clinton heads out west today after a speech in detroit. Pamela . Joe johns, thank you so much for bringing us the latest there. Hillary clinton fighting on two fronts and losing precious time and momentum. According to new polls, her doubledigit lead from last month has dissolved into a statistical dead heat with donald trump. The Washington Bureau chief of the daily beast, Maria Cardona joins us, clinton supporter and democratic strategist. Thank you to the three of you. Thank you, pam. So much to talk about in the wake of these polls that recently came out. Maria, on that note, trump, as we know, can focus just on Hillary Clinton at this point while she is spending this time and money beating back the Bernie Sanders challenge. In your view, how much does that hurt her . How much is that playing into these poll numbers were seeing here . I think it is playing into the poll numbers, which is why were seeing them really tighten up. You have the republican establishment, as phil was saying, coalescing behind their nominee, as regretful as that might be for many republicans. But theyre doing it. Thats what the polls are showing versus on the democratic side where you still have an animated contest going on, even though at the very end she will still be the nominee. I think that those polls will change once we come out of the convention in philadelphia. But i think in the long run, this is not hurting her. Because anybody who has been participating in president ial elections understands that poll this is far out really mean nothing. Lets ask president mitt romney if he thinks any of these polls mean anything when they had him up over obama at this same point in time in 2012. I think what it does say, though, is that the Clinton Campaign does need to be concerned. And i have said this from the very beginning. And they are. They should wake up. And they do wake up every day concerned that this is going to be a very divisive, polarizing, tight fight, because they are running against a nonconventional, nontraditional candidate who has no playbook, knows no playbook and is going to throw everything at her. Theyre prepared to take him on. On that note, jackie, one poll showed that 20 of Bernie Sanders supporters say that they would throw their support behind donald trump. How concerning is that prospect for the clinton camp that trump could pull in some of the sort of disillusioned bernie sporters who want a revolution and outside candidate . That clearly is the danger. The more you hear Bernie Sanders criticize Hillary Clinton. While these polls are far out and maria is absolutely right. They may not mean anything in terms of the hard numbers, they do continue to point out vulnerabilities that Hillary Clinton has had throughout this process. Shes not doing well. Shes losing independents to donald trump. Shes losing white men to donald trump. We keep seeing this in each poll throughout this cycle for Hillary Clinton. You think that the Clinton Campaign would want to start honing her message, specifically to independents who might encompass some of the sanders supporters youre talking about. What does trump need to do to turn that around . Will trump see the offensive with the public . Largely youll see him continue with whats got him to this point. 11 months ago when he got into this race, the gop establishment completely wrote him off and said this will be a flash in the pan candidate and gone. You see the democrats about a month ago when the spread was double digits between clinton and trump. Now its tightening and trump is leading in several major polls, democrats are no longer doing that. Donald trump will stay on message. Make America Great again, concentrate on economy, security, Foreign Policy, all issues where Hillary Clinton is losing to donald trump. He will be appealing to those independents and blue dog democrats. 20 number is very important. 20 of democrats who would vote for sanders are going to be voting for trump. That number is only going to grow as that divisive primary will get worse and worse as sanders shall who says hes going to convention, and Hillary Clinton. Hillary clinton is a terrible national candidate. She has only won two layup elections in her history. She did not have to win election to be first lady, only won two for senate and then was appoi appointed as secretary of state and was a failure as secretary of state. Go ahead. Donald trump has never run for election. So, you know here are a couple of things that the Trump Campaign is not taking into consideration and something that these polls are not taking into consideration. Polls this far out and, frankly, polls in general characteristically underrepresent voters of color. When you look at Donald Trumps negatives among latinos, women in general, and among africanamericans, they are sky high. And we all know that without at least 42 of the hispanic vote for a republican candidate, there is no path. So, that is one thing to keep in mind. The second thing is that Hillary Clinton is also going to continue to keep on message. And when you have a candidate you know, today we have a piece in politico that talks about his detailed keks to the mob. When you have somebody who is as incompetent on foreign hey, thats not me writing it. Thats politico. The Clinton Foundation, all the middle eastern money thats going into that. And when you talk about republicans, former defense secretary robert gates and a republican gop chairman of the Homeland Security about how dangerous Donald Trumps proposals are on Foreign Policy, these are things during a general election electorate will affect donald trump. If i were Hillary Clinton, i would not talk about Foreign Policy all day. He has not faced a general election electorate. It wont be as easy as it was in the primary electorate process. I would agree. It was very hard. It wasnt easy and he won. Despite the high unfavorables and despite the fact that the two candidates are in the dead heat, people polled felt like Hillary Clinton had more experience, more Foreign Policy experience and also it talked about this idea of a Third Party Candidate to run. In fact, more than 40 said they want a Third Party Candidate to run. How concerning is that for trump, if someone else enters the race . Not concerning at all. That discussion has been going on for months now. Its completely petering out. It will completely go away. Once the deadline has passed theyve already passed in major states like texas. Im sure if Hillary Clinton was leading by 15 , maria wouldnt be saying these polls are worthless. Sure i would. Neither would Hillary Clinton. Hillary clinton also dismissed the investigation thats been going on into the email scandal. Because they havent found anything. They found nothing. Her dismissals are not that important. Its the Ongoing Investigation with 100 federal agents on top of it. Jackie, go ahead. I mean, you know, get ready. This is going to be a really long process. Theyre right. Polls are going to go up and down. And, you know i will say there is one vulnerability that donald trump has. You see in some of the other polls. His tax returns. Well have to wait and see if he does release those. Republicans, democrats and independents want him to do that. Leading in some of the major polls and will continue to do so. Lots of issues. Business dealings. Get ready. What about the Clinton Foundation and their tax returns . Five months to go. It will be quite a ride. That it is. Jackie, maria, thank you so much. The search for the black boxes of egyptair flight 804 is intensifying this morning. Submarine has been introduced to the investigation. Meanwhile egyptian minister is warning people not to jump to any conclusions. He told reporters after the crash that terror was likely. The latest on the search coming up 15 minutes from now. First, explosions ripping through syria. Now isis is claiming responsibility as iraq launches a major assault on the terror group. Well be back. Rockabye stacy running nonstop. Lifting up patients. Changing their socks. Youre sore and youre beat from all that you did. For rest and relief try sealys hybrid. So take a load off and feel good as new. Cause sealys support is perfect for you. Only the sealy hybrid has Posturepedic Technology to support you where you need it most. Sealy. 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These attacks on syrias coast coming as turmoil grips the middle east. Iraqi officials pulling the trigger in fallujah, launching an assault to retake the city from the terror group. Tens of thousands of civilians are still inside that city, trapped by isis. Cnns cnn is in fallujah. Reporter asking civilians in the city of fallujah to leave. As you know, that military operation is currently under way, starting overnight in iraq, to recapture that city of fallujah, the first city to have fallen to isis back in january of 2014, a very significant operation. They have been preparing for this for a very long time. As you mentioned, the real concern here is for the civilians inside fallujah. According to groups like Human Rights Watch weve heard from the United Nations theres an estimated they estimate there are tens of thousands of civilians who remain inside fallujah, unable to leave. They say they are trapped by isis inside the city. And that they are besieged by the Iraqi Security forces and the allied shia militias. Weve heard the military, asking them, telling them they created safe passages, asking them to leave or call into the hotlines if they need assistance leaving. Weve heard within recent weeks people have been unable to leave. There have been reports of people executed for trying to leave the city. Isis executing them and also communications cut inside the city by isis. So, a lot of concern for the civilians. Were hearing from the iraqi prime minister, asking the Security Forces to be very cautious and to provide utmost attention when it comes to the civilians inside the city because when it comes to fallujah, pam, this is a predominantly sunni city. Forces surrounding it, going into fallujah are predominantly shia. Concern about the sectarian division s inside the city. Thanks so much, jomana. Why they hate us airs tonight at 9 00 pm only on cnn. Forging ties with vietnam, lifting a decadesold ban on arm sales to vietnam. The president stressing its dependent on vietnams commitment to human rights. Both sides have established a level of trust, he says. The decision to lift the ban was not based on china. Its been based on a lengthy process of moving toward normalization with vietnam. The president is having dinner with cnns Anthony Bourda hichlt n, their conversation coming up in an upcoming episode of Anthony Bourdain parts unknown in september. After u. S. Air strikes take out their leader, taliban says theyre not looking for a successor. Nic robertson joins us. Good morning, nic. Key to who is the successor to mullah mansoor. Clear to the white house he is dead after some wait, i think, by u. S. Officials to get definitive evidence, presumably from the scene of the explosion, from drone strikes against the car he was traveling in with one man. Afghan officials, too, saying he was dead. Silence so far on official level from the taliban. We understand from sources they, in fact, had a meeting in the pakistani city, strike having happened in pakistan, long being accused of sheltering the afghan taliban, trying to get leverage over afghanistan. Its probably not good news for United States interests. United states has suggested perhaps by killing mullah mansoor, because he was an opponent of peace talks they might find moderates willing to take his place that pursue that diplomatic path that. Seems highly unlikely if you look at the list of who might replace him. The man the u. S. Calls the key facilitator of al qaeda in afghanistan. Most of the other names as well look potentially to be slightly more radical. And, of course, as weve seen with mullah mansoor, himself, they tend to prove their prowess on the battlefield, try to consolidate a fractureous killing the leader of the taliban, you know, this is a substantial highprofile strike inside pakistan. The biggest, frankly, since bin laden was killed in 2011. Despite that, i think were not likely to see a drop in violence in afghanistan and the very vital fighting season ahead or may see some disarray as they try to figure out who replaces him. Pamela . Thank you for that. Mystery of egyptair flight 804. Was it a mechanical problem or something more sinister . Ou are. Splenda zero is a fun, easy way to get the perfect amount of sweetness, down to the last sip. Zero calories. Zero carbs. Zero sugar. Zero effort. New splenda zero. Wheall i can think abouthit, is getting relief. Only nicorette mini has a patented fastdissolving formula. It starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. I never know when ill need relief. Thats why i only choose nicorette mini. Came out today thousands of people to run the race for retirement. So we asked them. Are you completely prepared for retirement . Okay, mostly prepared . Could you save 1 more of your income . 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Man 1 how did we miss it . Man 2 we caught it, just not in time. Man 1 who . How . Man 2 not sure, probably offshore, foreign, pros. Man 1 what did they get . Man 2 what didnt they get. Man 1 i need to call mike. Man 2 dont use your phone. Its not just security, its defense. Bae systems. Good morning to you. Im pamela brown in for carol costello. Thank you for being with us. A submarine has now joined the hunt for the egyptair plane in the Mediterranean Sea. An official who said terror was likely now taking a more cautious tone, warning the media not to jump to conclusions about what happened. In alexandria, egypt, Nic Robertson joins us now. What is the latest . Reporter a french patrol vessel has joined the search, a small submarine capable of descending to a depth of 1,000 meters, two specialist divers on board as well as, most importantly, acoustic detection systems that can detect the pings that come from the transmitters that attach to the black boxes that get triggered when the plane hits the water. These are very, very important right now for the Egyptian Navy to have these. They dont have these themselves. Right now all our focus is on the seabed. Thousands of feet below the Mediterranean Sea, the search for egyptair 804 continues. Egypt, deploying a submarine, scouring the bottom of the ocean floor, 200 miles off the coast of alexandria, hoping to retrieve the planes black boxes in waters nearly 2 miles deep in some parts. This is audio recordings of the two men flying the doomed flight released, the pilot making this final, now haunting call into air traffic control. Thank you so much. Good day. Good night. Just minutes before falling off radar. 804 this is turkish air 814. Do you read me . Smoke alerts near the cockpitb minutes before the crash, smoke indicators providing a new clue for investigators. Was it mechanical failure or something deliberate, like terrorism, that made flight 804 suddenly drop 38,000 feet out of the sky . Certainly an important element in a jigsaw puzzle that has to be fully compiled. Reporter french official telling passengers families that no theory had been ruled out. We cannot, at this stage, come up with any conclusion. Stop making, how do you call it, speculations without having facts. Reporter wreckage found over the weekend, reminders of the 66 lives lost, including a purse and a childs pink backpack. What the french are also telling us is very cautionary as well at the moment. They think now their ships a involved, the search could take days or weeks. They wont be putting their submarine, all those acoustic devices in the water yet because they just havent close enough located precisely where the plane went down, pam. Could be some time before we have the answers we need here. Nic robertson, thank you so much for bringing us the latest there. The big question, what is behind the fate of this crashed egyptair flight . Was it mechanical failure or terrorism . Joining us, mary schiavo. Thank you for coming on. The plane sent these automatic messages we heard in nics report about smoke near cockpit about minutes before it crashed and also conversations of a heated window in the cockpit. What can cause this . What does all of this tell you . Based on prior accident reports there had been a problem reported on this window heater in airbus models 320 and 330. What happened was the connector, literally a wiring joint, had problems with both the insulation, the connector ports and the wiring. What happened was these windows overheated. Curiously, it usually happened at 37,000 to 39,000 feet. The australians issued warnings on all the australian fleets and replaced the windows but the European Union hadnt acted on that or made it mandatory. That is one thing that could have caused this alert, this window heat alert to go off. A short and overheating of those windows. So, in your view, what we know now, does all of this information rule out the possibility of a bomb or is it just too premature to do that . No, its too premature to do that. Its really important to leave both options on the table. No matter which way this disaster, this tragedy goes, important problems have been highlighted. Just shocking security lapses at Charles De Gaulle airport, which need to be closed. Graffiti on an airplane saying we will bring it down, 85 people with suspected terror links with security badges in the airport. Those loopholes must be closed and all options must be on the table for the investigation. But the information over the weekend showed some interesting developments. For example, the acars messages, automated warnings that the plane sends back to its base apparently came it all depends if this information is correct as being reported, but it came before that lefthand turn was executed by the pilots, which is a Standard Measure to get off the airwave if youre having trouble. They might have been experiencing trouble longer than we thought. There are heat sensors and fire sensors in the electronics bay. Theres not heat suppression. Pilots would have known about fire unlesss a smoldering fire and lavatory sensors are audible. They sense heat, smoke. Whatever it is started in the cockpit and whatever it was certainly did not blow the plane apart instantaneous like a panam bombing. It took longer than we thought. The search is on for the flight data recorders. How key will that be in bringing us closer to answers . That is just absolutely the key. No matter which way it is. Terrorism or mechanical. Its vitally important to get black boxes to save future lives. Ive worked with hundreds of families over the years with air crashes. Their one wish is to prevent Something Like that from happening again. Whether it is terrorism or mechanical, those black boxes probably hold the only answer. Airbus issued a statement over the weekend saying they cant make sense of these messages either. So, we really have to have both the cockpit voice recording, which will have what the pilots were doing in those last six or so minutes. And the flight data recorder will tell us, truly, which event happened first. And that probably holds the key. All right. Mary schiavo, thank you very much. Thank you. Still to come on this monday, donald trump and Hillary Clinton, readying for a political battle of the ages. But with record unfavorability on both sides, will the rhetoric alienate or galvanize voters . Homeowners insurance Life Insurance automobile insurance i spent 20 years active duty they still refer to me as Gunnery Sergeant when i call being a usaa member because of my service in the military to pass that on to my kids something that makes me happy my name is roger zapata and im a usaa member for life. Usaa. We know what it means to serve. Get an insurance quote and see why 92 of our members plan to stay for life. Hillary clinton and donald trump are giving a preview now of what their highly anticipated showdown will look like, both sides coming out swinging over the tone and language on display, in this ruckus primary season. And as we go through this campaign, were going to be demonstrating the hollowness of his rhetoric. And the danger of a lot of what he has said. Our country is in trouble. Isis is laughing at us. They see somebody like Hillary Clinton who, you know, reads off her teleprompter and copies my expressions. She copied exactly what i said about her. Two days later sheerks said the same thing. Come up with your own expressions. No imagination. All right. Joining me now, democratic congressman brad sherman of california. He is a member of the House Foreign Affairs and Financial Services committee. He is also a supporter of Hillary Clinton. Congressman, thank you for kochling on. Good to be with you. Over the weekend, donald trump tweeted crooked hillary. Unleashed isis in libya. She is reckless and dangerous. Just today dozens of people died in the region. Youre a clinton supporter. How do you respond to trumps attacks . I think donald trump offers criticism but doesnt offer new policy. He implies that he claims if elected president , will he sweep away isis right away. So i asked him to come bring his secret plan for eliminating isis quickly to the Foreign Affairs committee, so that we could hear it in confidential session. Weve gotten no response. And thats because he has no plan. His only plan is Say Something outrageous and upsetting and then walk it back. His statement that he would ban all muslims, every single muslim from crossing the u. S. Border is going to be a terrible burden on him, if he becomes president of the United States. I know he has tried to walk it back. But when you say American Service men serving us abroad cant come back to their homes because of their religion, when you say that we cannot meet with prime ministers and kings in generals from the arab world, who are our allies, because we wont let them land at our airports, that is not only insulting, its practically ridiculous. In your view, how is that rhetoric impacting u. S. Relations with Foreign Countries . Right now hes not president. I dont think the world believes he is going to become president. So i think he is a modest embarrassment to those of us conducting Foreign Policy around the world. Especially our diplomats. I shoulder to think what would happen if he became president and he had to go on an apology tour for saying to every one of 1. 5 billion muslims around the world that they cant enter the United States even if they are with us as allies, fighting our enemies. You cant ignore the fact that he certainly has tapped into something with millions of people who support him. Were now seeing republican rank and file coalescing around him. Me meanwhile on the democratic side its a different story. Bernie sanders continues his fight. He has come out, saying that he is supporting the opponent of Debbie Wassermanschultz and that there are issues within the dnc leadership. How much does that Division Within the Democratic Party concern you in terms of Hillary Clinton . Parties go through this until the very last primary that is contested. Look at all the terrible things that the republican candidates said about each other and now about a week or so after the last republican opponent throws in the towel, donald trump is getting a bounce in the polls because Foreign Policy experts, he is uniting republican voters. That same bump will be available to Hillary Clinton when the race is over. The race isnt over until theres a concession. And i dont expect that to happen until the middle of june. So, we have another few weeks where this race is going to be contested. Bernie has every right to contest it. And thats what he has decided to do. Both trump and clinton have record high unfavorable ratings in the latest polls that came out. Clinton responded to this and said basically these polls so far mean nothing this far out, five months out in the general election. Is she right or is this something that she needs to worry about right now . This is like the first inning of a tied baseball game. Theres a long way to go. You will look at how much americans respected and approved of Hillary Clinton when she was secretary of state. You realize that when shes actually engaged in public service, we have tremendous respect for Hillary Clinton. Its just now when shes subject, as she has been, at various times since 1992, to this huge barrage of negatives, it does have an affect. I would expect that the Trump Campaign will be ugly. It was ugly against his fellow republicans and i suspect that it will drive up both his negatives and her negatives even higher than they are now. But the Trump Campaign is a negative campaign. Wow all right. Democratic congressman brad sherman of california, thank you. Thank you. Still ahead, the verdict in the second freddie gray trial. Will a Baltimore Police officer be found guilty of assault . Fight heartburn fast. With tums chewy delights. The mouthwatering soft chew that goes to work in seconds to conquer heartburn fast. Tum tum tum tum. Chewy delights. Only from tums. Were a few minutes away now from a verdict in the second trial related to the death of freddie gray. Baltimore Police Officer edward nero was charged with seconddegree assault. He allegedly touched gray during an arrest that prosecutors say was illegal, and hes also accused of Reckless Endangerment for not putting a seat belt on him. Gray died from a broken back after being shackled without a seat belt in a police van. Miguel marquez joins us from right outside the courthouse. Miguel . Reporter hes also charged with two counts of misconduct in office for those same incidents. In that famous video we see of the arrest of mr. Gray, mr. Nero was identified as one of those who moved mr. Gray from the sidewalk into that van. What is interesting about what this judge has been asked to decide, this is a bench trial, no jury, so this would be a fairly quick decision about 10 30 eastern time when the judge takes the bench. What is interesting about this is that the prosecution says that this was a lawful stop of mr. Gray, a detention of mr. Gray until some point, they say, that it became unlawful, that he was handcuffed, that he was held down, and then when he was moved into that van. Mr. Neros lawyers argue that mr. Nero wasnt there at the initial takedown of mr. Gray but only came along later. The Prosecutor Says that wasnt true. His defense basically saying he had very little to do with this arre arrest. He only was there to prop mr. Gray up, talk to him. He seemed fine, they say, and then he moved him into the van. When he moved him into that van, they stay, he did not either seat belt mr. Gray or ask for a seat belt to be put on him and thats the Reckless Endangerment. Well be waiting for that verdict. Miguel, thank you so much. In other news, quarterback tom bradys legal team is appealing a fourgame suspension imposed by the nfl over the deflategate scandal. His attorneys will file a petition today asking a u. S. Appeals court to rehear his case. Last month a panel of judges ruled in favor of the nfl and reinstated bradys suspension. Well, this was supposed to be a big night for the san diego gay mens chorus. They were invited to sing the National Anthem before the padres game. As they were ready to start singing, something went wrong. Cnns coy wire is here to tell us about that and what exactly happened, who is taking the blame. Coy, what went down . Pam, were talking about the 100member Award Winning san diego gay mens chorus. All set to sing the starspangled banner at petco park, saturday night, padres taking on the dodgers. Before they could sing a single note, this happened. Can you see by the dawns early light what so proudly we hail unable to perform, drowned out by a prerecorded track of a woman singing the National Anthem instead. 100 men north fied standing there for its entire song and escorted off with no explanation. Some of the fans were shouting homophobic slurs as the men exited the fields yelling things like you sing like a girl. The padres have apologized, said it wasnt done on purpose and they have disciplined an employee and stopped working with a contractor who were responsible for that marring performance. The san diego gay mens chorus still wants answers. Theyre calling for a full investigation by the padres and major league baseball. Was this malicious intent . Antigay discrimination . Or was it a hate crime. Billy beane, who happens to be openly gay, released a statement in support of the padres saying i can assure you they have made every effort to include the Lgbt Community and champion equality in mlb for each and every one of us. He went on to say i would hope the community recognizes that error and intent are not related. The padres did tweet yesterday they have extended an offer for the san diego gay mens chorus to perform at a later date. But just bizarre they let the song play on and escorted them off the field. Keep us posted on how this plays out, coy wire. Thank you so much. Youre welcome. The next hour of cnn newsroom begins after a break. Dontlive in paris. When you airbnb, you have your own home. So, live there. Even if its just for a night. Wheall i can think abouthit, is getting relief. Only nicorette mini has a patented fastdissolving formula. It starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. I never know when ill need relief. Thats why i only choose nicorette mini. Daddy doing work,d its funny that ive been in the news for being a dad. Windows 10 is great because i need to keep organized. School, grocery shopping. My face can unlock this computer. Thats crazy. Macbooks are not able to do that. Hey cortana, remind me we have a play date tomorrow at noon i need that in my world. Anything that makes my life easier, im using. And windows is doing that. Heres the plan. 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They show her now locked in a statistical dead heat with likely republican nominee donald trump. The Washington Post abc survey shows clinton now trailing by a couple points. The nbc wall street journal poll show her leading by just few points. Both are within the margin of error. Meanwhile, trump may be inching closer to picking a running mate. Hes set to meet with senator bob corker of tennessee. Well talk about what corker would bring to the ticket coming up. Well break down all the angles with cnns political correspondents. Lets begin with phil mattingly. Reporter good morning, pam. That was quick. That was the threeword email i got talking about those polls and not just how quickly donald trump closed what had been a double digit gap with Hillary Clinton over the last couple of weeks, but also the willingness of republicans to get behind donald trump over the course of a month. 14point increase in support within his own party, and that is largely driving these numbers that have obviously got ten a lt better for donald trump since he became the presumptive nominee and its something Hillary Clinton cant claim still in a fight with Bernie Sanders, even though shes not necessarily willing to admit shes still in a fight. Take a listen. Im going to keep focused on donald trump because i will be the nominee, i will be running against donald trump in the fall, and i do not want americans and, you know, good thinking republicans as well as democrats and independents to start to believe that this is a normal candidacy. It isnt. Reporter Hillary Clinton obviously moving past Bernie Sanders who still very much is in that primary looking exactly at donald trump, and, again, trying to continue a message she started on cnn last week, that he is almost disqualified from being the president of the United States, but whats interesting here Going Forward and as start to dig into these polls is where are each of these candidates looking for votes . Donald trump has made very clear he believes he will benefit from democratic cross overs in states like pennsylvania or ohio or michigan. Take a listen to what paul ryan told politicos glen thrush. Is it your sense that there is a trump voter or are there just essentially republican leaning voters . I spend my time focusing on what my job is here but i do believe there are trump democrats. I see that in wisconsin. We have reagan democrats in wisconsin and michigan. In the upper midwest is where i think the term reagan democrat got coined. Thats right. And i do see trump democrats. Trump democrats are essentially what Donald Trumps team is pointing to as the ability for donald trump to expand the map and really take advantage of areas where democrats traditionally have lost support. Now, Hillary Clintons team kind of scoffs at that, and again, pam, as you noted, brushes aside the most recent polls. Shes still in a heated primary battle and still targeting a number of democratic areas right now where she believes she will absolutely succeed in Going Forward. Still, the polls are tightening. This race is getting a lot more interesting. Pam . All right. Phil mattingly, thank you so much. And it will continue to be interesting over the next five months until the general election, and today Bernie Sanders is back on the trail in california where some 475 delegates are up for grabs in the states june 7 pt primary. Sanders hopes a win in california will boost his odds. And this weekend the vermont senator had a message for anyone who may still be on the fence. If you want the strongest candidate to make sure that trump does not become president , we are that campaign. And as sanders courts voters hes causing friction amongst democrats escalating his war of words with the party. Senior correspondent joe johns has more on that. Good morning. Reporter good morning, pamela. What do establishment democrats want . They want unity, but the sanders supporters want him to keep fighting and thats what hes doing, asserting that if hes elected he would get rid of the current Democratic Party chair but also suggesting that if Hillary Clinton and donald trump are the nominees, the American Public would essentially be faced with a hold your nose election, though it is true that the polls suggest both candidates have skyhigh negatives. Listen. We need a campaign, an election, coming up which does not have two candidates who are really very, very strongly disliked. I dont want to see the American People voting for the lesser of two evils. Is that how you would describe Hillary Clinton against donald trump, the lesser of two evils . Well, if you look no, i wouldnt describe it, but thats what the American People are saying. Reporter so the question today and for the immediate future is how will the Democratic Party put up a united front after all of this . Now, they have been unified before. Eight years ago when Hillary Clinton was running against thensenator barack obama, there was a lot of hand wringing over the divisiveness of the primary race, and that party still ended up winning the white house, but there is a concern that donald trump has gotten a head start on the democrats and that once they get their nominee settled, theyre going to have to do some catching up. Pamela . Joe johns, thanks so much. Lets discuss all that. Sanders refusal to surrender means Hillary Clinton is forced to fight on two fronts and is losing precious time and momentum. According to the new polls, her double digit lead from last month has dissolved into a statistical dead heat with donald trump. Joining me now to talk about all of this, daily beast columnic sally coen, joined by jeffrey lord who is also a cnn political commentator, and bernard whitman, a Hillary Clinton supporter. Thank you to the three of you for coming on. We do appreciate it. Sally, first to you, just on the heels of what we heard joe say, do you think that Bernie Sanders, whom you supported, needs to stale back his rhetoric when it comes to going after party leaders, Democratic Party leaders . We heard him say if he was president , that Debbie Wasserman schultz would no longer be the chair of the dnc. Well, i think sanders feels, and theres some good reasons for this, that Debbie Wasserman schultz and the Democratic Party have not treated his campaign favorably, and so i think thats fair game. And, look, you know, im glad joe brought up 2008. In 2008 everyone was saying this is the most divisive democratic primary ever, and weeks after, weeks after this point in time in 2008 thensenator barack obama was polling under john mccain in national matchups, and he went on to win by, what, seven, eight, almost nine points. I think we have to sort and by the way, before that polls said that 20 of Hillary Clintons supporters would not go on to support barack obama if he was the eventual nom ninenom. Everybody with just cool their jets. This is a democratic process. We are the Democratic Party. This is good. This is good for hillary, good for bernie, definitely good for the bernie. We have plenty of time to heal and unite behind whoever the nominee is. Do the polls matter right now five months out . You heard Hillary Clinton brush them off saying right now they dont matter. You heard sally say cool your jets. I think to some degree sally is right. These things are snapshots of a moment in time. Whats interesting is a couple things interesting about them. Number one, the thing to watch with these kind of polls this early on is the trend. The fact that donald trump has gained on Hillary Clinton and overtaken her in some cases is interesting. We need to see where this trend goes as the months ahead move along. The second thing we need to watch is not to be so mesmerized by these National Polls that we forget that its individual polls of states that matters. That is how we elect president s after all with the electoral college. So, for instance, the polls that came out i think it was last week or the week before of the battleground states of here in pennsylvania, florida, and ohio that showed the two of them either nip and tuck or with donald trump ahead by, i think, four points in ohio, those are the kind of polls you really need to Pay Attention to as we move along. And i know that within that context perhaps the polls arent going to predict whats going to happen come november, but, bernard, something that the polls do show when you look back the last few months is that clinton was up double digits against trump a few months ago, back in march, i believe one poll had her up 11 points. Now theres a dead heat. Whats going on here . Theres to question donald trump has been able to consolidate the Republican Party probably faster than anyone of us should have thought. He should be sending daily love notes to ted cruz and Bernie Sanders for the ability to do that. Frankly, the lack of ability for clinton to unite the Democratic Party is largely due to Bernie Sanders persistence in perpetuating the myth he can wrest the nomination from Hillary Clinton which i think is disingenuous and dishonest but what are really behind those numbers are independent voters who have supported Bernie Sanders in the polls and in states, open primary states and caucus states where independents can vote. I think once we get past june 7th, california votes, new jersey votes, and Hillary Clinton can unite the Democratic Party and unite progressives behind her cause, youll start to see her numbers go back above 50 . But i will say one thing with respect to the polls. What those polls dont show are the faculties of the race, and the fundamentals of the race give an advantage to Hillary Clinton because 1 in 3 people in this election are going to be people of color and donald trump is underwater with latinos by 3 to 1, and among africanamericans by 4 to 1. You have states like arizona which has been a reliable republican battleground for years potentially in play, and thats why people like john mccain are staying as far away from cleveland as possible. Right. Jeffrey, both have unfavorables, historic unfavorables, but as he noted there, donald trump is particularly under water with hispani hispanics, with women, with africanamericans. What does he plan to do to bridge that gap . Are you concerned that if he becomes more measured, more conciliatory that perhaps he could, you know, risk his base . What does he do here . I dont think so. I mean, what i think hes going to do is appeal on economic grounds and, frankly, humanitarian grounds. I received a note from a latina woman the other day who is a trump supporter, and she went into great detail about how the wall is not just a National Security measure but is a humanitarian measure, and she described the plight of Illegal Immigrants and how theyre taken advantage of and a Family Member who had been taken terrible advantage of, coming over, expecting a job, and being badly mistreated. I think he can make this pitch to people, and i think he can make it on economic grounds. After all, when you look at the unemployment rate, for example, in the black community, its sky high, and, you know, theyve had an africanamerican president for eight years. This has nothing to do with race. This has to do with policy. Sally, youre laughing. Im sorry dump in sally. Donald trump who wants to round up, detain, and deport 11 Million People and bar muslims, 1. 4 billion of the worlds muslims, 20 , 30 of the entire world, ban them because of their faith from this country, ban them thats not correct, sally. Ban them from seeing their Family Members and loved ones let alone traveling and enriching this country. But hes going to run as a humanitarian. Thats going to be fun. Well, sally, were talking about a temporary ban until we straighten out the immigration system, the Legal Immigration system. Surely youre not saying we should allow people in who want to mass murder americans, are you . Lets not say its either or nothing. You know that we can allow people into this country as we have historically and preserve our safety and our values and, again, you want to rationalize this in any way you want to rationalize this, everybody said those policies would be bad for National Security and bad for our economy but good god dont call it humanitarianism. You have all gotten your points expressed here. Thank you so much, and this conversation, of course, will continue. We still have five months to go until the general. Thanks so much to the three of you. Thank you. Meantime, president obama forging new ties with vietnam announcing that the u. S. Is lifting the decades old ban on armed sales to vietnam. The president is defending this decision stressing that its dependent on vietnams commitment to human rights. Mr. Barack obama says both sides have established a level of trust. The decision to lift the ban was not based on china or any other considerations. It was based on our desire to complete what has been a lengthy process of moving towards normal zat normalization with vietnam. The president is having dinner with Anthony Bourdain. Their conversation will be featured in an upcoming episode of Anthony Bourdain parts unknown. And a live report from where the search is under way up next. vo they say big can never be good. 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Well, a submarine has joined the hunt in the Mediterranean Sea for the flight data and voice recorders that could reveal what caused the crash of egyptair flight 804. Meanwhile, an egyptian aviation official who said terror was likely now taking a more cautious tone warning the media not to jump to conclusions about what happened. Cnns Nic Robertson is in alexandria, egypt, where the search is underway for more wreckage. Whats the latest, nic . Reporter well, the latest is the french have now brought a patrol vessel and its got two specialist divers, its own submarine, and most importantly acoustic detectors. These acoustic detectors are what will be needed to help find the black boxes. When the black boxes hit the water, we know the transmitters on them switch on and send out a ping, and its these acoustic devices that can hear that ping. But what the french are also telling us is that before they can put those acoustic detectors in the water, they really need to focus in and know more precisely where the plane went down, and they say theyre still working on that. Could be days, could be works. Now, the egyptians have got their submarine in the water, they say. It could operate to a depth of 3,000 meters. Weve been talking about how deep the mediterranean is, and in places as much as two miles, as much as 5,000 to 6,000 meters. However, in that search area, and its a large search area, there may be areas that are at a depth of about 3,000 meters, and that may mean that that egyptian submarine is able to get closer to the bottom to get a visual inspection, but its going to be the pings and these devices brought in by this french patrol vessel that are going to be critical now in moving forward to getting closer to the black boxes. Okay. Nic robertson. Thank you so much. Keep us posted on what happens out there as the search for more wreck yage continues. And still ahead on this monday morning, what will it take for donald trump to win the white house . Paul ryan has some ideas and you will hear what he has to say right after this break. You dont let anything keep you sidelined. Thats why you drink ensure. With 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. For the strength and energy to get back to doing. What you love. Ensure. Always be you. singing you wouldnt haul a load without checking your clearance. So why would you invest without checking brokercheck . Check your broker with brokercheck. Or building the best houses in town. Or becoming the next highlyunlikely dotcom superstar. And us, well be right there with you, helping with the questions you need answered to get your brand new business started. Were legalzoom and weve already partnered with over a million new Business Owners to do just that. 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Well, this is a case about discrimination by prosecutors in jury selection, and what made this case is unusual is that well after the verdict the defense was able to obtain actual notes that prosecutors took during jury selection indicating very clearly that they were focused on the race of the prospective jurors and eliminated all the black possible jurors in the case. The court almost unanimously, except with Justice Clarence thomas, who dissented, decided this was clear evidence of discrimination and they have overturned his murder conviction. And i want to go to the Supreme Court with more on this opinion. Ari ari arian, what did the justices say . Reporter they came down with this decision about this Racial Discrimination in jury selection. It was a 1987, Timothy Tyrone foster, an africanamerican, was convicted of killing a white woman and convicted by an allwhite jury. 20 years later his team obtained the prosecutors note which they said illegally took race into consideration. Today the Supreme Court, 71 with chief Justice Roberts writing, has ruled in his favor. This may not have a broad implication because its very rare obviously to get smoking gun documents like his lawyers did, but the chiefs words are firm here. He said the focus on race in the prosecutions file plainly demonstrates a concerted effort to keep black prospective jurors off the jury. This is going to come as a welcome relief to those people who believe that Racial Discrimination in jury selection still persists too much today. And on that note, jeffrey, im going to bring you in because in the amicus briefs there were both republicans and democrats who said that this is a huge problem where prosecutors will basically eliminate jurors based on race, but then they will get around that by showing a nonracial reason for striking out a potential juror. Tell us how this will impact that situation. Will it make it harder . Will this pan make opinion maker for prosecutors to get around this . Well, i think actually this case doesnt really address that problem because the evidence was so obvious of racial motive in this case. The problem, the really difficult cases, involve cases where prosecutors strike black jurors but they come up with racially neutral reasons, like the jurors didnt his eyes didnt meet my eyes. He looked deceptive in answering questions. Those sorts of excuses to strike jurors are much harder for the courts to police than a circumstance like this where the racial motive of the prosecutors was just laid right out with pen and paper. The problem you address, you raise, which is sort of the secret and difficult to discern racial motive, that just remains a big problem and something that the legal system struggles with all the time. I want to bring in cnn contributor steve ladick to talk more about this. How significant in your view, steve, is this ruling and how broad is this opinion . Its a fairly narrow ruling because these cases tend to be so fact specific and because it really is rare that youre going to have such a smoking gun in the notes of the prosecutors. That said, i think its a very important symbolic step from the Supreme Court today. Its a 71 ruling, so you have both liberals and conservatives joining together to basically say even in this day and age, this kind of behavior is still intolerable when it comes to prosecutors. I think were going to see this giving new life to these socalled batson claims in the lower courts and greater attention to the role of racial bias in jury selection. The dissent was from Justice Thomas. Can you expand on what he had to say in the dissent. Justice thomas offered to different arguments in his dissent. The first was a technical one, that the court shouldnt have even taken this case because of the weird way it got to the Supreme Court from the Georgia State courts. But substantively Justice Thomas was basically saying that there was enough justification unrelated to race in the states explanation and that the Supreme Court owes deference to the Georgia State courts and there wasnt quite enough evidence for the court to overturn the state courts determination. I think thats really easily rebutted by the chief justices majority opinion, but an interesting statement from the one black justice on the current Supreme Court. Okay. Thank you so much for breaking this down for us. Our legal analysts and reporters, jeffrey, ariane, and steve. We do appreciate it. And well be right back with more after this break. [ male announcer ] Tora Bora Fallujah argonne khe sanh midway dak to normandy medina ridge the chosin reservoir these are places history will never forget but more important are the faces we will always remember. vo on the trane test range, you learn what makes our heating and cooling systems so faces reliable. Lways remember. 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Im not a betting man, so, you know, i think if we get our Party Unified and if we do the work we need to do to get ourselves at full strength and if we offer the country a clear and compelling agenda that is inspiring, that is inclusive, that fixes problems, that is solutionsbased and based on good principles, then, yes, i think we can win. But i think this is a we, not just one person. This is a we effort. Joining me now to discuss this, ron brownstein, Senior Editor for the atlantic, david gergen, former adviser to ford, nixon, reagan, and clinton, and kayleigh mcenany. Thank you for coming on this monday. A lot to discuss, the new polls out, the comments from paul ryan. As you heard him say, david, the party needs to unite for trump to be the next president but he has yet to come out and fully endorse him. What do you make of his comments . I think hes on the path to endorsing but he wants to encourage donald trump not only to embrace more of his agenda, but to change the tone of his campaign, to become, quote, more president ial. I think thats going to be one of the great tests for trump in the next few months is how does he become more president ial and bring in more independent voters, for example, and more women while at the same time retaining that kind of charismatic i dont give a damn, im going to say anything i please spirit that has attracted a lot of people to him . You know, can he have it both ways . Well, and you hear what paul ryan kind of listed off. These are the things that need to happen for trump to win. Kayleigh, do you think hes going to do all of those things that we just heard paul ryan list off there, these lists of conditions that more or less contradict trumps position thus far in the race . You know, i have tremendous respect for the speaker, but the point is i think that voters put out there when they elected donald trump commandingly with more votes than any republican nominee in history, the message they were sending is that theyre rejecting Republican Leadership as it stands and they want something new. They want donald trump. So i think its donald trump setting the agenda here. Its not speaker ryan. I think speaker ryan is very late to the game on this. Weve already seen a lot of unification around trump from senator corker warming up to him. Theres even reports of him and Lindsey Graham and him having friendly conversations behind the scenes. I think speaker ryan will get there but where was speaker ryan when he was romneys running mate calling romney out for laying down the blueprint for obamacare in massachusetts . He was running mates with him and never called out romney for these things. So i have to wonder why now, why donald trump, and where was he with mitt romney a few years ago . And you have to look at these latest polls, really remarkable, ron. You know, the fact that, first of all, clinton and trump, according to the polls, are in a dead heat. Some may argue its too far out. We still have five months og, they dont matter but the unfavorables are historic. Look how high the unfavorables are for both clinton and trump. What do you make of that . Yeah, its really striking. What has happened is because of the unfavorables for Hillary Clinton are now so high as well, it essentially has neutralized the historical lie high unfavorables for donald trump and left us with what looks like a generic democratic republicans contest with two exceptions. Basically most of the results of these polls follow the central tracks that we see in elections but there are two things that are different. Hillary clinton is notably underperforming with younger voters. Barack obama won twothirds of them in 08, threefifth of them in 12. Shes getting under half. And donald trump is significantly underperforming with College Educated white voters relative to previous republican nominees. About even among those voters. Mitt romney won them by 14 points in 2012. I think in many ways the general election will be which one of them can solve this problem will be the key question because you are seeing, as kayleigh was noting, while the leadership of the Republican Party is still fractured, rank and file republicans in a binary system are largely consolidating around donald trump as an alternative to Hillary Clinton who they like even less. Right. And on that note, david, how much do you think the fact that there is still that fight going on between hillary and bernie impacted these poll numbers that we see right here . Its a hard one to judge. Most democrats have already now swung behind hillary. Shes got about the same 85 support of democrats that trump has, 85 of republicans. But the assumption in the clinton camp is that once she can rid herself of this priest effect, this man who is drawing her down and she keeps on cant shake him off and it weakens her, once that happens, that there will be more of a surge to her. Im not sure thats the case. The surge may already have come, but i do think it will make it remarkably easier for her once she gets past sanders, if she can. I think the other thing though that, pamela, and ron would have a particularly good view of this, what we see so far in this headtohead dead heat race, which is remarkable were here, is both candidates are still down in the low 40s. That means there are maybe 15 of people who havent really made up their minds. Does that leave room for a thirdparty candidate . Can a gary johnson, the libertarian candidate, the perennial libertarian who never gets anywhere, but yet in recent polls would pick up 10 of a threeway race. Id be curious on rons views. And you said youre not so sure that Hillary Clinton will get that surge if Bernie Sanders drops out. Why is that . Is it because you think that some of these supporters for bernie are going to go to the trump side. In fact, in the latest poll i think more than 20 said they would throw their support behind donald trump. Well, we dont know how Many Democrats are left to surge if shes already at 85. So you have that question to start with, but i do think that its very, very unusual we always thought that the republicans would have fisticuffs at their convention, be a lot of contention. Now its going to be at the democratic side. Shes got to come out of that united with him supporting her enthusiastically. Real quick, in terms of sanders and clinton, sanders has been strongest among independents and it may be with younger independents that clinton still has the most room to grow if she gets past that because the numbers among millennials are troubling for her. I want you to respond, ron, and kayleigh, ill give the final word to you, but, ron, about this libertarian candidate that david brought up. What are your thoughts . Weve never seen anything like two nominees with 58 , 59 unfavorables. The question is will those voters be willing to vote for a third party if they are worried that by doing so they might inadvertently help the candidate they like least . Thats post2000, post the ralph nader run. Thats held down the thirdparty votes. The 97,000 people who left their homes in florida voting for ralph nader, they got george w. Bush. The question is whether voters will shy back from doing that. Im guessing in the end thats what happens in a binary but its an open field given the high negatives. How concerning is a thirdparty candidate for donald trump if that happens, kayleigh . I dont think its concerning at all. Look, the narrative of 2016, of this election, i think its going to be written as this is the outsiders election. This is the election where you had tremendous discontent in both parties. On the democrat side and the republican side with the establishment. Donald trump is the ultimate outsider. Hillary clinton is the ultimately insider. I think when you have a contest between those two things you will see a lot of people from the democrat side and republican side frustrated with washington. Im not worried with a thirdparty candidate at all. Ron, david, kayleigh, thanks so much. Appreciate you sharing your perspectives. Still to come, an exclusive cnn report. We follow the ton commander in the middle east on a secret trip to syria. 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Thats right our coverage now stacks up with anybody. Including verizon and at t. So now you can get rid of the other guys and get great coverage from tmobile. We got you covered. And we wont stop well, major developments this morning from across some of the worlds terror strongholds. First a Taliban Splinter Group says theyre looking for a new successor after a u. S. Drone strike takes out their leader. According to the white house mullah mansour was killed during a series of air strikes on the car he was traveling in. President obama calling his death a milestone. And meanwhile, isis is now claiming responsibility for a series of bombing attacks in syria that killed at least 78 people. The blast targeted bus stations and residential areas. Syrian tv says the explosions came from a combination of car bombings and suicide bombings. And cnn was the only Television Network to travel overseas with general joe votel, the top u. S. Commander in the middle east ton a secret mission to syria. Cnns Barbara Starr joins us with this exclusive report. Barbara, why did he take this trip . Tell us more about it. Reporter well, general votel went to syria. He says he wanted to see it all firsthand. Theres nothing to hide from the American People about what u. S. Troops are doing there. He was the highest ranking officer to go into this war zone. These are the first images ever shown publicly from a u. S. Special Operations Training camp in Northern Syria. From here and other secret nearby locations, the u. S. Military is racing time to train enough local Syrian Forces so they can push south towards raqqah, isis declared capital. Cnn was the only tell advievisi network on the general with his secret daylong trip to syria. Votel overseas the war against isis. My principal purpose was to meet with some of the Syrian Democratic force and leadership in multiple locations and also to meet with our adviser teams. General votel has come to Northern Syria under Extraordinary Security conditions. In fact, weve been asked not to reveal a number of details on how we all got here. But votel considers this part of the war a top priority. He is here to meet with the u. S. Military advisers that are helping some of these local troops that you see work to defeat isis. Votel went to multiple locations weve been asked not to disclowe meeting with key local leaders in the syrian local forces. An Umbrella Organization overseeing many of these arab fighters the u. S. Is training. A spokesman for the arab forces being trained here is critical of u. S. Efforts. He says his group urgently needs more ammunition and weapons beyond the few ammunition supplies he says the u. S. Has delivered. Translator weve been given a limited number of old rifles. Reporter due to security concerns, we are not allowed to show details of the base. Our cameras are restricted. Security is so high here the u. S. Advisers want their faces shielded, but they do want to talk about the training. Youre a military adviser here. What do you guys do here . We are here training the Syrian Democratic forces. Now, when i say training, generally thats consisting of basic level weapons training, shooting ak47s and shooting larger machine guns. Their four star general taking an extraordinary step to see it all firsthand. I have responsibility for this mission. I have responsibility for the people that we put here, so its imperative for me to come and see what theyre dealing with, to share the risk that they are absorbing on a daytoday basis. Reporter even as the arab fighters here patrol the surrounding fields and stand watch getting ready for whatever their future holds. Now, that interview was general votel was inside syria at the end of a very long day across the northern portions of syria where he traveled. Joe votel has decades of experience in special operations, the very experience that these Young American forces we met are getting on this mission. This is a general who knows what is required and the kind of military personnel it takes to make it happen. Pamela . Barbara starr, thank you so much for bringing us that exclusive report. And joining us now is cnn military analyst lieutenant rick francona. Thank you for coming in. The instability in the rige, this new attempt to retake fallujah, are things Getting Better or worse in the wake of all the u. S. Efforts there as barbara highlighted . Well, its two separate problems were facing, and barbara gave an excellent report of whats going on in sear yand i think general votels visit to syria highlights how tenuous the situation in syria is. We have to get a handle on what we need to do in syria, what resources are required. I think thats why he wengt there, and i think it was important for him to hear from the Syrian Democratic force commanders what theyre not getting because were not giving the effort that we need to there. I do appreciate the fact that theyre increasing the number of special forces on the ground there. Turning to iraq, it looks like the plans are coming together, but its a completely different situation. In iraq there are the bad guys, thats isis, and everybody else is allied an arrayed against them. In syria you have a multifaceted battle, you have the russians, the democratic forces, the kurds. Its a jumble over there. What were seeing starting in fallujah is the retaking of the city. Its the next step. The iraqis have to eradicate isis from the Anbar Province before they can start north to liberate mosul. Their job in iraq is to retake mosul and the northern part of their country. Syria, still a big, big problem. We still dont have a handle on how were going to do it, let alone what were going to do. Does the iraqi military, is it equipped to retake fallujah. Tens of thousands of citizens still trapped in fallujah as we speak. You went right to the heart of it. This is the problem. The iraqi forces are better, but theyre not there yet. So if you look at the force structure that theyve put in place toti go after fallujah, t majority of the fighting forces are the Iraqi National police. Theyre going to be backed up with some regular soldiers and the bulk of the fighting on the ground will also be done by the shia militias. This is a problem when you bring shia militias into the sunni triangle area, you have to be very careful how theyre going to do that. They have to let them get in the there, let them fight and then get them out. They have to be careful with this tension, and the tension is very high right now because of all of these isis bombings in baghdad. The residents are more concerned about their own security than the liberation of fallujah or the liberation of mosul. Such a delicate, tenuous situation. Tonight on cnn Fareed Zakaria has a special investigation, why they hate us airs tonight at 9 00 p. M. Im pamela brown in for carol costello. At this hour with berman and bolduan starts after a break. V why they hate us airs tonight im pamela brown in for carol costello. At this hour with berman anat. Im pamela brown in for carol costello. At this hour with berman and bolduan starts after a break. [female narrator] you listen when your body says im tired. Or, im hungry. What if your body said Something Else might be wrong . Gynecologic cancers cervical, ovarian and uterine cancers have symptoms. So Pay Attention. If your body says something may be wrong. Please listen if it goes on for two weeks, see a doctor, it may be nothing but find out. Learn the symptoms. Get the inside knowledge about gynecologic cancers. 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