Money for myself. Ill be asking for money for the party, and really, its something that were going to start on right away. I got a call last night from Reince Priebus, and it is something that now were in this position were going to start. Among the democrats, Hillary Clinton focusing on november. As Bernie Sanders wins indiana and he reminds her, he will not be ignored. Following the angles as the president ial race becomes clearly into focus, lets begin with sarah murray, outside the trump tower in new york city. Good morning. Reporter good morning, carol. Look, ted cruzs decision to bow out of the race caught the Trump Campaign by surprise last night. That means today, theyre kicking into over drive. Staffing up, figure out why wr to send the staff, and of course, ramping up the conversations about who the vp pick might be, and the vetting process, all as trump pulled out what he called an amazing, unexpected victory. The voters chose another path. Indiana marks the end of the roads for ted cruz. We are suspending our campaign. And a major victory for donald trump, as he becomes the Republican Partys presumptive nominee. What ted did is really a very brave thing to do. We want to bring unity to the Republican Party. After months of battling it out with the rnc. Its all a rigged system. It is really a disgusting system. The billionaire getting a am he is sage of support from the very top. Party chairman Reince Priebus tweeting trump will be the presumptive nominee. We all need to oh unite and focus on beating Hillary Clinton. Now only one other candidate refusing to leave the race. I love california. John kasichs chief strategist tweeting until someone has 1,237 bound delegates, there is no presumptive nominee. California, here we come. But trump is largely ignoring the Ohio Governor, and now focusing scarily on the general election. Were going after Hillary Clinton. She will not be a great president. She will not be a good president. She will be a poor president. Solidifying his this man is a pathological liar. The man is utterly amoral. Donald is a bully. After a rough and tumble day on the trail, trump adopt aid friendlier tone in his victory speech. Noi dont know if he is like me or not. He is one hell of a come petted tore. But if trump was hoping for an endorsement, he may have a long wait. I am not suspending our fight for liberty. Our movement will continue. So donald trump and ted cruz may not be mending fences any time soon. But in the meantime, trump has plenty to deal with. He was saying this morning that he is not ready to throw out any potential name for his vp pick yet. But he did say he wants someone with a little government experience, carol. All right, sarah, stick around. Youll be part of a panel very soon. 2016 will go down in history. A man with no political experience is the Presumptive Republican nominee. He is a man who can launch attacks, many that are patently untrue and make them stick. Donald trump is someone that may have killed orthodox conservatism, like this voter, who burned his Voter Registration card, another voter tweeted, quote, Hillary Clinton may well be the first democratic ive ever voted for at the age of 62. Even a former top aide to republican senator john mccain, says he will stand with clinton. So lets talk about this. With me now, mark preston and sarah murray. Welcome to all of you. Mark, lets start with you, Reince Priebus says it is time to heal. It is possible. Still early enough in the contest for the republicans to rally around donald trump and if there was ever a unifying factor, if there was ever one person that can be a unifying factor, it has to be Hillary Clinton in many ways. They did eight years of her husbands administration. She was the secretary of state. A u. S. Senator, and lets not forget, we shouldnt discount this, republicans havent been in the white house for eight years now. Now, there will be republicans carol that decide not to do so, that they cant get behind a trump candidacy, but i think over time, if donald trump specifically is able to moderate his rhetoric, tone things down a little, youll see republicans start to come together. Lets talk about the clinton factor, sarah. Because some say republicans will unite because of their hatred for Hillary Clinton, and a cnn orc poll shows the analysts may be rate. 57 voted for donald trump because of their opposition to clinton. So will clinton be the republicans you nightser, sarah . Well, i certainly think what mark is saying is exactly right. There are a lot of months between now and november for donald trump to sort of moderate his tone. And bring on people who do have this sort of antipathy toward Hillary Clinton, maybe some reservations about donald trump, and well see if he adjusts his rhetoric to try to make them more comfortable. The one caveat i would offer, we heard this argument four years ago with president obama. We heard that it didnt really matter if voters didnt like mitt romney very much, because they were so angry about president obama and what he had done in the first four years of his term, that they would show up just to defeat him. That ended up not being the case. He won in a landslide. Something to be said not enough to be running against someone and running to oh defeat someone. You need to give voters a reason to rally behind you. Donald trump will need to do that, not just for republicans, but for the broader general electorate. So can donald trump give ted cruz something to rally around his candidacy . Well, you know, the big question, carol is whether ted cruz will throw his support behind donald trump. It is something that haunted him, and still hangs over him. I asked him as he left his last Campaign Event here in indianapolis last night, repeatedly, will you support donald trump, and he of course would not engage. I think its very clear there are wounds here that are very real and very raw from the bruising primary battle. Aides are saying donald trump crossed the line is how they put it, specifically pointing to attack donald trump made on ted cruzs wife and on the last few days on his father. That really struck a cord aides tell me. So it will be interesting to see how ted cruz handles this Going Forward. They expect him to play a role in down ballot races. He has every intention to be out there on the campaign trail. I am reminded what he told me back in march, not too long ago, when these attacks were happening on heidi cruz, will you support donald trump and he says im not in the habit of someone who attacks my family, so certainly still haunts him to this day. Well see how he approaches this Going Forward. On the other hand, mark, does it matter if establishment supports donald trump. He has done without, he has done fine without him. They can only get you so far. Yes, he needs establishment republicans. He needs everybody. He needs independents, and in some ways, some democrats as well. This will be a tough road, a narrow road for donald trump, if he is to win the nomination. If you look at the map right now, donald trump has to win in some states that democrats have tradition thatlely w traditionally won in. It is still unclear as of now whether donald trump will write a check for 1 billion for himself to fund this campaign or if hell go out and try to raise money from republicans to help fund his campaign. Well, he said on the morning show, that he might sell a few buildings to fund his campaign and said he will now accept small donations. What do you see in the future for fundraising for donald trump . Carol, i think its extremely likely likely or unlikely i would say that donald trump will start selling buildings in order to fund a general election campaign. We broke this story a couple of months ago that trump was privately telling people, including potential donors, he would fund raise in a general election. Thats the most likely course for him. I think when you started to hear from him on the morning shows today how hell message this shift. Because during the entire primary, he was saying im selffunding my campaign, i wont be behold en to lobbyists. It is not for me, but it is for the good of the party. But to be clear, if you give money to donald trump and the party together, it helps build a ground game in these Battle Ground states that will not only benefit the top of the ticket, but could potentially down ballot tickets. Interesting, okay. So as donald trump focuses his attention on Hillary Clinton, i want to ask you this question, sunl sunlen, because he has a way to get into a candidates head. They went nuts on trump and then their candidacy imploded. Any lessons for clinton in that . Yeah, absolutely i think there are lessons, carol. It was so remarkable to see that happen both to ted cruz and marco rubio, in their final days. A sense of their unloading and shackled to say. Intrinsic, they had to hold that back. I think the Clinton Campaign has been watching that for many months now and taking clues from that. I think one of the postmortems from the Ted Cruz Campaign is did he wait too long to engage in donald trump for so long, he held back, taking on trump. It was even in january, we were sending out tweeting, im not going to get involved in a cage match of him. And then to fast forward to just yesterday, where he was calling donald trump a narcissist and pathological liar. There should have been some balancing of those arguments. Certainly the Clinton Campaign is already giving big clues, telegraphing theyre ready to engage with donald trump, but a balancing act you dont want to stray too far from your campaigns message. Thanks to all of you. Today, donald trump will sit down with wolf blitzer since becoming the presumptive nominee. 5 00 p. M. Eastern, right here on cnn. Still to come in the newsroom, a big win for Bernie Sanders in indiana, but can he overcome a delegate deficit to be the next democratic nominee . He says he can. Weve been fighting uphill from day one. We will continue to fight uphill, and i think we still have a narrow path toward victory. If you have allergy congestion muddling through your morning is nothing new. Introducing rhinocort® allergy spray from the makers of zyrtec®. Powerful relief from nasal allergy symptoms, all day and all night. Try new rhinocort® allergy spray. All day and all night. Heres the plan. You grow up wanting to be a lawyer, because your dads a lawyer. And you land a job with a 401k and meet your wife. Youre surprised how much you both want kids, and equally surprised you cant have them. So together, you adopt a little boy. And then his two brothers. And you up your Life Insurance because four people depend on you now. Then, one weekend, when everyone has a cold and youve spent the whole day watching tv, you realize that you didnt plan for any of this, but you wouldnt have done it any other way. With the right financial partner, progress is possible. Bernie sanders puts another notch in the win column, becoming the democratic nominee is in his words an uphill battle. The vermont senator vowing to fight on. His indiana victory, political demise are greatly exaggerated. All things democrats, joining ugs now from washington. Good morning, carol. The clinton buzz now is almost unavoidable, but the headline is it was a big night for Bernie Sanders, keeps his campaign on the trail, though the numbers in the race for the nomination continue to work against him. And for her part, Hillary Clintons campaign was pledging to stump for votes in every state left on the primary calendar. Though theyre also gaming out her message for a general election campaign. I understand that secretary clinton thinks that this campaign is over. Ive got some bad news for her. Bernie sanders pulling off a stunning upset victory in indiana over democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton. We understand, and i do not deny it for one second, that we have an uphill battle in front of us. But i think we have a path to victory, although it is a narrow path. That path, mathematically impossible, without swaying some of clintons 513 super delegates to his side. Super delegates are supporting clinton in states that we have won landslide victories. I think thats wrong. Clinton is looking past indiana. Im focused on moving into the general election and i think thats where we have to be, because were going to have a tough campaign against a candidate who will literally say or do anything. Fundraising on the back of trumps triumphant night, tweeting donald trump is the presumptive nominee. Chip in now if you agree we cant let him become president. Sanders impeding the path, the senator making his case to dana a bash last night. Staying in the race, arent y effectively making it harder for the democrats . Youve already conceded the race for me. I dont accept that concession. We are in this race to win. So a big night in indiana, especially for Bernie Sanders. Both campaigns have events scheduled later in the day. Hillary clinton, expected to speak here in washington, d. C. This evening at a reception marking Asian Pacific american heart stage month. Bernie sanders, continues to Campaign Swing through the state of kentucky. Carol. All right, joe johns, reporting live from washington. Thank you. Hillary clinton isnt the only high profile democratic voicing her concerns about donald trump on social media. Massachusetts senator and progressive heavyweight, Elizabeth Warren quoting im going to fight my heart out make sure his toxic hate and insecurity never reaches the white house. Now we should note, warren has yet to endorse anyone for president and the only female democratic senator not endorsed Hillary Clinton. So lets talk. John avalon, Senior Editor and chief of the daily beast and errol louis for new york 1 news. Welcome. Good morning. So john, if elizabeth wants the democratics to oblititae donald trump. She hasnt gotten on the train because her base is in the progressive wing of the party. If she is really so concerned about that toxic stew, its time to get off the sidelines. Look, bernie is not dead. Hillary lost an opportunity to put him away last night. He is the jon snow of american politics. The fact is donald trump secured his nomination, which he started against 17 competitors. Instead of Hillary Clinton, who had the field essentially frozen out. That should be reality check for folks right now. Because no one would have predicted that a few months ago. Okay, so clinton says she is preparing, right. Donald trump is definitely preparing for a general election, right. Oh, yeah. He says hell use some of Bernie Sanders talking point to do that, namely should Hillary Clinton release her wall street speech transcripts, right . You know donald trump will use that line. And Bernie Sanders is going to continue to use that line. So will Bernie Sanders hurt the Democratic Party if he stays in . I think he could hurt the democratic ticket, the democratic chances in november, but not because of that. The speech, is you know, shell counter with why hasnt donald trump released his taxes, and so round and round we go. Weve heard it before. On the other hand, where Bernie Sanders could hurt Hillary Clinton is if he forces her to spend money and time that she really would rather be spending preparing for a general election campaign, then it does create a certain amount of disunion and wasted resources. I mean, Hillary Clinton lost indiana among other reasons, because she didnt i think she campaigned one day there. She didnt spend a penny there, whereas Bernie Sanders spent 1 million. If she wants to take this to West Virginia and to kentucky, to all these other places, it could cost her millions, time, it is not something she should be if she wants to pivot. As john mentions, you cant count out Bernie Sanders. If he wants to take it to california, all the way to the dc, to the campaign convention, then, you know, sure its entirely his choice. Okay, but obviously, Hillary Clinton would like to pivot and here is why. Because trump, as i said, is already preparing. He had lunch with a man named ed klein. He is a biogropher, her alleged health woes and the sexual adventures. Im betting mr. Trump will use kleins notes, and he used the National Enquirers phony story. Listen to what he said on gma this morning. You went on a morning show, and suggested that ted cruzs father, rafael cruz, may have somehow been involved in of all things, the jfk assassination. My question is why in the world you would do that . I was on a show and they played a clip of teds father, who is very active in the campaign. Its not like he is an inactive person. But there is no evidence of this. Excuse me. He said very nasty things about me. And then i just asked about stories that were appearing all over the place, not just in the National Enquirer, about the fact that a picture was taken of him and Lee Harvey Oswald and they didnt deny the picture. But they did deny that picture. So obviously, mr. Trump will use whatever is in ed kleins book whether it is true or not. Sure. Were in the fact free stage of the campaign. Thats why it is up to us partly to actually enforce a facetoface debate. He is the poet of antihillary fan fiction. This is what he does. It is the opposite of erotica, heavy breathing hatred. They get blood up, and theyre based in very little. How will Hillary Clinton fight back against that . Because you heard, ted cruz imploded, right . Marco rubio imploded. And called donald trump all sorts of names. It didnt work for them. A whole series of falsehoods that have been associated with donald trump. To the extent that Hillary Clinton wants to revive or really point out the fact that he was the most prominent birther fan in the country, based on absolutely nothing. And he ran with that for months back in 2012. She can point out this sort of garbage. This is garbage. Its swil. It doesnt mean anything. It doesnt do in ig. But it works. I dont know if it works. Obviously, what it does is, if you ever listen to conservative radio, some of the fringe hosts, like to dabble in this stuff. You know, world net daily, some of these oversights. They squeeze money out of people and its a punch line to a joke and they spin it around. I dont see any evidence that it has convinced an independent voter there is some sort of horrible conspiracy going on. This is the key. A lot of conspiracy who hang out a shingle, but you know, what works for a republican primary electorate at a time when the partys base has shrunk do not work for winning a general election, where its about winning swing voters in swing states. Thats a key difference Going Forward. I dont know. The usual worlds dont work this time around. Listen, there is an epic weirdness about this election. Make no mistake about it. Certain laws of gravity. Remember, this is you will on tape. Oh, yeah. John after lvalon, thanks so u. S. Navy seal killed by isis. A complex attack, the terror Group Carried out, next. avo ive always been a dog person. My name is barbara and i make dog chow natural in davenport, iowa. Now that i work there and see all of the care and the ingredients that go into it. I value the food even more. I feed yoshi dog chow natural because theres no artificial colors, preservatives and its made with real chicken. Hes got so much energy. His coat is so shiny. 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We connect all parts of health care. Healthier is here. And good morning, im carol costel costello, thank you for joining me. After winning in indiana, donald trump has all but locked up the nomination. Next challenge, get him to the white house. National chairman, Reince Priebus told the gop, time to fall in line, tweeting donald trump will be the presumptive gop nominee, we all need to unite and focus on defeating Hillary Clinton. Legendary notre dame football coach already on board, endorsing trump ahead of the indiana primary. Its trumps business sense, he says, that will make him a great president. Im lou holts and i wholeheartedly endorse donald trump as the next president of the United States. The main reason, i played his golf course, i stayed in his hotel. He does nothing but go first class in everything. He wants this country to be first class as well. Im joined by the great lou holts. Welcome, sir. Thank you, carol. Thank you so much for being with me. In listening to that video endorsement that you did for donald trump, is that all a candidate needs to be president to produce great stuff . No, but i think, lets look at a couple of things. I think, number one, when you look at this country, we have less people working we have in the last 40 years. More people on food stamps than we had. More people on welfare. Yet the budget has gone up unbelievable. Our debt is over 20 trillion. I can never say anything against our president , because he is my president. But he talked about change. He was a community organizer. Why does that make him more qualified than a successful businessman. He was a senator. Well, he was a senator for one year. Im not disputing that. Im not saying anything negative about it. We all take and say what donald trump, lets do that, lets do that. He has been successful. People have voted for him. On immigration, im all f bot my parents im graduatmigrated t country. I asked them to teach me ukrainian. They said no. You live in the United States. I say here come here and be us. This is a great country. Carol, why cant somebody run for president without everybody having theres not the country i know. So you fully support Donald Trumps idea of building a wall . Not necessarily a wall, but i think we have to do something about immigration. I say, hey, come here. All my grandparents come here, but you know, with when you talk about 13 Million People coming in, thats not immigration. Thats sort of like an invasion. I am not about a wall or anything else. But what holds a consider together are borders. You have to be able to protect your border. Everybody in the world does. Eem a catholic. You go to the vatican, i want to tell you, it is hard to become a citizen, hard to live there. There walls all around it. So pope francis doesnt speak glowingly of donald trump, does that bother you . Well, i think this. Why did they ask the pope about abortion . Why did they knotted ask him about abortion. Lets be fair along the lines. What do you mean by that . Im not sure i understand. Well, i mean, so many people are pro abortion. I dont believe the pope is pro abortion, but he is against building a wall, things like that. All im saying, lets be fair along the lines. Lets not prejudge people. Here is a successful businessman who has the votes of the people. Let me ask you this. Reince priebus, the rnc chair says its time for the Republican Party to unite. Is that important that all republicans unite behind donald trump . I think what is important is for the citizens of this country to go out and vote for the person that they think is the best qualified to lead this country. Thats all i ask. And just go vote. But look at this issues. And make an intelligent decision. Are you tired of the labels republican and democratic . Yeah, i think so, to a certain extent. What was a democratic years ago is different now. I was a democratic. I grew up as a democratic all my family were democrats, but then, the values seemed to be different. But i just say this. This is a country of a lot of different people. Let everybody vote. Then when its over, lets count the vote and see who theyve selected and whoever they have, lets get behind and support the president. Said at the beginning, i will not say a negative word excuse me, wait one minute. I was taught not to interrupt somebody when you ask them a question. I said at the beginning of this interview, i said support our president. I always will. Okay, the question i wanted to ask you was about some of the language that donald trump uses. You know, the names he has called women. And some of the things that he accused ted cruzs father of, he took right out of the National Enquirer. Should donald trump be doing those things . Im not here to judge donald trump. But i want to tell you, carol, one thing that entices him to a lot of these voters, he doesnt worry about political correctness. One thing thats hurting this question is political correctness. I grew up much stupider, you know what, thats part of life. You learn how to handle it and move on. You cant do anything today without political correctness. So its okay to put forth a falsehood about another candidate . Listen, there is never a right time to do the wrong thing. Its amazing how many people do not tell the truth and people are afraid to use that word. If somebody doesnt tell the truth, they should be held accountable for it. Absolutely. Whether it be donald trump or whether it be anybody in wa washington as well. Lou holtz, thank you for being with me. Thank you. Youre welcome. Still to come in the newsroom, the isis attack that killed a navy seal. I smbut ended up nowhere. A lot now i use this. 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These risks will continue, and we greatly regret his loss. But allowing isil safe haven would carry greater risk for us all. With me now to talk about this is u. S. Congresswoman barbara lee. Good morning. Good morning. So ash carter went on to say the fight is far from over. He said that the United States and its allies will defeat isis. Do you believe him . Well, first let me just say that my thoughts and prayers go out to the keating family, this tragic loss. This is an example of why ive been calling for congress to do our job. Were missing in action. Its very important that the American Public understand the cost and the consequences of this war. Rightfully so, the president has not sent combat troops into the region, however, we see as a result of this tragedy, what can happen. And so i think the American Public needs to demand that their members of Congress Call for a debate to talk about and understand really what this new war footing means, and what it entails in terms of a longterm commitment to what it appears to be now, a perpetual war. So congresswoman, is it likely any debate will occur, since it is an Election Year, president obama is in his last term . Can this go forward . Can such a debate happen . Were here to do our job. It should happen. I mean, the president put forward an authorization over a year ago. This past january, the speaker and the leader of the senate, mitch mcconnell, they talked about it. But nothing has happened yet. And whether were in an Election Year or not, we have our Constitutional Responsibilities to the people of our country. And that means we have to exercise our job and do our work, and bring forth an authorization. We have to stop politicizing issues of war and peace. We see what is happening. Most military experts have said there is no military solution. We have to come up with a strategy. One that is led by the region. We have to make sure the public buys into this. Our young and men are doing everything they asked us to do. Our troops, theyre doing what we sent them to do. And you know, we have a duty and responsibility to protect them, to let them know that the Congress Supports these efforts. And so its up to the speaker and the Senate Majority leader to bring forth a resolution, an authorization, and we can debate it. The public will then know what is taking place, and then well have, you know, a real standing in terms of making sure that we do what we need to do. Let me ask, the president just said 250 more advisors, which is in essence, boots on the ground in the region. Do you think the president should have done that or would you have preferred to see him not send any u. S. Troops or advisors to that war zone until there is a debate in congress . Im worried about mission. Of course, Additional Forces were sent into iraq several months ago. Now we have another 250, quote advisors, which we see unfortunately, were putting our advisors in harms way. And so what the president is doing in terms of his responsibilities of commander in chief, he is exercising without congressional oversight and without congressional authority. The congress has a really important and serious role in this. The president and the administration, theyre using an authorization back, it was passed i think back in 2001, 2002, one i voted against in the 2002 iraq resolution. The president in terms of the use of force needs that authorization, needs that from congress. We need to debate it, some members may support it, some member i may not support it. The public deserves it and we need to insist that the speaker and the Senate Majority leader bring forth a resolution. This is a country now that is in war. Weve been on war footing for many, many years now. At least since 2001. Its a serious, serious moment for us. We have very Serious National Security threats. Why in the world is congress missing in action . Were the peoples house. The people deserve us to represent them properly, and appropriately. All right, congresswoman barbara lee, thanks so much for your insight. Still to come in the newsroom, princes final hours, including a desperate plan to save the singer, sadly came too late. You premium like clockwork. Month after month. Year after year. Then one night, you hydroplane into a ditch. Yeah. Surprise. Your Insurance Company tells you to pay up again. Why pay for insurance if you have to pay even more for using it . If you have Liberty Mutual deductible fund™, you could pay no deductible at all. Sign up to immediately lower your deductible by 100. And keep lowering it 100 annually, until its gone. Then continue to earn that 100 every year. 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When the doctor got here, he was with, according to reports, two people from princes camp. They could not find the icon. They went through and found him. This was about 9 30 in the morning they were looking for him. As we know, prince was pronounced dead at 10 07 a. M. It was the son, according to the report, who called 911 to report the fact they needed to get Emergency Assistance here at paisley park. Its worth noting, too, we reached out to the doctor involved in this, and also to the attorney here in minneapolis that is working with the doctor to get comment. We havent heard back yet. A representative from princes camp is saying at this point they have no comment. Carol. Stefanie elam reporting live this morning. Checking other top stories. President obama heads to flint, michigan soon for a firsthand look at the citys water contamination crisis. Once there hell meet with governor rick snyder. Snyder called on president obama to drink a glass of water, like he did, a photo op is not planned. Detroit schools reopen after a massive sick out over teacher pay forced a twoday shut down. Teachers being assured theyll be paid for the full school year. Many say the latest dispute highlights schoolwide problems including overcrowded and poor classroom conditions. New reports that takata will announce new recalls. The japanesebased manufacturer is expected to recall an additional 35 to 40 million u. S. Air bag inflaters. It was already the largest auto safety recall in history. Takata air bags have linked to numerous deaths and injuries. Still to come on the newsroom. Take a look at this. Yes. Social media bous down. Allergie. Flonase is the first and only nasal spray approved to relieve both itchy, watery eyes and congestion. No other nasal allergy spray can say that. Go ahead, embrace those beautiful moments. Flonase changes everything. 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Call or go online and switch to x1. Only with xfinity. Starryeyed girls dream of cinderella moment sweeping into a crowded ball and lightening up the room. You can, too, if you have the right hightech gown and lots of batteries. The met gala is an originy of fashion. This is what had fashionistas swooning. A dress straight out of cinderella. Why, its like a dream. A dream worn by actress clare danes. It blossoms in darkness. Claire told e news. Its a work of art. Cyber optics woven into silk organza and 30 battery packs. This isnt an ufo. Designer zach posen said its an ifyomo. Futuristic floating object. At the fancy sitting dinner, he made accommodations to she could sit not on her dress but around. They took a regular chair and what did they do . A regular chair and sawed off the back of it. Zachs dress wasnt the only one lightening up the met. Im all lit up. Wearing a dress that responded to tweets. The design has collaborated with ibm watson. What you started to see was the color shift to match the emotional tone of the tweets at the time. All the tweets and everything people are thinking all the emotions like joy and excitement and thrillness. Its going to show up. She couldnt sit down. She had to be transported by mercedes van. How did people like lady gaga respond . Went georgia for the dress you can buy one custom designed. They didnt mention price, but it would make an amazing Wedding Dress if you want to get married at night. She was the light of the party oh, they dont look comfortable but theyre beautiful. The next hour of cnn newsroom starts now. And good morning. Im carol costello. Thank you for joining me. Indiana 2016, the death for the Ted Cruz Campaign. And a new beginning for donald trump. Today he wears the partys banner presumptive nominee. Trump stands fewer than 200 delegates away from officially clenching the nomination. He steam rolled in the Hoosier State winning 53 of the vote. He picked up all the delegates and snubbed up cruzs last hope. But with boundless optimism, for the longterm future of our nation, we are suspending our campaign. But hear me now, i am not suspending our fight for liberty. Trump ignoring kasich and his last challenger and focussing on november and the democrats. What ted did is a brave thing to do and a great thing to do. Because we want to bring unity to the Republican Party. We have to bring unity. Its so much easier. Democrat Hillary Clinton also focussing more on november while getting a strong reminder that Bernie Sanders is still around. He narrowly wins indiana and vows hes not stepping aside. Lets begin with cnn sara murray. Shes outside the trump tower in new york. Reporter good morning. Now donald trump is a presumptive nominee, but his campaign was kind of taken by surprise to see ted cruz drop out last night. They sort of expected to be slogging out the primary for a little bit longer. What that means its now the general election plan goes into overdrive. It begins in earnest. That means working with the rnc, it means figuring out where to deploy your staff to Battle Ground states, and, of course, figuring out how youre going to pay for the expensive general election. Donald trump has mostly been selffunding his campaign. Hes making some signals that may change. Take a listen what he had to say this morning. I will make a decision fairly soon as to that. I mean, do i want to sell a couple of buildings and selffund . I dont know i want to do that, necessarily. I wont be asking for money for myself. Ill be asking money for the party and really its that were going to start on right away. I got a call last night and vowvow now were in this position were going to start. Reporter donald trump and his advisors have argued he has a unique appeal for republican that hell be able to put more states in play than any other republican would in a general election. But if you look at our latest cnn orc poll it shows that trump still has work to do. In headtohead against Hillary Clinton he draws 41 and she draws 45 s 54 . Well see if his Campaign Begins to change the approach. And, carol, theres all the x factor of who can be the vp pick and whether thats something that can shake up the race as well. Back to you. Sara murray reporting live at the trump tower this morning. Mr. Trump said he wants to unite the Republican Party, but why does he care . Hes the likely nominee and did it without establishment republicans. Still, that united word is being banded about. Is it being used in a sincere way . Listen to mr. Trump on the today show this morning. I am confident that i can unite much of it. Some of it i dont want. There were statements made about me those people can go away and maybe come back in eight years after we serve two terms, but honestly there are some people i dont want. I dont think its necessary. People will be voting for me theyre not voting for the party. Im joined by new York City Council men joseph baa rilly and dana bash. Welcome to you. Thank you for being here. Joe, youre a trump supporter. Do you care if mr. Trump units the Republican Party . I do and i think he will. I think this sort of never trump thing and the fact that a lot of republicans are saying now they may not support him is something that happens every time we see a contested convention. Look, your viewers should look at a cnn article from may 6th, 2008, which questioned and brought to the light that most Hillary Clinton voters were not going to support barack obama in the primary. In fact, onethird of them within at that time, said they were going to vote for john mccain theres a unity when we come out of contested primary seasons. But trump is going to get a bump from securing the nominee yes and get a big bump after the convention. Any polling now and talk about not uniting the party is going to wean itself off. Dana, when trump said people are voting for me and not the party. Does it signify that donald trump doesnt care if all republicans unite behind him . I dont think so. I definitely think he cares. He should care. He gets the importance of the party and the people are in the Nevertrump Movement supporting him. But, carol, look, weve seen this kind of dynamic in many, many campaigns before. People who were absolutely opposed to the person who ultimately became the nominee saying no. But this is obviously a very different in a lot of ways. We didnt have a Never Trump Movement with billionaires who are fundraisers and donors and the party trying to do whatever they could to stop the guy who eventually became the nominee. But, no, i mean, it does matter, and he does care, but hes got to do that while still not giving up his brand that made all of these republicans like him in the first place, which is hes not like the other guys. He is difficul difficu differ. So its actually a more difficult line than i think people realize. Definitely. And along the money lines and the rnc, you know, the rnc could raise money for mr. Trump, right. And mr. Trump is willing to accept small donations moving forward. Listen. So far ive spent my own money. Ive spent i think listed at 44 million. Thats been my own money and also taken small contributions. Well probably take small contributions. Well take the limits. I dont want big contributions now. People can contribute to the party, there will be a unification. Theres no question about it. But im looking at small contributions, really, not the big ones. I dont want to have anybody have any influence over me. What is he saying, ron . Well, look, first of all, you know, the underlying premise is since george w. Bush candidates have not stayed within the Public Financing system on the general election on the president ial side which is the case in the 70s, 80s, and 90s. You talk about an enormous amount of money being raised. Its striking he had to sell buildings raising questions about liquidity which have been discussed all the way through. He has to raise money. Its going to be expensive. And the cnn poll today, i think, underscores the challenge. I agree. I think there will be high profile republican on the National Security side. In the end hell probably suffer less republican defection than it appears today because thats the nature of modern politics. The problem is, that even if republicans hold together, if the Democratic Coalition holds together, it has won the popular vote in five of the past six elections. If Hillary Clinton gets the turn out and the numbers she needs among millennials, minorities, and collegeeducated whites, especially women, its hard to overcome that. You see the numbers very starkly in your news cnn orc poll. You absolutely do, joe. Mr. Trump has a lot of work to do. What might he say to win women and minority overs . Look, theres no question he has to pick up votes in different demographics around the country. Look, the cnn poll today might be somewhat of a outlier. We saw a razz musen poll last week indicate theyre in almost tie and one indicate hes slightly ahead. We havent seen the polling needle shift as a result of his securing the nomination. When it comes down to i teach my freshman Political Science class this its better to be, at this stage, trending up than Hillary Clinton who seems to be trending down. I put my money on donald trump. I think he needs to compete hard in the rust belt states and do a good job of comparing his plan with nafta and clinton. Hes doing well among the blue collar voters. Show that Hillary Clinton has major weaknesses with that block of voters. Absolutely. So, you know, the blue curtain that Ron Brownstein coined the idea that democrats have an electoral advantage for various reasons in the general election is true, and i think that if there is a candidate on the republican side who contests that, it is donald trump. Because he appeals to voters in those states that democrats have been successful in. In michigan, in pennsylvania maybe less so in wisconsin, but in the states maybe West Virginia, which has been republican lately. But the point is that the states that have had been maybe 20 or 30 years ago swing states have been pretty securely democratic because they have felt such job loss and sort of felt the pull of the Democratic Party for that reason. Donald trump is speaking their language saying the politicians for the past several decades havent worked for you. Im different and im going to work for you. Thats a big plus for him. Thats can maybe overcome some of the republicans that hes going to lose. As he has been saying, potentially bring some new voters into the party. Ron, Something Else that donald trump is doing. He tweeted out this morning that Bernie Sanders has been cheated because the system is rigged and that seems to be a employ to convince maybe Bernie Sanders supporters that, hey, the Democratic Party is rigging the system, too. Vote for me. I can get it fixed. Yeah. Its another example of what dana was talking about. Donald trump is a disrupter. He showed it in the primaries and the general election. He will not go quietly and the box that hes locked into. There are limits what he can do mainly with sanders supporters. Sanders supporters have two main components. Blue co blue collar whites. And that does, i think, signals an opportunity for trump to kind of poach among those voters, particularly in parts of the midwest. The other part of Sanders Coalition is millennial voters. It goes to the underlying problem. If you look at his numbers millennials, nonwhite voters, and socially liberal whites, particularly women, collegeeducated white women hes starting the race in a ditch. If he cant climb out, i believe what he does everywhere else will not be enough to overcome that. I think you have to see some progress for him where the cnn and most other polling rasmussen, notwithstanding, shows him starting the race needing to do a lot of work. Thank you to all of you. Today donald trump will sit down with wolf blitzer for the First Time Since being named the presumptive nominee. It will air here on cnn. Still to come in the newsroom. The democrats battle for the 2016 nomination is over . Think again. Bernie sanders scores an upset and lives to fight another day. Geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. To folks out there whose diabetic nerve pain. Shoots and burns its way into your day, i hear you. 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Amazing closed captioning brought to you by Bernie Sanders is keeping his president ial hopes alive after upsetting Hillary Clinton in indiana. Sanders taking the states primary by five points and taking a little time to celebrate his victory. I understand that secretary clinton thinks that this campaign is over. Ive got some bad news for hillary. [ cheers and applause ] cnn joe johns has more on the democratic battle. Good morning. Good morning, carol. Bernie sanders continues to insist hes in it to win it. What he calls a narrow path to victory. The numbers and the race for the nomination continue to work against him, and we know he would need the help of superdelegates to pull it off at the convention. Sanders making the argument that his continuing campaign keeps Younger Voters energized. That would be important for any democratic nominee in a general election race. Listen i think while the path is now, i do not deny that for a moment, i think we can pull off one of the great political upsets in the history of the United States. In fact, become the nominee for the Democratic Party, and then once we secure that position, i have absolute confidence that were going to defeat donald trump in the general election. The argument against sanders staying in the race is forces the Clinton Campaign to keep one eye on the remaining primary states at a time when donald trump can claim hes the Republican Partys presumptive nominee. For her part, Hillary Clintons campaign trying to focus donald trump at the same time tweeting as he goes after women, he goes after literally every group im going to be their voice. But still the problem is, as long as sanders stays in the race and remains at least arguable, she cannot ignore the primary states that are upcoming, carol. All right, joe johns reporting live from washington. Thank you. While the door seems to be closed on the republican contested convention, is one being opened for the democrats . Lets talk about that. Bill presser, author of buyers remor remorse and Michael Nutter a Hillary Clinton supporter and former mayor of philadelphia. Bill, its mathematically impossible for sanders to catch clinton with delegates. He needs over 940 and 933 are left. Is Bernie Sanders willing to risk a loss for the democrats by forcing the idea of a contested convention . I disagree with your premise, entirely. I would have to point out neither Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders is going to be able to secure the nomination without some super delegate support. This primary, carol, is not bad for the Democratic Party. This primary is great for the Democratic Party because, first of all, it tells voters what democrats stand for in state after state after state. It brings them it excites democrats, gets people out to vote, brings in some independents, some new voters, and this is what we need. Thats what the Democratic Party needs Going Forward to win the general. There will be plenty of time to win the general election. Theres no need to pull the plug on this primary process especially when Bernie Sanders keeps winning state after state well, Hillary Clinton would probably like Bernie Sanders to step aside, but there are Important Reasons why she cant sanders to suspend his campaign, michael, because she didnt suspend her 2008 campaign until june. She needs bernies cred. Take a look at the exit polls from indiana. Hillary clinton tied with sanders among women but lost badly among men. Clinton suffered doubledigit losses between ages 17 and 29 as well as voters aged 30 through 44, and among white americans clinton faced a 16point deficit. Michael, she needs Bernie Sanders, doesnt she . All democrats need to be actively engaged and involved in this election process. Of course, secretary clinton would welcome the enthusiastic support of senator sanders when we get to that point. There are still contests, as mentioned earlier, and shes going to continue to be a great candidate in those contests. But at the same time, again, if youre going to be president of the United States of america, you really have to be able to do more than one thing at a time. It is appropriate for her now that the republican train wreck has arrived in the station that secretary clinton must, also, as the leaving candidate on the democratic side, must spend some time and attention focussed on the dangerous nature of the possibility of donald trump being president of the United States of america. That is a dangerous possibility. People are nervous across the country and around the world about that. And it is her responsibility as the leading democratic candidate at the moment to also spend some time focussed on the dangerous and outrageous nature of a trump candida candidacy. Hes clearly going to be the republican nominee. So the question is how do you fight back against donald trump who will, many say hell pull every trick, right. Itll be a dirty campaign. But, bill, i guess ill ask the question to you. Should she do what ted cruz did as a lastditch effort . I want to remind our viewers what he said right before the indiana primary. This man is a pathological liar. He doesnt know the difference between truth and dies. He lies practically every word that comes out of his mouth. He combines it at a narcissist. The man is utterly morality doesnt exist for him. That didnt work for ted cruz. Some people felt it should have come earlier and would have worked. Should Hillary Clinton try that . Here is my opinion is, i dont think that will work for anybody. It didnt work for marco rubio. Donald trump is very clever. He was able to convince those other 16 people and bring them down and force several of them by getting them to sink as low as he did and when they tried it they failed. I have to agree with mayor nutter. I bet well see Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton draw he would take this country in a very dangerous direction. Theyre going to draw that contrast. But they will not, in my judgment, they will not sink to that personal level of attack. It would be a mistake to do so. Its not in Bernie Sanders nature nor Hillary Clintons nature. Stick to the issues and policy. But, michael, its worked for donald trump. Donald trump is an idiot and a showman. Right. So Hillary Clinton and senator sanders are both adults. They are serious people. Theyre about serious business, and secretary clinton, as i know her, is not going to conduct herself in any way, shape, or form like some of the insanity we saw on the republican side. You know, my father see, michael, you called donald trump an idiot. Sometimes it slips out. Yeah. Ive said it before. But im not running for president of the United States of america. Hillary clinton is going to talk about the issues. Shes going talk about things that matter to americans, you know, the truth is an affirmative defense. So you dont fight the other fighters fight. Shes not going to engage with him in that kind of as bill said, race to the bottom. She has real things to talk about. He wants to be an entertainer and showman spouting off all kinds of things. Shes about trying to be the president of United States of america which is a serious job for a serious person not a reality tv star. Okay Michael Nutter and bill press, thank you. Thank you. Still to come in the newsroomroom. Senator ted cruz may be out but john kasich will not quit. The Ohio Governor about to speak. We were in a german dance group. I wore lederhosen. So i just started poking around on ancestry. Then, i decided to have my dna tested through ancestry dna. It turns out im scottish. So, i traded in my lederhosen for a kilt. Britta olsen is my patient. I spend long hours with her checking her heart rate, administering her medication, and just making her comfortable. One night britta told me about a tradition in denmark, when a person dies, she said, someone must open the window so the soul can depart. I smiled and squeezed her hand. Not tonight, britta. Not tonight. [ female announcer ] to nurses everywhere, thank you, from johnson johnson. But ive managed. E Crohns Disease is tough,verywhere, except that managing my symptoms was all i was doing. And when i finally told my doctor, he said humira is for adults like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe Crohns Disease. And that in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. And many achieved remission. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Ask your gastroenterologist about humira. With humira, remission is possible. What would help is simply being able to recognize a fair price. Truecar has pricing data on every make and model, so all you have to do is search for the car you want, there it is. Now youre an expert in less than a minute. This is truecar. At least three people dead in more than a dozen wounded after a Maternity Hospital is hit by shelling by the syrian city of aleppo. Days after the last pediatrician was killed in a separate hospital bombing. According to a human rights group, clashes between the syrian army and rebel forces are the fiercist theyve been in a rear. Russia said it carried out nearly 100 strikes against isis targets in the last four days. With me is cnns frederick plykin. What is happening . Caller well, the russian despite the fact they said they would deploy most their forces have a big presence on the ground in syria. They have a huge deployment of air force at their Main Air Base here. [ inaudible ] almost a hundred raids in the past four days alone. Right now they took us to a place called hama which is a place that has a considerable presence of rebels an offshoot of isis. They recently signed a reconciliation agreement. The russians are very concerned about the state of the ceasefire in syria. They said there are major bre h breaches. All right, were going to lose the connection there there, as you might imagine, its difficult to get a clear signal. Frederick, lei trpleitgen. And good morning. Im carol costello. Thank you for joining me. Senator ted cruz might be out but john kasich is still in. Hell speak to reporters in minutes. I suspect hell say what his Campaign Manager did via tweet last night. Quote, until someone has the 1237 delegates, theres no presumptive nominee. California, here we come governor kasich is asking california to ignore the fact that ted cruz and marco rubio have more delegates than he earned. Mr. Kasich won one state to donald trump. Many are poking fun. This one, quote, kasich staying in the race to take advantage of the free food. And another, quote, leave the race . Im in the middle of breakfast. Im not making any statements until im done. Phil mattingly is at Dulles Airport where kasich is expected to speak soon. Reporter the reality of the race is another. Trailing donald trump by more than 900 delegates and lagging finances. John kasich is not going anywhere. At least what his advisors are saying. Thats what we expect him to say when he comes to Dulles Airport. The rationale ive been given is this. He tells a story about when around schwarzenegger told him during the governors races. Love the beatings. The kasich staff said kasich is willing to take the beatings, love the beatings. As long as it gives him an opportunity to challenge donald trump. Thats the concern he has about trump candidacy what a trump candidacy would do upanddown the ballot through the entire party. He believes hell hold himself out there as the only alternative left. Even if the path is very unclear. And, carol, for those questioning whether or not he would show up and decide to drop out, his campaign deciding to do a little jump off National Star wars day with the thfamous. John kasich has no intention of getting out of this race. So, carol, as you see having a good time with it. One of the interesting things Going Forward john kasich has about a dozen fundraisers scheduled and a trip out west scheduled. He has plans to keep going. What were looking for in a couple of minutes when he shows is your pathway and how do you win . Theres a big question if he can answer the question. As of now, carol, still staying in the race no matter what donald trump or even the Republican National Committee Chairman are willing to say about it. Im still pondering around schwarzeneggers advice. You have to love the beatings. Doesnt that make you a masochist . A little bit probably, but if youre running a president ial candidate maybe you are. If youre at this point in the president ial campaign, you certainly are as well. One thing quickly, what the rnc chairman did last night by calling donald trump is the presumptive nominee is no small thing. Its a loaded term saying he gets the rncs support. He can work hand and hand on their finances and ground game, on the convention. That was more damaging than perhaps anything else that john kasichs campaign. John kasichs chief vast gist saying thats not going to change their calculation. A lot of questions john kasich has to answer as to why he believes its worth it when he shows up in a couple of minutes. Okay. Well get back there when john kasich shows up at Dulles Airport. Ill be right back. What is freedom . Yes, its riding a horse across fields and stuff but its mostly getting to watch your directv with unlimited data from at t. Were setting families free. So they can stream away and not squabble over whos using how much. So go, family. Watch. Freedom. Seize the data get unlimited data when you have at t wireless and directv. Switch now and get 650 credits, per line. Spending the day with my niece. That make me smile. I dont use super poligrip for hold, because my dentures fit well. 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John kasich set to speak at any moment now, and hell explain, i guess, to the entire country, why he decided to stay in the race and not drop out like senator cruz. Well see what he has to say in minutes, i hope. Lets talk about the never Trump Campaign. 50i 75 million and not enough to stop donald trump. Where does the Never Trump Movement go . Some Top Republicans say trump is leading them to the democrats. A former top ate to senator john mccain said, quote, the gop is going to nominate for president the guy who reads the National Enquirer and joining me now is Jason Johnson along with Phil Mattingly who have been following the candidates. Good morning. Good morning. Jason, do you think those republicans say theyll switch over and vote for Hillary Clinton, will that hold until the election . Carol, i dont think its going to hold, but its certainly going to hold donald trump back. He may be the huge empire that has taken every everything and beat down 15 additional candidates, but at the end of the day, he hasnt won over enough of the republican base. I think the fear is youre going to have them voting for Hillary Clinton. But i think youll have republicans who stay home. If they stay home, that doesnt just hurt Donald Trumps chances. Thats all the down ballot races. Thats why so you people now worried that republicans could lose the senate and not have a chance at the white house. Interesting. Some exit polls show 71 of cruz voters would not vote for donald trump if hes the gop nominee. Why . Well, this is such an interesting question. I think that clearly shows that the wounds are still very raw from what can only be described as a very bruising primary campaign. I think there is a sense within the Cruz Campaign world, and at some point, senator cruz will make a stance on whether he supports donald trump as the nominee or not in whatever format that takes place. Weather he doesnt say and thats the answer or whether he makes formal remarks about this. Certainly, that would be important for his supporters to get a signal from ted cruz whether he believes they should go on to support donald trump. It was interesting. I asked him at his last Campaign Event in indianapolis on his way out en route back home if he would support donald trump as a nominee. Very clear he doesnt want to engage over that. He would not answer repeated questions. So this will be interesting to watch from him Going Forward. You know, this is always the thing that continued him in the last days of him campaign. Will you support donald trump as a nominee . Aids admit that was certainly struck a chord that donald trump went after his family, not only heidi cruz, but his father. That had a big residence innocence and potentially his decision Going Forward. I want to talk about john kasich set to speak at the Dulles Airport moments from now. I think voters are scratching their heads. Marco rubio has more delegates than john kasich. He won won state. Im not getting it. I think if you were to look what john kasich is thinking is the race has become bigger than perhaps winning the getting the 1237. The race has become about the choice between donald trump and the choice between another direction which john kasich believes he represents. One of the most interesting limits if you look at the stop Trump Movement it dumped cash into backing ted cruz and largely ignored john kasich. I think the hope is in the wake of cruz pulling out, perhaps that money will start to come his way. They need it very, very badly. Ive talked to a number of republican donors over the last 12 hours or so and theyre saying were closing up the wallets. One thing you hear consistently from the kasich team is the frustration they havent gotten the same outside support that cruz has and the hope that maybe cruz backing out sends that support in their direction. Carol, you bring up a good point. Donors are thinking what youre thinking now. Why are we going to give money, when we dont see a legitimate path forward . Thats the case kasich has to make over the next couple of days to keep the campaign financed. Jason, i suppose theres still a little bit of time for a third party candidate. Is that next for the Never Trump Movement . I mean, they can try with but who are they going to put their money behind . John kasich ends up fourth place in a threeman race. The Never Trump Movement, i think, its going to become the stay home movement. They dont have anyone they can support. People never liked ted cruz. Marco rubio was the little boy that could but never really made it. At this point you have to vote for donald trump. Were going to see it, carol. All the people will slowly pivot over the summer and say, all right, i guess donald trump is better than hillary. Weve heard it from bobby jindal. The issue is who decides to hold their nose and vote for trump and who decides theyre going to stay home. The Never Trump Movement is over. So might ted cruz back the Never Trump Movement . Actually, the more interesting question does he regret going off on that tangent against donald trump on the day of the indiana primary . I think so. I think that ted cruz regrets a lot of things. Go ahead. I was going to say, if i could, i think it probably was c can that is rightic there was one phrase in the press conference yesterday morning where he said let me just speak my mind on this and tell you what i think about donald trump and talking to aids how he came to the decision and made the decision. It was something he battled with monday night going into tuesday. Didnt make his final decision and drop out until late in the day tuesday. But it was very clear that donald trump really got under his skin and certainly in the final hours that specific attack on his father really struck a chord. So i dont know if theres a regret. I think he felt like he was unloading and Going Forward aids say that the tone that he took in that final message he intended to send to donald trump is something very important Going Forward. So what were talking about him potentially throwing his support behind the stop trump Never Trump Movement or potentially supporting him as a nominee, i think we can give a lot of weight to those words he said yesterday morning. So, phil, you know, ted cruz has been saying that john kasichs real motive is be Donald Trumps, you know, vp. Right. Donald trump came out today and said his running mate will be a republican and have some government experience. Is that possible, you think . If anything that has been proven over the election cycle, i think anything is possible. John kasich is definitive. He doesnt want to be the vice president. His aids have been clear he would say no. Now everybody more or less says that when theyre running an active campaign. But i think the way john kasich has set himself up for the last three weeks with the alliance, with ted cruz, with making almost the entire campaign he has left about stopping donald trump, about what a bad candidate in john kasichs way of thinking donald trump is should take him out in the running. You would think that donald trump said nice things about john kasich in the past. I would be surprised if thats something he would consider. All right. Thank you to all of you. Still to come president obama is heading to flint, michigan. Will he drink the water . When consultant josh atkins books at laquinta. Com. He gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. 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Reporter the white house has been asked if the president will have a photo op drinking flint water. They say no big photo op is planned but i wouldnt be surprised if the president drank some water. Well have to be watching. He has a jam packed day ahead when he lands a short time from now. Hell meet with federal officials responding to the crisis in flint. Hell hold a round table with families affected by the lead contamination crisis. Lead exposure in Young Children can cause behavioral problems, low iq, and that sort of things. He was invited to visit by a young 8yearold girl known as little miss flint. She wrote to the president talking about the lead crisis. Here she is reading from the letter. Speak out for us all the kids that live here. I was very excited because i didnt know he was going to write me back. Shes very excited the president wrote her back. He wanted her to be the first to know he was coming to visit today and later in the day hell hold a speech at a high school in north flint. A predominantly africanamerican neighborhood. Talking about the importance of infrastructure and public health. I hope he meets that cutie. Still to come in the newsroom startling new details about the final hours in the life of prince. Im terrible at golf. He is. But id like to keep being terrible at golf for as long as i can. New patented ensure enlive has hmb plus 20 grams of protein to help rebuild muscle. For the strength and energy to do what you love. New ensure enlive. Always be you. Intenselyflavored. Colorfullydiverse. Beautifullymisshapen. Cultivated for generations, its the unexpected hero of any dish. When you cook with incredible ingredients. You make incredible meals. Fresh ingredients. Stepbysteprecipes. Delivered to your door. Get your first two meals free blueapron. Com cook. Checking top stories for you 58 minutes past. The Minneapolis Star Tribune is reporting the day before princes death the Musicians Team reached out to an addiction expert to meet with him. A specialists son flew overnight to minnesota but failed to reach prince in time. He later discovered prince in an elevator. Hes the one that made that 911 call. Cnn is reaching out to the doctor and princes representatives for comments. We know the identity of the u. S. Navy s. E. A. L. Killed by isis forces in iraq. 31yearold Charles Keating iv from arizona. Hes the grandson of Charles Keating jr. The savings and loans financer. He was advising Kurdish Forces when 100 fighters broke through using bulldozers. Keating died in a gun battle that ensued. Detroit schools reopened today after a massive sick out over teacher pay forced a two day shut down. Teachers being assured theyll be paid for the full school year. Many say the latest dispute highlights school life problems including overcrowding and poor classroom conditions. A massive wild fire forcing an entire city in alberta, canada to evacuate. All 80,000 people in Fort Mcmurray forced to flee in the largest wild Fire Evacuation in the provinces history. Theyre battling explosive conditions. Those conditions are expected to get much worse today. Well keep you posted. Thank you for joining me today. Im carol costello. We left it all on the field in indiana. We gave it everything weve got, but the voters chose another path. Were going after Hillary Clinton. She will not be a great president. She would not be a good president. She would be a poor president. Im focussed on moving into the general election. Were going to have a tough campaign against a candidate who will literally say or do anything. I understand that secretary clinton thinks that this campaign is over. Ive got some bad news for her. Hello everyone im kate ball

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