Have we are well aware you look at other places. We are well aware. You say that so routinely. Ive been on the ground. Ive talked to those communities and the french authorities. That thats what you say the police are all over that country and they are doing a lot of policing. But more importantly to your point, i would say the opposite really. You see the french more embracing of people around them. You see them living their lives. You see them refusing to accept fear as the basis for their behavior. Whereas here in a country that is known as a symbol of freedom is saying were too afraid to be collusilue inclusive. Were going to ban an entire religion even though we need to do things on a casebycase basis. And it seems as you are acting out of fear and rejecting what america is all about. Dont tell me about paris. Paris is under tremendous siege. They are absolutely in fear in paris. They have heightened awareness. They do not have fear and they are not acting out of it. Come on. Of course they have fear. They want to leave, theyre petrified. What are they doing . Are they banning all muslims . Lets see. Maybe they are going to have to. Im talking about the temporary situation until our countrys representatives can figure out what the hell is going on, chris. Your Party Leaders reject this nokts notion. I dont care about them. Look. Ive been a politician for six months. I dont care im doing whats right. How is that right . Excuse me chris, can i talk for two seconds. Go ahead. But i want you to tell me why its right in america. Can i talk for two seconds, chris. Go ahead, please. We have people out there that want to do great destruction to our country. Whether its 2 or 5 or its too much. They want our buildings to come down. They want and many of them want to come from outside of our country. I am saying that until we figure this out we should have a ban. It is very simple. We are at war. I live it. We you said the thing. We understand the threat very well. A and. Why do what destroys america who we dont even know who they are what destroys america no documentation, no paperwork. Why do we insist on destroying our country. What tears at fabric more than chris in the. In the land of religious freedom. Why arent we allowing the christians in . Thats not true. It is largely true because the percentage is massively in favor of the muslims. You have a massive muslim population. Excuse me. The ones in bigger danger are the christians. They are being allowed into the Refugee Program. We are not allowing the christians into anywhere near the extent that we should be. People like you say Syrian Refugees shouldnt come in. Show can you let the we should not let them in. We dont know if they are isis. We dont know if they are a o trojan horse. Why arent we letting the christians in . You tell me. O beam set a policy or something. We dont want to be like paris why you cant go into the city. Where the police are afraid to go into certain sections of paris. That is a mythology. They are going, they are doing operation bis the hundreds. They are getting a handle on the situation but most importantly they are staying together. And i think your poll data actually reflects a responsibility on you mr. Trump. Because people are listening to you. And america is great because it is yoournted. Because i have common sense. This does not sound like common sense to a lot of people. I have common sense. I know what has to be done. And we dont want to have a situation like paris. And we dont want to have another World Trade Center, which by the way they tried to knock down twice the first time they were unsuccessful. We dont want that chris. We need intelligence in this country. We need a certain toughness in this country. Or were going to end up like a lot of other places and were not going to have a country left. But trumps critics say it proposal isnt just offensive its dangerous. All of this happening as the new poll shows trump tightening his grip around the top spot. Joining me now larry sabado. Also cnn political analyst and editor of the daily beast john aval avalon. John, first to you. We just heard that lively discussion between cuomo and trump. Chris basically said look, this goes to the heart of the fabric of the United States. The freedom of religion. But john this seems to be resonating, this proposal with trumps supporters. We heard them cheering when he talked about it last night. Why is that . Some things are much more important than shortterm political cheers. One of those would be the u. S. Constitution. And populist appeals, people will cheer anything especially if they feel afraid that seems to offer them a salve. So its not whether it resonates in shortterm. Its whether it actually contradict ours core values and the u. S. Constitution and this proposal absolutely does. But larry, i mean, he is the front runner. People clearly, the more he talks about this and has this rhetoric it seems his poll numbers go up. Doesnt that matter . His poll numbers go up in the republican segment of the population. There is a large nativist population within the Republican Party that strongly backs donald trump. However, i would argue that it is not large enough to nominate him. And i think that will play out come 2016. Look, his supporters, as john correctly notes will support him even more intensely because of this proposal. But just about everybody else will be reminded of what will happen if donald trump should become the republican nominee or president. Unending controversy. Controversy for breakfast, controversy for lunch and controversy for dinner. And john, you raised let alone the constitution here and how this could be a violation of freedom of religion and other amendments. But, you know, there is also just other practical aspects. How do you test peoples religion when they cross a border . I mean, we can go on and on. Trump said back in september i love muslims. I would have a muslim as part of my cabinet. Obviously this is a stark difference. Is he just capitalizing on fears right now in the wake of the terrorist attacks . Of course. I mean thats of course he. Is it is a naked attempt. And again done in a press release. Not an off comment. In one of the rambling speeches he gives that are a combination of entertainment and old time demagoguery. This is a policy proposal from the leading republican candidate for president and thats why it should be taken seriously. And why frankly i think it is time to take a stand against him. Now is the time to call this out. Policies that appeal to fear can do very well in the shortterm but they are really dangerous to the country and constitution in the long run. The shortterm standard is the political popularity. It is contradiction to core values and documents in our country. That is why this matters and its much bigger than simply partisan primary politics. And almost immediately we saw the gop backlash. Just about every candidate has come out and said something to the extent of this is rehenceable and goes against the fabric of the United States. Do you think this is the straw that breaks the camels back . There vab have been a lot of straws and i dont think it will break the back of those strong supporters. But i tell you the effect it is having. We have talked about trump having a strong floor of supporters that keeps him up in the mid twenties lets say. But he also has a very low ceiling. And that low ceiling is in perhaps the mid 30s. What this controversy is doing, because it is so universal opposed by his other candidates, the other candidates running against him, it is taking the concrete of the ceiling and reinforcing it. Making it stronger. So that it will be even more difficult for him to ever breakthrough that ceiling. But john, just quickly in that interview with chris. Trump said towards the end, look. This is common sense. And that is really all along is what hes just been saying what he thinks. He says im not into politics. Im not going to play those games. This is common sense. Clearly the American People though. This is really resonating with them. Why . Why from your perspective . From your analysis why . I dont know if you can say its resonating with the American People . Its resonating with that core pace. Conservati conservati conservative populists based on fear and a bullying ideology that is contrary to best traditions of the Republican Party. And i remind you, the oldest mosque in america is in cedar rapids iowa. The governor welcomed refugees in in the wake of the vietnam war. There are other better, deeper traditions in the Republican Party and those are what we need to repair to right now and not give into to shortterm polls that reflect the worst fears of the American People. When it comes to criticism, trump is taking heat from both sides of the aisle as we just talked about. For more on that lets bring in cnn political reporter sarah murray. It didnt like long for other candidates to chime in on this. Absolutely right pam. And like you said it was almost universal. We saw jeb bush tweeting hes unhingded. And the Lindsey Graham saying not just that its outrageous but also dangerous. And this is basically what weve heard from most of the republican field. One glaring exception is ted cruz. He basically said this isnt my plan and he laid out his own strategy. And that gives you a sense of how ted cruz is really competing to peel away the same base of supporters of trump. Hes been really careful about criticizing trump and this proposal seems to be no different. What is your reaction to trump . Disgusted. I want to talk tooth the Trump Supporters for a minute. I dont know who you are and i dont know why you like this guy. Donald trump always plays on everyones worst instincts and fears and saying were not going to let a single muslim into this country is a dangerous overreaction. I think Donald Trumps statements are the sort of demagoguery that sometimes precedes fascism. And its outrageous. And we have to speak out against it. There is a sense of the reactions. And were getting it on both sides of the aisle. Bernie sanders, Hillary Clinton have also panned this proposal coming from donald trump. The real question as uyou were talking about is whether this really moves his numbers. And if trump, i thisty reality is there is a base that he knows this proposal could appeal to and could move him even higher in the republican primary. In this press release he mentioned a poll basically saying those polled, Something Like 25 of american muslims would want to commit jihad or think that violence is justified. What more do we know about this poll and the center for Security Policy . This is a poll that wouldnt rise to cnn standards. They have been known for putting forward a lot of conspiracy theories and it is not surprising this is one of the institutes donald trump would turn to. He doesnt hold himself to the same polling standards as cnn. And you see that donald trump is trying to paint all muslims with the same brush. All muslims with the idea that these people want to do harm to america. And i think that is kind of what you see in this policy. It doesnt differentiate between radical islamic terrorists and islam in general. And i think that is the reason you are seeing this harsh push back. And other polls, saying a majority of muslims around the world condemn violence. And still to come, donald trump may be getting heat for his call to ban muslims from the u. S. But his supporters are embracing the idea in a big way. L to support an important cause that can change the way you live for years to come. How can you help . By giving a little more, to yourself. 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Donald trump is now saying muslims should not be allowed to enter this country until the u. S. Figures out whats going on. Do you agree with that . Why . I dont want them here. That is a very prudent idea. And i think hes done very Due Diligence when he makes that statement. We have to protect our american citizens first and the vetting process and the whole program lacks integrity. Are you in favor of bombing terrorist homes . Absolutely. Absolutely. People will continue to reproduce and they will raise children in their believes. Somebody just needs to go in there and take control of this. I just think it is going rampant and im worried about america. Im worried about our safety. They are getting in. They need to be stopped. So clearly this idea resonating with Trump Supporters. Joining me now, National Spokes american for the trump campaign, katrina tearnan. I first want to talk about this flur of criticism and get your response. Theres been no shortage of the criticism from candidates on both sides of the aisle. Many are saying this is unamerican and offensive. Your thoughts . Well i dont think its unamerican or offensive it. Just goes to show you the difference between politically correct career politicians and a wartime commander. The people you interviewed are very concerned and i think its appalling that people are shocked there is actually who wants to put the safety of americans first. And it is not against the values. When in United States history have we ever allowed insurgents into the country during wartime . Never. He said it on fox news last night, Good Morning America this morning. This is just people who are coming into this country who are not citizens and we have legislation right now being discussed to do just that. With regards to the visa waiver system or refugee. So this is nothing new. You are painting a broad brush there katrina, saying that all muslims who come into the u. S. Are insurgents. A majority of muslims condemn this kind of violence. And what about the first Opening Statement . Freedom of religion. Doesnt this violate that . Im very glad you asked that question. Were not saying all muslims are insurgents. Whether were doing is listening to the intelligence out of the u. S. Government. When you have fbi director comey saying there is no vetting process for refugees. And when we have the chairman of the Homeland Security telling us the National Counterterrorism center has identified those people inside the refugees program. And no the constitution does not apply to foreign nationals and we do have freedom of of religion in this country. Be i have to tell you if your freedom of religion includes purse keatitone purse persecuti other religions. This ban is for all museum lips according to trump. Not just insurgents. Not just those with jihadist ideology. Well the beauty of this country and the founding of immigrant asks imgrants that are coming to this country, they value freedom. And they value the constitution. The freedom of speech. The right to bear arms. The freedom of property, prosperity and freedom of religion. These insurgents dont want that. We are talking about the people who are trying to come here to get rid of this idea. And its temporary. And these are the exact same measures being discussed in congress. To pause the Refugee Program or de fund it until we can figure out it is far ke. I want you to take a look at this cover. This is from the philly daily news. It shows Trump Holding his hand up in the air. Obviously a gesture made to look like a nazi salute. Are his critics right though saying that trump is simply playing on peoples fears right now . No. I dont think trump is the one out there swearing to strap on a suicide vest and murder americans. Trump is the one saying we should defend americans first. Hes playing on strengths. American values are protecting americans first. Not anybody else and no im not surprised that the media is out there trying to compare him to hitler, that other republicans are out there trying to compare him to hitler. And when in United States history was it okay to politicize the holocaust but this is where we are today. Weve reached a point the in the country, are we going to continue to do more of the same . Or are we going to finally take a step back and evaluate the processes in this country and actually do something about it . What about the muslims already in the u. S. Katrina . Well this doesnt apply to them. There are three million in this country. And in they are not planning to kill americans they have nothing to worry about. What about but what we do know is that we have eighty radicalized mosques in this country. What data is that from project . The clarion project has hosted a entire list about it. And they have themselves have radicalized individuals or they are hosting radicalized individuals. We also know from San Bernardino that the neighbors were afraid to Say Something. They were multi Million People going in and out of that house. We cant just say there were only two involved here. Ple peop in and out of that house. We cant just say there were only two involved here. There is concern people dont raise the alarm perhawhen they should. There are those in the community who are helping and they dont believe jihad is part of their religion. You dont see enough of that and it didnt stop those people from dieing in San Bernardino. But right here in texas. This man took a suitcase with something that looked like a clock to school. The teacher saw something and said something. She was at risk of losing her job. The district is being sued for 15 Million Dollars and now you have the attorney general saying were going to prosecute people that Say Something . How can you live in this backwards way of terrorism . Interesting to hear your perspective. And were going hear from an imam on the other side of the break. Stay with us. This is the one place were not afraid to fail. Some of these experiments may not work. But a few might shape the future. Like turning algae into biofuel. New technology for capturing co2 emissions. And cars twice as efficient as the average car today. Ideas exxonmobil scientists are working on to make energy go further. No matter how many tries it takes. Energy lives here. Spending the day with my niece. That make me smile. I dont use super poligrip for hold, because my dentures fit well. Before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. Even well fitting dentures let in food particles. Just a few dabs of super poligrip free is clinically proven to seal out more food particles so youre more comfortable and confident while you eat. 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Like these two, this husband and wife this, horrendous, horrible husband and wife. You have many other people like that in this country. Many other people that are having checks deposited in their account to do destruction. And we have to find out what were doing. So i want to bring you now imam, chaplain at princeton university. Im interested to hear your thoughts and your response from Trump Supporters embracing trumps remarks. Take a listen. This is outrageous. Coming from someone who wants to assume the highest office in the land. It is reckless and simply unamerican. Donald trump sounds more like a leader of a lynch mob that is a great nation like ours. That was the reaction from the muslim community. But other side of this is this dichotomy of Trump Supporters cheering. What is your reaction to the fact that so many of his supporters agree with this idea to bran muslims from coming into the u. S. I think in every time whenever there is a crisis you will see the best of human beings and you will see the worst of the human beings. And i think that people who buy into a culture of fear are really increasing the culture of chaos. And leading to really disastrous consequences. Some of which we probably havent even seen yet. But do you think that they have a right to be fearful in the wake of the terrorist attacks what we saw in paris and elsewhere . And with isis . Well obviously these are times to be afraid. There is a lot of violence happening in the world and violence in our own society. But in america, gun violence happens just about every single day in the country and 99 it is not perpetrated by muslims. It is perpetrated by other groups of people. So the problem is the violence and the evil instincts within human beings and that is what we need to fight against whether through philosophy or law enforcement. But, you know, casting the blaim on an entire group of people whether they belong to a particular religion or culture is buying into the worst instincts that human beings may have. Are you concerned these comments could perhaps fuel a black lash against Muslim Americans . Well they already are . And the culture of islamic phobia, the rhetoric of it has been the consistent part of the narrative since 9 11. And just about every single time there is an election cycle we find that rhetoric heightened and weve seen that mosques have been burned down. Weve seen individual muslims attacked. And, you know, there have been obviously very terrible consequences to this type of rhetoric. But, you know, one of the things that i really want to point out is that as americans we are better than that. And the number of stories of people who have reached out to muslims who have gone with the better instincts within themselves, is really what makes me proud to be an american. And i think what we should be focusing on. I think donald trump and his supporters will be in the dust bin of history and they will not gain much traction past a few months from now. But you cant deny hes the front runner right now in the republican president ial race. What was your reaction when you heard his remarks yesterday . The fact he wants to impose this travel ban on muslims . I would say, you know, is that isis is to islam what donald trump is to american value, a complete distortion of everything that we as a country and a society stand for. And i think that what donald trump is arguing for is something that just buys into fear and is really just creating a situation that is going to cause enmitty and fear and suspicious among people. I think hes clearly disqualified himself from being the president of the United States. But it is not just donald trump. I know a lot of republican candidates are jumping on trump about his latest comments but a lot of republican candidates have really been using similar type of rhetoric throughout the electionel and th election cycle as well. Appreciate your thoughts. And still to come here in newsroom. Donald trump creates a new fire storm creating for a ban on all muslims entering the use u. S. How the gop front runner the firing back. You want i fix this mess . A mess . I dont think whats that . Snapshot from progressive. Plug it in, and you can save on Car Insurance based on your good driving. You sell to me . No, its free. You want to try . I try this if you try. Not this. Okay. Da iand quit a lot,t but ended up nowhere. Now i use this. The nicoderm cq patch, with unique extended release technology, helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. I want this time to be my last time. Thats why i choose nicoderm cq. Its been described as the tirade to exploit peoples fears. Trump would stop terrorists from getting in. We now know malik entered on a k1 visa but there were no red flags at the time. The Obama Administration is now reviewing that visa process. And better understanding this is immigration attorney maurice goldman. Thank you for coming on. We have a lot to discuss on this. But first i want to get your take on what trump has said. What is your take on this notion of an antimuslim america . First of all thank you for having me on pamela. What mr. Trump is saying is taking xenophobia to a level we have not seen in modern history. I find it to be vile. I dont think there is any place for this sort of rhetoric in our current dialogue. And i think it really does ultimately harm the United States and puts us in a position where we could be perpting more hatred and violence. Lets talk about malik. She was born in pakistan, and obtained this visa to come to the u. S. And a year and a half later she launches a terrorist attack here and now were finding out it appears she was radicalized before ever coming to the u. S. That seems like a Huge National security gap. Did the authorities miss something here . Or is the system just not Strong Enough . What ive been saying since this incident occurred last week is that we have to take a step back. We have to wait for more information to be released regarding the vetting process that went on when ms. Malik went to get her visa. The k1 fiance visa does involve multiple agencies. There are multiple layers of vetting that goes on. That includes background checks based on bio metrics data, facial recognition software, name checks. There are interviews that occur. And especially since 9 11 there has been higher levels of scrutiny, especially of individuals coming from muslim countries. The government will look at where these individuals have traveled over the past five years before swrg the United States. Entering the United States. To say there might have been a mishap or gap in security might be jumping the gun. The other thing i would note. That over the past 25 years the statistic statistics have demonstrated over 500,000 of these visas have been issued worldwide to those who entered the United States, got married and ultimately many of them became permanent residents. And this is the one incident where an individual actually turned around and became unfortunately a terrorist. I think it is fair to say it is the exception not the norm. But concerning nonetheless. Maurice goldman, thank you very much. And still to come. Were red flags missed in San Bernardino . What we just found out about the terrorist couple and what they were doing days before their killing spree. Thousands of people came out today to run the race for retirement. So we asked them. Are you completely prepared for retirement . Okay, mostly prepared . Could you save 1 more of your income . 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In the country have in common . Many of them now call Cancer Treatment centers of america home. Expert medicine works here. Find out why at cancer center. Com. Cancer Treatment Centers of america. New information this morning on the San Bernardino killers past and what they did just days before gunning down 14 people. The fbi says shooter syed farook and Tashfeen Malik had been radicalized for quite some time before isis proclaimed itself to be a caliphate. But its still unclear where and by whom. They frequented local gun ranges, practicing at least once in the week leading up to the massacre. Dan simon is in San Bernardino this morning covering the story. Dan, whats the latest . Reporter well, good morning, pamela. Authorities say no question both of these shooters were radicalized and that in the days before the shooting, they went to a target range, ostensibly to practice their aim. Were also learning that when authorities went to the house, they found a pipe bombmaking factory, if you will. They found 19 pipes. Thats more, of course, than the 12, the figure originally given. We know this is a very large investigation, pamela. Were told that 320 pieces of evidence have been collected. There have been 400 interviews. In the meantime, the attorney for the farook family is speaking out. And once again, he is reiterating the family was unaware of the plot. Syed and tashfeen, they were very isolated. And honestly, the family was completely surprised and devastated and have been crying for the past, you know since wednesday, since the time of the incident and praying about the event. But no one had any knowledge. If anybody would have, they definitely would have done something to stop it. Well, we are getting some new information about Tashfeen Malik, and this information comes from a former classmate, and it is seemingly at odds with somebody who was a radical. This is what the former classmate tells cnn. That tashfeen had a wide circle of friends. She pointed out boys that she thought were cute. That she spoke about social networks and chatting online. That she was not very religious and did not pray five times a day. Again, pamela, that does not sound like a radical. But then again, as we have all been reporting, we dont know at what point she became the islamic terrorist that Authorities Say she became. And its challenging to pinpoint exactly when someone becomes radicalized. Its not just like a switch turns on. Dan spooim simon, thank you very much. Up next in the newsroom hear donald trump and the entire cnn interview, up next. Its a highly thercontagious disease. Here. It can be especially serious even fatal to infants. Unfortunately, many people who spread it may not know they have it. Its called whooping cough. And the cdc recommends everyone, including those around babies, make sure their whooping cough vaccination is up to date. 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Take a listen. Mr. Trump, thank you for joining us. Your proposition is plain. Ban all muslims until we can figure out whats going on. People are asking you how you would do that. I say lets put that to the side. Its irrelevant. Its about the concept. You have leaders from your own party in the key states of iowa, new hampshire, south carolina. You have galvanized political rifles, all saying this is unamerican and extreme, and that it makes you a fascist. How do you respond . Well, i totally disagree. You take a look, chris, at whats going on, and it is disgraceful. First of all, you know, people quickly forget World Trade Center one, World Trade Center number two. And you take a look at all of the things that are happening, having to do with the problems. Now you have the problem in california, where and miraculously, 28,000 just found in just put in this guys account, this horrible person. This killer, this maniac, into his account. I have no doubt that we have no choice but to do exactly what i said, until our countrys representatives can figure out what the hell is going on. Because we have a problem in this country. You look at paris, you look at the carnage that took place in paris. But look at paris beyond that. Paris is no longer the beautiful, gorgeous city. Paris has a tremendous amount of problems. They have areas in paris that have been radicalized where the police refused to go in and look it. We are well aware. You look at london and other places. We are well aware. Mr. Trump, heres the point. You say that so routinely. Because ive been on the ground in those communities. Ive talked to the french authorities. Totally out of control, so dangerous. Thats what you say. The police are all over that country right now and doing a lot of policing. But more importantly, to your point. I would say it is the opposite reality. You see the french being more embracing of people around them. You see them living their lives. You see them refusing to accept fear as a basis for behavior. Whereas here, what youre doing in the country that is known as a symbol of freedom, is saying were too afraid to be inclusive. Were going to reject the promise of america and ban an entire religion, even though we need to do things on a casebycase basis. And it seems as though youre acting out of fear, not making us look strong, and rejecting what america is all about. U. K. Is not doing this, france is not doing this. Dont tell me about paris. Paris is under tremendous siege. They are absolutely in fear in paris. Dont tell me paris is they have heightened awareness. They do not have fear and theyre not acting out of it. Thats why of course they have fear. Of course they have fear. Its how you behave in that environment. They want to leave, theyre petrifi petrified. What are they doing . Banning all muslims . Lets see. Maybe theyre going to have to. Thats not even on the table. Im talking about a temporary situation until our countrys representatives can figure out what the hell is going on, chris. The timing is irrelevant. Listen, we have the World Trade Center number one. We had World Trade Center number two. We had many other things happen. Then the other day we had the california attack where these two animals, theyre total animals, they became radicalized and they wanted to do far more damage than that. Whats even more disturbing in terms of looking into the future is other people knew what they were doing. There were bombs pipe bombs lying all over the floor. We had other people that knew what was going on, chris. And nobody reported it. They used the excuse they didnt want to be racial profilers. The they wanted to be politically correct. The people that said that, in their own way, theyre guilty. The mother knew, the parents knew. Everybody knew. Now even his father is under watch. You use politically correct. This isnt about being politically correct. Politically correct. This isnt about being politically correct. We should solve it. Youre going to have many more World Trade Centers if you dont solve it. Many, many more and probably beyond the World Trade Center. I dont see the point of scaring people with the possible when the reality is, we havent had another World Trade Center. You and i both lived through it. We both lost people there. We know what the real deal is. We know who celebrated and we didnt. We know whats scaring people and what the reality is. We havent had those kinds of attacks. The Security Network has held up. And one of the reasons is our unity as a people. And i dont understand how you can see banning an entire religion as a way of saying anything other than we are what isis says we are. We want a war against islam. Thats who america is. And as you know, or you should know, that is not who america is, mr. Trump. Chris, we are at war with radical islamic terrorism. Right. Not all islam. Whether you like it or whether you dont like it. We have a president that made a fool out of himself the other night. He doesnt even mention the term. He refuses to use the term. Nobody understands why. Hillary clinton, because shes afraid of the president , because of her email scandal. Hillary clinton refuses to use the term. If youre not going to even use the term, youre never going to solve the problem. But i dont get how you connect these dots. Because of the email scandal . Put it through your head. Everybody knows who we are at war with. They do great damage. You look at whats going on in the middle east, theyre chopping off heads, they are looking to come over to other places too. And they want the jihad. Its very simple. They want the jihad. What does that mean, they want the jihad . You cant just throw out notions without any kind of checking of them. This is what got you wound up on the Philadelphia Inquirer on the first page, like hitler, a characterization of that. Philadelphia inquirer. Heres the point. The Security Policy released, that is showing 25 of those polls agree. These are muslims living in the United States. Yeah. 25 of the muslims living in the United States agreed that violence against americans here in the United States is justified, as part of the global jihad. Donald, we wouldnt even put that poll on the air. Its a hack organization with a guy who was dismissed from the conservative circles for conspiracy theories. You know that. Take a look at the pew poll, the same thing, and had bell numbers too. Go further. Please. 51 of those polled agree that muslims in america should have a choice of being governed under the sharia. Now, if youre talking about horrible stuff here, chris, that we can we can close the eyes, we can put the blinders on. But i dont choose to do that. Now, is it temporary, yes. Until the countrys representatives can figure out what is going on. Our countrys representatives cannot figure it out. Now, the problem i have with that is, they couldnt even build a website for obamacare after spending 5 billion, so how do they figure anything out . They cant figure anything out. Thats not fair. Thats not fair. Its true. Our Security Network is the best in the world. If you ask people who are in the business of keeping us safe, they say the idea of banning muslims does nothing to help, and everything to hurt. Theyre the experts. Thats what they say. They think this idea is stupid. Until well, when you say that so i spoke before an audience last night of a massive audience last night. People were there. Thousands of people inside. Thousands of people outside. They couldnt even get in. And got Standing Ovations as soon as this was mentioned. Standing ovations. Of course you did, mr. Trump. These are your people. I have Standing Ovations from very smart people. These are intelligent people, these are great citizens. These are people that are concerned about our country. Until our countrys representatives can figure it out. Now chris christie, jeb bush. The heads of the party in iowa, new hampshire, south carolina. They all say this is wrong. Tendency to call these guys theyre not master minds, theyre not even smart people. You wonder why kids want to go into isis. The fact is, until our people can do something about these horrible people that want to do damage to our country, real damage to our country, then i think it should stay in place. But its temporary until we can figure that out. But you have all just about all of your rivals, except rand paul, and even thats qualified, they all reject this notion. Your Party Leaders reject this notion. I dont care about them. Look who do you care about . Do you have to impress anybody . But yourself with these ideas . I dont care. How do you know whats right, to exempt an entire class of people, an entire religion . How is that right . Excuse me, chris, can i talk . Please, go ahead. But i want you to tell me why its right in america. Two seconds, chris. Go ahead, please. We have people out there that want to do great destruction to our country. Whether its 25 or 10 or 5 . Its too much. We have people out there that want to do great they want our buildings to come down. They want our cities to be crushed. They are living within our country and many want to come from outside of our country. I am saying that until we figure this out, we should have a ban. Its very simple. Now, if you look at fdr, because i watched jeffrey lord this morning and i thought he was fantastic, by the way. If you look at him, the president ial proclamations, 25, 25, 26 and 25, 27, it was very that was very, very stringent. Very, very stringent. And i thought jeffrey lord did a fantastic job explaining it this morning on your show. Okay. Heres my question to you. I heard jeffrey lord, were always happy to have him on the show, he makes your case well, no question about that. He makes his own case well, in all fairness. And he certainly owns it. To be honest with you, what Franklin Delanor roosevelt did was worse. Heres the distinction. One, the United States was at war, and he was targeting so far reince. He was at war against. The second thing is, it was wrong then, it was wrong with the japanese. Excuse me, you dont think were at war . We are at war, but not with all islam. When you say youre making it worse. We dont have a president that can use the term. Thats criticism. You can criticize him. The reason he wont say islamic terrorism chris the reason he says it. I dont understand what youre saying. Of believe me, i live it, we go to these places, cover these things, we understand the threat very well and you know that, because you get a lot of your information from us. Destroying our country. Why do we destroys america. We dont even know where they are. What destroys america where theyre coming from. There is no documentation. There is no paperwork. Why do we insist on destroing our country . Make the system better. What tears at americas fabric more than rejecting an entire faith . In the land of religious freedom . You have a large portion of people from syria that are christian. Why arent we allowing the christianses in . We only allow the muslims in. Thats not true. Why arent we allowing the christians in . Thats just not true. Does it matter to you . It is largely true, because the percentage is massively in favor of the muslims. You have a massive muslim population. Excuse me, chris. The ones that are in the bigger danger are the christians. Christians are in trouble. They are being allowed into the Refugee Program. We are not allowing the christians into anywhere near the extent. You know why . Because people like you say Syrian Refugees shouldnt come into the country. How can you say let the syrian christians in we should not let them in. Oh, so you shouldnt let them in. We dont know if their isis or a trojan horse. So you care about the syrian christians but not enough to let them in. Why arent we letting the christians in. Youre the one saying no. You tell me. Why arent we letting them in . I guess obama set a policy or something. He is letting them in. Somebody in the administration. Just not true. Its just not true. Being a christian in syria, its almost impossible to come into this country. If youre a muslim, you can get in. You explain, why is that, chris. I will. Give me a second. Ill explain it to you. The refugee process is onerous. They have to go through the unhcr first. It can take months, even years. Then it comes to the u. S. Vetting. So youre making the case for refugee vetting, which many people will appreciate. It takes a long time, its very exhaustive. Of however, what were doing now in the country, as you know, because youre a major proponent of it, is ignoring what you just stated as fact. Its very tough to get through the Refugee Program, and saying even still, we want to keep all out. Its very, very tough if youre christian. That i can tell you. If youre a christian from syria, its almost impossible to come into our country. Let me ask you this, mr. Trump. Weve had a couple conversations on and off camera about the gop being fair to you. That youre not going to do a third party thing. Youre going to stay true to your pledge as long as theyre fair. Can you blame the gop from moving against you after saying Something Like this. Can you accuse them of being unfair if they say listen, we captain have our nominee tearing at the fabric. Were going to have to do something against you at the convention or whatever they come up with. Would you still hold to the pledge because you have created your own problem . Theres no problem. Im just doing the right thing, chris. See, im just doing the right thing. I could very well have just rested on my poll numbers which you just released and theyre phenomenal. Im leading everybody. And i could rest on them nicely. And theres no problem. They go up, they go down. I have to do the right thing. I am talking about a measure, a measure that ends. Its not a measure thats in stone. We have to find out what were doing. Were letting people into our country. We dont know who they are. We have people here right now that are getting 28,000 miraculously over the last little while deposited in their account. That they are using for very sinister purposes. There are like these two, this husband and wife, this horrendous horrible husband and wife. You have many other people like this in this country. Many other people having checks deposited in their account to do destruction. And we have to find out what theyre doing. And if the Republican Party likes it, thats fine. If they dont like it, thats fine also. As you know, im leading in every single virtually every single poll. I think you just came out with one yesterday in iowa. Im crushing it in iowa. Im doing great with the people of iowa who i love. And frankly, i think that people will agree with me. Look, i have thousands of people you had your reporters there. I had thousands of people last night, right . Uhhuh. At an event last night in south carolina, a great place. Thousands of people couldnt get in. We have got Standing Ovations as soon as i mentioned it. I hadnt seen finished the sentence. Now, what i also said, and it was very important, i made the statement, its a shutdown. Until our countrys representatives can figure out what is going on. Thats important. Because that doesnt mean its permanent. Its temporary. But ill tell you what one day one day. If we dont want to be like paris, where you cant go into the city, where you cant go into sections where there are police their police are afraid to go into certain sections of paris. They are petrified. That is a mythology. Theyre doing operations by the hundreds. Theyre getting a handle on the situation. But most importantly, theyre staying together. And i think that your poll data actually reflects a responsibility on you, mr. Trump. Of because people are listening to you. And america is great, because it is united. Our diversities you know why theyre listen to me . Because i have common sense. Most of these politicians this doesnt sound like common sense to a lot of people. And thats why im doing well. I have common sense. I know what has to be done. And we dont want to have a situation like paris, and we dont want to have another World Trade Center, which, by the way, they tried to knock down twice. The first time they were unsuccessful. We dont want that, chris. We need intelligence in this country. We need a certain toughness in this country. Or were going to end up like a lot of other places and were not going to have a country left. The fear is real, theres no question about it, there trump. Thank you for coming on new day as always to make the case. We know youre fighting with your throat so thank you for making the effort. Thank you very much. The best to you. All right. Lots of discussion. Were going to have our political analysts unpack that discussion in just a moment. First i want to bring in the man of the hour, Cnns Chris Cuomo who went toetotoe with donald trump on his latest proposal to ban all muslims from coming to the u. S. Chris, after such an intense interview like that, what is your reaction to what donald trump had to say . Did anything surprise you . Well, im always nervous when im under your questioning, pamela, as you know. You should be. The smile usually belies a jab right to my nose. And im worried about the panel analyzing anything i do. But i think its a very important moment in the campaign. I do not think this is just another one of donald trump saying something that is extreme or inflammatory. I think that this goes beyond the pail. This is about what america is and what it is going to be. I really do believe its a defining moment. And mr. Trump is right. The fear is real. People do want common sense solutions. They dont trust the current leadership to do anything right. So to speak. His polls are big. He has huge leads, as he would say, in many different areas. But then you have to get to why and whether it can be maintained. I think that unlike other occasions in the past where what he has said has boosted him, even if it ran rankled insiders in the media, this is different. This goes to america and whether were going to act out of fear or strength. Whether we are together or whether we are divided. So im just curious. You have interviewed donald trump a number of times, chris. For an interview like this, where like you said, it is so crucial. This really goes to this is a pivotal moment. How do you prepare for such an interview . Well, i think that one of the interesting things about preparing is that you have to listen actively. Its something you do very, very well in your own reporting. This is all about what mr. Trump has to say and how it fits into factorial contest and the political contest of this campaign. Listening is always your best friend. Thats a reporters secret. Its not about long lists of questions. Thats what i used to do when i was preparing for the legal situations. But here, mostly youre listening and making sure you know the facts of the areas hes going to look at. For instance, i think one of the most telling things here wont get a lot of pickup, which is mr. Trump in that interview made the case that its too hard to get into the United States for Syrian Refugees. I think thats very interesting, as a man who doesnt want to let refugees into the country. Christians specifically. Right. He said its an onerous process. Yes, he said christians specifically, no question about it, youre 100 right. But he was pointing to a process he said is very difficult. Its an ironic contrast from a process he pilloried as not having tough enough as to keeping refugees out. I can you have to know what you are talking about and let the man check it and test it. Were both at a disadvantage today, because were both sick. I was going to say, youre on cold medicine, because maybe that worked in your favor, gave you feistiness, chris. Look, its tempting. Its difficult. Television very often falls into the theatrical. We avoid that well here at cnn. This is about mr. Trump, what he says, has to offer to the electorate and how it has accepted or rejected by them. I dont want it to be about me and him. I take no pleasure in going against mr. Trump. Of i have no personal animus against him. Ive known him my entire life, wish him well. He is in a position of leadership. It matters more when donald trump says it than when rand paul says it, with all due respect to the senator, because hes at the top of the polls. Yeah, its important to hear americans, you know, for americans to hear his case. And you did that this morning. Chris cuomo, thank you. And i hope you feel better. Aww, thank you pamela. Get some rest. So lets dig deeper with larry sabato, the director at the center for politics at the university of virginia. Larry, we just heard the interview between donald trump and chris. Trump says, you know, look, he doesnt care what his rivals say. Hes been saying that all along. But i want you to listen to some pretty scathing comments from senator lindsay graham. Take a listen. I want to talk to the Trump Supporters for a minute. I dont know who you are and i dont know why you like this guy. I think what you like about him, he appears to be strong and the rest of us are weak. Hes a very successful businessman, hes going to make everything great. Hes going to take all of the problems in the world and put them in a box and make your life better. Thats what hes selling. Heres what youre buying. Hes a racebaiting, xenophobic religious bigot. He doesnt represent my party, he doesnt represent the values that the men and women who wear the uniform are fighting for. You know how you make America Great again . Tell donald trump to go to hell. Pretty strong words there. So larry, what would your message be to Trump Supporters . Well, i dont think theyre going to listen to anybodys message. But Donald Trumps. And look, i happen to think this is a turning point to the interview that chris cuomo had and this issue generally. Why, when so many other things have not affected trumps standing. Its not that this will reduce his support among the strong supporters that trump already has. If anything, it may intensify their support. Heres whats significant. It is the first time in this campaign that every single other republican candidate and most of the leadership of the Republican Party from top to bottom has objected to what trump has said and repudiated it for the most part. This has moved people off the fence. And a lot of republicans, believe it or not, were on the fence. Not because they agreed with donald trump, but because they didnt want to get in line sight of him. So that he would start tweeting about them. Or that they might lose some support for their candidacy. I think its a very significant moment, and if were a year from now looking back, i think well say that. This is really interesting, though. Larry, at the end of the day, what matters is the number of votes he gets. And at this point, he is still the front runner in the polls, despite, you know actually, it will be interesting to see in the wake of this gop backlash what happens in that regard. But the bottom line is, you saw you heard from his supporters. They backed this idea and theyre pretty passionate about it. Do you think donald trump can hang on to his firstplace you know, his lead right now after making these comments . Yes, for a while. Look, hes a frontrunner. Hes a frontrunner, as he says, nationally and in virtually every state, although iowa is changing. But how is he a front runner . Hes a front runner with low to mid 20s up to low to mid 30s, depending on the poll. Well, that means that between twothirds and three quarters of republicans, dont support him. And what i think all of his controversies have done controversy after controversy after controversy it has h d hardened the twothirds to three quarters that are not for him. And sooner or later, they will gravitate around one or two or three opponents as opposed to the 10 or 11 or 12 opponents. Thats going to have an impact. Interesting perspective. We will see down the road, look back on this. And if it really was a turning point, as you point out. Larry sabato, thank you very much. Appreciate it. And still to come right here on newsroom, house pespeaker paul ryan, how he is speaking back at donald trump right after this break. Music thunder clatter by wild cub most weekends only last a couple of days. Some last a lifetime. Hampton. We go together. Always get the lowest price, only when you book direct at hampton. Com vo some call it giving back. We call it share the love. During our share the love event, get a new subaru, and well donate 250 to those in need. Bringing our total donations to over sixtyfive Million Dollars. And bringing love where its needed most. Love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. Iand quit a lot,t but ended up nowhere. Now i use this. The nicoderm cq patch, with unique extended release technology, helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. I want this time to be my last time. Thats why i choose nicoderm cq. At ally bank no branches equals great rates. 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Some of our best and biggest allies in this struggle and fight against radical islamic terror are muslims. The vast, vast, vast, vast majority of whom are peaceful. Who believe in pluralism, freedom, democracy. Individual rights. I told our members this morning to always strive to live up to our highest ideals, to uphold those principles in the constitution on which we swear every two years that we will defend. Thats why we are here, and that is why were going to stay here to do the peoples house and do the peoples work. And with us now is representative mike turner. Representative turner, on knew day a few hours ago, trump said he has no doubt America Needs a muslim travel ban, until, quote, countrys representatives can figure out what the hell is going on. Your response. Well, not only is it deplorable, it absolutely shows that donald trump is not qualified to be president of the United States or hold any elective office. It shows he doesnt understand our laws, certainly doesnt understand our history or even the history of humanity. Anybody listening to Donald Trumps words, those should be signs of danger. Any time someone takes a broad brush and believes theyre seeking a leadership position where they would single out a group of individuals based upon their religion, you can bet that your religion, my religion is at risk also. It doesnt go to our constitution, it doesnt go to our laws and certainly says something about his vision of america. Thats not my vision of america, i dont think its the publics vision of america and i certainly hope he is resoundingly objected for having said these outrageous comments. We just heard from the speaker of the house, paul ryan, about this. This goes right to the heart of really the principles of america. It goes to our constitution and it certainly shows that donald trump is not fit to hold Office Anywhere in this country. But the fear that his supporters have is not unfounded. Do you believe that the government and congress is doing enough to protect americans . Well, we certainly are in a situation where the president does not have any strategy to fight slim extremism or isil or isis. I do see a path where we can protect america or the national security. The 9 11 Commission Report did a great job of this. It identified specifically islamic extremism as the issue. It certainly did not go against muslims and muslim faith. It went only against the issue of extremism and how it represents a terrorist threat to the United States. Thats where the president is failing in that he doesnt have a strategy, so were seeing an increase in threat, and certainly that goes to the issue of fear. So then the president needs to come forward with a strategy, but donald trump needs to be resoundingly rejected. So then how do we destroy isis, congressman, and keep terrorists from entering our country . You know, the president unfortunately conceded the territory in iraq and syria when he both declared a red line and then took no action in syria and with drew our trips from iraq, allowing isis to gain a territory from which they could then plot attacks against the United States. Its exactly why we went into afghanistan, its exactly why we should not have left. The president , though, has had a tepid response, even down playing the threat to isis, evenot days where attacks have occurred in paris and the United States. The president needs to step up to the plate and understand we need a strong strategy to attack isis. We need to diminish them and destroy them and tasking our military to do that. Representative mike turner, well leave it there. Thank you very much. Thank you. And still to come right here in newsroom, stunning information is emerging about one of the San Bernardino killers. Tashfeen maliks former classmates are speaking out about the girl they knew. Details, next. 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Pakistani officials have raided the home of maliks father but whats most stunning is what were learning about her from a former classmate. According to this classmate, she had a wide circle of friends. She pointed out the boys she thought were cute and spoke about social networks and chatting online. The classmate went on to describe her as not very religious, and she didnt play five times a day. Very different picture from what we have heard elsewhere. Dan simon is in San Bernardino this morning. Dan, what more can you tell us about this . Reporter well, pamela, Authorities Say no question that both the husband and wife were radicalized and they say that in the days before the shooting, they actually went to a target range. Ostensibly to practice their aim. We know that a lot of bombs were found inside the house. 19 pipes used to make those bombs were found inside their house, originally the fbi said the number was 12. We know that this is a very extensive investigation. 320 pieces of evidence have been recovered. 400 interviews have taken place. Now, as we reported a few days ago, the father of syed farook said that he told an italian newspaper that his son shared in the ideology of al baghdadi daddy, the leader of isis. Now the father apparently wants to walk back on those comments. This is what his attorney is now saying. Weve all been contesting those statements that apparently came out in some obscure italian newspaper. Its its i mean, its really troubling. Hes on about four or five different medications right now, and he says that hes not made he never recalls having made those statements. So those are really doubtful at best at this time. I spoke to him personally yesterday, and he said he didnt recall saying it. So, i mean, the investigation is ongoing. But thats thats from his, you know from what hes told me, he didnt recall saying any of that. Reporter well, the family maintains they didnt know anything about this plot. Pamela, one thing we should tell you, investigators again are conducting a very thorough investigation, and theyre looking to follow the money. Was there, in fact, a deposit made into syed farooks account, did they receive any financing from any external sources. Meantime, pamela, one thing we should point out. In a very chilling twist, we know that county employees underwent active Shooter Training one year ago in the very building where that shooting took place. We dont know if farook was part of that training, but its another layer to this already complex story. Pamela . Certainly chilling. Dan simon, thank you very much. Just ahead, donald trump wants a ban on all muslims trying to enter the u. S. But is his plan just what isis wants to hear . The best of everything is even better during red lobsters ultimate seafood celebration. With jazzed up new dishes like the decadent grand seafood feast and the ultimate woodgrilled feast why wait to celebrate . So hurry in, it ends soon. Iand quit a lot,t but ended up nowhere. Now i use this. The nicoderm cq patch, with unique extended release technology, helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. I want this time to be my last time. Thats why i choose nicoderm cq. Tand thats what were doings to chat xfinity. Rself, we are challenging ourselves to improve every aspect of your experience. And this includes our commitment to being on time. Every time. Thats why if were ever late for an appointment, well credit your account 20. Its our promise to you. Were doing everything we can to give you the best experience possible. Because we should fit into your life. Not the other way around. Donald trump warns that there will be more terror attacks in the u. S. If his ban on muslim immigration is not put into place. The billionaire businessman is getting blasted from both sides of the aisle for his remarks, not to mention some of the roughly 2 million muslims living in the u. S. But many of his supporters are still in. Donald trump is now saying muslims should not be allowed to enter it this country until the u. S. Figures out whats going on. Do you agree with that . Yes, i do. Why . I dont want them here. Thats a very prudent idea. And i think that hes done Due Diligence when he makes that statement. We have to protect our american citizens first. And the vetting process in the whole program lacks integrity. Are you in favor of bombing terrorist homes . Absolutely. Absolutely. People will continue to reproduce, and they will raise children in their beliefs. Somebody just needs to go in there and take control of this. I just think its going rampant, and im worried about america. Worried about our safety. Theyre getting in. They need to be stopped. Robert baer and a cnn intelligence and security analyst and dean of owe dahlia is the host of the dean of odala show on sirius xm and a muslim. Thank you for coming on. Im interested to hear from both of you. And robert, starting with you. Trump is saying, as we have heard, that his solution will stop terror attacks by preventing muslims from coming into the u. S. But is this playing into exactly what isis wants, the fear . Oh, certainly, pamela. They want to divide muslims from nonmuslims in this country. They want to isolate these people, get them to come fight for the Islamic State or attack americans. What hes forgetting, of course, is half of these adherence to this cult of death are not muslims, at all. Theyre converts to the kind of islam they advocate. Which is just insane. So i mean, what do you do about them . We look at the San Bernardino attackers, and they were you know, he was an american citizen. He was born here. I mean, hes you have to change the constitution its just crazy. Yeah. And not to mention, i mean, terror attacks in the u. S. Arent just the work of jihadists. In fact, more you know, antigovernment, white supreme see groups have been responsible for deaths of americans since 9 11 than jihadists. The council on American Islamic relations is one of the many muslim groups condemning trumps statements, calling them reckless and bigoted. Listen. This is outrageous, coming from someone who wants to assume the highest office in the land. It is reckless and simply unamerican. Donald trump sounds more like a leader of a lynch mob than a great nation like ours. Dean, do you agree . I think that its not just the league has come out the same way using strong language. Its a wakeup call i think for everyone in this country. Donald trump started this campaign by demonizing latinos. Hes mocked disabled reporter, and hes demonizing muslims. If a man like donald trump is sent into the white house, who knows what we have in store in this country for every community of color, every minority group. And i hope it is a wakeup call for all of the good people. Ive heard some great republicans come out and denounce donald trump and its very heartening. So perhaps this is a moment we can unite on some level in opposing bigotry. And bob, were not hearing this from other countries impacted by terrorism, such as france. Which was most recently targeted in those terrorist attacks. So what do you think . Do you think that trumps comments could, you know, impact the way that the rest of the world views the u. S. . Well, i mean, i dont like the way the rest of the world is going. The far right trinch party has come out strong in the regional elections. The germans are the same way. There is a turn against refugees. And, you know, i think we really have to understand what the Islamic State is, and that its adherence and who they are. Its its a theres psychotics, frankly, and they have held on to a cult because they want to be part of anything. And there are different ways to deal with this in dividing western societies and expelling these people or not letting them in is only going to make things worse. It will turn us into a hundred years war which we just you know, its insane. I think eventually at the end of the day trump is going to be discredited and this whole idea is going to go away and someone is going to come to their senses and there is a way to fight the Islamic State but not trumps way. And dean, quickly, you wonder could this hurt trump politically but also in business as well. It could. How trump doesnt like muslims much but loves muslim monies, has great partners in dubai, pals around with muslims there. And he comes here and demonizes muslims because it plays to the gop base. Its hypocrisy, alarming and a pause for all americans who worry about our constitution and rights for all citizens to take a look at donald trump very seriously. Bottom line, still the republican front runner and still has the backing a lot of his supporters in the wake of these comments. Robert baer, dean, thank you very much. Appreciate it. And still to come, 35 years after john lennon was shot, new insight into what happened that day, and why the shooter did what he did. This is the best block of all. Its like candy cane lane. I know. Oohhh. Oh, holiday ferris wheel. I kind of love it. Look at those reindeer. Jeffrey, youre awfully quiet back there. I was just thinking. Maybe its time to finish this test drive and head back to the dealership . That is so jeffrey. Soooo jeffrey. So jeffrey. Oh. Elfs. Its practically yours. But we still need your signature. The volkswagen sign then drive event. 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Overproduction of oil coupled with less demand means great news for american drivers. Aaa says gas hasnt been this cheap, averaging 2. 03 since february 2009 the because oil has been in a freefall since saudi arabia refused to cut back on production. Once 100 a barrel, its now below 38. Its been 35 years sins john lennon was gunned down in front of his new york city apartment. He was shot by Mark David Chapman. Who was chapman and why did he do it . Those questions are explored tonight in a cnn special report killing john lennon. I knew what was going on happen on that day. I just knew it. Before he left, he put a display in the hotel. And it had his passport, it had photographs from when he had worked at the ymca. It had other mementos of his life. A display that would make it easy to identify him as lennons killer. And it was like his way of saying, look at me. Im important. Reporter once the scene was set, chapman left to stake out the dakota again. He first saw sean lennon and his nanny. Chapman came from behind her, reached around to shake seans hand, and then he commented to her, hes a beautiful little boy, isnt he . Reporter while sean was outside the dakota, inside his father was getting ready for his last interview ever. He was so real. He was so incredibly real. He wasnt a rock star. Reporter lori kay produced the sixhour interview. You arrived at the dakota, what was your First Impression . Where did he set, but right on the loveseat next to me. For the next couple of hours its like, thats john lennon. Hes looking at me through his john lennon glasses. Reporter then came the moment kaye says she will never forget. When we were talking about him and yoko and he says, i hope to god that i die before yoko because i dont know what i would do if she left before i did. In other words, he couldnt continue without her. And and joining us now is cnns kira phillips. 35 years later and still so much emotion. Yeah, it was pretty incredible. Everyone with whom i interviewed pam teared up or cried during the interview. The Police Officer that arrived at the scene and saw lennon bleeding out, knowing the ambulance wasnt going to make it on time, threw him over his shoulder, put him in the back of a police car, hoping to get him to the hospital in time, to the doctor in the emergency room telling me how he had to tell yoko ono her husband just died. He pronounced him dead. He got emotional. You heard laurie kaye, who did the last interview. So many people were invested in john lennon and what he did and contributed to this world. Its really chilling to hear chapmans voice in your investigation, also unearthed some firsthand material. Tell us about that. Its amazing, these audio tapes of Mark David Chapman in jail. Theyre chilling. You wont want to miss hearing any of it in our documentary tonight. But we also were able to put our hands on Mark David Chapmans calendar and his journal. His calendar, as you can see, look how chaotic it was. The month before the murder, he was crossing things out. He didnt want people to see certain things he was writing. Then picking up paychecks and paying bills. Youll see in december there that that month is pretty much blank. Thats the week he killed john lennon. Its unbelievable. Hes planning all this and also talking about needing to pay his bills. Kyra phillips, unbelievable stuff. Tonight at 9 00 eastern cnn special report killing john lennon. Thank you for joining me this hour. Im pamela brown. vo some call it giving back. We call it share the love. During our share the love event, get a new subaru, and well donate 250 to those in need. Bringing our total donations to over sixtyfive Million Dollars. And bringing love where its needed most. Love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. Spending the day with my niece. That make me smile. I dont use super poligrip for hold, because my dentures fit well. 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That was last night. Just this morning on cnn, donald trump was trump and doubled down. Were letting people into our country. We dont know who they are. We have people here right now that are getting 28,000 miraculously over the last