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All this as a new cnn poll reveals a majority of americans disapprove of the president s handling of terrorism. Its important to point out these poll numbers are taken before the president s address. Lets bring in senior washington correspondent joe johns for more on this. Good morning. It was a rather short address from the oval office, from the president of the United States, confirming that those attacks out in San Bernardino were, in fact, the acts of terrorists. He did not offer any new policy shifts to try to address the overall issue, which is really just fired up his critics, saying the administration isnt doing enough. The threat from terrorism is real, but we will overcome it. Reporter president obama speaking passionately to millions in a Rare Oval Office address late sunday. Strongly condemning isis and calling wednesdays mass shooting in San Bernardino a terrorist attack. It is clear that the two of them had gone down the dark path of radicalization. This was an act of terrorism. Reporter obama doubling down on his fourpoint strategy to defeat the terrorist group. The strategy we are using now, air strikes, special forces, and working with local forces, who are fighting to regain control of their own country and wont require us sending a new generation of americans overseas to fight and die for another decade on foreign soil. Reporter at home, obama putting stronger screenings on people arriving in the u. S. Without a visa, and insisting on more gun control. Congress should act to make sure no one on a no fly list is able to buy a gun. What would you do as president to prevent the Mass Shootings . Reporter the policy gop president ial hopefuls are calling inefficient to tackle the evolving threat. Donald trump tweeting, is that all there is . Retweeting, he needs to stop all visas, not look at them. Jeb bush proposing his own, more aggressive strategy, and calling the fight against isis, the war of our time. Theres a real problem that muslims must confront without excuse. Reporter president obama ending his speech with an appeal to muslims to root out extremist ideology, while calling on americans to reject discrimination. Muslim americans are our friends and our neighbors. Our coworkers, our sports heros. Yes, they are our men and women in uniform who are willing to die in defense of our country. The cynicism. Reporter senator marco rubio pushing back. Where there is widespread evidence that we have discrimination in america against muslims, and the refusal to call this what it is, the war on radical islams. I fear the president may have made things worse. Next week, the international approach to extremist groups is going to get another look when the u. N. Hosts a group of finance ministers from the Security Council countries to talk about cutting off the money to terrorist groups. Pamela . Joe johns, thank you very much. When it comes to fighting isis, a majority of americans say the u. S. Should send Ground Troops to iraq or syria. Thats according to a new cnn orc poll taken before the president s terror address. That also reveals 68 of americans do not think the militarys response against isis has been tough enough. All this as a new u. S. Intelligence report shines light on the terror groups global reach. Lets bring in barbara starr. We just heard the president a few weeks ago say that isis is contained, but it seems like this is a bit of a different assessment, based on the report, right . Hi, pamela. It does seem like that. The white house walking the statement back, indicating the president was really talking about iraq and syria. Set that aside for the moment. A new report from the u. S. Intelligence community, in fact, underscores that isis is extending its reach significantly around the globe. It now has supporters. People it is inspiring in places as far away, were told, as bangladesh, indonesia, across africa. Isis influence is very much on the move. As for the president s speech about military strategy, that really is inside iraq, inside syria and, perhaps, very restricted to that. Dont look for new Ground Troops in some sort of traditional, large sense of the word. But the administration is getting ready to send a number of special forces into iraq, into syria. They believe if they can put them on the ground, they will be much closer to the threat. They will learn more intelligence. They will be able to even capture highvalue, senior isis operatives. That is interesting. For the first time in years, that will put the u. S. Military back in the business of capturing, detaining and interrogating terrorist suspects. Pamela . Barbara starr, thank you for that report. This morning, in pakistan, Security Forces raided a home once occupied by the father of the San Bernardino father. They broke padlocks off the building. We learn more details about couple. He was speaking with people who knew malik. Dan simon has the latest. You have been talking to people who knew the family. Hopefully, we can bring you in to talk about that. Sophia . Hi there. Yes, pamela, what we know so far is ive spoken to, actually, visited the university where tashfeen went to study pharmacy. We spoke to the spokesperson of the university, and he told us that there was nothing extraordinary about her. Tashfeen didnt stand out. He was shocked at the incident that had taken place in San Bernardino, and he condemned it, saying that it was something completely unthinkable, that an alum of that university could do. We then went and spoke to one of her professors. We know she went to the university between the years of 2007 and 2012. Her professor who actually taught her and, you know, was in contact with her every single day, from 2009 to 2011, he told us that she was a very good student. She was very quiet. She wasnt, again, the word ordinary comes in, wasnt extraordinary. She was just someone he had vague memories of her. He said she did cover her face, but that wasnt anything unusual. A lot of the students at that university ever covered their f and wore their burka. I saw it myself. At the university, there was an array of students. Some covered their heads. Some had modern clothing. Some completely cloaked from head to toe. I can kind of understand what he means by saying she wouldnt stand out. She didnt show anything, according to him, that portrayed an extremist or radical stance. Pamela . Very interesting to get that perspective. Dan, youve actually been speaking to husbands father, syed farooks father, and he said he never really got to see her face or really get to know her. What else can you talk about what he said and what his son may have been influenced by here . Pamela, just to be clear, i did not speak to syed farooks father. He spoke to the italian newspaper. What he said does provide some insight into his son. What stood out is he said his son, quote, shared the ideology of al baghdadi, the leader of isis, to create an islamic state, and that he was fixated on israel. Israeli matters. He spoke to a group of reporters outside of his home, and we have a little bit of that sound. Take a look. All pakistanis coming from the major cities and liberal people. He was going towards conservation. Going towards what . Conservation. His views were conservative. Mines liberal. The bottom line as we move forward, several days after the shooting, the key question for investigators is determining how, in fact, the husband and wife became radicalized. Was there a turning point that ultimately led to the shooting . Was there a final motivating factor that made them want to target this particular facility at that particular time . Those are the central questions for investigators. One of the working theories among investigators is whether she was radicalized before they met. Dan, weve learned the San Bernardino county employees are heading back to work for the First Time Since last weeks massacre. Is that right . Thats right. We know that workers are heading back today for the Health Department as a whole. The folks who actually worked in syed farooks division, they will not be returning to work. Theyll return to work next week. Im told they wont be returning to the offices where they previously worked. Thats going to take some time. A lot of folks still dealing with drama. They want to ease them back into the situation. Pamela, ill point out, as well, yesterday being sunday, i attended a Church Service here in the community. As you can imagine, times of tragedy, people often turn to their faith to deal with such matters. Nowhere was that more evident than this catholic mass i attended. One of the victims who died during the attack attended there. Theres so much raw emotion, people openly weeping in church. Its going to take a very long time for things to quell down here. Pamela . Understandably. Dan simon, sophia, thank you so much. Homeland security chief jeh johnson is taking questions about last weeks massacre. He said there are no credible terror threats on the u. S. But hes concerned about copycat and lone wolf attacks. Cnns justice reporter evan perez is in washington with more. Evan . Pamela, jeh johnson at this event sponsored by defense one, made a little news. He says that the his department, the Homeland Security department, is going to announce a new National Terror alert system, which will reflect this new phase of terrorism threats were facing now in the country, in light of paris and what happened in san bern dee kne bernardino. This is a new development by the obama administration. As you might recall, there was a terror alert system that was coded from green to orange to red, that was announced after the 9 11 attacks. After much criticism, it was phased out in 2011. The fact that theyre planning to announce a new version of this really tells you they believe what has been happening, the strategy that has been employed, is not enough to reflect the threat level that theyre seeing right now. Its important to note that johnson is facing a lot of questions, simply because his department is the one that would have done some of the screening that allowed Tashfeen Malik in on a fiance visa last year. Just over a year after she was allowed into this country, she carries out the deadliest domestic terror attack in the country since 9 11. A lot of questions being asked of the Homeland Security department. As f you heard from president obama last night, he said one of the things theyre doing is reviewing this fiance visa process. It appears to have some gaps in it. Pamela . Especially if she was indeed radicalized before she came to the u. S. , which is one of the working theories. Also, evan, just reported that he said theres no specific and credible threat. We heard the same from him and president obama and others, what, two weeks before this attack in San Bernardino. Do those words mean anything anymore, in this age of isis . They really dont. Actually, thats one of the things that jeh johnson has disliked about that phrase. No known credible threat to the country. Its a thing we hear before every holiday, before christmas, before july 4th. Its kind of a meaningless phrase. It means we dont really know of a terrorist attack thats imminent. If we did, wed arrest the people. Its obvious. Its the one they always use. What this really shows is that people like these two killers in San Bernardino are not going to show up. Thats the problem, as you well know. The fbi director jim comey says, the thing that scares him the most are the things he doesnt know. Clearly, the San Bernardino killers are two people that they absolutely did not know much about at all. I think it is clear now, increasingly clear, that the administration believes Tashfeen Malik slipped through gaps in the visa system. I think its fair to say that its beyond more of a working theory, i this i thnk they belie was radicalized when she came into the country last year s. Evan perez, that is frightening. Thank you for that report. Still to come, new developments in the knife attacks on the london tube. Was a suspect inspired by the San Bernardino massacre . I brto get us moving. Tein im new ensure active high protein. I help you recharge with Nutritious Energy and strength. Ill take that. Yeeeeeah new ensure active high protein. 16 grams of protein and 23 vitamins and minerals. Ensure. Take life in. Whfight back fastts tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue and neutralizes stomach acid at the source tum, tum, tum, tum smoothies only from tums everything kids touch during cold and flu season sticks with them. 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Fred pleitgen has the latest. There are details were learning. This was at the man was just in court. Earlier today. These are the details of the prosecutions case. They gave details as to what happened there on the london subway. Ate pe it appears the suspect attacked a man on the subway, a 56yearold man, kicked and punched him, brought him to the ground and started cutting his neck in what some people described as a sawing motion. This left a 12 centimeter long or 5 inch long wound on the mans neck. It required five hours of surgery. He threatened other people before the plies finolice final and tasered him and subdued him. They apparently questioned him, looked at his phone. On his phone, they found isisrelated material, as well as isis flags. Material relating to the San Bernardino attacks, as well as the paris attacks, also. Wow. That is big news. Fred pleitgen, thank you so much. To talk about this is cnn terrorism analyst, paul cro crookshank. What do you make of this . He has other terroristattack information on his phone, including San Bernardino. This could be a copycat attack, inspired by what he saw play out in San Bernardino last week or so, the paris attacks. The significant concern in the United States, with the 900 terror investigations, many which relate to isis which weve been reporting about, some of the radicalized and proisis individuals may also, in the United States, launch copycat attacks. I think its also interesting when you draw the comparison between the uk and the San Bernardino attacker, in the United States, these pal attack had powerful weapons. If the london attacker had a gun, he could have killed 20, 30 people. The president made the point that its easier to get weapons in the United States. Over the last decade, more than 2,000 watch people on no fly lists, terror watch lists, have bought guns, powerful weapons. There is a loophole which is deeply problematic from a Counter Terrorism point of view. That is why its a central discussion right now. We heard it in the president s speech, as you said. Talking about the attack in San Bernardino, investigators are combing through the history of the couple, learning whatever they can. Do you think theyll be able to determine who radicalized who . That is significant, especially because the wife, Tashfeen Malik, may have been radicalize before she came to the u. S. It does appear thatradicle. It is possible that she sort of played a lady mcbeth role, strengthening the spine of her husband in launching this attack. Were also hearing from the father who spoke to an italian newspaper, the father of farook, that he was also supportive of the isis caliphate and had antiisraeli views, as well. Its possible they radicalized each other, encouraged each other in this attack. We look at this poll that is just out, paul. Majority of americans believe that isis terrorists are inside the u. S. , according to the new polling taken before the rampage in San Bernardino. 81 of voters think isis has terrorists currently inside our borders. That perception increasing 10 higher since september of 2014. My question to you, paul, does this matter, whether isis sent terrorists here and they were able to sneak into the United States, or whether there are people in the u. S. Who are inspired by isis, like this couple seemingly was . The distinction matters. It matters when you compare the death toll in the paris attacks, which was isis directed, to the death toll in california, which appears to be an isisinspired. The paris attackers were trailed ki trained killers. They learned how to fire kalashnikovs in syria. When they came to france, they were able to kill around 130 people. Whereas, the attackers in california dont appeal to have had that fuzz cphysical contacta terror group. They had bombs but they didnt work. Anybody in the United States can go to a firing range and learn to fire a gun. They were able to kill a lot of people with the weapons. Thats the reason this makes a difference. So far, the evidence is that there are no isis operatives in the United States at the moment. We have not heard that yet from the fbi. People who have been tasked with carrying out attacks back in the u. S. Homeland. The worry is that could change. As you reported and our colleagues have been reporting, several of the paris attackers could have got into the United States because they werent on the watch lists. Through that visa waiver program. At least one of them had a clean enough background to be able to slip in, if not more. Paul, thank you so much. Still to come hands up, dont shoot hands up, dont shoot the Chicago Police department under scrutiny from the federal government as the city prepares to go public with the video of another Fatal Shooting by the police. 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Good monday morning. Im pamela brown in for carol k costello. The Justice Department holds a press conference at the top of the hour to announce an investigation into the Chicago Police department. This comes on the heels of the dash cam video showing Laquan Mcdonald being shot 16 times by police. The video contradicts Police Reports of what happened that night. We have the latest from chicago. Ryan, this mayor is set to hold a News Conference later today. What can you tell us about that . This is one of the things were all talking about in chicago. The fact there will be a second video released. The idea that more scrutiny will be put on the Police Department. A lot of people are wondering, what changes will happen in the next week . The superintendent is gone. Could more changes at the top of the city happen soon . What do we want . Justice. Reporter as the Justice Department plans to announce a probe into the Chicago Police department, another city official out of a job. Mayor remanuel announced the chief resigning. The probe into the investigation of Laquan Mcdonald, Jason Van Dyke in 2014. Over the weekend, newly released Police Report sparking outrage. Reports of the night of the shooting contradicts what plays out in the dash cam video. According to van dyke, mcdonald pointed the knife at van dyke and attempted to kill him. In the video, we see mcdonald walking with a knife in his right hand. Authorities say hes punctured the tire of a police crewe crui. Six seconds after getting out of his car, van dyke fires after the teen is walking away from police. Van dykes handwritten report says, in depenfense of his lifee back pedalled and fired at mcdonald to stop the attack. At least five officers corroborate his version of events. A contrast to the video. No justice, no peace reporter this as chicago prepares for the release of dash cam video from another fatal police shooting. The family of 25yearold Ronald Johnson is suspicious of the Police Account that johnson was shot dead after pointing a weapon at officers. Its been over a year now that my son has been murdered. Yall still havent did yalls job to convict this cop of murder. Ronald johnson was shot and killed eight days before Laquan Mcdonald. His Attorney Says that Police Believe there was a gun in his hand. The attorney is saying theres no way that could happen. After being shot, the gun was still under his body. There is a dispute about where the gun came from. The conversation today will be what will happen moving forward and whether or not the department of justice will get more involved in whats going on at the Police Department thats just behind me. Thats right. We were expecting that announcement, as we see on the screen, at 10 00 a. M. Eastern time. Thank you so much, ryan young. Take a look, just in at the hour, we have a brandnew picture of Tashfeen Malik and her husband syed farook as they entered the chicago airport on july 27th, 2014. This is when malik entered the u. S. On the fiance visa. Then about a year later, that is when she became a conditional resident here. This brandnew picture in, showing them arriving in the u. S. From saudi arabia, where they first met. In other news at this hour, president obama vows to destroy isis and reassures the American People the u. S. Is equipped to deal with the evolving threat of terrorism. The Rare Oval Office address was intended to ease fears after the San Bernardino rampage. The president s critics wasting no time blasting his response. I would not be spending a lot of time talking about what were not going to do. I would not be talking about how the American People are afraid. I think what is going on is the American People are frustrated. He announced nothing new, other than, we need gun control, even though it would have done nothing to prevent the attack in california. If were going to take away Second Amendment privileges, nobody wants somebody who is a terrorist to va ghave a gun. There has to be a process. Ted kennedy was on the watch list. So was cat stevens. It was a mistake. Would you want to take away their conscientitutional rightsr a mistake . Its the cover from the New York Daily News that really caught our attention. You can see the headline there, it sarcastically reads, everything is awesome with me now, political commentator, and political commentator and National Security editor for the blaze. Com. Thank you both for being with me. Sally, whats your response to the daily news cover, the headline reading, everything is awesome . Clearly, the publication is hitting back against critics. That is a politically motivated cover that is meant to misrepresent what the president actually said. If you actually try, and i know its hard in this day and age, but to listen to what the president actually said without our partisan blinders on, our government is taking the threat republicans and democrats are taking the threat of isis incredibly seriously. Figuring out and taking steps to address the threat. I think this sort of again, its feeding this idea to the contrary, which is not the case. Marco rubio has been y outspokinoutspoke ing en, saying the president may have made things worse with his speech. Do you think what the president needed to say . I think he was doing a reset on the news cycle, not Counter Terrorism policy. Whether its talking about syria or whats going on with the defense of the homeland. Its mostly things we had heard before, honestly, especially when talking about the war against the islamic state, our efforts to defeat the islamic state. The issues he raised that were new, gun control, wouldnt have stopped the attack. It wouldnt have in any way stopped any attacks he could point to involving jihadist terrorism. They rnt with werent on a watc. The fact that you can take away rights because they were on a list has too many people on it. Many are on there for no good reason. I think the president made things more difficult. I think instead of using this as an opportunity to build bipartson consensus, which he needs to do, because polls show his handling slipping with the islamic state, giving the American People a lecture on how to treat each other wasnt helpful. We have president ial kand candidates willing to take any number of steps to limit the rights of muslims. Two terror attacks have been foiled muslims. If you want to do something about terror, you need to support the alternative as opposed to blanket attacks on all muslims. No, no, no, republicans are willing to have a watch list, say lets deport all muslims,let not let more in the country. Theyre willing to not worry about civil rights and the constitution. God forbid we stop people from buying 6,000 rounds of ammunition. God forbid we stop people who have been on a no fly list from purchasing deadly weapons. No, no, we should do more to stop terrorism except reasonable restrictions on guns and ammunition, that even the majority of gun owners support. Come on, guys. Lets take steps. Buck, to that point, officials involved with the watch list say, look, if youre on there in an error, go to dhs and ask for your name to be removed. The majority of the people on the list are considered terrorists. Theres reasonable suspicion to put them on the list in the first place. Why should they be allowed to buy guns . Reasonable suspicious is now the new standard for taking away Constitutional Rights. The fact of the matter is that there has to be some sort of beforehand process, where people can challenge being placed on the list. Id also point out if these are terrorists, they should not be allowed into the United States. Im not hearing president obama say they should immediately be deported. Theres a recognition this would jam the courts up with people who shouldnt be on the lists in the first place. When president obama talks about his syria policy, he mentioned things hes been talking about for four years. It has not been working. When he talks about how the homeland is going to be secure and says that isis is contained, and then we have an attack inspired by isis, that leads the American People to think he doesnt have a good handle on whats going on. Thats a fair conclusion to draw. Which is the only reason he held the speech last night. There was no new policy, other than gun control. His talk about the visa program, apparently, he didnt read his press releases. It wasnt at issue. She was on a fiance visa, not a special visa. He accidentally said visa waiver and it was programs. The white house cleared that up. Still not a useful policy point. Rand paul echoed what you said, that, look, there should be some sort of due process for the people on these lists. What do you think, sally . Is that a fair solution here . This is a really fascinating moment. Up until we talked about using the terror watch list, no fly list, to restrict access to guns, to add an extra layer of scrutiny before people bought deadly weapons, the republicans were not out there barking about the terror watch list. If anything, they were complaining that president obama wasnt putting enough people on it. Wasnt aggressive enough. These people in california werent on the terror watch list. Were not expansive enough. Again, it is really intriguing to me that the same people buck is defending are willing to do any number of things totitution liberty of anyone who is muslim. Anyone who might possibly believe any number of things they want to tie and suggest that, the problem is all of islam. We cant know so we should be racially profiling people. This is coming out from republican president ial candidates. Sensible policy that says, if youre on the list, we can clear it up. Nobody is being jailed or deported. Were saying, you shouldnt be able to buy guns. We should do things about the ability to get thousands of rounds of ammunition. This wouldnt have stopped the terrorist attack. It might stop the next one. Thats the issue. In paris, you have people in paris, you have people who are known to the authorities, getting machine guns. This is another place that its difficult again, its amazing that republicans youre wapassionate on both sides. We can talk about this for hours but we have other news to report at this hour. Thank you for your perspective. Still to come, the good news jimmy carter shared in church this weekend. Well be right back. At ally bank no branches equals great rates. Its a fact. Kind of like shopping hungry equals overshopping. 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And could save you in outofpocket medical costs. So dont wait. Call to request your free decision guide. And gather the information now to help you choose a plan later. These types of plans let you pick any doctor or hospital that takes medicare patients. And theres a range of plans to choose from, depending on you needs and your budget. So if youre turning 65 soon, call now and get started. Because the time to think about tomorrow. Is today. Go long. A surprise announcement for jimmy carters sunday school class. The former president told them yesterday there are no signs of cancer in his latest mri. Hes been going through treatment for months now for cancer found in his liver and brain. Lets bring in cnns nick valencia for more on this. I imagine this was a big surprise for his fellow church members. Absolutely a stunning announcement, pamela. Hes been keeping up his busy schedule since announcing he was diagnosed with cancer earlier this year. The schedule including teaching sunday school. He took the start of the sunday school yesterday to announce he no longer has cancer. For those lucky enough to be in attendance there at the church in plains, georgia, they burst into applause at the news. I went to doctors this week for the second time. The first time, i went for a mri of my brain. Places were still there but they were responding to the treatment. When i went this week, they didnt find any cancer at all. Its good news. [ applause ] tremendous reaction from the parishioners there at the baptist church. I spoke to Church Leaders after the announcement was made, and they said they have been praying for this day. Truth be told, they never thought it would come. They called it a miracle. Many people feared the worst when jimmy carter announced he had cancer in august. Small mass was removed from his liver. Doctors said the melanoma had spread to his brain. Four spots of melanoma, 2 millimeters in diameter. Now, carter is saying the latest mri scan this week, reveals theres no new signs of cancer. The original spots of cancer are also gone. You heard him say that, clearly, it was responding to this new treatment he was on. What can you tell us about that . I imagine this treatment will continue, right . We reached out to doctors, especially those involved in his treatment, to figure out how much this new experimental drug played a role. Im sure dr. Sanjay gupta can tell us about it. The fda approved it in 2014. Its specific for melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer. He tookintravenously. It is a delicate situation. Hes going to continue to get treatment and continue to get his regular checkups to make sure the cancer does not come back. Excellent news for the former president. Remarkable. Nick, thanks so much. You bet. Thanks. Youre looking at live pictures out of washington, where attorney general Loretta Lynch is about to make an announcement related to chicago. Shes expected to lay out Law Enforcement action related to the city. Well take you live after the break. I brto get us moving. Tein im new ensure active high protein. I help you recharge with Nutritious Energy and strength. Ill take that. Yeeeeeah new ensure active high protein. 16 grams of protein and 23 vitamins and minerals. Ensure. Take life in. One of many pieces in my life. So when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my longterm control medicine, i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment. Oncedaily breo prevents asthma symptoms. Breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a longterm asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Breo wont replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. Breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. Breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. 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Dr. Allen just started that crossexamination. I wanted to tell you, juror number eight in seat number eight, was just dismissed this morning for a medical emergency. So, one of the four alternates has been put in. It is a white male. That juror now becomes juror in seat number eight. There are three alternates left instead of four. That was right before the crossexamination began. Now, the direct examination of the associate medical examiner was on friday. This is critical for the prosecutions case and for the defense case. But were in the prosecutions case now. She diagrammed the external and internal injuries. First of all, freddie gray on his head, externally, on his right side there was a v lass rated abrasion, there was a tear in the skin, vshaped. On the left side there was an abrasion. On the lower left side, externally, there was a hematoma, meaning there was blood right under the skin. Internally, severe injuries to his spinal cord. We actually saw the pictures of spinal cord of freddie gray. They took it out during autopsy. It was opened up. In the cervical area, c4 had broken off and had hooked over c5 on the right side. On the left side, there was a fracture. The ligaments that are supposed to hold everything in place were ripped and torn. The nerves, the blood vessels going up to the brain didnt have any stability. And the doctor said that because of that, he would have had trouble breathing. So, now crossexamination on this. We also saw last week the videotaped statement of the defendant in this case, william porter. It lasted an hour. His demeanor when he was interviewed in this would have been on april 17th. It was very he was very likeable in the interview. Very down to earth. Just talking about what was happening. But the critical aspect was, he saw freddie gray. He asked him if he needed a medic. He said yes. He lifted him up on the bench and, again, gray said, help, help me. Pamela . Just hearing about that spinal cord, im still stuck on that. So disturbing. Jean casarez, thank you. Coming up, minutes from now, attorney general Loretta Lynch set to talk about the Chicago Police department. Well bring that to you live when the next hour of cnn newsroom begins right after this break. Ok, were here. Heres dad. Mom. The twins. Aunt alice. You didnt tell me aunt alice was coming. Of course. Dont forget grandpa. Can the test drive be over now . Maybe just head back to the dealership . Dont you want to meet my family . Yep, totally. Its practically yours, but we still need your signature. The volkswagen sign then drive event. Zero due at signing, zero down, zero deposit, and zero first months payment on a new jetta and other select models. Is it the insightful strategies and Analytical Capabilities that make edward jones one of the biggest Financial Services firms in the country . Or is it 13,000 Financial Advisors who take the time to say thank you . night jim. 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This comes after the city released disturbing dash cam video of 17yearold Laquan Mcdonald being fatally shot 16 times. Newly released Police Reports from that night contradict the Police Report say mcdonald was swinging a knife in an aggressive manner. Officers feeder for their lives. Cnns ryan young joins us from chicago. Ryan, we have this press conference about to happen in d. C. Also the mayor in chicago will hold a News Conference this afternoon. What can you tell us . Were also told aneat that alvarez will also hold a News Conference. A lot of people asking questions about what else is going to come out here. When we saw the video, you saw Laquan Mcdonald get shot 16 times, 4 were after he was on the ground, 6 seconds after the officer got out of his car. When we read the details from the Police Report, theres quite a different tale being told in the Police Report. Officer van dyke talks about mcdonald raised the knife over his chest, over his shoulder, and attempted to kill van dyke. It goes on to say, he talked about having to back pedal and being in fear of his life and using the handgun to stop the attack. When you watch the video and you see that, it looked like mcdonald was trying to walk away. It doesnt appear the knife ever crossed his body. Now, there are questions within the city, people are outraged about what they saw in the video, about exactly what happened and about what these other officers are backing up. One Community Leader asked me the other day, the other officers in this case be charged . Obviously, everyone sort of went along with this official count. All this was caught on tape. Really there are questions about what will happen next . What will the practices in the Chicago Police department change from all the outside scrutiny now being placed on this Police Department . Thats right. We are expecting doj to announce its launching an investigation into the pattern and practices of that Police Department. Ryan young, thank you so much. Keep us posted. And president obama vowing to destroy isis thugs and killers during a rare prime time address from the oval office. His goal, to try to ease fears after that isisinspired killing spree in San Bernardino. The president s speech isnt quieting critics. Some blasting him for not going far enough. A new cnn orc poll show 60 of americans disapprove of the president s handling of terrorism. Its important to point out, these poll numbers were taken before the president s speech. Last night president obama doubled down on his strategy and told the American People, the u. S. Will beat isis. The threat from terrorism is real, but we will overcome it. We will destroy isil and any other organization that tries to harm us. Our success wont depend on tough talk or abandoning our values or giving in to fear. Thats what groups like isil are hoping for. Instead, we will prevail by being strong and smart. Resilient and relentless. And by drawing upon every aspect of american power. So, lets bring in cnn senior White House Correspondent joe johns for more. Joe, do you get the sense that the white house accomplished what it had hoped to accomplish with this speech . Well, it certainly seems the president did not want to jump out there too far. And he did want to stick to common themes. Thats mostly what he did, pamela, sticking to themes weve heard before. A very measured approach. Not doing anything new. Not doing anything dramatic in terms of policy initiatives to fight isis, which has put his critics in the position of saying the administration isnt going far enough. Listen to part of what the president said last night. The strategy we are using now, air strikes, working with special forces, who are fighting to regain control of their own country, that is how well achieve a more sustainable victory. And it wont require us sending a new generation of americans overseas to fight and die for another decade on foreign soil. Heres what else we cannot do. We cannot turn against one another by letting this fight be defined as a war between america and islam. That, too, is what groups like isil want. Isil does not speak for islam. They are thugs and killers, part of a cult of death. And they account for a tiny fraction of a more than a billion muslims around the world, including patriotic muslimamericans who reject their ideology. Reporter the president wants a closer look at programs that allow people to come into this country with or without visas. Of course, that is one of the issues that has come up at the center of the San Bernardino shootings, pamela. Joe johns, thank you so much. On the heels of obamas address on terror, the department of Homeland Security secretary jeh johnson announcing that his department will unveil a new National Alert system to reflect the, quote, new phase of the terror threat. Johnson said the system will reflect the current reality of when not having a specific credible piece of intelligence specifying a plot isnt the end of the story. Joining me now to discuss, cnn military analyst Lieutenant General Mark Hertling and cnns peter bergen. Why have this terror system that weve had in the past, right . Youve seen several levels amongst american citizens about the terrorist threat between San Bernardino and paris and the taking down of the russian metrojet airliner. Its the most lethal attack on u. S. Since 9 11, and most lethal attack in paris and most lethal attack on aviation. So the government is trying to assure americans its doing everything it can. Sometimes the threat environment, you dont have particularly, you know, streams of intelligence that points to something, but you do want to Say Something to the public about needing to take, you know, extra precautions. Going to the president s speech last night, Lieutenant General, president obama made it clear that the u. S. Is going to stay on its current course. He didnt announce any new policy changes. In your opinion, are air strikes and special forces enough in iraq and syria, given how isis is spreading to other places, like libya and the Sinai Peninsula and elsewhere . I think he also said, pamela, that he was going to use special Operation Forces wherever terrorist activity is occurring. Truthfully, thats whats been happening over the last ten years. I was in the pentagon when 9 11 happened. And joint special Operations Command jsoc strikes a lot of different places that the American Public knows nothing about. The focus is on syria and iraq right now. They are upping their game there. They are increasing the number of special operators in those two countries. But youre going to see strikes against the other groups who are now attempting to coordinate with isis, boko haram, al nas ra, who believe they can get a brabding by joining isis. Thats one of the things that socom and joint special Operations Command is going to continue to attack. The bombing in syria, specifically, is going to continue. I think youre seeing some better targeting now that we have better intelligence on the ground. And also some better techniques that are occurring because of the inclusion of the british and the french in that territory. Peter, you noted that when obama first took office it took 90,000 u. S. Soldiers on the ground in afghanistan to blunt the momentum of the taliban. I was speaking to someone last night, actually, who said the more, though, thaw take away the safe haven overseas, in some ways these groups become desperate and theyll take anyone in the u. S. Or elsewhere to do their bidding for them. What do you think about that theory . I think its true. If there isnt a physical caliphate, people arent going to be flocking to it. Thats the big problem peter, im sorry to interrupt you. Loretta lynch is now speaking about the Police Department in chicago. Lets listen in. Good morning, all, and thank you all for being here. I am joined today by vinita gupta, head of the Departments Civil Rights Division and zacha zachary farden. Every american expects and deserves the protection of Law Enforcement that is effective, that is responsive, that is respectful and, most importantly, constitutional. And each day, thanks to the tireless dedication of men and women who wear the badge, citizens from coast to coast receive just that. But when Community Members feel that they are not receiving that kind of policing, when they feel ignored, let down or mistreated by Public Safety officials, there are profound consequences for the wellbeing of their communities, the profound consequences for law, and the countless Police Officers who fulfill their duties with integrity. The department of justice has opened an investigation into whether the Chicago Police department has engaged in a pattern or practice of violations of the constitution or federal law. Specifically, we will examine a number of issues related to the Chicago Police departments use of force, including its use of deadly force, racial, ethnic and other disparities in its use of force and its accountability mechanisms. Such as its disciplinary actions and handling of allegations of misconduct. This investigation has been requested by a number of state and local officials and Community Leaders, but has been opened only after a preliminary review and careful consideration of how the Justice Department can best use our tools and our resources to meet chicagos needs. In the coming months this investigation will be conducted by career attorneys from the Civil Rights Division. They will conduct a thorough, impartial and independent review of the allegations and the team will meet with a broad crosssection of Community Members, city officials and Law Enforcement command staff and officers to both explain our process and to hear from anyone who wishes to share information relevant to this investigation. We will examine with our experts policies, practices and data. At the end of our investigation, we will issue a report of our findings. If we discover unconstitutional patterns or practices, the department of justice will announce them publicly. We will seek a courtenforceable agreement with the Chicago Police department and work with the city to implement appropriate reforms. Our goal in this investigation, as in all of our pattern or practice investigations, is not to focus on individuals, but to improve systems. To ensure that sfrsz are being provided with the tools that they need, including training, policy guidance and equipment to be more effective, to partner with civilians and to strengthen Public Safety. We understand that the same systems that fail Community Members also fail conscientious officers by creating mistrust between Law Enforcement and the citizens we are sworn to serve and protect. This mistrust from members of the community makes it more difficult to gain help from the public, and for victims to speak up and to fulfill the most basic responsibilities. It can erupt into unrest. Building trust between Law Enforcement sfrsz and the communities we serve is one of my highest priorities as attorney general. The democrat of justice intends to do everything we can to foster those bonds and to create safer and fairer communities across the country. Regardless of the ultimate findings of this investigation, we will seek to work with local officials, with residents and Law Enforcement officers alike to ensure that the people of chicago have the world class Police Department that they deserve. Thank you so much. At this time im happy to take a few questions. Should the investigation expand to include the cook county states attorney since so few officers have actually been charged in shoot sngz. Our investigation is focused on use of force and accountability within the Police Department. Well look at how force, including deadly force, is handled, investigated and how officers are held accountable for that. Thats our focus right now. Madame attorney general, could you please tell us, maybe if he wants to join in, were interested in chicago and knowing the status of the joint state federal investigation thats taken quite a while and would like to know the reaction to the lieutenant mcdonald video document released by the city, if youre aware of them, and the potential of some people are wondering if youll be looking into a coverup. Two questions there, if you could take them, id appreciate it. With respect to the investigation of mr. Laquan mcdonald, that investigation is ongoing, being conducted by the u. S. Attorneys office for the North District of illinois. I think it would be and as all of our investigations as to whether or not theres been a civil rights violation, tarlly when theres been a death resulting from police interaction, those investigations are thorough, they are independent, they are impartial. We review the relevant federal statut statutes, which are a different set of statutes from what the states attorney has at their disposal. And we are thorough and efficient in ours. We dont predict the timing of any of those investigations. So im not able to give you that particular answer. What about the documents that came out that talk about how the Police Account of what happened is different from what the video shows. Anything to say on that . What i can tell you is all the information will be factored into the federal investigation. We dont comment on the evidence while that investigation is ongoing for obvious reasons, but all of that information is factored into that and im not able to give you any more comments on that at this time. Thanks. A question im sorry. I was skurs how chicago is one of the largest Police Departments in the country, how does that to find pervasive sweeping civil rights environment because youll find Police Officers that are bad apples and good Police Officers. Its ten times bigger than ferguson. I wondered how that complicates your investigation. When we do a pattern investigation, particularly involving systems involving force, deadly force and accountability, what were looking at to see is how does the Chicago Police department track and treat those types of actions. So, a lot of the review we do is of the systems of the Chicago Police department. Of course, that will entake a real view of how theyve handled specific matters. Were looking to see whether or not the Police Department as a systematic matter has engaged in constitutional violations of policing. This involves review, as you note, of a host of evidence. But because this case will be worked in conjunction with the Civil Rights Division and the u. S. Attorneys office of the Northern District of illinois, we feel confident well be able to cover that. This gentleman had a question. The evidence in this case found its way into the Corporation Counsel in the city of chicago. Will city hall will officials at city hall be part of this review . And secondly, a question to mr. Farden. Will you be consideri ining obstruction of Justice Charges against any Police Officer who may have been on the scene that night . With respect to your first question, what we will be looking at, again, is the Chicago Police departments method and manner of dealing with use of force, particularly deadly force, and whether or not we find racial, ethnic and other disparities in how they handle those force allegations. It will encompass a number of things, including how officers are disciplined and the disciplinary systems. We will be working with city officials, but the matters that youre talking about seem to relate to a different issue. What i will say is that we will take information from all interested parties. We are particularly interested in hearing from Community Groups and Community Members. We are particularly interested in hearing from the rank and file Police Department. Obviously, we have contact with city hall, as we do this investigation. But our investigation is independent. It is not tied to either the findings or the actions of other entities. With respect to your second question, i believe you had a question about the specific mcdonald investigation. Consider obstruction of Justice Charges, possibly, against other officers in the Chicago Police department . So, at this point in time, were not predicting what charges, if any, will be brought you cant speak ill let him speak. I will tell you as a general matter, when we have an opening investigation, we do not discuss what specific charges may be brought until the resolution of that investigation. What she said. I will thank you, attorney general. I will only add that i do think its important as the attorney general was explaining to understand that the pattern and practice investigation that is being launched today, which is very important and positive, i think, for the city of chicago, is i do understand the people that live in the greater chicagoland region are concerned about that. Given recent rors that there are differing versions of what happened out there, and they dont seem to jibe, if you will, with what we see on the video. I completely understand your question. I think its important to recognize todays pattern and practice investigation, launch of the investigation, is separate from what youre speaking of, the Laquan Mcdonald incident. We do not comment on pending investigations other than to reiterate what the attorney general said. We do what we do independently. We do it with rigor. We look at it with all relevant aspects and options as we look at a case. Its not unique to this case. We have a great history and proving it is both independent and appropriately aggressive when it comes to ferreting out criminal conduct. Im not going to comment on specifici in investigation. Zachary fardon, and Loretta Lynch announcing the Justice Department will be launching a practice investigation with Chicago Police department, specifically looking at use of force, tarlly deadly force, and discipline actions and handling allegations of misconduct. I want to bring in ryan young. We heard from protesters for weeks saying they want this doj investigation. Now it is happening. What is the reaction there . Reporter thats one of the things well be reaching out in the next five minutes or so, talking to people weve made contact with in the last couple of weeks. I want to point something out here. A lot of people in the community who feel this never would have happened if that video wasnt released. The idea there was one who kept fighting to get this video released. Theres this domino effect that has happened. Throughout the community we heard over and over they believe the Police Department had two Police Departments. One for one side of the town and one for another side of the town. Theres been over 200 policeinvolved shootings here. There have been big settlements given out to families. Theres a neighborhood, especially in the black community, where theyre saying, hey, we are not getting a chance to have some of these investigated the way we would like to see them investigated. They were calling for the doj to step in and to actually look inside and see what was going on here. Just in the last two cases were talking about, there is no audio on the video. Theyre glad theres video but wondering why theres no audio. They say theres a practice of covering things up. When the statements came out with the Laquan Mcdonald case and it shows what the officers said happened and then shows what the video shows what happened, a lot say this happens all the time in chicago. Theyre upset about this. We have people who are passionate, screaming in the middle of the streets, saying they want to see change. Theyre happy to see this happening. They were calling for the step down of the mayor and for the states attorney here in chicago because they believe the only way change can happen is change at the top. Ryan young in chicago for us. Thank you so much. Insure were going to take a quick break. Well be right back. Just look at those two. Happy. In love. And saving so much money on their Car Insurance by switching to geico. Well, just look at this setting. Do you have the ring . Oh, helzberg diamonds. Another beautiful setting. Im not crying. Ive just got a bit of sand in my eyes, thats all. Geico. 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After these stunning revelations just out of london in this last hour, prosecutors say images of californiaSan Bernardino rampage were found on the cell phone of this weekends parent knife attacker. Describing that attack at the tube as an act of terror, as dramatic new video of his takedown surfaces. Witnesses say shouts of, this is for syria, could be heard during that attack. Fred pleitgen is in europe. Is this being looked as as a copycat attack . Reporter they did find apparently some isis imagery on the mans cell phone as well as as you just mentioned, some images of the San Bernardino attacks. But also the paris attacks as well. Authorities here earlier today when this man was in court, also gave some more details as to what actually happened. One of the reasons why they are charging him with attempted murder and treating this as a terrorist attack. Apparently, all this happened on friday on saturday night at around 7 00 p. M. On the subway here, when he attacked a 56yearold man, beat the man down to the ground and then took the mans neck and started cutting it in what many people described as a sawing motion, pam. At some point, he then let he left a gushing wound of about 12 centimeters, or 5 inches, that later required five hours of surgery to save this mans life. He then threatened some other people before, what we saw on that video. Plea Police Officers came in, they tasered the man. It was only the third shot that took him down and then managed to subdue him. Hes being tried for attempted murder. The authorities very much treating this as a terrorrelated incident, pam. Really disturbing. Frederik pleitgen, thank you. Take a look. Live pictures from california. At any moment were expecting a presser with new details of the San Bernardino attack, the aftermath of that. County workers back to work this morning for the first time today following the attack. Well be right back. 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Yeeeeeah new ensure active high protein. 16 grams of protein and 23 vitamins and minerals. Ensure. Take life in. Were waiting now on a live News Conference from San Bernardino with the very latest on last weeks attack. Meanwhile, lots of new details are coming into us about the shooters, Tashfeen Malik and her husband razwid farook. Its a new video of them entering into chicagos Ohare Airport in july of 2014. I want to bring in cnns dan simon in San Bernardino with more. What can we expect to hear at this press conference, dan . Reporter hi, pamela. Well be hearing from government workers as well as from folks who worked at the Medical Center, from doctors. Theyre really going to set the stage, i think, for county workers to actually return back to work. We know, of course, theyve not worked since the incident took place. We know that certain workers are reporting back to their place of employment some time today, or perhaps they lets see, its 7 30 here local time. They probably will in about an hour and a half. They know people who are part of syed farooks division, those who worked most closely with him, will not return back to work today. Theyll return some time next week. Im going to put my ear piece in so i can hear you, pamela. In terms of the overall investigation, i think one of the central questions that investigators are going to be having today and throughout the week is how these people became radicalized. Was there a turning point that ultimately led to this shooting in this particular building, at this particular time . Were gaining a little more insight into syed farook. That really comes from his father. He did an interview with the italian newspaper, and he said was really interesting. He said that his son, syed farook, shared the ideology of al baghdadi, the leader of isis. I mean, that is pretty significant. That shows that he within his core, he believed in this idea of killing americans. And the fact that the father did not report that is certainly going to raise some questions, pamela. Right. I know just from talking to Law Enforcement officials, dan, they say, we need family and friends to help us. If they see signs of radicalization, please speak up. In this case, i think that question is being raised. Dan simon, thank you very much. The shooting also reigniting the gun control debate. Up next, we talk to a former republican congressman who wrote a letter saying, quote, doing nothing is no longer an acceptable solution. vo whats your dog foods first ingredient . Corn . Wheat . In new purina one true instinct grain free, real chicken is always 1. No corn, wheat or soy. Support your active dogs whole body health with purina one. Iand quit a lot,t but ended up nowhere. Now i use this. The nicoderm cq patch, with unique extended release technology, helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. I want this time to be my last time. Thats why i choose nicoderm cq. 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In a medical study, most stelara® patients saw at least 75 clearer skin and the majority were rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. Stelara® helps keep my skin clearer. Ask your doctor about stelara®. During a rare prime time address from the oval office, president obama called on congress to enforce tighter gun control following that brutal San Bernardino shooting. Congress should act to make sure no one on a nofly list is able to buy a gun. What could possibly be the argument for allowing a terror suspect to buy a semiautomatic weapon . This is a matter of National Security. Rand paul says not so fast. Listen to what he told cnns alison earlier today. If were going to take away second member privileges, no one wants terrorists to have a gun, myself included. There has to be process. One reason there has to be a process, you know, ted kennedy was on the watch list, so was cat stevens. It was a mistake, but would you want to take away their Constitutional Rights over a mistake . Okay. And were going to be talking to republican congressman jay dickey about all of those comments in just a moment. We to want go to San Bernardino. Theres a press conference under way right now. Were waiting for county leaders to speak, as county workers go back to work today. Those in the division of syed farook, the gunman in this massacre, those employees will not be going back to work today. We understand the rest will. So, lets listen in to hear what they have to say. I want to thank you all for showing up here today. Today, myself, im james ramos, chairman of the San Bernardino county board of supervisors. We called this Conference Today to share with you what the San Bernardino county family has done and what were dealing with during this horrific time. We want to make sure that people understand that our hearts are heavy during this time, but yet we must move forward. And today we are opening up San Bernardino county back to business. But we are sad and angry about the events that took place, still searching for answers as to why. There is much to be done in the coming days and weeks. And our focus today is supporting the victims and their families, doing all that we can to ensure the safety of our employees. Carrying out our spublic servic and mission during this time. We want to thank the first responders, Law Enforcement family, fire, and the federal agencies for coming together in a unified approach that has helped San Bernardino county continue to move forward. We also are asking for your continued prayers for the families and the victims and especially for our ehs family that has been drastically affected by this horrific event. Standing with me today is the board of supervisors, because we stand united, together, as your leaders to see San Bernardino county move forward. At this time, i would like to introduce the vice chairman, supervisor lovinggood. Well, good morning. As i stand here, i dont think any of us, and you yourselves could ever imagine the horrific loss of a number of coworkers in the event thats occurred. Our responsibility is great. And our responsibility is great to the employees. The safety and the security of our employees are foremost in our mind. As we move forward this next week, you will see increased security at all of our facilities, reassuring those that are going to continue on providing services to our constituents and citizens as they need to. That will not halt us. That will not slow us down. Today as we open back up, i think we will all know the challenges, but were here for the employees. Were here for our directors. Were here for the Public Safety. If we take a minute and look at San Bernardino countys Public Safety and their reaction, they provided over 60 of the services from the Sheriffs Department ever john mcmahon. The efforts were seamless, the efforts were immediate, but its still tragic in the end what weve lost. Understanding our Environmental Health will be forever impacted and changed with the directors and members. We appreciate the fact as we move forward we will be there for their support and we understand their needs. Thank you for coming today. Im going to introduce supervisor josey gonzalez. We stand here this morning as testimony to the fact that no december 2nd anywhere, no act of terrorism anywhere, will succumb, will invest fear, will provide any kind of an end to the hard work, to the dedication of every single San Bernardino county employee. All of us in San Bernardino county are one family. And we stand together united. We know that our county employees are valuable and that we have a Mission Together to come as a Strong Community and be able to supercede any act of terrorism. Most of our county employees make their job a career. We have families. We have couples. We have children. We have grandparents, we have all kinds of families working in San Bernardino county. We attend each others weddings, birthdays, special events, no different than we celebrate holidays together. There are many, many opportunities by which our good county employees will be able to come together as we begin today to move forward. As you know, we immediately established a counseling hot line for our county employees. Counseling centers have been established for our employees to speak with trained counselors, and all managers have been asked to look for signs of distress among their employees and ensure that they get the help they need. And i say once again, we stand united. We believe in each other. And we shall overcome. I now introduce to you San Bernardino county supervisor for the second district, supervisor janice rutherford. Thank you. The purpose of terrorism is to make ordinary people afraid to do the ordinary things that make up their lives. Last wednesday was an ordinary day in San Bernardino county. It was a day when a group of our employees were gathered to celebrate their accomplishments of the last year and to get training about how to do their job even better. These were dedicated public servants. They werent politicians. They werent celebrities. They werent Law Enforcement officers. They werent soldiers. But they became the front line in a battle against terrorists. To honor them, to express our gratitude for their unimaginable sacrifice, we have to fight to maintain that ordinary. We cant be afraid of our lives, of our community, of our neighbors, of our coworkers. We have to have the strength to continue. Our employees are going back to work today, because while they are ordinary people, they are also extraordinary people, who are overcoming their fear and returning to the dedicated Public Service that they give every single day. We stand with them to tell the terrorists, you may not have our fear. You may not have our liberty. And you may not have our love. Those are the things that make us different and distinct, that love for each other is what will give us the hope and the strength and the resilient to embrace the ordinary again. And to let all of our employees give their extraordinary Public Service. Supervisor kurt hagman, fourth district. Morning, everyone. On midday december 2nd, you saw the incredible heroic response of our first responders. Initially the Sheriffs Department, our county probation, obviously the local agencies, the federal agencies, and our medical team. Our county fire and our doctors behind us. When we showed up at the first site and saw what was going on, they put their own lives and went to help those injured and evacuate people from the buildings. We are very proud of them. We think they did a heroic job. We have several here today to tell you some of their stories they had to deal with on the medical side that day of december 2nd. So, with that, mr. Chairman. Well, thank you. Thank you to the San Bernardino county board of supervisors. As we all stand united with our family here in San Bernardino county, our family of Law Enforcement, our family of the different workers that have been affected by this. We stand united for one common cause. Thats to let our employees know that we stand with you and we care for you. Also we want to bring up dr dr. Ganadev, a chairman, and he will bring up doctors that were on the front lines so he could say a few words. Thank you. Im chief of surgery. And my entire career i spent right there, 35 years. We have seen several disasters, but this is one of the most horrific ones we encountered. And our hearts really go out to the victims. What really bothers me most is that none of the 14 who perished had a chance. If they made it to one either of the two trauma centers, San Bernardino county had two wonderful trauma centers, loma linda Medical Center, if they made it to at least would have done what it takes. Thats what really bothers me most. I can assure you, i can tell you all the victims who made it to both hospitals and the minor injuries who made it to the other hospitals did really well. And theyre all stable. Many of them went home. I do want to thank one entity because in this tough time where we could mobilize multiple trauma teams to handle, we needed we meaning our teams needed protection. And i really want to thank the Sheriffs Department for providing us that as these victims were brought in. Thank you. Good morning. Im dr. Michael nikei, im part of the group called california emergency physician under the local leadership of dr. Rodney borger. Some of my privileges in this county, im a chief medical officer for department of probation under leadership of chief brown and deputy owen, which were essential on that day. And also i worked at arrowhead Region Medical Center and trauma care under title of director of Clinical Research and tactical medicine. First of all, my thoughts and prayers go to the families and the victims of this event. They are the heroes. In our direction in the United States, heroes are the ones that pay the ultimate price, and they paid it to defend our democracy. Im hear because i came for democracy. And its sad to see that you come miles from across the world and see Something Like that happen here, in a country that respects everybody and gives it equal opportunity. Im sure you want to ask about the event and my involvement on the day. I was actually second physician, backup for trauma emergency when the call went out. Ive had volunteer commitment to local Law Enforcement in the past six years. I started with Police Department under leadership of former chief clin and support of chief ferarra and now acting chief, and then i joined in 2012 inland valley special s. W. A. T. Team and continued that. Its a combination of forces from Police Departments from city of colton, realto and fontana. Theyre my brothers in law. Ive been serving this team since 2012. And i usually the biggest thing you need to do is commit and my record shows i respond to these calls 99 of the time. Whether it is in early morning. And thats thanks to my partner. The day of the event was same thing. I had a responsibility in emergency room. One of the deals we have with our small group is if i have the support, i can leave the department and go to the field and offer my services in the field. Whether to treat the you know, just follow the doctrines of physicians who are sworn to give the service to anybody whos wounded, whether is a foe or friend. The day of the event, the call went out for active shooter. Took me about five minutes to find dr. Singh and give my phone to him. Dr. Ewing were the other leaders back there. Once i made sure that the brave nurses, trauma nurses and our county employees, we work as a family at arrowhead regional Medical Center. Without that family environment, i cannot do this. So, once i made sure that the patient care is not compromised, at the same time i received a page from my local s. W. A. T. Team about the deployment. I took a couple of my residents who were on the rotation to encourage the next generation of physicians to do what i do. As you know, we are not young forever. At some point somebody else has to take over my responsibilities. So, we took off with my car and thats a learning lesson for me. It took me about 25 minutes to get through the blockades, traffic and the details to get to the scene of the incident. The two elements that helped me was the fact that im chief medical officer for department of probation, so deputy owen and deputy reese got me to a point, and the there were patient officers in the field, directed me to the triage center. At the time i got to the triage center, the last of the two patients were loaded into the hospital and the scene was converting to hostage rescue, because we thought that the one of the shooters is still in the large building adjacent to the event center. So i also want to thank tremendously my ems brothers and sisters in the field, from all the Law Enforcement agencies. At that point i didnt need to pull out my ar. I had my handgun. Left it in the car. Took my bag with my two residents and i noticed that my command is also arriving with Armored Vehicle. Knowing that my residents didnt have a tactical training, i throw them into Armored Vehicle at the end. My fellow brothers gave them some protection gear. And we entered the hot zone. My deputy commander, lieutenant billy green from fontana pd, introduced me to the scene commander and notified them we have three physicians at the scene if its needed. And then i joined my team to enter our responsibilities, which is basically clearing second floor of the building. Once we finished that and got some other people who were still trapped in the office, we were debriefing when we received the call that the two assailants are coming back to the scene almost. At that point we were deployed toward the incident where the shooting happens. I was in a second Armored Vehicle. Being a physician, they dont want me to get hurt, so im theyre willing to take bullets for me and im willing to take bullets for them. This is the commitment that i have to this community. Its been a privilege since i came here from ohio in 2006 to be part of the arrowhead regional Medical Center and this community. We have had tremendous support from the board of supervisor, especially emotionally. Im very connected to supervisor gonzalez. We have tried so many Different Things to make this community better. And im there for this event. We stayed there till 6 30. After the debriefing, i came back to the hospital where i had to do Due Diligence of my re

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