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Can you give us any indication on who these victims are . Young . Old . Male, female . They are mixed male and female at this point. After varying ages. We want to honor the privacy for the patients. What was the [inaudible]. The age span wed say was on the younger side. Doctor, if you could say again, there were ten patients admitted here. And explain that again what you just went over. Sure. We received ten patients from the ucc. Of those three were transferred to a higher level of care for services which we dont have available. Two of them were treated and released from the emergency room. Four of them required operating room procedures. One patient was deceased in the emergency room. Of the four that under went surgical intervention, one was discharged yesterday. One will likely be discharged today. And the remaining two, one is in Critical Condition and one is in stable condition at this point. Can you say what type of injuries . All of the injuries were gunshot wounds, to the abdomen, thorax, head. Can you explain the difference the Sheriffs Office g i saying there were seven people wounded and you received ten patients here. Talk about the challenges. When you have so many coming all at once, how do you respond . From a medical standpoint were trained for this. Obviously this is an overwhelmic situation but we practice it. The outpooring of the community, the outpouring off our staff coming in on the day off. Nurses coming in, staff coming in. One of the challenges obviously is coordinating support for the friends, the family of the victims and coordinating information. Been very difficult. Doctor, weve heard time and again that everyone knows somebody whos been impacted by the shooting. Has this personally impacted you as well . I have Staff Members who have been impacted and i know at this point we do not know all the names of the victims. For your personally, this is your town. To see this happen here. And just trying how do you cope with helping with helping these people and dealing with the emotion at the same time. Thats been one of our Biggest Challenges is supporting not only the patients and families but our own care givers. Yesterday was a challenging day. The days and weeks to come will be the most challenging and how do woe continue to support our staff, the family and victims. Youre saying you dont know all the victims names even as you are taking care of them. We do not know all the victims names that are out there at the college. [ inaudible ]. I have not been in contact with them this morning. Okay. But you said they were the more severe, more life threatening injuries. The patients were transferred to peace health that required services that we dont have available. Typically neurosurgery. The one person deceased. Is it in addition to the ten that were announced yesterday . Or . You know,ky not vouch for those numbers. We dont know if thats one of the ten or not. We dont know that. All admitted here correct. And your background you have seen something of this nature before . In a Small Community like this, this is the first time in a Small Community. And it really shows how the Community Came together. The first responders, the Law Enforcement officer, the staff here, the nurses. The community outpouring. We received support from across the country. Quite amazing. Pizza delivered from hospitals in georgia. Really shows the best in the community unfortunately. Can you [inaudible]. Initial emotions are disbelief. And then it is focused on treating the patients. And then us and the staff go through the rest of the range of emotions from disbelief, from anger, from sadness to resolution. And you know it is still it is less than 24 hours. It is still very raw for a lot of people. And i think you will find many people are quite numb. What is next for you and the staff here . You have two more people you are tending to and then what . Is it two or three . There are currently three. One will likely be discharged today. We will continue to focus on the wellbeing and care of them and then emotional support of family, victims and especially the staff here. We time with our employees today as well as early next week so they can walk through the Emotional Trauma also. The people who have been transferred, can you describe the difference of their injuries [inaudible]. The three that were transferred were either services we dont provide here or that in our state trauma system met the criteria to be transferred to a level one or two trauma center. That was in spring field. [inaudible]. Two are listed as critical and one in serious condition. Have you heard that as well. That would fit with the description at the time of transfer. Do either of you know anyone personally at this school or have any family members of your own at the school . Well i think all of us have different family members and friends that either work out there or that are students. Obviously we dont know who the victims are at this time but i will assure you every Single Person at the hospital here and in our community will be impacted by somebody out of ucc. When can we expect another update on victims or at least the conditions of the victims you have here. Once we know an update on the three people that are still here im sure well send out a press release on the that. For the victims at the college, that is something you will need to work with the Sheriffs Office. [ inaudible ]. We do not believe the shooter was treated here. Okay. Thank you. What can the community do to help you . You know, i think this is a time of trying to pray as much as we can and to be peaceful and to be supportive of each. The thing the community can do, we are going to have a blood drive later today at the Community Center it. Will be at noon. If people want to participate with that, that will be helpful. But i think spending time with friends and family to support them as we walk through this. We know it is going to be a long process of grieving, as well as support. That is what were going to need from everybody here. [ inaudible ]. Im sorry . People who were in shock, not necessarily injured but related like collapse order fell back. None of those were admitted. But obviously a lot of emotional and a lot of pastoral support for those families. Our Mental Health professionals are available for people here also. Whether you are employees or whether its other people in the community. The Mental Health providers are going to be available. So that is what we want to coordinate also with the community. You are saying definitively the shooter was not treated here. Correct . I want to make sure i understand. To the best of our knowledge the shooter was not treated here. Were going step away but you heard ten patients were admitted after that shooting on the umpqua campus. All but three have been released from that hospital. Two are in stable condition and one is expected to go home a little later today. So that is a bit of good news. Dr. Sanjay gupta is standing by in roseburg to tell us more. Reporter you know this hospital is about five miles away from the scene. And this was the closest hospital. I talked to the two folks you are seeing there doing the press conference just a little while ago. They told me they got about a 10 to 15 minute notice prior to all of these patients showing up. And so they felt that they were they had some notice and they were prepared. But this is a level three trauma center. It is not really equipped to be able to take care of all of these patients with some of these types of injuries. I can also tell you the three patients that were transferred out were patients that in fact had gunshot wounds to the head. They did not have Neurosurgical Care here. That why they were transferred and the status to those patients were serious to critical. As you heard carol, a little bit of good knees i guess here. All the patients here seem to be doing well. One is expected to be discharged today. Just to tell you as well. This is a small town. People know each other here. They sort of alluded to this. But everyone, there were Staff Members here at the hospital that had a direct relationship in some way with some of the victims. So its been a very emotional on so many Different Levels here carol. I know. And just to go over. Im just going over my notes from this news conference. Most of the patients admitted were in their 20s he said. Right . Male and female. And most i heard were either shot in the head or the abdomen, correct . Reporter yeah. So the head, the abdomen, the chest and the limbs arms and legs as well. The three patients that were transferred to the other hospital were all women. And these three women that were shot in the head. They are between the ages of 18 and 34. They wouldnt give us the exact age. They gave us the window of age. But you get an idea of who these people were. All right, sanjay gupta. Were going to take a break and well take you back to the scene of the crime after. When account lead craig wilson books at laquinta. Com. He gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. So he knows exactly when he can settle in and practice his big pitch. And when craig gets his pitch down pat, do you know what he becomes . Great proposal lets talk more over golf great. Better yet, how about over tennis . Even better. A game changer your 2 oclock is here. Oops, hold your horses. No problem. La quinta inns suites is ready for you, so youll be ready for business. The ready for you alert, only at lq. Com. Laquinta plan well and enjoy life. Or, as we say at unitedhealthcare Insurance Company, go long. Of course, how you plan is up to you. 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And it might just be the reason, carol, if you think back to the time line, as to where the sheriff when he made his pronouncements of not wanting to ever utter the killers name, perhaps he actually read these blog posts prior to that news conference. He was spitting vi inting vineg so angry about this notion. Not like anyone wouldnt be given the environment were in. Its pitch black out here right now. But the countryside where this college is located. You hear it in every incident but it is the last place on earth you would expect Something Like this to happen and perhaps the last place carol you would expect to read Something Like that. But it does bring that up question, right . What is our responsibility if we read those things . And i wanted to quit into that what is our responsibility . These postings were quite public. Somebody must have seen them. So why didnt anyone alert authorities . That is a great question. And i think it is the first thing everybody wants to know when they read that vitriole. And here is the problem. You go online you can read a lot of that. That is everywhere. It doesnt necessarily represent a direct threat. People have celebrated monsters for years and years and millennia. It doesnt represent a direct threat. And then there is that whole other issue of we dont have as citizens a duty to report. I know that sounds counterintuitive. But effectively we dont. Morally, you betcha. But legally, not so much. And that doesnt necessarily play true to what happened in charleston with that church shooter. Because his friend was arrested but hes been charged with something a little different. Lying to the authorities and not being forthcoming knowing about an incident while it is actually in play and this guy was on the run. So it is a little trickier. But effectively so much that is online carol is anonymous anyway. So that is your first roadblock. And then secondly, just because you read something ugly doesnt mean it is going to happen and b, doesnt mean you need to be involved, sadly, legally speaking. Ashleigh banfield live this morning. Thank you so much. This is something we should politicize. That was the message from an angry president obama. As he slammed legislation for not doing enough to change gun control laws. Our thoughts and prayers are not enough. It is not enough. It does not capture the heart ache and grief and anger that we should feel. And it does nothing to prevent this carnage from being inflicted someplace else in america. Next week. Or a couple of months from now. We dont yet know why this individual did what he did. And it is fair to say that anybody who does this has a sickness in their minds. Somehow this has become routine. The reporting is routine. My response here at this podium ends up being routine. The conversation in the aftermath of it. Weve become numb to this. We talked about this after columbine and blacksburg, tucson. After newtown. After aurora. After charleston. It cannot be this easy for someone who wants inflict harm on other people to get his or her hands on a gun. And whats become routine of course is the response of those who oppose any kind of common sense gun legislation. We spend over a trillion dollars and pass countless laws and devote entire agencies to preventing terrorist attacks on our soil. And rightfully so. And yet, we have a congress that explicitly blocks us from even collecting data on how we could potentially reduce gun deaths. How can that be . This is a Political Choice that we make. All right. If the president s message sounds familiar, thats because he had to do this 15 times following a mass shooting since hes been in office. The president also called on the media to expose the number of People Killed by gun violence compared to terrorism. Here are the numbers. According to the cdc between 20u and 13. More than 316,000 people have been killed on u. S. Soil by firearms. Compare that to those killed by terrorism. We should point out this number includes suicides and other accidents. But still it is 1,000 times more. Since the sandy hook massacre in 2012 more than 87,000 americans have been killed by guns. That is according to a massachusetts Gun Control Group. And that brings us to this letter sent by the Douglas County sheriff john hanlin, hes the Law Enforcement officer now dealing with his own mass shooting in oregon on the College Campus. Two years ago after sandy hook he wrote a letter to Vice President joe biden. Gun control is not the answer to preventing heinous crimes like School Shootings. Any actions against or in disregard for our u. S. Constitution and Second Amendment right bis the Current Administration would be irresponsible and an insult to the American People. End quote. Sheriff hanlin appeared on new day this morning. My position on it has not changed. You still believe that it is not about gun laws. It is not about uniform background checks. None of those things would help, sir. Again, i want to stay focused on this investigation and the welfare of the community and the welfare of the families and the victims in this horrific incident. And im not going to waste the time today or any time in the real near future having the firearm debate. Joining me now to talk about this, democratic senator richard blumenthal. He represents the state of connecticut where the sandy hook massacre took place. Welcome sir. Thank you carol. Sheriff hanlin believe sod passionately gun control is not the answer he refused to enforce any gun laws coming from the obama administration. Your reaction . My reaction is that he is in a very small minority among the Law Enforcement community. Police, prosecutors, federal agents all across the country have recognized and very powerfully and eloquently said that we need to close the loopholes in our present laws. And enact common sense, sensible measures like universal background checks. No check, no sale. No backgrounds check, no purchase. And ban on illegal trafficking. Sheriff hanlin believes passionately gun control laws are not the answer. It is a Mental Health issue. And until we deal with that he might say then we can get into the gun laws and check them out. He says even today after this happened in his own community that he hasnt changed his mind. As a former prosecutor and attorney general for the state of connecticut i can tell you he does not represent the vast number of folks who have to confront dangerous people on our streets. And it is a Public Health crisis. It involves Mental Health. But keeping guns out of the hands of dangerous people requires gun violence prevention measures like background checks and a ban on illegal trafficking. And School Safety measures. And probably a ban on assault weapons and high capacity magazines. These kind of common sense measures should be voted on by the United States congress. Im going to press for votes in the wake of this tragedy. And the small minority of people who are quoted, perhaps like the sheriff, fail to represent the vast majority of American People who support these measures. There has been some movement as a result of, you know, people like you who are fighting for stricter laws and fighting to restrict the sale of certain kinds of guns for example. Walmart has stopped selling ar15 rifles and you are trying to get other Sporting Good stores to do the same. Any success . We are having some success with organizations like walmart, which is to be commended. But right now there is a loophole in the law that requires background checks that permits sales. Doesnt require them. But allows them after 72 hours. Even if the background check is not complete. So weve written to cabellas and easy pawn and bass pro asking that they do the same voluntarily. We are going to press for stronger laws. And the American People should hold accountable a congress that is by now really complicit in many of these mass murders by failing to act responsibly. And they can express that accountability this coming election. Senator richard blumenthal, thanks so much. I appreciate it. Quick note for viewers. Next hour were going to hear from someone on the other side of the be debate. John lott is the auto arer of more guns less crime. And Hurricane Joaquin over the bahamas, but even if it doesnt hit the u. S. East coast is it about the to get socked. You totalled your brand new car. Nobodys hurt,but there will still be pain. It comes when your Insurance Company says theyll only pay threequarters of what it takes to replace it. What are you supposed to do, drive threequarters of a car . Now if you had Liberty Mutual new car replacement, youd get your whole car back. I guess they dont want you driving around on three wheels. Smart. 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Extensive flooding swamping the island nation. The east coast now scrambling to clear drains. And although a direct hit is not likely, another system is set to dump record amounts of rain. Emergencies declared in south carolina, virginia and new jersey. Chad meyers with more on this extreme weather. This is turning into a rain event. And i know we talk about this in the winter times. Sometimes we call it Pineapple Express where a jet streams comes from hawaii into the california and it rains for days. Well call this the coconut or the conch shell express. Because this comes from the bahamas where we now have all of that moist chaur this is still the category 4 hurricane. Raining from new york into the carolinas now. It continues. This is the future radar for the next 18 hours. It continues to rain in north carolina. South carolina, you really get the fill in with this rainfall because of the storm here pushing its moisture up. I believe still tonight, right now that this category 4 hurricane will stay off shore. That is the official forecast from the hurricane center. And 94 out of 95 models still say off shore. That wasnt the case come monday when only one model said off shore, the european. And all the other models said on shore. So were going back and forth here but now i believe as we get closer to the storm pulling out of what hams that it does stay off shore. Close to the cape. Close to newfoundland and all of atlantic canada. So dont let your guard down here. Still four days away. But it is close enough to still watch but the models still say off shore except for the one north america o model. Because there is enough pressure. There is a low that could bring it up around. The chance of land fall in america is not zero. So well keep watching it just in case. It will make very big waves, very significant wind. And we could even see with wind of 40 to 50 Miles Per Hour many trees coming down still. Here is flagler beach. And good thing they have flags. Arent they flowing. We are seaing waves as well. Probably sets around 4 to 6 feet. A lot of the east coast is going to see wind and waves maybe up to 10 feet and that will create some dajsz surf. Be careful out there. We hear you. Top stories this morning. Overnight 11 were killed, including six u. S. Service members and five civilian contractors. After their military transport plane crashed at jalalabad airport in afghanistan. While taliban claimed responsibility via twitter, the u. S. Military denies hostile fire was even involved. Officials are still trying to figure out what caused the crash. The vatican is clarifying the circumstances behind the clerks meeting with kim davis. She was one of several dozen people invited to greet pope francis in washington. The Statement Reads in quart, quote, his meeting with davis should not be considered a form of support in her position in all of its particular and complex aspects. Davis spent six days in jail for refusing to issue marriage licenses to samesex couples. Still to come. The father of a journalist shot live on tv is speaking out against this latest tragedy. Why he said it isnt just a battle over gun laws, but a war between good and evil. We rise above our differences. The right amount of garlic reigns supreme, and what separates us is mostly whether were chopping or frying. Food is a language we all speak. When we cook together, we find harmony in the kitchen. We make more than a meal. Enjoy fresh ingredients and healthy recipes, delivered to your door each week. Subscribe today, at hellofresh. Com the tragic day in an all too familiar day. Ten families forever changed after a gunman opened fire on a sleepy College Campus in the pacific northwest. Mothers, fathers, sons and daughters joining the ranks of so many thousands of families touched by gun violence. According to the House Homeland Security chair though we dont have a gun problem, we are have a Mental Health problem. Listen to congressman Michael Mccaul earlier on new day. There are warning signs usually along the way we miss. This obviously looks like a case of Mental Illness. Weve seen this story way too many times in the past. I think we have a Mental Illness crisis in this country. Im not sure what law could have possibly stopped this from happening. Im joined by two men who have been touched by gun violence. Andy parker who is daughter allison was a journalist, shot and killed during a live broadcast just five weeks ago. And mr. Martino who joins on the phone, thank you for joining us this morning. Thank you carol. Andy, what do you think of congressman mccauls statement that no law could have stopped this tragedy in oregon . Well it is interesting to contrast his comments with senator blumenthal who you had on earlier. It was you know, one, the senator was advocating common sense legislation that most americans want. And congressman mccaul pulled out the tired old play book that it is a Mental Health issue only. And i find it also ironic that the fbi has a thousand people on their nofly list. And mccaul was one of the congressmen and legislators who helped the nra block legislation to keep these people from obtaining weapons. So this man has blood on his hands. Hes complicit. And, you know, frankly listening to him tap dance around the interview this morning made me want to throw up. So andy, you are saying mccaul has blood on his hands . Absolutely he does. Because if you are you know, if you are not willing to take the steps that need to be taken. If your hands are in the pockets of the gun lobby, which im sure his is and so many politicians across the country. Were going the go after them governor mccullough and i are going to go after them in virginia here this month. And were going to call them out. They are complicit. We are in a war. This is domestic terrorism. Mccaul was supposed to be protecting us and hes not. Richard, do you agree . Well i dont know that i would say it in the same way. But i agree that we have to do we havent done enough in this country to protect our families and kids. And if you are not working to reduce gun violence in this country, then you are then you are facilitating it. The idea that we shouldnt be talking about solutions after a tragedy is illogical and repugnant. The idea that we cant do that congressmans statement that we that there are warning signs. And then the idea that we cant do anything about it is just wrong. I mean, in california we passed whats called red flag legislation, where it allows family members if they see signs of a person might be a danger to themselves or others they can go in front of a judge and get [ inaudible ] the idea that we cant other developed countries in the world dont have this problem. And we need to do more in this country. And i think mr. Parker is right. Andy is right. If you are not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem. And i think and believe that my son and andys daughter would not be dead today if we had taken steps after sandy hook and made common sense changes in our gun laws to reduce gun violence. There is not one solution that will prevent every shooting. Weve got to do better in this country to prevent senseless gun violence and to throw up our hands and to allow politicians to get away with throwing up their hands and saying well there is nothing we can do is is just wrong. And it is a disgrace that we havent done more in this country after sandy hook. All those six, sevenyearold kids were shot dead in their elementary school. And we it is a country didnt do anything. We have a moral obligation to protect our family. Andy, in an op ed for u. S. A. Today published this morning you wrote quote we are engaged in a war in this country. A war between rational, responsible people and self interested zealots. A war between good and evil. You go on to say everyone knows whom im talking about f and that would be the National Rifle association. Explain further for us. Well, it is really the leadership of the National Rifle association, you know. The vast majority of nra members and gun owners out there, ive not spoken to any, you know, reasonable hunter, gun owner that isnt for this. You know, the background checks and the closing of the loopholes. It is the nra used to be about safety 35 years ago. And they were overtaken by zealots and people that are extremist. And they you know, they are being fed by gun manufacturers. And that is how they continue basically terrorizing this country. And i wanted to ask about one more thing richard. The sheriff in oregon asked not to name the shooter in these killings. And i want to play you what Sheriff Hanlin had to say about that. No, i dont. I dont want to glorify the shooter. Nt i dont want to glorify his name. I dont want to glorify his cause. And im refusing to say his name. I know you totally agree. I just want richards thoughts on that. Yeah hes totally right. In these kind of situations if the media puts the shooters name out and puts the message out they just completed the shooters plan. The shooter when they go into these situations want the note rite and they want a people to get their message. And when the media facilitates that, they just completed the shooters plan. I agree with the sheriff in this regard. And you know, we are asking people to text the words the word now to 877877 if you are interested in reducing gun violence in this country and you believe that we can do more to reduce gun violence. Were asking you to text now to 877877. All capitals. Now. Richard martinez, andy parker. Thanks both of you for joining me this morning. Still to come in the newsroom. Students in a panic after watching a classmate get shot. Well hear in a the witness to the oregon shooting and talk about Campus Safety. Wifi, ee with a network thats now up to 5 times faster than before so he can rapidly prepare his presentation. And when he perfects his pitch, do you know what chris can do . And that is my recommendation. Lets see if hes ready. He can swim with the sharks hes ready. La quinta inns suites take care of you, so you can take care of business. Book your next stay at lq. Com la quinta this classmate of mine went out to the door and she stepped outside to go see the classroom next door. When she came back in, the shooter shot her in the arm, the left arm and the lower abdomen and she collapsed in front of the doorway. The door is open and her friend over there, she pulls the door open, locks it, turned off the light and then shes trying to do cpr on her friend as were all in just panic mode. Called 911 immediately. I tried to get 911 on the phone and the line was busy. I called repeatedly. And they said, are you calling from the Umpqua College shooting . I said, yes, i am. Theres a woman shot in our classroom. Can you please hurry . A horrible moment to relive. We dont know yet the fate of that young woman. We know School Shooting are far too frookt. The Los Angeles Times says there have been more than 142 School Shootings since sandy hook. Thats nearly one shooting per week. With me is s. Daniel carter, Campus Security and part of the families outreach foundation. Thank you for being here. Good morning, carol. Thank you. First of all, your general thoughts this has happened again. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of those affected and our vtv Crisis Response team is waiting our offer to help anyone affected. They can find us online at vtvfoundation. Org. Thats what your foundation does, you reach out in instances of violence like this. What services do you normally provide . We have a trained Crisis Response team comprising of 16 members of our volunteer and staff. We stand ready to provide whatever assistance the community may request. This Community College is in a sleepy little area, rural, not much crime happens there at all. Theres not guards on campus. The president made the decision not to have armed guards on campus. Is that the right decision, in your mind . I think it would be better if you can have sworn, Armed Police Officers on campus. Theyre the best equipped to respond to a threat like this, not security guards. I think thats one of the major concerns, is you dont necessarily want to have Armed Security guards who dont have all of the training that a Law Enforcement has to respond to a crisis situation. Students also couldnt carry guns on campus, but oregon law, its kind of squishy because according to oregon law everybody can carry a concealed weapon if they have the proper licensing which means students were able to carry guns on campus but they couldnt take them into the building. I think thats how it worked. Is that an effective policy . Well, we look more broadly at college and university policies, for example. Do they have a multidiscipline assessment team, that people can report to . Do they have an effective emergency and response evacuation policy . We know there was a lockdown. We know there was an alert sent out. Those two advancements were two of the largest lessons that came out of the Virginia Tech shooting and has become widely adopted in higher education, particularly in fouryear residential colleges and universities, and to a lesser extent at Community College because they frequently have fewer resources. Clearly, this had an Emergency Response process and local Law Enforcement was able to respond within minutes and as i understand it they are practiced together. Those are essential elements. Those are Lessons Learned from Virginia Tech which most likely saved lives yesterday. We need to continue to build on that work to make sure cleaning and universities, small or large, need to be better protected. What are students told in orientation to protect themselves in case Something Like this happens . It varies widely in freshman orientation. Its oftentimes a blur. One of the important things is, yes, have you that initial orientation session but you need to have ongoing education for students. Its not just Emergency Management in shooter drills but sexual violence, alcohol and other drugs. The Research Shows that onetime information at sessions arent sufficient. There needs to be a repetition of the message so Educational Programming throughout the school year is an essential component for Emergency Management and all other Campus Safety issues. S. Daniel carter, thanks so much. The next hour of cnn newsroom after a break. Mornings. Wonderful, crazy mornings. We figure you probably dont have time to wait on hold. Thats why at xfinity were hard at work, building new apps like this one that lets you choose a time for us to call you. So instead of waiting on hold, well call you when things are just as wonderful. [phone ringing] but a little less crazy. Were doing everything we can to give you the best experience possible. Because we should fit into your life. Not the other way around. Good morning. Im carol costello. Thank you for joining me. He killed to be famous, and we wont give him that victory, not this morning. This morning you wont hear us say the gunman who open fire at umpqua Community College, who systematically killed nine people and left nine more wound. And a grieving Community Wants him to be in anonymity. I dont want to glorify his name and glorify his cause. In order to prevent that, im refusing to state his name. The Oregon State Medical Examiners Office will put out a notice identifying who the shooter is, but, again, thats the only information that will come out. You wont hear his name from me or from this investigation. Still, the killers horrific act of cruelty and cowardly is over the country and reigniting the gun control. Reporter were waiting for an update on the investigation. We do know there are more than 100 detectives working this case now, working around the clock, all through the night, interviewing family and friends of the shooter, also continuing to process this extensive crime scene, searching for clues and answers into what happened and why. Now, this is a very small town. It seems Everybody Knows everybody. Nobody has been left untouched by this tragedy. This morning were hearing more from the students on that College Campus, describing the horror that has rocked this normally peaceful rural community. Reporter overnight a massive candlelight vigil for the victims of umpqua Community College deadly mass shooting. Reporter disturbing new details coming from a father, whose daughter was hit in the back by a bullet, describing how the gunman targeted those who said they were christian. Are you a christian, he would ask them . If youre a christian, stand up. And they would stand up. And he said, good, because youre a christian, youre going to see god in just about one second, and then he shot and killed them. And he kept going down the line, doing this. To people. Reporter thursday morning around 10 38 a. M. , 911 dispatch receives the first calls for help. Active shooter at ucc. 1140 uk uk college road. Somebody is outside one of the doors shooting tloot the door. Reporter someone was carrying enough ammunition for a prolonged gun fight. Entering a classroom he open fire shooting a teacher at pointblank range, according to witnesses. Students overheard the gunshots. It was rapid fire over and over and over again. You could hear the people you could hear them moving and crying. I said to the teacher, we need to get out of here right now. And then we heard the second and third gunshots. Reporter within minutes, officers swarmed the campus. Exchanging shots with him. Hes in a classroom. 17 exchanging shots with a gunman. Reporter the shooter continuing his rampage into the science building. Casualties found in at least two different classrooms. And the sheriff telling us that within minutes of the 911 calls, two officers responded and they immediately were able to confront the shooter. There was a shootout between the shooter and those Police Officers. The shooter also ended up dead. Now, in the end, nine people were killed by this gunman. Nine others were injured. And we just got an update from Mercy Medical center here locally, giving us an update on those survivors who they took in. Sadly, one of the people they initially saw died in the e. R. We know four people underwent surgery. One has been released. They anticipate another one of those individuals being released today. Right now one person remains in Critical Condition and one in serious condition. But these injuries are really severe when you think about gunshots to the torso, to the head, to the back. Thats how theyve been described, carol. So, a lot of healing and a long road to recovery for this community and especially those survivors. All right, ana cabrera, thanks much. One of the wounded is being called a hero this morning. Army vet chris mince tried to keep the gunman from entering the classroom. This is mince with his son. Youll hear from his family why thats so poignant. You know, carol, there are victims, there are survivors and there are heroes. Chris mince really fits all three categories. Hes in the hospital right now, 30 years old. He was a member of the u. S. Army. He had gone back to school, doing something with his life. His family tells us that he was shot in the back. He was shot in the stomach. He was shot in the arms. He was shot in the legs. They also say he has two broken legs. And right before this all happened when he went to college yesterday, he got a phone call from his own father and his father said to him, now, youve got to tell your grandson, my son, your grandson, a happy birthday because todays his birthday. He may have remembered that very conversation. Listen to what chris minces family says happened. Tries to block the door from keeping the gunman from coming in. Gets shot three times, hits the floor. Looks up at the gunman and says, its my sons birthday today. Gets shot two more times. Hes going to have to learn to walk again, but he walked away with his life. Reporter cnn producer just got off the phone with the cousin of chris mince who said he just visited him at the hospital. Carol, heres what he said. He saw when he saw him, he said, how are you . And immediately chris said, people died. And he started just crying uncontrollably. So, you see the emotional impact for the survivors and we heard this morning from the press conference there will be pastoral specialists, psychological specialists to help get them through that. What you just said hit me. Wow. Well, good for you, chris mince. Thank you, jean casarez. This is something we should politicize, from an angry and frustrated president obama as he slammed congress for not doing enough to change gun laws. Our thoughts and prayers are not enough. Its not enough. It does not capture the heart ache and grief and anger we should feel. And it does nothing to prevent this carnage from being inflicted someplace else in america. Next week or a couple months from now. We dont yet know why this individual did what he did. And its fair to say that anybody who does this has a sickness in their minds. Somehow this has become routine. The reporting is routine, my response here at this podium ends up being routine, the conversation and the aftermath of it. Weve become numb to this. We talked about this after columbine and blacksburg, after tucson, after newtown, after aurora, after charleston. It cannot be this easy for somebody who wants to inflict harm on other people to get his or her hands on a gun. And whats become routine, of course, is the response of those who oppose any kind of common sense gun legislation. We spent over 1 trillion and pass countless laws and devote entire agencies to preventing terrorist attacks on our soil, and rightfully so. And yet, we have a congress that explicitly blocks us from even collecting data on how we could potentially reduce gun deaths. How can that be . This is a Political Choice that we make. The president s message sounds familiar, thats because hes had to do it 15 times following a mass shooting since hes been in office. Some facts before we go on. According to a massachusetts Gun Control Group called stop handgun violence, more than 150 americans are shot every day. More than 80 people are killed. And the Group Estimates one child is killed every three hours. Since the sandy hook massacre in 2012, more than 87,000 americans have been killed by guns. You know how americans are going to respond. A good number will say, we need more gun control laws and others will say, we just need more guns. I dont want to really have a debate this morning. I actually want to have a conversation. So, ive invited john lott, the author of more guns, less crime. Welcome and thanks for being here this morning, john. Thank you. The sheriff in oregon says, its not the time to talk about gun laws, but others, like andy parker, whose daughter was killed on television, told me this is exactly the right time. Why cant we talk about how to prevent tragedies when tragedies happen . Well, i mean, i agree with the president , that something needs to be done about this i guess the interesting thing to me is he was speaking out in favor of expanded background checks yesterday before we even know how the individual got gun. And even more important, you mentioned the 15 times hes spoken out and not one of those cases would the laws that hes advocating have had any impact on whether these crimes occur. So, i mean, theres more than a bit of disconnect between the laws being made and whether theyre even related at all to these horrible tragedies. If you dont talk about exists laws and which laws might prevent such tragedies, arent you throwing up your hands and saying, well, there really isnt an answer to the problem except maybe everybody should be armed. Well, i mean, i do think theres a solution and the one thing in common is the president , whose statements have nothing to do to these tragedies, is to notice that yesterday, just like in all these other cases, they occur where guns are banned. That where citizens arent able to go and defend themselves. I dont know how many explicit statements these killers have to make how they chose targets where people werent able to go and defend themselves. Wait just a second. Whether it be the charleston case, the Santa Barbara case, or the dire we just got back from the colorado shooter this summer, other shooters, they explicitly say we didnt go after this other target because we were worried people with guns would stop us. Instead, we chose this other target where we knew we could do it unopposed and kill a lot of people so we could get media attention. Well, let me just run this by you because according to oregon law, you can carry a concealed weapon on a College Campus but you cant take a concealed weapon into a college building. And police were there thats not quite right. And stopped the gunman. The laws are cloudy in oregon. Thats one of the problems in this country because the laws arent consistent and no one knows what theyre talking about. Let me go to you no, but youre wrong. No, let me go on. No, i want to correct you on the law. Can i correct you on the law . What the schools have done to get around thaegs law is to put it in the faculty and student handbooks, even though someone unrelated to the school may be able to carry around there. Any student or faculty who carries a water pistol, a bb gun or any firearm on School Property at that School College will get either expelled or fired. Youre right about that, there is a rule no student is to take a gun on campus. According to pew, one out of every three americans they or someone in their house owns a gun, and yet one child is killed every three hours. Dont those numbers demonstrate that having more guns out there arent necessarily the answer . There are a lot of guns out there in america and a lot of gun deaths. Yes. First of all, the pew poll is very low. Most show about 45 or more of americans own guns. Beyond, that when you talk about children dying, the numbers youre talking about include 18, 19, 20yearolds, primarily involving gang fights over drug turf. Those are horrible things. The types of laws that normally get talked about have nothing to do with stopping gang fights that are going to be going on. Look, the other numbers you were saying, the vast majority of those deaths are suicides. Suicides are horrible. To think some type of gun control regulation are going to stop somebody from committing suicide when there are so many other ways for people to commit suici suicide. Heres a simple fact. Every place in the world thats banned guns, not just washington, d. C. And chicago when we had our bans, but every place, has banned guns, has seen murtd rates go up. Every single place. You would think out of randomness there are bans in those cities, you are right about that, but there are so many guns in this country, and you can get a gun so easily, the bans arent effective because they buy guns illegally. They steal guns from gun shops, right . Thats the problem. What do you do about that . Im saying every country country, even island nations that have banned guns, whether it be jamaica or ireland or the uk, after theyve banned guns have seen big increases in murder rates. And, youre right, its very difficult to stop them. One problem you have is the amount of violence with drug gangs. You cant stop them from getting drugs. How do you think youre going to stop them from getting the weapons the fbi would say they have had there should be less guns out there and that would probably prevent gun crimes. In fact, the fbi says, if we define gun violence as using a gun to end life, the fbi says 10 of those would be eliminated. The fbi data clearly indicates the reason for gun violence is there are too many guns. Is the fbi wrong . First of all, i dont think the fbi goes and says there are too many guns. There are lots of studies that have been used during fbi data. Ive done that. Most of the Academic Work out there finds that increases in concealed handgun permits, increases in gun ownership generally is associated with reduced crime. Look, theres a reason why, if you look across countries in the world or if you just take the simple case that i said, why is it, then, that every time, in every country, that try to ban guns you see an increase in murder rates . I dont know that thats true, sir. But i will just i will just i will just i want to end this interview by asking you, what is your solution . My solution for these Mass Shootings is to look at the fact that every single time theres been these tax occur where guns are band. Every single time. In these schools. Every single thing the president your solution is to arm the students . Im just asking you if thats a solution. Im saying make it possible so people who have conceal carry permits are able to go and use guns to protect themselves. Just as they do offcampus. Why not on campus . Okay. I have to leave it there. John lott, thank you for being here. Thank you. Youre welcome. Still to come in the newsroom, Hurricane Joaquin is absolutely hammering the bahamas. What should those along the u. S. East coast expect over the next few days . Listerine® total care strengthens teeth, after brushing, helps prevent cavities and restores tooth enamel. Its an easy way to give listerine® total care to the total family. Listerine® total care. One bottle, six benefits. Power to your mouth™. When account lead craig wilson books at laquinta. Com. He gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. So he knows exactly when he can settle in and practice his big pitch. And when craig gets his pitch down pat, do you know what he becomes . Great proposal lets talk more over golf great. Better yet, how about over tennis . Even better. A game changer your 2 oclock is here. Oops, hold your horses. No problem. La quinta inns suites is ready for you, so youll be ready for business. The ready for you alert, only at lq. Com. Laquinta mine hurt more. Mine stopped hurting faster neosporin plus pain relief starts relieving pain faster and kills more types of infectious bacteria neosporin plus pain relief kills the germs. Fights the pain. Use with bandaid brand. Hurricane joaquin strengthening overnight as dangerous flooding threatens 58 million people. The monster category 4 hurricane is slamming the bahamas. The east coast scrambling to clear drains, another system is set to dump records amounts of rain. States of emergency in south carolina, virginia and in new jersey. Chad myers is here with more. Hi, chad. Hi, carol. Two separate systems. One upper low over the southeast and one hurricane with just a moisture feed from the caribbean will get together and push all of this rainfall all the way from new england back to the carolinas. My focus is on the carolinas where well see significant rainfall, where significant moisture comes up, dragged by the jet stream. A big dip in the jet stream and then a big rise. This backwards, see how its going back to the west, this was always the factor in whether the hurricane here would get dragged back up into the u. S. That was always why some of the models believe that. Right now most of them do not. They believe the hurricane will just head out to the ocean and it will be gone. Ive completely covered up my buttons. We will see rainfall from this system, significant rainfall, up to 15 inches of rain as the storms progress over the next two to three days. But that rain truly wont be from the eye of the hurricane itself. Just a tropical moisture feed. I can walk out here in atlanta and it feels like im stand negotiate caribbean. Theres so much humidity in the air. Some models still get very close to the u. S. , so i dont believe the chance of a landfall for u. S. Is zero, but it might be 1 or 2 . Not zero, but not very much. Were still watch it for you. The big impact will be significant flooding. All that water having to run down the rivers. All right, chad myers. Thanks. I want you to take a look at the dow right now, down just about 194 points. This comes after a weak jobs report that just came out this morning. U. S. Employers added only 142,000 jobs in the month of september, with the Unemployment Rate remaining at 5. 1 . So, get ready for a rocky ride on wall street again. Well keep you posted. Still to come in the newsroom, the father of a journalist shot to death on live television, has powerful words for one of the most powerful men in congress. Why he says the congressman has blood on his hands. Day long. And sometimes, i just dont eat the way i should. So i drink boost® to get the nutrition that im missing. Boost complete nutritional drink has 26 essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin d to support strong bones and 10 grams of protein to help maintain muscle. All with a great taste. I dont plan on slowing down any time soon. Stay strong. Stay active with boost®. Listerine® total care strengthens teeth, after brushing, helps prevent cavities and restores tooth enamel. Its an easy way to give listerine® total care to the total family. Listerine® total care. One bottle, six benefits. Power to your mouth™. You totalled your brand new car. Nobodys hurt,but there will still be pain. 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Hes complicit and, you know, frankly, listening to him tap dance around the interview this morning made me want to throw up. Thats andy parker, the father of slain journalist alison parker, slashing out at Michael Mccaul after mccall said on cnn that this country had a Mental Illness problem and not a gun problem. As investigators try to determine if anyone else may have known about the killers plans, theyre focusing in on blog posts that may have been written by the gunman. One portion praised the killer of those two journalists, including andy parkers daughter. The post reads, quote, a man who was now known by no one is known by everyone. His face splashed across every screen, lips across every person of the planet all in the course of one day. Seems the more people you kill, the more youre in the limelight, end quote. Lets talk about this with Ashleigh Banfield and oregon. And ed ward who helped the task force in new york city. Good morning. Thank you. What are you hearing from investigators about those blog posts . The problem is that blog posts are blog posts. Freedom of speech. There was no direct threat made in these affirmations of awful people. Theres a lot of that on the internet. You can go on right now and find that in a couple of key strokes. Doesnt mean there is any kulpability who read it or celebrated. But the bigger investigation, and you can probably see some of this behind me, carol, is this crime scene that doesnt look like a crime scene. Its just its an environment that was so uninviting of this kind of horror show yesterday. What youre not seeing is about an eighth of a mile up, theres a Forensics Team that is collecting just about every bit that it can from this scene. Despite the fact we dont have someone to prosecute here. That doesnt mean the investigation isnt spider veining out to find out if there were any collaborators or anyone potentially involved, and then the issues of the weapons and the ammunition and the body armor and how this killer got his hands on those things. Those things will be in full force, even though you cant see them necessarily right behind me. Understand. So, edward, the fbi will be examining those blog posts. What specifically will they be looking for . The blog posts can be very important for indicating state of mind. Not only about this instance but also in looking at it from a search perspective. When you have a disaster like this, what were the leading indicators that might have led up to it . How do they compare to other cases where similar things occurred . Patterns and how can we refine the science . One area thats very clear is psycholinguistics, as a reflection of state of mind. For this person and for others, which can be quite telling. The fbi doesnt go through everybodys blog posts, right . It couldnt possibly have uncovered the blog posts from this man. The fbi does not go through all blog posts, but we are moving into an area where youre talking about big data. And increasingly people are saying, of all the information out there, how much of it can be analyzed for a purpose . Very often thats in the context of marketing but it can have investigative value. I think if information is in the public domain, sometimes society expects there will be a certain amount of Due Diligence and Investigative Research to look for those kinds of things. And it still depends on the public a lot. If they see a member of the public reads something that is troubling, better to call Law Enforcement and have a discussion than just assume they know about it. People arent required to do that. People are not required. And i dont think we want to move in that direction. It even pertains to things online because it can be a telling indication. Ashleigh, i know the investigation is going on right behind you. What do we know i dont want to say the killers name, but what do we know so far about him . We know he used, what, four weapons . What were they . Reporter so, three handguns, and he was able to reload, according to one of the witness accounts, one long arm, although theyre not identifying what kind of a long arm was found at the scene. And the investigators say that he was loaded for bear. That he was ready to do battle for quite some time. They also said there were two officers that were valiant and able to intercede, although its not been confirmed whether this killer was felled biz his own bullets or police bell eulletbu he knew what he was going to do. And he had body armor to go along for this ride. But had it ended when it did, this could have been a much higher body count. I cannot tell you if it was the police that ended the slaughter or the killer who finally put an end to his heinous deeds. Ashleigh banfield, edward, thank you. Still to come, the reaction from washington over the oregon shootings was swift and clear. Just like eddie, the first step to reaching your retirement goals is to visualize them. Then, let the principal help you get there. Join us as we celebrate eddies retirement, and start planning your own. When youre not confident your companys data is secure, the possibility of a breach can quickly become the only thing you think about. Thats where at t can help. At at t we monitor our Network Traffic so we can see things others cant. Mitigating risks across your business. Leaving you free to focus on what matters most. Ive had moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis most of my life. But that hasnt stopped me from modeling. My doctor told me about stelara® it helps keep my skin clearer. With only 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. 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Just like eddie, the first step to reaching your retirement goals is to visualize them. Then, let the principal help you get there. Join us as we celebrate eddies retirement, and start planning your own. The reporting is routine. My response here at this podium ends up being routine, the conversation and the aftermath of it. Weve become numb to this. President obama notably frustrated as he addressed the nation last night. Thats because as hes taken office last night, it marks the 15th time hes addressed the nation following a mass shooting. Will the white house really try to go for more gun laws again . Who knows. Joining me to talk about that is senior White House Correspondent jim acosta. Good morning. Reporter good morning. When you talk to white house officials here, theyre not saying yet whether or not president obama will be pushing for more gun control legislation. They tried this back in 2013. Youll recall, kashlcarol, the mancian toomey bill lost by aa few votes and a few of those votes came from red state democrats. So the president couldnt get his own party, not his entire party behind that legislation. Since then the white house has just really gone silent on this. Theyve talked about it. But in terms of pushing legislative action up on capitol hill, they just dont think its going to happen. They look at the political climate. Republicans controlling the house and senate, they dont think its possible. Something changed yesterday, carol. It was striking to hear the president say, we need to politicize this. I think that opens up the question, will the president seek to go out and try to marshal up some sort of legislation up on capitol hill for a show . Just to see if they can get republicans to call it up for a vote. That might be farfetched. It might be the president and democrats would like to see this get infused in the upcoming Political Campaign but its a question thats been raised. Carol, the thing i sense more than anything after covering this president for a few years now and being out here as part of that routine of covering what the president has to say after these events is that the political shift seems to be happening inside the Democratic Party. They used to be afraid to talk about gun control. They used to think it was a losing issue, that it would cost them votes in swing states. Now you have people like Hillary Clinton tweeting as she did yesterday afternoon that its time to go after gun control. You know, this is something you wouldnt have seen barack obama do back in 2008. If you had that tweet, you can put it up on screen its striking to see Hillary Clinton do this. She says, another devastating shooting. We need sensible gun control measures to save lives and i will do everything i can to achieve that. Now what does the do about that . Do they seek legislation . Do they perhaps try to force republicans to put up or shut up on this issue . And does this become a big part of the next Political Campaign. Having said all that, carol, and you know this, after going through this a couple of times, in the last couple of years, whenever one of these big incidents happen, we have this conversation for about 48 hours and then it goes away. You talk to people inside the white house. Privately they acknowledge that. You got the sense yesterday, when the president was angrily denouncing this sort of routine pattern were in, seeing these every couple weeks, that maybe this time it will change and maybe hell get more forcefully behind this issue again. Carol . Im just thinking back, jim, and weve been talking about gun control laws forever, president reagan back in 1991, he was speaking to a crowded George Washington university. It was ten years after he himself was shot and he was pushing for the brady bill. I just want to read you a bit of what he said in that speech. He said with the right to bear arms comes a great responsibility to use caution and common sense on handgun purchases. And its just plain common sense there be a waiting period to allow local Law Enforcement officials to conduct background checks on those who wish to purchase handguns. As you know, jim, the brady bill was passed, but its not as strong as it once was. Reporter no, thats right. Keep in mind every day we go into the White House Briefing room, it is the james brady briefing room, named after james brady who died so many years after he took a bullet for ronald reagan. The power of the National Rifle association is such in washington that lawmakers run in fear of the gun lobby. They dare not cross the gun lobby because they just in the next political cycle. That has been the calculus on the Democratic Party side, but things seem to be changing. Carol, i think its quite striking. You know, when you go through these incidents and look at the cumulative effect, the president has had to come out and speak on this some 15 time. Every time he comes out, you know, he gets more and more strident on this issue. He called for a vote. Remember, back after the newtown tragedy, he called for a vote in congress. And gabby giffords, who was almost assassinated, the former congresswoman was sitting there in the gallery. And it just seems the more this piles up in the nations consciousness, that perhaps things might change. Its just unclear at this point whether democrats can make this happen and whether republican might want to go along with this. Jim acosta reporting live from the white house, thanks. The deadly shooting in oregon happened on a campus thats supposed to be a gunfree zone. Coming up next, ill talk to a College Professor who says he and his colleagues are easy targets for shooters. This bale of hay cannot be controlled. When a wildfire raged through elkhorn ranch, the sudden loss of pasture became a serious problem for a family business. Faced with horses that needed feeding and a texas drought that sent hay prices soaring, the owners had to act fast. Thankfully, mary miller banks with chase for business. And with greater financial clarity and a relationship built for the unexpected, she could control her cash flow, and keep the ranch running. Chase for business. So you can own it. Chase for business. To folks out there whose diabetic nerve pain. Shoots and burns its way into your day, i hear you. To everyone with this pain that makes ordinary tasks extraordinarily painful, i hear you. Make sure your doctor hears you too i hear you because i was there when my dad suffered with diabetic nerve pain. If you have diabetes and burning, shooting pain in your feet or hands, dont suffer in silence step on up and ask your doctor about diabetic nerve pain. Tell em cedric sent you. San fwhile this parking loting lies still. Life, proposition d and mission rock will create a new neighborhood right here with 40 affordable housing, 8 acres of parks and open space, all connected to public transit, and generate 25 million a year in revenue for san francisco. Vote yes on d to turn this into this. Umpqua Community College has a no guns policy. Even the security guards are unarmed, even though oregon state law allows them to carry concealed weapons on College Campuses but not inside buildings. A little confusing, right . Lets talk about Campus Security and how it should all go down. With me is professor from domenica university. Thank you for being here. Your University Just held an active shooter drill. What is that . Were actually doing it next week, where we send out alarms. Were going to tell people its a drill. We dont want to cause panic. In which we say we have an active shooter on campus. Heres what youre supposed to do. You observe to see if everyone does the right things. Different responses for different people in different places. Whether you shelter in place or try to move to a safe space, but thats coming. And its the first one. And were all a little nervous about it. Yeah, because it just i dont know. That would make me a little nervous, too, i think. I know your campus does not allow students or professors to carry guns. Does that bother you . It does not bother me. A College Campus is, to me, a very special place. And we have to try to keep gun violence from permeating these sacred spaces that matter so much to us. We cant turn america into an armed camp. A lot of people would say thats very pollyanna of you, that there should be at least an Armed Security guard or Police Officer on campus. What do you think about that . I think we see from oregon that the police got there very quickly and that having trained people who know how to respond quickly to active shooter events is absolutely important. Im grateful for our local police and the training were all doing as a community. It really matters. But the solution to Mass Shootings is to stop more people with firearms. People do wrestle shooters to the ground, as we saw in france, adding more firearms is not the right answer. Also we stop Mass Shootings by rolling back our gun culture and imposing sensible gun control laws. Thank you very much, david perry, for being with me. Ill be right back. When broker chris hill stays at laquinta he fires up the free wifi, with a network thats now up to 5 times faster than before so he can rapidly prepare his presentation. And when he perfects his pitch, do you know what chris can do . And that is my recommendation. Lets see if hes ready. He can swim with the sharks hes ready. 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Lebron james tweeting, like seriously, man, a baby shot in the chest in cleveland . Its been out of control but its really ooc. Yall need to chill the f out. This is the third child hit by gunfire in the last month. With me now is the executive director for americans for responsible solutions, a group founded by congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and her husband, mark kelly. Thank you for being here. Youre trying to change the conversation about gun control to at least allow people to have a civil conversation. Hows that going . For so long, the left and right would divide and the middle country idea logically and geographically was left out of the conversation. But over 70 of gun owners believe in Solutions Like background checks. They believe they could save lives and do support and protect their Second Amendment rights. So, you know, what weve done is try to put together the unlikely allies, we say, the republicans, the gun owners, the business owners, the people that have been left out of the discussion and gun violence prevention in the past. Is there any progress . Certainly. Obviously, were extremely disappointed at the lack of federal Progress Congress is its criminal, the fact theyve done nothing on this issue, but there have been many states that have taken the right step forward. Just moments ago congressman from delaware signed a bipartisan bill that would prevent domestic abusers from getting their hands on guns. Weve seen this in oregon. Washington state, connecticut, new york. Many states around the country are looking at ways to solve their problem on a state level in the absence of congress doing something. So, why is there this fear with some gun owners that every law enacted will strip them of all rights . Where is that coming from . No one is saying that. Yeah. So, i think what happens is daushg like the nra is an organization that does a lot of good for a lot of people. They do gun training, safety training, especially for young people. They offer gun owners free and reduced ammunition and range time. On the farthest end of the effort that they have is the really extreme political work they do. Theyre successful in convincing gun owners their rights are really threatened when, as you say, its true, theres not even a serious discussion among real leaders of this country to do anything extreme like that. No ones talking about a new gun ban. Its really the idea that people do kill people, right . They say, not guns. Thats what were after. Thank you for being with me this morning. Thank you for joining me today. Im carol costello. At this hour with berman and bolduan starts right now. Were following two major stories today. First, brandnew information coming in about the mass shooting at an oregon Community College. Nine people are dead today. Stories of heroism and bravery, though, emerging from the horror, including one man who survived seven gunshots after his family says he rushed the gunman. Hurricane joaquin, a powerful category 4 storm. Extremely dangerous. It churns in the atlantic. A new forecast out just one minute ago. Where will this storm make landfall . Hello, everyone, im john berman. Hello, everyone. Im kate bolduan. Witnesses describe thinking at

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