Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Carol Costello 20150911

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First responders and survivors have been diagnosed with cancer. This changed everything from how we fight isis to how we negotiate with iran to airport security. Debra feyerick is in manhattan near ground zero. Reporter we are just south of ground zero where this powerful ceremony is taking place. You think about 14 years, carol. Just behind you see the tower, one World Trade Center that has risen from the ashes over the last 14 years. It will never replace the two buildings that fell. It will never replace anything lost on that day. But what it does show, what it does represent is that there is something there to remind people and to bring people together. Now, i did speak to the Police Commissioner of the nypd. He said were sort of at a cross road right now. A number of people dont remember 9 11 and they need to. We cannot grow complacent. Listen to what he had to say. If you were six years old at the time it has no relevance to you. This needs to serve as a constant reminder that theyre out there trying to kill us, the terrorists, al qaeda, isis, islamic radicals. And we need to as the nypd constantly be mindful of that. Reporter thats exactly what the Police Commissioner continued to say. That is that al qaeda still has the United States in its cross hairs. That it still looks at the ground zero area as an area that is potentially still vulnerable. You think about the number of Counter Terrorism officers that are in this city on any given day. What happened 14 years ago didnt only change that day. It changed everything up to that moment. Thats why the families gathering and reading those names will pause on the second plane that hit the second tower. All right. And that moment of silence coming up in just a few second. This is the time the south tower was struck. [ bell ringing ]. [ reading victims names ] id like to dedicate this short poem to my brother. Do not stand on my grave and weep. I am not there. I do not sleep. I am a thousand winds that blow. I am the diamond glints on snow. I am the gentle autumn rain. When you awaken in the mornings hush, i am the swift unliplifti rush. I am the stars that shine at night. Do not stand at my grave and cry. I am not there. I did not die. My brother michael. And my cousin melissa. We are so blessed to have you as an angel. And were empty without you. We love you very much. So touching. My next guest survived the 9 11 attacks. He was working in the south tower when the second plane hit. His office was on the 84th floor. Only four people above that impact zone survived. Brian, thank you so much for being here. Its good to be here. Its been 14 years. How should we keep remembering that terrible day . The process is underway right now today. And you just need to if each individual remembers or takes in that life is precious, then the remembrance goes on all year. If you know that youre alive for a reason or somebody has passed for some other reason, we cant answer those unanswerable questions as to why they died. Ive been lucky enough to let those sorts of things go and move on. I just hope everybody has a different story. Everybody was affected differently. I hope those who are struggling still can move on. You heard what the commissioner said. Even my Production Assistant who was helping me compile my list of facts, he was in third grade when those planes hit. So many dont even remember that day. What should we teach them . I was in two schools in new jersey yesterday telling them the story. Some of the High School Students were alive. But others in the sixth great, one of them was my grandson, by the way, they need to hear the story just like we all needed to hear the story of pearl harbor, what happened. The world is different as a result of 9 11. But the world is also different in a positive way where we are more fully informed. Its good you say that. Because your story has positive aspects to it. You met who came to be your very close friend. Bring us through what happened that day. Youre on the 84th floor. What happens . I knew in that split second it was terrorism because we had been looking up nine floors to the building next door wondering what was going on. But knew something was amiss more than a small plane, thats for sure. The room fell apart. I had been asked to be a volunteer fire marshall and the World Trade Center provided me with a flashlight and a whistle and everything else. I had that with me at the time and led a group of six people off our floor to stairway a. We were stopped by a woman coming up and said, you cant go down. Theres flames below us. I heard a banging noise inside the 81st floor and said to the fellow beside me we should help this person, not knowing who it was, a stranger. As the two of us went in on the 81st floor, the rest of the group was convinced by the lady to go up and they all died that day. Tragic. We went in on the floor, my coworker ron was overcome with the smoke. He went back to the stairs. I carried onto find this stranger. Dug him out of the rubble. And he and i returned to the stairway. I guess that was the fateful step. I pointed the flashlight down through the smoke. I wanted to test. I believed the lady, but we wanted to see for ourself. On the 76th floor we broke into fresh air, got down with four minutes to spare. Who was that stranger . A man named stanley. He called me his brother for life. Hes an asian indian. Nobody would take us for brothers at all. Youre best friends to this day . We are. I talked to him last night. When you talked to him, did you talk about what today would mean for both of you . He and i both do a lot of speaking. We travel all over the continent and speak to business groups, churches. We share our story sometimes together. More often were apart. But thats what we do. At least something beautiful arose out of something so tragic. We try to give people hope. I so appreciate that, i do. Brian thank you so much for stopping by and sharing your story. As we go to break, i want to show you pictures from the pentagon and also from shanksville, pennsylvania where a new memorial has been opened. Diabetes, steady is exciting. Only glucerna has carbsteady, clinically proven to help minimize blood sugar spikes. So you stay steady ahead. Weve been together since 2012. Dinner is absolutely our favorite time together. I do notice that sometimes i eat better than her. I get my healthy bowl of beneful, and she eats a cheese stick and a cracker. Thats what she ate last night. Cheese stick and a cracker. Can you believe what some people put in their bodies . vo beneful originals is a healthy blend. Your dog will love. With whole grains, real beef and accents of vegetables. Beneful. Healthy with a side of happy. A new cnn poll shows trump in first place with 32 , more than his two closest rivals combined. Hes so high in the polls hes turned his own bar graph into luxury condos. Stephen colbert making light of Donald Trumps rise in the polls. But the donalds dominance is making others sit up and take notice. A new quinnipiac poll is out it shows trump with yet another commanding lead as he and ben carson top the pack. All just days before the next Republican Debate where trump and carson will be joined by Carly Fiorina in a prime time face off. Funny joke from colbert. Youre right. Trump is still in the lead. Take a look here. You can see that trump is at 27 . Ben carson is not far behind him at 21 . Both of them are up considerably since july. Cruz and bush are far behind the leaders. There you have the other three candidates who are tied for fifth place. Fiorina, kasich and rubio. I should mention this poll is particularly bad news for scott walker, the wyomia wisconsin go. His lead has evaporated. Hes fallen all the way to 3 . Take a look at how many people would definitely not support trump or bush, for that matter. That number is 25 for trump. Bush is right behind him there at 23 . And you can see the other three candidates who are in the double digits on that question. And by the way, i should mention that ben carson is at the bottom of that list, only 3 saying they would not support him. Thats very good news for carson. Thats the lay of the land as we approach our own prime time debate on wednesday. Take a look at the top tier candidates who will be on the prime time debate stage and where theyll be on that stage based on their poll standings. Trump gets center stage because he is the front runner. And fiorina is the new addition here. She surged in the polls after her impressive performance at the first debate. Its going to be must see tv. Im going to be there. Its going to be fun. Lucky you. Thank you so much. Another reminder to tune into cnn for round two of the republican president ial debates. It all kicks off at 6 00 p. M. Eastern wednesday night with happy hour debate, followed by the main event at 8 00 eastern time. Ill talk with one of the republican president ial hopefuls. That will be louisiana governor bobby jindal in your second hour of cnn newsroom. Joe biden stopping by ste n Stephen Colberts new show, opening up about a potential run. I want to talk about the elephant in the room, which in this case is a donkey. Do you have anything youd like to tell us right now about your plans . Yes. [ cheers and applause ] i think you should run for president again and ill be your Vice President. Well, sir, you said recently that you dont know if you are emotionally prepared to run for president. Look, i dont think any man or woman should run for president unless, number one, they know exactly why they would want to be president. And, two, they can look at the folks out there and say, i promise you you have my whole heart, my whole soul, my energy and my passion to do this. And and id be lying if i said that i knew i was there. All right. So lets talk about that. Amanda carpenter is with me. Good morning. So mark, what do you make of biden. He sounded like a candidate at a union rally the other day and last night he sounded like hed sit on the sidelines. He wants to create a ground swell of people who say, please, joe, run for president. It was also interesting the way joe biden talked about his faith. He talked about it in a very comfortable way. Lets listen. How is your faith . I know youre a man of deep faith. How has your faith helped you respond so having lost your first wife and your daughter and now your son. For me, my religion is just an enormous sense of solace and some of it relates to ritual. Some of it relates to comfort of what youve done your whole life. I go to mass and im able to be its just alone even in a crowd youre alone. I say the rosary. I find it to be incredibly comforting. So i thought he talked about religion in such a genuine way. When you compare it to what happened out in kentucky when Mike Huckabee went to support kim davis and ted cruz went as well and Mike Huckabee apparently blocked him from joining on the stage. That seems so political to me. And im asking you this question, amanda because you once advised ted cruz. On the joe biden element, this is a guy who wears his heart on his sleeve. His genuineness is whats really appealing about him. But as for the incident with huckabee, it was so unfortunate. The issues that were facing, republican, democrat, they are bigger than a politician. They are bigger than cruz versus huckabee. I mean, were talking about matters of faith, about terrorism with iran. Look at what happened with the iran rally the other day where cruz rallied with donald trump. I would like to see more of people coming together on the issues they agree on rather than fighting for their stage time. I hope we can learn from i dont buy it. Maybe im cynical too. I appreciate the sentiment but my thought is ted cruz is only standing next to donald trump because hes still banking on the idea that donald trump is going to fall out and hes going to get all those supporters if hes not an enemy of donald trump. Listen, ive got to tell you with the iran deal, this is literally a life and death matter for our friends in israel. This isnt about politics. If theres issues where people can Work Together listen, they said similar things about how to stop illegal immigration. I would like to see a united republican field showing that we stand together on so many issues. Yes, is there some political benefit in the background . Whether ted cruz is running for president or another senate seat or nothing at all, he still would have been there. He wouldnt say that hed even endorse or vote for donald trump. He did everything but answer the question. Im still seeing a lot of infighting among the gop. The big debate is coming up and i think everybody is going to pile on donald trump. Theres not going to be a united front on that stage as far as issues are concerned. Listen, i am not a fan of the infighting going on in the republican party. I think its beneath people like bobby jindal to give a speech trying to insult their ways to the top of the polls when theyre at 1 . Just because donald trump does it doesnt mean you should adopt those tactics. I think donald trump is providing a pretty good litmus test for those candidates. Weve seen whats happened to everyone whos gone down the at track trump ho attack trump hole. Mark lamont hill, amanda carpenter, thank you so much. I appreciate it. Lets take you to the pentagon. 9 37 a. M. Eastern time back in 2001 was the time this plane truck the pentagon, of course. Ill be right back. Struck the pentagon, of course. Ill be right back. But it is not the device that is mobile, it is you. Real madrid have about 450 million fans. Were trying to give them all the feeling of being at the stadium. The microsoft cloud gives us the scalability to communicate exactly the content that people want to see. It will help people connect to their passion of living real madrid. Outperforms the 1 nondrowsy allergy pill. Most allergy pills only control one inflammatory substance, flonase controls six. So you are greater than your allergies. Flonase. Six is greater than one. This changes everything. Youre looking at a picture near the pentagon at the 9 11 memorial there. You see the defense secretary ash carter. He just laid a wreath at that memorial, of course honoring all of those who died aboard American Airlines flight 77. Lets listen. All right. We see them. Theyre walking ahead to a crowd of people gathered at the pentagon to honor the 184 people total that were killed that day when this plane hit the pentagon. Inside the building, 55 military personnel were killed. Rear admiral wilson flag was on that plane. He was killed. And Barbara Olsen was killed. She was on her way for a taping of the bill mahr show. She called her husband before the attack asking what she should do and then he never heard from her again. On the pentagon building the flag hangs today from sunrise to sunset in honor of patriot day and in remembrance of the 184 lives lost at the pentagon. Ladies and gentlemen, the National Anthem of the United States performed by the United States navy brass quintet. Ladies and gentlemen, the United States navy chief of chaplains. Rear admiral margaret kibbon. If you would, please pray with me. God, our creator, words cannot express the breadth and depth of feelings. If you can give grace to articulate our thoughts and hear our prayers. Hear our prayers of intercession for those for whom this day only serves to open deep wounds of grief and loss. Bless this day those who understandably still mourn the events of that fateful day. Continue to strengthen, comfort and console them. And allow their resilience to be a source of inspiration and healing to this great nation. Hear our prayers of gratitude for those who gave the full measure of their devotion, the first responders, the unsung host of civilians and those in uniform who perished serving within these walls or who sacrificed their lives in the years that have followed in defense of this country. Hear our prayers for guidance as we seek to uphold and maintain the memory of those whom we honor. Strengthen this country with unity and resolve as we still face threats to our little bibe. In yoour zeal, may who remain le to serve your carefully and faithfully to preserve the freedom and future of the United States. All mighty god, we lift up these prayers to call upon your will to transform this ceremony to serve us, our grief to grace and our foellowship to a future framed with hope that those who valiantly died that day would be honored in our prayers and by our lives. In the strength of your name, we pray. Amen. Ladies and gentlemen, 14 years ago at 9 37 a. M. The pentagon was attacked. Please join us in observing a moment of silence to remember those who perished. Ladies and gentlemen, the vice chairman of the joint chiefs of staff general paul selva. Mr. Secretary, distinguished guests, friends and family of survivors and the fallen, thank you for being here for this mornings ceremony. My wife and i offer a very special welcome to each and every one of the survivors and the families and friends of those who lost their lives on these grounds 14 years ago today. We know these memorial ceremonies and youve been through many are tough, emotional filled moments for you. And we thank you for being here with us. It takes a great deal of courage to come back on a day like today thats not unlike that day in 2001. That could bring back in such stark relief that first raw moment when everything changed. Your grief, your solace, so personal to you, is shared with all of us in this nation. Today our nation joins you to reflect and to remember the 184 lives that ended here at the pentagon and those that perished in new york and at pennsylvania. They were all fellow americans, members of our nations family, members of our families. But today is about strength and resolve. We find strength in the children and spouses of the survivors who carried on and who were here to celebrate the memory of their relatives. They have blossomed into great families and into fine young men and women that we should all be very, very proud of. And they are out there today making their mark on our world. I also see in the eyes of members of this audience with resolve of this nation, to defend freedom and liberty wheth wherever it is challenged. An entire generation of men and women who have put their lives on the line for the concepts of freedom and liberty that we hold so dear. Today offers all of us an opportunity to rededicate our lives to those causes, to the things that make this nation great. Ricki and i appreciate all of you being here to share this day with us, to allow us to share this day with you. It is now my privilege to introduce to you our secretary of defense the honorary ashton carter. [ applause ]. General, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, to the families, to the families of those who lost their lives here at the pentagon, let me begin by offering on behalf of the department of defense my deepest condolences for the loss you suffered and the burden you continue to carry. We cannot fully appreciate how much your lives changed or how much you lost on this morning 14 years ago. We cannot understand how it is felt every day since to long for their laugh, to see their smile or to feel their embrace. We simply cannot comprehend the weight of their absence. For me and for so many others at the pentagon, the weight of their memory and our duty to honor it is something we do carry with us every day. For all of us, their memory serves as an ever present reminder to cherish each day with those who love us, to stay vigilant against those who would harm us and to remain guided by the values that have always made us great. At times we depend upon something other than what we hold in our head and hearts to remember. Maybe its a poem taped to your mirror. Maybe its coming to this ceremony every year. For me, its a piece of the pentagon that sits on my desk, collected from the rubble and passed down by each of my predecessors who have served since that horrific day. Beneath this piece of Indiana Limestone reads a simple encryption. It reads, to honor the 184 people whose lives were lost, their families and all those who sacrificed that we may live in freedom. We will never forget. We will never forget, though try as we may, we can never fully know how you feel, how you feel on this day. But we do know, we fully know what the lives of your loved ones mean to this community and to this nation. And i hope you know that by returning here to the pentagon each year, you set an example of strength and resilience for all of us. Terrorists who hope to intimidate us will find no satisfaction and no success in threatening the United States. Because not only do we come back, but by living in honor of those we have lost, we come back stronger than ever before. And after 14 years and forever more, terrorists who threaten us will learn this simple, yet unbending truth. No matter how long it takes, no matter where they may hide, they will not escape the long arm of justice. The threat from terrorism may evolve, but our determination to hold these killers accountable remains constant. As americans, we have the will to see that justice is done. As a military, we have the capability to see that justice is done. And because of our men and women in uniform, because we can rely on the finest fighting force the world has ever known, we know that justice will be done. When terrorists attacked the pentagon, they tore a hole in this building. They tore at places in your hearts that may never heal completely. But as you know better than anyone, they did not and could not take from us what defines us. As americans, we haare defined our resilience, by our willingness to honor the past even as we begin anew. You have embodied these ideals. You have shown us how to persevere. How to move forward, how to memorialize those we have lost in what we make of our lives. So today and all days we honor and remember your loved ones. Because of the example you have set for each of us, for our American Family, you have our deepest admiration and appreciation. Within this community, we will never forget. We will always remember. We will continue to honor the memory of those you have lost with the work we have accomplish together. [ applause ]. All right. Defense secretary ash carter saying some wonderful words honoring those who were lost at the pentagon on 9 11 in 2001. The president just tweeted out too this is from president obama. He says, 14 years after the terrorist attacks of 9 11 we honor those we lost. We salute all who served to keep us safe. We stand as strong as ever. The president and the first lady observing a public moment of silence at 8 46 eastern time. Of course thats the time the first plane struck the north tower of the World Trade Center. Ill be right back. So youre a Small Business expert from at t . 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Are you ready for some football . I know i am. Tom brady not letting a little thing like deflategate bring him down last night. The patriots bringing down the Pittsburgh Steelers in the Season Opener. Brad brady throwing for four touchdowns. The latest soap opera surrounding new england. Reporter i will say from the start it was a Party Celebration here at foxborough last night, carol. I mean, this is supposed to be a party the whole time celebrating their super bowl victim pi and they did unveil the banner and bring out the big flags and the fireworks and everything. But you also strongly got the feeling this was a Victory Party for tom bradys suspension getting revoked. He was center stage. In fact, the lawyer who get that suspension off in federal court, he was here last night. Not only did the crowd recognize him, but the crowd started chanting his name, Jeffrey Kessler over and over again. That gives you a hint of the mood here. Tom as you mentioned, tom brady had a great night on the field. It was a pretty special night, so i was excited. Our whole team was excited. You know, we havent had one of these games in a long time, so its always fun being out there and getting the opportunity to go play and we took advantage of it. It was a good win. Reporter tom brady, of course, here. Roger goodell, the nfl commissioner, as weve discussed earlier this week, not here. This is first Season Opener hes skipped in his near decade as commissioner, and the crowd maybe giving him a friendly reminder as the game was nearing the end. They started to chant at that point saying where is roger . Tell us about this controversy over the headsets. Reporter this has become a mushrooming story. After the game the Pittsburgh Steelers head Coach Mike Tomlin talked about the fact that the coaches could not hear in their headsets for much of the first half. Coaches have something called coachtocoach headsets. They go between the coaches on the sideline, also go to the coaches up in the box at the top of the stadium, and mike tomlin said that the patriots radio broadcast was bleeding into their head sets so loud they couldnt hear or talk to each other. Now, i want to read you a statement from the nfl where they talked about this issue. This is what they had to say after the game. The nfl said the pittsburgh coaches experienced interference in their headsets caused by a Stadium Power infrastructure issue thats what they blamed it on which was exacerbated by inclement weather. The nfl says, once the power issue was addressed, the equipment functioned properly with no additional issues. We have to give you a couple points. First of all, the nfl controls the headsets. This is nfl equipment, not patriots equipment, although you cant control a radio frequency. If somebody wants to jam it, im not saying the patriots did, but if somebody did, a fan, somebody from the outside, they could. The nfl cant control a radio frequency. Also important to note Bill Belichick said after the game that his side also experienced some trouble with their headsets. He pointed to some communication issues they had between the sideline and tom brady. But here is the smoking gun this morning from the Pittsburgh Steelers. On the steelers website, their official website, a writer writes that the nfl equity rule, which means you have to shut down one teams headsets if the other teams werent working. Every time the nfl went over to the patriots sideline to shut down their headsets, according to the steelers website, all of the interference miraculously lifted. So that nobodys headsets had to be shut down. Interesting. As soon as the nfl walked away, according to the steelers website, this is where were getting it from, they say the interference came back. This could rumushroom into a bigger deal. As you were explaining why there was interference according to the new england patriots, my executive producer michelle, who is a Pittsburgh Steelers fan said, yeah, whatever. So this issue is not going to dye anytime soon. I think there are definitely people around the country who feel that way. Rachel nichols, thanks so much. Coming up at the top of the hour, gop president ial candidate bobby jindal will join me live. Im ask him if hes outtrumping trump by calling the frontrunner a mad man just days before the big debate. At ally bank no branches equals great rates. Its a fact. Kind of like mute buttons equal danger. That sound good . Not being on this phone call sounds good. Its not muted. Was that you jason . It was geoffrey it was jason. It couldve been brenda. Which means you can watch movies while youre on the move. Sitcoms, while you sit on those. And even fargo, in fargo binge, while you lose weight and enjoy a good cliffhanger while you hang from a. Why am i yelling . 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It took 57 minutes for that building to fall. 900 people were killed when that building tumbled to the ground. That includes emergency workers. Its just so painful to remember even now. Im sure you remember exactly where you were and your disbelief when you saw that building falling even though it was live on television. No one thought it would happen, but it did. Lets pause. [ bell ringing ] gary robert hagge. Andrea lynn haberman. Barbara mary all right. For those viewers just joining us now, good morning to you. Im carol costello. Thank you so much for joining me. That was a moment of silence marking the fall of the south power of the World Trade Center, and in just a few moments well pause again to remember those on board united flight 93. As you know, that plane crashed in a field near shanksville, pennsylvania, as passengers onboard overpowered the hijackers in an attempt to regain control of that plane. There will be a moment of silence in new york as well as a new memorial at the crash site in pennsylvania. Deborah feyerick is live in Lower Manhattan with the ceremonies here. Good morning, deborah. Reporter you think this is a day on which 3,000 people were simply murdered in cold blood but yet there was so much he si resiliency. The people on the plane that knew they were going to die and yet they did what they had to to keep that plane from yacrashing into other buildings. I hear the names being read out, and for some people time has lessened the pain but for so many it feels like this just happened yesterday. I spoke to the nypd commissioner bill bratton and he reminded me half the people currently living in new york city were not living here when the towers fell on 2001. Sow said there is a risk of complacency, of people forgetting, but as you mentioned earlier, carol, think about how our lives have changed. Whether we fly, how we get into concerts and how our bags are kore screened. Security and counterterrorism efforts are now part of our daily lives. So things really have changed, and for the people who lost loved ones on that day, you know, look, i think of the moms who perished in that tower who had unborn children. Their names are engraved around the fountain, the infinity fountain, and i think of those mothers who lost husbands, those children now also 14 years old. So its not just marking the passage of time with how our lives have changed, but its also marking the passage of time with the lives that have grown out of that. So a very powerful day here, carol. Very powerful day. You know, you mentioned todd beamer who was aboard flight 73 a 93 and the cockpit voice recorder picked up him saying lets roll. Another touching moment from inside the plane right before the plane crashed, there was a woman called elizabeth who said i have to go. Theyre breaking in the cockpit. I love you. Its just so many Amazing Stories of heroism on board that flight which crashed into the flight in shanksville and saved so many lives in washington, d. C. Well pause now so we can honor those people. To shift the story from states rights to slavery as the root cause of the civil war. At selma to montgomery, little rock central high, Tuskegee Airmen and Martin Luther king jr. Memorial, we tell the story of civil rights, and during this recent 50th anniversary of the Voting Rights march, we engaged young people from across the country, including from ferguson, missouri. Stuart d. Harris. John patrick harp. John clinton heart. With we now republican governor of louisiana, bobby jindal. Welcome, governor jindal. Your thoughts on this day. We are an amazing country. Were blessed to be in this exceptional country. The awful attacks of 9 11 obviously brought this country to our knees but we got back up. We rally around our communities, our neighbors, complete strangers. We saw that on the awful, awful attacks of 9 11. I saw that in my state during hurricane katrina, so this an amazing, compassionate, resilient country. Obviously our thoughts and prayers are with those who lost loved ones that awful day 14 years ago whether it was first responders, whether it was folks in the planes, people in the buildings. We know that we cant bring back their loved ones, their husbands, their wives, their son, their daughters, so our thoughts and prayers go to our families . How did that day change you . It reminded us whatever our differences, were still united as a country. It brought us together and we saw some unit and i hope we never forget that. Its fine to debate our differences, thats part of who we are, but ultimately there is more that binds us together. It reminds me this country blilt on freedom theres no external threat or challenge that can take away what makes this country great. I was humbled to see the resiliency of the american people. I was lying in d. C. And working in d. C. At the time. It was amazing to see people come together. I agree with you there. You know, you well know, governor jindal, terrorism still tops the list of concerns in the United States, but politicians seem to be focused on insulting each other. Youve joined the pack recently calling donald trump a madman. Is that the only way to make trump stop insulting his fellow republicans . I think we have an Incredible Opportunity to get our country back. As a conservative i think our country is slipping away from us. 18 trillion of debt. You mentioned the International War on terrorism. I believe we have a president who is making a truce with iran while he declares wars on transfats. He refuses to say radical islamic terrorism. Planned parenthood engages in barbaric acts. The idea of america slipping away and we have and i understand your concerns about all of those issues, so why come out and call donald trump a narcissist and a madman and other things . Well, i think the danger of donald trump i like the idea of donald trump. I think its very entertaining when he takes on the d. C. Establishment, when he says politically incorrect things. I think hes right, we need an outsider. What worries me is, however, as conservatives, we have a choice. Do we turn our principles, turn to a man who believes in nothing but himself. He doesnt believe in anything other than donald trump. Hes a narcissist, an egomaniac. Hes not for limited government. The only thing he is for is for donald trump. This is a serious time. Its time for us to turn to proven conservative leaders. Its time to put the donald in the elevator, send him downstai downstairs, and tell him hes fired. As you know, donald trump responds to those who respond him. He tweeted out lightweight governor been ji jindal, who is registered at less than 1 in the polls just mocked my hair. So original. That exactly sums up what a wrong with donald trump. I gave a speech yesterday calling him a narcissist and all he heard was a stray comment about his hair. Hes been for socialized medicine, tax increases. Hes not conservative, hes not liberal, hes not an independent, hes not a democrat, hes not a republican, he is for donald trump. This is a rallying cry to conservatives to say lets put our faith in our proven conservative principles. Its time to shrink the government economy, grow the american economy. This is no time to turn into an entertainer. Hes a great reality tv star and thats wonderful. Put him back on tv, but, you know, folks say theyre worried about giving him the nuclear codes. Its not that, he will implode in the general election. Its even worse than that if he would be elected, we have no idea what he would do in the white house. So you dont want him to be in charge of that red button i would assume. Let me ask you this question, some women in the gop think trump is cementing an image of republicans being a party of grur grumpy old men. Are you glad Carly Fiorina will be on the same stage as donald trump . The reason i made fun of his hair was in response to his attack on her appearances. But thats the problem. The whole thing is a carnival show. It all becomes about silly insults and outrageous comments and he will just say the most outrageous things and offend people. Thats not what we need in the leader of the free world. Thats not what we need at this critical time in our countrys history. We have a once in a lifetime opportunity to rescue the idea of america, to get us back on path. Is part of you cheering Carly Fiorina on . I think im the candidate thats best qualified to be that conservative leader. The voters will decide. The reality though is that im the only candidate thats reduced the size of government. Everybody alleges talks aboelse. Im glad to see her stand her ground and hit back at trump. You say youre the best candidate, yet the polls show you at 1 and some accuse you of this calling donald trump names, trumping trump as far as insults go, as sort of a desperate move because even when you appeared at the National Press club yesterday, the audience was very small. Well, but the reality is our strategy is working in iowa. We focused on the early states, were moving up in the polls. Were going to 99 counties, were doing town hall meetings. The reality is our strategy is working. This is not about me. This is bigger than that. This is about the conservative movement. This is about our country. This is about a moment in time. The democrats have gift wrapped this election for us. Theyve nominated their weakest candidate who is running the worst campaign. Were in a great position to win this election. Lets not blow it. I agree with trump in going after the d. C. Establishment. I think thats right. I think we need to fire everybody in d. C. We need to be willing to be politically incorrect. We need to challenge the status quo but hes not the person to do. I will ask you this question and i know wolf blitzer asked you this question yesterday, if donald trump wins the republican primary, will you support him . Hes not going to win but if he does, will you support him. Hes not going to be the nominee. Im going to support the republican nominee. Im going to be the republican nominee. He is not going to be our nominee. The reality but at the moment he has more of a chance to be the republican nominee than you do, frankly. Hes at 30 and youre at 1 in the polls. Hes not a serious candidate. He doesnt have the substance. He doesnt have the intellectual curiosity or the policy depth. Hes not going to be the nominee. Thats the point of this speech yesterday at the National Press club. The whole point is to rally conservatives and say lets get serious. Hes a great entertainer. Weve enjoyed the show. The idea of donald trump is great. The substance isnt. The substance is a narcissist im just going to try one more time, governor jindal. So, yes or no, would you support donald trump if he wins the republican nomination . Im going to support the republican nominee. Im going to be the republican nominee even if its donald trump, youre going to support that . Donald trump will not be our nominee. Thats the whole point. Were fighting hard to make sure hes not our nominee. He will implode in the general election or even worse than that, if he were to win, who knows what he would do in the white house. We know he doesnt believe in limited government. His only concern with top down government is he is not the one in charge. So he would be too dangerous for you to support even if he wins the nomination. Look, im going to support the nominee but im going to be the nominee. Donald trump is not going to be our nominee. Okay. I gave it my best try. Governor bobby jindal, thank you so much for joining me this morning. I thank you. Now to the democrats, a new cnn poll shows a dip in support for Hillary Clinton as enthusiasm for a potential joe biden candidacy grows. Jeff zeleny joins me now to walk us through the numbers. Good morning, jeff. Good morning, carol. More challenges for Hillary Clinton. Our new poll shows that she continues to take a hit after whats really been a bruising summer. For the first time she is below 40 in national polling. Lets take a look at some of the numbers. Only 37 of democrats now say shes their choice for president. That is down 47 from august. Now, Bernie Sanders is only 10 points behind her at 27 . But meanwhile, support for joe biden has climbed now to 20 . But, carol, perhaps most striking of all, a steep decline in enthusiasm. Only 43 of democrats now say theyre enthusiastic about her candidacy. That is down from 60 when she first jumped in back in april. Now, when you look at these headtohead matchups with republican candidates, clinton is essentially tied with them. A double digit lead earlier this summer has evaporated. She runs practically even with trump and slightly behind jeb bush but its a different story with joe biden. He runs ten points stronger than trump and eight points higher than bush. But despite all of this, carol, here is a bit of a reality check. A wide majority of democrats still believe clinton will win the partys nomination. 65 . The question, of course, is how strong of a challenge Bernie Sanders or even perhaps joe biden, should he jump in, will give her before the voting begins early next year. Carol . Youre going to keep an eye on it for us. Thank you so much. Jeff zeleny reporting live for us. And you do not want to miss the gop president ial candidates facing on and off backtoback debates. Watch next wednesday night september 16th at 6 00 and 8 00 eastern only on cnn. Cnn will also host the first of six democratic debates october 15th in nevada. Tweet us our debate questions using the hash tag cnn debate. Coming neck, txt, the joy f moments as up with raft crammed with refugees finally arrives in greece. Companies provide a betteryticsp and faster Customer Experience. Hello mr. Kent. Can i rebook your flight . Im here Customer Care can work better. With xerox. Wait im here mr. Kent . gasp shark diving xerox personalized employee portals help Companies Make benefits simple and accessible. From anywhere. Hula dancing . Cliff jumping moments as up with raft crammed where their electricity comes from. They flip the switch and the light comes on. Its our job to make sure that it does. Using natural gas this power plant can produce enough energy for about 600,000 homes. 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So its not that i didnt think i could win, i just knew i had to ask myself the question at what cost and at this time . I believe i could have won because theres no other candidate who could demonstrate what i have done or what more they could do to make this city to make this city better, but i knew that the next 15 months had to be about more than that. I have a track record of making the right decisions for our citys future. That track record includes not always making what many would think is the political decision or the popular decision, but its the right decision. I have always done what i knew would move the city forward, and my record reflects that. When i came into office, the city was in turmoil for many reasons. We had a budget deficit of over 140 million. The Pension System was spiraling out of control. People had lost hope and faith in city government, and at that time i got busy. I put forward ethics reforms, increase the staff in the budget for the Inspector Generals Office to attack waste, fraud, and abuse in city government. I put forth more Pension Reforms than i would say any mayor any Government Official in the country, reforming our Pension System and putting ourselves in the position so that pension that our city workers, that our fire and Police Officers depend on, is there for them when they retire. I reduced the citys structural deficit by more than half. We have the citys first, and i say the countrys first, tenyear financial plan. Weve increased the citys combined bond rating to the highest level its been since the 60s. You dont get there by not by being unwilling to make the tough decisions to move our city forward. Weve reduced property taxines the lowest level were going to break away from this. In a nutshell the Baltimore City mayor, stephanie rawlingsblake, will not seek reelection. Shes been em bbattled lately because of the rir yots and thex Police Officers on trial for the death of freddie gray. The Baltimore City mayor says she will not seek reelection although she says it has nothing to do with whats happening in her city at the moment as far as the freddie gray case. Cuba is pardoning more than 3500 prisoners in honor of pope francis upcoming trip. The pope was scheduled to visit cuba in one week on september 19th. The prisoners could be released within the next 72 hours. Fiat chrysler is recalling more than 1. 5 million ram trucks. The automaker is worried about faulty wiring in a Steering Wheel thats led to the drivers side air bag deploying. Two injuries are linked to that issue. Chrysler is already under fire from federal regulators over its handling of recalls. The nfl kicked off what is likely to be another record breaking money season. The patriots and the steelers facing off in foxborough. They are expected to hit 13 billion in revenue this year. Still to come in the newsroom, lately Vice President joe biden is hearing cries of run, joe, run. Now an Emotional Biden is opening up about whether he will enter the race. Staying in rhythm. Its how i try to live. How i stay active. So i need nutrition. That wont weigh me down. For the nutrition you want without the calories you dont. Introducing boost 100 calories. Each delicious snack size drink gives you. 25 vitamins and minerals and 10 grams of protein. So its big in nutrition and small in calories. Im not about to swim in the slow lane. Stay strong. Stay active with boost®. I needed work done around my house at a fair price. F sure can. So i could get a faulty light switch fixed . Yup or make a backyard pizza oven . Oh yeah. I can almost taste it now. Tastes like victory. And pepperoni. It wouland it turned onif you turned oeverywhere else. Ne room but thats exactly how traditional cooling and Heating Systems work. So you pay more than you should. 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Call Liberty Mutual for a free quote today at see Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. Im a gas service my nrepresentative. N. Ive been with pg e nine years. As an employee of pg e you always put your best foot forward to provide reliable and safe service and be able to help the community. We always have the safety of our customers and the community in mind. My family is in oakland, my wifes family is in oakland so this is home to us. Being able to work in the community that i grew up in, customers feel like friends, neighbors and it makes it a little bit more special. Together, were building a better california. Ceremonies are under way in new york. The vicks tims of those lost on that tragic day 14 years ago, reading those name. 10 28 earn mastern marks the mo that the north tower at the World Trade Center fell. It took a long time for the north tower to fall. It didnt collapse until 10 28. Approximately 1,600 people on the ground, including emergency workers, died when that tower came down. Lets pause. Never knowing he wouldnt return. He left the building that day but went back in. Dont know what you were thinking, but you are a true american hero. Youre my hero. Youre my son, and i love you. Your family is here today with you. I know youre looking down smiling and shaking your head saying that im nervous, but i am, so god bless, son. Love you. Keep smiling. [ applause ] [ bell ringing ] Michael Patrick laforte. All right. Were going to step away and move on to politics now. Id be lying if i said i knew i was there. Thats Vice President joe biden on the late show with Stephen Colbert when asked whether hes decided to run for the countrys highest office. During an emotional interview, biden opened up about the death of his son beau and why his decision to run for president depends on family. A couple months before he died i was at his house, and he said, dad, sit down, i want to talk to you, with his wife. Incredible kid. He said, dad, i know how much you love me. You have to promise me something, promise me youre going to be all right because no matter what happens, dad, im going to be all right. Promise me. This is a kid who i dont know what it was about him. He had this enormous sense of empathy, and im not making this up. I know i maybe sound like a father. Anyway, but it sounds like you love him. You said recently, you said this weekend that you dont know if you are emotionally prepared to run for president. Look, i dont think any man or woman should run for president unless, number one, they know exactly why they would want to be president and, two, they can look at the folks out there and say, i promise you, you have my whole heart, my whole soul, my energy, and my passion to do this, and id be lying if i said that i knew i was there. I went out to denver, and i landed on a military base and i met a whole group of military families, which is not unusual, on a rope line about 100 yards from the aircraft. And about twothirds were in uniform, the other were family members, and i was thanking them, and i really meant it. This 1 is fighting for 99 of the rest of us, and i was talking to about them being the backbone and sinew of this country and all of a sudden it was going great, and a guy in the back yells, major beau biden, bronze star, sir. Served with him in iraq, and all of a sudden i lost it. How could you thats not i shouldnt be saying this, but that you know you cant do that. You cant do that. Joe biden struggling there. Joining me to talk about this, larry sa bada and steve shale, also part of the draft biden effort. Welcome to you both. So, steve, when you hear the Vice President talk on that late show like that, what goes through your mind . Well, i think for those of us that have been encouraging him to get in the race it really confirms why we feel so strongly about the man. What we saw yesterday is a guy who is as genuine as a father, of a husband, of a person as there is in public service. And frankly, just the kind of guy we need more of in politics. Were going to keep doing our job which is to organize people, raise money, build infrastructure in the early states and make it clear to the Vice President as he works this intensely personal decision we have his back if he gets in. But on the other hand, larry, you can certainly understand why joe biden is concerned that emotion might take over if he runs for president of the United States and if hes elected into office. Carol, he has said the same thing several times recently, and watching that slip and watching the whole interview last night, which was an Emotional Experience for the audience, not just for the Vice President or Stephen Colbert, it just it sounded as though he was not going to run. On the other hand, politicians can turn on a dime. We see that every day. So well just have to wait and be patient and see what he actually says, what he actually decides in the end. Steve, is there any effort within joe bidens office to indicate that theyre thinking seriously about him running . Well, i think that all of us are really in the same spot. I mean, whats interesting is this is such a different kind of conversation. Its not really a political calculus. Nobody is having the conversation can he win or is there a path. I think this really is an issue of the Vice President coming to terms with his own grief. As he said, previously talking about grief, does he have more good days than bad days, and frankly, i think if he can get there in his own heart, hell probably run. Thats my hunch and if he cant, he wont. In the end our job is just to be ready regardless and support him in whatever way he ends up going. Larry, joe biden always shows up hes at 12 on the polls and hes not even running. Is there a possibility he could beat Hillary Clinton if he decides to run . Sure, its possible. I dont think its likely but its possible. After all, Hillary Clinton in some polls, in some states has been dropping like a rock. But she also has an enormous lead in money, in organization, in endorsements. I have heard senior democrats say very directly they hope biden gets in as standby equipment, and after all thats what a Vice President is, hes sta standby equipment, so he has some experience there, in case Hillary Clinton falters, seriously falters and cannot be the nominee. They want someone from the establishment side to substitute for her, and they dont believe Bernie Sanders or the other candidates currently in the democratic race will suffice and be able to win a general election. Steve, what do you think is why do you think Hillary Clinton, her poll numbers have been tanking lately . What is her problem . Well, i think in fairness to her, she had a tough month of august. I worked for a guy as larry knows who has really bad augusts. Certainly his august 2007 was one that left many people thinking he stdidnt have much chance of winning. To the biden question, theres definitely room for him to grow. You saw in the poll that came out yesterday, 20 points, hes gone up 6 points in a month. He had some of the highest favorables but lets go back to Hillary Clinton. I like how you turned the corner on me there. Lets go back to Hillary Clinton. What is her stumbling block . Where does she need to improve . What does she need to do . Well, i mean, listen, carol, i dont work for the clintons. Im here to help the Vice President. I will say to her credit i think some of the things they did this week, going on andrea mitchell, for example, and answering questions, shes going to have to do that until it goes away. Do you agree, larry . Well, thats certainly true, but id have to say this. For all of her positives and all of her experience and the rest of it, it is stunning how bad a candidate she has been. To take six months to stop the drip, drip, drip on the email server, and it may still not be stopped, but to take six months to do what some of her senioruro in the very beginning is remarkable. She has plenty of time to recover. She could easily come back and be a strong candidate, but i have to say over the past six months, she has bombed, bombed as a candidate. All right. I have to leave it mr. Larry sabato, steve schale, thank you for joining me. I appreciate it. Its been six months since an American Family was poisoned on vacation. Details about the botched fumigation that have left two teenage boys unable to walk or eat on their own. My moderate to severe chronic plaque psoriasis made a simple trip to the Grocery Store anything but simple. So finally, i had an important conversation with my dermatologist about humira. He explained that humira works inside my body to target and help block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to my symptoms. In clinical trials, most adults saw 75 skin clearance. And the majority were clear or almost clear in just 4 months. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Ask your dermatologist about humira. Because with humira clearer skin is possible. New details e midwesternimi the investigation of an American Family poisoning while on vacation. Its been six months since the family fell gravely ill. They were poisoned by a pesticide during a Family Vacation to this resort on st. John. Today the familys lawyer telling us the teenagers still cannot eat or walk alone. Sara ganim has been following this story. This is just awful. Devastating for this family. The two boys cant sit up, they cant walk, they cant fez themselves. The father who had similar symptoms and seems to have been made a better of a recovery and one of his sons can talk but its very labored, very difficult. These boys were in comas for weeks and doctors tell us this may be, unfortunately, as good as it gets for them. That when the symptoms persist for so long theres very little chance they will get better. The worst part really is the lawyer told me that neurologically its like a torture chamber. They know whats going on, they just cant translate that to movement. So how is the mother doing and why is the father recovering more quickly than the boys . Presumably they were on vacation in this tropical island. The mom was outside a little bit more. She had more fresh air, less exposure. I want to show you some pictures, carol, that come from inside the villa. These are newly released by the epa, and it show the can stiste the toxins and gives you a picture of how dangerous this gas is. Six weeks after they fell ill, the epa was still finding Dangerous Levels of toxins inside their villa. We have also learned this is a restricted gas. So when someone buys it, theyre supposed to tell the epa. Those forms were left plank and no one caught it. Theres supposed to be a warning agent attached to this gas. Similar to a natural gas so when youre breathing it in you know its something dangerous and the lawyer for this family tells us in this case was this being sprayed outside no, it was inside. Theres a wood boring beatle beetle thats hard to kill. What does terminix say . They say all of us continue to have this family in our thoughts and prayers. We are cooperating with the authorities and conducting our own thorough investigation. The person who actually sprayed this was the Branch Manager of the term nitiinix down there. Hes on administrative lead. Terminix said theyre halting fumigations down there and retraining their employees. The next step, quite frankly, for this family is going to be a lawsuit. Theyre entering into mediation late they are month and theyve brought in the big guns. Theyve brought in ken feinberg oh, wow. Who negotiated settlements for all the 9 11 families. So this is something thats being taken very seriously as it should. These boys lives are ruined. This family has been ruined. Its been absolutely devastating. Sara ganim, thanks so much. I appreciate it. Still to come in the newsroom, good news for millions of fast food workers. Theyre going to get a raise. Up next well tell you which state, which city actually just approved a pay hike. Having a perfectly nice day, when out of nowhere a pickup truck slams into your brand new car. One second it wasnt there and the next second. Boom, you had your first accident. Now you have to make your first claim. So you talk to your Insurance Company and. Boom, youre blindsided for a second time. They wont give you enough money to replace your brand new car. Dont those people know youre already shaken up . Liberty mutuals new car replacement will pay for the entire value of your car, plus depreciation. Call and for drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Switch to Liberty Mutual insurance and you could save up to 509. Call Liberty Mutual for a free quote today at see Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. A big win for millions of fast food workers in new york. Theyre going to get a raise, and a big one. The state just approved a controversial minimum wage hike requiring large franchises to way workers 15 an hour. But employees may have to wait to see some of that extra cash in their paycheck. Cnns chief Business Correspondent Christine Romans is here to tell us why. Theyre going to phase that in. It wont be right now. It will be 9 will be the minimum wage for fast food workers by the end of the year. And, you know, 15 an hour, thats a bold move by andrew cuomo. Its the first time you have seen Something Like that in a city the size of new york and a state the size of new york. So that will be a lot of people who will be getting a pay raise. The 7. 25 is the federal minimum wage. 8. 75 is the new york minimum wage. By the end of the year it will be 9 and eventually 15 an hour. The kicker is Governor Cuomo wanted to make it 15 an hour for all workers in new york, construction, retail, not just fast food workers and it would be bold and it would be unprecedented. He was yesterday with joe biden, the Vice President , someone who has really been a champion of raising the federal minimum wage. But listen to the Vice President on the minimum wage issue, carol. Its reasonable. Its rational. Its the right thing to do, and the federal minimum wage needs to be raised. Its been ten years since congress has increased it. So the argument, of course, against raising it, higher menu prices, maybe some job cuts. Thats what weve always heard from people who say its not a good idea. The case for it, the current wages are too low. Taxpayers in some cases are subsidizing these Big Companies because low wage workers get earned income tax credits. They get other kinds of tax credits, food stamps in many cases and the minimum wage has not kept up with inflation. Theres really still a big debate over this. Recently walmart raised wages for workers, but then they laid a bunch of workers off. And its hurting their profit this is year. Its hurting their Profit Growth but they say its the right thing to do because they are also adding hours in some of their stores to improve the Customer Experience but they laid people off in other stores where it just they just didnt need the extra hours. The issue of layoffs is something thats really important, carol, because there was a Congressional Budget Office report to congress that said a 10. 10 minimum wage at the federal level would end 500,000 job cuts but it would pull 900,000 people out of poverty. Theres a tradeoff there. What youre hearing about 15 for a minimum wage, theres just really no research or no background on it. This is uncharted territory for new york. It will be really interesting to see how that turns out. And, of course, new york would like to lead the rest of the country and see other people do it, too p. M. Some ci. Some cities have but not a big state. Still to come, Serena Williams quest for a grand slam is back on course this morning. Well take you live to the u. S. Open. Wow. Sweet new subaru, huh mitch . Yep. Youre selling the mitchmobile . Man, we had a lot of good times in this baby. Whats your dad want for it . Like a hundred and fifty grand, two hundred if they want that tape deck. Youre not going to tell your dad about the time my hamster had babies in the backseat, are you . thats just normal wear and tear, dude. vo subaru has the highest resale value of any brand. According to kelley blue book. And mitch. Love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. What do a nasca comedian. And a professional golfer have in common . We talked to our doctors about treatment with xarelto®. Xarelto® is proven to treat and help reduce the risk of dvt and pe blood clots. Xarelto® has also been proven to reduce the risk of stroke in people with afib, not caused by a heart valve problem. For people with afib currently well managed on warfarin, there is limited information on how xarelto® and warfarin compare in reducing the risk of stroke. I tried warfarin before, but the blood testing routine and dietary restrictions had me off my game. Not this time. Not with xarelto®. Ill have another arnold palmer. Make mine a kevin nealon. Really, brian . Hey, safety first. Like all blood thinners, dont stop taking xarelto® without talking to your doctor, as this may increase your risk of a blood clot or stroke. While taking, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. Xarelto® may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. Xarelto® can cause serious, and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. Get help right away for unexpected bleeding, unusual bruising, or tingling. If you have had spinal anesthesia while on xarelto®, watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle related signs or symptoms. Do not take xarelto® if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. Tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. Before starting xarelto®, tell your doctor about any kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. Xarelto® has been prescribed more than 11 million times in the u. S. And that numbers growing. Like your guys scores. With xarelto® there is no regular blood monitoring, and no known dietary restrictions. Treatment with xarelto® was the right move for us. Ask your doctor about xarelto®. Im a senior Field Technician for pg e here in san jose. Pg e is using new technology to improve our system, replacing pipelines throughout the city of san jose, to provide safe and reliable services. Raising a family here in the city of san jose has been a wonderful experience. My oldest son now works for pg e. When i do get a chance, an opportunity to work with him, its always a pleasure. I love my job and i care about the work i do. I know how hard our crews work for our customers. I want them to know that they do have a safe and reliable system. Together, were building a better california. Serena williams will close in on the grand slam history today. The tennis star is set to begin her semifinal match at the u. S. Open after rain postponed the match. Cnns andy scholes is live at flushing meadows to tell us more. Good morning. Reporter good morning, carol. It looks like Mother Nature is the only thing right now that can slow down Serena Williams and keep her from winning an match. Shes on a roll right now. Shes won 33 matches in grand slam turnments. Shes looking for her fourth straight u. S. Open, her seventh of her career. If she gets it done, she would be the first player to win the calendar year grand slam since steffi graf did it 27 years ago. The fans want to see some history. I just came from where she was warming up on the side courts. There are hundreds of fans gathered around just to watch serena practice. For the first time ever, the womens final for tomorrow sold out before the mens, and as serena continues to win at the u. S. Open, the prices keep going up and up and up. It will cost you 50 more if you want to go to that womens final tomorrow as opposed to the mens on sunday. So as of yesterday, it was a downer here because of all the rain at flushing meadows. Today very exciting. The fans continue to file in as were going to have four great semifinal matchups. Serena in the afternoon and Roger Federer tonight. Who will serena face first . Shes taking on roberta vinci. Shes been the surprise of the tourname tournament. Shes ranked 43rd in the world. And i dont know her mindset right now but she might be kind of just the happy to be here coming into this semifinals against serena. Not many people were giving her a very good chance. It could be a quick affair. If you want to caesar rena in action, you might want to tune in quickly. Can you imagine if youre her and youre facing Serena Williams . That would have to be difficult. I imagine she didnt think that was going to happen when this thing started a couple weeks ago. So were you going to get a front seat at the match . Reporter im going to try, carol. Theres so many people already filing in wanting to see this match. Of course, Everyone Wants to get up and close to serena as much as possible. As i said at the practice court, i couldnt even get to the rail to see who was prag. I just assumed it was serena. Im going to try though. Im going to try to get as close as i can and see the match. I know you can be pretty aggressive so im rooting for you. Andy scholes reporting live from the u. S. Open. Thank you so much for joining me today. Im carol costello. At this hour with berman and bolduan starts now. So did joe biden just tell us he is not running for president . Remarkably candid, deeply emotional revelations that could change the entire president ial race. And as biden rises in the polls, Hillary Clinton is falling, but most alarming for her, its not just against democrats. Her lead over republicans vanishing in a new poll. Hello, everyone. Im john berman. And im kate bolduan. Vice president joe biden, raw emotion and really revealing and offering up new doubt on whether hes going to jump into the president ial race. This all happened during an appearance on the late show is Stephen Colbert. He doesnt seem to be Holding Anything back and he also seems to his appearance r

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