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Want him to be a freddie gray. Good morning. Im carol costello. Thank you for joining me. Im live in baltimore. Here in the city that curfew has kicked in. An uneasy peace peace taking hold. Nearly an hour after that 10 00 p. M. Curfew, police fire spoke canisters and chase away a peaceful crowd. Only ten people placed under arrest compared to 200 the night before. The unrest here inspires protests in other American Communities from coast to coast and in the middle ferguson missouri. Hundreds gather under the watchful eye of police. It was here last summer that killing of an unarmed teenager ignited nationwide anger and debate over Police Treatment of africanamerican men. Now the big difference between monday night and last night here in baltimore was selfpolicing. I was there at president and north avenue. I watched Community Members link arms creating this human barrier between police and the protesters. Take a look. This is a peaceful rally. Everyone keep it that way. What are you guys protecting . Theres a curfew at 10 00. We want to keep distance between the people and the Police Officers. We want to keep this rally peaceful. Thats what we want. We dont want anything else. Weve been doing great job all day long. We want justice for all future freddie grays out here. We can riot and loot and that isnt going to change anything sweetheart. Its not going to change anything. Its misguided frustration is what it is. Thats what it is. Until we get to the root of the problem that all eyes are on Baltimore City now they are watching us im sorry it took a tragic negative event to get eyes on Baltimore City and now theyre watching so lets give them something good to look at. Lets disperse peacefully. We can do this. I know we can. I have faith in my baltimore. I know the people will show the world what kind of city we have. As you can see those communities leaders and others that lived in that neighborhood linked arms and pushed people back until they went home. They stook a stand and ittook a stand and it worked. Also in another part of town people rolled up their sleeves to clean up the wreckage of the fires and looting. Athena jones is in another part of baltimore with more on that. Good morning, athena. Good morning, carol. Were in gilmore homes. This is the Housing Project where freddie gray was arrested several weeks ago now. Just a short while ago not too far from here we were in that intersection where so much has gone down over the last couple nights and it looks different today than in the immediate aftermath of mondays violence. The cvs looted and burned out has been boarded up. That wasnt the case this time yesterday. Also the debris that was littering the streets is almost all gone. We saw the cleanup efforts yesterday. Dump trucks having to come several times to take away and haul away trash bags filled with the debris there. The community really stepping up to try to clean up the city. One woman telling us were embarrassed by what happened monday night. We can do better than that. We want to make sure that we do better than that. Things are returning at least looking like they are returning to normal. At that same intersection shutdown this time yesterday, we saw school buses go by. Baltimore city Public Schools are now reopened. The kids are back in school. Theyre having principals and teachers put together activities that will help the kids talk about and learn from the events of the last couple of days especially monday. There are also counselors on hand. Athena im sorry to interrupt you with a great part of that story from baltimore. Hillary clinton is talking about the violence that took place here earlier this week. Lets listen. Unarmed and just 12 years old. Eric garner choked to death after being stopped for selling cigarettes on the streets of our city. And now freddie gray. His spine nearly severed while in police custody. Not only as a mother and a grandmother but as a citizen, a human being, my heart breaks for these young men and their families. We have to come to terms with some hard truths about race and justice in america. There is [ applause ] there is some profoundly wrong when africanamerican men are still far more likely to be stopped and searched by Police Charged with crimes and sentenced to longer prison terms than are given to white counterparts. Theres something wrong when a third of all black men face the prospect of prison during their lifetimes. And an estimated 1. 5 million black men are missing from their families and communities because of incarceration and premature death. There is something wrong when more than one out of every three young black men in baltimore cannot find a job. There is something wrong when trust between Law Enforcement and the communities they serve breaks down as far as it has in many of our communities. We have allowed our criminal Justice System to get out of balance. These recent tragedies should galvanize us to come together as a nation to find our balance again. We should begin by heeding the pleas of freddie grays family for peace and unity echoing the families of michael brown, Trayvon Martin and others in the past years. Those who are instigating further violence in baltimore are disrespecting the gray family and the entire community. They are compounding the tragedy of freddie grays death and setting back the cause of justice. So the violence has to stop. But more broadly, lets remember that everyone in every Community Benefits when there is respect for the law when everyone in every community is respected by the law. [ applause ] that is what we have to work towards in baltimore and across our country. We must urgently begin to rebuild the bonds of trust and respect among americans. Between police and citizens yes, but also across society. Restoring trust in our politics our press, our markets. Between and among neighbors and even people with whom we disagree politically. This is so fundamental to who we are as a nation and everything we want to achieve together. It truly is about how we treat each other and what we value. Making it possible for every american to reach his or her god given potential regardless of who you are, where you were born or who you love. The inequities that persist in our Justice System undermine this shared vision of what america can be and should be. I learned this firsthand as a young attorney just out of law school. At one of those law schools that will remain nameless here at columbia. One of my earliest jobs for the Childrens Defense Fund which david had mentioned i was so fortunate to work with mary ann as a young lawyer and then serving on the board of the Childrens Defense Fund was studying the problem then of youth, teenagers, sometimes preteens incarcerated in adult jails. Then as director of the university of Arkansas School of law legal aid clinic i advocated on behalf of Prison Inmates and poor families. I saw repeatedly how our legal system can be and all too often is stacked against those who have the least power, who are the most vulnerable. I saw how families could be and were torn apart by excessive incarceration. I saw the toll on children growing up in homes shattered by poverty and prison. So unfortunately i know these are not new challenges by any means. In fact they have become even more complex and urgent over time and today they demand fresh thinking and bold action from all of us. Today there seems to be a growing bipartisan movement for common sense reforms in our criminal Justice System. Senators as desperate on the political spectrum as cory booker and rand paul and dick durbin and mike lee are reaching across the aisle to find ways to Work Together. It is rare to see democrats and republicans agree on anything today but were beginning to agree on this. We need to restore balance to our criminal Justice System. Now, of course [ applause ] it is not enough to agree and give speeches about it. We actually have to Work Together to get the job done. We need to deliver real reforms that can be felt on our streets, in our courthouses, and our jails and prisons in communities too long neglected. Let me touch on two areas in particular where i believe we need to push for more progress. First, we need Smart Strategies to fight crime and help restore trust between Law Enforcement and our communities especially communities of color. Theres as lot of good work to build on. Across the country, there are so Many Police Officers out there every day inspiring trust and confidence honorably doing their duty putting themselves on the line to save lives. There are Police Departments deploying effective strategies well step away from this. This is Hillary Clinton speaking at columbia university. I got to take a break. Ill be back with much more in the newsroom. If youre taking multiple medications does your mouth often feel dry . A dry mouth can be a side effect of many medications. But it can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath. Thats why theres biotene available as an oral rinse toothpaste, spray or gel. Biotene can provide soothing relief and it helps keep your mouth healthy too. Remember, while your medication is doing you good a dry mouth isnt biotene, for people who suffer from a dry mouth. Hey pal . You ready . Can you pick me up at 6 30 . Ah. boy im here im here cop too late. 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I will wait and hope and pray that baltimores better nature will win the day and i hope whats happening here will be the Tipping Point for the nation. Maybe because of this, this frustrateing moment well finally realize that the rioting is not just about Police Brutality but hopelessness. Hopelessness does not excuse violent behavior but helps explain why things happen. Joining me to talk about this cnn legal analyst and former federal prosecutor sunny hostin and donnie glover, author living in baltimore for nearly 50 years. Welcome to both of you. Thank you for being here. Donnie i want to talk about the hopelessness some in this city feel living in these poverty stricken neighborhoods. Explain why that hopelessness might erupt into violent behavior. I think the politicians have neglected baltimores east and west side for decades. Im 50. I remember when northern Patterson Park i remember the riots of 68. That area has not been touched in my lifetime. Same on the west side. We only see politicians quite often in these areas as you see right now at penn north when typically around an election so now that this riot is going on or the riots, you see people who should have been there all along. You know i was at north and pennsylvania last night. A young lady came up to me and she gave me a tongue lashing for a good half hour. Very passionate. I had called the people who looted the cvs idiots. I think the people who looted that store are criminals. I dont think violence is the answer. She was trying to explain to me why i shouldnt have used that word. She said, you know, i live in a neighborhood where i have no voice. I have no money. I have no power. Nobody cares about me. How else am i going to get your attention . Thats interesting that you say that. Martin luther king said that after the 68 riots. He said rioting is the language of the unheard. I think its very easy to sort of name call and very easy to call people thugs and idiots that is sort of the low hanging inging fruit. Rioting and looting in your own neighborhood doesnt make a lot of sense. The bottom line is i think we have to look at the more nuanced issue which is why do people feel the need to do that in their neighborhoods to get attention. I think that is because people have been unheard. When you look at the poverty rate in baltimore, when you look at the Unemployment Rate in baltimore especially for people ages of young black men ages 18 to 25 its a catastrophic statistics. Thats why i think not to excuse the behavior but thats why we see this hopelessness and this desperation. I think we also see it because policing in these neighborhoods historically are very its very aggressive. When you have that distrust between a community that is poor that is unemployed and that is being overly policed, what else do you expect to see . I think that many people in a nation lose focus of what its like to live in such a community. I was standing there talking to this very well spoken young lady in my cute leather jacket. I was going to leave that neighborhood and go back to my nice little home in new york city. I dont know what her experience is like. Tla knows way for me to know. They closed the Recreation Centers in these neighborhoods. They closed the schools. Recreation centers. They closed swimming pools in the middle of a heat wave. I dont have a problem with you calling them idiots but lets also call the politicians who have ignored these communities, the communities they show up once every four years, lets call them idiots also. I think the other problem here in baltimore is you say Recreation Centers have been closed. Swimming pools have been closed. At the same time huge tax breaks have been given to businesses to move into the city of baltimore. And the areas that are being developed here are places like harbor east are the wealthy people live. People think the riots have changed west baltimore. The face of west baltimore that is the face of it before the riots. When the cameras come in you see the depression and have you ever walked by a block of vacant houses the smell, the stench . And then you put coke dope crack, all throughout these neighborhoods and aggressive policing and they broke the boys neck. To your point about this inequity i lived in baltimore for ten years. I started my Legal Practice here. Im from the south bronx. I know what its like to live as a child in a very poor neighborhood. And i will say one thing that i did feel when i was here in baltimore is this inequality this racial inequality i felt the economic inequality. Just driving through the neighborhoods it felt very much like you could go to the inner harbor and have a beautiful lunch at this really upscale restaurant and then drive through neighborhoods where people were starving. And today in the United States is that a place where we should be . So that i think, is one of the root causes of what we saw and thats something that needs to be addressed. Dont forget the politics. This is a nine to one democratic town. They put signs in the last Gubernatorial Election that said in the black neighborhood upwardly mobile liberty heights, vote for the democrats. Are you serious . That is the best youre going to tell grown people . The last thing on north avenue of significance is ehrlich spear throwing for gingrich and put 100 million there. Why did black democrats ignore . Interesting. I got to leave it there. Thanks to both of you. I appreciate it. This is an important conversation that we must have. The answer is just notes to go arrest everybody. Clearly the answer is not that. I think its important that we discuss the underlying issues and talk about them honestly. Look at ourselves. I dont know. At least thats what im trying to do. Thanks to both of you. Check out my oped at cnn. Com opinion. Let me know what you think on my facebook page. Facebook. Com carolcnn. Thank you for your comments. Ill be right back. music throughout one coat coverage, one coat guaranteed, one happy couple. Marquee, behrs most advanced paint and primer, only at the home depot. Im caridee. Ive had moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis most of my life. But that hasnt stopped me from modeling. My doctor told me about stelara® it helps keep my skin clearer. With only 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. Stelara® helps me be in season. Stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and increase your risk of infections. Some serious infections require hospitalization. Before starting stelara® your doctor should test for tuberculosis. 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Yep, looks like its time to share what our cats love with your cats. New friskies 7. For cats. By cats. Scott appears busters been busy. Man yeah, scott. I was just about to use the uh. Scott thats a bunch of groundup paper, lad scotts ez seed uses the finest seed, fertilizer, and natural mulch that holds water so you can grow grass anywhere seed your lawn. Seed it e financial noise financial noise financial noise financial noise on friday Baltimore Police plan to give prosecutors their investigation reports. Six officers have been suspended with pay and a Police Spokesman tells cnn there are two indications officers involved in freddie grays arrest did not follow police protocol. Our justice correspondent is following the investigation. Do we know anymore about what this report has in it . We dont know exactly what will be in it. Police say the investigation isnt complete. We know they say theyll keep working on it. However, they are sticking to their deadline of friday to turn over the evidence of what they have and what they have completed to the prosecutor and the state attorneys office. The state attorney will be the one that makes a decision on whether there are charges forthcoming forthcoming. That could be anything from murder or any charges related to the death or perhaps theres some way they can find something to charge them with related to not rendering aid or the way they treated him after he was arrested. All of that is on the table. Ill tell you what though. Today theres Conference Calls going on in city hall, in the police department. Theyre trying to figure out how to prepare for friday. Out on the streets i was out there yesterday and a lot of people are expecting that there will be charges announced, which is not going to happen. Have to try to bring down expectations of the public. This is not a clear cut case no matter what we think of the few seconds of video that we have. Why have they publicly said they are releasing this report then . They made a lot of early missteps. They wanted to try to give the public some idea there was a time line they were working on. They wanted to release a little bit of information but they also wanted to try to preserve what they can for the prosecutors so thats the issue theyre facing. They created some kind of expectation that theyre going to have to manage between now and friday. Evan perez, thank you so much. I appreciate it as always. Of course the big question weve been talking about that what will happen in new york when the investigation reports are released and we come to find out that there are no charges being filed or i mean shouldnt we know more . I want to bring in former tv judge attorney glenda hatchet. Hi judge hatchet. Good morning, carol. Thank you so much for being with me this morning. I appreciate it. Absolutely. Im so glad youre here. Do you think police should release some of the information thats in that report to the public on friday . You know, i agree with evan. Its a whole matter of managing expectations carol. Actually if i were in that situation, i would really advise them not to release preliminary reports. Let me tell you why. The investigation is continuing. What we want at the end of the day is a fair and thorough investigation in this matter. We want to know exactly what happened. We dont want police to be charged that they werent responsible. What we dont want them to not be charged if they should be charged. And so i realize that there is a lot of tension in baltimore and throughout the nation but at the end of the day, my concern is that this be preserved in a way that is just for everyone involved. I think there has to be an explanation before friday that its not likely there wont be charges on friday for certain and that its not likely that we will know very much more because the investigation is at this point. Theres also the possibility that the Prosecutors Office might decide to turn it over to a grand jury. Tell us more about that. We saw that in ferguson and in new york in the eric garner case and often in jurisdictions where police are involved the state prosecutor will send it to a grand jury and if thats the case carol, we should expect that that process will take weeks if not months and so again its a matter of managing peoples expectations of what the time line should be. I applaud the police for saying they would have a preliminary report done by friday. Thats great. I think thats wonderful thats not the end all be all in this process and it will take a while for this process to play out. The six officers have been suspended without pay and theres an internal Police Investigation going on. Will we ever find out what they determined happened . We will eventually. And the thing is that we have multiple investigations. We have an internal investigation. We have the state investigation. We have the justice u. S. Department of justice investigation going on. Eventually well find out what the internal Police Investigation says in this matter and it would be in everybodys best interest for that to happen because what we want is we want citizens to have confidence in this process. And the more that they understand and more transparent this process is the better. I know were balancing act because i say it needs to be transparent but at the same time it needs to be thorough and we dont want information released prematurely. Does that make sense . It makes perfect sense. Judge hatchet, thanks for clarifying everything for us. We appreciate it. Thank you for your oped piece. Thank you for that. Thank you. That means a lot. I really appreciate that. Thanks for being with me. Thank you very much. Coming up next in the newsroom, were going to take you to camden yards where they will play a baseball game where there are no fans present. A live report just ahead. When cigarette cravings hit, all i can think about is getting relief. Nicorette mini starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. Anytime. Anywhere. I never know when ill need relief. Thats why i choose nicorette mini. Im caridee. Ive had moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis most of my life. But that hasnt stopped me from modeling. My doctor told me about stelara® it helps keep my skin clearer. With only 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. Stelara® helps me be in season. Stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and increase your risk of infections. Some serious infections require hospitalization. Before starting stelara® your doctor should test for tuberculosis. Stelara® may increase your risk of cancer. Always tell your doctor if you have any sign of infection have had cancer, or if you develop any new skin growths. Do not take stelara® if you are allergic to stelara® or any of its ingredients. Alert your doctor of new or worsening problems including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems. These may be signs of a rare potentially fatal brain condition. Serious allergic reactions can occur. Tell your doctor if you or anyone in your house needs or has recently received a vaccine. In a medical study most stelara® patients saw at least 75 clearer skin and the majority were rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. Stelara® helps keep my skin clearer. Ask your doctor about stelara®. Hey, whats up . Im ted. Rudy and i have a lot of daily rituals. Namaste. Stay. Taking care of our teeth is one of them. When i brush my teeth, he gets a milkbone brushing chew. Just another way to keep ourselves healthy. Ill go change. The orioles and the white sox play ball in just about 3 1 2 hours at camden yards but there wont be any fans there to see it. For the first time in Major League Baseball history, a game has been closed to the public out of abundance of caution. Heres what the commissioner said. We made a decision based on safety concerns in baltimore. I think the two clubs, both baltimore and chicago, were great and cooperative in moving through a very difficult situation. Cnns sports anchor Rachel Nichols is at the ballpark and also joining us is Christine Romans on the financial hit the city is taking because of this. I want to start with you, rachel. This is so bizarre. Absolutely. You can see behind me the gates are locked. Normally at this point before a day game you would see fans start to mill around and vendors start to set up. None of that is happening today. Major League Baseball has been around for nearly a century and a half and the Baseball League office tells us they have no record of any game with zero fans but already on the board in the orioles clubhouse today, they normally wait to scrawl attendance until they know how many people are here. Theres a big zero up there already. No paying fans today. I still love to listen to ball games on the radio so what would that sound like . Will they still have the music and there will be no fans cheering . Nothing. They are going to have a national anthem. They havent said whether it will be live or recorded. They are still working out details. Do they have a seventh Inning Stretch . Who stretches if you have a seventh Inning Stretch. What other traditions will they do or not do . It will be a very strange game. It will be on television. It will be on the radio. So from where you are down there, you can just tune in and youll have as much of a good seat as anyone else. Will the little man be sing the john denver song . I hope so. You know its a tradition here in baltimore. Every ballpark around the country has great traditions that happen around the game. We asked are you going to do that today . They are still working out those details. They basically just want to get this game in. Its obviously been a very tumultuous week and they are moving the rest of the home stand. They were supposed to play here and host tampa. Instead theyll go down to st. Peter petersburg. Theyll be the home team because the city said in cooperation with Major League Baseball it wouldnt be safe to have large public gatherings here for the next few days. They are the away home team and today theyre the locked out team. Christine romans this is going to have a Financial Impact on the city because normally as rachel said at this time fans would be milling about. They would go to the bars near camden yards and spending money. Theres all the vendors set up selling tshirts and soft drinks and the like. The city is losing a lot of money because of this too. If you are a paycheck to paycheck minimum wage worker working in one of those jobs that relies on either camden yards or for example some of these medical conferences that were just canceled. Three other conventions have been canceled. If you work around those things those workers will suffer. Those minimum wage paycheck to paycheck workers. Ive been talking to economists all morning that says if these protests and certainly no more riots, if this can end this week then the overall impact on what is a vibrant economy in baltimore, a big economy in baltimore, it will be absorbed. I can tell you right now that three cvs stores have reopened. The two that sustained damages are still closed. Three have reopened. Were hearing from companies that they want to get open quickly. They want to continue their investments in baltimore. Again, i will say when you talk about conventions being canceled through the weekend, you have people who maybe work in hotel rooms or cleaning people in hotel rooms could lose hours. These are a list of some of the things that have been disrupted over the next few days. Thats where youre going to see the economic impact. Maybe not Overall Economic figures for the city carol, but maybe for paychecks of people. Im sad that the kinetic sculpture race isnt taking place. Its insane. It featured a giant pink poodle. Its too hard to explain. Thanks. The baltimore symphony hopes Classical Music will calm the city. A free concert at noon today. It seems we could all use a little music in our lives right now. So as i head to break, lets listen to the musicians as they rehearse. Who. Is this . hi, i am heinz new mustard. Hi na na na na shes just jealous because you have better taste. Whatever. Hey. Keep your chin up. For years, heinz ketchup has been with the wrong mustard. Well, not anymore. 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About 10,000 people are believed to be injured as well. A drone shot this footage right outside the capital of kathmandu. You can see how much is flattened there. 200 people are now missing after the heavy rains triggered landslides just north of the capital. Cnn Senior International correspondent arwa damon joins me now. A mountainside village was almost entirely destroyed from the earthquake. As i understand it youre about 15 miles from where the epicenter was. How hard is it to get there and to get aid to the people that need it most there . Reporter poppy, we left the capital about eight hours ago. We had to stop because night fell and so the last four hours weve been driving on mud and dirt roads. Very very slow going. Were right now camped out next to a Grocery Store. About three miles from where were being told a landslide happened by the initial earthquake that blocked off the road. The hardest hit area the epicenter of the earthquake is on the other side of that landslide. Inside this Grocery Store, the owner himself says that his house which is in front of us was completely destroyed. He was with his daughter when the first tremors happened. They ran out and the house collapsed and also around the Grocery Store are four other adults that walked here to wait by the side of the road for aid. We have been seeing throughout the day some trucks that are packed with aid. They have markings from local organizations on them or groups from various different regions here. We havent really seen that big massive aid coming in. We have heard from people that at a certain point it needs to get help. Its a three to sixhour hike away. Throughout this region between Two Mountains is village after village that bears horrific signs of destruction. Three children were killed when a house collapsed. Another woman we met said that her home collapsed on top of her 1yearold baby daughter but she managed to pull her out. This is incredibly remote area. The homes here are made out of stone and dirt. A lot of the injuries were caused when a wall or part of the building collapsed on top of people and to evacuate the wounded was a very painful journey either on the back of a motorcycle or whatever vehicle, which is a luxury for people out here and then having to make that very slow bumpy journey back to one of the closest cities closest medical facility. Its incredibly slow going out here. This is very tough terrain especially assuming tomorrow when we get further down to areas that are completely closed off. Thats been the concern all along. Those rural areas so hard to reach. How do you rescue the people when every single hour counts when they are trapped beneath the rubble. Arwa damon reporting for us live near the epicenter of where that quake was. Thank you very much. Quick break. Were back in a moment. Photos are great. For capturing your world. 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My next guests are doing their part to bridge the gap between Baltimore Police and the community they serve by encouraging teenagers to find solutions to issues involving race class and culture. The group is called the inner harbor project. Joining me now are its founders. Welcome to both of you. Appreciate you being here. So tell us exactly how you bridge the gap. So one of our programs is the Police Training program. We have young people who have actually designed a training for Police Officers to communicate with young people in a more positive way. Thats one of the things we do. Lets pause there. What kind of things how should police talk to youngsters to be effective. I think that the police should be more approaching, less aggressive to teens because we do take that into offense, police being more aggressive to us. Thats not the right way to approach anyone. The second thing you do is . We learned that its about respect. Its about giving assumption of respect both on teens and with police. So we are trying to get police to approach teens with respect and vice versa. How do they do that . When a teen is misbehaving or committing some violent behavior most people would say, you know they deserve some tough tactics. Its definitely complicated. One thing we do through peace ambassador program, with others that are leaders among their peers, hes really good at talking to his peers. The young people who are both Student Government leaders but also young people who maybe are getting in trouble, may be responsible for some of the violence in our city about these issues. So maybe you can talk a little bit about the way you approach the mediation between police and teens in realtime. With mediation, thats my group. So we take the approach on social media and its like social media is the root to everything. Thats our generation. We cant live without twitter or instagram so anything that happens on social media, we try to intervene in different conflicts involving inner harbor. We just basically promote positive behavior. How do you think a young person thats angry and intent on causing trouble, how do you get them to maybe rethink that . Its different coming from an adult than a teen. If im talking to another 18 year old or someone younger than me then its like i understand where hes coming from. Hes another teenager. Maybe i should listen because were peers. And coming from a 30yearold man trying to tell me calm down dont do it maybe hell take the more aggressive approach and youth respond negative to that and as a young man, i want to see my generation grow up in the right way. Its interesting that cheo says that. My generation where i came from i was afraid of adults. I did what they said. It didnt take intervention from a person my age to stop doing that behavior. Is it different today . I dont know if its different. Maybe you were an obedient child. But i dont think its quite different. I mean the young people that come down to the inner harbor see inner harbor as this recreation fun space where they can meet up with their peers and hang out and get food. Thats not to say that when theyre at home theyre not obedient. When theyre in inner harbor and with their peers, everyone is influenced by peer pressure right . So there one way at home and another way with friends so thats when we see negative elements. Thank you for sharing. I appreciate it. Nice to meet young people. Im carol costello. Thank you for joining me. At this hour after a break. When salesman alan ames books his room at laquinta. Com, he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. So he knows exactly when he can check in and power up before his big meeting. And when alan gets all powered up, ya know what happens . I think the numbers speak for themselves. 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And im john berman live in baltimore this morning. Im standing in front of the city hall here in baltimore. It is calm. Relatively calm here in baltimore. I should say the state of

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