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Could not be a better time for hillary to run. And then trapped in a cargo hold and how it forced the flight to turn around. Lets talk live in cnn newsroom. Good morning. I am carol costello. Thank you so much for joining me this morning. A volunteer deputy is facing manslaughter charges for a Fatal Shooting of an unarmed suspect. It came during a scuffle of the arrest when the 73yearold auxiliary cop pulled his weapon. Roll on your stomach now. I just shot him. I am sorry. A volunteer Deputy Robert bates, says he meant to use his taser and grabbed his firearm by mistake. His attorney calls it excusable homicide and calls the blunder an act of misfortune and it talks about training and their qualifications to be in the middle of life and death situations. Good morning, ed live in tulsa. Reporter as those questions swirl around this case and the Tulsa County Sheriffs Department we have been told by the attorney of robert bates that he is supposed to turn himself in sometime today to the authorities he works for. He was caught on tape allegedly selling an illegal handgun, and harris takes off running and deputies not far behind catch harris and tackle him to the ground. Roll to your stomach, now. I just shot him. Im sorry. He shot him he shot him he shot me im losing my breath. Eric harris would later die at the hospital. The deadly shot fired by the reserve deputy, robert bates. And harris resisted arrest bates told investigators he made a quick decision to use the taser. I remember thinking i have to deploy it rapidly as i thought he might still have a gun. He realized he used his gun instead. Adding to the volatility here bates is not a fullfledged sheriffs deputy and is a certified peace officer, and he has been a longtime benefactor of the tulsa Police Department. Deputy bates made all the criteria to be in the role that he was in. His family questions how bates could have confused his two weapons a. Bright yellow taser or a. 357 revolver. Its captured by another behavior that might be well more rehearsed or motorized even internally than your initial intention. Reporter its an idea of called slip and capture, and its a phenomenon that they have been saying its the phenomenon that has been involved explaining the mistake, and many experts call this idea junk science. And the family of the man killed eric harris say they are encouraged prosecutors file a manslaughter against deputy bates but can see its cold comfort. The judgment for him to be involved in that kind of scuffle, here is what harris brother told us earlier this morning. There was enough people on top of my brother, knees in his head to not even have to use a taser for it to be that many people around him, and him go to use a taser, really didnt make any sense. And then with the taser being yellow and on his chest, for him to statute my brother with a. 357 makes no sense to me, and i think it was it was overkill. Lets talk more about this with cnn legal analyst and Legal Defense attorney paul kau win. Thank you, both. I think what should enter into the case is this is not the first time he was out on the mission like this and this reserve deputy who was a Police Officer for one year 50 years ago and now a benefactor for the Police Department has been on over 100 ride alongs with the violent task force. This is not a onetime deal. The state had him on these kinds of missions a lot, and i think they are going to face a lot of liability. The sheriff said he has gone through extensive training and he was fully qualified to be there. 300 hours of training they say he has been on through the years and on over 100 missions and this is staggering the epidemic of Excessive Force that we see around the United States. It has been an amazing two weeks in terms of what we have seen here. This case, while it looks very bad, the closer you look at the facts, it doesnt look like a real criminal case. What . I think theres a great case against tulsa county for allowing the 73yearold man that doesnt know what he is doing to go out on a mission like this however, he is never going to be convicted by a jury. Even manslaughter charges . No not even with manslaughter charges. Just before he tells the gun, he says taser. Its clearly an accident. Lets put up a picture of that so everybody can see the difference. We have a word for that and its called negligent. Its a civil word. This is Second Degree manslaughter. Lets focus on this graphic for a second and i know the taser is yellow, and it has a handle like a gun. In the heat of the moment maybe you can understand why this guy got the two weapons confused. Yes. It was an accident yes. You want to send somebody to prison for probably the rest of their life for an accident . Well will a jury actually convict him . I tend to agree with paul. This is a very difficult case to get a jury to bite on to and want to send a 73yearold guy who is volunteering his time, and clearly in his mind made a mistake, thats one issue. But do they have a duty to charge him . Can they make the case out under the law . Absolutely they can. I started out by saying no jury would ever convict him. That doesnt mean they shouldnt put this through the criminal justice system. When that man, mr. Harris is on the ground and he has been shot one of the Police Officers wrestling with him says upl, you know mr. Harris says i am having trouble breathing, i am losing my breath, and the officer says you know, f your breath and he knows he has been shot. That seems disgraceful. Police thought he was on pcp and just sold a gun, and and he ran two blocks. And do we need to be polite after somebody has been shot . We should all have good manners about these things and there and they know who he is paul, and they know he has a long criminal rap she had and he is running. I will let them go on the language here. Yeah, i think its too easy to take a fivesecond clip and say, they should have been polite and it sounds horrible and now that you know he was dying it sounds make no mistake, its a tragedy, this death, and tulsa should be sued and the family should be compensated, and whether the officer should go to jail thats another thing. An interesting conversation. Still to come the 2016 race in full swing. Marco rubio announcing his president ial bid and wasting no time taking a swipe at Hillary Clinton, calling her, quote, a leader from yesterday. The laidtest from the campaign trail, next. Introducing new flonase allergy relief nasal spray. This changes everything. New flonase outperforms a leading allergy pill so you will inhale life. 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Yesterday she ducked into a chipotle and she ordered a burrito bowl and sweet tea, and nobody recognized her, and it was not until the restaurant manager looked at the security cam video that he realized Hillary Clinton ordered the burrito bowl at that chipotle. Who knew . The 43yearold freshman senator framing the upcoming president ial election as a generational choice for americans and he took no time taking aim at Hillary Clinton, calling her, quote, a leader from yesterday. But can the rising star turn a compelling family story and a lack of experience into a Successful Campaign calling card . Dana bash is cnns chief president ial correspondent and has more for you. Being in the room for his announcement yesterday, it was very reminiscent of barack obama years ago. 43yearold marco rubio tried to turn his youth and inexperience compared to older candidates into a plus. This election is not about what laws were going to pass but its a choice about what kind of country we will be. Its a theme he turned to again drawing a contrast with democratic frontrunner, Hillary Clinton. Just yesterday, a leader from yesterday, began a campaign for president by promising to take us back to yesterday. But rubio is also drawing a contrast with a republican name from the past jeb bush floridas former governor and rubios longtime mentor and some friends are upset rubio is not waiting his turn, which he addressed head on. I heard some suggests that i should step aside and wait my turn. But i cannot. In an interview, rubio said his candidacy should not be seen against jeb bush. He said he is running because nobody else has the story to tell that he does a son of cuban immigrants with the sense of the American Dream that shapes his hawkish world view. I live where the bartender and the maid can have the same future and dreams as those that come from power and privilege. And still he has to overcome gop concerns that his government experience is similar to Barack Obamas when he became president. Marco rubio, today he is going back to washington to his day job because he sits on the Foreign Relations committee, which, of course is holding a very important hearing, and perhaps even a vote on the iran deal. Carol . All right, thank you so much. In a matter of weeks we will know if ben carson will join others in the race and he could make a major announcement in detroit on may 4th and a spokeswoman says no definitive decision has been made yet. And secretary of state, john kerry, returns to capitol hill to ask congress not to interfere with negotiations on iran but will Congress Listen . We will talk about that next. Ok. This role is about energy. Were looking for a luxury hybrid with the best city fuel economy rating. The lincoln mkz hybrid. And who has one starting price for gas or hybrid . Mkz hybrid again. Mmhmm. Upstaged them. 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The Defense System can engage dozens of missiles and aircraft at the same time from a distance of about 155 miles. Russia agreed to sell the system to iran in 2010 for 800 million but never delivered it. Secretary of state, john kerry, on capitol hill lobby against any oversight on the nuclear program. Theres strong bipartisan support for some type of congressional involvement. The Senate Foreign Relation Committee is slated to produce something today, and earlier the senator that sponsored the bill defended the measure in an interview on cnn. The largest gop political agreement that will happen during the service of most senators here in the United States senate, and i am thankful on a strong strong bipartisan basis, people believe that this is something that congress ought to be doing, and i am also thankful the integrity of this process, it looks like will absolutely remain in place. So i absolutely believe we are doing the right thing on behalf of the american people. And athena joins joins us live from capitol hill. And the white house says it will veto any legislation right now so why is corker and others intent on passing this legislation . Many members of congress believe its their responsibility to weigh in on a deal of this importance as you mentioned, and secretary kerry was here yesterday meeting with house members, and that was a classified briefing that lasted more than an hour, and he arrived now for another briefing that is set to start in about an hour. The goal here from the white house, from the administrations part is to avoid having any sort of big debate on the senate that could spook the negotiators, iran, of course or give the negotiators the chance or an excuse to kind of back away from the deal, and they dont want anything that will jeopardize this deal. Here is what secretary kerry said heading into the meeting with house members. We Hope Congress will listen carefully, but also give us the space and the time to be able to complete a very difficult task. It doesnt look Like Congress is going to give them that space. Secretary kerry said there is 2 1 2 more months until the end of june to negotiate this and its an important time to try to reach a deal and the Senate Foreigns relationship is meeting this afternoon to markup a bill that would require congress to weigh in on the bill in order to give the president the ability to lift sanctions on iran, and two of the key points that are going to be discussed in the markup later on is the president having to certify every 90 days that iran is not sponsoring terrorism anywhere around the world, and thats a provision that could be softened and theres senator that wants to strike that language and the other thing that could change in this meeting later today is to shorten the time period for congresss review. Right now its at 60 days and Congress Wants 60 days to look into this deal once its done in june and decide to approve or disapprove of it and that could be shortened to 30 days and that could get them beyond that veto proof majority to overcome the president s threatened veto and the Committee Plans to vote on this legislation today unless something changes. I am told by an aide by Mitch Mcconnell that this is a priority for the full senate and you could see the legislation come to the floor soon maybe not this week but certainly soon. Well check back. Still to come a Police Officer charged with murder a victim unable to give his side of the story, and now we are hearing with a man that was with walter scott that day. Reporter for the first time publicly we are hearing from the man that was in the car with walter scott right before he was shot and killed. We will tell you what he said right after the break. You are watching the cnn news room. Cky notes, sketchbooks, and scribbles. 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One week fine lines appear to fade. One month deep wrinkles look smoother. After one year, skin looks ageless. High performance skincare™ only from roc®. Good morning. Thank you so much for joining me. I am carol costello. New insights into the South Carolina Police Shooting that has led to a cop being charged with murder. We are hearing from the passenger inside this car. This is him during the traffic stop just moments after a North Charleston Police Officer shot and killed his friend who had bolted from the drivers seat. Nick valencia is in North Charleston with more for you this morning. Good morning. Reporter for the first time publicly we are hearing from the socalled mystery passenger that was in the car with walter scott in the moments leading up to his death. In the statement from the local paper here in charleston said walter was a dear friend and i miss him every day, and he showed me the value of hard work. I will never know why he ran, but i know he didnt deserve to die. And the Community Still healing and grieving. I spoke to a prominent civil rights professor and he told me about the reaction in the community. The community would certainly the community certainly appreciates that officer slager was charged with murder within hours of the release of the video, however at the same time you see anger over this because it took a video in order to prompt the murder charge and without that video you see this pattern repeating itself of one blaming the victim and dehuman aoeudzing humanhumanizing the victim. Meanwhile, also the solicitor generally leasing a statement via facebook saying based on the evidence at this point there is not enough to seek the death penalty, and we should mention that officer slager a week since his arrest remains behind bars. Carol . Nick valencia reporting live for us. Thank you. Scotts death is bringing up some of the officers previous arrests, including this traffic stop involving a man named julius wilson. He was pulled from his car and allegedly shot with a stun gun. Wilson is now suing officer slager for using Excessive Force. On monday his attorney released this dash cam video of the incident. Get out of the car get out of the car get out of the car im going to tase. Turnover turnover or you are going to get hit again joining me now, the National President of black lawyers for justice, and he has called for a special prosecutor to investigate mr. Scotts death. Thank you so much for being with us. Good morning. How are you . Good and thanks for being here. You will meet with the scott family today. Why . The community here is in pain and the community here and all over the country is outraged that black men are being killed and hunted down like deer and like dogs and theres outrage here and throughout america because no black man and almost no black person can say they will make it through the day or through the week without seeing another black man unarmed shot and killed and so there is a tremendous amount of pain here and a tremendous amount of pain with that family. Has the scott family invited you in . The community here has invited me in and from what i am understanding, they are under a tremendous amount of pressure right now, but, maam, black lawyers for justice, who is pursuing federal litigation and lawsuits against the Police Departments in over 12 states were on top of this in every state. I am a veteran of ferguson missouri right now in battle with belmar i understand that sir. I was just asking if the scott family is behind you in your efforts . I am sure they are, maam. So you are not going to meet with them today . Its likely that i may. But lets get back to the issue. The issue here maam let me just ask you this, and yes, lets get back to the issue. You said you were getting to the investigation. The u. S. Justice department is investigating, and why does your Organization Need to investigate, too . It is because we cannot trust a trial until the verdict is reached. We have been so disappointed by this justice system. Number two the president of the United States mr. Obama, needs to take a much stronger stand and role in combating police abuse, and he must take direct action and Hillary Clinton should not get one black vote unless she is held accountable for the murder of black men in the streets. What do you want president obama to do . The u. S. Justice department has done nothing, and the u. S. Justice department has moved too slow while blood is running through the streets, and theres a pattern and practice of racism in charleston and South Carolina and theres a pattern and practice of police abuse, and only when we have a video, only if there is a video, there is a charge made but if there was no video in this case we all know that slager would be home with his feet kicked up watching television so there are serious issues here and we as a community as black men and organizers we will not sit back and wait on anybody to solve these problems. We must stand up as lawyers and attorneys and we must solve them ourselves, so yes, maam, we are on the case in the right way here. Thank you so much for joining me this morning. I appreciate it. Still to come in the news room, critics taking aim at her age, and one doctor says Hillary Clinton has never been more ready for the president s office than now, and you wont believe why. Well talk about that next. 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Here is what i can say, she is talented tenacious, was a great secretary of state and is a friend of mine and i think she would be an excellent president. As for clintons first stop she will soon be holding a roundtable at Kirkwood Community college, and cnn will bring you the event at 2 00 we think. And i thought it was a joke but somebody wrote about why a woman her age in the white house. The blaze wrote, will her uterus be enough to win the white house . Maybe. God help us. Young, maybe, but never pretty. They should show the old hag she is today. Old hag . Seriously, what does a uterus have to do with anything . Being post menopauseal . I wondered about that one, too. We have our guest, an author of moody bitches, and thank you for joining us. Thanks for having me. I tried to open my mind and i know you are coming from a good place, and your article goes into the myth that women are controlled by biology, and we are not. Women do have hormonal fluctuations and post menopausal women, its a time for a lot of women when they emerge from the cacoon of accommodating other people and they really come into their own. And hillary is primed for the third act of her life and its a time for authenticity and retkaedefineing herself, and its a position of strength for women. Why not talk about jeb bushs flagging libido because he is 62 . I will. I am doing a piece on men and testosterone and i will come on and talk to you again. Moody bitches is not a matter of being controlled by our hormones, and knowledge is power, and knowing where you are whether you are premental or a lot of women are trying to escape the comments of oh, wow, she is pmsing dont let her by that red button. Yeah and i would ask you to tell your friends to please read the book and they wont be so insulted. I think what they are thinking is they are wondering, are you saying premenopausal women, should they stay out of the workforce altogether until they can handle a big job when they get to be post menopausal . No i am not saying that, and the next piece i am writing for time will make that clear. I think things like estrogen which is is abundant in women, is what our political system needs right now, so i am not saying premenopausal women should stay out of politics but i am saying that there is a particular charm to the post menopausal phase of a womans life and its a powerful place for women to be in and the words like hag, there is something sort of mystical about the wise woman, the older woman, and she is in a place of power. She is in a place of power and i agree with that but it has nothing to do with our biology. I have worked with women of many ages and i never said to myself oh, my gosh she made such a bad decision because, you know it was her time of the month. I never said that about a woman that i worked with. You know i come from a place of biology, and the book is grounded in science and the biology of women and the biology of hormones, and how that affects our emotions and behavior and i do not mean to imply that a premenopausal woman should not be in government and if you wait a few days you will read about this on time. Com. I promise i will read your article. Thank you for being with me. I appreciate it. Thanks for having me. Well be right back. [ male announcer ] he doesnt need your help. Until he does. Three cylinders, dual overhead cams and 50 horsepower. Go bold. Go powerful. Go gator. Get 2,500 dollars off select gators at a dealer near you. If your purse is starting to look more like a tissue box. You may be muddling through allergies. Try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. And zyrtec® is different than claritin®. Because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. Zyrtec®. Muddle no more™. An Alaska Airlines flight to los angeles forced to turn around for an Emergency Landing at seattles airport on monday. Rescue workers on the tarmac unloading an unusual item from the cargo hold. That would be a person. Rene marsh joins me now from Reagan International airport with more on this story. Reporter apparently this was a very sleepy baggage handler. We know his in time at work 5 00 a. M. And near the end of his shift he fell asleep while loading luggage into the cargo hold of this aircraft. His team when they noticed he was missing, called tofor him in the cargo hold and texted him and still no answer. A frightening and unexpected disturbance onboard Alaska Airlines flight 448 monday afternoon. The pilot telling the control tower he hears someone screaming and banging inside the cargo hold. It could be a person in there. Well come back around. Reporter turns out the ramp agent handling the luggage for the flight fell asleep in the cargo hold. We just hear banging underneath our feet. Reporter in this cell phone video obtained by cnn affiliate kiro you can hear the ramp agents desperate knocks. We thought there was something stuck in the wheel and then we heard voices underneath us and pounding significantly louder and louder. Reporter the plane in the air for 15 minutes before the captain declared an Emergency Landing. An air marshal onboard kept him calm. He said were getting ready to land. Hold onto something. Reporter the flight carrying 176 passengers and crew en route to los angeles from seattle. On the tarmac the employee who was part of a fourperson ramp team could be seen sliding out of the Alaska Airlines flight cargo area. He was taken to the hospital as a precaution and later discharged. We we know this ramp agent did pass a drug test. Really the saving grace here is that that particular part of the aircraft is pressurized and temperature controlled so this person will be okay. In the meantime though Alaska Airlines trying to figure out exactly how was this able to happen where this plane took off with this man in the belly of the plane. Carol . It will be interesting to find out what the answer is. Rene marsh reporting live for us this morning. Have the people the economy and the environment returned to normal five years after the Worst Oil Spill in u. S. History . Cnn returns to the gulf of mexico to explore the longterm effects of that toxic disaster. If youre looking for a car that drives you. And takes the wheel right from your very hands. This isnt that car. The first and only car with direct adaptive steering. The 328 horsepower q50 from infiniti. Headache . Motrin helps you be an unstoppable, letsrockthisconcert likeits1999 kind of mom. When pain tries to stop you, theres motrin. Motrin works fast to stop pain where it starts. Make it happen with new motrin liquid gels. [ male announcer ] he doesnt need your help. Until he does. Three cylinders, dual overhead cams and 50 horsepower. Go bold. Go powerful. Go gator. Get 2,500 dollars off select gators at a dealer near you. Normally people wear pants. Yeah thats why im hiding captain obvious. Not very well. I found you immediately. You know what else is easy to find . A new hotel with the hotels. Com app. I dont need a new hotel room, i just need to get back into this one. Gary . Its wednesday gary i know that janet hotels. Com is more helpful than janet. Its been five years since the Largest Oil Spill in u. S. History. More than 200 million gallons of crude started spewing out of the gulf of mexico after an explosion on the deep Water Horizon Oil rig. As the cleanup continues, the big picture hasnt come into focus yet. Cnns drew griffin takes us back to the scene to explore how the people the economy and the environment are recovering. Reporter the marshes and shores of these small islands were once covered in oil. Today from our boat we spot two dozen workers wearing face masks shoveling, working on a stretch of beach. We pull up to take a look. How you doing . Drew griffin with cnn. This is a cleanup site. Reporter the Hazardous Material turned out to be bps oil. We had a small tar ball tested and it matched the oil from the spill. The fact is five years later there is still oil. Oil in big enough clumps that it needs to be dug up by a crew like this digging down 30 inches trying to take it and remove it. The pockets that still exist are in areas known to us but which were deemed by the federal government to be better to leave alone there and let them be naturally exposed through erosion and then for us to clean them. So as they appear were finding them and removing them but none of them poses a threat to human or akquatic life. Drew griffin joins me now. How long does he suppose the oil will keep showing up . Thats the question. Thats the emotional toll of this disaster. It goes on and on because the fishermen, the oystermen, the people who live along there, no one really knows what the longterm effects are. I must tell you right now it looks pretty good. The water is clean. Fish are beautiful. Youll see some incredible shots of recovery. But theres an emotional toll and theres a lot of science yet to be told about this oil spill. I dont think many people realize theres a problem there because the pr campaign was fabulous frankly. We all saw commercials on television on how the people love bp now. Everyone wants it to be better. That includes the people affected the most and were talking about the fishermen who fish three weeks and go on an oil rig and work two weeks on an oil rig. Its coming back. Theres no doubt about it. The question is are there going to be longterm repercussions on species . Will there be a longterm psychological effect on these fishing communities . Many fishermen wrapped it up. Theyve had enough. Theyve had enough hurricanes. The oil spill. The questions about the future. It was time to hang up the boat and they turned it in. Drew griffin, thanks for stopping by. Appreciate it. You can check out the special report that airs tonight 9 00 eastern only on cnn. The next hour of cnn newsroom starts now. Happening now, a man shot and killed by a reserve deputy and now the victims family asking why was he there . Youve got wealthy individuals with little to no training allowed to participate in a highly d

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