Hear what happened next. Lets talk. Live in the cnn newsroom. And good morning. Im carol costello. Thank you so much for joining me. Some 60 nations are converging on the white house today to combat extremists and their social media campaigns aimed at recruiting tomorrows terrorists. In this mornings Los Angeles Times president obama said in this op ed quote, groups like al qaeda and isil exploit the anger that festers when people feel that injustice and corruption leave them with no chance of improving their lives. The world has to offer todays youth something better. So the u. S. Is ramping up its own social media offensive to combat the 90,000 messages per day pumped out by isis. Now the state department is tweeting messages like quote, isis is not the solution. Its spread has worsened social ills more homelessness starvation poverty and death so lets talk more about this. Lets head to the white house and cnns michelle kosinski. Good morning. Reporter hey, carol. I dont know if angry young people out there without opportunities are going to be subscribing to the state departments twitter feed or listening to those messages necessarily, but what this government wants to do as part of the summit is they did announce that a segment of the state department will be used to try to counter those messages not only monitor whats out there, because this has become such a big operation. In fact the president himself said it was social media that has, quote, turbo charged isis. But they also do want to try to counter it. Heres what the state Department Said about that. This is how these people become radicalized. This is how young men become radicalized, on the internet youtube, watching these videos and getting this messaging. We want to intercede. We want to prevent them from get that go messaging but countering it with our own message and our own story. What the president said in that op ed this morning was that fighting extremism is really at its heart going to be about trying to win hearts and minds, not a military fight. And what that means in the practical sense, what were hearing from those who are organizing the summit is incorporating youth in communities in trying to counter that. People who are involved with some of these communities, trying to get them to identify to individuals and intervene. The social messaging is a big part of it. But also looking at programs around the world, not just within the United States, looking at what works and doesnt. I think from a skeptical eye you can look at the sum milt and say, okay oh, boy, its a Big Government meeting. What really is this going to do . But i guess the premise here is that when you share this information and you really delve into what maybe has made some progress somewhere, were curious to see how theyre measuring progress that that really cant be a bad thing, at least its getting people together who are focused on this problem. So basically well see, carol. As they say, yes, we will see. Michelle kosinski reporting live from the white house this morning. An isis assault near the iraqi city near irbil over. Kurdish fighters have stopped the assault after hours of heavy fighting and airstrikes killing several dozen isis fighters in the process. For weeks now isis was making almost daily attempts to break through those kurdish lines. Cnn contributor tim lister is in irbil, iraq this morning to tell us more. High tim. Reporter hi carol. Yes. By the standards of this region it was a very substantial battle. 45 isis fighters killed according to kurdish officials. Fighting went on for five hours and they couldnt bring in airstrikes until very nearly the end of the engagement because the two sides were so close together they were worried they would hit peshmerga positions and not isis positions. It is over. I dont think theres any chance isis would have made it to irbil. Its a pretty well protected, welldefended city. What it does show is isis is constantly looking for opportunities along this vast front 1,000 kilometers long to try to weaken with overt kurdish forces. They want to divert them. This is the prize for isis. They want to hold mosul at all costs. Anything they can do to distract the kurds from that prize they will do and they are doing on an almost nightly basis along this front, carol. Are the kurds armed well enough tim . They would say not, and the evidence weve found visiting the front lines in six or seven different positions in the last couple of weeks that theyre probably right. Isis is well armed because it seized a lot of weaponry heavy weaponry, mortars, humvees from iraqi bases when isis took these bases over last year. The kurds have very little in the way of automatic weapons. They have very little in the way of heavy fire power such as mortars. Theyre beginning to get the occasional antitank missile which is really important for them to take out these mobile i. E. D. S thats a special at at this of isis. They took out one of these humvees that was packed with get this 8. 5 tons of explosives in the humvee. This is what theyre up against. Determined well organized, communicates well is capable of complex attacks and is very disciplined and very determined to try to break the kurds down carol. Tim lister reporting live from irbil in iraq. Thank you so much. As isis pushes forward across syria, rebels trying to stop them will soon get new help from america. The u. S. A u. S. Defense official tells cnn some teams of rebels will soon get communication and gps gera long with pickup trucks and machine guns. The u. S. Is still considering whether or not the rebels are getting the assistance needed to call in u. S. Air strikes. Even if the rebels get the gear there would be no u. S. Air strikes from calling in intelligence. The leader of isis is as reclusive as he is dangerous. We want to share this image of him with you. This is abu bakr al baghdadyibaghdadi. He was held in iraq. Washington wants him back in custody dead or alive. Cnn has learned that al baghdadi tops a secret kill list of key isis operatives. Cnns Barbara Starr has been working her sources. Shes live from the pentagon this morning. Good morning, barbara. Reporter good morning, barbara. We are essentially referring to this as a kill list. Look what the u. S. Is doing very clearly is targeting top isis officials, al baghdadi number one on be the list but the u. S. Isnt capturing anybody on the ground. There arent the u. S. Troops on the ground to do that either in iraq or syria. Theyre only in iraq as advisers. With nobody there to capture, this essentially does become frankly, a kill list. About 2 dozen people al baghdadi number one on the list. Theyve already killed they believe, about a dozen top isis top operatives. Obviously people are added to the list as they fill in essentially jobs that have become empty due to u. S. Air strikes. The list we are told focuses on really trying to go after the top operatives the ones that if they are taken off the battlefield essentially could make a fundamental difference to isiss capability. There are tens of thousands of isis fighters. Right now what this is focusing on is going after those that might make a real difference if they are no longer there. But i have to tell you that the u. S. Officials we are talking to say the intelligence very tough to come by. Nobodys very cheery about the whole thing. They get intelligence but its spotty. Its difficult for them to really understand still at this point isiss own command structure to really identify who the top leaders are. This is all an effort to go after that. Carol. All right. Barbara starr reporting live from the pentagon. Thanks so much. Still to come in the noesi look iraq syria, libya, now isis could be on italys doorstep. Italys now calling out the troops. Talk about that next. E financial noise financial noise financial noise financial noise [ female announcer ] take skincare to the next level with roc® multi correxion® 5 in 1. Proven to hydrate dryness illuminate dullness lift sagging diminish the look of dark spots and smooth the appearance of wrinkles. High performance skincare™ only from roc®. Meet the worlds newest Energy Superpower. Surprised . In fact, america is now the worlds number one natural gas producer. And we could soon become number one in oil. 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The Defense Ministry here is very worried that these boats will be infiltrated with jihadi fighters. That is the concern right now, carol. So italy has deployed troops in country, correct . Reporter well no. There are there are no troops in there are 500 extra Police Forces right now protecting some of the most sensitive tourist sites in rome things like that but there are no troops on the ground to protect italy from any sort of isis invasion certainly at this point. The italian navy is regularly on patrol to try to get the migrant ships and save lives. Thats an entirely different thing than a defensive combat mission, and there are only about 5,000 troops available. Italys military is very much a peacekeeping military. Theyre spread all over the world on various missions. There are only about 5,000 people who could even contribute to any sort of real mission and that is worrying as well. That is worrying. I know italy has approached the United Nations. What is it asking for . Reporter well theyre asking for a United Nations led mission, a mandate in order to get maybe france involved as well in some sort of mission that would just help protect the italian shores if there were to be any sort of invasion any sort of strike against italy. Of course the tiny island off of sicily is just under, as we said 200 miles away. Sicily the larger island is only 500 miles away. Its very very close within striking distance. Many years agnieszka daf ago ago gadhafi hit the island. Theyre addressing parliament tomorrow. Theyre hoping that the United Nations will Pay Attention and say that its a threat to the country. A threat to italy is a threat to all of europe. Thanks so much for joining me this morning. I appreciate it. The gunman who opened fire at a copenhagen cafe and synagogue may have pretented to be as drunk to get as close as he could to his second and final target. The head of the Jewish Society says surveillance images show suspect staggering towards the synagogue on sunday. Later that day in a gun Battle Police fired up to 30 shots at him dropping him to the ground. Now the gunman did not get inside the synagogue or the cafe and that may have saved many lives. Cnns Senior International correspondent Nic Robertson has more for you. Reporter what were learning here in denmark is that the death toll at the cafe at the freedom of speech venue could have been far higher. Police say the gunman tried the back door the side doors to get inside but there was a crowd of about 50 people. He was only able to spray the windows from the outside, 28 bullets used there. Police looking at Surveillance Video from outside the synagogue and they say the gunman appeared to act drunk as he approached the policeman and the guard outside to try to get close to them. He shot at them there using two pistols that he had. Were also getting new details from the french investigation to the attacks there. Sharrif kouachi sending a text message barely an hour or so before he attacked the Charlie Hebdo cartoonist sending a text message to coolly bali. The day of the attack they met at the Charlie Hebdo cartoonist. The french authorities now getting a much closer look at how those two attacks were connected. Apparently the attack on the Charlie Hebdo almost didnt go ahead because one of the kouachi brothers apparently had stomach flu. Back to you. All right. Nic robertson reporting. Checking some other top stories for you at this morning at 17 minutes past more americans are opting for obamacare. The white house is unveiling the latest enrollment numbers for 2015. 11. 4 Million People signing up this year. That tops the administrations prediction of 9 million. A dramatic rescue in new jersey. A 14yearold girl is recovering this morning after falling into the icy choppy waters of this bay. Rescuers trudging through the huge trunks of broken ice to move her to safety. The girl and two others were walking on a pipeline when she fell into the waist deep water. Meet miss p, the 4yearold beagle winning top price at the westminster dog show. The hound is now embarking on a whirlwind media tour. Includes a walk on part in pinky booths and a meeting with donald trump because, why not. No deal no goods. Containers are stuck off the california coast. Failed contract talks at west coast sea ports are to blame. Officials estimate the impact of a full strike could cost nearly 2 billion of International Trade a day. On tuesday the white house stepped in sending secretary of labor thomas perez to try to negotiate a deal. Still to come in the newsroom, a dash cam recording as officers confront a passenger and his driver but its what you dont see thats causing a big controversy. Ive smoked a lot and quit a lot but ended up nowhere. Now. I use this. 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Thats because one of the cops is accused of turning off the dash cam recording during the incident. Alina machado was following the incident for us. Good morning. Reporter good morning, carol. The officers involved say their actions were justified and yet the case was thrown out all because of an off switch. This is st. Louis Police Dash Cam video from april 10th 2014. An officer says the driver made an illegal uturn in the middle of the street and pulled him over. According to the report police say they smelled marijuana and saw a handgun. They ordered the passenger out of the car and handcuffed him. After about four minutes of the drivers refusal to get out officers finally pulled the man out. Get down get down now reporter Joel Schwartz is suing the st. Louis city police on behalf of his client, cortez buff ferret. They used Excessive Force including kicking buffert and using a taser. Also on the video, officer Kelly Swinton who was named the 2013 officer of the year. She stands watching and then walks away towards a dash cam. Listen to what she says. All of yeah hold up. Hold up. Everybody hold up. If you guys are worried about cameras, just wait. The officers look up pause, the audio dies then the camera shuts down. Theyre worried about cameras and they dont want anyone to see what theyre doing so they turn the tape off. Reporter schwartz alleges they didnt have the right to order the driver out of the car. Our client wasnt speeding. He didnt make an illegal u hf turn and he didnt abruptly pull to the curve. Reporter and according to the Police Report officers did find marijuana and a fully loaded gun in bufferts pocket and only used a taser and a foot strike to keep him from reaching for the weapon. A police union lawyer who represents one of the officers on the video calls the Police Response justified. The use of force that was necessary in this case was a direct result of the defendants actions or the suspects actions. Reporter an internal Affairs Investigation did clear the officers of using Excessive Force and disciplined the officer who turned off the dash camera. Now that officer is appealing her punishment and because the camera was turned off, again, all charges that were filed against buffert were thrown out. Now the st. Louis city attorney, Winston Calvert issued a statement, i want to read it to you. There were two police cars at the sight of this incident and the camera was shut off in one of the police cars. The other car dash cam was still rolling. The second dash cam shows the officers did their job, took the suspect into custody, the suspect was found with a. 9 millimeter semiautomatic pistol. The statement goes on to say, the officers did what had to be done to protect themselves. Carol. All right. Alina mu chad doe reporting live for us this morning. Thank you. Still to come in the newsroom, Republican Voters giving their support to a new favorite in the 2016 campaign. That would be well im going o tell you after a break. And say it aint so joe. Another incident of biden being biden caught on tape. When heartburn comes creeping up on you. Fight back with relief so smooth. Its fast. Tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. And neutralizes stomach acid at the source. Tum, tum tum tum. Smoothies only from tums. [ male announcer ] are you so stuffed up, you feel like youre underwater . Try zyrtecd® to powerfully clear your blocked nose and relieve your other allergy symptoms. So you can breathe easier all day. Zyrtecd®. Find it at the pharmacy counter. And good morning. Im carol costello. Thank you so much for joining me. As isis continues to gain territory across the middle east the recruitment of young women to its ranks has become increasingly important to the group. Among the most highly sought after targets, western women. How do you relay your message of jihad in a way westerners understand . How can westerners understand . Well you turn to the language of social media, and that seems to be working just fine for isis. Isis is talking online about jars of nutella, pictures of kittens and emojis. These three images are in part helping isis recruiters lure westerners into their fight because they want people to believe their life on the battlefield isnt so different than yours. They actually eat nutella and i guess they have pet kittens. Im joined by mimi gowrinathan. I didnt want to butcher your name. Shes an expert on women and sexual violence. Thank you for being here. Sure. Theres actually an all female isis brigade. Can you tell us about that . There is. Initially isis didnt have Women Joining their ranks, and as with a lot of other movements, they realize the value of including women in the Movement Later on and did form an all female brigade. Again, as with other movements, initially they played multiple roles. Eventually some of them make it to the front lines. So there are isis female fighters actually combat. There are. There are kurdish women fighting isis and there are female fighters fighting as part of isis. Thats actually appealing to recruits right . Joining a fight is appealing to some recruits. In france they actually found that 45 of the people calling the hotline to join isis were young women. Actually the woman whos in charge of the all female brigade publishes a sort of online magazine right . Yeah. She speaks a lot about what life is like as a woman in isis as a fighter on the ground. Theres a number of blogs that discuss the position of women there. And im just going to read a bit about what she said in one of her magazine posts. She says a womans one true purpose is to serve a man, which is true even in liberal states and for todays free societies according to the woman who wrote this article. A girl may be married between the ages of 9 and 17. Once she is a wife she must remain at home her face and body nearly almost always covered. So very difficult for westerners to understand. So you go and you fight what you consider the good fight, right . And then youre relegated to a life like that. Why would that appeal to young women anywhere . I think the thing to recognize is that women are not fighting for womens rights. The fight for isis is a fight for something else. It is the idea of a caliphate. It is a political fight that i think goes a bit deeper than social media, and that is what women are attracted to for a number of reasons, because they feel safer, because they feel their identity as sunnis is threatened because they feel if theyre trapped between assad and isis they would rather be in isis even if they have to wear a double veil. Its important to remember that they are not fighting for womens rights they are fighting to be a part of a particular community that they feel safe in. The United States government is trying to figure out how to use social media to prevent women and others from joining isis. What could be effective . Well i think oftentimes we put on social media things that are actually much broader social movements and political movements and they express themselves in social media. If you look at Something Like isis theres been a conversation now that it is this group that has a seventh century ideology that is using 21st Century Technology and particularly if you look at women, they have actually been used in multiple ways in between those two centuries and isis is drawing on a long history of female fighters being engaged in a political movement. Thats what we have to recognize. So what would be effective . I think recognizing when you have cases like sajida alrishawi the failed suicide bomber other female fighters just look at the moment of extremism. We look at that moment and we look backwards at their life histories to find meaning why they did that. As opposed to looking at all of the young women, the women who are disenfranchised, the women who are being raped, the women under repressive states and looking at them saying what are their lives like . What is making them need to join a Movement Like this . I mean i know when i think of it like that if you dont have much of a life and you have no power and you want to gain some sense of power and meaning in your life then perhaps its understandable that you might want to join a political fight. Yeah because it is something that makes you have a sense of belonging, right . I mean their Political Rights are being taken away. You know a lot of women will have to make the choice. You wont die from being a woman in some of these areas. You will have to wear a double veil but you wont die. You can die from being a sunni or other marginalized communities outside of sri lanklanka. Thank you for joining us. I really appreciate it and helping us understand. In other news this morning, the Aaron Hernandez murder trial enters the tenth day. The focus on cell phones and what the former nfl star did just hours after the victims body was found. Jurors finally seeing this police Surveillance Video in court. In it hernandez is seen making a call and then swapping the battery out of his cell. More cops are expected to take the stand today. Heres more now from susan candiotti. Reporter its 2 00 a. M. And new england patriot Aaron Hernandez is in a Police Station parking lot after voluntarily meeting with detectives. He gets into his lawyers car. Several hours after odin lloyds body is found shot dead in an Industrial Park keys to a car rented by hernandez found on lloyds body lead police to question him. An outdoor Police Department Security Camera shows hernandez and his lawyer who walks away. With the cars interior light on hernandez dismantles his blackberry removing battery and cover. Inside the vehicle it appeared that he took his phone and took it apart. Reporter jurors watch him pick up another phone, but first he quickly puts his own phone back together and makes a call on the borrowed phone. So hes using one phone, either texting or calling, and the other one is on his lap apart. Okay. And how long did you watch him on the camera . Around 20 minutes. Reporter without the jury present, the judge says hernandez calls Ernest Wallace later charged with murdering lloyd. He came home with hernandez minutes after lloyd is shot. Jurors are not told that second phone belongs to his lawyer nor that hernandez was calling wallace. The defense plays down the phone swap. You saw him slide off the back cover and pop out the battery. Okay. I dont is that what you saw . Yes. All right. You didnt see him smashing his phone, did you . No. You didnt see him destroying his phone, did you . No. And youre aware, are you not, that that phone was later turned over to the state police right . I believe so, yes. Reporter jurors also learned about another surveillance camera in hernandezs basement his man cave equipped with bar, big screen tv and pool table. When the cameras put in he asks the installer how to disable it. He asked if it was possible to shut off the camera in the basement because he didnt want his fiance to see him hanging out with his friends. I said well we could label the cameras and you could just unplug them. He said that sounds like a good idea. Why dont we do that. That camera cable is labeled man cave significant because thats the only camera in the house prosecutors say is turned off when hernandez comes home and goes to his basement minutes after lloyd is shot. A gun allegedly in his hand. Susan candiotti, cnn, fall river, massachusetts. You just got a big bump in miles. 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Mike huckabee has not officially said if hes running for president in 2016 but a new cnn poll suggests the former arkansas governor will have a lot of support if he does decide to run. Huckabees surging ten points from december to lead the republican field. Jeb bush coming in second but thats after falling 9 points in the eyes of potential voters. Wisconsin Governor Scott walker senator rand paul and neurosurgeon ben carson rounding out the top five. So could this news push huckabee closer to making a hard core decision . Joining me now to talk about that is Alice Stewart republican strategist and Communications Director for Mike Huckabee. Welcome. Great to be here. Thank you, carol. So you must be quite happy this morning. Well certainly if youre going to surge in a poll this is a direction that you want to be going in. As you had mentioned, governor huckabee has not made a decision whether or not hes going to run for president in 2016 but hes doing all the necessary leg work and laying the ground work for him to be in a good spot to make that decision. In terms of this poll this is positive. This is good to be in the lead and to have gained ten points in the past month. Thats a great sign. He has been out working hard talking with people around the country as he has been pro meeting his new book but also connecting with the people. While this is good news this is a national poll. We like seeing the numbers this direction breaking down the cross tabs in this seeing that economy is a number one issue for the voters in this poll. Clearly the governors message is resonating with his views on the economy and how its important to rein in the size of government. Looking at balancing the budget. Let me ask you this too. Youre being cautious when you say Mike Huckabee has not decided to run for president. This poll is great. I know why youre doing that. A year ago it changed from Michele Bachmann Herman Cain Rick Santorum before finally settling on mitt romney, do you think that 2016 will be different or do we see the changing poll numbers daily . Whenever you have this large of a field of any size youre going to have the whackamole game. Whenever theyre in the lead theyll get pounded by the media and critics. The key is to certainly a year from now when were going into the primaries and the caucuses in iowa and thats important. These key key also are these polls done in the individual states. You had a poll out last week in iowa. Governor huckabee leading in that poll. Also in South Carolina and New Hampshire hes among the top in the field there. So as the governor has always said back in 2008 this is the marathon not a sprint. So this is a great place to start off. The key is to keep the momentum going this time next year. So is it safe to assume that hes going to participate in the iowa straw poll . Some republicans were thinking not because they dont think it shows much and why waste your resources there. Well, as we said he hasnt made a decision what hes going to do in terms of running for president and the strategy moving forward once that decision is made will be revealed at that point. But he can certainly safely say he will be spending a lot of time in iowa. He connects with them. They appreciate his views and values and know that he understands what it takes to put food on the table and gas in the tank. So he will be spending a lot of time in iowa and other states. Lets talk a little bit more about iowa and the straw poll. This is from the des moines register. In 2007 he hand dilly won the straw poll between a hard and expensive effort. Only to find his victory overshadowed by Mike Huckabee. Huckabee went on to win the 2008 caucuses while the nomination was clinched by u. S. Senator john mccain who didnt even compete in the straw poll. So again, ill ask you, why participate in the straw poll . Does it really matter . It does. For us back in 08 it was a big help for us in terms of we didnt have the name i. D. And the money that some of the other candidates had, and it helped to increase the name i. D. And really send us off into great trajectory into New Hampshire and South Carolina. So for some candidates its a big help but its all part of the process. In terms of how this election cycle will be played out compared to years past well see. Time will tell. But each state, all of these early states are critical. Each campaign will look at whats best for them in terms of the strategy moving forward. No campaign at this point is going to be revealing the strategy once a campaign is officially formed. I understand. So someone else out there whos talking a lot about running for president is jeb bush and hes set to speak today on Foreign Policy. And in released excerpts he says quote, i love my father and my brother. I admire their service to the nation and the difficult decisions they have to make but i am my own man and my views are shaped by my own thinking and my own experiences. Im thinking hes talking about the iraq war, right . Does jeb bush face an uphill battle with voters on that issue . Well time will tell. Look governor huckabee has a great relationship with jeb bush. Our team has a great deal of respect for he and his brother and his father but in terms of Foreign Policy which will be a key issue during this election cycle, i can tell you that governor huckabee right now is in israel as we speak. Hes meeting with leaders there about important issues about Foreign Policy and building relationships that he has had for dozens and dozens of years because he understands that Foreign Policy is something that everyone is in the same boat in terms of how important it is. Right. And we need a leader that leads and understands. I have to ask you about jeb bushs comments once again just to get, you know your insight from that. Will it be difficult for jeb bush to separate himself from the policies of his brother . Well, as i say, thats going to be up to the voters to decide. They will be the ones that make that decision. As for our team and how we view the bushes, nothing but the utmost respect for them. Alice, what do you think . Im excited for the governor to get in. Its not my call. Its up to the voters for them to decide how they want to view the bushes. We in our team have tremendous respect for all the bushes. All right. Alice stewart, thanks so much for joining me. I appreciate it. Thanks carol. Youre welcome. No matter who wins the next battle for the white house, he or she will likely be working with ashton carter. Foreign policy and the best strategy for our nations military carter was sworn in as the next secretary of defense yesterday, but the headlinemaking moment had nothing to do with the pentagons new chief and everything to do with this incident when the Vice President , joe biden, squeezed the shoulders of carters wife stephanie and later seemingly whispered into her ear. The awkwardness stretching far beyond the white house to social media where the hashtag biden pickup line. Sadly, most of those pickup lines we cannot say on the air, but we can give you a sampling of the reaction from other outlets. Buzz feed saying joe biden got a little handsy with the wife. He left his hands on for an estimated 28 seconds. The daily beast being a little more blunt declaring, joe biden needs a tranquilizer dart and the u. S. Needs a new hands off policy and a the Washington Post political reporter said i hate to read too much into what Stephanie Carter might be thinking in this photo but she certainly does not look happy. More like annoyed. Perhaps biden should go back to the usual grip and grin photoop. Ill be right back. Flonase controls six. And six is greater than one. Flonase the 24 hour relief that outperforms the 1 allergy pill. So go ahead , inhale life. New flonase. Six is greater than one. This changes everything. Female announcer through sunday, save up to 300 on beautyrest and posturepedic. Even get three years interestfree financing on tempurpedic. And of course, free sameday delivery. But hurry sleep trains president s day sale ends sunday. Whats that thing . I moved our old Security System out here to see if it could monitor the front yard. Why dont you switch to xfinity home . I get live video monitoring and 24 7 professional monitoring that i can arm and disarm from anywhere. Hear ye the awkward teenage one has arrived dont be old fashioned. Xfinity customers add xfinity home for 29. 95 a month for 12 months. Plus for a limited time, get a free Security Camera call 1800 xfinity or visit comcast. Com xfinityhome. Ukrainian troops are pulling out of a key battle area. The ukrainian president said 80 of armed forces have left the town demanding World Leaders have a tough stance with russia. In a cnn exclusive, Frederik Pleitgen went to another town where a ceasefire is in place on paper but not on the ground. Reporter the ceasefire remains elusive in this town. These fighters lead their weapons with great care and then head to the front line. Were on the road here with a ukrainian battalion called the east corpus battalion and they said they get shelled all the time. The attacks are from prorussian separatists. Right now only a third of the village is under our control, he says. With prorussian separatists close by we need to move carefully and frequently run for cover. So the men tell us we have to watch out here because apparently theres a sniper they believe, somewhere in the distance over there. They say they take fire here every day and several times a day so they really dont believe in ceasefire thats going on. It never really took hold here. The ceasefire is a force says this commander. The fighting is continuing now the way it did before. They continue to attack us shell us they use artillery and mortars and sometimes they launch raids. Its impossible to tell which side is responsible for breaking the ceasefire here but to the few civilians we saw, that didnt seem to matter. They were packing any belongings they could and leaving. The fighting here is very heavy, this woman says all of the windows of our house are broken. Its very terrifying. We saved our lives to buy our house and now we have nothing. To get back to safety the fighters lob a smoke grenade to mask our retreat. At least in this village here in eastern ukraine, we can see the ceasefire is not working. There appear to be many many infringements and there isnt any sort of faith that things will get better any time soon. Frederik pleitgen cnn, ukraine. The next hour of cnn newsroom after a break. I knew instantly that this was. Wow its crest hd. Its amazing. Go pro with new crest prohealth hd. Its two steps first one cleans second one polishes and whitens. By isolating key ingredients, each step focuses on their separate jobs. Crest hd gives you a 6x healthier mouth and 6x whiter teeth in just one week. I mean it gets practically every detail. Thats why its called hd. Try new crest prohealth hd. Life opens up with a healthier mouth. Why do we do it . Why do we spend every waking moment, thinking about people . Why are we so committed to keeping you connected . Why combine performance with a conscience . 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