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Populations the same, and we might be more vulnerable to this than we think. Now, if we start to add in millions of more americans who are at risk, were truly looking at overwhelming our system. Every single doctor and nurse in every single hospital should be wearing n95 mask all the time. I have a friend who got covid19, confirmed yesterday, from a patient who presented with a stroke. No other symptoms of cough or fevers. Every patient that comes in could have this. Your coworker at work could have this. We have to social distance at work. And we have to protect ourselves maximally. N now, imagine if we require all healthcare workers to wear an n95 and not just those of us in the Emergency Department or Critical Care areas, we dont have enough. And i need to hear from the president and the task force who is making these masks . When are we going to see them . And i just cant understand why we would invoke this act and not have any production being done. It blow my mind. Well, so, and thats really my question, dr. Yasmin, to you. I mean, did you have any clarity there about what the administration is doing to get masks and other supplies . Where theyre coming from . How many theyre going to get . When they are going to get out to hospitals . No, brianna, its such a hard part of information. You hear one thing. Then you hear someone conflicting with conflicting messages. And the same thing has happened with tests. We heard thered been millions of tests and we were told everyone who needed a test would get a test. What we are hearing from the highest levels does not correlate with what were hearing from people on the ground. And that lack of consistency in the messaging, honestly, what feels like a lack of truthfulness in the messaging, is extremely alarming during an emergency of this scale. Yeah. Its basic. Where are the tests . Where are the masks . Where are the ventilators . How many . When are they going to get where they need to be . Dr. Seema yasmin and dr. James phillips, thank you so much. Its so important to have your voices on this. Thank you. Top of the hour now. Lets reset our coverage with the new headlines. Because after multiple cries for help from those on the front line of this pandemic, the president said he has invoked the defense protection act. Its a wartime measure to get private manufacturers to produce the masks and protective gear that is critically needed by medical workers. Invoked it yesterday. We have a lot people working very hard to do ventilators and various other things. Yes. So you are using it now to tell businesses they need to make ventilators, masks, respirators . Yeah, for certain things that we need. Including including some of the very important emergency i would say ventilators, probably more masks to a large extent. We have millions of masks which are coming and which will be distributed to the states. The states are having a hard time getting them. So we were using the act. The act is very good for things like this. The defense production act i should have said. Now, the rate of infections is following experts predictions. Things are going to get worse before they get better. In 24 hours, there have been 4,500 more cases of coronavirus in the United States. The latest global and National Figures are on the right sietd side of your screen. So you can see them there and they are going up. The number of americans infected as surpassed 15,000. The number of american deaths, at this point, is over 200. And as these cases mount, so, too, the number of states issuing unprecedented restrictions. Doing all that they can to keep people away from each other. Two of the most populous states, california and new york, have shut down all nonessential businesses and directed people to stay home. These two states make up or they account for 59 million americans. And that means that nearly one out of five americans are under these rules. Lets go to cnns erica hill. Shes been locking shes been looking at just how difficult life has become for so many of us. Erica. There are definitely changes coming and they are coming at us quickly. I have people texting me saying can i still go to the Grocery Store . What can i do . A lot of this is changing. Here in new york, we just saw some of the most strict measures announced that will go into place sunday night. And some of those could, perhaps, spread to neighboring states according to governor cuomo. He said hes been talking with others in the region. But here is whats happening in new york. The day new yorkers have been bracing for is here. We need everyone to be safe. Otherwise, no one can be safe. We talked to people all across the globe about what they did, what theyve done, what worked, what doesnt work. And that has all informed this policy. 100 of workers must now stay home. Essential services, healthcare, first responders, food delivery, exempt. The strictest rules will apply to the most vulnerable. Those over 70. The immunocompromised. Anyone with an underlying illness. The governor warning the new rules are not optional. These provisions will be enforced. These are not helpful hints. This is not if you really want to be a great citizen. These are legal provisions. They will be enforced. There will be a civil fine and mandatory closure for any business that is not in compliance. Again, your actions can affect my health. Thats where we are. New yorks mandate going further than californias statewide measure, announced late thursday night. This is a difficult moment. This is not a permanent state. This is a moment in time. New yorks governor advising Public Transportation only if absolutely necessary. Any outdoor exercise must be done alone. Visits with loved ones, discouraged. Acknowledging the potentially devastating impact on the state and the economy, the governor says he takes full responsibility. If somebody wants to blame someone or complain about someone, blame me. If everything we do saves just one life, ill be happy. Across the country, quiet streets and an unease about how long this new life will last. Everyone i know is stressed and anxious. And its mainly not getting sick. Its how are they going to pay their bills . Jobless claims are skyrocketing. And thats likely to continue according to economists at Goldman Sachs, who predict the next report will show two and a quarter million americans filed for unemployment in the past week. Theres no question that people are going to be so hard hit. Hotels, restaurants, airlines. All announcing layoffs after an unprecedented drop in demand. Two regional carriers who flew for american, delta, and united, are ceasing operations. Impacting 2,700 employees. The swift changes, all with one goal. To keep the virus from spreading. And as more of these changes and restrictions on movement are implemented across the country, people wondering how it could spread. I should point out, brianna, the president was asked about that a short time ago in the briefing room. He said he did not anticipate this spreading nationwide. As we know, of course, this is a fluid story and things are changing by the minute. Yeah. Thats right. It wont be up to him, right . Itll be up to the states, erica. Erica hill in new york. Thank you. I want to go back now to the urgent need of hospitals and frontline medical workers right now. With me now to discuss this is dr. Ali raja, executive vice chairman for the department of emergency medicine at massachusetts general hospital, which as of yesterday had eight confirmed coronavirus patients. And there were 88 that were under investigation. Dr. Raja, thank you so much for coming on. Thanks for having me, brianna. So, first, just walk us through what it has been like in your hospital at this unprecedented time. How this has changed the way you interact with patients and, also, how you think this is going to change and increase over time. Well, its been its been a really unique time in our hospital. We are both exceptionally busy and also because of some great planning by both the hospital and the Health System and the governor, parts of our hospital are not as busy. We have shut down two elective surgeries, for example, so our operating rooms arent running for most electi surgeries. If a gunshot wound happens, then they run. But the biggest are the medicine floors where patients with potential covid are being admitted and the Emergency Department where we are seeing a lot of patients who are coming in really concerned. And how do you think thats going to change here in the coming week or two . Well, you know, were just going to see more and more of that. Weve seen a lot of patients who are worried well. And you asked how its changed changed how im interacting with my patients. Well, now, i have to be concerned on every patient. Not just those who are coming in coughing or sneezing or short of breath. Im worried that every patient might have the potential potentially have the novel coronavirus. So we are Wearing Masks for, essentially, our entire shifts. Im changing it out after i intubate somebody who might have exposed me, even more than normal. But essentially, most of our doctors, our nurses, the rest of our staff, are Wearing Masks for their entire shift. And so i wonder, when youre looki looking here as things are going you know theyre going to get busier. The question is how busy is it going to get . How overwhelmed . Or is the hospital going to become overwhelmed . What kind of plans have you put in place when you are thinking about are we going to have enough ventilators . Are we going to have enough masks . Are we going to have enough robes . What are we going to do when people start getting sick . The doctors and nurses and other staff. What are the plans . Well, were really fortunate at a place like mgh. We have got a great and very large workforce. So we have backup plans to our backup plans to our backup plans. We have internal medicine physicians and primary care doctors, who wouldnt normally see patients in the hospital, coming in and staffing our medicine floors. We have were starting to work out partnerships with Nursing Homes and rehabilitation facilities that might be able to take patients when theyre well enough to leave the hospital. Because they might not be well yet but they might not need to be in the intensive care unit or in the hospital. And if we dont start getting patients out, even when they might not be quite ready, were not going to have room for all of the other patients coming in. The other thing is that we started to see some staff become sick. And and staff that have to furlough themselves because theyve been exposed. And once you start running into that, especially if you start having sort of key personnel, your nurses, your doctors, your Environmental Services staff, the the decontamination, the cleaning of a room of a patient with covid in it takes a lot of time and effort. And if you dont have people to clean it, thats really going to impact how fast and how well we can see new patients. Your your president has mentioned the possibility of printing 3d masks, i should say this. And cited an Italian Company thats doing exactly that. Can you tell us about that . I can tell you a little bit about it. Peter slavin, dr. Slavin, who is our president , mentioned that a couple of days ago i think its a wonderful idea the fact is that we are reusing our masks right now. I get i have my own mask. It has my name on it. I bring it home. I wash it. I bleach it. I clean it. And i take it back for my next shift and thats what we are doing right now. So if we can get more masks, whether theyre 3d printed or whether we can find new suppliers, every hospital, not just us, but every hospital needs them. And so if your viewers have access to something that might be able to produce masks for their local hospital, they absolutely should. And just real quickly because im just curious how you handle something that you think may be contaminated. How do you take it into your house to clean it . So i have a bucket in my garage. So nothing that i wear to work actually gets brought into my house. The fact is that i dont normally wear scrubs. Im known as the guy whos worn a white coat and a tie for years. And now, i bought my first pair of scrubs. Im going to the hospital scrub supplier and im wearing scrubs and im leaving everything out in the car. It gets put right into the washing machine in the garage as soon as i come home. And so nothing actually comes in. I come in. I take a shower. I dont kiss my wife. I dont kiss my kids until after im as clean as i can possibly get. All right. Its just so interesting to hear how youre dealing with this. I think also people can take that away when theyre especially concerned themselves. Doctor, thank you so much. Thank you so much, brianna. I appreciate it. Yeah. Be safe. And hopefully, well be checking in with you again very soon. Lets go back now to the dramatic actions that we are seeing in california and new york to keep people home. California governor gavin newsom issuing a dire prediction. He warned that 25 million californians will contract the coronavirus within the next two months. Well, that is more than half the states population. And, already, newsom is taking drastic action. This week, he became the first governor to impose a statewide lockdown. Tolli telling californians they have to stay at home, unless its for an essential purpose. Sacramento county had issued a similar lockdown. And sacramento mayor is joining me now to talk about this. Mayor, thanks for being with us. First, we are very much focusing on the hospitals today because that just seems to be where the biggest concerns are. Are are your hospitals equipped . Are they going to be equipped with the supplies they meed . Need. Well, first of all, brianna, thanks for having me. The governor did absolutely the right thing. And of course, the main reason is to reduce the rapidity of the spread. And to prepare for what we know is going to be a pretty dramatic surge in hospital beds. And yes, our Healthcare System and our hospitals in california are topnotch. And they are preparing. But there arent enough beds in the hospital system. The governor talked last night about talking with President Trump to bring in some maybe to set up some mobile hospital units. Hotel and motel rooms possible. So its literally every potential strategy that will be needed. This this order, in california, for people to stay home. How is that going to be enforced . Well, it its it has the force of law. But the idea is not to arrest people or or to turn this into some sort of major Law Enforcement exercise. The order itself is really commonsense. It says to people, please, isolate yourself except for essential life functions. Except for essential business. And i think everybody is beginning to understand in our state, and in our country, why that is so important. And so if there are flag rarant abuses, Law Enforcement officials can and they probably will step in. But this is not intended to be enforcement eccentr enforceme enforceme enforcement centric order. Its a commonsense order. All right. Mayor, thank you so much. Mayor darrell steinburg. Thank you. The white house also announcing today it is shutting down all nonessential traffic at the u. S. mexico border. That will kick in at midnight. Plus, just one more hit to the economy as unemployment claims are skyrocketing. Some states already reporting a tenfold increase. And i will speak to a man who has all of the symptoms of coronavirus. But you wont believe the hoops he had to jump through to get tested. Well have that next. Your mission stand up to moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. And take. It. On with rinvoq. Rinvoq a oncedaily pill can dramatically improve symptoms. Rinvoq helps tame pain, stiffness, swelling. And for some. Rinvoq can even significantly reduce ra fatigue. Thats rinvoq relief. With ra, your overactive immune system attacks your joints. Rinvoq regulates it to help stop the attack. Rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious infections and blood clots, sometimes fatal, have occurred as have certain cancers, including lymphoma, and tears in the stomach or intestines, and changes in lab results. Your doctor should monitor your bloodwork. Tell your doctor about any infections and if you are or may become pregnant while taking rinvoq. 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Prescription power. Proven to work. Now with a new indication. Ask your doctor about vascepa. More than ten days ago, a california man came down with the telltale symptoms of coronavirus. Lee turnhad not only body aches but he was having dry cough and difficulty breathing. He was repeatedly told by doctors in Health Departments that he either didnt need to be tested or that he couldnt be tested because of a lack of kits. And it wasnt until just a few days ago, when he showed up at a hospital with makeshift tents set up a in parking lot that doctors finally agreed, yes, he did need to be tested. So he documented his struggle and his frustrations on the website toofab. Com. And lee turnbol is joining us now to tell us his story. Lee, thank you so much for joining us. And just tell us now i know that youve sort of youve gotten past the worst of it. But tell us how youre feeling. Im feeling a lot better. I still have a really hard time breathing. As opposed to a few days ago, then it was really bad. You know, from i mean, its been 16 days for me now with the symptoms. And kind of halfway through, between five and nine, ten days, it was really quite scary. But, you know, it definitely got to the point where i had to go to the emergency room because there seemed to be no other way. Because you couldnt breathe, right . I mean, its very scary to not be able to breathe. So just walk us through how all of this played out. How did it start . What did you think it might be when it started . And then just walk us through what happened after that. Sure. So on monday the 9th rk, i star with a really, really dry cough. And i just previously coached two games with my wonderful girls on the saturday and held a mass tryout on a sunday. So my wife said to me, you know, maybe you just damaged your voice shouting on the sidelines, which i kind of thought it was. Later later that evening, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, you know, i got really bad chills. Was incredibly fatigued. The cough had gotten so bad that i mean, maybe you can tell right now. Its just you know, talking, im a wee bit constricted. The cough had got so bad that kind of my chest felt like it was on fire. And then the shortness of breath is when are really became worrisome. It got to the point on friday where i said to the to the misses, weve definitely got to gt emergency room. That was actually on monday. But on the friday through the monday, i had a real hard time actually trying to to get tested through the Health Department. And through my doctor. Yeah. So tell us about that. Was it you who first said, clearly, i need to be tested . Im exhibiting all of these signs. What how did this how did the testing try start . Yeah. So i mean, i waited a few days because obviously im aware that the hospitals may be, you know, there may be a huge amount of people going to the hospital. So i just wanted to wait it out a wee bit. But i spoke to my doctor on friday. Well, i spoke to the Health Department first and they said call your doctor. I spoke to the doctor. They were fairly dismissive. They told me i didnt have it. I should call the Health Department again. Spoke to the Health Department again. They said in order to get tested, i need to get an okay from the doctor. Called the doctor again. They sthaid that wasnt the cas and they didnt have any tests. I eventually spoke to my doctor after persisting and he was pretty blase about it. He told me i just had the flu. He prescribed me a whole bunch of medication. Without testing you for the flu . Without testing me for anything. He gave me a whole bunch of medication. No test. He told me that i did just have the flu and i will be okay in 72 hours. And that and that he said the coronavirus itself hasnt killed anybody yet. Its just other symptoms. Which i thought was a bit of a bold statement on his part. So i waited obviously, though, 72 hours. And things had just gotten worse. You know, my fatigue my fatigue and the lack of breathing was concerning to me. Not being able to breathe is never fun. And so came monday, i called i went through the same hoopla. Called the Health Department over and over again. Called my doctor. My doctor just the receptionist said the doctor was very just throwing away what i was saying. And it just it had gotten to the point id actually been emailing and on facebook trying to contact the long beach mayor. And i wasnt getting much response there, either. So it just got to the point where i said to the wife, lets we need to get to the hospital because and thats where you were tested . Yeah. Long beach memorial. The scenes. I think i gave you guys some videos and pictures. But the scenes were straight out of the you know, one of those Zombie Apocalypse movies. You know, there was kind of tents and nurses and biohazard suits. And i will say the nurses there were absolutely wonderful. They were they were kind. They were comforting. And funny enough, i had been i had been met with such a blaee attitude toward my symptoms up until then, i actually thought that they would tell just tell me to go home and that its nothing. I almost started kind believing that narrative. But i was surprised by their urgency in how i was feeling, in how i was rather. They were concerned about my lung functionality. And they whisked me towards another kind of biohazardlooking tent. And, lee, we are so happy they took what you are saying seriously. And i have to say, lee turnbol, i think its time for a new primary care physician. Possibly. Possibly, brianna. Possibly. All right, lee, thank you so much for joining us. Brianna, thank you so much. And, everyone, selfdistance and look after your elderly neighbors. Leave a note under their door. Ask them how theyre doing. Now is the time to not have a level of selfimportance and to kind of, really, actually lets care about each other, truly. You know . Maybe thats the one good thing we can take from this. Lee, thank you so much. We are told, at this point in time, that the coronavirus hasnt even hit its peak yet. Already, its rattling the u. S. Economy to its core. As Goldman Sachs economists predict that 2. 25 million americans have filed for unemployment just this week alone. Now, that is eight times the number of people who filed last week. And its the highest on record ever. Cnn business anchor julia chatterley is joining us now. And, julia, senator Mitch Mcconnells working on getting a 1 trillion stimulus package through the senate right now. So give it to us straight. Is that enough . Nowhere near enough, brianna. It is a start. But we are going to need trillions of dollars more. Ill explain the numbers in a very crude way in a second. But let me just explain whats going on here. As you have been describing and talking about for the last half an hour, we have got a health crisis. The way were tackling that is that we are telling everybody to go home all over the country. And thats grinding business and the economy to a halt. Weve never done anything like this. That economic shock is also creating a jobs crisis, as youve just described. And 2 million is just the start of it. Weve got 85 of the workers in this country working in small and mediumsize enterprises. So you imagine some of the decisions that are being made today. People are are looking at their business. Theyve got nobody coming in to buy anything. Theyre worried about feeding their families. They are worried about paying their bills. They want to look after their workers but they simply cant. So they let them go. And this is going to happen like a tidal wave. And its going to happen really quickly. So that sort of first thing thats going on. And we are going to see these numbers multiply. But just to give you a sense of the numbers that are required to fight this, we have a 20 trillion economy. We are, basically, saying the economy has to stop for two to three months. So a quarter of that 20 trillion is around 5 trillion. If you assume half of that is worker costs, thats 2. 5 trillion just to fill the financial gap over the next two to three months. So we are, simply, not even beginning when were talking about 1 trillion to fight this. We have to think way, way bigger, and protect workers who are simply going to get crushed from now on in. All right. Julia, thank you for the real talk on that. Julia chatterley, we appreciate it. The World Health Organization has a message for young people today. You are not invincible. And my next guest knows that all too well. I will be speaking to a 30yearold woman who tested positive for the coronavirus, and her doctor as well. You do not want to miss what they have to say. The network has to be prepared to absorb whatever is going to come its way. Were always preparing. Make sure that the network is working all the time. vo were relentlessly committed to the network. So in times like this, we can all stay connected to work, school, and most importantly, to each other. I had this hundred thousand dollar student debt. Two hundred and twentyfive thousand dollars in debt. Ah, sofi literally changed my life. It was the easiest application process. I refinanced with sofi and was able to cut my Interest Rate by 40 . Student loans dont have to take over for the rest of your life. Thank you for allowing me to get my money right. Kelly clarkson whatre you doing on our sofa . Hey there whatre you doing on your sofa . Try wayfair. You got this woah. Yeah let me try all alright, get it blow it up thats what im talking about. Except thats my seat, so. All right, so maybe after the movie lets talk about that bedroom of yours when was she in our bedroom . 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Young people cant get it. That is wrong. Its just not a factual statement. My next guest has tested positive for the coronavirus at just 30 years old. With me now is Kate Throneburg and her primary care physician dr. Genevive browning. I want to thank you both for being with us. We hear so much about this. Young people can get this. And now, kate, here you are to show us you are someone who has. Tell us a little bit about how youre feeling and really how you felt at the worst of this. Because we know each person experienced can experience this differently. So im very lucky that i am on the mend. Ive probably had symptoms, now, for like 12 days. But, at the worst, it felt like it felt like the flu. I had, like, 101 fever. But i only had a fever for a period of, like, 16 hours. So it was the other symptoms that really clued me into this might be coronavirus. Like, what were the other symptoms . So about four or five days before i had a fever, i had was just achy. I had a headache that didnt seem to go away. And i had a cough. And i have asthma. So i thought it might, you know, could have been something related with my asthma. But when it didnt really fix fix the problem by using my normal inhalers, i i knew it was probably time to go get checked out. And, dr. Browning, so she comes in. She gets she gets checked out. And also, look, i have to tell you weve heard a lot of stories about people saying initially because their primary care physicians thought it wasnt in the area yet or Something Like that, they just dismissed this as maybe a cold or a flu or something. Maybe you can speak to that, as well. But tell us about kate coming in and what you do from there. Yeah. Well, so kate followed the protocol that i would encourage everyone to follow, in that she reached out to us electronically before she came for an office visit. And we were able to talk back and forth through messaging to give further evaluation of her symptoms. And, ultimately, decided that we did want her to come in and do some testing. One of the things that was really important to me, as a primary care physician, as kate mentioned, she has asthma. Which puts her at increased risk for pulmonary complications and, potentially, more difficulty clearing this coronavirus. And so, you know, looking at all her symptoms, including the fact that she had asthma, we felt strongly that she should come in. But i will say that weve been able to prevent a lot of people from having to come to the office by utilizing communication before they get here. And thats helpful to reduce the number of people who potentially need to be seen at their physicians office. Okay. And, kate, i wonder if if any of your friends i wonder if you think theyve been taking this seriously, and if you think theyre taking it more seriously now that youve been diagnosed. So, yeah, i think a lot of my friends are taking it seriously and my sisters friends. She is a few years younger than me. But its really sad to see people, you know, like in florida. And its really nice here in north carolina. Its 80 degrees today, just being out and about. And you can literally do the easiest thing for your community, which is staying in your house and watching tv. And i really hope that others will do that. I mean, my symptoms were on a normal day, a day like today, i probably would have gone to work. And we just need to be hyperaware about our our symptoms so that we dont we dont infect our community members. Kate, its such an important message. Kate throneburg, thank you for coming on to talk about it. Dr. Browning, we appreciate you, as well. Thank you, both. Thank you. An alarming new statistic out of lit italy that coronavirus has been twice as deadly for men there than women. We are going to ask a doctor why that might be. Were going to get answers to your questions, next. Come on. No. No. N. 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Tell us what its like there in the er. Yeah. Right now, in our area, were not seeing surges. We think of this it could be the quiet before the storm, what i am hearing from colleagues on both coasts and what you read about in italy. People, when theyre in the midst of it, they look a week or two back, and they were the time when they cancelled elective procedures. And there is a lot of phone triage by primary care offices in our area, encouraging people not to go to the hospital with more minor symptoms. And so right now, were just waiting in anticipation. Conserving resources. And, you know, getting ready for what we anticipate in the next few weeks. Which is . Well, i mean, were very concerned about these surges of patients that have put hospitals in different parts of our country and certainly in other parts of the world, on the brink of being overwhelmed and unable to care for the number of people that are coming in. We would leike to avoid that. Thats why our committee, the committee to protect medicare announced today i announced today on twitter and will be putting oh ut a stateme putting out a statement endorsing a national lockdown, essentially. A shelter in place, nationally. We think we need to do Everything Possible to decrease the transmission of this virus from person to person, both for urban areas that we are seeing now. And in rural areas, particularly places like where i work, with critical access hospitals. With, you know, a limited number of inpatient beds and staff. We dont want to overwhelm these systems. If we can limit the transmission now and and weve all heard the term flatten the curve. If we can do that, we can we can sustain this. You know, we can withstand this over a period of months and months, rather than a period of weeks. Okay. I want to ask you some of our viewer questions here. One person said, is it okay to use communal spaces in my apartment complex . You know, we are encouraging social distancing. Part of this this National Shelter in place that we are supporting would suggest that is not a good idea. You know, in your own dwelling, with the people that you normally live with, you know, that is part of your normal routine. You dont, necessarily, know who is in your communal spaces. So really exercising the sixfoot distance, you know, social distancing is, absolutely, appropriate in those scenarios. And really trying not to congregate in numbers. I think, nationally, now suggesting over ten people. So i would heed that advice. I want to guys, this is question seven that i want to ask. This one says i just had a newborn. Should i not allow other family members to hold her . I would limit that as much as possible. Certainly, i mean, thats an important part of you bonding with your newborn. And and and your partner bonding and others. But, you know, people do carry this virus without having symptoms. And we dont know the degree to which they can transmit the virus. And newborns, you know, theres not a lot of data on how they can be impacted. But their immune systems are somewhat fragile. While early on in life, they have the immunity of mom and we encourage breastfeeding to continue that immunity. But, again, they have limited ability to fight off any kind of illness. Particularly, a virus like this. So i would limit that as much as possible. Okay. Dr. Davidson, and then finally, i just want to ask you some people are wondering about food they can eat. One person asked my wife and i just ordered sushi but is it safe too eat raw foods right now . I would also add what about foods that people are using their hands to prepare, which is one of the things about sushi. Yeah, i mean, i havent been asked that before. Were telling people with any kind of packages as long as they wash their own hands, we doan have a direct link that this is transmitted orally in that fashion. So i would say there is no evidence to suggest that that is a problem. So that i havent seen recommendations against it. I would suggest it is probably okay. We do have tips on the committee website, committeetoprotectdotorg. Thank you. Have a good day. Behave or be confined to your homes. The coronavirus pandemic prompting germany to tell 83 million citizens to be spornl or the country could go on total lockdown. Plus shocking numbers from italy. Well look at the situation across the globe next. Thing. The 200 creams, the 400 creams. But, this jar works for me. Olay regenerist makes my skin feel so dewy and soft and silky and hydrated. Incredible. I love it. Im busy phillips and my skin is confident i can face anything with my olay. And my latest beauty secret. For bright, smooth skin. Olay regenerist cream cleanser. We find a way to get through it. Is faced with adversity, its not about taking care of ourselves, but taking care of each other. Checking on our neighbors. 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Gone are pine boxes and status quo replaced with endless color and pattern choices. Because when you use technically superior, durable products, all you have to focus on is coloring outside the lines. Timbertech. Go against the grain. Now today the Trump Administration announced that the United States and mexico will limit nonessential travel across the border. As more than a quarter of a Million People around the world are infected with coronavirus. Italy announcing that it recorded 627 new deaths in the last 24 hours. But in china the Health Ministry is reporting for a second day in a row that there were no new locally transmitted cases. We have our correspondents covering this starting in mexico city. Reporter im matt rivers in mexico city where officials have spent the last few days negotiating with the u. S. And that has led to a new temporary partial shutdown of the u. S. mexico border, meaning all nonessential travel, both foot and vehicle travel will be restricted. Notably there are exemptions including cargo and trade could still go back and forth because it is important to the respective economies but this is a closure of the one of the busiest, most lucrative borders in the world. Reporter im hala gorani in london and between two primary schools in the north part of the u. K. Capital and today is the last full day of classes. Starting monday only the kids of essential workers like doctors and nurses will be able to attend classes. That being said, pubs, bars, stores are still very much open unlike other countries. This is happening against the back drop of a stretched National Health service calling on up to 65,000 retired doctors and nurses to volunteer to come back to work to fight what the nhs is calling the greatest Global Health threat in its history. Im Fred Pleitgen in berlin where angel merkel is considering whether they need tougher measures to deal with the outbreak of the coronavirus. There are many in the German Government who believe the current measures for social distancing are simply falling short as cases of coronavirus here in germany continue to skyrocket with thousands of new infections every day. And come sunday angel merkel might put this country on a complete lockdown. Im in shanghai. Chinese Health Officials are reporting a second day with no new locally transmitted cases of the virus but saw a jump in imported cases, people from traveling in from other countries and stepping up quarantine for international travelers. Chinese coronavirus experts in italy lombardi region warned that the lackdown measures there are not enough like in wuhan. Residents in italy are still moving around casually and that Public Transportation is still operating. Instead they recommend people there stay at home. Im barbara nad yo in rome. This is devastated in the north of the country where the Health Care System is under such pressure. Theyve started moving patients out of icu and into hospitals in the southern part of the country. Now this comes amid a nationwide lockdown, 60 Million People are told to stay in homes. Government is asked themill to help the police enforce the lockdown and get people to stop spreading the deadly virus. Thank you so much to all of you. President trump invokes a war time act to help ramp up production of desperately needed masks and protective gear. Well have details just ahead as our special live coverage continues. No matter where you are, Xfinity Mobile gives you the most reliable Wireless Network to connect you with those who matter most. Its the network that gives you the best coverage and more flexible data that you can share, mix with unlimited and switch at any time. Youll save up to 400 a year on your wireless bill. Plus, get 300 off when you buy a new Samsung Galaxy s20 ultra. Xfinity mobile. Call, click or visit a store today. Announcer this is cnn breaking news. And welcome to the lead. Im jake tapper. Were continuing with our coverage of the coronavirus pandemic. This afternoon a grim new milestone for the United States where we have now surpassed 200 coronavirus deaths. It is now up to 208 this minute. With nearly 16,000 confirmed cases of covid19. A number that in reality is assuredly much higher because of the lag in testing. President trump this afternoon saying he is kicked off the defense production act, kicked it into gear to ramp up the manufacture and production of supplies and he said

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