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Im brooke baldwin. You are watching special coverage of the intensifying crises facing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. The confirmation of kavanaugh is now in serious, serious question. Kavanaugh is vying for a position he will hold for the rest of his life. Justices decide of law of the land for every single american, man and woman. Less than 24 hours before kavanaugh is set to testify on allegations he sexually assaulted a teenager in high school, a third woman is now coming forward making explosive, graphic allegations against him. Among them, she is accusing Brett Kavanaugh and others of being present at parties where young women were getting gang raped, as she describes in a side room or bedroom by a train, her word, a train of numerous boys. The allegations are graphic, they are horrific and well get into them in just a second. These new allegations come from a woman named Julie Swetnick in a sworn affidavit. She is a government worker, went to another local high school at the same time that Brett Kavanaugh did. Her attorney is Michael Avenatti. He represents Stormy Daniels in a case against the president. President trump is engaged in tweeting insults with avenatti, calling him a total low life and avenatti saying that trump is, quote, an habitual liar. And kavanaugh saying he doesnt know who Julie Swetnick is and that his claims are from, quote unquote, the twilight zone. He doesnt know this woman. He didnt go to parties with her. Ive received calls from women and men who went to parties with him. No one knows her and no one remembers seeing her at the parties. Theyre absolutely allegations. If theyre true, theres no excuse for his lawyer not going straight to the police. Theres no one stopping any investigation and any lawyer worth their salt would put their clients interests first and go straight to the police or to the fbi. What all of this means is the hearing scheduled for tomorrow still happening as of now will be without two of kavanaughs three accusers and without an fbi investigation. Lets start with sara sidner. Just again, they are disturbing to listen to. Tell us what Julie Swetnick is alleging. Here is what she is alleging, some allegations, not all of them. She said she observed Brett Kavanaugh drink excessively between 1981 and 1983, they were both in high school, at different high schools. She observed him drinking at many of the parties, about ten of them that she was aware of that she had been to that happened on the weekend. Said that he engaged in abusive and physically aggressive behavior towards girls, including and im quoting from her actual declaration to the judiciary committee, including pressing girls against him without their consent, grinding against girls and attempting to remove or shift girls clothing to expose private body parts. Now, that is one of the allegations she herself says that she witnessed Brett Kavanaugh doing during these parties. She also talks about the fact that she was aware somehow of him and his friend mark judge being involved in spiking drinks. She doesnt say how she was aware of it. She says she was aware of it but making it so girls were ine inebriated and unable to give consent. This is where things get really disturbing. She also, she says, witnessed efforts by mark judge and Brett Kavanaugh and others to cause girls to become inebriated and disoriented so that they could be gang raped. Those are her words, in a side room or bedroom by a train of numerous boys. She says she has a firm recollection of seeing boys line up outside of rooms at many of these parties waiting for their turn with a girl inside the room. Those boys, she says, included mark judge and Brett Kavanaugh. What we dont know from this statement here is whether or not she knew exactly what was going on in that room. She says they were in line. We dont know exactly why they were in line, if they were intending to do something, if they knew what was going on in that room. But she makes the allegation that they were standing in a line where she says boys were going in and having sex with a woman, as a train, one after another going in. Michael arvenatti made it clear she has asked for an investigation. She says she will sit in front of the judiciary committee. She has something to lose, you see some of the places shes worked. Heres what Michael Avenatti had to say about his client. She is 100 credible. And when the American People hear from her, they will determine, as i have, that she is to be believed. Now, she says in her declaration, brooke, that she presently holds the following active cleanses with the public trust, u. S. Department of treasury and the u. S. Minut and those are her allegations about what Brett Kavanaugh knew. She wants an investigation and she wants it immediately. Brooke . Thank you for that. Lets have a bigger conversation on so much of what sara laid out for us. I have with me Gloria Borger and jennifer rogers, a former federal prosecutor and, ladies, thanks for being with me. Weve all read her sworn affidavit. Just to underscore the serious nature of these allegations, we know submitting a statement to congress that is knowingly false can be criminally prosecuted. So if she is lying, she could be prosecuted. Yes . Yes, absolutely. Its basically the same as being under oath at this point for her. So ergo, these are extremely serious allegations. Not only that, she is a government employee. It would have taken about five minutes for Chuck Grassley or her colleagues to start calling around and find out about this woman. Shes got a lot to lose. Shes going to be an open book for them. She has a lot to lose if shes not telling the truth. Here is how President Trump described the allegations in the last hour. I think its ridiculous. Its a con game theyre playing. The democrats are playing this game thats a disgrace to the country and i think youre going to see it in the mid terms. Its just a con game. Hes a highquality person, theyre bringing people out of the woods. They can do that to anybody, other than perhaps the Prime Minister because hes so pure, but they can do it to anybody what they are doing and its really, really sad. Gloria, is that helpful . Well, i dont think its helpful to the republicans at all because he doesnt mention what the accusations are, he doesnt mention he doesnt mention anything about even her, her name. Or her or her name. Obviously, look, he doesnt like Michael Avenatti, as we know, because avenatti of course was doing the Stormy Daniels case, et cetera, et cetera. I would be naive to say theres not a political component to the argument going on on capitol hill between the democrats and republicans here. I dont think we can overstate at all the impact that holding judgem judge merrick garlands nomination up and then killing it has had on the democrats, but i would also say that the president s dismissiveness is not helping republicans and Chuck Grassley has gone out of his way, i would say, to be respectful to all of these women who has raised questions. The only problem is tomorrow were only going to hear from one of them and there happen to be two others. Right. To underscore how serious lithe allegations are, Julie Swetnick swearing in her affidavit where she was at a party where a woman was gang raped and she was saying later on she was gang raped, not by kavanaugh. Swetnick says that she saw kavanaugh, quoting her, pressing girls against him without their consent, grinding against girls in attempting to remove or shift girls clothing to expose private body parts. This is the same Brett Kavanaugh we watched on fox saying this. I was focused on trying to be number one on my class and captain of the varsity basketball team, doing my service projects, going to church. The vast majority of the timism spe time i spent in high school was studying, focused on sports, being a good friend to the boys and the girls that i was friends with. Youre shaking your head. Which is it . When youre evaluating this, one of the things you look at is their demeanor and how they come across and also corroboration. And theres been plenty of corroboration that he was a heavy drinker and when he drank, he wasnt a great guy. He even said such in speeches just a few years ago. So this whole choir boy routine he pulled on monday, i dont think it does him any favors. If you read this morning, a whole piece came out saying choir boys and more choir boys are coming out and telling their story as well. He vehemently denies these allegations and he did speak generally about some drinking in high school and college on the interview the other night. Hes prepared to say but i was not perfect in those days just as im not perfect today. I drank beer with my friends, usually on weekends. Sometimes i had to many. Sometimes in retrospect i said and did things in high school that make me cringe now. Do you think his lawyers got to him and said you need to change your little bit . What do you think . I do. The fox news interview, the choir boy interview didnt go over real well. There are reports it didnt go over well with President Trump, in fact. I think he has to admit to a certain degree being a socalled bad boy when he was in high school, maybe he drank a little too much and some stuff he did made him cringe, et cetera, et cetera, which is certainly within the realm of kind of acceptable, you know, high school behavior, i guess. But nothing about, you know, nothing about the charges, the charges against him, which are obviously going to be litigated tomorrow or hes going to be asked about them in great detail. So i do think theres been a shift in that kind of strategy, but theyre also going to make the point that this is not about his high school behavior, this is about character assassination. And thats what theyre going to call it. Lastly, as we all will be glued tomorrow to this hearing, we know that the republicans on the Senate Judiciary committee, they have hired this veteran sex crimes prosecutor by the name of Rachel Mitchell and shell be doing the questioning on behalf of the republicans and then the democrats and theyll be taking turns back and forth. This is not a court of law, right . So correct me, but its my understanding they wont be able to bring in in the questioning, any of what weve been discussing in this latest allegation, right . Its keep it on ford. Thats right. Were hearing from dr. Ford tomorrow and judge kavanaugh. Those are the witnesses were hearing. Its incredibly limited. Its in some way commendable they want to have somebody with expertise in sex crimes to advise them on this and a woman. And a woman. If that was it, if they brought this woman in simply to give them advice, this is how you prosecute a sex crime and what you should know about sexual assault. That would be one thing. To have her being there on the front lines as the ones actually asking the questions takes it to a different stage. It seems like its hiding behind her, having her doing the dirty work because they dont like the optics of white men asking the questions of the victim. Thank you so much. Well be watching tomorrow. In the meantime were still hearing from key senators talking about judge kavanaughs fate. Also, republicans insist the hear will go go on tomorrow as plan. My next guest calls their move. She calls it sexist and cowardly to bring in this female prosecutor from arizona. 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He will defend himself against theof his first accuser, Christine Blasey ford. Senate republicans will be using a veteran sex crimes prosecutor, Rachel Mitchell, to ask the questions for them. No doubt it is so that the 11 white men on the republican side avoid these optics, the image from 1991. Remember this . Showing anita hill before the Senate Judiciary committee as she testified that then Supreme Court Justice Nominee Clarence Thomas sexually harassed her. Well, my next guest has this message for the chairman of the committee, Chuck Grassley, who is in charge of kavanaugh as you hearing tomorrow. She says in her New York Times opinion piece that grassley needs to, quote, man up and question the accuser Christine Blasey ford himself. She is laura bazzelon, a professor at the university of San Francisco school of law. Also alan stewart, republican strategy, is with me. Ladies, before you get to how did you phrase it, cynicism, sexism and cowardice, alice, i wanted to ask you just with the news weve been covering today, these latest incredibly serious allegations, do you think the Senate Judiciary committee needs to pump the brakes on this hearing tomorrow . No, i think they need to move full speed ahead. If the latest accuser wants to tell her story, she should come forward and tell her story. They all deserve to be heard. But they havent invited her. I think chairman grassley is wise to be fair to these women and give them the opportunity to speak but also to be firm in withholding the calendar they have for in terms of the confirmation of judge kavanaugh. I think its important to maintain a good balance between those two issues, but we need to stand firm and move forward with his confirmation process. I know youre in touch with a lot of republicans in high places. Have they officially invited swetnick to testify . They want to hear her story. I think its important that we do hear her story. Whether or not she can do it in the timeline that they have remains to be seen, but theyve been very clear, all of them, with regard to all these women that have come forward is let them be heard, let them hear their stories you but we also need to move forward with the process at hand. Laura, on your opinion piece out of the times times, you hiring the woman to represent them is cynical and sexist, why . If he was truly be sensitive to her, he would have done what she asked, which is have her questioned before the full panel. They seem to have outsourced this because of what you said earli earlier, the optics are terrible. We have 11 republican men, all white and they just dont want do this so theyre shoveling it off to someone else. Could you not see it as they are all men, theyre not experts in prosecuting sex crimes, crossexamination, questioning sex crimes, the fact that she is a woman, she will understand in a different way than they will . I find that offensive frankly, the idea that it takes a woman to know a woman and only a woman could question another woman. These members of the committee have had no problem going out and attacking her character calling her mixed up, calling her this lady and saying, as Lindsey Graham did, ive made up my mind. The question is can you do your job in a respectful, probing manner. Why is that so hard to ask . Its almost like they arent up for it. Its like dial a woman who could question dr. Ford. Staying with you, though, laura, if they hadnt hired this female outside counsel, would you or other critics have complained, you know, if all of these 11 men did question her, 11 white men asking the questions . I would complain if in asking the questions they bullied her, lacerated her, intimidated her and went after her in a way that republicans and democrats, quite frankly, did in the anita hill hearings. Then i would be critical. What i would expect is for them to do their job and treat her with respect while asking the questions they need to ask. I think lauras piece is very certainly intelligent but two of the key points that she highlighted here, cynical and sexist, those are the two main arguments that democrats said from the very beginning of this process as to why they did not want all men gop members of the committee to ask her questions. They wanted to bring in someone that had more sympathies toward dr. Ford. Thats exactly what they did. So in doing what Many Democrats wanted from the very beginning, bringing in someone who was more sympathetic, now its being used against us. I think rachel has a tremendous career in handling sex crime cases. She has worked to protect victims throughout much of her career and her sympathies tend to lie more towards the victim, especially those who have been silenced for many, many years. So in my view, shes going to be much more sympathetic and compassionate to dr. Ford than anyone else. And it doesnt matter that she is a woman. She is an experienced sex crimes prosecutor and she will be able to get to the heart of the matter and get to the true story from dr. Ford and also judge kavanaugh. So she is the right person for the job. I dont look at it as her being a woman. I look at it as her being the best person to ask these questions during this critical time. Two key perspectives going into this hearing tomorrow morning up on the hill. Alice and laura, thank you for that. Were talking about Rachel Mitchell, who will be conducting the questions on behalf of republicans. While talk to someone who worked with her for years back in maricopa county, arizona. 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But tomorrows hearing involving the first woman accusing him, Christine Blasey ford, is a go. The woman hired to ask questions is a woman by the name of Rachel Mitchell. Shes been a prosecutor for 26 years, most recently served as a deputy county attorney in maricopa county, arizona. Shes prosecuted cases involving the backlog of rape kits, sex abuse cases involving khcatholi priests, among other sex crimes. My guess, jason lamm, is a defense attorney. Thank you for being on with us. Good to be with you today, brooke. Millions of eyeballs will be on Miss Mitchell tomorrow for this monumental hearing involving the Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh. From what you know about her, is she up to the task tomorrow . First and foremost, ive known rachel about 20 years strictly in a professional capacity. I also was a District Attorney at the mayorricopa county and a prosecuted sex crimes. That having been said, Rachel Mitchell is a fine attorney. She is a career prosecutor and is absolutely dedicated to the prosecution of sex crimes. Unfortunately, given the environment shes brought into for this hearing, in a lot of ways she in a nowin situation. Why do you say that . Well, you have to look at this. We only heard just last night that Rachel Mitchell would be assigned this task and given this task and already shes getting criticism from the right, shes getting criticism from the left. So one of two things happen, either she ask blasey ford some very, very tough questions, and on the other hand if she softballs dr. Ford and the republicans on the committee feel Rachel Mitchell is not being aggressive enough, people are going to say she wasnt thorough. So either way shes certainly up for the task. Shes imminently qualified, a highly ethical attorney but theres just no good answer here. Id be remiss not to ask you, you havent been to touch with her since the news broke shed be heading to washington, correct . No, i think shes probably wi wisely undercover, getting ready for the challenge. So to your point about how she will be questioning both dr. Ford and judge cavanaugl ka you have been on the other side, high profile cases, what is her mnch onc m. O. When it comes to questioning . Rachel mitchells m. O. Is very simple, to get to the truth. I heard your last guest asking about the gender of the questioner. I dont think thats the issue. Whats at issue is understanding the dynamics of delayed reporting. I think thats going to be a big issue. I think shes going to want to look at this in a blackandwhite situation and if its a delayed reporting, peel the layer of onion and see why and get to the truth. At the same time, she has a more difficult task with Brett Kavanaugh. As a career prosecute, shes used to aggressively crossexamining. Shes not a yeller or a screamer but shes very methodical. I think she runs the risk of being too aggressive on judge kavanaugh but if shes not aggressive enough, others will say shes just pooching this. A really, really difficult task ahead but probably one of the most qualified people in the country for the job. Great. I think you hit on the truth. I think thats what every single american wants is the truth. Jason lamm, thank you. Thank you to you, brooke. This latest allegation against Brett Kavanaugh, theyve been calling on the white house to withdraw the nomination. And well hear what some of those who went to yale and what theyre saying about his life on campus. Oh oh ozempic® vo people with type 2 diabetes are excited about the potential of onceweekly ozempic®. In a study with ozempic®, a majority of adults lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than seven and maintained it. Oh under seven . vo and you may lose weight. In the same oneyear study, adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. 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But this just in, apparently President Trump went off, thats how it described, on his french counterpart macron. The course said he was venting and going off about trading to macron. The source said there was some rapport between the two but its not what it once was. So michelle, to you. What happened . Some of the magic is gone here. But this has come to be expected among u. S. Allies, that trump gets into these oneonone meetings where they can be more themselves, not putting on a display, a show. But trump starts to hammer him on trade. He did with this angela merkel. We know that trump and macron have this rapport, where ma crone stands up to him at times but gives him the firm and shake. Even then behind closed doors trump starts this talking point, this rift on how in his mind the u. S. , as he puts it, is worse than china on trade. Its something hes said before. But it makes for this uncomfortable meeting does it have anything to do with the Iran Nuclear Deal . They have this history of macron feeling he can be a hero and have a Good Relationship with trump and maybe save the Iran Nuclear Deal at one point. That didnt happen. Also, hes trying to get points back home. Some things work, some things backfire on him. This is a meeting wb thhere then talk about things still on the table but trump just hammers him on trade. And china, the president said this on china and how they are meddling in our elections. Regrettably we found that china has been attempting to interfere in our upcoming 2018 election. They do not want me or us to win because i am the first president ever to challenge china on trade. Can you fact check all of that for me. Well, look, this is not the first time a Top Administration official has said china, iran even are interfering with elections. Its an effort, isnt it to, dilute the importance of what russia did in the election which he never mentions. He never mentions. So there may be some things that they feel theyre looking at technology and what china and russia and iran are trying to do, certainly not as much as what russia is going to do and this is an effort to kind of divert away from what even the top intelligence officials are saying is a blinking red light, that russia is still trying to interfere. You heard over the last couple of weeks, National Security adviser john bolton, secretary of state pompeo in a recent interview last week told me hes also looking at china and iran as well. Its all an effort to divert away from what russia is doing at this very minute with mid terms coming up just a few weeks away. Bright, shiny object. Doesn dont look this way. Exactly. From that back to the story here. His college behavior, quite the story from his college classmat classmates. We go next live to Yale University for a look at kavanaughs years on campus. As the Senate Judiciary committee gets ready to hear from Brett Kavanaugh and one of his accusers tomorrow, kavanaughs college behavior has become quite the topic among his classmates at yale. Some had high praise for the nominee, and others pushed back on the notion of kavanaughs choir boy image implied in his recent interview. Liz swisher, who described herself as a College Friend of his, told the washington post, quote, brett was a sloppy drunk, and i know because i drank with him. I watched him drink more than a lot of people. He would end up slurring his words, stumbling. Cnns Miguel Marquez went to new haven, connecticut, and has more on kavanaughs years in campus. Reporter at Yale University, a partially remembered alleged incident. 35 years old. Will be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Now front and center in the highpowered fight over a crucial pick for the highest court in the land. Yes or no . Well, is there a person youre talking about . Im asking you a very direct question. Yes or no. Reporter the claim, at an alcoholfueled party in 1983 or 84, Brett Kavanaugh exposed himself in a very aggressive way to Debby Ramirez, when both were freshmen and both were drunk. I never did any such thing. Never did any such thing. The other people alleged to be there dont recall any such thing. If such a thing had happened, it would have been the talk of campus. Reporter the claim has added a layer of worry, angst and protests for many on the political left over a nominee and his nominating process. Brett kavanaugh is the best candidate on the horizon. Reporter yale law professor, a self described liberal democrat, testified on kavanaughs behalf and wrote an editorial in the New York Times, supporting his appointment based on the legal strength of judge kavanaughs written decisions. As a constitutional scholar, read what judge kavanaugh as a judge has written, and i thought that this overall work product placed him at the very top of all sitting federal republican judges. Reporter he now has second thoughts. I have second thoughts, because a second issue has arisen, and its an issue about which, frankly, i dont have the facts. I dont think any american yet has the facts. Reporter amar wants to hear what judge kavanaughs accusers have to say and judge for himself if he thinks the claims are credible and should bar kavanaugh from sitting on the Supreme Court. In a statement, james roche, kavanaughs freshman roommate, remembers him as a normally reserved, but a notably heavy drinker. Roche, a close friend of Debby Ramirez, says he has no knowledge of the incident she describes, but that kavanaugh could become aggressive and belligerent when he was very drunk. When he was at yale as an undergrad, he joined a fraternity. Reporter haley reported deeply on judge kavanaughs time at yale. This is a fraternity that heavily, heavily drew from the athlete scene at yale. So Brett Kavanaugh is this guy who liked to play basketball, wrote for the daily news, was a big fan of the crowd. Reporter one picture appearing in the yale daily news during the years of dke members, but not kavanaugh, raising a flag made from female student undergarments, it indicates the sort of fraternal high jinks some say misogynistic activities carried out by members of dke during judge kavanaughs time in the fraternity. It was sort of a lot of hi jinx and a did h de bauch re. Reporter many described dke as a hardpartying fraternity. Most had positive memories of kavanaugh, but not all. One woman called him an aggressive, obnoxious drunk, saying his fraternity was misogynistic. One classmate who was in the same secret society, truth and courage as kavanaugh, say they drank but never saw him in a state where he wasnt in control. A female classmate who knew kavanaugh well found the allegations shocking, saying she remembers kavanaugh as an he n dreamily intelligent and extremely nice and sensitive man. Im just asking for a fair process, where i can be heard and defend my integrity and defend my familys integrity. Reporter now, the big question, brooke, is will Debby Ramirez be allowed to testify before the Senate Committee . It is not very clear, and probably not likely. Her lawyers have sent a letter to the committee, saying shes willing to cooperate. Their response back from the Republican Leadership on that committee has been, we want more evidence. Something she says she doesnt have. But she wants to talk to them. Is hoping theyll at least hear her out. All of this against the backdrop that a tentative vote on judge kavanaugh in the committee has been set for friday morning. So after tomorrows testimony of dr. Ford, that may be it. They may move to a vote on friday. Brooke . Miguel marquez, thank you. At yale for us. Coming up, we will soon hear from President Trump holding a rare, solo news conference. The night before this Blockbuster Senate hearing that could determine the fate of his Supreme Court nominee. Special coverage straight ahead here on cnn. Were back in just a moment. R a. Get up to 30 off top brands at sears. Plus get an extra 15 off kenmore laundry. Visit sears. Com kenmore to see how you can get more from kenmore at sears. A third woman now making these explosive allegations against Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, including, quote, abusive behavior toward young women in high school, and beyond. The claims now have democrats calling on the white house to pull his Supreme Court nomination. Meantime, on the republican side of things, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary committee, senator Chuck Grassley, says tomorrows hearing will go on as planned. Republican senator jeff flake, a key vote on that committee, questioned if lawmakers will ever get to the truth. We seem to sometimes forget that before this woman or this man or anything else, they are human beings. We sometimes seem intent on stripping people of their humanity so we might more easily denigrate or defame them or put them through the grinder that our politics requires. And, again, you see it on the screen. The hearing tomorrow morning starts at 10 00 a. M. Eastern. Im brooke baldwin. Thank you so much for being with me. The lead with jake tapper starts now. Theres now a third accuser. The lead starts right now. Breaking news. New, horrific accusations about Brett Kavanaughs alleged behavior with girls in high school. Kavanaugh denies it all. He says the charges are from the twilight zone. Michael aftvenatti, who represes the woman in question, will be here in minutes. These new serious allegations come just hours before kavanaugh and his first accuser, christine blassy for the are set to testify in front of the world. Could they even sink his confirmation

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