We role along, hour two. Youre watching cnn, hour two, im Brooke Baldwin. Less than 24 hours for refusing to say he would absolutely accept the results of the election, donald trump doing a reversal, perhaps trying to undo the damage his debate comments inflicted. You may have seen him at the debate saying ill keep you in suspense as to whether or not he would accept the final vote but here was donald trump just an hour ago. I would like to promise and pledge to all of my voters and supporters and to all of the people of the United States that i will totally accept the results of this great and historic president ial election [ cheers and applause ] if i win. [ cheers and applause ] of course i would accept a clear election result but i would also reserve my right to context or file a legal challenge in the case of a questionable result. [ cheers and applause ] right . And always i will follow and abide by all of the rules and traditions of all of the many candidates who have come before me. Always. Will those words ease the concerns of people like, say, republican snoirm who is fighting to hold on to that senate seat in arizona, in a speech today in ohio. He released a statement saying i didnt like the outcome of the 2008 election but i had a duty to concede and so i did so without reluctance. A concession isnt just an exercise in graciousness, its an act of respect for the will of the american people, a respect that is every american leaders first responsibility. Joining me now is gloria borger, associate editor and columnist for real clear politics ab stoddard and senior washington correspondent jeff zeleny. Great to have all of you and and gloria i was watching you post game last night and in first with that suspense line from donald trump you said it. I thought you said it perfectly. It sounds like a game, like a reality tv producer would say, not something the man who wants to be the leader of the free world would say. Its about leadership and taking responsibility and for the outcome no matter what it is. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. And i think donald trump today, brooke, tried to clean it up a little bit because first he made a joke and said ill accept the outcome if i win but he also said i reserve the right to contest an election if the results are too close. Well what happens in most states is that the secretary of states have a threshold and if its less than that certain number in the state of florida in the year 2000, for example, it was less than it was a half percent and if its within that range as deem bid the secretary of state, then theres an automatic refound, you dont have to file a legal challenge, you dont have to contest, the state will actually do it for you because the state wants to make sure that the results are accurate. But so on that, jeff zeleny, hearing Kellyanne Conway with dana bash, gloria mentioned 2000 and the automatic recount. That was florida law because it was so close. I dont think its a fair comparison what happened in 2000 and what were watching today. Do you agree . Its not a fair comparison at all. If you listen to donald trump say it, he said al gore contested it. As all of us who covered the 2000 recount he called bush. Its bush v. Gore. James baker and the bush team was the first team to file that action. Its an entirely different situation. In the runup to the 2000 campaign there was no suggestion from al gore or george w. Bush the election would be rigged. Thats why so many republicans were so alarmed by this last night, brooke, i cant remember something that has set off john mccain as much, at least recently, as this. He said he conceded in 2008 because it was his duty as an american and we all remember that speech as gloria and i were talking about earlier. It was a gracious concession speech in every way. So this is one way donald trump got in his own way here in what was a pretty good debate for him. He was making his point, perhaps not enough to turn the tide but an entirely situation than 2,000. All right let me move off that and ab on women. How do you think donald trump did with women watching last night . Well, i dont think first of all, he talked about the allegations against him as being debunked. They havent been debunked. Its his word against theirs. He put them in the same collective group of people he doesnt know and i guess theyve been paid or hired by the clinton campaign, that was his theory here or they want to be famous for 10 minutes and thats why theyre doing it so i dont think that was very successful wail to grow his vote but donald trump has not been trying to grow his vote for weeks. Hes really focused on his enthusiastic supporters and hes talking about conspiracy theories and this cabal of International Banks and paul ryan and the media and hillary trying to steal the election and mexican billionaires and stuff but hes not trying to make outreach and inroads with voters he can bring to the fold to get to a win on november 8 so last night calling her a nasty woman and saying those allegations have been debunked was more of the same. He wasnt reaching out to other people he needs to bring in to his tent. He said no one respects women more than me. No one. And then he calls Hillary Clinton a nasty woman. Gloria, bigger picture, do you think that one line will haunt him . I think yes. It wasnt a great line. I think also the notion where he said i didnt even apologize to my wife because i had nothing to apologize for when it came to all of those allegations against him. I think, you know, i think thats something women will listen to and maybe shake their heads about. If he is trying to appeal to moderate suburban republican women who dont like Hillary Clinton and are trying sort of scratching their heads thinking all right, i dont know, i dont like her, i dont want to vote for her. If hes trying to reach out to them, which as ab points out, he wasnt doing a lot of that, this wasnt the way to do it since Hillary Clintons responses on the question of women, Hillary Clintons discussion of the question on abortion i thought was quite effective for her base. Do you think its fair, gloria, that Hillary Clinton did not fully answer . That because of trump she didnt fully answer some of the questions . She didnt answer a lot of the questions. I mean, she got asked a question about wikileaks and then she turned it to the russian hacking, which is what they always do. She never actually answered a question on wikileaks. You could argue it was up to trump to say, wait a minute, she needs to answer the question about wikileaks. She kind of just deflected it so i think that shes pretty good at deflecting and hes not very good at going back at her at it and saying wait a minute, you didnt follow up. Brooke, he even interrupted her on the clinton foundation. She was kind of having a hard time, i thought, as i was watching it answering some questions about the clinton foundation. He interrupted and gave her a lifeline there, that wasnt his intent but thats what happened then he fifthed to his own foundation which has problems of its own. Weve said this a lot but practice works. This is an example where donald trump has defied what the conventional campaigns are like but these debates are the most conventional aspect of a campaign and it just didnt work well for him after we look at all three debates because he didnt prepare for them and theyre not like his rallies where he spends so much time there. Let me play one more piece of sound, ab, the question to you, just to set it up. This is trump talking about mosul and the iraq government and the clinton campaign. Heres what he said. But you know who the big winner mosul is going to be after we eventually get it . And the only reason they did it because shes running for the office of president and they want to look tough. They want to look good. He violated the red line in the sand and made so many mistakes, made all mistakes, thats why we have the great migration but she wanted to look good for the election so theyre going in. Ab . What . And what is your question, sfwlo brooke . File that under alternate universe category . I remember being on twitter at the time of that answer and that definitely was an eyebrow raiser and head scratcher for some people who couldnt figure out what he was saying but i think he believes the iraq war vote of Hillary Clintons is a weak spot for her. He believes he can continue to say he always opposed the iraq war and that he believed that once we had to stay even though in 2007 he said its time to pull out and call it a victory. Theres obviously all this conflicting information about his accounts of this over the years but he believes that hes making a case that the Obama Administration is doing this to make hillary look good and i dont think he gained points at that moment and i think that he definitely his best debate, i want to say, of all three, and he did some preparation but he does have a way of stepping on his own message. Ab, gloria, jeff, thank you. To jeffs point about and ab on preparation for debate, Hillary Clinton was prepared, she was prepared for donald trump to bring out his rigged election claim, here you go. There was even a time when he didnt get an emmy for his tv Program Three years in a row and he started tweeting that the emmys were rigged against him. Should have gotten it. This is a mindset. This is how donald thinks. That kind of conflict had so many people watching. Brian stelter has a look at the ratings. Brian stelter, what did you find . Hey, brooke, yes. The ratings are just in for last nights debate and we are seeing overwhelming interest in this president ial election cycle the likes of which tv executives have not seen in years. To put it into perspective, the final debate of tagt obama mccain reaches 56 Million Viewers, 2012, obama and romney is 59 Million Viewers. Last night, according to nielsen, is 30 Million Viewers. That defies the trends in tv. The audience is fracturing into pieces but thats not the case of these debates. They have reached record audiences. The first trump clinton faceoff reached 84 Million Viewers so this debate couldnt top that but it beat the numbers for the town hall last week. Bottom line is there is intense interest and anxiety about this election, its the highestrated drama on tv and theres only one big tv event left and thats the ultimate finale, Election Night, less than three weeks from tonight. Brooke, back to you. Brian, thank you. Coming up next, well talk body language, including the refusal to shake hands before and after. It sets the tone, it matters. Also ahead, tonight trump and clinton dine together. Have you heard about that . And by tradition will roast one another with jokes. But for two people who couldnt even shake hands to have to share a stage, how is that going to go down . Lets talk about that with comedy writers coming up. Approaching medicare eligibility . Dont put off checking out your options until sixtyfive. Now is a good time to get the ball rolling. Consider an aarp Medicare SupplementInsurance Plan insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. Like any of these types of plans, it could help you with outofpocket medical costs. Call now and request your free decision guide and explore the range of aarp Medicare Supplement plans. Start gathering the information you need. To roll into sixtyfive with confidence. Welcome back, youre watching cnn, im Brooke Baldwin. A debate. Its not just an exchange, we hope, of policies and substance and ideals but also a performance and body language plays a key role in how those messages are received. Take, for example, what happened at the beginning of the debate. Both candidates walked on to the stage, here you go, waving hello hello to the audience, say hello to the moderator but no hand shake. No head nods. They dont walk anywhere near each other, they go straight behind the podium. Even at the end no handshake at all unless it was with the moderator. In fact, donald trump stood at his podium until clinton then ultimately walked off the stage. This was a major break from debate protocol and it matters. As i mentioned a moment ago, it sets the tone, the decorum for a debate. Joining me now, body language expert patti wood. Good to see you again. Nice to be on the show. So no hand shake. Whats up with that. Actually, its breaking a rule. A hand shake actually establish rapport and symbolically says were friends but now the game begins. But in the last debate prump broke those rules by having the women on the show before the debate began so he changed when the game began so of course they couldnt shake hands, everything changed. They couldnt shake hands even according to the clinton campaign, they didnt want to have a moment where family members shook hands for fear of a stunt from the trump side. There was that. Thats what set up the debate. Then you go into the moment of the debate, i want to play sound, this is when Hillary Clinton dropped an insult and watch Donald Trumps face. Well, thats because hed rather have a puppet as president of the United States. No puppet, no puppet. Youre the puppet. And its pretty clear you wont admit youre the puppet. So other than alec baldwin watching and taking notes, what do you make no puppet, no puppet . I think all of us all did you see that snarl come on the side of his face . The distinction between the left and right hemisphere so true feelings on on one side of the face and he snarled. He was really angry and he roared off that side. Helms fears of the face, learn something new everyday. What about Hillary Clinton and that smile . I dont know if a lot of viewers think its genuine . Go ahead. Lets talk about it because i think her smile in the second debates while she was being attacked gave him permission to continue and so i was advising he couldnt seer. But the public is seeing it and seeing i can stay calm under pressure. I preferred this debate where she got angry. It gave her much more power, it strengthened her voice considerably and made her gestures which are sometimes off time that make her look unnatural, they flowed last night, they significantly matched what she was saying and gave her much more sincerity. With the smile, you dont think it makes her look smug. I think it did previously. I think it did a couple times last night though she did open her mouth to smile so there was a little true joy in the game she was playing last night that i actually liked but typically its a cover smile. Thats what weve seen previously, covering her true emotional state and that makes her look insincere, a little stuck up. All right, patti wood, body language expert, thank you so much. My pleasure. Next, donald trump says he will only accept the Election Results if theyre clear. His Campaign Manager pointing to bush gore as an example of why thats a fair comparison. Well talk to two men about whether this election could have a similar outcome or not at all. Ah, beth. So the elevator is stuck again. With directv and at t you can stream your favorite shows without using your data. That makes you more powerful than being stuck in an elevator with a guy with overactive sweat glands. Sorry, rode my bike today. Cool. Its your tv, take it with you. Watch all your live channels, on your devices, datafree. So we know how to cover almost alanything. Ything, even mermutts. 1940s aqua music burke and we covered it, february third, twentysixteen. Talk to farmers. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum welcome back. Donald trump insisting the election is rigged before a single vote is counted, angering people for his repudiation of the American Democratic process. But his Campaign ManagerKellyanne Conway with our own dana bash evoked a piece of history that is now being used in trumps defense. Do you remember in 2000 when al gore contested in election . He retracted his concession to george w. Bush. He called him in but thats an extraordinary experience. Right. So we have extraordinary experiences but you have to listen to everything he said. In fairness, hes talking about a corrupt system, Many Americans agree with that ch. Lets remind. 16 years to americas contested 2000 election when al gore won the popular vote but lost the election to electoral votes before the state of florida. It went before the supreme court. Gore forced to concede not once but twice. Let there be no doubt while i strongly disagree the courts decision. I accept it. I know many of my supporters are disappointed. I am, too but our disappointment must be overcome by our love of country. Joining me now, al cardenas, who was the chair of the Florida Republican party back then and here he is after his state was called for gore and then taken back. You like that, al . We pull it out of the 2000 archives for you. Also the former press secretary for Vice President al gore. Gentlemen, thank you so much for coming on, i heard Kellyanne Conway last night and i think its important to lets work in facts and what we note. Al you were in the room for much for some of the recounts and its important to just remind people, it was the state law in florida, right . Sort of meant al gore would have to wait as the votes would be recounted. It wasnt al gore saying no, i dont accept this. Thats right. Every state has either mandatory or Available Upon demand recount process when the vote count is within half a point, sometimes a quarter point, sometimes a pull point. The point being that youve got relief. Youve got and you can exhaust that relief and most candidates are within the margin of error and want that relief to happen. Outcomes are changed, but most of the time theyre not but people feel like the process has worked and thats good for america. Ten years after the election people in florida were telling me we stole the election, but not the candidates the reason why folks are upset is because campaign strategists, spokespeople, volunteers, they feel the passion and pain and speak out of order but if youre the potential leader of the free world you have a position to stay within the legal system that works. You heard al gore, i thought he addressed it the way he should have. And larry you were in the al gore inner circle then and for people who say he didnt concede on Election Night thats wrong. He made a phone call, didnt he . He did. He made the first phone call Election Night and florida was reversed through later returns and he called back george bush and said that unfortunately now it looks like we dont have a decided election. But then once the court stepped in and stopped voting and gore was officially defeated he called back again. We have here not only an analogy between trump and gore but just the opposite. Gore never undermined the process beforehand and he completely respected the process after until the very end when he graciously conceded the election to george bush. We really have and its pointed in gores mention of love of country this is the difference between a patriot in 2000 and a narcissist in 2016. They could not be any more different. Its that point because you heard Kellyanne Conway and when i was watching postdebate trump surrogates pointing out, you know, it took until december. I wanted to make sure were setting the record straight. Theyre saying democrats, off double standard, look at what happened in 2000, now youre saying you dont like what donald trump says. Al, do you agree . Its not a fair comparison. Its not. Look, the point is he exceeded propriety two ways. The actual candidate shouldnt talk about things of that nature before the elections. His campaign spokespeople had every right to point out Campaign Shenanigans by the democrats during the primary, the retirement of their chairman because she was unfair to bernie sanders. We had plenty of fodder to on about Campaign Shenanigans but theres a difference between Campaign Shenanigans and breaking the election laws and thats where i think folks stepped out of bounds and between you and i, a president ial candidate has no business getting in the weeds and making accusations before the process starts. Its not good for the party, his candidacy or, frankly, the thing i worry about the most, our downticket candidates who deserve reelection. Right. Many of whom are being forced to answer for this. Let me end with this little gem. There was a letter from 1993 that just shows how bad blood can dissipate. This is from h. W. Bush to bill clinton. He wrote you will be our president when you read this note with our here you have the handwriting there, our underlined. Larry, if trump loses and if trump accepts the outcome, do you think mr. Trump will acknowledge she will be, to borrow the word, our president . I can only hope so because that has been the sacred tradition for more than 200 years. President s traditionally leave letters of that kind to their successors. In the case of 1992 and 1993 in the transition there, the loser was the incumbent so he, in fact, very painfully but very graciously left that letter but outgoing president s leave these letters to incoming president s which highlights the special nature of american democracy and what i fear is that donald trump is not only undermining it at home but keep in mind we are a beacon of hope for people all over the world. They envie our system and its irresponsible at home as well as americas role abroad to throw cast unfounded doubt on this sacred system that has served us so well. Al and larry, thank you. Youre welcome. Good, thank you. Just a couple of hours from now donald trump and Hillary Clinton will share the very same stage at a new York City Charity dinner. Theyre expected to crack jokes about one another. Its the decadesold tradition in president ial elections but im not so sure its ever happened the day after a debate. Well be joined live by former comic writers for both president obama and mitt romney. Find out what we can expect on that stage tonight. This is judy. Judy is 65 years old. Her mortgage payment is 728 a month. Thats almost 9,000 a year now judy doesnt think that shell be able to retire until her mortgage is fully paid off. This is mike. Mike is also 65 years old. His monthly mortgage payment was 728 a month. Now mike thought he would have to work for another 12 years until his mortgage was paid off. And then mike heard that a reverse mortgage may help him. He called one reverse mortgage to get the details. Mike retired immediately after getting his one reverse mortgage loan. 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Use gum® brand for healthy gums. Softpicks®. Proxabrush® cleaners. Flossers and dental floss. Gum® brand. Here we are, the day after the third and final president ial debate, a debate in which neither nominee shook hands. You have Hillary Clinton and donald trump having dinner together, this evening. A longstanding tradition. The two candidates are scheduled to attend the Al Smith Memorial Foundation dinner and do a little bit of comedy. Its a Catholic Charity affair and typically it serves as a temporary truce during the month before a president ial election. Traditionally the candidates poke fun at themselves and a little bit at each other. Ive already seen early reports from tonights dinner. Headline obama embraced by catholics, romney dines with rich people. [ laughter ] of course, the economy is on everybodys minds. The Unemployment Rate is at its lowest level since i took office, i dont have a joke here, i just thought it would be useful to remind everybody that the unemployment is at the lowest its been since i took office. [ laughter ] and dont be surprised if the president mention this is evening the monthly jobs wrorep where there was a slight improvement in the numbers. He knows how to seize the moment and has a compelling Campaign Slogan youre better off now than four weeks ago. Mondays debate is different because the topic is foreign policy. Spoiler alert we got bin laden. [ laughter ] of course World Affairs are a challenge for every candidate. Some of you guys remember after my foreign trip in 2008 i was attacked as a celebrity because i was so popular with our allies overseas and i have to say im impressed with how well governor romney has avoided that problem. People seem to be curious as to how we prepare from the debate. Let me tell you what i do. First, refrain from alcohol for 65 years before the debate. [ laughter ] second, find the biggest available straw man and mercilessly attack it. Big bird didnt even see it coming. [ laughter ] and by the way, in the spirit of sesame street, the president s remarks tonight are brought to you by the letter o and the number 16 trillion. Thats pretty good. Joining me now a man who was part of the team writing jokes for mitt romney, will ritter and david lynn, a former speech writer for president obama now head writer at funny or die d. C. Nice to have both of you on. David, first of all do you think donald trump or Hillary Clinton has a sense of humor . Everybody i know who knows Hillary Clinton personally says she is really funny in person. I dont know whether she is quite as comfortable telling jokes on stage as president obama but i think particularly tonight its got to be a challenge after everything that went on last night to sit in a room, share a stage with donald trump and put a smile on your face and tell a bunch of jokes, its going to be hard. Will, in your opinion the room, walk me through the brainstorming process, writing for romney. How low can you go on jabs at the other candidate . Sure, well, writing for romney is kind of like being trumps policy director, you write a lot but not much gets used. So theres different sample jokes, they try different gags, the point is the best jokes from politicians are when the politician is being selfdeprecating. That will be tough tonight when the people telling the jokes either think theyre the greatest person in the world or cant admit to doing anything i dont think. So i think the people going the Al Smith Dinner should be prepared to cringe their way through the evening. On the cringe factor let me play sound, this is from the donald trump Comedy Central roast to see if he can be selfdeprica selfdepricating, here you go. Whats the difference between a wet raccoon and donald j. Trumps snare a wet raccoon doesnt have 7 billion [ bleep ]ing dollars in the barng. [ cheers and applause ] very funny. Okay, very funny. What do you think, will . Does he have it . You know, hes done this a lot, he goes back to the well with the hair stuff. I think its kind of cheap, hes thin skinned and you saw in the clip you played the white house correspondents dinner, obama making fun of him probably launched this entire campaign. That was a Comedy Central roast where he got a bit of a standing ovation. I was there in 2011. This was when president obama had the birther joke and i remember looking over to donald trump what will you see for yourself if he left . Donald trump has been saying that he will run for president as a republican, which is surprising since i just assumed he was running as a joke. [ laughter ] is. We all know about your credentials and breadth of experience. [ laughter ] for example seriously, recently in an episode of Celebrity Apprentice you didnt blame little john or meatloaf. You fired gary busey. [ laughter and applause ] these are the kind of decisions that would keep me up at night. Sort of dead pan, david. Kind of laughing along like that uncomfortable i think there are cameras on me, i should laugh. Do you think hell take the jabs lightly tonight especially given what we saw last night . I dont think donald trump likes when people laugh at him. Thats an understatement. Even that joke from the Comedy Central roast, thats selfdeprecating, and i think he inflated his own net worth by several billion dollars so im not sure taking himself down a peg is not an arrow in his quiv quiver. Will, you said stop it with the hair jokes. Given his delegitimizing the election last night and the tension that exists between these two people, people are dying for civility between these two and this could be a way to show that by showing poking fun at yourself, poking fun at the process, poking fun at the room but the question is can either of these candidates be humble enough to do that . David . I would point out i think donald trump drew a laugh last night when he said no one respects women more than he does. So hes got one laugh under his belt. Heyo. That destroyed the room. That was the biggest laugh of the night. That really killed. I think for Hillary Clinton the most important thing, i agree with will, i think being selfdeprecating, acknowledging Donald Trumps behavior and his many failings as a candidate but most importantly recognizing that the Al Smith Dinner is about poking fun at the other person but you have to make sure you laugh at yourself. Well take it live tonight. The big dinner is the countdown clock for this dinner. David, will, thanks very much. Coming up on cnn, Hillary Clinton accused of leaking state secrets when she described how long it takes to launch a Nuclear Weapon. Well fact check those allegations coming up. [ male announcer ] eligible for medicare . Thats a good thing, but it doesnt cover everything. Only about 80 of your part b medical expenses. The rest is up to you. So consider an aarp Medicare SupplementInsurance Plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. Like all standardized Medicare SupplementInsurance Plans, they could save you in outofpocket medical costs. Call today to request a free decision guide. With these types of plans, youll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. Plus, there are no networks, and virtually no referrals needed. Join the millions who have already enrolled in the only Medicare SupplementInsurance Plans endorsed by aarp. And provided by unitedhealthcare insurance company, which has over 30 years of experience behind it. With all the good years ahead, look for the experience and commitment to go the distance with you. Call now to request your free decision guide. Four minutes. Four minutes. That is how much time Hillary Clinton says it would take to launch Nuclear Weapons after a fight on twitter. I find had worried about Nuclear Weapons. Hes been casual about the use of Nuclear Weapons. Wrong. Hes advocated more countries getting them. Hes said if we have them why dont we use them which is terrifying. The bottom line is that, when the president gives the order, it must be followed. There is about four minutes between the order being given and the people responsible for launching Nuclear Weapons to do so. All right. So Hillary Clinton referred to her statement on twitter, possibly clarifying what she meant at the debate. She wrote, when the president gives the order to launch a Nuclear Weapon thats it. The officer has to launch. It can take as little as four minutes. Barbara starr is joining us. Did her comment violate any sort of Operational Security . You would think it would be an easy answer but its a fairly complicated question. It got a lot of attention on social media last night. We went to the military this morning and asked them. A military spokesman told us that they do not discuss operational timelines for launching Nuclear Weapons. This is some of the most classified information. I asked defense secretary ash carter at a press conference earlier today. He declined to answer the question because it involved politics. Is it really classified . There is a lot of opensource information about, you know, publicly available information on the internet about what is involved in launching Nuclear Weapons. And when we asked the clinton campaign, they sent us a number of citations of that publiclyavailable information. Here is the bottom line. The u. S. Military does not discuss the precise specifics of the time frames of launching Nuclear Weapons. That, by all accounts, is extremely classified. And if you know information to be classified and youre a government official, even if its in the open source, even if its on the internet, you are not supposed to disclose it. Could somebody be prosecuted for it . Who knows. Thats, you know this is one of these constant questions in washington nowadays. Whats classified, whats disclosed. Whats prosecutable. The bottom line is the u. S. Military not especially thrilled to be discussing in precise detail what it takes to launch Nuclear Weapons. With 70 Million People watching. Before i let you go, please, barbara, tell me about the u. S. Service member who was killed in Northern Iraq today. Reporter this is such tragic news for yet another u. S. Military family. Earlier today a u. S. Military Service Member was killed in Northern Iraq. This was a navy explosives ordnance disposal, a bomb expert on a mission in Northern Iraq. Their vehicle apparently struck an i. E. D. This underscores isis expert in laying out these devices all over the place. We dont know if the teams were exactly working with the iraqis on the assault on mosul but they were in Northern Iraq where certainly there is plenty of combat action. U u. S. Troops supposed to be staying behind the front lines. But in situations like this the front lines are everywhere. Brooke. Thank you for sharing. Our thoughts with his family. Barbara starr, thank you. Reporter sure. Coming up next, new comments from ivanka trump. Moments ago, just talking about her dads look of Political Correctness and whether its actually a liability for the campaign, or not. Ivanka trump out on the campaign trail today, just outside milwaukee, wisconsin. She recently made comments acknowledging her father not always politically correct. He is not politically correct. [ laughing ] and, um, and i think we love that about him, right . 97 of the time. But look. Politically correct. The word political is in there, right . He is not a politician. People have learned to navigate and, you know, say one thing and do another, with what my father, what you see is what you get. What you hear is what you get. He is incredibly candid. He ever never lie to the american people. He will always be forth right with his opinions and his perspectives, even if thats not what somebody wants to hear. Its who he is. He doesnt know how to be another way. Donald trumps daughter there, ivanka. I am Brooke Baldwin here in new york. Thank you so much for being with me. Well send it to washington. The lead with jake tapper starts right now. Thanks, brooke. Donald trump. Is he planning a november surprise . The lead starts right now. Donald trump today making a joke out of whether hell accept the results of the election. Sure thing, he says, as long as hes the winner. Also, president obama told trump to stop whining a few days ago. Now he is speaking again in a few moments at a Campaign Rally for Hillary Clinton. What will he have to say now about trump trashing the election system . You may remember him as the guy who told president obama to go to hell or the guy who proudly compared himself to hitler. Today the president of the philippines pulling a