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Donald trump. Hes firing up crowds, basking in his front runner status out and about. Well get to that. But as far as the lay of the land here at the reagan president ial library, this is how it will look on your tv. Donald trump, front and center with our republican candidates debate one another. It kicks off tomorrow night at 6 00 eastern. But donald trump has some company now near the top of the new National Poll in the form of dr. Ben carson. His fellow outsider. He continues his strong summer surge. Trump is holding on to first place with 27 . But carson now at 23 within the margin of error and riding a huge 17point jump since july. The other candidates as we have seen in our own cnn polling languishing in single digits. Lets talk about this new poll and so much more with my friends here in california. Van jones and s. E. Cupp, good to see you. Lets talk politics. Especially with that poll. Trump was so far ahead, but with a new poll, he is gaining on him. Do you think trump tomorrow night is going to look over his shoulder a little bit . Probably, yeah. Hes been getting into it with ben carson a little bit. So i assume that he wont lay off tomorrow night. But look, ben carson has risen, i think, so much because hes not faced a ton of scrutiny yet. Once people really start laying the magnifying glass, i think youll start to see his potential deflate just a bit. You said yesterday to watch out. I say dont underestimate the quiet guy on stage. Under ordinary rules of engagement, he shouldnt even be where he is. Ordinarily, some reasonable respected doctor would not be beating governors and senators, but he is. So i think we just may be in a world where the rules dont apply. It could be you start hitting with his record and people rally to him. Were in such a different political season. So many people are undecided. When you look at that poll, t twothirds say they have not made up their minds. When you think of that massive crop of candidates, 11 squeezed together on that stage, how do they stand out . Its september of 2015. You shouldnt be decided. Thats why so many people are going to tune in tomorrow night to o the debate. They want another look at all of these candidates. Theres an unprecedented number of them. We barely have time to get to know them. Trump has been taking up all of the oxygen. This is a good thing. This is why people like both of those campaigns recently. They love that their name i. D. Is so low. They get a chance to dloo the candates to the nation. If you look at scott walker, theres high favorables and high unknowns. Thats the perfect for them in their mind to sort of roll him out around the country. I look at it differently. For Carly Fiorina, thats probably true because she started at zero as an asterisk and she was climbing. Scott walker was at 20 . We were trembling in fear. The guy that destroyed the Democratic Party in wisconsin, who beat labor, not once, not twice, but three times, this guy is going to grab the nomination. Hes not going up. Hes tumbling. That was never sustainable with all these people in the mix. Tell trump that, he has 30 . Speaking of that, what a lot of people are talking about today, there are multiple ads out. Specifically, let me ask you about pro business group, deep pockets, no fan of donald trump. Spending a Million Dollars on tv ads in iowa that highlight his past as a democrat. So heres a piece of that. Which president ial candidate supports higher taxes, National Health care and the wall street bailout . Its donald trump. In many cases i identify more as a democrat. But he has a record and its very liberal. This is his response. Little respect, asked me for a a dollars. I said no. Now they are spending special interest money on ads. Im being schwarzenegger because im in california and the last time some celebrity ran some Bizarre Campaign we had schwarzenegger for two years. I think that the counterpunching is important, but i also think when donald trump comes out and says taxes are rich, hes not saying tax himself. Hes saying tax the hedge fund guys. So hes actually picking fights with people he doesnt like. Ads against donald trump are going to be pretty effective for people who arent necessarily tuning in every day to the ongoing squirmishes. I dont know going after his ideology is his supporters dont seem to care. I think his big mantle that you have to dismantle is that hes an antiestablishment. I dont know anything about him thats antiestablishment. He supports establishment candidates. He has establishment points of view. I would challenge him on tomorrow nights stage to explain what makes what establishments have you actually gone after in your life . Its the whole substance over personality and how much of that will factor in. Final question, if youre looking at the 11 on the stage, what are the two matchups, glaring in the eye, what will you be watching for . It would be great if there were a Carly Fiorina trump moment because i think shes particularly and uniquely positioned to sort of take him on and come off looking better as opposed to worse. She has to have a line ready to roll. I would expect her to say, ladies, look at this face at least one point tomorrow night. Thats the one im excited about. Thats going to be the big moment. But i hope that kasich, who really has been kind of quiet, jeb bush came out and said a bunch of bizarre stuff about people being soft on crime. Kasich, rand paul, rick perry and other republicans have been much smarter on criminal justice than people expect from republic republicans. I would like to hear kasich explain why dealing with criminal justice is a conservative value is good for the Republican Party and challenge jeb bush to quit looking in the 80s for rhetoric on crime. Just a reminder. You can watch all the action here at the reagan president ial library tomorrow night. The main event begins at 6 00. Then the big 11person debate at 8 00 eastern. Again, the first round, you have pennsylvania ta si, santorum. All happening live here on cnn. Do not miss a beat. Coming up next here, vying for that nomination, we will talk live to ben carsons campaign about whether this rising candidate is preparing differently this go around than the last debate. Plus the woman who was there in the the big d, last night introducing donald trump to a a packed arena there, she will join me live along with a conservative who calls trump, and i quote, an idiot. Dont miss that. And if you have ever wanted to see inside of air force one, im taking you in this plane was u used from president nixon to george w. Bush. It will be flank iing all the candidates center stage come wednesday night. We have a sneak peek from everything from Nuclear Codes to jelly bellies. Keep it here. Im angela, and i quit smoking with chantix. For ten long years i was ready to quit. But i couldnt do it on my own. I needed help and chantix was there. And i did it. Along with support, Chantix Varenicline is proven to help people quit smoking. It reduces the urge to smoke. Some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. Some had seizures while taking chantix. If you have any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. Tell your doctor about any history of Mental Health problems, which could get worse or of seizures. 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Dean, welcome, thank you for joining me. Thank you for having me. My goodness, you all must be doing a little bit of a happy dance when you look at those numbers. Were talking your man is nipping at the heels of the front runner. What do you think has been the difference if you can name one thing in the last two months for dr. Carson to get this close to donald trump, what is it . I think it has to be a continued consistency in our message. We have been out talking to the American People. The American People are listening. They are adapting. They are taking our message and sharing it virally with their friends and neighbors. This is the election that they are feeling dr. Carson is the candidate of the people and he is continuing to move forward in a way that they listen and they continue to get excited a about it. So it would have to be the consistent si of our message. Something i noticed that is a real focus on the state of iowa. Take me inside your Ben Carson Campaign war room and explain to me why the emphasis, why make iowa the center piece of the campaign . We are doing very well in iowa as you talk about the tie in the polls right now. The thing to remember about iowa and its not just iowa. Were doing the same in south carolina, nevada, New Hampshire, alabama, virginia, were seeing this all across the nation that our strategy is continuing to put the right people involved a at the right time and to make sure we execute flawlessly. Hes put a Leadership Team around himself and dr. Carson is proud of what hes doing and he knows this is nothing to get excited about. Were going to continue to take it one day at a time and make sure that we mimic our campaign to the person dr. Carson is. Hes about authenticity and leadership. Speaking of iowa, let me add New Hampshire to that. Youre a finance man. I would be remissed to at least not get you to comment on the news today that we know that Jeb Bush Super pac has thrown down 24 million for an ad in those two states that is big money. Your reaction to that . Every month we see our fundraising doubling in the first two weeks of september we have already done what we did in all of august and the people are giving the money so we also have our own super pacs involve d. They are getting very well funded. And youll see that in the reports that come out in the fall. 24 million k you comment on that specifically . Im not going to comment about other campaigns. We are running our campaign and people are enjoying it and will continue to enjoy it. You can see the amount of money spent on a lot of campaigns and it doesnt necessarily mean an increase in polls. One more for you because i wandered around where the podiums are, the 11 podiums for tomorrow night. And i know that dr. Carson was saying earlier in the week he had not gotten as much air time in the last debate. That will be a stark difference come tomorrow where hell be standing at the center of the stage. How is he preparing differently this go around for california . I dont know. If its differently. I think hes preparing in the same. He was well prepared for the first debate. I think this time hes continuing to do the same strategy. He has the right advisers around him, whether were talking Foreign Policy or immigration, he is well prepared for whatever question comes and youre going to hear the same message you always hear and thats from the heart. A confident leader ready to lead the American People. Dean parker, thank you so much. Well see you tomorrow. Coming up next, a former Ronald Reagan adviser will join me next. How similar this current crop of candidates are to the president and how some of them are not reaganeffect whatsoever. Plus my special tour of air force one that will be flanking all the candidates wednesday night. Well take you inside, next. We stop arthritis pain, so you dont have to stop. Tylenol® 8hr arthritis pain has two layers of pain relief. The first is fast. The second lasts all day. We give you your day back. What you do with it is up to you. Tylenol®. While youre watching this, im hacking your company. Grabbing your data. Stealing your customers secrets. Theres an army of us. Relentlessly unpicking your patchwork of security. Think youll spot us . You havent so far. The next wave of the internet requires the next wave of security. Were ready. Are you . Were actually able to go inside of air force one. This is the only air force one at any president ial library in the country. Every president until George W Bush used this had plane. Lets go in. Here we are. Thank you for having us. On Board Air Force one rgs the cockpit, with the president ial seals on the chairs. Tell me about it. President reagans airplane he flew all eight years in office. He also shared the plane with history. And he even went in the cockpit himself. One of his Favorite Places to be in there with the pilots. Actually president reagan wasnt a great fan of flying, but he flew almost more than any other president. Lets continue on. Absolutely. The cockpit behind us as you walk down this hallway, this is the command communication center. Lots of buttons and lights. This way president reagan could reach anyone in the world that he needed to in a moments notice. And the football. The very famous football, the suitcase that carried the Nuclear Codes that the president could access in a time of Grave National emergency. Its called a football because its passed from president to president. Lets head this way into the office. For Nuclear Codes on board to the fact that president reagan had quite the sweet tooth, tell me about the cake that was always on board. Unlike many other president s, president reagan always made sure when he flew it would have a dock lat cake. The reason is whether it was someone in the press corps or the staff, it would be an important date like an anniversary or birthday for someone and always wanted to be prepared for that moment. I heard they would neverland without the cake being eaten. Apparently they were really good. And then theres the jelly bellies on board because he was a pipe smoker. And to quit that, he found a different vice being sugar. Thats right. I guess if i were him, i would rather take the sugar. Over smoke. Just like the football with president reagan, they were always within inches of his grasp. His favorite flavor . I was told it was black licorice but its not the favorite color of mine. I thought it was the rarest to enjoy it. At least we had that in common. Before i go, can i sit in his chair . Please do. This was his office essentially on board. This is his actual jacket. It is. This is incredible. Whats also incredible, look out the window. Thats our debate stage. So all 11 candidates wednesday night will be flanked by the plane and president reagans legacy will loom large. How incredible is that . There is no question. The man who inspired every single inch of this beautiful place here in simi valley will certainly be invoked by a number of the candidates on the stage tomorrow night. Donald trump is using a version of his campaign slogan. Jeb bush just released what he called, quote, a reaganinspired tax reform plan. Now one political ad is essentially juxtaposing president reagans 1989 farewell address from the messages of three specific candidates, who want to dawn reagans mantle, as it were, and become president. They are bringing crime. They are rapists. If im elected, they will be out of there day one. I said e we should end birthright citizenship. I will build a great, great wall. In my mind it was a tall, proud city built on rocks stronger than oceans. And if there had to be city walls, the walls had doors and the doors were open to anyone with the will and the heart to get here. The president of americans united for life and a former reagan adviser, wonderful to have you on. As close to president reagan as you were, i have to imagine, i keep saying he will be like the 12th man on stage wednesday night and youre also wondering if the candidates will try to out reagan one another. What do you think president reagan would think of these republican candidates . That was pretty nostalgic to see those clips. Its really remarkable to be going into this season with kind of the heritage of Ronald Reagan in this party. And i think the poll that you have been talking about leading into this segment is significant because you have two front runners and really we should be talking about them a as two front runners and not focusing completely on donald trump a as the front runner because ben carson is coming along as the ying to Donald Trumps yang. So thats really significant, because we have been talking a lot about how donald trump is so aggressive and forthright and really even negative. But you cant miss the fact that ben carson comes along and hes polling up because hes a positive person. Hes much more optimistic, much more polite. I dont think we can miss that because really the American People, i think, are saying by putting both of them on the same level that they are looking for an intersection of those two. Thats kind of what the reagan legacy is. When you put the positivity and negativity together, the aggression with the polite, happy optimism, thats leadership. And thats what the American People are ultimately going to go for. You think of president reagans positivity where he was saying the u. S. Is a shining city on a hill that should be welcoming all people. Back to that ad, they are pulling quotes from walker and cruz and trump, trump made the comment about immigrants, mexicans being rapists when he kicked off his campaign and how they want a number of these undocumented immigrants to up and be shipped home, as they would say. Here you have then on the flip side someone like reagan who granted amnesty for 3 million undocumented immigrants. Youre making an important point. Even though we talk about the positives of trump and carson and where people are polling positi positively, we cant miss the negatives. Donald trumps real challenge going into the debate is his negatives are so high. Thats an an undertoe that can take you under. The American People really do want that positive optimistic vision that tells them where were going. Not the negativity. So what i would be saying to these politicians as they get ready for this debate, were i in this position going into and getting ready, if this it turns into a mud fight, thats a loss. Because you cant interpret trump in that way because what people are excited about, what they are respond iing to is his aggression and his staking out this winning. The mud fight element is going to catch up to anybody who really gets down into that. They have been establishing herself by responding to the trump attacks with humor. Thats very reaganesque. He could be funny and tough at the same time. Think back to where he talked into the microphone and said we begin bombing in 30 seconds talking about russia. It was a slightly aggressive thing, but it was tinged in humor and that was the way that he managed to really still be strong and forceful and project leadership but doing it in a way that was approachable and accessible to people. You know better than most what its like to be on the inside. You were a Senior Adviser to Mike Huckabee in the 08 campaign. We are almost 24 hours away. What would you be doing this close to the debate with your candidate . One thing i would be emphasizing is the same time were looking at trump and carson who are being considered the front runners together they are only polling at 50 . You have this other area of candidates who still have huge upside. Its more about the trajectory. So whats the number one piece of advice you would give someone knowing that . They have to stick to their own game. Know what it is that is making their candidacy important and they have to communicate that. They have to find a way not to be distracted by trump and carson and who are else is next to them on stage. They have to be clear about what their message is and articulate that. Thats what reagan was all about. Charmaine, thank you so much. Great to be with you. Great to have you. Next here on cnn, most of the candidates off the grid today prepping for the big debate here behind closed doors except for this man. Hear what hes up to this evening and who hell be visiting tonight. Also ahead, the woman who introduced donald trump at last nights massive rally in dallas joins me live along with a kwept who calls trump in a word, an idiot. Youre watching cnns live coverage from the Ronald Reagan president ial library. Im caridee. Ive had moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis most of my life. But that hasnt stopped me from modeling. My doctor told me about stelara® it helps keep my skin clearer. With only 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. Stelara® helps me be in season. Stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and increase your risk of infections. Some serious infections require hospitalization. Before starting stelara® your doctor should test for tuberculosis. Stelara® may increase your risk of cancer. 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The big surprise was were not german at all. 52 of my dna comes from scotland and ireland. So, i traded in my lederhosen for a kilt. Ancestry has many paths to discovering your story. Get started for free at ancestry. Com. I know, mommy, but its time to let the new kitchen get some sleep. If you want beautiful results, you know where to go. Angies list. Everyone can shop for services from highly rated companies, even without a membership. But as a member, you can save more. And you get exclusive access to ratings and reviews. Angies list is there. For all your projects big and small. Pretty come see what the new angies list can do for you. We are just a little more than 24 hours away here from the big event, from the super bowl of politics in the campaign season. The big republican president ial debate here at the gorgeous place. Heres a sneak peek of the big stage that has built by cnn in the last couple weeks and all those podiums just about a foot and a half away from each other. Think about these arrivals being that close. As we mention the, a day until we see who will take on the front runner. Will it be the mild mannered man standing just one podium to the left because right now ben carson is serging. The latest National Poll out today. While trump holds the lead, take a look at the neurosurgeon in second place. Hes jumped 12 points, forgive me, 17 points. Joining me is skemt commentator kurt slikter. This should be fun once again. You were there in dallas. You were introducing the man of the hour, donald trump, that big arena packing thousands and thousands of trump fans. But first, you actually rode with trump from new york to dallas on the trump plane. Give me the juice. What was that like . I will be honest, i felt like the conservative cinderella. I woke up in the morning and i have been with campaigns traveling with them for the past couple months. We have done the buss and mini vans. I have never gotten on a plane. This was amazing to walk on there. But here was the surprising element. Maybe this is the juicy gossip people want to hear. It was a very classy, not a party atmosphere. Mr. Trump, i have been with candidates who will close the door and not. Around. He was with us the entire time. Not hovering, but just sitting there and studying notes, handwritten notes he had taken on all sorts of points and philosophies. Flipping through the news channels, and yes, he turned on cnn. Listening and studying what people said and would practice his reply back. All this talk about not debate prep, the key is hes debate prepping how he should, with real people, real commentators, real questions and going, this is how i would say it. It was really an amazing experience. It really showed me that hes a lot more the reason why people like him is hes a lot like us and how we handle life every day. Hes a lot like us, kurt. Would you like to react to that . What do you make of this debate prep . Well, if i was traveling with trump i would be in the trump trunk because i dont think hes a big fan of me and the many conservatives who have Big Questions about him. Hes going about debate prep exactly right. Donald trump is a unique force and he needs to keep doing the things that make him unique. He cant become an insider when hes an outsider. I shouldnt be telling my opponent how to win, but i dont think he needs to hear it from me. This guy is an instinctive politician. Hes very good at it. Hes not a foolish man. He knows exactly what hes doing. I kind of wish he was doing traditional prep because i think he would do worse at the debate. Real quick you said the opponent, that was the other thing yesterday. People would come up who traditionally have questioned donald trump and come on the screen and he was never rude. It wasnt just because i was there. He was never like, i hate that guy. It was the exact opposite. That guy really made good points. I dont know why he doesnt like me now. Its almost taking it personal. He really likes these people. I dont know if on those cards as he was doing the prep you saw anything on National Security or Foreign Policy, but thats where people have criticized him. Im wondering, kurt, if you think that tomorrow night really is his opportunity to show his maybe some substance and strength in that regard or expose his weaknesses, lack of experience. I think were going to see that because you have folks like jake tapper and hew hewitt, a security conservative are are going to be asking questions. And dana bash, a pretty tough cookie as well. Look, this is personal to me. Is he worthy of being a commanderinchief having the lives of the men and women i worked with, that i was honored to lead, in his hands. Thats the most important question for any president. I hope he gets asked tomorrow night. I have the answer for you. Hes talking tonight to veterans on a battleship. Commanderinchief, how will will he do . Answer to kurts question, the marine that everybody else on that stage forgot. He didnt. Donald trump didnt do it for publicity. Hes help funded him getting him out and getting on his feet. He will not leave a man behind on the battlefield. We wont see president s with military experience. Were probably not going to see that future. But we want to see a man with a track record of supporting the troops. Hes done more for troops than the majority of the ones on the stage. Encouraging troop support and veteran support. Hes the only one thats challenged the revenue to be donated to veterans. None of the other guys care about that. Kurt, you want to respond . Scottie, its hugely important that he supports veterans, thats good. But is this a guy we trust with the lives of our soldiers in his hands with his finger hovering over the button . Im not sure he has the e emotional readiness to do it. He seems to e react with anger rather than thought. Malice rather than cunning, that worries me because the lives of american men and women in uniform are the most important thing, as i know you agree. I do, but who else has that . Rick perry was the only one with military experience. Well leave it. Thank you both so much. Remember, please join us here live on cnn, all the action tomorrow night. The main event starts at 8 00 eastern here on cnn. Coming up next, while donald trump was holding his rally in dallas, hundreds of latino activists were marching in protest. The theme of that one, dump the trump. Oneover the rallys leaders will join me, next. Can a business have a mind . A subconscious. A knack for predicting the future. Reflexes faster than the speed of thought. Can a business have a spirit . Can a business have a soul . Can a business be. Alive . Where their electricity comes from. They flip the switch and the light comes on. Its our job to make sure that it does. 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You have protesters accusing donald trump of turning americans against one another with hateful rhetoric. Organizers say thousands of demonstrators showed up. Joining me from dallas, the coleader of this dump the trump rally, attorney domingo garcia. Youre the chapter of the latin american citizens. You tweeted you wanted to show trump that hate and intolerance can be pushed back. I know that you all marched past that massive mavericks arena packing 20,000 trump supporters. Do you feel like your message was heard . We did. We had several thousand people who marched on a monday afternoon to tell donald trump that his lies, his misinformation has no place in a president ial campaign. I expect to hear about wallace and stalin when he did the berlin wall. But to build a wall between neighbors like mexico and the u. S. , we should be building bridges. We should be talking about what the statute of liberty is. And his message is so hateful that it had to have a response. He mentioned the wall, here he was last night in dallas. This was part of what he talked about with regard to u. S. Immigration policy. I dont mean to be disrespectful, but when a man has a problem and hes got his wife or his girlfriend and they move over to the border for one day, has the baby on the other side of the border, our side, now that baby is a citizen of our country however long it lives. Its wrong. By the way, by the way, the law doesnt call that. Thats not what the law says. People are finding out now that im right. We didnt say that somebody could be pregnant for nine months, come across the border, have a baby and now its ours and we have to take care of the baby forever. It doesnt say that. So thats much of the dlt dth that the public is used to, cameras rolling. But recently cnn talked to the ceo of the Hispanic Chamber of commerce who told us behind closed doors donald trump is a very different man. Do you think it could be possible that perhaps donald trump could be more sympathetic that he appears publicly . I dont think so. Donald trump is the ultimate hypocrite. His father came from germany. His mother was from scotland. If he enacted the repeal of the 14th amendment when donald trump was born, he could run for president. He has two wives that were from eastern europe. Hes an anchor husband that women use to get their citizenship here. Its total hypocrisy that hes using to get votes from the right wing of the Republican Party. If you dont get 40 of the vote, you cant be elected president. George w. Bush did it. Trump will never be able to do that. This is the land of second chances. Anything he could say tomorrow night to change your mind . Well, if he starts a apologizing, he was disrespectful. He needs to say, we need to bring people together. We need to find a way to solve our immigration problem that involves a pathway to citizenship for those 12 Million Immigrants picking our crops, cleaning the toilets at trump plaza who are building with our hands and constructing america. Give them an opportunity for the American Dream just like Donald Trumps father and mother did. Thank you, sir, so much. Well be watching the big debate. 11 people on that stage tomorrow night. Thank you for r your time. I really appreciate it. Thank you. Next, brand new information regarding jeb bushs strategy against donald trump tomorrow night. Will he be on the offensive . Hear what sources are telling us. Stay with me. Were live in california at the reagan president ial library and youre watching cnns special live coverage. Dayquil liquid gels and go. Hey buddy, lets get these but these liquid gels are new. Mucinex fast max. Its the same difference. These are multisymptom. Well so are these. This one is max strength and fights mucus. That one doesnt. Uh. Think fast you dropped something. Oh. Ill put it back on the shelf. New from mucinex fast max. The only cold and flu liquid gel thats maxstrength and fights mucus. Start the relief. Ditch the misery. Lets end this. If ynows the time to get your ducks in a row. To learn about medicare, and the options you have. You see, medicare doesnt cover everything only about 80 of your part b medical expenses. The rest is up to you. So if 65 is around the corner, think about an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare Insurance Company. Like all standardized Medicare Supplement insurance plans, they help cover some of what medicare doesnt pay. And could save you in outofpocket medical costs. So dont wait. Call to request your free decision guide. And gather the information now to help you choose a plan later. These types of plans let you pick any doctor or hospital that takes medicare patients. And theres a range of plans to choose from, depending on you needs and your budget. So if youre turning 65 soon, call now and get started. Because the time to think about tomorrow. Is today. Go long. Can a a subconscious. Mind . A knack for predicting the future. Reflexes faster than the speed of thought. Can a business have a spirit . Can a business have a soul . Can a business be. Alive . Trains, planes and automobiles, imagine 700 miles an hour through an aboveground tube to get to your destination. This is the hyper loop. Take a look. Theres a special case of cities that have a a lot of travel between them below about 500 miles of distance where the hyper loop would be useful. It is a a special case solution because once the distances get long, then the amount of time that an aircraft takes to ascend and land, which is most of what it does in a trip, that declines and its better to use aircraft. We dream about moving comfortably from place to place in a blink of an eye. Thats essentially the dream of the hyper loop. What is the hyper loop . Its very similar to an airplane on high altitudes. You have a low pressure environment inside a a tube, a capsule that doesnt touch anywhere, it hovers and because the low pressure doesnt encounter a lot of resistance. This concept of traveling around in tubes has been around for more than a century. Then in 2013, they drafted up actual blueprints and put the challenge of building it to the engineering community. Enter ucla. Its an unconventional system. So you sort of have to invent everything from the ground up. Do we know what its going to feel like traveling that fast . Youll accelerate, youll feel almost no sense of motion. Do you feel like youre working on a project thats really going to change the future . Absolutely. If i have a date and i want to see the opera in san francisco, i can literally do that and be back in time to go to sleep in my own house. Thats the nature of the kinds of disruptive change that this can bring and to be able to be a part of this effort is a dream come true. Here we go. Youre watching cnn live here at the top of the hour in beautiful simi valley california. Wonderful to be with you for the special live coverage from the president ial library. Today new drama potentially serious new challenge for donald trump on the eve of cnns massive republican president ial debates. You have new numbers. A new New York Times poll finds donald trump is holden on to his lead, but he may be hearing footsteps because retired neurosurgeon ben carson climbed into the margin of error. You see in the upper left trump with 27 . Ben carson, 23 . The other candidates still every single one of them in single digits. Im joined here in simi valley with gloria borgeer and michael, host here on cnn. You can feel the excitement and anticipation here. But lets get straight to your news. We know the campaigns will be doing the walk through this afternoon. You have been in touch with the jeb bush campaign. I get the feeling because they dont want to telegraph too much of what they are going to do because then if their candidate doesnt do it, well say he didnt do what he was supposed to do. Its clear to me from talking to some senior bush advisers that hes not going to shy away from taking trump on because i think theres a a sense that they feel they have to establish the contrast between jeb bushs conservatism and his leadership with donald trump. So i was told that everything that he has said on other stages about jeb bush such as you cant insult your way u to the presidency youre not a real conservativive. What about the 24 million on the super pac, the mention of his wife. Its part of the branding of bush. Because the problem with bush is a lot of republican primary voters hear the bush name and think moderate. And jeb bush is trying to say, i was a very conservative governor of the state of florida. You know who should be thrilled . Ben carson and Carly Fiorina. Because i believe that if jeb bush is successful that hes going to try to land some punches on the donald, if he really does, i dont think his numbers go up. I think Carly Fiorinas numbers go up. I really believe there are two debates about to play out. One among the mavericks and the establishment candidates and they are jockeying for different constituencies. So if i were Carly Fiorina or ben carson, i would be elated with what gloria just had to say. I think that theres this charge that trump has landed on both carson and jeb bush. The low energy cant do. Jeb bush makes him look like the energizer buzz bunny. I think carson and bush have to show their energy and appeal that way. The bush people think its a joke that jeb was an energetic governor of the state of florida. I think they do have to project that kind of strength. What about the new poll numbers . This is significant to me when you really see within the margin of error in the New York Times poll that essentially trump and carson are tied. Do you think trump is going to be looking over his shoulder . No more so than the entire field. Up until that response to carson questioning his faith, he stayed away from ben carson and had gone after everyone else. I dont know he wants to engage with ben carson. I think donald trump will have a shotgun blast against everybody else but not carson. You keep saying carson is a nice guy. Thats a kiss of death. Theres a piece here on cnn. Com that goes after trump. Dont get me wrong, i u like the idea of donald trump. I love the ideas of an insider that doesnt care about political correctness. Unfortunately, donald trump is the wrong messenger. Donald trump is a madman who must be stopped, failure to speak out against trump is an endorsement of clinton. So if tomorrow night on that stage, no one punches or counterpunches donald trump, would you agree with him that thats saying go hillary . So bobby jindal is saying we need to join forces and be united against donald trump. If im donald trump, im hoping they all follow that advice because then i get to say, look at all of them, these losers lining up now in unison against me. It plays into that maim that its trump against the world and he loves that. He loves that, but dont forget ben carson who has the kind of. Opposite personality next to each other and hes sort of the low key guy that people are giving a second look to. I dont know. I think that carson wont do it but i think some of the others just might. Tapper wants a debate. We have heard him say that over and over again. I think hes going to get one. Where do you think the most fireworks will be . You mentioned the mavericks versus establishment. I have my personal eye and i would be curious on Carly Fiorina and donald trump. I think theres a potential for fireworks there. Not so much on carson because i dont think he will take trumps bait and wont fire the first shot across the trump bow. Carly fiorina and trump, that could be worth it. Look at this face. Shes got to have a line. What do you think . I think its going to be Carly Fiorina. I think the other men on the stage will defend Carly Fiorina in that particular fight. I think if somebody the thing im curious about that if jeb or somebody takes on trump, will the others join in or will they let jeb bush do it for them. Because they all those trump voters should trump implode. The ted cruz strategy. They have been waiting for that and it hasnt occurred. The countdown clock is marked on the screen. Were excited. Thank you both so much. Again, just a reminder, 6 00 is the initial debate. 8 00 is the big one. The first debate broke records. 24 million viewers, so now cnn host i hosting the sequel, as you well know. I scouted out the stage just for this occasion. Here we go behind the scenes. Welcome to the Ronald Reagan president ial library here in simi valley, california. Home this week to lets just call it the super bowl of politics, our big cnn debate. The work is still underway, but lets just hope the only venom thats spewed is is on that debate stage. Here we are inside the pavilion. Its still building the debate stage. 15 semitrucks full of gear. Ten miles of cable. 24 gallons of caffeine to keep the crew going. Lets go to the stage. Were in the middle of debate prep. They are still hanging lights, but these are the 11 podiums for all 11 candidates for the prime time debate. Donald trump polling ahead of the rest so he is front and center. Where im sitting is actually the front row of the debate. So so much more intimate that the last arena debate. Im maybe 10 feet from the candidates. It will be interesting to see how they use the audience to their advantage. In this space, just about 500 people will be seated including potenti potentially former california governor arnold schwarzenegger. This seat, jake tapper will be right here tossing tough questions their way. And speaking of the candidates, i want to show you something outside. This is something youll not see on wednesday night. This is where all the different candidates will essentially camp out in the hours before the daeblt. Every candidate has one. Lets check one out. Inside the trailer, maybe not totally glamorous, but it will do the trick. What matters is the fact they will be talking to advisers, what to say, whatnot to say, fixing the tie. Lets see whats in the refrigerator. Ronald reagan president ial library water. Perhaps that will bring them good luck. I see maybe a stereo system, and everything all culminates on this stage wednesday night. Let me say it again wednesday night the first rounds of candidates. That will begin at 6 00 eastern time. And then followed by the main event at 8 00 eastern all 11 on the stage. Watch for fireworks here on cnn. Much more ahead here from simi valley, california, including trump. Barbara boxer has been there for 28 long years, though she may say many things, her track record in washington, d. C. Is consistent and clear and the results of her policies are devastating for this state. At ally bank no branches equals great rates. Its a fact. Kind of like mute buttons equal danger. That sound good . Not being on this phone call sounds good. Its not muted. Was that you jason . It was geoffrey it was jason. It couldve been brenda. Can a a subconscious. Mind . A knack for predicting the future. Reflexes faster than the speed of thought. Can a business have a spirit . Can a business have a soul . Can a business be. Alive . Ive had moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis most of my life. But that hasnt stopped me from modeling. My doctor told me about stelara® it helps keep my skin clearer. 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Ask your doctor about stelara®. Welcome to fort green sheets. Welcome to castle bravestorm. Its full of cool stuff, like. My trusty bow. And free of stuff i dont like. We only eat chex cereal. No artificial flavors, and its glutenfree. Mom, brian threw a ball in the house 800,000 hours of supercomputing time, 3 million lines of code, 40,000 sets of eyes, or a million sleepless nights. Whether its building the worlds most advanced satellite, the space station, or the next leap in unmanned systems. At boeing, one thing never changes. Our passion to make it real. Our passion to make it real. At ally bank no branches equals great rates. Its a fact. Kind of like shopping hungry equals overshopping. Welcome back, were live here in california. Im Brooke Baldwin and this is cnns special coverage ahead of the big debate tomorrow night. Lets begin with the only woman on stage, Carly Fiorina. Her normpoll numbers may have f since her first debate showing, but will this debate number two reignite her campaign . Thank you so much for joining me today. You are the person to talk to because you were a panelist at the debate back in 2010 before she lost her senate bid to Barbara Boxer here in california. Here you were asking direct questions to the now president ial candidate. What do you think her biggest strength and weakness is on stage . Shes very articulate. I think she knows how to respond to questions and how to redirect. And she being two women on stage was an interesting moment. In this case shes the only woman so she will have that advantage, in my opinion. Also theres a a disadvantage to that because theres other candidates in that stage that really dont like women that much. And they will do anything they can to disparage her. What about back five years ago sitting on the panel in the 2010 debate, what was her biggest weakness . I think the biggest weakness was just the demographic issue here in california. You have a state that turned blue so many years ago after wilson came out with these messages and essentially democrats have an advantage. And also she had this situation on immigration that were not to the liking of the latino population. I think that was a big disadvantage for her in her senate campaign. Okay, okay, so like i said, that was five years ago. Here we are. I want to play a little sound from that last debate and Carly Fiorina acknowledging why trump is resinating, but also taking a stab at his lack of substance. The Political Class has failed you. Thats just a fact. Thats what donald trump taps into. I would also just say this. Since he has changed his mind on amnesty, health care and on abortion, i would just ask what are the principles by which he will govern. How do you think she will respond to trump or any kind of attack tomorrow night . Well, shes already done it. Recently when trump made comments about her face and what kind of face she has, she responded very appropriately. She didnt go. Overboard. She just said this is the face of a woman that is proud to be 61 years old and its the face of the future president of the united states. Thats what she said. I think it was a a good response. It was sort of an educated response to a not very educated attack from donald trump to women in general. Waiting for some sort of face line, but how she will counterpurvelg punch if we hear how shell respond. Well see you here tomorrow. Coming up here from the Ronald Reagan president ial library, when candidates collide on stage. When youre sitting in the subcommittee just blowing hot air about this, you can say things like that. I dont trust president obama with our records. You gave him a big hug, go right ahead. Well look at the tale of the tape. Which matchups will emerge during the debate . Keep it here on cnns special debate coverage live from california, when we return. Why pause a spontaneous moment to take a pill . Or stop to find a bathroom . Cialis for daily use, is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. Do not drink alcohol in excess. Side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. To avoid longterm injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. If you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any symptoms of an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. Ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a free 30tablet trial. The human foot has always been good at. Its unleashing great power. The is performance line just got a power boost. Introducing the lexus is 200 turbo and is 300 awd v6. The is line has never been. More powerful. Once driven, theres no going back. Iflike i love shrimp, red lobsters endless shrimp. Is kind of a big deal. Its finally back, with as much shrimp as you want, any way you want em. One taste of these new pineapple habanero coconut shrimp bites, and i already want more. They even brought back woodgrilled teriyaki shrimp yeah, you heard me teriyaki. And really whats not to love about. Buttery garlic shrimp scampi . Here, the sweet, spicy, crispy possibilities are as endless as the shrimp. And yeah, theyre endless, but they wont last forever. The debate stage here at the reagan president ial library is set. The podiums are all lined up, all 11 of them. Almost a straight line, maybe a curve, but they might as well be in a ring because we expect these candidates to go head to head on the issues. Pressure is ratcheting up as polls show donald trump and ben carson pulling ahead of the pack. Im here with the former Reagan White House political director. So he understands how special this place is. And also cnn chief Political Correspondent dana bash will be on the stage tomorrow night. Great to see both of you. You have been covering campaigns so closely. What do you think has really stood out to you since the last big debate . The last debate it wasnt entirely clear that donald trump had staying power. Of course, he was the front runner at the time, but it was still everyone was still trying to catch their breath. Now theres no question about it. Hes doing well. Not just in the overall, not just in the National Polls, not just in the state, but if you tuck under the numbers that really matter with women, with people who at least at this had point are sticking with him, those are dynamics that the other candidates cannot look away from right now. Ben carson nipping a at his heels. We look at the New York Times poll. Who are you watching for if you had had to pick a good matchup . I think the first thing is the outsiders. The outsiders with the outsiders. Trump, carson and Carly Fiorina. And then trailing behind is perhaps trump versus somebody like john kasich to see because jeb bush, in truth, seems to be sinking so fast. He has money in president bank. But im not sure thats the kind of money i remember from 1980. John conley, who was the most fu well funded candidate at the time and he had one delegate. He just didnt do him any good. You have a problem, you have a problem. He brings up such a good point. We have been saying it over and over, but were going to see it. The real differences between donald trump, ben carson and Carly Fiorina. Those who have never been in elected office and everybody else. They are really pitching their abilities based on their experience outside of government, outside of washington and that really seems to be catching hold where you have the others where they are governors or whether they are senators trying to make the case that their experience within government is the best kind of experience and so far that has not really resinate d that much. Its going to be interesting to see how a a jeb bush r or even a Mike Huckabee, people with real records as governors how they try to breakthrough and convince conservative voters that that matters. Talking to someone from the ben carson camp last hour. Looking at how much they have done strategy wise, it seems that they are politicians in doctors clothes. Tomorrow night is huge and millions of people will be watching. Do you think these campaigns going into tomorrow night think this is it, make or break, or getting into states . Its all of the above. Of course, these debates matter. But ive been talking to campaign who is have been kind of reminding me quietly, look, this is important, but its also very important to have smart, experienced people in places like iowa who know how to caucus, which is an animal in and of itself. And so they have been working extremely hard to get those people. Some of them even some of those who have kind of not front runner status but doing better in the polls dont necessarily have that. Theres an important thing we have to look for on that topic, which theres a a difference between doing well when it comes to calling somebody on the phone and saying who do you support and getting those people to the caucuses and to the polls. And some of that is going to be affected by how much money they have. Jeb bush may have some money, but some of the others if they are not doing well here like rick perry, they might have great organizational people, but if they dont have the money to fund it, it runs out of gas. When you talk about were a little more than 24 hours out, and all of the candidates are like underground today doing all the final debate prep. Then you have donald trump out in dallas. We laugh, but its true. He was out in dallas last night. Hes on a battleship in l. A. Tonight talking to veterans. How do you see this . Hes basically a live dress rehearsal. Running lines, see how they sit with people. Right, he is pretending to be president , as it were, which is what all these people have to do. He seems to be really good at this and Getting Better at it. Until the 11th hour. I would add hes going to be on the battle lship iowa is my understanding. Reagan stood on that ship in the centennial observation of 1986. It has an association with Ronald Reagan. Then he comes here. You think youre going to reagan name . I imagine. I think he should. Who isnt. The 12th man on the stage. Finally to you, youre on the big stage. Heres jake tapper, heres dana bash. What are you thinking, what are you going through, final question . I feel good. For me, i love politics. Im obsessed with the process and the actual debate of ideas and thats our goal. To actually get. Them to debate the ideas. I know it sounds corny. Have an actual debate happen on issues . Bring it, dana bash. Great to have you. Thank you so much. Donald trump is a liberal, marco rubio is a cool guy, what is new ads rolling ahead of the debate tomorrow night . Conservatives taking aim at donald trump and jeb bush supporters spending tens of millions of dollars. A closer look at the ad wars. Our special coverage continues here from the reagan president ial library. Can a business have a mind . A subconscious. A knack for predicting the future. Reflexes faster than the speed of thought. Can a business have a spirit . Can a business have a soul . Can a business be. Alive . Iflike i love shrimp, red lobsters endless shrimp. Is kind of a big deal. Its finally back, with as much shrimp as you want, any way you want em. One taste of these new pineapple habanero coconut shrimp bites, and i already want more. They even brought back woodgrilled teriyaki shrimp yeah, you heard me teriyaki. And really whats not to love about. Buttery garlic shrimp scampi . Here, the sweet, spicy, crispy possibilities are as endless as the shrimp. And yeah, theyre endless, but they wont last forever. Where their electricity comes from. They flip the switch and the light comes on. Its our job to make sure that it does. Using natural gas this power plant can produce enough energy for about 600,000 homes. Generating electricity thats cleaner and reliable, with fewer emissions it matters. Its very early in this campaign, but the air waves are about to get hit by some of the first major tv ads. Up first, the pro wall street club for growth going after donald trump specifically spending 1 million to run not just one but two new commercials in iowa portraying the billionaire as closet liberal. Which president ial candidate supports higher taxes, National Health care and the wall street bailout . Its donald trump. In many cases, i probably identify many as a democrat. Trump wants us to think hes mr. Tell it like it is, but he has a record and its very liberal. That ad is dwafred by the one plan by the super pac supporting jeb bush. You heard the dollar amount. The source says hes spending 24 million to run tv ads in iowa, New Hampshire, and south carolina. Heres a preview of that ad. He took on unions and won with new accountability and over 200 new charter schools. The state was florida. The governor was jeb bush. Proven conservative, real results. John berman, one of my favorites, with me now here in california. And when youre talking about 24 million, thats a lot of money. And its september of 2015. It seems like its early, but iowa is in february. And there are people that i have talked to today that think some of these are a little late. That they missed a chance to get on the air earlier. The club for growth, which is this outside group, its the most Significant Development in the campaign over the last several days. Thats an outside group saying, you know what, we cant rely on the rest of the nontrump candidates anymore to take out donald trump. Were sick of waiting, so were dumping our own money in there just to beat them. We dont care who the someone else is, as long as its not donald trump. Were all waiting about looking ahead to Carly Fiorina and some sort of face line shell have ready to roll tomorrow night. I was sitting here yesterday saying that super pac ad of Carly Fiorina supported was pretty darn effective. Heres a a piece of it. We are not a special interest group. We are the majority of the nation. This is the face of the 61yearold woman im proud of every year and every wrinkle. So again, these are the super pac ads, not the campaign, but this is when they can spend oodles of money and this is when you have to use ads to counter trump. That thing you saw from Carly Fiorina, thats a video. Thats an internet video. Theres no money behind that right now. As far as we know, they are not paying to put that up on the air waves. Thats what costs money. If they can raise money, i have a a feeling they would. Finally, hello, were in simi valley 24 hours away. We have both been running around this place like political nerds. Whats been your highlight so far . I think the debate stage, which is absolutely stunning. It is a metaphor in so many ways for what were going to see. To have air force plane sitting right there is a reminder of the stakes here. These people are on the stage fighting for something to be the leader of the free world. With the intimate audience, the 500 seats in the crowd. It doesnt feel like 500. I know people are saying its not going to have the emotion, the energy of the first debate. I have been to a lot of debates. The smaller ones, to me, are more tense. Its like sitting at a brutal family dinner. This could just be brutal. If the candidates want to jump ugly, this could get pretty uncomfortable. I was silting on the air force one, which is flanking all of them. Its like president reagan is here and hes the 12th man on stage and well have to see if they try to out reagan one another. If you go on that plane and sit in president reagans office, as it were many years ago, and you look out the plane window, thats our stage. I think its a reminder to all of them and its a reminder to the viewers as well when they are watching here. This is no game. John berman, thank you very much. Do not miss all the action tomorrow night. The main event with all those 11 candidates is at 8 00 eastern here on cnn. 24 hours to go, what are the rituals, the routines, the predebate exercises . Do candidates actually sleep the night before . Well talk to two guys who just helped mitt romney and president obama through their prep. Well ask them whats going on today. This is cnns special live coverage, well be right back. O. That sound good . Not being on this phone call sounds good. Its not muted. Was that you jason . It was geoffrey it was jason. It couldve been brenda. Look how beautiful it is. Honey, we need to talk. We do . I took the trash out. I know and thank you so much for that. I think we should get a Medicare Supplement insurance plan. Right now . Whether youre new to medicare or not, you may know it only covers about 80 of your part b medical expenses. Its up to you to pay the difference. So think about an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare Insurance Company. Like all standardized Medicare Supplement insurance plans, they help cover some of what medicare doesnt pay. I did a little research. With a Medicare Supplement plan, youll be able to stay with your doctor. Oh you know i love that guy. Mmmmhmmm. These types of plans let you visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. And, there are no networks. Is this a onesize fits all kind of thing . No. There are lots of plan options. It all depends on what we need. And how much we want to spend. Call now to request your free [decision guide]. It could help you find an aarp Medicare Supplement plan thats right for you. What happens when we travel . The plans go with us. Anywhere in the country. I like that. You know what else . Unitedhealthcare Insurance Company has years and years of experience. What do you say . Im in. Join the millions already enrolled in the only Medicare Supplement insurance. Plans endorsed by aarp. Remember, all Medicare Supplement plans help cover some of what medicare doesnt pay. And could really save you in outofpocket medical costs. Youll be able to choose your own doctor or hospital as long as they accept medicare patients. And with these plans, there could be low or no copays. You do your pushups today . Prepare to be amazed. Dont wait. Call today to request your free [decision guide], and find the aarp Medicare Supplement plan to go the distance with you. Go long. Welcome back, youre watching cnn cnn. Im Brooke Baldwin live here in california. As far as the candidates go, donald trump is the front runner. Donald trump is the only one not behind closed doors prep iping r the debate. This evening in the Los Angeles Area the billionaire will be on this battleship. This is the u. S. S. Iowa and its there that hes due to roll out the National Security plank of his campaign platform. Here we are just 24 hours out. What are they doing now . Dan fiefr is here. Dan was the Senior Adviser for president obama. You have been around the block before as well. The campaign is 24 hours out. They are sitting around a room doing what . They are feeling the jitters. No one has ever won a campaign in a debate, but they have lost one. So they are nervous. They are beginning. Theres intense policy prep peppering the candidate with questions and answers over the last few weeks here. But as you get to the end, as much from sort of policy prep to psychological management. Get on the stage and make sure they can perform. I cant see dan being nervous. Jitters, i never thought about this had. I wish i knew this. Theres an incredible adrenaline surge in the campaigns. The really good campaigns is where its game day and they focus and start to think about what is it they want to execute over the next 24 hours. I think the candidates are right. They are doing that last minute policy prep. The day before, they are sitting in a a Hotel Conference room. But also you have the campaigns start to work the refs. They are calling us saying heres what to expect from the campaign. They are calling you. Heres the issues were going to start to post up against some of our opponents on. That expectation setting and getting ready for the actual debate, all of that prep is going on right now. Lowering expectations is one of the most important things. You dont have to beat the other person. You have to beat the expect tass for your person. Policy and preparation, you mention the psychological element. But yesterday i was walking through all the candidates trailers, thats where the campaigns and then the candidates will be sitting in that final hours. But you were saying you really want to wait until the last minute to bring these guys and gal here because theres all this buzz and nervousness. You want to keep them cocooned away. Keep them in a less intense environment. You start to feel the walls close in. Are you cracking jokes with president obama . Like we had staffers like robert gibbs who could always make the president laugh. They were always the last ones with the president talking sports or having fun. Not thinking debate. If you go. In there and whats the National Budget deficit, youre serving your candidate poorly. First of all, everybody doesnt see theres so much commotion going on here right now. Theres 500 media personnel. Its nuts. One of the Great Stories from 2012 was during that primary process we had a debate in washington, d. C. And when i showed up at the candidates room that we have, there were two outside policy advisers that had cornered mitt romney in the room and peppering him with facts and figures. And our Deputy Campaign manager grabbing me and saying, kevin, go in there and stop that. I went in and we had to body block these guys. I sat down with romney and we did like movie quotes. We were just kind of joking around. Just really trying to get him into. A much lighter, more relaxed mental state. Thats when he performed best in the campaigns. In the hour, two hours ahead of time, are they eating . Are they going out for last minute jogs . Shooting hoops . Obama is a very superstitious person. He would try to do the exact same thing and that goes from the candidate. Give me examples. After our debate in 2012, the second debate was good. So the third debate like so much so that David Axelrod went entirely across town so they could eat at a diner again. I changed my seat to sit in the same seat on my flight that i sat in in the second debate. Keep it routine. Good ju ju. Romney, we built in as much time as possible in the last few hours before the debate with mrs. Romney. Because it took his mind off things. He is so comfortable being around her. Thats who he wants to spend more time with than anybody. That helped him on the campaign. The debates where she couldnt make it because she couldnt travel were some were some o. Anything people would never know, wouldnt believe. Final question. You are the inside, gurus, secret holders. I dont know. I basically main line caffeine at that point in the campaign, drinking a lot of coffee. Caffeine and ant acids to try to get through that. Look for the stiffest drink you can find. Gentlemen, dan and kevin, thank you. Fascinating. Trying to imagine what these candidates are going through 24, 4, 1, 30 minutes ahead of time and they all want to be president. En, obviously, talking about in california. Where did they begin . Fascinating. Often surprising first jobs of the candidates now applying for commander in chief. Stay with us live in simi valley at beautiful Ronald Reagan president ial library. Im caridee. Ive had moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis most of my life. But that hasnt stopped me from modeling. My doctor told me about stelara® it helps keep my skin clearer. With only 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. Stelara® helps me be in season. 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Building aircraft, the likes of which the world has never seen. This is what we do. Thats the value of performance. Northrop grumman. Misswill turn anan asphalt parking lot into a new neighborhood for san franciscans. A vote for yes on d is definitely a vote for more parks and open space. A vote on proposition d is a vote for jobs. Campos no one is being displaced. Its 40 affordable units near the waterfront for regular people. This is just a winwin for our city. Im behind it 100 . Voting yes on d is so helpful to so many families in our city. All right. Obviously, issue number one, come tomorrow nights debate, according to jake tapper these people, all the men and the lady come ready to debate but we have to talk about the rules and how this stage is set up, right . For that, lets go to tom forman. The same ten candidates we saw last time around will be on stage with at decision of Carly Fiorina, who was in the earlier socalled happy hour debate, who has jumped up to the bigger group. What are they going to have to work with in the contest . They cant bring phones, no tablets, no notes, no props, each candidate will have a pad of paper, a pen, and a glass of water. And what will they be facing . Our panel will be comprised of our moderator, jake tapper, also cnns dana bash, and hue hewitt from radio, posing questions with questions taken from social media, facebook, instagram, twitter so forth. The subject matters are going to be Foreign Policy, domestic policy, and politics. Big broad topics. With so many people on stage, they will have narrow windows in which to answer. One minute per answer, 30 seconds if its a rebuttal to Something Else that was said about you, and we will use timing lights to show the candidates if they are running out of time. And unless you think people in earlier debate are at a huge disadvantage, yes, they may have a smaller audience but they also have more time to express their ideas and, under the rules, if one of them says something that is particularly sharp or interesting, that video clip can be played in the larger debate and those candidates will have to answer to it. Tom foreman, thank you very much. Take a look at their faces again, top 11 republican contenders on prime time debate stage come tomorrow. Listen, one will wind up potentially becoming president , if it makes you wonder, how did they get their first start . Did it hint of high office hopes to yet to come . The pediatric neurosurgeon ben carson, a lab assistant. Mike huckabee, read the news on the radio. Rand paul mowed lawns, taught swimming. John kasich Newspaper Delivery man. Scott walker washed dishes. But there is more. Chris moody dug into this at cnn politics. Lets begin with the man, end with the man who is leading polls, donald trump. Dare i ask, what was his starter job . Well, candidates life story and first job is often something they pull out to talk about early roots, humble roots and friends the cnn money looked at donald trump, worked for his father, going doortodoor collecting rent you tell about the candidates from the first jobs. For example, donald trump working for his father, inherited that money and went on to bill a larger company. Carly fiorina a secretary, something she talks about a lot on the campaign trail, and discusses her own rise from a secretary to being the head of hewlettpacka hewlettpackard. Chris christie, gas station attendant in new jersey. Its required to allow attendants to pump your gas there, one of last states that allows than jeb bush was a doortodoor salesman. And you know, politics you have to knock on a lot of doors. I imagine he learned a few things about rejection or how to talk to people or keep people from slamming your doors. Finally, one of the most interesting ones, i think, marco rubio who built bird cages for his first job. I dont have a political analogy but im sthure it taught him so lesson of entrepreneurship. I got nothing. Bird cages . Got nothing. I was a summer camp sports counselor. I dont know if that meant i would be doing this. There you go. Chris moody, thank you so much. Thank you. That does it for me. Im Brooke Baldwin in california. The lead starts right now. One day to go until the super bowl of politics. How many flags will be thrown for unnecessary roughness . Im john berman and this is the lead. The politics lead, twas the night before debate, rhyme, rhyme, rhyme, the podiums built with cnn with care as jake tapper preps questions all firm but fair. Will the candidates play naughty or nice . Just about 26 hours until we all find out. He took on trump and slipped in the polls so what is rand pauls strategy tomorrow . Is he ready to roll the dice and shut down the government again in the middle of an election . I will ask the senator when he joins me live. Also in politics, da bears, they have their superfans and so do the candidates. From wearing nothing but donald trump to the guy with the jeb tattoo. Will he regret that the way i regret my Margaret Thatcher ink . Welcome to the lead. Im john berman, live in simi valley, california, from the Ronald Reagan president ial library where we are hours away from the cnn republican debate. The seating chart around the debate stage is mapped out. There will be tough questions, vealing answers and expect sparks will fly. Has been election of

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