License, registration and insurance card . Whats that . Lets start with your license. The reason for the stop is your brake light is out. Oh okay. I dont have it with me. Do you have insurance on the car . No i dont have insurance. Well if you dont have insurance on your car oh. Okay. Let me have your drivers license. No registration no insurance . No, sir. But youre buying this car . Yes, sir. Did you already buy it . No not yet. Im buying it monday. Just a minute ago you said you bought it and changing everything over monday. Im sorry about that. Okay. Be right back with you. Gotta stay in the car. Ght. So thats the dash cam video. We wanted to play that for you in entirety. With that video theres a short but significant gap in time between the video we played and the cell phone video as you have seen captures the Fatal Shooting 250 yards away. I want to talk about the legal ramifications with this dash cam video. This is tom, defense attorney and former defense attorney for michael jackson. Tom, welcome. Thank you for having me. Its a pleasure. Lets just begin with you know obviously youre not in this situation, dont have access to details as you imagine the defense attorney in this case would. If you were defending this officer and know what we know and have seen this dash cam, how would you defend him . The case always exploits gaps. Defense always says the gaps really reflect the threat the Police Officer was under. Theyll try to argue this man assaulted him. When he took off, it was not someone simply stopped for a damaged taillight. This man actually assaulted a Police Officer which conveyed to the Police Officer he was very very dangerous. The Police Officer is going to try to say thats why he shot him to death. I dont think it will work. This looks like a cold blooded premeditated murder. In answer to your question theyll exploit what the public cannot see. What the public cannot see, according to the person that took the cell phone video, says there was a tussle. Do you think it will be possible in the end hes charged with murder might he be dropped to manslaughter because of your point . Theres always emotional and psychological presumption in favor of police in cases like this. People want to believe police are honorable, courageous selfless. People feel vulnerable if Police Officers cant be trusted. Theres always a presumption in favor of the Police Officer being charged. However the nature is dis disturbing. I think its an uphill battle. There may be people on the jury that want to believe what Police Officers say and give them the benefit of the doubt. It was the mayor, governor two senators coming out before sun do you know condemning this. Until 1985 a there was a law called the fleeing felon doctrine. If you committed a felony and police were pursuing you, they could shoot you down if you tried to escape. Generally speaking the Police Officer must use reasonable force. You see Police Chases on free ways all the time. You dont see Police Officers driving up to those car raining them with bullets. Thats what this person did. It was reckless irresponsible, way out of force necessary to try and capture this person. It looks like cold blooded murder. To the point that we see in this dash cam video in which you see what appears to be a routine traffic stop over one of these brake lights in the back of his mercedes theres the issue of racial profiling. Naacp coming out yesterday calling it that. What was your read when you see the officer get out of the car and ask for registration papers and ask if he bought the car or not . I dont see any threatening behavior by the driver. I dont see threatening words. I dont see struggle. I dont see the Police Officer on the defensive, worried, or surprised by the driver. Looks like a routine traffic stop for me. This is going ton an uphill battle to say this person was a dangerous felon that needed to be gunned down. Its going to be uphill. The incident didnt escalate until the driver, walter scott, hopped out and ran. What was he running from . A stop because of a defective taillight. Thats not a bank robber plea fleeing. The defense will try to make it look like something its though the. Theres video footage where it looks like theyre planting a taser near his body. There also may be a false police report. All of that will impact the credibility of this Police Officer. Thats right. Tom, thank you so much. I appreciate it. Thanks forring having inghaving me brooke. You got it. This man bolts from police on horse back. After hes caught police are seen on video beating him. Well examine this frame by frame by frame as the investigation there has been launched. Also new video of deadly tornados ripped through the region. See what happened next as storm catchers got close. Another american charge aed with trying to blow up a u. S. Landmark in the name of isis. Hear what his alleged target was. Stay right here. Youre watching cnn. [car engine] [car engine] introducing the firstever 306horsepower lexus rc coupe with available allwheel drive. Once driven, theres no going back. Know your Financial Plan wont keep you up at night. Know you have insights from professional investment strategists to help set your mind at ease. Know that planning for retirement can be the least of your worries. With the guidance of a pnc investments financial advisor, know you can get help staying on track for the future youve always wanted. If you struggle with type 2 diabetes, youre certainly not alone. Fortunately, many have found a different kind of medicine that lowers blood sugar. Imagine what it would be like to love your numbers. Discover oncedaily invokana®. Its the 1 prescribed in the newest class of medicines that work with the kidneys to lower a1c. 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Tell your doctor about any medical conditions medications you are taking and if you have kidney or liver problems. Using invokana® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase risk of low blood sugar. Its time. Lower your blood sugar with invokana®. Imagine loving your numbers. Theres only one invokana®. Ask your doctor about it by name. Welcome back. Youre watching cnn. Im brooke baldwin. Before the break we showed you the entire dash cam video providing details about what happened before the deadly encounter between the white South Carolina Police Officer and africanamerican driver. The video shows former North Carolina officer Michael Slager pulling over 50yearold walter scott for a broken brake light. After this slager goes back to his patrol car. Moments later, scott here you go bolts from his car and takes off running. The dash cam video does not capture what happens next. Shouting could be heard in the background. Cnn political commentator joins me now. As i always do i like to comb over your twitter to see what youre fired up about or listeners are fired up about. Thank you for that. Youre welcome. You post the question in a state where one brake light is required should a driver be pulled over when one is out. By the way, if one is out, its lawful to be pulled over. How many you have, it needs to be functioning. But the state permits one. If you had an antique car with one taillight, thats permissible under the law. There were three lights in this particular vehicle, the mercedes. The rear window light was not illuminated. It was defective. He was pulled over as a result. Thats all according to the law. The Police Officer did the right thing. Some say hey, if a bald white guy like me were driving a mercedes and two of three were functions, would i have been pulled over . Right. You can see it from different pieces reading the history of north charleston. This is apparently one of the most dangerous cities in the country. In 07, they decided to come down on Aggressive Police tactics, minor infractions ie a brake light being out. Since then the crime has gone do you think. Here in new york city, the squeegj men that used to greet your car as you come through the tunnel theyre gone. In this case some say its smart. The person with the broken taillight probably doesnt have a vehicle thats inspected or the person with a broken taillight probably doesnt have insurance. Others say no, thats a way to prey on minorities people economically lower income. If he had two out of three lights frankly why did you pull him over to begin with . You saw the video where hes pulled over and the routine exchange. What did you make of that . Does that change at all how you view the entire ordeal . I was surprised at the demeanor of the cop. We saw part two before part one. I was a little surprised. I thought his demeanor was much more calm than i would have anticipated. I would have expected if you didnt show me the initial part of the sequence and said what do you think it will show . I would have said the cop is agitated the moment he arrives at the window which is not the case. That was surprising. I like to break the tape down sequentially. Nothing, nothing can explain that which we see in the end. He really kind of everybody says he sprints away. He lumbered away from the officer. How hard would it have been for him to tackle the man . The defense Attorney Says its the period of time that we dont see, the tussle and how the defense will use that towards their advantage saying walter scott was excessive, provoked him et cetera. I tried to learn lessons in these cases that usually theres more to the story. I try to be open mooindinded to what else would have enacted this. Theres nothing. Right. Tonight for the first time at least that the world will have seen them in the photo opp between raul castro and president obama since the mandela memorial service. This is the First Time Since obama came out in december and said we want to normalize relations with cuba. Lets throw up the picture of nixon and castro in 1959 then Vice President nixon meeting with Prime Minister castro. This is the first meeting since that moment. What do we expect other than a great picture . I think its been a long time coming. Im of the mind night cuban embargo has exceeded in one respect. It kept the castro brothers in power. The best way we could open cuba is to give them a taste of capitalism like we have here. Let them trade and travel. It will be a good thing for them and us. Theres a generational zwied in the divide in the country. That plays well to older cuban americans. Younger cuban americans, not so much. I cant let you go without quickly showing the picture of this man with fidell castro. With the finger looks like hes saying no no no. Giving me a wrath on something. Great picture. Thank you for sharing. Make sure you tune in tomorrow morning 9 00 a. M. Here on cnn. As always wonderful to have you on. Still ahead, this horse chase resulting in another case Police Violence captured on video. Well show you that straight ahead. Also we take you into the heart of the tornado outbreak in illinois. Watch this. [ bleep ]. Hes over. Hes over. Go go. My goodness. Incredible scenes here followed by heartbreaking destruction. Well show you much more from the intense storm chaser video as we learn about the Warning System that likely kept the must be of deaths from rising. Stay here. We are getting incredibly frightening devastation left behind after the tornados grind add ed across the midwest. Most were in the state of illinois. The the storm system killed two people and nearly demolished the town here. Youll see the video that the tornados were ferocious. H my gosh. There goes cars. What . I saw headlights go flying. [ bleep ]. Hes over. Hes over. Go go go. Call 911. That was the tornado video from the storm chaser this is the distance. Obviously what youre looking at now the aftermath. Homes just absolutely ripped from their foundations. We have a look at before and after photo here of a local landmark restaurant. This is grub stakers. About a dozen diners inside left. They went down in the cellar and hunkered down 90 minutes until that storm passed. Thankfully everyone survived. Search teams are hoping they dont find victims trapped beneath the rubble. Ive got ryan young live surrounded by devastation. Its one thing to talk about these images and see them on television. Its quite another, also surreal to be walking amidst this. Reporter brooke youve stood here before covering stories. Watching people arrive its easy to understand why everyone is taking pictures and awestruck. You see that silo that was tossed across this farm like it was nothing. Im standing in front of the irrigation system that was at one point in the middle of this farm land and now has been tossed over here like its nothing. Its very heavy to lift. You can see its twisted up metal now. This restaurant is down the street. We talked to people on the inside the owners who owned that restaurant for 11 years. They talked about the moment they watched the storm take a turn and start heading that direction. They went down in the storm shelter. All of a sudden they heard a big boom. That was the roof landing on top of where they were trying to hide. It took two hours for firefighters to cut that roof in half. Were hearing about subdivisions being flattened. When you look at the scene and see the devastation, its amazing only two people were killed. Its hard to even say that but you can understand why this community is trying to come together after a night like this when you see a the video how big the storm was. When you talk about thank goodness it could have been worse. Were sirens going off and people given a warning . Reporter they were given a warning. They talked about 20 minutes beforehand getting a heads up. Maybe that saved more lives. I can tell you so many people we bumped into tell me thank god they had time to hide themselves. Even the people across the street were happy to get in the shelter. Theres blood on the walls where people cut their hands when glass started to explode inside the restaurant. You understand why they would be running from a storm this size and magnitude. And the destruction with the beautiful blue sky. Ryan young thank you so much from illinois. All right. Let me share this with you now. Getting breaking news about the foiled isis inspired plot to bomb in kansas. Feds say john t. Booker jr. Wanted to launch attack on american soldiers similar to what we saw at fort hood in 2009. Were told he was arrested this morning as he was making his final preparations to detonate the suicide bomb which was in fact fake. Thats right. The so called bomb was a decoy planted by feds. He thought they were his coconspirators in the attack. In the exclusive interview with erin burnett, isis may be gaining ground but isis is a huge threat to United States. Whats a bigger threat to the United States right now . Is it isis or al qaeda . Al qaeda has now suffered more than a decade of constant pounding by the United States. They are much reduced compared to what they were and their ambitions. However, they still have a serious preoccupation with direct attacks upon the United States particularly several branches of them like aqap. So i think we have to remain worried about al qaeda. You say aqap is growing aqap has opportunities in yemen they didnt have when yemen is this the middle of a civil war. That obviously creates problems for groups. Tune in tonight for more with the secretary of defense ashton carter. Coming up, a man running from police, running as in on horse back suffers this brutal beat down when police eventually catch up with him. Youll see the video and decide for yourself if its excessive force. Plus it may surprise you, but theres no official record of People Killed during interactions with police. My next guest is trying to change that. Stay tuned for that conversation. Not all toothbrushes are created equal, oralb toothbrushes are engineered with end rounded bristles so brushing doesnt scratch gums and angled perfectly to remove 90 of plaque for a healthier smile. Trust the brand more dentists and hygienists use. Oralb. [ female announcer ] when youre serious about fighting wrinkles, turn to roc® retinol correxion®. 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Back up for a second. Why were police after this guy in the first place . It starts three hours before this part you see here brooke. What they did was showed up at the house to serve a search warrant related to an Identity Theft case that was ongoing. They said at that point, he fled in a car before he ditched the car and fled on foot into this remote terrain in San Bernadino county until he came upon the people who had the horse and stole the horse. It does look like hes surrendering before the Sheriff Deputies begin to beat him and kick him. It seems like several people from Law Enforcement crowd around him. At one point you cant see him while hes on the ground. When you take a listening to what his lawyer and girlfriend have to say, they obviously think this went too far. This is as bad if not worse than what they did to rodney king. This is terrible. It kept going and going. Shes worried does he have brain damage conscious, whats going on . They beat the crap out of him. Now theyre trying to do everything they can to avoid them being in any trouble. And the Sheriffs Department saying when they look at this and the fact they tried to taz him. Because he had on loose clothing it did not work. Last we know he was taken to the hospital with unknown injuries. We have called and havent heard back yet. Were following up on that one. Stephanie, thank you. All right. Back to those new developments out of South Carolina the Deadly Police shooting there from the just released dash cam video to cell phone footage of his final breath. The killing of walter scott has been recorded. That makes it difficult from the vast number of deadly encounters by police. Whats more here despite the fact Police Officers are Public Servants using firearms to protect the public the federal government does not track the number of killings by police. Did you know that . That is where this website steps in. Fatal encounters. Org is keeping count nationwide and state by state. For 2014 it found that more than 1,100 were killed by a Police Officer. With me now, the man that founded and runs fatal encounters. Org. Hes the editor of reno news. And also author jack hicks. Welcome to both of you. Great to be here. Thank you for having me. You got it to both of you. Brian, let me begin with you. The obviously question is why not . Why is there no official recordkeeping of deadly encounters with police in this country . Actually the federal government has attempted to collect these numbers but never made it a priority to collect them and never had real punishments for the people that dont submit these numbers. So you have been culling numbers state by state. How are you getting information . What conclusions have you arrived at thus far . Well we get our information from various ways. We do crowd sourcing which means people submit incidents from their own hometowns. We also do public records searches and we have a small team of people who hit state by state doing research on each individual state. Were about 30 , we think, collected. Its going to be two more years before our database is complete. We found some very interesting things. We find that people of color are represented at higher rates than they exist in the general population. We found that mentally ill people are killed at much high rates, up to 30 . Theres just immense amount of data in this stuff. Please do jack. So brian, ive read these cdc numbers though right . Are these real . I see these all over the place. About 2100 whites have been killed by police between 992011 and 1100 blacks. Are those accurate numbers . Im asking. Those cdc numbers are worse than the must bes collected by the department of justice. In the justifiable homicides reports youve seen for years, numbers are about they average about 400 a year when in truth real numbers are upwards of usually over 1,000 per year. The problem with that is a lot of states a lot of jurisdictions dont contribute. For example, with the department of justice numbers, the entire state of florida didnt contribute to them. Wow. I dont think a lot of people realize that. Im glad you jumped in jack and asked the question. Theres a lot of numbers floating out there. I read youre piece in the new yorker two times through. I thought it was incredibly well put together. It was different perspective. Im a southerner but i wasnt expecting it. You talk about how you grew up in charleston. You point out this story in South Carolina that maybe we havent seen in the wake of ferguson or what happened in Staten Island someone close to the mayor of north charleston. If the sun was down that day when he was killed everyone was unified. You point out mayor, governor, two senators a family member. Why do you think that is . Its a question that needs to be answered. Within 24 hours of that video coming out, the mayor said when you wrong, youre wrong. The police chief met with the family. Governor both senators piled on to say this was a terrible thing. The Police Officer was fired and charged with murder. The victims brother came out and said we advocate change not violence right. You have to ask yourselves, have we learned from ferguson . We talk about public debate resolving in some way. Have we learned from ferguson, cleveland, Staten Island and done it right in South Carolina . There were four shootings in South Carolina in the last three years. All the Law Enforcement officers were fired and charged with felony or murder charges. One is a police chief even. So somehow in South Carolina they have taken the kind of action you saw in the last couple of days consistently over the last few years. I say that in the context of our history which is brutal. South carolina has one of the worst track records in terms of racial violence in the entire country. There is in the piece, a strand of fair play that dates back to early parts of the civil war. It comes up through the famous mid 20th century judge all the i way up to now. All of this could change tomorrow. It could all be crushed under foot. That would be in South Carolinas history also. And i expect the demonization of walter scott and the geography of the Police Officer in the next few days as everybody tries to maneuver and set off the trial. Absolutely. Well have to watch this. Well absolutely watch. We will watch the ark. Love to have you back from the lens of a South Carolina resident. Thank you. Fatal encounters. Org is the website. Thanks to both of you. Next we are learning more about the final moments leading up to the deadly shooting in South Carolina is. The mother of the Police Officer charged with murder is now speaking out about what happened why she has not yet seen the video of her son soot ing son shooting an unarmed man in the back. And the talk. Every black parent has to have it with their sons and daughters about how to behave around police. Dont miss that conversation. It plumps skin cells with intense hydration and locks it in. For supple, hydrated skin. Hydro boost. From neutrogena. All right. I want to continue our conversation here about this Deadly Police shooting in South Carolina because we can now show you this meeting incredibly emotional meeting between Walter Scotts mother and the man that recorded the final moments. This may ultimately bring this family some justice. God put me there for a reason. He put me there for a reason. He was supposed to be there. Thank you for another sun god. Thank you. Youve got family in charleston right now. Any time. It seems like the one im about to show you is probably playing out among africanamerican parents across the country. Parents sitting down with their black sons and daughters. The tv screen blares white officer kills black. The artist behind this drawing wrote this i doubt dr. King dreamed in 2015 africanamericans would need to warn their young sons about the dangers of being black. One blogger added to hit saying how he felt the conversation playing out is Derrick Jackson who grew up in enterprise alabama getting similar warning gings from your mom. Thank you for being on. Glad to be on. Read the caption you wrote and tell me what inspired you to write this. I dont have the caption in front of me but i wanted to transcribe the sentiments of a lot of black families where parents have to explain to their child as a child you come with a different set of terms and conditions other than your non black counter parts. If you violate those terms and conditions it could mean life or death, as in the case of rice. How old were you first when your mother sat you down . My talk came in the form of many years of if you get stopped for a speeding ticket make sure hands are in plain sight. Dont move. If you say why . My mother looked me in the eye and said because it wont be good. Time and time again we cant go out certain places. Not because bad guys are out there but because of Police Officers. We have to make sure even if we dont understand the situation at hand that we dont make the wrong move. Not all Police Officers are bad guys. Im not sure if you have Police Officers in your family. Absolutely. Its not about villainfying Police Officers. When theres bad decisions made there needs to be accountability. Otherwise we encourage actions that took place with walter scott and other people. Let me ask you this. One of your pieces is entitled i no longer want to be a good strong black man. What do you mean by that . Its addressing the fact default as a black man, i need adjectives to say my life matters. For instance when somebody is killed we have to bring up their clean criminal record or the fact they wanted to go to college and all these things. Youve never heard anyone say a good strong white woman or good strong white man. Default gives me the doubt im human. Otherwise youre making my life less valuable. Back to the talk and the times that your mother would sit you down and say derrick, if youre pulled over keep your hands ten and two. When people have seen this video of walter scott in South Carolina one camp is saying he didnt do what the Police Officer instructed. Instead he got out of the car and ran. Why not do what the officers tell you . What we cant allow to happen is to let say Police Records or reports take the place of due process. Even guilty deserve their day in court. Unless an officers life is threatened theres no need to kill him. We look at him in the vacuum and say that black man was killed doing something wrong. That affects their family. Hes not just a black man. Shes a father hoping to walk his daughter down the aisle one day, go to his sons graduation. Is that worth crippling that family. You can cripple an entire community. Is that worth it because he didnt obey Police Commands and ran . Absolutely not. Derrick jackson, thank you. Thank you. Just ahead, an interview you cannot miss. Ill speak live with the man who just left prison after 30 years on death row. He is now a free man after a new revolution. Hell get candid about being scared of forks, the mall and what he thinks of lawyers and police that put him there. Stay with me. We all enter this world with a shout and we see no reason to stop. So cvs health is creating industryleading programs and tools that help people stay on medicines as their doctors prescribed. It could help save tens of thousands of lives every year. And that w ould be something worth shouting about. Cvs health, because health is everything. Last year americans spent 2. 5 a billion on commercial weight loss programs. Well, if youre going to spend a lot of money, you need to make sure youre getting a good program. Researchers took a look at studies on commercial weight loss programs. Heres what they found out. They found the number one program in terms of long term weight loss is jenny craig. Lets look at numbers. Dieters started out around 200 pounds. After a year folks on jenny craig lost 15 to 22 pounds. Compared to people that had counselling and education alone they lost two to six a year. Another program that did well is weight watchers. Its important to remember sometimes these can be expensive, like hundreds of a month. Not everyone can do them. Lets think about things you can do if you want to lose weight without having to spend all that hundred. Lets take lessons from whats worked in these programs. One thing thats really important is get support in person from people trying to do what youre doing. Whether family or friends or a support group. When youre surrounded by people trying to lose weight that really helps. Also drink beverages that dont have calories. Juice or soda which can have a lot of calorie, sometimes you slug those down and dont realize how many calories youre taking in. Thirdly, exercise to keep the weight off. Americans, we really arent that bad at losing weight. What were not great at is keeping it off. Exercise can really help. Back to you. Top of the hour here. Im brooke baldwin. Yo

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