Splattered with blood. A protester captured the shooting on video. [ screaming ] [ gunfire ] ave kept that from happening. Ah, [ bleep ]. Oh [ bleep ]. Okay there was just gunfire and now cops have guns drawn. Again, that was midnight. Fast forward to this morning and these pictures here s. W. A. T. Team members on a roof of this home all in connection with this manhunt. More on that in a moment but that raid happened less than two hours after the chief of st. Louis county Police Describe what happened to one of the officers the chief said the shooter was about 125 yards away. Taking aim from a hill likely with a handgun. And just last hour we heard from attorney general eric holder offering all of his federal resources at the top level here to find this gunman to aid in this investigation, speaking did not at all mince his words, cowardly repugnant attacks his words. Holder called the shooter a damn punk. What happened last night was a pure ambush. What happened last night was a pure ambush. This was not someone trying to bring healing to ferguson. This was a damn punk, a punk, who was trying to sow discord in an area thats trying to get its act together and trying to bring together a community thats been fractured for too long. Very direct very tough words from the attorney general. Ive got jake tapper. We got a lot to cover, jake. I know youve been there off and on for months and months so you have that perspective but first let me ask about this tactical operation at this home this morning. What has happened in the wake of that . Reporter well the three individuals who were in that home were taken into police custody. They have not been arrested and the politician are not discussing whats going on but they are being questioned about the shooting that took place last night. This is a familiar place to any of us who were here or watching the coverage back in november when that grand jury failed to return an indictment against officer Darren Wilson and apparently what happened was, there are about two dozen Police Officers there shortly after midnight and shots were fired. Police say from roughly 125 yard as way up the hill on tiffin which is the road right there. This is the same area we heard shots back in november when we were covering the unrest after the grand jury made its decision, brooke. And so when you saw the picture, when the st. Louis county police chief shared the picture of one of those officers helmets and you see the blood and realized bullet entrance was just two inches below his eye and is still lodged somewhere in his ear and the other officer, it is incredible to me to hear theyre both out of the hospital. Reporter no its incredible. Its strange to use the word lucky when it comes to a Police Shooting but the idea that one Police Officer would be shot in the right shoulder have the bullet go out through his back and the other would be shot right under his eye and the bullet still lodged behind his ear and apparently the bullets missed any vital organs both Police Officers have been released. Its an incredible blessing and incredible again, it sounds strange to say good fordo you know but in this context its lucky they werent more serious or even fatal, brooke. If and when there are more protests tonight and you have a now resigned police chief of ferguson, missouri jake tapper ho is in charge . Reporter well its obviously the Ferguson Police will be in charge. St. Louis county police will be in charge. We have heard talk that there is being discussion right now, there is discussion about a curfew of some sort. Thats not to say they have decided to impose it but we have heard discussion of a possible curfew obviously this is a town that is very much on edge with these two Police Officers having been shot. Theres also a lot of disagreement right now, chief belmar who you mentioned just a few minutes ago, brooke said at his press conference these protesters were among the shooters who shot at the Police Officers. Well protesters they disagree with that vehemently. They say that the shooters were not among them that they were in this parking lot area and the shooters were up on the hilliard as way but you have the police chief saying that the shooters were among them and thats certainly a strong charge being hotly disputed by many many witnesses, many protesters brooke. Thats part of the frustration that the confusion, you know you have these in town Peaceful Protesters even those who come from out of town who want to be part of this message and theyre obviously trying to distance themselves from whoever this individual or individuals who tried to assassinate these two officer, final question to you just perspectivewise, whats your sense in the community as far as what people think should happen to the Ferguson Police department . Because you have one group that says nix the Police Department just have st. Louis county in charge and others say, no we need our own Police Department just take out a couple bad apples. Whats the situation . Reporter there are a lot of different opinions. We should talk about the fact that obviously this the group of people who come out here to protest is not a monolith. Most of them are Peaceful Protesters most of them want change whether its institutional change or a specific change such as disbanding the Ferguson Police department thats up to the individual. There are also sometimes with these Ferguson Protesters a Smaller Group of angrier individuals who are cursing, who can be potentially violent, and to say that this whole group wants one thing does a disservice to the protesters here. Okay. Jake tapper i know youre there live for your entire hour and through the evening well be watching for you in the next hour thank you so much. As we mentioned we heard from eric holder the attorney general just a little while ago speaking condemning the attacks. Not the only person to call the attack on police in ferguson an ambush. Listen to the chief of the st. Louis county police. This is really an ambush is what it is. I mean you cant see it coming. You dont understand that its going to happen and youre basically defenseless from the fact that it is happening to you at the time. And that is something that is very difficult to guard against when you have a group of officers standing in a large group and then you know you have gunfire, certainly gunfire directed at them. We were very close to having happen what happened in the nypd with officer ramos and officer liu and i didnt expect the amount of antation at times that we saw last night out of the crowd based on the news that happened yesterday. And not everybody there expressed agitation, but we certainly are always cautious but i didnt expect obviously either that we would have two Police Officers shot last night. Lets stay in ferguson and bring in a reporter in ferguson overnight and witnessed the shootings. The midwest correspondent for the new york times. John, welcome. Reporter hi. Just begin. You you were there. Tell me what you saw, what you heard. Reporter yeah well at the time i was in my car when the shooting happened. It was actually settling down a little bit and i was in my car charging my phone and i was like right across from the Police Station facing the backs of the protesters. I could see the cops and i was contemplating going home because going back to my hotel because it quieted down and was fizzling out and five minutes after that thought you heard pop, pop, pop, pop and i really just saw i saw all the cops just hit the ground. I saw a bunch of protesters hit the ground and saw people running every which way and initially i wasnt sure how big of a deal it was because i covered protests back in august and november and ive gunshots before but you never in those case no one was shot and so at this point i wasnt sure if this was the shots again but it seemed like there were officers being dragged by other officers so that was my first clue something was off here but i wasnt sure until later they confirmed there were officers shot. Did you ultimately get out of your car . I ask only because aisle curious to hear how these other demonstrators responded to the pop, pop, pop you heard . Reporter well i sat in my car for awhile because you saw a lot of cops who, you know were crouching down behind you know cars behind retaining walls, behind gates and had their weapons drawn and i dont want to pop out of a car and make sudden moves and saw some demonstrators were crawling on the ground and others walking by with their hands up so there was a lot of you know a lot of tension. It was a very tense atmosphere with the cops looking around and eventually the cops tactically up the hill across the Police Department from where they shots came from and hidden behind a shield and had their weapons drawn. One flashed his lights over my car and turned on my inside dome light on and saw my hands up and later as i saw it i eventually got out of the car and started to talk to people and cops about what had happened. So john, this is midnight or overnight hours at this point. Are we talking dozens of people out and about or about a hundred . Im just trying to picture this. Reporter well you mean when the shooting occurred . Yes. Yeah i would say less than a hundred. It was probably around 200 more than folks out there but at this point i would say a hundred or less or fewer were out there. And from whomever youre talking to today, what might ferguson look like tonight . What might ferguson look like in the next month . Might there be more violence . What are you hearing . Yeah well i guess thats the Million Dollar question. I talked to a couple of activists today and said they might actually not protest tonight, that mr. Might be a vigil of some sort. I think out of respect they might hold oven the protest but people in the movement have been staunch the movement will continue and that they are not to blame for what happened you know they are just as mad about, you know the people who fired the shots as the cops are so its going to be interesting to see what comes forward because i think even before the gunfire happened that there was some tensions and there were people saying you know this is whats to come all summer as it gets warmer and people not having school anymore and people start coming out so i think there is genuinely a lot of concern about whats going to happen going forward. John eligon with the new york times, thank you so much. Well stay with you. Well speak with an africanamerican Police Officer. This is a young man currently active on a police force in the united states. What he says why he says things have gotten worse since being an officer since all of this really became part of our National Conversation and why officers he says are now afraid to do their jobs. Plus one of the secret Service Agents on the president s terminal detail a apparently crashed into the white house barricade and word that he and another agent got special treatment. The brandnew scandal rocking the agency ahead on cnn. At ally bank no branches equals great rates. Its a fact. Kind of like mute buttons equal danger. That sound good . Not being on this phone call sounds good. Its not muted. Was that you jason . It was geoffrey it was jason. It couldve been brenda. When the moments spontaneous, why pause to take a pill . Or stop to find a bathroom . Cialis for daily use is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. 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But the situation is incredibly tense there and all of this just think of the timing here this comes on the heels of months and months of unrest in ferguson. Following the killing last summer of Michael Brown as those demonstrations Gain Momentum one Police Officer, an africanamerican officer in new mexico penned this open letter specifically to africanamerican protesters. His name is Anwar Sanders and said it was, quote, hard for him to sit in silence. Let me just read part of this letter that he wrote some time ago. What i think is lost in the raw emotions of ferguson is that we must be careful not to create a deeper chasm between communities of color and Law Enforcement. The historical skepticism that blacks have of Law Enforcement has merit but we all have to Work Together to end institutional racism in america. Both sides need to do away with the stereotypes that prohibit us from seeing each others humanity and officer sanders is joining me again. We keep calling you up, an what because you just i appreciate your voice and your perspective so thank you very much for coming back on the show. No problem. Thanks for having me again. You know you wrote this letter to these Ferguson Protesters last year and can you just tell me in the months since then what has changed for you as an officer of the law . Theres absolutely been an increase of violence theres been vandalism on police vehicles. Theres been just a constant threat you know we get the people who will come up to us and say, hands up dont shoot. You know trying to test you and try to get a reaction out of you just based off these other situations that happened across the country so i also understand you were saying some officers were acting slower because theyre afraid to use deadly force because of any potential backlash. Right. Theres officers i see in the department who, you know are potentially very violent, lethal situation, one case comes to mind where theres a subject barricaded in the house, brandishing a knife and threatening to kill whoever comes in and the officer tases the man and rolls around with the individual that has a knife and thats potentially a dangerous situation where one might use a firearm instead because, you know that knife gets in you, youre going to potentially die so i see that officers are more reluctant to use real deadly force because theyre afraid of the actual backlash which is thats the complete opposite because at the end of the day your goal is to go home to your family. Exactly what the attorney general just said in reference to his retired Law Enforcement brother. Anwar, let me get you to react generally. This department of justice report in the wake of ferguson the city and the Police Department essentially saying police were unfairly targeting africanamericans in this community, you know writing tickets, you know were giving them fines just to raise money for the Police Department and obviously was part was financially motivated. Part was just sheer discriminatory. As a Police Officer, how do the steps work to make sure this kind of discrimination doesnt happen . I dont know. I guess it would be different within each department. I just i always have a hard time with the singling out individuals cars and stuff like that because its thats not how it works. You need probable cause and reasonable suspicion and all these other factors to actually initiate a traffic stop so Somebody Just being black or being white isnt enough to pull a car over legally. So i always have a hard time with that. I know when i work i dont even know what color the person is until i get to the window to see him so i cant speak on that and dont know how these officers are discriminating against these people like is the demographics of this particular neighborhood nosily africanamerican where mostly africanamericans will be subject to being pulled over by Law Enforcement . So theres a lot of questions that you got to when you deal with that. Well we do know the community in ferguson is majority africanamerican and that its not reflective in the force, something a lot of people are calling for change for. Anwar sanders, thank you so much for coming on again and also of course for being a Police Officer and protecting us. I appreciate you. Thank you very much brooke. Take care. You got it. Same to you. Just ahead on cnn, what investigators could be doing right now to try to find the gunman who shot those two Police Officers in ferguson around midnight and next two secret Service Members in big trouble after their car crashed into the gates around the white house, one of the agents very high up. President obamas number two guy as far as his personal detail goes did they get special treatment after a night of partying . Youre watching cnn. Stay with me. Mouths are watering, and stomachs are growling. Or is that just me . Its lobsterfest. Red lobsters largest variety of lobster dishes all year. Double up with dueling lobster tails. Or make lobster lovers dream a delicious reality. But hurry this wont last long. Just in to cnn, the coast guard is suspending its search for 11 Service Members missing after that helicopter crashed off the Florida Panhandle during a training exercise. Search and rescue coordinator said the decision was made quote, with heavy hearts. Teams have spent more than 36 hours going over this 94squaremile area. General Martin Dempsey said the tragedy is a reminder to us that those that serve put themselves at risk and in combat. And today yet another scandal jolting the secret service bringing more public shame to the Beleaguered Agency tasked with protecting the president and his family. Two senior agents reassigned and under investigation after crashing a government car into a white house barricade last week possibly after a night of drinking. Neither was arrested neither given a sobriety test and just the latest embarrassment. I know you remember some of these. Agents caught soliciting prostitutes in colombia. Too drunk to stand in amsterdam and not noticing and stopping a white house fence jumper. Lets go to the white house. So i could continue on. I know you know. Reporter i was just thinking that. What is the list is so long now. Its long and growing. What does the white house have to say . Its almost year by year you see one of these incidents. This is something that the white house is embarrassed by as well. I mean they just appointed this new secret service director. He was officially named permanently to that position. Less than a month ago, so dont really want to talk about this but they really have to so what the white house is saying yes, the president is disappointed. He knew both of these agents who have been reassigned so theyre till with the secret service at least as of now, but theyve been reassigned to non nonsupervisory nonoperational roles. We were talking to a White House Administration official about the timing of this. I mean there is the allegation that there was something of a coverup here. That these officer has crashed into some barricades that people on the scene wanted to test them to see if they were drunk. Possibly even arrest them. But the allegation is that a supervisor who was on duty a supervisor with the secret Service Allowed the two agents to just go home. But the white house says they understand that thats the allegation. Theyre not giving any more detail but they dont think that the secret service tried to keep information from the white house and the white house says well that would have been impossible anyway but this Administration Official does say that even the white house at this point does not know all of what happened that night and thats why its now under investigation with the Inspector Generals Office of the department of Homeland Security brooke. Sure im sure they want to wait until all those detail is are dotted. Reporter i think whats interesting. All of these details that come out and they come out almost hour by hour its very similar to the fence jumper incident when we find out what really happened that the guy was really armed and found out that a full day later, the secret service is saying absolutely nothing about this. Michelle kosinski thank you. Well take you back to our breaking news here. A manhunt under way in ferguson, missouri for the person or persons who shot two Police Officers last night. Were live with don lemon next. He was there for many of these protests in the past couple of months and spoke with a young person who lived there, also ahead, crime scene investigation. How investigators looking at those shell casings talking to eyewitnesses trying to track down the gunman. Meet the worlds newest Energy Superpower. Surprised . In fact, america is now the worlds number one natural gas producer. And we could soon become number one in oil. 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I just got on the ground and didnt get to speak to a lot except for texts but have been talking to some of the protesters here and some of the resident as well the protesters obviously upset. They dont agree with what happened last night but still upset and think young unarmed people are being targeted and want that to stop but the residents, its a different story. The people who mainly live here. Im wondering if theres a disconnect between the protesters and people who live there. That mel la lives here with her aunt. You lived here for a couple of years. Shes 21 years old. You said you were just trying to you live here. You didnt hear the commotion. I didnt hear any of the commotion last night. Actually my cousin saw it like on facebook or something and ran in the house oh theyre acting up down the street. Were like what. So i probably the most i heard was a siren. Reporter you were trying to walk to to the likebrary. Reporter what do you think. We want to walk to the store without seeing cameras. We want a regular everyday life. Reporter youre almost confusioned. Almost confused with reporter why . Why everyone is not so much i still understand why were upset but like i said it takes time. People theyre firing people. Theyre resigning, people maybe not exactly who you want that to be. But we see change you know what im saying so, you know, just be patient. We have to be patient. We have to. Reporter you dont think anything will happen if people continue to be angry . We continue to be angry, its giving its taking attention away from the positive and puttinging it on the negative like searching for bullet casings when we could be finding out, you know like putting stuff together on who may be the next mayor or picking up a book. You know what im saying. Reading to your little cousin is change. Thats change. Reporter you dont think that people should be protesting . Surely we still can protest. Of course i still see and understand you know black lives do matter and we still have to get a message across and there still is a message that needs to be heard but thats not the right way to do it. Again, lets talk about the disconnect because the residents i talk to say i just want my neighborhood to go back to normal. And the protesters say, look im sick of it. Is there a disconnect . There is a disconnect because the people that live right down the street arent out here stopping traffic. You know what im saying holding up signs. We may be out here holding up signs but were peacefully to the side of the sidewalk. You know what im saying . So the negativity has to stop. It has to. Thats the disconnect. Thats the disconnect. Reporter what do you say to the officers the families of the officers and the officers who were shot . Its awful. We appreciate them serving. We appreciate the protections. We appreciate them putting their lives on the line every day. We do. And our heart goes out to them. It does. Reporter you said since this has happened this changed you. How so . Just making me want to be a role model for my cousins and nephews and even my brothers and sisters. Reporter you joined the army. Youre 21 years old. This made you join the army. Not exactly. Not exactly. But it sparked an immediate change in me. You know it made me want to get up, you know motivated me yeah. Reporter thank you for being so candid. Thank you. Reporter thank you. Thats jamila buckley. A lot of people will talk to me in person and wont come on camera. Shes brave enough to come on camera. People are still upset and think people should have the right to profession but most of the people who live here they just want their neighborhood back brooke. We need more jamilas. Thank her for me as well. This has made her become a role model and wants her neighborhood back. Thank you so much don and to jamila as well. The other part is the search for the gunman. David katz is ceo of Global Security group and from the Drug Enforcement Agency Formerly and my first question to you being, okay so in order to find the shooter, or shooters of these two Police Officer, we know theyre looking at shell casings from the crime scene. We know theyre talking to eyewitnesses but beyond that what else do they do . The forensics are most important, find out exactly we were discussing off air. First a rifle and now a handgun and get the facts straight, what type of weapon was used then of course eyewitness accounts that apparently they know where the rounds were fired from so do full forensics on that location eyewitness identification of anyone near the area. Maybe have a vehicle, maybe a plate. As they report now theyre questioning three people of interest so maybe theyve identified these folks. Let me get to the three people in just a second. But back to the handgun issue. Handgun and specifically from the spokesperson talking earlier it was ricocheted. These bullets ricocheted about a football field and a quarter down to where these officers were at the Police Department. And now were hearing one of the officers it hit below his eye and perhaps it was just a piece of the bullet fragment its now lodged in his ear area but a handgun. 100 capable that have. Absolutely. Handgun is not what you would choose to take a shot at 125 yards or relatively easy shot a football field length away with a rifle is a very very difficult shot. Thats almost impossible shot especially for a nonprofessional shooter. At that range its much more likely that the shooter would miss it would strike the outside of the building the depends, could be various type of bullets but generally its lead surrounded by a core of copper and hit the wall and pieces will splatter everywhere and apparently what happened. One pierced his cheek and lodged under his ear. Thats right. And an amazingly these officers despite these injuries theyre out of the hospital which is wonderful news for them and their families. Final question as far as this tactical operation and this home search we know as a result that have three people are now being questioned. What would be the line of questioning and also talk a little bit more about the paraffin test in which they can tell if these individuals sdmrrs thats its very very old technology. You can determine whether someone fired a weapon in the short period of time. The residue will be on the hands and there will be forensics for people nearby can get it on their clothing for example, so usual questioning is you know where were you try to establish where they were you might try to get false exculpatories and ask them a few questions and theyll say, well i was home watching tv and we have them on a surveillance camera around the corner then you know theyre lying based on their statements. And that goes further to suggest guilt. So its generally going to be very very basic line of questioning but if they have the right people theyre going to test them and find they have residue, maybe theyre somehow linked. Maybe theyve registered a handgun or have similar ammunition in their residences a lot of ways you can tie them to that shooting . Hopefully they find the shooter or shooters very quickly. David katz thank you very much for your expertise. Coming up next a new voice is slamming those republican senators who all sent that letter to iran and its Supreme Leader. He called it part of americas, quote shgs ploys and tricks how it affects the republican stance. Also ahead, matthew, mark luke and john the gospels, but what about the gospel of judas that didnt make it into the bible tells quite a different tale about the man who is thought to have betrayed jesus and preview one of our cnn documentaries coming un. Its a fact. Kind of like shopping hungry equals overshopping. [ male announcer ] at northrop grumman, weve always been at the forefront of advanced electronics. Providing technology to get more detail. Detect hidden threats. See the whole picture. Process critical information and put it in the hands of our defenders. Reaching constantly evolving threats before they reach us. Thats the value of performance. Northrop grumman. Doug. Youve been staring at that for awhile, huh . Listen, Td Ameritrade has former floor traders to help walk you through that complex trade. So youll be confident enough to do what you want. Ill pull up their number. Blammo. Lets get those guys on the horn. Oooo looks like it is time to upgrade your phone, douglass. For all the confidence you need. Td ameritrade. You got this. The 47 republican senators who wrote to iran about its Nuclear Program got slammed by democrats and now theyre getting blasted by the men they were writing to. Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khomeini dismissed it as part of their ploys and tricks and the negotiations over irans Nuclear Program and that wasnt all. He also said this about the negotiators. Quote, of course im concerned because the other side is into deception, trickery and backstabbing. So with me on set, what a treat, our chief Congressional Correspondent dana bash. Hi, brooke. Hi. Beginning with first when you read the words from the ayatollah, deception, trickery and backstabbing. Isnt that washington. He has that part right. Maybe hes watching too much house of cards suggests it was some sort of deal that republicans made with the Obama White House to try to derail these iran negotiations if only the Obama White House and the republicans had that kind of relationship where they could come up with that kind of deal. Right. Not so much. Not at all. This was truly a partisan thing, republicans, 47 of them writing this letter which they realized most of them many of them are not backing away from the content of it but they are surprised by how much of an explosion this has caused. But what is this . I dont know if buyers remorse is the right way to put it or signers remorse that senator john mccain is saying we were trying to get out of d. C. To get out of a snowstorm and signed it maybe too quickly. He explained how it went down which is just that. He was talking about the fact that on i believe it was the end of last week they were all looking through this letter that tom cotton a freshman senator from arkansas he certainly has military experience and a sense of the world stage but all of these veteran republican senators like john mccain, like the Republican Senate leader the Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell signed it. They do say that insist they dont regret doing it when it comes to the content. What mccains aides are telling me is that what he was suggesting was that he regrets the process, so you can square that circle you know but in any event, theres no question does this make things more partisan and the important thing to underscore brooke, the idea of congressional a congressional stamp on these talks was really bipartisan because republicans were very close to getting a vetoproof majority with democrats on board to pass legislation to tell the president , youve got to come to congress before this is done. Weve got to either give it an approval or not and now democrats, many of them are backing away because they say, wait a minute this is so partisan its backfiring. Dana thanks very much. Thanks brooke. I appreciate it. Next ferguson, missouri ferguson, missouri a lot of nerves frayed and because of the violence last night, two Police Officers they are out of the hospital after being shot last evening, looking for a gunman possibly gunmen this manhunt under way. Well take you back to ferguson, missouri next, youre watching cnn. At tracfone, we believe that you should keep what you buy. Thats why your unused talk, text and data never expires with active service. Some major carriers say you can keep your data. But when you read the fine print, your data does expire. Makes you wonder what else youre losing. But tracfone has unlimited carryover, so you get to keep your unused talk, text and data. 90day plans with unlimited carryover start as low as 20. Unbeatable nationwide coverage. No contract. Tracfone. Do everything for less. This sunday here on cnn our new series entitled finding jesus explores the mystery behind another man, judas. Judas represents one of the most famous acts of betrayal in history and perhaps one of the most misunderstood. Jesus wanted to be sacrificed. He asked judas to betray him and judas says why me. Jesus said because you are the closest to me. I beg you to do it. He understands whats happening. Hes helping jesus. He knows that because of what he has to do hes going to be hated forever. Judas is doing what jesus wants him to do. Look god sent jesus to die for the sins of mankind. Someone has to betray him. Someone has to fulfill this mission. Jesus is saying i have to die on the cross in order to do what i was sent here to do. Pastor william shields is Senior Pastor at Hopewell Missionary Baptist Church in atlanta, georgia. Good to see you. Welcome. Thank you for having us. Lets just begin here with judas. Why he betrays jesus is one of the biggest Unanswered Questions in the bible. Might this lost gospel solve the mystery . There is no mystery. Yes, the book of genesis, chapter 3, when god said the seed of the woman shall bruise the head of the serpent. Satan and jesus both bruised but not destroyed. Jesus died on the cross and rose again and he is still with us. In the spirit and person of the holy spirit. But judas being the betrayer is true. Even in this manuscript that has been called the gospel of judas, i cant call it that. Its a manuscript. Even he the writer said yes, i betrayed jesus. Yes, he did have to betray jesus. He was doomed to do so. Jesus uses the father uses whom he chooses and what he chooses. He chose a rooster to crow three times there at the rest of jesus. He chose then an arrowhead to float. He chose then this judas to be the betrayer because yes, jesus had to go to the cross to die for our sins and he rose for our justification. So yes, there is a judas and yes, hes a betrayer but this manuscript said he was closest to jesus, that i rebuke because the gospels, in all of the four gospels theres a list of disciples. Peter, james and john are listed always the first three, and then there is some shuffling of the other names up or down but judas is always listed last. Any time there is some dialogue with jesus is when real dialogue is when mary anointed the feet of jesus and dried them with this expensive perfume with her hair and judas said why did you waste that i could have sold that for 100 pence and given it to the poor and the bible said he had no intent to give it to the poor because judas didnt care about the poor. Jesus rebuked him by saying shes doing this for my burial. Thats the dialogue he had with him. Then at the end, more dialogue. Go quickly and betray me. So as listed last you dont want to call it this last gospel of jesus, what else are historians learning about this pastor . About this about the manuscript . Yes. Yes. They are learning that there was really a judas and he did betray christ. And he did. Theres a yiddish proverb that says better an honest slap in the face than an insincere kiss. What a way to identify this judas, this judas of history, this judas of the bible. So then the manuscript doesnt change anything for christians. It reinforces the fact that there was one who was born for the purpose of betraying our christ that he would die on the cross for our sins and be raised for our justification. It enforces and reinforces i produced a movie titled sunday morning rapture to depict the Second Coming of christ but it starts off beginning and middle about the fact that you must accept this risen christ so that when he comes back again, we will be caught up to be with him. All these stories, this lost manuscript. I know these archeological findings all part of this documentary. Bishop thank you so much. Again, its called finding jesus. It airs sunday 9 00 p. M. Eastern right here on cnn. Quickly before i let you go on this thursday lets take a quick look at the markets. The dow jones is up. Here we go. Look at all that green. It is up just about 260 points just shy of the closing bell. After being down really much of the week stocks rallied. Fed said big banks passed the stress test. The banks flooded the markets with cash and there you go. Dow in the green 260 points. That does it for me. Im Brooke Baldwin back here in new york. The lead with jake tapper live in ferguson starts now. Two officers down. Im jake tapper live in ferguson, missouri. This is the lead. The national lead. Shots echoing out in this town again. Two officers hit in the midst of protests after the chief resigns. Today, police calling the attack an ambush and saying whomever fired those bullets had murderous intent. Right now a manhunt is under way. Authorities searching for suspects and pleading for anyone with information to come forward. What happens next with ferguson on edge . Will protesters turn out again . Can Ferguson Police keep the peace

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