Members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus meet with officials. First, perspective here. Perspective you need to hear and one perhaps we have not heard from enough. This is from a person on the front lines, not at the border, but in the immigration courtroom. Joining me is attorney rebeccaal salman, representing more than 1,000 undocumented children in the united states. She works for the access to Law Foundation in atlanta. So rebecca, welcome. Thank you so much. And is that roughly correct . 1,000, 1,000plus kids . We have a floating group of kids that we represent, but we have seen an increase recently. So, i mean, they have seen an increase since i really started tracking in october. But its this past month and a half that i think surge is the appropriate word of these kids crossing over. Why so much more now . I wish i knew the answer. I think that what weve investigated, what weve heard from our clients is its theyre literally fleeing from insecurity. From Gang Activity. From threats of death daily from the lack of an education, from the lack of just a safe future. But im sorry to press you, but in the last month infoand a half, were seeing these kids, its been that way. We have seen the month and a half an increase of numbers. But the stories really havent changed from the past. So i feel like the stories are the same, were just seeing a lot more attention to them. Is it more teenage boys, teenage girls . How many pregnant girls are you seeing . I think historically, we had seen typically the teenage boys. Were beginning to see an enormous amount of girls, girls who have been sexually assaulted in their homeland. Unfortunately sexually assaulted en route. Theyre getting younger and younger. There is a good amount of girls coming across either pregnant or already with babies. You know, just monthold babies crossing three continents to get here. Its unbelievable. You mentioned the sexual assault. And i think its interesting people talk about maybe these young people are fleeing from that reality back home in central america. But its also the train of death as we have sent a correspondent to see people losing life and limb, trying to make it across. But theyre also beaten, starved and assaulted on the way. Everything. These children are not leaving their home with a bag packed with money and supplies and clothes and a plan. These children are just leaving. So theyre prey to, you know, problems along the way. They come here starved. They come here already with some injuries. But theyre kids. I mean, i go back to theyre kids. Do they really know what theyre doing when theyre doing it . Are the parents putting them up to it, are the parents already here . You know the answer. They dont know what theyre doing. Theyre children. They lack the ability to make appropriate decisions, weighing the consequences. Not once have we talked to any of our clients who weighed the consequences of what it was going to mean to leave that place and cross three countries. So once theyre here, what are their options . Theyre limited. If a child is here, or an adult, if theyre here unlawfully, if they have crossed the border unlawfully and just want to be here because they are fleeing poverty or want a job, theres nothing under our Immigration Law to accompany that. If theyre here because theyre fleeing some sort of abuse or persecution from their government or something the government can control, they may be a candidate for asylum. Or some of the children are candidates for special immigrant juvenile status. You mentioned aside will you please. This is something that we have talked about reasonable, because you could meet criteria and therefore take a different trajectory to try to stay in the united states. But at the same time, a lot of people, at least this is according to our reporting, and people we have met, are capitalizing on that loophole. Right . And not necessarily truly in need of asylum. Well, im not sure who the people are. And im not sure what the claim is. I can only tell you, if someone brings us a credible claim, with some substating evidence behind it, i believe theyre entitled to due process before a judge. What are the criteria . Trying to understand this. Theres five criteria for asylum claim. And, again, theyre the same for adults or children. So you have to be persecuted by your government. Or someone the government cant control. And it has to be based on five particular criteria, be one of them might be your social group. So it may be that we could tie a Gang Activity that the government couldnt control to your particular place in your social group. But its very difficult. Thats very difficult. The majority of the folks i think youre working with, i had seen voluntarily go back home to honduras, el salvador, other countries. And just final question. In the end, is it as risky, even going home as it is coming here . Absolutely not. They come here walking and begging rides and you know, in risk. When the children are returned home, if theyre given the benefit of the voluntary departure, theyre returning on an airplane, theyre returning in a bus, returning with a tick ticket, someone knows when they left and returning back home. If its appropriate for them to return home, then theyre returning home to their family. Thank you so much. Its sad. Thank you so much for your interest. So many questions on this. Rebecca salmon, i really appreciate it. I appreciate it. And jose vargas, just staying on this. You know his story. He is free. He says being detained was no political stunt whatsoever. He may well be the bestknown undocumented immigrant in america. He profiled himself on the cnn film documented. We talked to him on the show. A Border Patrol detained him. Hes a former pulitzer prizewinning journalist, trying to leave the border town of mcallen, texas, to witness the plight of these undocumented children from central america. Officials say vargas was released on his own recognizance and must go before a judge later. He has been active on social media, posting this on facebook today. I only visited and i got out. I got out. What about other immigrants . Jose antonio vargas. Meantime, a california woman says she is not guilty of injecting a google executive with heroin and then watching him die. 26yearold Alex Tichelman was arraigned in court today on not just manslaughter charges, but drug possession and prostitution. Tickleman met hayes on this dating website that some folks say is absolutely a front for prostitution. The website maintains it is merely dating. Authorities say she had an ongoing prostitution relationship with hayes, but her attorneys say that that picture is not entirely accurate. Cnn national correspondent, kyung lah was inside the courtroom for the ramt. She joins me live. What exactly happened, and i heard also her family was in that courtroom. Reporter her family was in the courtroom. A woman who looked very much like her. Were only at this point guessing that may have been her sister. Her parents. The judge did say her parents were in the courtroom, and they all left. They didnt speak to reporters, and she did look in their direction, but throughout this hearing, a very, very short hearing, an arraignment in california is very brief. She said virtually nothing, just yes, sir and sir. And appeared quite serious, because these charges are indeed very serious. She did ask to be released on her own recognizance, brooke. That was denied. As far as the bail being reduced, currently 1. 5 million. The request to lower that, as well, was denied. She remains in custody. Brooke . Okay. And then what are the lawyers, kyung, saying whether tichelman is a black widow has she has been portrayed in the media . Reporter yeah, what youre talking about is this case in georgia. Within the last three months, she had a boyfriend in georgia die of a heroin overdose. And we know of this last case as well here with the google executive. But what her attorneys are saying is that these are certainly bad circumstances that follows a drug addict. The way her attorneys are painting this case is a very different painting and portrayal were getting today than we have seen from the police. This was a consensual affair. She, the prostitute, he the client. They mutually agree to do heroin. It was a night that went bad, an accident. As far as her being cold and calculating and sipping on wine on the yacht instead of attending to a dying man, heres what her attorneys told us. What about what the police say about her stepping over him up to five times and finishing her wine . I cant get into the facts of the case. Ive certainly reviewed the video. I dont think that its been the most accurate representation in the media. The only thing about the previous case that would make this relevant is if this person was actually going around as some form of like black widow type of character, and killing people. Okay . The current case doesnt fit into anything of that sort. Reporter her attorneys say what we have here are arc types that are the picture of scandal, and thats why police are playing this up. Obviously, police and prosecutors, brooke, dispute that. They believe what they have here is a very serious case. Brooke . Okay, kyung lah, thank you very much. Coming up next, a mother of Cooper Harris is speaking out. Remember, hes the little toddler died after he was left inside a hot car in georgia. His father, justin ross harris, is charged with felony murder. So now his mother has released a statement through her lawyer. She has a very specific message for the public and for the media. And to make her point, she brings up Richard Jewell, the vindicated atlanta olympic park bombing suspect. Well explain why. Next. You are watching cnn. [male vo] inside this bag is 150 years of swedish experience in perfecting the rich, never bitter taste of gevalia. We do it all for this very experience. [woman] thats good. I know right . Gevalia. Cmon, you want heartburn . When your favorite food starts a fight, fight back fast, with tums. Heartburn relief that neutralizes acid on contact. And goes to work in seconds. Tum, tum tum tum. Tums really. So our business can be on at ts network for 175 dollars a month . Yup. All five of you for 175. Our clients need a lot of attention. Theres unlimited talk and text. Were working deals all day. You get 10 gigabytes of data to share. What about expansion potential . Add a line anytime for 15 bucks a month. Low dues. Great terms. Lets close. Introducing at t mobile share value plans. With our bestever pricing for business. But with medcare, i dont have to waiting to get my diabetic supplies is such a hassle. They deliver everything i need right to my door with Free Shipping plus, medcare takes private policies, medicaid, even my medicare now we have the time to do the things we love. Medcare. We deliver a better life. Welcome back. Im brooke baldwin. For the very first time now since remember sons funeral, we are hearing from the mother of that toddler who was left to die in a hot suv in georgia. Her message to the media was this. Leave me alone. Leanna harris spoke through her attorney, who released this statement, and in part it reads, newspapers, television and online media have fostered a poisonous atmosphere, in which leannas every word, action and emotion or failure to cry in front of a crowd is scrutinized for some supposed hidden meaning in much the same way the press mound hounded olympic hero Richard Jewell when he didnt behave as some thought he should. That was the statement. Police say harris husband left their son strapped into a car seat in his suv for seven hours while he went to work last month. He has pleaded not guilty to charges of murder and child cruelty. Joining me now, cnn legal analyst, mel robbins, and our senior legal correspondent, host from cnn reliable sources Brian Stelter. Brian, its your job to watch tv and read newspapers. I want to begin with you as far as the perspective from media. Because going back to Richard Jewell, i remember being at those olympics and i think a lot of people forget he was cleared because he was so totally vilified. He said he lived for 88 days, afraid of being arrested for a crime he didnt commit. Is that fair, that comparison, in this case . I understand why they are making it, because it conjures up an image in our minds that is sympathetic to this woman. Oftentimes, in this news cycle we live in, an initial story is a category 5, and then the followup is a category 1. Theres usually not as much attention later on. In some cases, maybe, it is comparable. But i dont we dont know enough in this case to know if its really a fair comparison. You wrote this opinion piece on cnn. Com even before the statement from the lawyer, from this mother. Do you stand by it, the fact that, listen, its easy to speculate, but lets be fair, basically . Yes. Absolutely. Come on, we can all sit at home and watch television and sit back and say, oh, shes not crying. Ooh, what a weird statement to make. Which many people have done. Lets be fair. Of course, of course. But all of them have a completely benign explanation to them. Its one thing to look at the husbands case, who is behind bars. Its another thing to incite a riot around this womans guilt, regarding the death of her son. I think the statement by the attorney was spoton. Leave her alone. Let me go through some of the points. I would love to hear youre a parent, as well. With your mother hat on as well, mel robbins. A lot of people keep going back to the day we got from this probably cause hearing when you hear from this detective talking about on date little cooper died, this mother arrives at the daycare, and find out that her son hadnt been dropped off. And apparently she initially thought, you know, oh, my husband must have left my child in the car. And then the second thing about how she and her husband were in this Police Interrogation room, not realizing other people were listening and said well did you say too much. Suspect on one level. You know, brooke, i totally agree with you. I thought the same thing. Lets take them one at a time. Okay. The statement at the daycare. If, in fact, it is her Worst Nightmare to have her son die in a hot car, and she arrives to pick the kid up and hes not there, it might just be maternal instinct, deepest fear. I write in the article that my husband and i got two phone calls backtoback, and then a third one at the house, and i turned to him for no reason, brooke, and said i bet the school is on lockdown. And sure enough, it was. For four hours. It just happened this spring. So and we also, by the way, dont know if he had sent her an email or a text, for example, saying im so sorry and she is putting things together in her head. The second thing, did you say too much . Well, if the guy did make a mistake and botched the explanation and cover up of it and now there are sexts, she probably is thinking, what did you say . You know, if this was a mistake, why are you behind bars . Did you say too much . You dummy. Not dummy like youre guilty. But dummy like you made everybody think you did this . Yeah. What . No, and i hear you. I hear you loud and clear. But the question comes she could be saying more. But brian, what is the line for Media Coverage on this kind of story . Because it could go either way. We just dont know yet. Well, i think these conversations are possibility, you know. Because we have to think about those issues and not rush to these judgments. On the other hand, she could be doing more. Not just her attorney. She could be doing more to state her case. Wait a minute, brian. No way. You want to know why . In the state of georgia, she has no spousal privilege. She will be called as a witness to testify against her husband, because she does not have any protection whatsoever in this type of crime. So any statement that she makes right now could be used against her in a court of law, if, in fact, they end up prosecuting him. Well, this is a negative consequence of the media. Brooke, ill tell you about one positive consequence. I noticed in this morning, i was in dallas driving back to new york. Big sign on the top of the road. It said never leave a child alone in a car. If a child is alone in a car, get help. This is a National Issue now, not because of the court case, but because of the medias coverage of the case. I read a story just this morning, out of texas, of some kids banging on a car and left inside, locked in there. And just total strangers helped get them out. So the awareness is there. Well see how it goes as far as this mother is concerned. Mel robbins and brian stelt e thank you very much. I appreciate both of you. Coming up, palestinian leaders say four children were killed by an israeli strike on gaza. They were out playing soccer on the beach. Today, more cease fire talks are planned. But is there any progress . Well talk to wolf blitzer, live again in jerusalem. Hell join me from there. Also, you have heard of Rupert Murdoch, the billionaire who owns various media outlets, including fox news. Did you know this, he made an offer to buy time warner, the Parent Company of us here at cnn. What happened . Well discuss in depth, next. You do a lot of things great. But parallel parking isnt one of them. Youre either too far from the curb. Or too close to other cars. Its just a matter of time until you rip some guys bumper off. So, here are your choices take the bus. Or get Liberty Mutual insurance. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. See Car Insurance in a whole new light. Call Liberty Mutual insurance. Yeah, citi mobile. Pay the dog sitter . And deposit that check . Citi mobile. Pack your bathing suit . Wearing it. Niiice bank from almost anywhere with the citi mobile app. Bulldog bulldog oooh mattress discounters 197 mattress Sale Television announcer get a serta mattress, any size, for just 197 each piece when you buy the complete set. The 197 mattress sale. Bulldog oh boy Television Announcer . Is on now. Mattress discounters yeah, citi mobile. Pay the dog sitter . And deposit that check . Citi mobile. Pack your bathing suit . Wearing it. Niiice bank from almost anywhere with the citi mobile app. Media mastermind Rupert Murdoch is trying to expand his empire and his eye is on the Parent Company of cnn, time warner. He made an 80 billion bid to buy the company, but it was all for naught. Time warner rejected it. Is this really the end . We bring him back, host of reliable sources Brian Stelter is back. Hello again. Hello again, my friend. Can you tell me more about this potential, you know, deal or offer . And why did why did time warner say no to him . Time warner says it said no because they believe they can execute greater value for shareholders on their own. Independent. Without having an acquisition like murdoch. That is something that was announced this morning. Once right after this deal, proposal first leaked. One of these situations where the idea for murdoch leaked out and within an hour, both companies had confirmed it. Right now, murdoch, 21st century fox, says there is no discussions under way. And next question is whether hell come back with another offer. Whether hell try to make a better offer, sweeten the pot for time warner. Because the New York Times is suggesting it is unlikely for him to drop his plans to try to take over time warner. Theyre looking at murdochs history, and for example, he was interested in buying the wall street journal about seven years ago now, looking back. And his first offer was rebuffed. But four months later, that deal got done. This, of course, is a wildly different deal. Were talking about one of the Biggest Media Companies in the country. Time warner owns not just cnn but also the bawarner brothers studio, hbo, and i think he has his eye on hbo and turner sports, for example. He could do a lot to combine his company and time warner. But at the moment, time warner is saying thanks, but no thanks. Stelter, can we play the whatif game . Go for it. What if this deal actually went through and you have under this great big media empire umbrella cnn, and fox news . I mean, that could never really happen, right . I dont think it could. In fact, i said on reliable sources a few weeks ago, back when there was starting to be rumors murdoch had his eye on time warner, we didnt know he made this proposal, but i said i would eat a copy of the New York Post if murdoch ever took control of cnn. Mrs. Theres ways to saute it. Im confident in any scenario like this, they would have to divest cnn, or if they didnt have to, they would in order to avoid the scrutiny were bringing up right now. Fox news and cnn i dont think would ever end up under the same roof. Of course, theres lots of scenarios, but what could happen then to cnn, but thats looking pretty far down the road right now. For the time being, time warner says we can do better for our shareholders as a Standalone Company than we can under somebody elses roof. If it does, ill sit next to you with the kevin ketchup and mustard and relish. Coming up, some employees pretty upset, saying their company is tracking how much time they spend in the bathroom. Yep. Their union says some were disciplined for excessive use of using the rest room. Is that going a little too far . Is that within a companys right . Well ask a lawyer. Plus, want you to take a look at this. Israel drops thousands of pamphlets in gaza with a specific warning. Wolf blitzer is live in israel. We will talk to wolf about this, next. In new york state, were changing the way we do business, with startup ny. Weve created tax free zones throughout the state. And startup ny companies will be investing hundreds of millions of dollars in jobs and infrastructure. Thanks to startup ny, businesses can operate tax free for 10 years. No property tax. No business tax. And no sales tax. Which means more growth for your business, and more jobs. Its not just business as usual. See how new york can help your business grow, at startup. Ny. Gov really. So our business can be on at ts network for 175 dollars a month . Yup. All five of you for 175. Our clients need a lot of attention. Theres unlimited talk and text. Were working deals all day. You get 10 gigabytes of data to share. What about expansion potential . Add a line anytime for 15 bucks a month. Low dues. Great terms. Lets close. Introducing at t mobile share value plans. 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They deliver everything i need right to my door with Free Shipping plus, medcare takes private policies, medicaid, even my medicare now we have the time to do the things we love. Medcare. We deliver a better life. Bottom of the hour, youre watching cnn, im brooke baldwin. Explosives fired by israel have fallen on a beach in gaza, killing four children, just reportedly out playing soccer. You can see video. Were just going to show the aftermath of the scene. It is awful, awful stuff to look at. You see these gurneys, these four small bodies being carried away. Paramedics tell cnn, the victims ages range from 9 to 11 years of age. Israel says it is investigating how this happened. Cnns wolf blitzer is with me now from jerusalem. So wolf, lets just begin with the story we just talked about with these kids. Has the Israeli Government said anything else, given any kind of explanation as to how these four kids were killed playing soccer on a beach . I know theyre investigating the specifics of this shelling, whatever it was, what happened. What may have gone wrong. I did speak with an Israeli Cabinet minister, natally bennett, a member of the inner security cabinet, spoke in the last hour with him. Hes directly blaming hamas, like other israeli officials ive spoken with over the past hour or so. Theyre blaming hamas for rejecting the cease fire that israeli accepted. They make the point, those four little boys would be alive right now if that cease fire had gone into effect, if hamas had accepted the cease fire. And there wouldnt have been any shelling shall wouldnt have been any air strikes, wouldnt have been any hamas rockets and missiles coming into israel. But that cease fire was rejected and the fighting has clearly escalated over the past 24 hours. Its a tragedy. Israelis always say they try to be as precise as they possibly can, but youre right, a lot of palestinian civilians, young people, men, women, children, elderly, who have been caught up in this. Gaza is a very, very heavily populated area, one of the most densely Populated Areas on the planet. And if the israelis are going after specific targets, sometimes theyre placed near Populated Areas, and theyre going to be the civilian casualties. Formally the Israeli Government hasnt said what happened. Informally, saying hamas should have accepted the cease fire. We talk about the cease fire. You talked to a top palestinian who told you that hamas remains defiant because israel has not followed the deals to stop similar wars back in 2009 and 2012. You know this part of the world almost better than anyone at cnn. To your knowledge, folks youre talking to, is that charge true . Do you know what hes talking about specifically . Well, yeah. That was bee he will shah, Senior Adviser to the Palestinian Authority president , am amahmoud abbas. He felt they made a blunder in not accepting the cease fire, like the egyptians, other arab countries. They wanted that cease fire to go into effect. He is hoping now on Second Thought hamas will come around. He did say the Political Leadership may be more inclined to accept the cease fire as opposed to the military wing which seems to be adamant in continuing these rocket attacks against israel. So its unclear. I do know that there is a new proposal on the ground right now, a proposal for a humanitarian pause, a temporary cease fire of the United Nations putting that forward. Israeli Officials Say theyre willing to consider it. We havent received official reaction yet from hamas. It would be good, though, stop the fighting, take a pause right now and start dealing with some of these longterm issues. You squad asked who is to blame for violating that earlier cease fire at the end of 2012 and i was here at that time covering that earlier confrontation. I think its fair to say, brooke, there is plenty of blame to go around in this horrible, horrible conflict. Wolf, thank you. We will watch for you as youve been there almost a week now. Anchoring situation room live from jerusalem, starting at 5 00 eastern only here on cnn. Wolf blitzer, appreciate it. Just ahead, does your boss monitor your bathroom breaks . One company accused of allowing employees only six minutes a day. We will tell you why. Next. Shes still the one for you. And cialis for daily use helps you be Ready Anytime the moment is right. Cialis is also the only daily ed tablet approved to treat symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. 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Oh yeah, i see your spaceships broken. With xlte on largest, most reliable network. Get 50 off all new smartphones like the lg g3. Six minutes a day to use the bathroom during work time, according to a union that is the rule at this chicago faucet company. And it has workers protesting. The union filed a complaint, saying the company unfairly disciplined 19 workers in june for quote, unquote, excessive use of bathrooms. The company says the policy is in place because some employees were spending way too much time in the bathrooms, and not enough time on the manufacturing line. So what did they do . They installed swipe card systems on their bathrooms last winter. They even have a reward system so you get a 20 gift card if you dont use the bathroom at all during work time. I wouldnt be getting one of those. Because sometimes youve got to go. And were going to leave it there, danny cevallos. I check chuckle talking about this story, and i know you shake your head too. Apparently these employees were wasting up to an hour a day using the facilities. What do you think . Yeah, it is its really whats even more fascinating is that the law in this area in illinois is sort of a hodgepodge of osha and the flsa, the fair labor standards act. The flsa does not require breaks. However, if your employer did choose to give you breaks, they cant dock you in pay for any breaks that are under 20 minutes. On the other hand, osha itself appears to require reasonable bathroom breaks. What exactly that means, i guess remains to be seen in illinois. However, there is no requirement in illinois that you be given bathroom breaks other than they be reasonable. So maybe six minutes a day is considered reasonable for the average employee. Okay. The thought of having my boss monitor and have to use swipe cards to go to the ladies is insane to me. But at the same time, this union here says that Human Resources has asked workers to explain what they were doing in the bathroom. Legally can they do that . So this is fascinating to me. Because the scuttlebutt i hear is that the complaints are people are apparently on their cell phones in the bathroom. This is a problem that we didnt have in 1985. Right. That now people forget about taking a newspaper into the bathroom. No one does that anymore. On facebook and on their phones. Absolutely. They sit on their phone, and while thats do i need to finish the rest . They just sit there on their phone. So if thats going on, your employer may have an argument there. With you but this is relatively new ground. In the last few years, weve been able to bring the entire universe of the internet into the bathroom stall with us. So employers have to hash out whether or not a reasonable bathroom break includes real estating reading the New York Times online or the six minutes or eight minutes that an employer deems reasonable to spend in the stall. And this is what its come down to. Thank you, mobile phones. And i guess the people who abuse that. Danny cevallos, well just leave it. Danny, thank you so much. Thank you. Coming up, you thought he was gone. Oh, no, he is back in a big way. Weird al making a lot of headlines these days. Hes using this unique promotional stunt to get the word out about his new album and giving fans a preview of some of his new tunes. I deal with bacterial formation i dont care ive got a secret trick up my sleeve want to know who weird al sat down with . This man, mr. Jake tapper. Well get the scoop, next. [male vo] inside this bag is 150 years of swedish experience in perfecting the rich, never bitter taste of gevalia. We do it all for this very experience. [woman] thats good. I know right . Gevalia. Were changing the way we do business, with startup ny. Weve created tax free zones throughout the state. And startup ny companies will be investing hundreds of millions of dollars in jobs and infrastructure. 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Tomorrow night, my favorite episode of the sixties premiers. 3, 2, 1, 0, we have liftoff. Theres something happening here what it is aint exactly clear the space race was about our own sense of security. We didnt really know whether a human could survive in space. And the soviets send this guy to space, and he survived. We were in a race, and the russians were the bad guys, and they were winning this race. I would say for most of the 60s, we had a sense of being behind. I believe that this nation should committee itself to landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth. It was a moment when the whole world kind of stopped in their tracks. All of Human Experience will be divided two eras. Before man walked on the moon and after man walked on the moon. The sixties tomorrow night at 9 00 on cnn. Quick addendum, the song were playing there, steven stills wrote the song, hes joining me tomorrow, live here on the show. You know, some singers come and go. But one man appears to be standing the test of time. A man, who, quite frankly, needs no introduction. Eat it eat it get yourself an egg and beat it have some more chicken weird al yankovic making hits off other peoples hits. This week released a new album, already pumping out the hits. One a play on Robin Thickes blurred lines. He called it word crimes. You should know when like people who were never raised in a sewer word crimes like i could care less that means you do care and being a grammar nerd, i appreciated that one. Jake tapper, you just sat down with weird al. What did he have to say for himself . Is. First of all, can i say that that song word crimes is so much better than blurred lines. Like a thousand million gajillion times better. Maybe because its because a word and grammar nerd. But just brilliant. Anyway, we sat down together, and one of the questions i had for mr. Yankovic was, how much the Business Model has changed. Of course, you may or may not remember, brooke, but he came up really exploded in the 80s, making fun of Michael Jackson. I was around in the 80s, tapper. Youre just so youthful. And he made you know, he parodied madonna and Michael Jackson and that was a time when mtv really controlled the music video market. But now mtv doesnt run music videos. So i asked him, is this better, is he able to achieve more with his art . What does it mean . Mtv doesnt really stand for Music Television anymore. And for my purposes, the internet is the new mtv. So i am basically marketing toward the online audience. And i it does allow me to try things that maybe i wouldnt have tried before, because before i was trying to go for the heavy orientation on mtv and trying to think, what would the mtv executives like . And how its basically, what do i like, what do the fans like . Huh. Its without question, you know, people as much as people enjoyed eat it and fat and like a surgeon in the 80s, word crimes is another level of sophistication that hes really grown as an artist, i have to say. And the longevity. He started contributing songs to the pop culture in 1976. Hes 55 years old, and hes still going strong. Its pretty incredible. Where is his mustache . Jake tapper, did you ask that hardhitting question . I i didnt even notice that he didnt have a mustache. Im sorry. Youre such a man. Jake tapper, i cant wait to see the interview and your spin on it. The top of the hour on the lead. Thank you so much, my friend. Appreciate that. Coming up next, cnn broke the story about the long wait times across the country. Today the interim secretary of Veterans Affairs grilled on capitol Veterans Affairs is grilled on capitol hill and cnn is learning that some va leaders did not seem to be terribly concerned about this problem. Well tell you what the vas head of oncology said when discussing the issue. I know. And thank you so much for that. I think we should get a Medicare Supplement insurance plan. Right now . [ male announcer ] whether youre new to medicare or not, you may know it only covers about 80 of your part b medical expenses. Its up to you to pay the difference. So think about an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare Insurance Company. Like all standardized Medicare Supplement insurance plans, they help cover some of what medicare doesnt pay. I did a little research. With a Medicare Supplement plan, youll be able to stay with your doctor. Oh, you know, i love that guy. Mmhmm. [ male announcer ] these types of plans let you visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. And there are no networks. Is this a onesizefitsall kind of thing . No. There are lots of plan options. It all depends on what we need and how much we want to spend. 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When youre voting for this summers top 100 shows and movies with xfinity on demand, beep, beep, beep. Watch to vote for family values on family movie night. This message paid for and approved by xfinitys family hits. Tell me the whole thing again, i wasnt listening. Watch to vote with xfinity on demand. For this summers top 100 shows and movies. And remember, the only thing to fear is fear itself, and spoilers for shows you havent seen yet. Global. Pandemic. Congress today did a checkup of the troubled va system. You know, cnn first reported how veterans were waiting months and months and months to see a doctor. The new secretary of Veterans Affairs told us in a committee in the last two months that va has contacted 160,000 veterans to get them off those long waiting lists and conducted 543,000 referrals for vets to be seen by private doctors. And, he says, he is reforming the scheduling system. Were putting place a comprehensive external audit of scheduling practices across the entire vha system. We are building a more robust, continuing system for measuring Patient Satisfaction which i believe will be central to our measurement processes in the future. But all of this comes way too late for some veterans families. They are complaining of long wait times not just to see a doctor, but even worse, to receive critical surgeries like removing a tumor. Here is cnn senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen. Reporter Sergeant Terry mitchell, Radio Operator in vietnam withstood fire deep in the jungle, exposed to agent orange, survived all of it and then his wife believes his life was cut short by delays in care here at the va. Reporter what do you call this place . Va hell because you are in hell when you get here. Reporter heres what she means. August 8, 2012, a va pathologist finds a growth on Terry Mitchells neck is concerning for cancer and recommends complete excision. In other words, operate and get it out. But Vicky Mitchell says her husband then got bounced around from doctor to doctor. Medical records show it took two and a half months to have his surgery. The dallas va where mitchell had his surgery tells cnn this meets the standard of care at the va and that mitchell didnt have a typical type of skin cancer and therefore did not have a typical treatment plan. We talked to cancer surgeons outside the va and they say they dont wait two and a half months to operate on their patients. More like a few weeks at the most. The patients here wait months to get their cancer removed . No. Certainly not. Dr. Carl is a cancer surgeon. He did a study of cancer surgery wait times at the va compared to other hospitals. The waits were roughly twice that of community hospitals. Reporter waits to remove liver cancers or colon cancers were more than twice as long at the va. His team first reported their findings three years ago. Reporter do you think anythings gotten better . I dont think anythings really changed. Reporter you wouldnt let your patients wait months for a cancer surgery. So is that acceptable for our veterans to wait months . No, i dont think its appropriate that they wait months. Reporter youve had meetings with top va leadership and youve attended their conferences. I would think they would have said oh, my goodness. We have to fix this right away, but it doesnt sound like thats the response that you the got. No, and i dont think its particularly surprising to anybody thats worked at the va. Reporter after getting nowhere, the researcher sent an email, directly to dr. Michael kelley, he replied timeliness of care is of interest, but would not be at the top of my list. Are you joking . No. We head his email to Vicky Mitchell. Who is he . Id like to go visit him. Dr. Michael kelley. I would like to go visit that man because i want to take every one of my grandkids and my kids and let him tell that to them. Let him be diagnosed with Something Like that and see what happens. What would you say to him . I hope he doesnt ever get this kind of cancer and gets treated at the va because hes up the creek without a paddle. Oh, my god. I cant believe he said that. Reporter dr. Kelley declined our request for an oncamera interview. In a statement he said no veteran should have to wait for needed cancer care. It is not appropriate or acceptable for a veteran to wait for months for cancer surgery. I strongly believe that timeliness in the delivery of care is a top priority, which is why ive been actively engaged in the improvement of vas quality and timeliness of cancer care. A va official added that what dr. Kelley meant in the email was that he didnt think the Northwestern Research is the highest priority and that he questioned their findings. Thats not good enough for Vicky Mitchell especially since the va knew about the study showing long waits well before her husband got sick. If he had made timeliness more of a priority, how would that have changed things for your husband . It would probably made his care better and he would be with me, not in the ground. Reporter doctors tell us theres no way to know for sure whether getting the cancer out sooner would have saved mitchell. All his widow knows is that shortly after the operation they found cancer in his lungs. Six months later, he was dead. Reporter Mitchell Still has her love laters he wrote her from the war zone all those years ago. Youre the only girl in my life and you will always be. Reporter do you miss him . Oh, my god, yes. Every minute. Every day. He was my love. Reporter dr. Bill amoria, the doctor who did the study on the delays, these worked at three different vas and too often he and fellow surgeon his to fight to get the patients the surgeries when they needed it. It makes you wonder how many Terry Mitchells there are. How many stories you could be telling. Elizabeth cohen, thanks so much for sharing their story. That does it for me here at the cnn headquarters in atlanta. Im brooke baldwin. In the meantime, lets take you to washington to my colleague, jake tapper. The lead starts right now. Breaking news, the Israeli Government agreeing to another ceasefire, but this one has a definite builtin expiration date. Im jake tapper. This is the lead. The world lead, just a day at the beach, but the beach is in gaza. The lives of four palestinian children, little boys, wiped away as they played on the sand. Wiped away by an israeli strike. A ceasefire now in the offing, but its being described as a limited one. The politics lead. Shes got a book out. Shes on tour and she insists shes not running for president. No, no, im not talking about hillary clinton. Senator elizabeth warren. Shes just one of the names who could chip away at the hillary juggernaut. And the pop culture lead

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