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Trump deserves to be investigated. He is violating every basic norm of a president. You should be asking him the question. Why is he on the phone with a foreign leader trying to intimidate a foreign leader . If thats what happened. Thats a thats what happened. You should be looking at trump. Trumps doing this because he knows ill beat him like a drum. And hes using the abuse of power and every element of the presidency to try to do something to smear me. Everybody looked at this, and everybodys looked at it said theres nothing there. Ask the right questions. Okay, but if youve never spoken to your son depending on what the house finds, he could be impeached. Im not making that judgment now. The house should investigate it. The house should investigate this. This appears to be an overwhelming abuse of power. Get on the phone with a foreign leader who is looking for help from the United States and ask about me and imply things, if thats what happened, thats that appears to be what happened. We know thats what giuliani did. This is outrageous. You have never seen anything like this [ all talking at once ] before you entered the race, one. Your concerns was about your family being brought into there race. Are you comfortable running a campaign in which i know what im up against. I know what im up against. A serial abuser. Thats what this guy is. He abuses power everywhere he can. And he sees he sees any threat to his staying in power, hell do whatever he has to do. But this crosses the line. Sir this crosses the line. Im calling the president to release the transcript of the call, let everybody hear what it is. Let the house see it and see what he did. Thats what im calling for. Sir for their part, the president s team has suggested that biden leveraged his position when he was Vice President to shield his son, hunter, for an investigation that involved his role on the board of a Ukrainian Gas Company. Lets be clear, there is no evidence of any wrongdoing. We and many other Media Outlets have looked into it the story doesnt check out. Jeremy diamond is at the white house. The president referred as he has in the past to all of this drama as a witch hunt. And yet when asked in the oval office about this famous phone call with president zlinsky on the 25th, when asked if he brought up biden on the call, he didnt deny it. Reporter no, he didnt deny it. In fact the president has refused to say whether or not he did, indeed, bring up biden. When he was asked, he could have taken that opportunity to deny that that conversation took place, but he didnt, alex. What were seeing instead from the president is something of a familiar playbook here. It is one that the president previously used when he was facing investigation by the special counsel, robert mueller. Yall recall, of course, that he repeatedly referred to that investigation as a russia witch hunt. Now hes referring to this whistleblower complaint as the ukraine witch hunt. Striking out yesterday in the oval office, and again today on twitter, against this whistleblower complaint and trying to paint it as some kind of a partisan exercise. That, of course, alex, ignores the role that the Inspector General for the Intelligence Community has played. This is somebody who was appointed by President Trump, confirmed by the u. S. Senate last year. And he, in fact, has taken the extraordinary decepof going to step of going to congress and making clear he disagrees by the acting director of National Intelligence to not share this complaint with those congressional lawmakers of those relevant Intelligence Committees. So that all continuing to play out. But alex, this is not going anywhere. We know that next week the acting director of National Intelligence is expected to testify on capitol hill. And the president for his part, he is going to be meeting actually with the ukrainian president on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly next week. So this issue sure to remain front of mind. Alex . Yeah, thats right. Acting d i Joseph Maguire testifying to the house and Senate Intelligence committees. Lots of questions for him. Thank you so much. Now this is a very complicated story involving lots of different people, lots of different strands. So lets take a quick look at how we got here. What should have been a routine call between World Leaders was anything but. On a july 25th call between President Trump and his ukrainian counterpart, trump pressed him to work with his personal lawyer, rudolph giuliani, on digging up dirt on joe bidens son. The white house said the two president s discussed strengthening the relationship without giving specifics. Ukraine said they talked about the investigation of Corruption Cases which inhibited the interaction between ukraine and the usa. In may the president s lawyer, rudy giuliani, said he was going to ukraine to push the new president to investigate joe biden and his sons links to a gas company. He canceled the trip, but then in july went to madrid to meet with an aide to president zelensky to talk about biden. Bidens son, hunter, had served on the board of a Ukrainian Gas Company which ukraines prosecutor general was supposed to be looking into. But in 2016, joe biden, as Vice President , played a prominent role in getting the prosecutor fired because he had been ignoring corruption. Biden joining other countries and groups in the widespread push to get ukraine to clean up its act. Fast forward to 2019, and President Trump, his lawyer, and many supporters pounced, accusing biden of helping out his son. Now there are questions about whether that push by trump and giuliani is tied to the late august move by the white house to put a hold on 250 million in military aid for ukraine which was later released. On september 1st, Vice President moo Vice President met with Vice President mike pence met with zelensky. As President Trump had me make clear we have grave concerns about issues of corruption. Reporter whatever the alleged promise that the whistleblower says the president reportedly made, democrats in congress are vowing to get to the bottom of those claims. They deserve a thorough investigation. Thats what were intent on doing, and come hell or high water, thats what were going to do. Reporter house intel chairman, adam schiff, saying come hell or high water hes going to get his answers. Hes going to be asking next week in an open session questions of the acting director of National Intelligence, Joseph Maguire, who had blocked that complaint from the whistleblower at the behest of the white house and the department of justice from congress. He will also be appearing at some points in the week, we dont know when yet, in front of the Senate Intelligence committee. That will be a closed door hearing, and he will be he will be asked some very strong questions about why he did not hand over the complaint and the contents of this complaint. So lets break down this complex story with cnn political commentator and host of s. C. Cupp unfiltered, s. C. Cupp, and former assistant secretary at the department of security juliet hiem. Thank you for joining me to try to break down what is really a complex story involving two countries and a long, long list of individuals. So lets start at the beginning. Juliet, we had this incredible moment this week where this the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community went to congress, essentially circumventing the director of National Intelligence on this complaint, not revealing what was in it, but had been told by the white house and the department of justice to not forward this complaint as he has meant to do. What do you make of that . So there are four stories now going on. So im going to try to make it clear to people. As you said, it has been a complicated 72 hours. So four different stories. One, of course, bidens son. An irrelevant story to what trump is doing. As you noted, everyone whos examined it, its irrelevant. The white house is raising this issue of corruption by bidens son. The second is regarding quid pro quo. Did the president call ukraine and say im going to hold up the military money or not. Thats a question that we dont know the answer to yet. The third story is regards the whistleblower, what you mentioned. The question of really is there a coverup going on. And then the most important and the only one that matters which is did the president and his agents simply say to the ukraine get information on my political enemi enemies . Giuliani admitted it. The liaison to the ukraine for the white house basically sort of introduced giuliani to all the right people. So hes trump is using the apparatus of the u. S. Government to make this happen. And then trump has not denied it. That last piece, did the phone calls get made so that the ukraine would perceive it as the president is asking us to dig up dirt on bidens son, thats not in dispute. Its not in dispute. No one is denying that. So all these other issues are important, but the core issue is what the president did to get a Foreign Government involved with our elections. There are allegations from democrats that this is very much tied that the president has tiedaid to that country, to ukraine, 250 millionsome that was initially held up and released. Contingent upon whether the ukraine actually investigated biden and his son. Did it strike you, or what struck you about when the president was asked about this in the oval office and did not deny that he had talked about biden on this call with zelensky . Yeah. In fact, i think later told reporters, well, someone should look into biden. Someone should look into biden. Almost i wouldnt say, you know, in a court of law, you know, admitting to what has been alleged he said in this phone call, but basically saying, well, im interested in that, arent you interested in that . Under the umbrella of having this conversation. So theres a lot to look into. Juliette very expertly laid out all the tentacles of this. And part of what trump is counting on is how complicated this is. Its why hes raising the specter of a witch hunt and introducing kind of other elements into this because he wants us to be confused. He wants us to think, well, i cant trust this aspect, so im not going to trust any aspect. Or i cant make sense of it, so im just going to forget about it. Right. Juliette, dwe do have investigations by three different committees into the trump al trump al trump giuliani and ukraine dealings. We have joe maguire, acting d i, in front of the committees next week. Joseph maguire has a tough line here, where he has a complaint from someone in his own Intelligence Community, but its about his boss. So if you were in the house or the senate next week, what would you be asking of acting d i month gier . I would ask him who told him he could not disclose this to the house or senate. We believe, we know that its the department of justice, its barr and olc essentially be a. Why this piece is less relevant, if you do an analogy to the mueller report, this is the obstruction of justice part of it. This is just a sort of piece which theyre trying to hide this information from coming out. And so its relevant because obviously we want the information that the whistleblower knew, but it surely seems already we know a lot of it already. Trump has not denied it. Giuliani has already said it. So if youre in the senate or the house, youre going to just push maguire. Maguire is i dont feel sorry for him. Hes in an impossible position. Hes chosen to be in that impossible position. I am so tired of all of these people in leadership positions not defending the covert operatives or intelligence who are getting information to protect the u. S. Government. Yes, he may be in a bind he has a solution. He absolutely has a solution which is to go public. It is absolutely clear he can do that or quit. But this is the stage were at now, you know, to be to be blunt about it. And these intelligence operatives this one in particular he did everything by the book. He filed the complaint with the Inspector General. Intelligence community famously apolitical. But then when the president was asked about this whistleblower, he called him or her a partisan. And then when asked if he knows who it is, said that he doesnt know the whistleblowers identity. So lets listen to how several republicans are trying to spin this. This is a clear example of someone thats part of the deep state, so part of the deep state in the Intelligence Community, taking advantage of this whistleblower procedure and then trying to create this firestorm. Looks to me like another deep state attack. I mean, another bureaucrat attack, bureaucratic attack on the president. I think there are people in the Intelligence Community and other parts of our government who just have it out for the president and are utilizing every opportunity to try to take swipes at him. Youre never going to see the attacks stop. The left is not going to give up because they cannot even accept the fact that they lost. S. E. , here we are again, this deep state being tossed around. Given how complicated in is you know, this is an incredibly important story. Will people tune out and just assume that thats what this is is just more of the deep state, going after trump . People want to certainly will. Look, i dont think its unimportant to ask a question about the volume of leaks coming out of this white house. And that should be alarming. But again, its not its not the story here. Its the story they want to talk about, and its why trump has spent so much time conditioning the environment over the past threeplus years so that all of these institutions from intelligence to Law Enforcement would be undermined, and he would have people saying its the deep state, look no further. A lot of people are going to stop there. And instead, instead of pursuing important questions. Juliette, if, indeed, this whistleblower is going by the book, what recourse, what happens next . What recourse does this person have . Because they could come out and make accusations in public. But were assuming at this point this is someone who wants to keep their job and stay under cover in the Intelligence Committee community. And not get arrested for disclosure of information that might be classified. This is why i think we are at a new moment. The whistleblower followed processes that assumes that the president would not be the, you know, the person threatening our national security. Would not be the focus of concerns about whether, you know, someone was undermining our safety and security. So the problem here is that you have an entire process thats built rightfully to be apolitical. Now you have this political overlay because it is the president who is the focus. That is why i dont have confidence in the processes anymore, and that is why i think youre seeing so many leaks to the washington post, to the wall street journal. I have never seen anything like this before in terms of the specificity of information from a whistleblower. People on the inside know that the processes arent working, right. They know that barr and maguire and the olc lawyers are stopping the processes because they are protecting the political person, namely donald trump. So this is why were in a new era about sort of how do we protect our democracy. Lets be clear here, from intervention by a Foreign Government in 2020. You know, read the report, right. 2016 and now 2020. This is deja vu just in plain sight. But lets not be blinded by the fact that its in plain sight. Its happening. Okay. We could be talking about this incredible story all evening. We have to leave it there. Thank you so much, juliette, s. E. Thanks. Be sure to tune in in just under an hour to s. E. Cupp unfiltered here on cnn. Now as 172020 candidates swarm iowa today, one candidate is making an urgent plea to voters to keep him in the race. Thats coming up. At verizon, were building the most powerful 5g experience for america. Thats why the nfl chose verizon. Because they need the massive capacity of 5g with ultra wideband, so more screaming, streaming, posting fans. Can experience 5g all at once. This is happening in 13 stadiums all across the country. Now if verizon 5g can do this for the nfl. Imagine what it can do for you. Our because of smoking. Ital. But we still had to have a cigarette. Had to. But then, we were like. What are we doing . The nicodermcq patch helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. Nicodermcq. You know why, we know how. With licensed agents availablep when 247,d it. Its not just easy. Its havingjeromebettis onyourflagfootballteam easy. 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How precarious is bookers position right now . Reporter yeah, this is serious. He said as much himself. He said this is a critical turning point for his campaign. Sometimes in politics you hear what are kind of desperate pleas for as we get toward the end of a fundraising quarter from all sorts of different campaigns. He says this is not that. This is this is serious, this is not grandstanding. That this is an honest appraisal of where they are. That if they cannot raise 1. 7 million by the end of september, that its just not a viable path forward. Heres more of our exchange. Take a listen. First and foremost, we have run a race to win. Im not in an gender of ego. I said from the beginning well be in the race if we win it. Were the number onejo hiefone campaign by state officials and elected officials of any campaign. Were building a campaign to win. Were into the Fourth Quarter of the year. If we cant continue our growth, then were not going to have a campaign to win. And i dont think people should be in this race if they cant win. Im in this race to win the nomination and beat donald trump. And so this is a decisive moment for our campaign. If you believe in my voice and want it on the stage, want it part of the process, if you believe in me as the nominee, this is the time. We cant raise if we cant raise 1. 7 million, well have to make the tough decisions that i think any campaign that doesnt have a pathway to victory should make. Reporter are you prepared to drop out if you cant get there . Im i believe that people will respond. I believe that look, were here right now, weve been in this race. In fact, if you take a step back, the four top fundraisers in this campaign, were running a Better Campaign with dollars because were competing with them right now with fractions of the resources that they have. And so i want to stay in this race. If people believe that, please dont look at this as a point where were going to say goodbye to cory. Keep me in this race. Reporter and there you hear it. The thing to keep in mind is at this point in this race, this is when candidates need to be expanding. This is when theyre pouring money into the early states, building out their infrastructure, hiring more staffers, hiring more organizers. And you have to have money in order to do that. Alex . Yeah, jessica, i mean, when you look at the senators polling numbers what hes saying about the Energy Behind his campaign, the local endorsements, saying that his message is resonating with voters, thats not really reflected in those polling numbers. When youre at one of these events in iowa and youve got this huge Cross Section of democratic voters, what are the voters actually saying about how much they want him to stay in this race . Reporter yeah, so thats an interesting point you make. He hasnt really been able to crack Single Digits in the polls. We did talk to some cory booker supporters today. And in fact one woman told us she decided to support him because of his appearance here at the state, and the other person said she planned to go home and donate to him this evening. What was interesting with the several people we talked to, none of them had heard that his campaign was in these dire straits, an interesting thing. They all had a reason as to why they wanted to support him. The one woman who planned to donate this evening said it was kindness, she felt like she wanted someone with his kindness and character in this race. Whether or not he will be able to raise that 1. 7 million in ten days remains to be seen. Yeah. A few days left. Jessica dean at the iowa steak fry in des moines. Thank you so much. Coming up, parts of southeastern texas have seen up to 43 inches of rain in just the past three days, and its all left dangerous floodwaters in areas that are really still recovering from Hurricane Harvey that hit two years ago. Well take you there live. 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Roads have been blocked. Raging waters forcing more than 400 rescues after almost four feet of rain fell in some parts of the state. That in just three days. Cnns ryan young is on the ground in huffman, texas. This is a state still very much recovering from Hurricane Harvey, in particular the area where you are right now. That hurricane devastated the region. How bad is the damage that youre seeing now . What are people telling you . Reporter you know, people are trying to assess the damage. One of the things we talked about, especially in houston, about 30 miles away, a lot of cars have been towed off the road. Theyve been able to get the cars even back to some of their owners. Not sure how theyre going to work. If you look at this, this neighborhood had to have people rescued from it because the water was rising so quickly. If you even see the water now, this is a lot less than what was here 24 hours ago. In fact, in the last hour, we watched people wading through this water to try to get home. What are they trying to assess . How bad the damage is inside their house. One lady was telling us she had more than a foot of water in her home. Thats more than she had during Hurricane Harvey. This has been hitting people hard because theyve realized theres a long process to get back on their feet. Pretty much everything on the first floor has to be taken out including the carpet and the drywall. A long process that people are not looking forward to. In fact, listen to the people we talked to earlier about the reconstruction process. Its surreal. Its crazy. We drive down these roads every day. Going down in a boat is a whole different ball game. You know, feel like youre on the lake instead. These people are just like [ bleep ] not again. Reporter on the other side on the other side, houses in six, seven inches of water. We went in pulled up carpet, tore up sheet rock. A lot of my friends live back there so its pretty tough. Look, a lot of times we talk about personal belongings, but there are people who lost their lives in this storm. One man was found trapped in his car because people tried to drive through waters like this. When we first arrived here, alex, look at that front door. We were actually we couldnt even stand here because the door was covered in water. You understand people are trying to air out their homes, but right now there are a lot of people scratching their heads. They tell us the water came higher in new places than when harvey hit before. A lot of overdevelopment in this area. Its something theyll have to be dealing with for some time. People are glad right now at least the sun is shining. The sun shining. That water behind you looks so peaceful, but it is so dangerous and so damaging. Reporter yeah. To people and their lives. Ryan young, thank you so much. All right. Coming up, as one of Jeffrey Epsteins accusers is opening up about the relationship between epstein and Prince Andrew, we have new details about the nasty split between the royal and the convicted sex offender. Spending time together, sometimes means doing nothing at all. Holiday inn. Were there. So you can be too. There are three words when you live with migraine. I am here. Aim to say that more with aimovig. A preventive treatment for migraine in adults that reduces the number of monthly migraine days. For some, that number can be cut in half or more. Dont take aimovig if youre allergic to it. Allergic reactions like rash or swelling can happen hours to days after use. Common side effects include injection site reactions and constipation. Aim to be there more. Talk to your doctor about aimovig. Was in an accident. When i called usaa, it was that voice asking me, is your daughter ok . Thats where i felt relief. Were the rivera family and we plan to be with usaa for life. See how much you can save with usaa insurance. Were getting intriguing new details that reveal the cause of the acrimonious split between englands Prince Andrew, the duke of york, and his former friend, the convicted sex offender, Jeffrey Epstein. The split reportedly happened years before epsteins arrest this summer and then his subsequent suicide on august 10th. Cnns vicky ward has more on this complicated back story. Epstein accuser virginia duf ra y has been speaking out. Before we get to that, tell us how these two friends, associates, parted ways years ago. And before before this summer. Yes. Long time before. Long time before Prince Andrew gave that big statement earlier this month. Right. Sort of trying to distance himself once and for all, and its not working. The reality is back in 2011, alex, the New York Post published a photograph of Prince Andrew walking in central park with Jeffrey Epstein. Remember, this is after Jeffrey Epstein served 13 months in jail. And we know that he was convicted for soliciting an underage woman at that point. The british media goes into a frenzy. Prince andrews exwife, remember with him he is very, very close fergie, the duchess of york. Fergie, the duchess of york. Gives an interview on the advice of her publicist, james henderson, admitting that she took money from Jeffrey Epstein to pay off some of her debts. She says it was a terrible mistake. Id let my exhusband down. And i abhor pedophilia and wish i had nothing to do with Jeffrey Epstein. Jeffrey epstein, as reported on cnn. Com, went berserk. He founded the duchess of yorks publicist and threatened to sue him personally for defamation in the word pedophile wasnt retracted from what the duchess said. He had his lawyers send the duchess law firm a letter threatening to sue if she didnt retract everything shed said. He also turned to a california publicist, mike citric, who advised him to hire a british defamation lawyer, paul tweed. Was all of there effective . The threats of legal action . No. There was absolutely no retraction from the duchess of york. Not only that, paul tweed told cnn that he gave up when Jeffrey Epstein wouldnt listen, wouldnt take his advice. Right. And epstein ended up not paying his bill to mike citric is how we know about there today. Do you think that Prince Andrew and Buckingham Palace, the royal family, has been effective at distancing themselves from all of this brouhaha . We did see andrew in the carriage with his mother. We saw that very strong statement from Buckingham Palace. In the eyes of most brits, do you think that theyve done theyve been effective ad creating that distance and accentuating the split between epstein and the duke of york . Not at all. This is the nightmare that keeps recurring for Prince Andrew. Every day theres a new claim by virginia dufray. As you were saying, yesterday i spoke to someone very close to the duke and duchess of york. They were, you know, in a great state because of the tv interview that virginia gave in which she sort of made new revelations, new details about the night she says she spent with Prince Andrew and Jeffrey Epstein and jillian maxwell. We know that her lawyers have asked Prince Andrew if hell meet with them just to answer questions. He has said no. Youll notice, you havent seen Prince Andrew arriving on american soil. Okay. I dont think youre likely to. You know, i think that actually what im hearing is that hes got to find a different p. R. Strategy to deal with this because currently Buckingham Palace putting out endless statements is not making this go away. But legally, where do things stand between dufray and as you mentioned shes gone very public in an interview with nbc, and the prince, legally speaking . So legally speaking, he is not a target. They want i spoke to one of her lawyers yesterday. They want to question him. You know, they said, very simply, they just want information. The people that the lawyers who are representing the victims including virginia dufray are really interested in are epsteins alleged coconspirators. That would be gilen maxwell longtime assistant the longtime assistants. The names that have been floating around. At the moment, Prince Andrew is not a target. He is somebody that the lawyers would like to speak to. And says you note, he has not stepped foot on american soil. We know youll stay on the story. Thank you so much. I will. All right. A Young College student targeted by racist trolls on line and on her college campus, but the storm of hate led to something really quite rare. An inperson apology. Thats coming up. Anyone can deliver pizza. Only marcos can deliver americas most loved pizza. Hot and fresh, and right to your door. Every day at marcos, get two medium, onetopping pizzas for just 6. 99 each. Hello to the italian way. Hello primo. Doprevagen is the number oneild mempharmacistrecommendeding . Memory support brand. You can find it in the vitamin aisle in stores everywhere. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. A shocking Shopping Experience at a mall in a chicago suburb. Video of the incident has gone viral. You can see the black suv as it suddenly drives into the mall, crashing into kiosks. Shoppers can be heard screaming as they jump out of the way. Amazingly, there were only minor injuries, and by standers were able to hold the suspect until Police Arrested him. Investigators say theyre looking into whether a medical issue may be to blame. A stretch of scenic highway has been marred by tragedy. Ntsb investigators are on the scene of a deadly tour bus crash in utah that killed at least four people and left more than 20 others injured. Authorities are saying that the bus, which was carrying a group of chinese tourists, ran off the road and hit a guardrail yesterday afternoon. Not far from brice Canyon National park. The Chinese Embassy in washington, d. C. , has sent officials to the area to help the victims. Targeted for hate. An africanamerican College Student was terrorized by neonazis with nasty tricks on campus and a torrent of virtual hate on line. Now at first, she went into hiding. And then she decided to fight back, taking her trolls to court. Then she won. Cnn with the remarkable story. Reporter taylor dumsens life changed forever within hours of becoming an american first. Taylor dumsen [ cheers ] reporter she went from being elected american universitys first black female student body president in its 125year history to being plunged into a world of hate. I was on my way to campus. I was wearing an aka like jacket, and i ended up having to take it off because the hate crime literally had the letters of the sorority on the bananas. Me wearing that button down that i had just gotten was that was me Walking Around with a target on my back. Reporter a stillunidentified person committed the on might have campus hate crime, stringing up bananas with nasa with the initials of the historically nooses with the initials of the historically black sorority she brings with and other racist messages. Days later she was under attack on line by neonazis spurred on by the creator of one of the most prolific neonazi websites. He told his many, many followers to basically go get her. Reporter a hatefilled feeding frenzy began when the website published her name, photo, contact information, and social media accounts. The Antidefamation League was the first to warn d dumsen. They emailed she had become a National Target for hatred. I was home alone. First thing i kploclosed my bli turned the light out. The way people tell you in a hurricane or Tornado Warning to hide in a hallway and get small and crouch down, thats what i did. I rocked in fetal position sobbing and crying to the point i had to take a screen shot of the email and send it to my mom and dad because i couldnt talk. Reporter after months of Online Harassment she was diagnosed with post traumatic street syndrome. Everything from her ability to study to her ability to eat was impacted. I was terrified. I didnt know who they were. I didnt know if they were coming to find me. I didnt know if they knew where i was already. Reporter she fought back. With the help for the lawyerss committee for civil rights under law she sued some of the people investigators could find who trolled her. She sued the website and england, its creator. What would you say to theand drew englands of the world . You picked the wrong one. And you picked somebody who wasnt going to back down. Reporter dumsen won her case. To the best of our knowledge, there is the first Court Decision in the country that has held that Online Harassment can interfere with public accommodations. Reporter the judgment equated Online Harassment with physical harassment. Civil rights laws do not stop where the cloud begins. Reporter england did not respond for comment. Neither he nor representative for his company showed up in court. The judge handed dumsen a default 725,000 judgment, and separately she received something almost no one does a facetoface apology. Not from england but from one of the trolls. She agreed not to say his name or exactly the words exchanged as part of a Restorative Justice settlement. On line especially people want to snap back, right. They want to clap back. They want to to attack. And thats not what you did here. I think that we always have the opportunity and the possibility to grow. And for me it was really, really important to even even though youre a white supremacist, even though youre a neonazi, even though you think like this, i dont think youre always going to think like that. I dont think it has to be that way. All right. Thanks to sara sidner for the great story. Lisa ling is returning for another provocative season of this is life. From swingers to gangs, it all begins with porn. What is it teaching our kids . Sunday, september 29th, at 10 00 p. M. On cnn. Well be right back. Juul re. They took 12. 8 billion from big tobacco. Juul marketed mango, mint, and menthol flavors, addicting kids to nicotine. Five million kids now using ecigarettes. The fda said juul ignored the law with Misleading Health claims. Now juul is pushing prop c, to overturn san franciscos ecigarette protections. Say no to juul, no to big tobacco, no to prop c. With licensed agents availablep when 247,d it. Its not just easy. Its havingjeromebettis onyourflagfootballteam easy. Go get em, bus ohhhh [laughing] cmon bus, cmon hey, wait, wait, wait hey man, i got your flag i got your flag, man i got your flag its geico easy. With licensed agents available 24 7. 49 nothing woo now this weeks cnn hero. 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It was on this date in 1829 that the first batman comic was released in new york. To celebrate, cities worldwide from rome to johannesburg to tokyo beamed up the famous bat signal at 8 00 p. M. Local time. D. C. Comics is calling it a once in a lifetime event, comparing it to a solar eclipse. We should note that d. C. Comics and cnn are both part of the warner media family. I will be seeing you two hours from now. For now, my colleague, s. E. Cupp, is continuing our coverage of todays news right after a quick break. So nice to meet you june, jay, ji, kay, raj, and. Ray good job, brain say hello to neuriva, a new brain supplement with clinically proven ingredients that fuel five indicators of brain performance. Neuriva. So, every day, we put our latest technology and unrivaled network to work. The United States Postal Service makes more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. My hands are everything to me. But i was diagnosed with dupuytrens contracture. 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The bombshell revelation that President Trump reportedly pressed the ukrainian president to investigate joe bidens son, urging him repeatedly to team up with his personal lawyer, rudy giuliani, to get dirt about a largely debunked republican Conspiracy Theory is putting outside outsized pressure on House Democrats to, quote unquote, do something. And that something, of course, is impeachment. Here are just a few of the exasperated calls for Congressional Democrats to finally pull the trigger on impeachment. Attorneys george

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