The vote is in. The polls have closed in kentucky. Donald trump is the winner of kentucky. Under republican leadership, america is booming. Its thriving. In the wake of Hurricane Michael, our thoughts are with our fellow citizens in florida, georgia, alabama, north carolina, south carolina, and virginia. They got hit hard. Were going to get along great with china but were doing things with china. And theyve dropped about 20 trillion. But you know what . Theyre going to be just fine. But they have to treat us fairly. We have a great team. But we need more of them. We need more republican votes. What the crazy radical democrats did to Justice Kavanaugh is a national disgrace. Cnns Boris Sanchez is live in richmond, kentucky for us. Boris, tonight the president really keying in on the court to rally voters. Reporter thats right, ana. The president talking about Supreme Court Justice Brett kavanaugh during this rally, one of a number of applause lines that the president has added to his Campaign Rally staples including attacks against democrats, and attacks against the press as well. This is the president s Fourth Campaign stop this week. Hes in kentuckys sixth Congressional District campaigning for congressman andy barr. He has more rallies planned for next week, at least one in montana, and were told by sources that we should expect more. This is a full court press by President Trump, trying to prevent a blue wave that many have speculated may be headed to congress, of course during the Midterm Election of an incumbent president. The potential for democrats to lead extensive investigations as the head of numerous key committees in congress, not only the president s business deals but those closest to them. The president has some big names onstage with him, Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell, someone who we know has had a contentious relationship with the president in the past. But tonight nothing but a love fest. President trump at one point saying that Mitch Mcconnell is one of the best leaders in history. I want you to watch this exchange as they interacted onstage, the president praising him for helping confirm many judges to federal courts. Listen to this. Theres nobody smarter. He refused to cave to the radical democrats shameful campaign of political and personal destruction. He stared down, tough cookie, i know tough people, hes tough, hes kentucky tough, which is about as tough he stared down the angry left wing mob. He never blinked and he never looked back. And he got us a man who will be one of our great, great Supreme Court justices. Senate majority leader Mitch Mcconnell. 84 new federal judges already this congress. Thats already a record, mr. President. Keep sending em our way and well keep confirming them and change the court system forever. Reporter well keep an eye on what else the president says here tonight, ana. One bit of news today, the white house hasnt officially announced this but sources have now confirmed to cnn that the president has decided upon a replacement for White House Counsel Don Mcgahn who cnn has previously reported will be leaving the administration likely shortly after the Midterm Elections. The president apparently settling on washington, d. C. Attorney maloney who he has met with to seek advice from during the russia investigation. Boris sanchez for us in richmond, kentucky, where the president s Campaign Rally continues, thank you, boris. Before leaving for kentucky, the president weighed in on the case of missing journalist and u. S. Resident jamal khashoggi. My first hope was that he was not killed. But maybe thats not looking too good. [ inaudible question ] no, i havent. Ive spoken to him many times but i havent called him yet. I will be. I will be also calling king salman of saudi arabia, because i think its appropriate for me to ask him what is going on. Probably tonight or tomorrow. Here is what we know. Khashoggi, a frequent critic of saudi arabia, was last seen entering the saudi consulate in turkey on october 2nd. His fiance who was waiting for him says he never came out. Second, an official says u. S. Intelligence has intercepts with saudi officials discussing a plan to lure khashoggi back to saudi arabia and detain him. Third, in a horrifying twist, a source says turkish officials now have audio evidence of khashoggi being detained, tortured, even murdered, all of this inside the consulate. That audio is said to have been recorded bicay khashoggis own apple watch. This is the intelligence that the president will have when he calls the saudi king. Were going live to what could be the scene of a terrible 69. Cnn International Editor Nic Robertson is live in istanbul, outside the saudi consulate. Publicly, President Trump says we just dont know what happened. Privately, is there any reason to believe the president is going to be tougher based on all this evidence that implicates the saudis . Reporter look, if we judge the president by the way hes dealt with, lets say, president putin, with whom he met facetoface and had a huge amount of evidence of russias attack on u. S. Democracy by medaling in the 2016 president ial elections, he looked president putin in the eye and made no attempt, it appeared, when they met publicly together, to criticize him or to dress him down at all for that. And that was a very big act against the whole of the United States. So this is one citizen, journalist, living in the United States, allegedly murdered by saudi authorities. So its hard to see how President Trump on a private phone call with the king is going to exercise a sense of toughness with you know, with a partner. He views saudi arabia as a very important Business Partner but also as a Strategic Partner in the middle east that helps the United States with its foreign policy. So i have to say, it is hard to imagine on how weve seen President Trump perform so far, that he is going to get tough behind the scenes. However, congress is pressuring him. And hes said himself that he will be tough. But the measure of it, of course, will be how the saudis respond after that, call. Nic robertson, thank you for your continued coverage. I know its just 3 00 a. M. Where you are, and youve been up all night. Thanks again, we appreciate it. Joining us, former cia officer evan mcmullen, he ran as a Third Party Candidate in the 2016 partly sun president ial election. Khashoggi may have recorded his own death on his apple watch, but tech experts and even our own crews in turkey say its highly unlikely because of the technical limitations on that device. What are the possibilities that turkey obtained this audio in some other way, say by bugging the consulate . Its quite possible. It would be a surprise to us, people who have worked in this space, in the intelligence space, if the turks, knowing how capable and aggressive they can be in an intelligence sense, did not have some kind of access to the saudi consulate in istanbul, whether it be technical or with human sources or both. So they would have likely had access. The story about khashoggi recording his potential attack on his phone is a possibility. As you point out, experts are saying it would be difficult for the phone or for the watch to have exfiltrating that data to the phone which was with his girlfriend waiting outside the consulate. Did that watch leave the consulate with him or his body at some point and then connect . We just dont know. We dont have those facts. But there are a variety of ways in which there could have been some kind of recording or some kind of observation that was then obtained by the turks, certainly. We dont have a lot of information just yet on the specifics. When trump says he wants to get to the bottom of this, what would u. S. Intel agencies be doing right now to figure out the facts . I imagine we cant only rely on turkey. Yeah, absolutely. The u. S. Intelligence has a variety of ways they can get at facts here. Theyll work im sure very closely with their counterparts in turkish intelligence and law enforcement. Im sure thats happening. Im sure theyre trying to gain information from the saudis, which of course they are in official channels going to be unwilling to provide, probably. But that doesnt mean that the u. S. Doesnt have other ways of collecting information from saudi sources who cooperate with u. S. Intelligence. So there are a variety of ways. And then also through electronic means. It has been reported already that u. S. Intelligence has some signals intelligence or intercepts of telephone calls between saudi officials talking about khashoggi and their desire to lure him back to saudi arabia. So there are a variety of ways that this kind of information can be collected. President trump has now vowed severe punishment for saudi arabia if it turns out they harmed khashoggi. But he doesnt necessarily say he will go as far as to cancel an arms deal thats in the works. Listen to him tonight. Well, there are many other things we could do. But when we take away 110 billion of purchases from our country, that hurts our workers. That hurts our factories. That hurts all of our companies. Youre talking about 500,000 jobs. So we do that, were really hurting our country a lot more than were hurting saudi arabia. Evan, what message do you think that sends to saudi arabia . Well, that among other things sends a message to saudi arabia that it is okay for saudi arabia to attack journalists in this case and to violate human rights in other ways. Look, the whole world, especially dictatorial regimes including that of saudi arabia, they look to the United States for signals about what they can and cannot get away with. This is nothing new. It happens all over the world with these kind of regimes, especially those with which we have important relations. And we do with saudi arabia, both economic and defense and intelligence, National Security related relations. So they especially look at the United States and the signals that our leaders are sending. And very sadly, this is an administration that has sent a message to saudi arabia and other countries that violations of human rights and the degradation of democracy, not that it exists in saudi arabia, but elsewhere, where its under pressure, is okay. And what you hear President Trump now saying is that, hey, weve got this weapons deal with saudi arabia, it means u. S. Jobs, and yes, saudi arabia may be doing some things we dont like, they may be killing journalists and other things, but this is, in his words, our America First approach. And what that means is our economy. So he says jobs first. But the reality is that we tend to put ourselves in these positions with these authoritarian dictatorships around the world, having a need for them on some levels, in some cases very important levels, but making compromises to our values as a result. Im not so naive as to think we arent going to have to make, sometimes, compromises, i get that. But my view is that we make far too many of them. And especially this administration has gone even beyond that, just to simply say our values are no longer our values anymore, as long as were in an advantaged position on trade or on weapons deals, then well turn the other way and well look the other way. And foreign leaders will take advantage of that. Let me talk to you about the role of Jared Kushner, the president s soninlaw, a senior white house official. Hes been this back channel of sorts to the saudi crown prince. Do you see that as a strength or a vulnerability in this situation . Well, i think its related to your last question, which was what kinds of signals are we showing. Back in i believe it was may, the crown prince of saudi arabia, Mohammed Bin Salman, commented that he thought Jared Kushner was in his pocket. And this is the kind of statement that signals to us, that tells us that we are or that this information is green lighting even passively this kind of behavior. If Mohammed Bin Salman believes that somehow this administration is under his influence or that hes able to manipulate this administration, well, then of course he feels like he can do what he wants to do to consolidate his own power. So that back channel is basically worse than worthless. Its actually doing great harm. You mentioned the intercepts. Weve discussed that saudi arabia apparently was heard through intercepts with the u. S. Intelligence agency talking about luring khashoggi back to saudi arabia to detain him. President trump was asked about those intercepts and whether the u. S. Is a duty to warn khashoggi. Listen to his answer. Reporter was there any kind of responsibility to warn him . Well, its not our country. Its in turkey. And its not a citizen, as i understand it. But a thing like that shouldnt happen. It is a reporter with the washington post. And Something Like that should not be allowed to happen and Something Like that should not happen and we intend to get to the bottom of it. Evan, he makes the point that khashoggi is not a u. S. Citizen. Even so, he was a resident. But did the u. S. Have a duty to warn him about possible danger . Look, absolutely. I remember during my days in the Central Intelligence agency when we would collect information about a terrorist organizations plans to attack another human being, whether they were american or not, you know, we would find a way to warn that individual. And to be honest, im not sure if we did that because we were required to by law. I think we were. But there was some requirement that we had that came from somewhere, at least ethical, at the very least immoral, to warn people. And i think that certainly applies here. If he wasnt a u. S. Citizen, he was a u. S. Person, because he resided here. He worked for a leading american newspaper. But more than anything, hes a human being. And at least what we used to do, and i believe what we probably still do in most cases, is that when we collect information that some individual, some human being is in harms way, we warn them, we find a way to warn them. It appears we may not have done so in this case. We just dont know for sure whether that mcmullin, thanks time. Jamal khashoggis fiance writes, today is jamals party. I had planned a party inviting his closest friends to surround him with the love and worth that he had missed. We would have been married now. I wake up every morning hope to hear from him. The speculations about his fate have not been confirmed by the authorities. But the silence of saudi arabia fills me with dread. That haunting question doesnt leave me for a single moment. Is it true . Have they assassinated jamal . Oppression never lasts forever. Tyrants eventually pay for their sins. When your loved one leaves this world, the other world no longer seems scary or far away. It is being left here all alone without them that is most painful. A homecoming today for an american pastor after spending two years detained in turkey. Andrew brunson touched down on american soil today and got an audience with the president. The emotion cresting with this moment, the pastor praying for the president and asking god to give the country strength. Oh, god, i ask that you pour your holy spirit on President Trump, that you give him supernatural wisdom to accomplish all the plans you have for this country and for him. I ask that you give him wisdom to lead this country into righteousness. I ask that you give him perseverance and endurance and courage to stand for truth. I ask that you protect him from slander from enemies, from those who would undermine. I ask that you make him a great blessing to this country. Fill him with your wisdom and strength and perseverance and we bless him. May he be a great bless to go our country. In jesus name we bless you. Amen. The president added that the timing of brunsons release by turkey was a, quote, strict coincidence, coming at the same time as the investigation into what happened to journalist jamal khashoggi. Now, rescuers are still desperately trying to reach people trapped after Hurricane Michael. Why they say they still cant get to everyone in need of help. Also ahead, President Trumps commerce secretary under fire for apparently changing a story he told congress and engaging in whats now being called a secret campaign with the Justice Department. burke thats what we call a huge drag. Seriously, thats what we call it. Officially. And we covered it. Talk to farmers. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum essential for the cactus, but maybe not for people with rheumatoid arthritis. Because there are options. Like an unjection™. Xeljanz xr. 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So while you might not see what were doing. What were doing is changing the way we all see the world. Magic cant make Digital Transformation happen. But we can. Lets make it real. Now three days after Hurricane Michael unleashed its wrath on the florida panhandle, First Responders are still searching the debris for people trapped or killed. The storms death toll has just risen to 18 across four states. Officials say that number will likely rise again. Its highly possible. Unfortunately were not able to gain access to all areas at that point in time. The Quick Response teams, the Task Force Teams from around the state and the nation have done a quick rapid search of the area, have tried to clear homes as best they can. Unfortunately well probably still find people in the coming weeks. New drone video shows the full scale of the devastation. This is mexico beach, florida, what some are referring to as ground zero of the storm. Look at this, the mayor there says about 75 of this city was wiped out. No businesses are up and running at this point. One resident who rode out the storm captured this dramatic footage of michaels fury as it washed ashore. Cnns Martin Savidge is on the scene for us at mexico beach. Martin, its a long road ahead for recovery for many of these storm victims. Reporter it is, and we found out a short time ago its going to be even longer. The sun has gone down. In this community, when that happens its almost completely dark. The only lights are those generated for tv. Beyond that, the background is almost pitch dark. The occasional flashing strobes of emergency veehicles are the only other lights youll see in this community. The search and recovery effort hasnt come to an end, it has for today, it will pick up again tomorrow. In fact Authorities Say its likely to go on for four more days in this community. The reason thats significant is not only just showing you the Herculean Task theyre up against, it also means that residents who very much want to come back will not be coming back, because the recovery and the search takes priority in this community, according to city officials. We are told that they have gone through now every standing structure. That would be the homes and businesses. But maybe the most difficult and most challenging and potentially dangerous aspect lies ahead. Going through the very large debris piles. Thats where they fear they may find more victims. Theyre working through a list of 300 names, people they know were going to ride out the storm, they went and saw all of them before they hit. Now theyre trying to find them after the storm. Its been hard, communication is knocked out, and on top of that in some cases they get to a house and its locked up, nobody is there. What does that tell you . In another case, theyll get to a house and the house isnt there. They have a map with red dots all over it, theyre still trying to check it, but the number of those unaccounted for is troubling. They wont say the exact number. Ana . People need food, they need water, they need gas, they need answers. Martin savidge, thank you for bringing us the very latest. We spoke with one woman earlier this evening who lived through katrina, now lived through michael. She says her experience with this particular storm was worse. Still ahead, new documents show President Trumps soninlaw paid almost no taxes for years. And President Trump is hiring a new attorney to take on robert mueller. Thats next. They Work Togetherf doing important stuff. The hitch . Like you, your cells get hungry. Feed them. With centrum micronutrients. Restoring your awesome, daily. Centrum. Feed your cells. Youll earn unlimited double camiles on every purchase,. Every day. Not just airline purchases. 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The New York Times reporting this weekend the president s soninlaw Jared Kushner paid very little or zero federal income tax for at least seven years. Kushners real estate and Investment Holdings are now worth more than 700 million, as confirmed by cnn calculations this summer. He is now a Senior Adviser at the white house. Our political commentator Catherine Rampell told me a short time ago how people with kushners kind of wealth and investment in real estate specifically are able to take full advantage of legal ways to avoid paying taxes. Basically there are lots of tax breaks that are available not only to rich people, but specifically to wealthy real estate investors. And one of these tax breaks has to do with something called depreciation. Basically it means the tax code assumes that you get to you have some costs because the building that you own has like wear and tear over the years, and thats a cost to you, and you can use those costs to offset your actual income. In the case of kushner, hes saying i own these enormous properties, but you know, maybe the value is going up, maybe i could sell them for a little more money, but hey, theres wear and tear on the buildings therefore, irs, thats a cost to me, i should be able to use that to offset any cash im actually getting out of it. And the New York Times offers this example, from 2015, it says kushner took home 1. 7 million in salary and investment gains but 8. 3 million in losses largely because of significant depreciation on real estate, according to the documents reviewed by the times. Effectively, catherine, youre saying those reported losses cancel out his income, he pays no income tax as a result. But who is determining the losses . Basically he does. So theres a lot of leeway in the tax code for the person who actually owns the property or at least their tax preparation team, to be able to say, you know what, i think that my property went down by this amount of money or that amount of money. I mean, theres like some guidelines, but they have a lot of freedom to make it up as they go. Again, all perfectly legal. Catherine rampell, thanks for putting it in perspective for us. Serious allegations looming over one of the most closely watched races in the country. Why the democratic candidate for governor in georgia wants her opponent to step down from his job weeks before election day. Chloe. Shes so cute. The most loved iphone meets the most loved in wireless. Right now, save 300 on iphone xs at tmobile. This is not a screensaver. Game. This is the destruction of a cancer cell by the bodys own immune system, thanks to medicine that didnt exist until now. And today can save your life. ready to juvederm it . 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Come on, dad. This is for me, son . Principal. We can help you plan for that. Lean on me, when youre not strong and ill be your friend ill help you carry on lean on me. A showdown over Voting Rights now emerging in georgias extremely tight governors race. Democrat Stacey Abrams and Republican Brian Kemp are running in a statistical dead heat right now. The twist is kemp is also the man in charge of georgias elections. His day job, georgias secretary of state. Civil Rights Groups are now suing kemp, alleging hes using his day job to suppress africanamerican turnout. His democratic opponent, abrams, is calling on kemp to resign as secretary of state. Kemp has denied any wrongdoing. Here is the latest from cnns jessica dean. Reporter a major dustup in georgia, weeks before voters go to the polls to choose their governor. The latest point of contention, allegations that georgias secretary of state brian kemp is using a voter verification law to suppress thousands of africanamerican voters. Kemp is running on the republican ticket against democrat Stacey Abrams. Now lets go get it done. Reporter in the latest twist, a nonprofit Advocacy Group has filed a lawsuit against kemp in his official capacity as secretary of state. This after reports that kemps office placed a hold on more than 50,000 voter applications. More than twothirds of which were made by africanamericans, for not meeting an exact match requirement. This means anything as minor as a typo or missing hyphen between a valid i. D. And a Voter Registration can be flagged. The reality is that minority voters are often the ones with unusual names that are sometimes harder for state officials to capture accurately in the states database. And they are being penalized for that. Our end goal, our end objective with this lawsuit is making sure that theres a level Playing Field where everyones voice can be heard in georgia. Reporter the Kemp Campaign calls the claims bogus and points to georgia increasing its voter rolls under his leadership. Quote, under my tenure as secretary of state, georgia has shattered records for Voter Registration and turnout across all demographic groups. Despite any claim to the contrary, its never been easier to register to vote in georgia and actively engage in the electoral process. The Abrams Campaign says kemp is using his authority as secretary of state to boost his chances, saying in a statement, quote, this isnt incompetence. Its malpractice. Brian kemp needs to resign his position so that georgia voters can have confidence that their secretary of state can competently and impartially oversee the elections. Kemp says its abrams who is opting for dirty tricks, calling it a, quote, manufactured crisis to turn out her base. The secretarys website points out voters with registration on hold can vote on election day if they show an acceptable form of identification, already required to vote in georgia. Kemps team says its the controversy itself thats suppressing the vote. Quote, by telling people they cant vote, they actually think they cant vote, and thats a sad state of affairs. As for abrams, she has long believed kemp has worked to suppress the minority vote. We live in a nation thats spent centuries denying the right to vote and spent decades creating barriers to that right to vote. And i have an opponent who is a remarkable architect of Voter Suppression. Reporter jessica dean, cnn, washington. I want to bring in political reporter Greg Bluestein with the Atlanta Journal constitution. Greg, is the expectation that these registrations on hold will be verified before election day . Thats the hope. Theres a lot of misinformation out there that this is blocking them from voting. Democrats and republicans are getting the word out this does not block these voters from voting, as long as they show up with their valid photo i. D. s or other forms of identification and they substantially match the records of their Voter Registrations, they can still cast a normal ballot. Are concerns about Voter Suppression warranted . This has been a valid debate in georgia politics for years now, long before Stacey Abrams and brian kemp were candidates for governor. Theyre been fighting with each other over Voter Suppression claims back and forth. The exact match legislation that was talked about in the report is a big debate. But right now its coming forefront because this comes weeks before this nationallywatched race. Not to mention kemp is still secretary of state. He wants to be governor. How does he respond to critics who say theres a conflict of interest for him to be overseeing this election . Yeah, he points to other secretaries of state who have not resigned while running for higher office. But theres a difference in this case, because he is now the nominee for governor where some of those other secretaries of state lost their primary battles, their political primary battles for that role. This has sort of revived the calls for kemp to resign. He says, i was elected to do this duty and im going to fulfill it. So the question is, now who has the more energized base, abrams and kemp are in a statistical dead heat according to the polls right now. This race does come down to voter turnout. Greg, who has the advantage, abrams or kemp, when it comes to voter turnout among their supporters . Stacey abrams has been trying to do something that hasnt been done in georgia politics. Shes trying to expand the universe of left leaning voters to capture voters who usually dont vote in these midterms elections, where brian kemp is trying to go back to the Republican Base that has elected republicans over the last two decades, essentially, in georgia. Thats a big question. But democrats already seem pretty energized. Kemp seems to hope that this also helps energize his base too. Hes saying that Stacey Abrams is willing to do anything to win this election including ginning up what he says this is, a fake controversy. Stacey abrams wants to be georgias first africanamerican governor after 75 consecutive white men had the job. Shes running against a white man. How significant are georgias Race Relations in this election contest, do you think . Its a very racially polarized state. Africanamericans make up the brunt of democratic support in georgia. And shes hoping that by appealing to particularly minority voters who skip these midterm votes, that she can put democrats over the top for the First Time Since 2002 in georgia, whereas brian kemp is relying on a mostly white rural base of voters, the same type of voters who helped donald trump win the state by five points despite losing the atlanta suburbs. Greg bluestein, great to have you with us, well be in touch as we get closer to the election. Stacey abrams will join my colleague jake tapper on state of the union at 9 00 eastern here on cnn. Smartphone for directions. Hey guys, up there. Or to laugh out loud. But when it matters most, you count on tracfone to keep you connected for less. Our smartphone plan gives you talk, text and data with unlimited carryover starting at 15 a month, no contract. All with nationwide 4g lte coverage. Get top smartphones or bring your own phone. Tracfone. For moments that matter. 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Officially. All a huge drag. And we covered it. Talk to farmers. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum. Well, chants last night in ohio at the president s rally to drain the swamp, the president talked about draining the swamp every day if 2016 and its a regular feature of his speech. Another president ial line he used repeatedly throughout the campaign, and now i hire the best people. New evidence emerging this week putting into practice what the president preached on the campaign trail has proven difficult. Today a new report from cnn shining light on ryan zinke, the interior secretary and current subject of several open ethics investigations. A cnn inquiry found zinkes monthly calendars omitted meetings. Meetings with lobbiests pursuing looser mining restrictions. We only know because of a cnn freedom of information act request. Questions swirl around zinkes omissions, new filings indicate the commerce secretary wilbur ross may have mis led congress when he said this. Has the president or anyone in the white house discussed with you or anyone on your team about adding this Citizenship Question . Im not aware of any such. We have had a request, as everyone is aware, from the department of justice, to add a Citizenship Question to the 2020 census. That answer has now shifted. In a response to a lawsuit filed by several state attorneys general. The Justice Department says ross emailed with former white house chief strategist steve bannon asing the citizen zip question. Its unclear from the governments filing if ross ever spoke to mr. Bannon. A Congress Department spokesperson says the admission now does not change the secretarys story. It only adds to it. The Trump Administration also struggling today to explain why the state department opted against spending millions of taxpayer dollars that were allocated to fortifying a u. S. Consulate in the war zone in iraq, potentially putting u. S. Diplomats at risk. The plan initially developed by the Obama State Department called for five to ten Million Dollars in security upgrades for the u. S. Diplomatic outposts. In basra, iraq. Yet last month, citing security threats, President Trumps secretary of state mike pompeo ordered all nonessential personnel in basra to pack up and go. Former state Department Officials say the two diggss arent necessarily linked but the Current State Department refuses to discuss publicly why the security upgrades never happened, and where the money set aside for them went. Then theres this. This afternoon at the white house the president called the rush of immigrants to the southern border a humanitarian tragedy. His posture was clear. If they feel there will be separation, they wont come, the president said, but theres little evidence his administrations policy of breaking up families at the border has been a deterrent. Instead theres new evidence this week that the policy stretched the administration too thin. Weve had a huge increase in families. So just between july and august, i believe it was around a 300 increase. So what that means for us are our facilities are out of space. That is the Homeland Security chief, kirstjen nielsen. The president stopped separating families in june. But faced with a fresh crisis on the border white house policy adviser Stephen Miller wants the president to opt for a policy that could, again, break up kids and their parents. The socalled binary choice option was ruled legal by a judge in july, and would give migrant parents a choice. Stay in detention with their children, or release their kids into u. S. Government custody. The president , judging by his words today, still thinks that is an effective solution, evidence or not. Transparency, honesty, accounting for your taxpayer money, rejecting washingtons web of influence. Those are all part and parcel of the president s campaign pledges. And all things his Administration Still struggles to live up to, judging by the evidence. The swamp is still thriving. Only the alligators are a different color. Thats going to do it for me tonight. Im ana cabrera, thank you for being here. Ill be back tomorrow at 5 00 eastern in the cnn newsroom. Up next, a marathon of Anthony Bourdains parts unknown. Good night. Hey, darryl hey hey, how much would you pay for something you dont want . Nothing. Is this a test . No. Do you like getting stuff you like for free . Yes. This feels like a test. Its not. vo get six months free apple music on the network you deserve. Now get up to 300 off our latest phones. To give you the protein you need with less of the sugar you dont. 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Be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. Traffic and roads. A mess, honestlyrents going up,le. Friends and Family Moving out of state, millions of californians live near or below the poverty line. Politicians like gavin newsom talk about change, but theyve done nothing. Skyhigh gas and food prices. Homelessness. Gavin newsom, it happened on your watch. So, yeah. It is time for a change. Time for someone new. [ speaking punjabi ] [ speaking punjabi ] [ horn ]

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