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The latest news and information from around the world with host Ana Cabrera. Theft and crash is it also reveals an enormous security issue. Were lucky that only that man at the controls was involved. Imagine if this commercial plane had been full of passengers. Juliette kayyem. And scott miller a commercial pilot for 30 years. If this Ground Worker is able to grab a plane and take off how far is a stretch is it for someone with more sinister intentions to do the same thing. There is always going to be a risk in aviation and particularly from what would be known as an insider threat, someone who has gone through security, that the company at least has sort of confidence in. By the time a Passenger Airline is being filled with people it already has a cockpit staff. It already has the Security Apparatus surrounding it. In some ways he took advantage of the vulnerabilities because the plane was in fact empty. Scott, what crossed your mind when you heard about what happened. At first i thought he had to have some sort of Flight Experience in his background. It was curious because when i was coming up in my early 20s i was a Ground Service worker for an Airline First at San Francisco and san jose. And i was tow qualified on the aircraft. I was at the time i was thinking in the back of my head, you know some night if i wanted to fire this up and take it around the pattern could accomplish that. I never honestly even would consider doing it in real life. Unfortunately this individual seems to have done that. Just how hard is it for someone to get into one of the planes and get it into the air . Well, as the alaska ceo said, they are very complex pieces of equipment. But ive read some reports that this particular Ground Service agent was tow qualified. Probably had some, just picked up i ohs mow sis the proper sequence to flip the switches and get the fuel valves open to get the engine started. It appears he had the knowledge could have occurred, yet it did. I think the key to preventing this in the future is a little more rigorous screening of the employees, perhaps both before hire and during their employment as well. Unfortunately, when you have threats from the inside, exceedingly difficult to detect, as proven by the german tragedy last year. Thats something that has to be looked at. You get to the point where security gets in the way of doing the job. And we cant allow that to happen. There is limited time for the aircraft to be service the on the ground. We need to make sure that stays as efficient as possible as well. We know the Seatac Airport is the ninth busiest in the country. If it happens there it makes me wonder if smaller airports are at greater risk . And how often are airplanes of any size stole sfwloon i would say the risk isnt really correlated to the aircraft or checks or if oerps might have known of his mental issues. I highly doubt this will lead to a criminal investigation. No suspicion that others were involved. And then it will be handed over for closure. There may be penalties also if there were lapses in security, penalties for the airline. But thats basically it at this stage. Juliette kayyem, scott miller thank you both for being with us and walking us through the scenarios and what happened here. Why is Robert Mueller meantime getting testimony from a woman known as The Manhattan Madam. We will look into that and breakdown the Paul Manafort trial. Next. Youre live in the cnn newsroom. Not cool. Freezing away fat cells with coolsculpting . Now thats cool coolsculpting safely freezes and removes fat cells with little or no downtime. And no surgery. Results and Patient Experience may vary. Some common side effects include temporary numbness, discomfort,and swelling. Ask your doctor if coolsculpting is right for you and visit coolsculpting. Com today for your chance to win a free treatment. I get it all the time. Have you lost weight . 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No matter where you go this summer make it better with audible. Text summer5 to 500500 to start listening today. Former madam m. Emjay has more details. We dont toe know why mueller was interested in talking to Kristin Davis. But we know that davis appears to be one of several people close to roger stone that mueller is interested in talking to. Even though as of friday roger stone says he hasnt been contacted by mueller. The woman known as The Manhattan Madam Kristin Davis scheduled to testify before a grand jury in Robert Muellers russia investigation. Special counsel investigators could be interested in her ties to long time trump adviser roger stone. She was interviewed by investigators last week. She and stone have been Close Friends for a decade. Kristin davis is a brilliant woman, a friend of mine, someone who made mistakes and has paid her debt to society. Davis once ran a highend Prostitution Ring and went to scale as part of the scannedland vochgt elliott spitser. The remorse i feel will always be with me. She unively successfully ran for governor in 2010 with stone as her strategist. I have redeemed myself and americans believe in second chances. Davis worked with stones more recently in late 2016 she helped him with clerical tasks on his website. She knows of no russian collusion or wikileaks collaboration any other illegal activity on my part in connection the president ial election or otherwise. Muellers team has been looking in possible contact between stone and wikileaks during the 2016 campaign. U. S. Intelligence concluded russians hacked the Democratic National committee and Clinton Campaign officials and provided the stolen emails to wikileaks as part of moscows effort to meddle in the election. Assange defy the documents came from the government. He actually have communicated with assange. I believe the next pertain to the clinton foundation. But there is no telling what the october surprise may. But later walked it back. Where is theproof . There is no proof. But the circle tightening around stone as mueller subpoenaed a Radio Host Attorney telling cnn he intends to comply. My name is out there. Stone claims this man was a back channel to assange during the 2016 campaign. Stone telling cnn i realize that he was a wikileaks lawyer and not assange himself. A at know imtime did he tell me the source or cone of wikileaks disclosures would be. While davis appears to be cooperating. Another former aide Andrew Miller didnt appear for a scheduled grand jury hearing and held in contempt. His attorney telling reporters. We supplied all the documents that they wanted. So we had to have one thing that he was refusing to do, namely go before the grand jury. And in order for us to get the contempt and to appeal. Now as you know Rudy Giuliani has said that he hopes that this investigation is over by september 1st. It seems clear that that is not going to happen. Ed the lawyer telling us that he plans to testify before the grand jury on september 7th. The plot thickens. Joining us to discuss paul kalin. Read the tea leaves for us when it comes to roger stone and all the people close to him that mueller wants to talk to what is clear. You know, ana, you have to have the back story first on roger stone. He has been the sort of the king of dirty tricks for the Republican Party going back as far as Richard Nixon. As a matter of fact he has a picture of Richard Nixon literally tattooed on his back. He is the hats arent just the strange thing about him. s very strange guy and pops up in all republican campaigns. And i think now the clear indication is that he may be the link to a lot of information, Important Information about the connection with russia to the hacking of the National Democratic committee email server that ultimately led to you know all of those hillary emails getting leaked. And he hasnt been interviewed himself. Yes. I think any will want to interview him. And you know, we have watched mueller work in the past. And he tends to work from the outer part of the circle first with the aides. And then he moves in toward the main target. I would be surprised if roger stone was not subpoenaed ultimately before the grand jury. Let me ask you about another Trump Associate in the spotlight rick gates. Because he testified against his former partner Paul Manafort, the former Trump Campaign chairman of the chain. And there was an interesting moment where gates asked whether he testified to the special counsel about his Campaign Work for trump. His answer was sealed because the judge said it would reveal substantive evidence pertaining to an ongoing government investigation. So does this mean gates is cooperating with mueller on possible collusion as well . Well, that certainly would be one inference that could be drawn from that information. But you know something, mueller has been so closedmouthed about everything, i have to admire him as a prosecutor. You know, prosecutors a lot of them love to get their picture on television and their Leaking Information constantly. Mueller hasnt said a word. And so we can only speculate. And i would say reasonable speculation would be, yes, gates may have something important regarding collusion or a russia connection. But it remains speculative. The judge in the manafort case has certainly been a colorful character. You have called him crusty and easily angersed. Here are some of the moments caught my attention. He scolded attorneys to body language not looking him in the eye. He accuse ds of prosecutor of crying at one point. He described himself as seize ner his own roam. Has this judge done things that could impact the outcome of the case. Well judge he willis better keep in mind the way things turned out for caesar. He had a good run but didnt end well. Like all federal judges they serve for life. And they are the king in their courtroom. And his reputation is that he always has to be the smartest guy in the room. And more often than not he is. And he puts up with no nonsense from the attorneys. But the real question is, is he interfering with the trial to such a degree that you might have reversible error when it gets taken up to the appellate court. The second thing i would say be careful what you wish for here. Because the defense which is probably amused as this pounding the prosecutor is taking. Theyre next up. Watch what ellis does with them. His reputation with local lawyers is he is tougher on the defers than the government. I think we will see harsh words for the defense as well. We will watch paul kalin well have you back and discuss more thank you. Thank you. President trump had harsh words this afternoon for a former white house staffer. There she is. Omarosa manigault neumann. Calling her a low life. We will talk about that next on cnn newsroom. Van jones in the the meantime meets leslie jones from snl. Hear what she says about the silencing of comedians how shelves about being nominated for a second emmy. Van jones also talks to voters about the Gubernatorial Race and sits down and hits the road in a van. Dont miss the Van Jones System here on cnn. Is is a story aboutl and packages. And its also a story about people. People who rely on us every day to deliver their dreams theyre handing us more than mail theyre handing us their business and while we make more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country, we never forget. That your business is our business the United States postal service. Priority you her time in the west wing where she likens trump to cult leader. Lets talk about this with steve cortez and maria cardona. Steve he used to lead the hispanic Advisory Counsel and a dynamicic strategist. How do you think democratic leadership should handle this book . Steer clear from it. I mean, it doesnt really tell us anything we didnt already know. We should just ignore it. I am no fan of omarosa. I dont think very Many Democrats are fans of hers. I agree with some people in the administration that says she completely is an opportunityist because if she really felt the way that she describes in her book, if she really folate that way about trump why did it take him firing her for her to leave the white house . Clearly she is trying to make a buck off her time in the administration. At one point inside the administration she told all of trump as critics we had to bow down before him. So im sorry i give her no credible, democrats, i mean i dont think anybody is going to waste their time in reading this who are talking about this in any serious way. Frankly, i think she is somebody who, you know, doesnt really deserve the time of day. I think they deserve each other. Okay. So steve, how does the president calling her a low life sit with you, especially given she is someone had who had highlevel white house access previously. He didnt think that previously. Right. And that was a mistake process. Ill be frank about this. She is a low life. I unfortunately had interactions with her during the campaign and once she was in the white house. I have to say was thoroughly up impressed the entire time. Im sadly not shocked now about how she is acting. She worked for the obama white house. This is hardly a trump partisan ideologically. She clamored to the president once she saw he was wing. She used the president. She shouldnt have been in the kwhous or the campaign that was a mistake. And the things she says have no credibility. Does is he giving given that he even commented on it that he is now on the attack, poking that bear, i mean Isnt He Giving Attention to her book and her . Im not sure he is. She is going to be on the meet the press. I dont know he is giving it oxygen. If what she says is true which is at any time but if we can pretend a moment suspend Reality Process if she believes he is a racist she as a black woman openly worked for a restist because it suited her purposes. If thats the case its worse besmirching of her character than anything i could think of. Let me move on to a tweet. Gossip nonsense. Here the president s tweet today. He is on the attack against Jeff Sessions again his attorney general. He is talking about the russia investigation. Say saying sessions is quote scared stiff and missing in action. Now, as you both know mueller is reportedly looking process at the president s tweets. So maria, the president knows this presumably as well. What do you think he is doing here . I just dont think he can help himself, ana. I think he is incredibly worried about the Mueller Probe which is why he cant let it go. As many times as his supporters and lawyers im sure pull out their hair asking him to please stop tweeting about the mueller investigation, the more that he does it. And we know that he does these things when things really get under his skin, when he is really worried about something. When he is really pissed off about something. And he wears that on his sleeve. Unfortunately that i think to me and to many of of the people who have always thought he was unfit to lead proves that he is unfit to lead. He should be focusing on the bigger problems that is facing our nation. He should be focusing on trying to fix his image because people do see him as a racist. People do see him as a misogynist. I didnt need omarosa to tell me that. Maybe thats what the president should work on is an image of a lettered that brings people together inof tearing the country apart. Steve, are you not concerned a tweet like that just fuels the Obstruction Case or the Obstruction Part of the investigation . Gosh no. That is under muellers muellers umbrella . Im not concerned at all. But first i need to address because i think now twice maria being a racist. President as i cant let that go. Because the more that is said in Main Stream Media and said as a matter of fact in almost a in almost an accepted way, the more absurd and insulting it is. The president is not a racist. There is zero evidence that he is a racist. I wont let florida ill send you a list ill send you a list steve. Okay. Well please do the things he said he has said and done. An an Hispanic American all i see is life Getting Better for people of color in this country. Kmeically so in terms of security by any measure and so is the approval of him from people of color from hispanics from blacks. Have been have have you been attacked as a illegal have you been told your children should be deported ive been told that by Trump Supporters thank you president trump. I havent. Welcome to trumps america. We do nont i havent been attacked. I havent been attacked because im not illegal and i dont believe. I am not either. And i dont believe in illegal immigrants. Stop trying. Im a naturalized citizen. Stop trying. That doesnt matter to people. Yes it does. To know trump is giving a green light to wear discrimination on their sleeve. Mary, no. The way he does frankly. On unlike the left, I Dont Conflate legal and illegal immigration they are separate worlds. You you do. Sno i dont no i dont do. You do and the president does. We dont. We have to move on here im out of time. I love legal grimes and i did he test illegal immigration. Thanks both of you for being with us. It was one weekend year ago this weekend neonazi rallied In Charlottesville. Whats changed since then . Are you a neonazi. Do i embrace it . I dont try to push it away. Well youre wearing a swastika on your shirt. Our sarah side ner takes to you a small town where people say they are tormented by racists. 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The rights In Charlottesville resulted in senseless death and tuition. We must come together as a nation i condemn all racism and Violence Peace to all americans. Lets get to kay lee hartung In Charlottesville. Whats the impact of all this Security On Charlottesville long time residents and mall business owners . Well, ana, at first glance at the restaurant, this looks like another saturday night In Charlottesville, patrons on the front patio. But a quick shift and you cant avoid seeing the Police Presence like the state policemen you sigh behind me. One of the entry points into the secure perimeter created Voweding Downtown Charlottesville just behind them. To my right a State Trooper car and here the melts fences you speak of. Just down this way the park where robert e. Lee statue stands policemen lining the streets where we saw the violence a year ago. The Police Presence i should say a collaboration of local state and federal assets is mixed with reactions by the people. Some Who Counterprotested A year ago meeting White Nationalists in the streets in the clashes, some say they feel this is an overcorrection. They fault the charlottesville police department in particular for the failure to stop theens violence a year ago, failure to protect the citizens of this town. Envelope like this overcorrection isnt making them feel any safer today than they did a year ago. Yes you have some particularly Small Business owners who ive talked to who say they are willing to deal with the inconveniences of a Security Checkpoint where your bags are checked with your consent. Because of the security it gives them and the patrons of the restaurant. Nearly everyone i spoke to, the residents of this town who have come out to the mall today, ana, they tell me they came out with a purpose, to support the Small Businesses that would otherwise be affected by the security. But also to support each other. The wounds here still very raw and the focus here with so much of that negative Energy Moving to washington, d. C. , the focus here on healing. Kaylee hartung we know you are on the ground and continuing the monitor the events tonight as there is an event planned to get under way in the next hour and a half or so. Thanks again. We are talking about race intolerance because of the violence that erupted in Can Charlottesville A year ago. But in many place american haves live with hatred all day in and out. Sara sidner went to a small town in pennsylvania that has a resident neonazi. Reporter in the calm of this rural northern pennsylvania town, a sign that hate lives here. Are you a neonazi. To i embrace it . I dont try to push it away. Well youre wearing a swastika on your shirt. Exactly. And youve got swastika flags. Why the flags . Why the shirt . Why these hateful symbols in this town. I dont think theyre hateful. Injury its an ideology that has been completely misinterpreted since the third reich. I have to stop you misinterpretsed. Misinterpreted six million juice killed. Youll never sell me on that. Im not trying to sell you its reality its history cannot be denied. Daniel burnside is Lightning Rod of discord in this area. Population 690 with the help of the internet his message spread far and wide giving his town attention it doesnt want. In Rural America spoke up when he they elected trump. Rural america. And by Rural America he mean white america. We are staring down the barrel of a gun in white america. There is still 193 million white americans yes the vast majority of them are in Their 60s And 70s will be in the ground in the next 20 years and therefore we have the possibility of becoming a minority in our own country. A possibility. Sounds to me. Of becoming a minority. Like youre afraid of being me. And being me. My country. Is great. This is also my country. You guys didnt win the culture war. He invited us on the property to talk but when he doesnt like the conversation he explodes. Get the [ bleep ] out of here now. We do. Just down the street were met by A Dozen Residents who say burnside does not speak for this town. There are families in this county that blame politics are for people like him being able to come out and be very loud. That fair. Our president we have right now hasnt helped the situation a whole lot. You know, he has done a lot of the same believes. He wont speak against them, okay. This guy feeds off that stuff. Among the crowd many with greaters or fathers who fought the nazis in world war ii. Theyre good people and he is stepping on all of us. We are all one were all one tribe. Who does he think he is. The teacher deb by hamilton says she returned from Touring Concentration Camps in poland. One of the things we talked about was Passive Resistances versus active. So far they have chosen Passive Resistance with burnside. On the other side of potter county, joe and lashina are convinced passive is wrong. Im not saying go with pitch forks and guns. American Knights Of The Kkk neighborhood watch. After seeing kkk posters in the neighborhood and burnside decorations in the county joe did protest only to receive a threat by one of the supremacists he stood against. They looked at me and gave me the finger and even make little gestures they were going to shoot me. Joe says the rachel hatred intensified with the appearances of hits jamaicaen bride. In their minds if more people stood up against hate the racist would leave and let love stand. Ulysses, pennsylvania. Another disturbing story we are following. What did investigators know about the conditions inside this new mexico compound where 11 Starvingen Children were found . A live report from new mexico live, just ahead in the cnn newsroom. The chili pepper sweatout. Not cool. 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We also learned as you mentioned, that the deputies had searched and underground tunnel that stretched for about 40 yards the first day they searched. Then two days later, they went back to the compound with new nvmgs and found the remains of the missing 3yearold child buried until human waste inside an alcove in that tunnel. A lot has been made about the accusation that the adults had been training some of the kids to become school shooters, Future School shooters. Well, the sheriff says that the fbi now has that information from a 14yearold and a 15yearold who lived on that compound, but its important to know, ana, the sheriff didnt know that at the time he put out his information statement calling these people muslim extremists. I asked him why was it relevant to include it, since he said, quote, why would it not be . Wow, i know according to the recording youve been doing there, there have been, there were red flags that something was not right on this property. Why Didnt Authorities Act sooner . Reporter that is the question that the Property Owners continue to ask of the sheriff here, ana, because they say it was months before this compound was raided just over a week ago, that they alerted the sheriff and other Law Enforcement they spotted that missing 3yearold and his father a two missing occasions, but it was months before they actually raided it. The sheriff says that information never actually landed on his desk. The compound, it was absolute squalor, and the question is why didnt they go in and take the kids out of that environment . Whats amazing here, ana, a Sheriffs Deputy went to that property in june to serve court papers to see for himself. I asked the sheriff would you say wasnt something doing at that time . And he said this but the Sheriffs Deputy went there didnt observe the filthy conditions . No, he didnt go into the inner part of the compound. He met mr. Louis at the beentry of the compound, and he didnt see children. Reporter theres nothing about that that said this is not an appropriate child. What child was living there . Reporter you knew there were children there, because the fbi had seen them. At those particular times, but not in front of him on june 18th. Reporter he says the fbi also spotted a child that walked with a limp that may have matched the description of the missing child. When i pressed the sheriff on this issue and why he couldnt search the property given that he had the Property Owners permission, set said there was simply nothing he could do, and then walked out of the interview. Those poor children. Scott mclain in red river, new mexico, lane you. We had to take a moment to honor this weeks c hero. If you are visiting vietnam, you can experience a taste of it. We developed anotherles of noodles the its not quite a tour, not quite a cooking class, not quite a demonstration. 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