Restaurant, and the driver of the van is also dead as police say he committed suicide after the crash. We are joined by ted or the in chief of the german newspaper built. And what do the German Police know about the man who did this, and is there any explanation as to why . There is no explanation as to why yet. And in fact, the very inconclusive picture that we are talking about a middleaged man here, 48, 49 years old, german dissen descent and no psychological record there, but nothing confirmed, there and no person who has ever committed any crime or any offense of talking to the neighbors and the surroundings are that we have learned that there is nothing special about him. It appears that he used the camping van which had stickers on it from various locations where he had been camping. It could not be more ordinary. And then, this day d, and what he turned this day into could not be more horrific. What do the witnesses say happened . Does it appear that he deliberately targeted that restaurant the or a random target of opportunity . No, it would not be a target of opportunity in that area, because we are talking about the old town in the city of muenster. It is a narrow streets. It is not easily accessible. It is not where you would just pass by or drive by. It is probably chosen deliberately. It was not an easy attack forta the attack, because it is a first real day of spring with the high temperatures, a and so people were outdoor, and so if you wanted to take a target like that, this is the spot in the city. The attackers have used vehicles as Deadly Weapons before, and too often sadly, it happened in germany a couple of years ago in berlin. Are the police making any comparison comparisons between the two attacks . No, they are not inviting these compare sorngs because that the past, this has been the signature or the footprint of this iz lslamic motivated attac as we have seen berlin of the berlin christmas market. So they are trying to stay away from the comparisons, because from what we know right now, there is no islamist motivation behind this, and they are not wanting to make any connection in that way. And we are look in tehe earl stages of that investigation, and that area blocked off there. And thank you, Julian Reichelt for joining us. I have two more analysts to join us. Juliette kayyem is a former assistant to the secretary and also, gayle lemon, and there an signs that sitter errorist related . Yes, they may be there already, because listening to the German Authorities they know who it is, and he has likely encountered the german Law Enforcement before, and they do want to quell the notion that it is isisinspired. So it is a difficult situation to assess right now, because of course, this is purposeful and a form of terror, but the motivation maters to the citizens of germany. If it were isisrelated you would appear for copycats or those who are radicalized, but this is appearing to be a person who has used the methods that we have come to know as icytype methods, but because of a different motivation. Of course, we will learn more over the next 48 to 72 hours, but the germans are insistent of not reaching to conclusions there. And we dont want to reach to any concan collusions either, because we have not confirmed the the information that you are hearing in terms of the german media channels, but samantha, in this case, we know that the driver killed himself after this initial attack with the van and what happens next as far as determining who he is and what the motivation might be . Whether this is a Mental Health i. N. S. Dent or the terrorismrelated incident, wu of one of the things that the law e enfornforcement officials doing is looking at the digital footprint, and as julian said, it is a narrow street, and is there anything that he did speaking with others or online or in person where he tried to figure out which restaurant to target, and was he googling hoecations and location, and was he targeting places in stockholm or berlin. And that berlin incident and we have mentioned ate co ed it f times, julia, it was december 12th when a truck drove through market in berlin, and what do we know about this specific style of attack specifically in europe . It is a big challenge for the City Planners and the mayors and the local Public Safety and we deal with it here in the homeland, because the challenge is of course how do you minimize the risk, but also let the people live the lives they want. Because those of us who live in the cities want to be out on the spring night to enjoy iing ourselves so that the more security that you put into the infrastructure the less vibrant that the cities will be and so it is a constant balance in terms of the kinds of threats that we are facing. Look, narrow streets, saturday night, and unless you are willing to close off a city, which no mayor is going to be willing to do, there are going to be vulnerabilities and there are architectural changes that cities are making such as planters into the streets so that someone cannot drive too far, and see something say something, and other things to do to close off urban eareas without putting up fences. It is a risk, but there are benefits to living in cities as well. And again, we dont know what influences there are here, samantha, but because this was a tactic that we are have seen terrorists use in the past, what do we know about the terror influence, i geuess in this par of germany . Well, germany, and it is interesting when you look at the political context in germany. Chancellor merkel has come under serious, serious criticism for her immigration policy and the refugee policy. She let in a huge number of refugees and migrants over the past several yearyears, and shet a number of seats. Many have criticized her openness to letting in the immigrants and refugees and linked it to terrorist incidents, and again, we dont know fit is a terror attack, but it appears that the German National has perpetrated it, but there is an uptick the of islamistinspired attacks in germany, the u. K. , and so i believe that we will see this narrative continue, and to julias point, a tar can become a means of terror or terrorism, and if this is Mental Health, what were the warning sign, and is that possible that this individual decided to take a vehicle deliberately, and to the murder people on a saturday night without anybody else knowing, and that is the key questions that we would try to p prevent. And we hear soft targets frequently. And julia, the quick update that we are learning of the three people that died, and that included the driver and the attacker in the case. And we want to pass along that information and a followup as far as using the vehicles for the attack, and how do you try to prevent Something Like this from happening, and based on what you are hearing in the Law Enforcement circles, what is be being done to i guess prepare for the next one sadly. Well, there is a couple of things. So, if someone owns their own vehicle, which is what i think that is what is reported right now, that is difficult, because they dont have a touch point in which there is some exposure or someone who is knowing what the motivation is. And to sams point, that is where you are looking to the family and freiends and if ther is a moment that anyone could have stepped in and say anything to anyone or leave materials for anyone. And what we are doing in western europe and the United States of course is to look at the rental agencies, and there is a lot of training that people dont know of rental agencies and car agencies to tell people what they should be looking for if people are paying in cash or leaving up able to leave i. D. , and to prepare, and essentially the private sector which is the point that this person may be, you know, sort of planning the event or renting the car or renting the van to educate them, but of course, it is really difficult can, a and when you are thinking about how many people own car, it is a difficult thing to be able to get it at the moment that you need to, and that is why, you know, family and friends become key in the radicalization issues and whether it is terrorism or mental illness, because more likely than not, as we might find this case, someone new and often as we see, he may have encountered Law Enforcement in a variety of capacities before if not him, and then people around him may have. And julia kayem and samantha vinograd, thank you. And it appears that some of the president s counsel are starting to prepare him for appearing before the special counsel, and how high are the stakes . avo help control cravings and lose weight with contrave. 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Oh, i would do it under oath. And bringing in legal analyst ryan lizza and laura coat, and when we talk about prepping for an interview, what would that look like initially . Well, the parameters of what it would look like and how it would take place and is it going to be with an interview of ko counsel who is allowed to be present with President Trump or in front of the grand jury, and the lat ser not the ideal scenario for the president of the the United States, because in the grand jury, he has the potential to go rogue and not have attorneys in the room. So likely to have interview of mueller and the Investigative Team with the counsel present to defend and advise the president of the United States, and perhaps as to the questions they want asked and the categories of information and the length and the duration of it. All of it is critical in deciding if the president of the United States wants to sit down voluntarily or whether he is ultimately going to have to be subpoenaed by the special ko counsel. And ryan a source familiar with this is saying that the efforts to prepare the president is in the infancy and what does that tell you . I have checked with sources ashs they are confirm iing that yes, they are preparing him and describe describing it as common sense, and that whether they have finalized an agreement to meet with him or not, and it is making sense to have preparations to perhaps see how the president would handle, you know, the barrage of the questions and to do some murder boarding, and to get a sense of how he how he holds up when they have some people playing the role of the prosecutor asking him some of these difficult questions. So i dont think that it is telling us that he is actually 100 decided to do it, but it seems like, they are getting closer. I mean, if he resists this just politically, i mean, i know that we are in a different political world now, but previously, it was sort of unfathomable for a president not to, to deny a duly appointed investigation that is ongoing, and you know, whether it is bill clinton or previous president s, and it is considered political suicide to say, no, i wont answer those questions. So at the end of the day, they will have to do it whether they are forced to by the subpoena by the Supreme Court or do it vol untar rly. And as recently as january, in the president said that he would love to do that, and laura f they are indeed simulating what an interview with sfwespec counsel is going to look like if it would defer the president s i would welcome this mentality. And you heard him blurt out open openly in front of the camera, but the counsel said, you realize, you are going against seasoned experts who are trained in the art of not only interrogation, but also the idea of great followup questions or studying and getting a pulse, and eyeballs on him to see how he responds to information that may conra tra dikt what he previously has said, and all of that you cant prepare for and so that is a deterrent, but as ryan said, it is unfathomable in another time or era that the president of the United States could say, i dont want to talk to you or i will assert the fifth amendment which he has and he can say, i wont answer the questions, and i will exercise my fifth right against selfincrimination, but he has gotten a lot of political cover in that area where it is no longer political suicide, because he has tried to discredit over time, and called it a witch hunt, and he says a good investigation and this is more cover than under any other prior administration. That is a good point. And last night, we heard from roger stone, and this is what he had to say about a phone shall sit down between the president and special counsel mueller. Under any circumstance would you say that he should testify . I have said that it would be a perjury trap. We strauhave talked about th president s hyperbole frequently, and so could this potentially be a perjury trap as roger stone claims . Well, any time you are talking to an fbi agent, i suppose it is a perjury trap, right . If you lie to them, then you can be charged with perjury. So i dont buy that it is a trap, and there is no way for an fbi agent to trap you into lying, and you are to do that on your own. So this is a sort of the political argument from defenders of the president who dont want him to do this to say, oh, this is not, and you know, this is some kind of trap, and it is not fair. It is a way to discredit the investigation, and just to follow up on lauras point about whether the political system will a allow trump to take the fifth amendment will allow him to deny this interview really depends upon the republicans in congress, i think. They have a decision to make about what they say about this. If Senior Republicans on the hill are outraged by that, then that is going to put the pressure on the president to go forward with the interview. So it is important to test the temperature of the republicans up there. A t at the end of the day, this is a political process if the president is alleged to have committed any crime, and it is going to be in the realm of politic politics and impeachment if it gets that far, and so that is why it is really important to hear from the Congressional Republicans think about this. And laura, we know in the past depositions that the president has given in other legal cases for business situations, he has not recalled or i dont know has been a response in other cases. Could those be logical and useful defenses for him . An interview with mueller . Well, i am sure that he is going to continue to say those thing, and whether it is going to persuade them from believing that is the case is a different story, because if there is verifiable information that shows that you dont actually have amnesia today and it is more convenient or selective, then they can try to use it against you and in possible obstruction and other cases and allegations against you, but if you are verifiably cannot recall, every lawyer worth their salt will tell the client, if you not sure of the answer or if you want further clarification, ask that and dont offer information when you are uncertain, because when you do that, ironically, you will find yourself committing perjury or making a false statement or misleading one that is going to betrust anyones claim for you for perjury or misleading or falsification. So he has that in the arsenal as well, but if they have information that proves that he is lying, that is a really big deal, and we dont know, ana, what mueller know, because he is keeping everything so close to the vest. So we dont know until the indictment comes out or the press conference from rod rosenstein, and so i would not be playing fast and loose with recall with his team. Thank you, ryan lizza and laura coates. And the border battle. The u. S. Troops are sent to the border as the president is pushing for more security until he gets that border wall. We will get a live report next. But i realized something was missing. Me. The thought of my symptoms returning was keeping me from being there for the people and things i love most. So, i talked to my doctor and learned humira can help get, and keep,uc under control when other medications havent worked well enough. And it helps people achieve control that lasts so you could experience few or no symptoms. 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Id of said youre dreaming. Dreaming definitely dreaming. Then again, dreaming is how i got this far. Now more businesses in more places can afford to dream gig. Comcast, building americas largest gigspeed network. Military officials have confirmed now that two soldiers were killed overnight in the Helicopter Crash in kentucky and the helicopter crew was conducting a routine training operation in Fort Campbell when the helicopter went down. The crash is under investigation, and the two soldiers who were killed have not been released. Marching papers for the National Guard troops. He said this afternoon we are sealing up the border. Secretary jim mat tis has signed orders to deploy up to 4,000 troops to the southern border and the planning is under way. The texas National Guard is dispatching guard to the sectors of the border today to plot out exactly where the troops will go. Kayleie hartung is joining us from hildalgo, texas, on the north side of the major Border Crossing area there. Do we know exactly what they are doing and what the limitations are . Yes, ana, there are limitations of what the federal troops can do. We go back to the laws put in days following the civil war, federal troops cannot be involved in Law Enforcement and so these National Guard troop s are not to be coming into physical contact with the immigrants or the process at the border, but in more supporting roles and tasks like offering training or maybe construction or surveillance, and that surveillance of any intelligence gathering could come with the help of hel komts in the air or cameras along the border which frees up customs and Border Patrol agents to be more flexible to be more visible and to make any immigration arrests that may arise and it is important the note that the National Guard troops are only going to be armed in limitations where selfdefense could beb necessa necessary. All right. Kaylee hartung at the reynosa Border Crossing in hildalgo, texas. Now we bring in general of the National Guard, and welcome. What will you be doing, and where are you going to be working . Good afternoon, ana, and thank you for having me on. We will be working in support of the customs and Border Patrol with requirements that are identified by the department of homeland security. So currently, we have our planners and some other soldiers down working with the sector chiefs and staff to specifically identify those missions that they are going to need us to to do. But we do expect it to be, and we are putting together Ground Surveillance vehicles as well as light and medium aircraft, and aviation platforms. The president says that he plans to keep the troops deployed until the wall is built. Any indication thus far how long you will be can deployed . Is that the timetable that you are work off of . Yes, maam. Currently, we are planning for if we have to send troops and then start a rotation cycle due to making sure that we are sensitive to the soldiers and their familieses and airmen as far as employers and things, and we have done things like this before in the past, so we will look at meeting the governor and the president s intent, but potentially having a type of rotation in order for soldiers to be able to go back to the other things that they have to do in the civilian sector. Which sounds like you are anticipating a long haul down there, and were you surprise ed by the deployment . I think it is kind can of, maam, you can put it like it is that we are not surprise d abou it, and we are ready for any mission that the state or the governor wants us to do, hurricane, flooding, going to the border. We currently have 100 soldiers already on the Border Mission under governor abbott, and so we are constantly prepared and the soldiers are ready to take a call and be somewhere within 24 to 48 hours. Border crossings are at historic lows and Previous Administration had fewer troops deployed and a much higher of the illegal crossings happening, and why the urgency now do you think . I am not prepared to discuss why that is, maam. I know that we are just given a mission from our governor and the president , and we are preparing to go and do those things that we need to do in support of the department of homeland security, and any other federal agencies working on the border. What concerns or worries do you have about this mission . I know that our soldiers are very well trained. We have most of the force in texas has already deployed to afghanistan and iraq as well as doing hurricanes this past year, harvey and even helping out with irma, and so we have well trained soldiers and airmen. They will be getting additional training that they need to go to the border. So, but, the concerns for our soldiers is because of what very well trained that it is a m minimal risk, and when we do everything in working with the o other agencieses on the Border Patrol to keep it that way. Brigadier general tracy norris, thank you for your time and best of luck on the mission. Coming up, why the president s response to this question has the lawyer for a porn star celebrating. Did you know about the payme payments to Stormy Daniels for leisure. So i go national, where i can choose any available upgrade in the aisle without starting any conversations or paying any upcharges. What can i say . Control suits me. Go national. Go like a pro. Come fly with me, lets fly, lets fly away. Is americas numberone you kmotorcycle insurer. Yeah, she does purr best bike i ever owned no, youre never alone, because our claims reps are available 24 7. We even cover accessories and custom parts. 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In patients with sickle cell disorders, serious, sometimes fatal crises can occur. The most common side effect is bone and muscle ache. So why go back there . If youd rather be home, ask your doctor about Neulasta Onpro. Another week and another stormy development. The attorney for Stormy Daniels says that their case against President Trump is Even Stronger now that he has broken his silence and gone on the record about the hush money that she was paid. First the remind oref what the president said this week. Mr. President , did you know about the 130,000 payment to st Stormy Daniels . No, no. What else . Why would you well, you have to ask Michael Cohen. Michael is an attorney and you will have to ask Michael Cohen. Do you know where he got the money to make the payment . No, i dont know. No. And so you probably know the rest of the story by now. Trumps Attorney Michael Cohen paid daniels that money to keep quiet about an alleged affair with trump and now she wants the nondisclosure agreement tossed out, because the president never signed it. And now daniels Attorney Says that it should help her in court. It is like christmas and hanukkah rolled into one. You cant have an agreement if one party believes they didnt know anything about the terms of the agreement, and the president has shot himself in the foot, and he should have left it alone and now he has put himself and mr. Cohen in a world of hurt. Joining us now is cnn legal analyst mark geragos and his clients have included everyone from Michael Jackson to Wynonna Ryder and, mark, you have experience working with the celebrities and going up against other celebrities and what to you make of the new development . We didnt hear much from trump and why is that significant from the standpoint of what he said . Well, it is significant and michael is not prone to exaggeration when he says it is christmas and hanukkah all rolled up into one. He has reason to be happy . Yes, if you are representing a client and the issue that you want to bring forth is that it is not a valid agreement, and trump is saying that he knew nothing about the 130,000 payment gives you the ability to go in to do discovery on it, which means that is a deposition, things of that nature, and the testimony and presumably a jury trial as opposed to going straight to arbitration. So he must have and the other thing is that when trump invites the press to go talk and go ask Michael Cohen to see what he had to say and repeated it twice, that is arguably a waiver of the Attorney Client privilege and a onetwo punch that i dont think that Michael Cohen is happy about. And you mentioned depositions, and we saw the maneuverings in the court this week and the judge has thrown out the request of a deposition by Stormy Daniels attorney, and he is refiling that now that cohen has come to file the arbitration documents, and he tweeted this in part. History teaches us one thing to deceive the press and quite another to do it under oath, and search for truth, and so do you think that she he is going to b successful in getting trump deposed. Right now, i do think that he will get an order . Yes. Do i understand what the end game is for either side of this . No. It is above i my pay grade. If im representing Michael Cohen or anybody else at this point, i would probably just dismiss. I mean, ultimate lit a tend of the ultimately, at the end of the day, do you want money out of somebody who doesnt have the deep pocket, and namely Stormy Daniel and get an injunction for every strip club in america, i dont think. So so you are exposing the president to be under oath and to commit perjury and why would you do that . For a lot of the same reasons that you dont want him in front of Robert Mueller, you dont want him under oath with michael asking him questions. I dont believe it makes sense whatsoever, a if i were them, i would dismiss and move on. What is the case for Michael Cohen based on what the president said, and it is, i guess, against his legal responsibility to do something without letting the president or the client know about it . It is really an interesting situation. I know that everybody says he has an ethics problem, but it is only an ethics problem if the client complains about it, because he can find refuge if the new york state bar says there is a complaint and they may have a complaint already because anybody can claim it, and you did this and he did not have knowledge, and this is exhibit a of him on the president of the plane saying i did not know about it, unless the president says, i want to file a complaint against Michael Cohen, and the new york state bar has little basis upon which to discipline him. But Robert Mueller can question him about it. And Robert Mueller can come in and if he wants to squeeze Michael Cohen, he can say, you have a federal elections problem here, and you have got youre way over to the 2700 contribution limit and you paid 130,000, and you said under oath, you did not get reimbursed and you need to play ball with us and tell us what you were doing with the moscow deal and they can go down that road and others that we have no idea about. And so i am hearing you say that he may have made himself vulnerable to the special counsel case, and i am curious about woman Karen Mcdougal who is trying to get out of her agreement to stay silence afterwards and now that real donald trump has cleared it up for michael avenatti, will he be making a statement about our client Karen Mcdougal or does trump weighing in on daniels expose him to mcdougals legal action . I can see a legal argument if they filed or got into it where you could use the stormy admission, if you will, that he didnt know anything in terms of his likeminded evidence or evidentiary evidence in mcdougal, but i dont think that is going to happen. It is a long shot. The greater peril is if trump and cohen continue to press this issue in front of judge otero in the Central District in los angeles. I dont think that there is any good outcome for them, and i dont understand, and so what, you got a judgment. On the best day, you get a judgment for millions of dollars for her violating the agreement, and what good is that is going to do you . Especially for a billionaire . Right. And mark geragos, always good to have your take. It was a car accident that cost one woman her life and one powerful man his president ial dreams. The new star of the film chappaquiddick is going to join us next. The secrets can be the difference of guilt and innocence, and this is what we need to be in control of. There are not at lot of senators who are charged with manslaughter who go on the become president. Need a change of scenery . The kayak explore tool shows you the places you can fly on your budget. So you can be confident youre getting the most bang for your buck. Aloha. Kayak. Search one and done. Course of history. It was july 18th, 1969. A handsome young senator was hosting a Cookout Party on chappaquiddick island. His name, ted kennedy. At age 37, he had his eyes on the white house. Senator kennedy left the party in his black olds mobile with 28yearold mary jo kopechne. He somehow careened his car off a bridge and into the water. He escaped. Kopechne died. The new movie chappaquiddick is taking a hard look at the deadly events and the scandal that crushed ted kennedys white house dream. Watch. It was an accident. I was driving. A story like this could dominate the headlines for weeks. We have a body. Dead body holds a lot of secrets. Those can be the difference between guilt and innocence. Thats what we need to be in control over. Theres not a lot of senators charged with manslaughter that go on to become president. What do we do to help the senator . We tell the truth. Or at least our version of it. Diagnosed with a concussion. Joining us now, jason clark, the actor portraying senator ted kennedy. Jason, thank you for spending part of your weekend with us, and especially given i know you have a new baby at home. Congratulations. Thank you very much. Thank you for having me. Fwl what drew you do this role, this story in particular . The man, the character. The event. And its importance in history and in my life. As soon as i read the script, i couldnt let it go. I couldnt forget about it. I couldnt stop thinking about it. I couldnt stop going back through the 20th century of this event to where we are now. And you know, i really just wanted to be part of it. This film, of course, tells a story that happened almost 50 years ago, jason, but you believe its very politically relevant today . I think, you know, we are where we are because of where we have come from. Whether thats a hike through the mountains or 1969 to 2018. Absolutely. You know, its a very intimate portrayal of a mans decision on a small level of one man and it follows out to what we did as a Democratic Party and as a people, as we the people who then vote. I always think thats relevant. Whats your interpretation of how things ended up for ted kennedy . Well, thats, you know, ted kennedys life is not just define by chappaquiddick. Theres before, what he went through being ted kennedy and the fourth brother, and his legacy, you know, his contribution as a senator, and the legislation he left behind. And you know, the causes that he stood for. From civil rights to education to health care. Teds legacy is, and his contribution to society, is what should be discussed honestly and thoughtfully. How did you prepare for this role . I read. I watched. I listened to all of the brothers speeches, to all of the video material thats out there. You know, i had wigs, i had hair, some teeth. I had real plumpers, extra weight. I went to marthas vineyard, to chappaquiddick. Jumped in the water, walked the long road back, the time i thought ted would have done the walk, 12 30, 1 00 in the morning. I took an hour. Lots of different physical emotional, psychological, and just facts and figures and trying to get my ducks in a row, so to speak. Your costar, who plays mary jo kopechne, said she never heard of chappaquiddick before she was given the project. Did you feel a certain responsibility in making this movie for a Younger Generation that may not know the story until now . Absolutely. I find it shocking that more people dont know more about it. That people dont understand this event and this time and what came after it. And i think there is a lot to learn. I mean, theres a great photo at the end of the film of a Young Bobby Kennedy and mary jo. You know, during the campaign. Standing facetoface, and you realize, at the time, these young, smart, intelligent people wanted to change the world and believed in this man and his vision and his politics of ending the war and who he was, and his great liberal campaign. A year later, they were both dead. And for ted to be part of that tissue, that connective tissue to his brothers and his beliefs is tragic in itself. Thank you again for spending time with us. We look forward to seeing the film, and a timely reminder because the latest episode of cnns series of american dynasties premieres tomorrow night at 9 00 eastern on cnn. Well be right back. Surpri hold up. Hold up. We got a laggy video call here. You need verizon, the best network for streaming. Trade ya. 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The northwestern city of muenster. A man behind the wheel of a delivery van plowed into a crowd of people, killing two and injured at least 20 others. Some of them are in Critical Condition right now. Witnesses say the van smashed into the open air section of a busy restaurant. The driver of that van is also dead. Police say he committed suicide with a gun right after the crash. Julian reichelt is joining us now, the editor in chief of the newspaper bild. This happened about 3 00 in the afternoon. State officials just held a Live Press Conference with reporters. What did they say . Well, they basically talked, the