Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera 20180218 00:00:00

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Really incontrovertible and available in the public domain. While this admission might seem in significant, its not. For more than a year President Trump has refused to accept that Russia Meddled calling the probe a hoax and a witch hunt. The russia story is a total fabrication fabrication. Its just an excuse for the greatest loss in the history of american politics. This russia thing with trump and russia is a made up story. The entire thing has been a witch hunt. How many times do i have to answer this question . Its a ruse. Ive been in office 11 months. For 11 months theyve had phony cloud over our government. Its a democrat hoax brought up for an excuse losing ha election frankly the democrats should have won because they have such facebook. The pages issues in american life. Race relations. Immigration. And of course then candidates Hillary Clinton and donald trump. Facebook estimates close to 126 million americans may have been exposed to this and other propaganda. Federal investigators say the group behind it is the Internet Research agency link today the kremlin. Russia has denied any involvement in the u. S. Elections. And the Security Conference saturday Russian Foreign minister again dismissed those claims. Translator i have no response. Until we see the facts, Everything Else is just blatter. Then there are the rallies. In may 2016 a small group of antiislamic protests gathered outside houston texas. Situation grew intense with counter rally. The very month of the election, both pro and antitrump demonstrations held in new york. U. S. Prosecutors say both events were authorized by this same them to stop potential future meddling. And no real sign from the administration that they are going to take aggressive steps to prevent russia from interfering again in the future elections. One coming up just a few months away in november. Instead, what we have seen from the administration is a focus on democrats and the media. I want you to listen to what Debbie Press Secretary Hogan told fox news earlier today. Watch this. There are two groups that have created chaos more than the russians. And thats the democrats and the Mainstream Media who continue to push this lion the American People for more than a year. And quite frankly americans should be outraged by that. So, again, the blame for Election Meddling not squarely placed on Vladimir Putin or his cronies but rather decks and the media, at least according to hogan didily. That thinking not a lining with other republicans, including i dont imagine he would say them if they didnt maybe mean something. But putting that all aside, yeah, i feel like from a political point of view, you say this is serious. We acknowledge this. And we look forward to me, its a very simple thing to do. If you have even the slightest degree of cyst plin, l degree of discipline, and let it move on and he seems to be incapable of doing that. And we should point out we know people like flynn, papadopoulos, pleaded guilty. What message do you think mueller was sending with this indictment . Well, i think what hes saying is hes going to investigate this diligently and return an indictment if they can gather the evidence, which they gathered, of what these individuals did. And i think that my last 11 years in the fbi, i was senior executive, my last seven under robert mueller, and i can tell you thats why we dont know Whats Going On in that investigation. He runs a tight ship. Several dozen agents that are assigned to him in this investigation, youve heard nothing from them. And we are always surprised, we were sur surprised when Rod Rosenstein made the announcement. People were wondering what is this going to be when he announced a press conference. So thats the nature of this. This investigation is not over by any means. And i think you are right nobody should be celebrating in the end zone that they are being exonerated. We just dont know. And i think that the Rod Rosenstein was quite clear, although a lot ive heard a lot of people on air that missed this point, that this indictment, this indictment doesnt show collusion, doesnt show that any results were successful in attempting to influence the election. Just that they tried and they have the evidence of who did it and how they did it and brought a dpiemt throu a diemtd throuindictment throug grand jury with them. Why do they say President Trump has a problem saying this isnt about russia but doesnt have any problem going after ally when they dont agree with what they say or do. Think of the u. K. And what has happened there . I think it goes back to his views of his legitimacy as president. I think if you can strain out all the other things, what he hears, we are all listening to what Rod Rosenstein is saying in the press conference, we are reading through these documents, we are picking out pieces. What the president is hearing is, you know, you are elected, and it wasnt on the level. You didnt achieve. You are not a brilliant candidate. You won for some reason apart from your own, you know, unique incredible political abilities. Thats what hes hearing and reacting to. Many and. And if you read his twitter feed its all about democrats this, and hear from the white house this is weapon of destruction Mainstream Media. I think its important to the extent we can put ourselves in his shoes and what he hears here is what you did, your great accomplishment is not legitimate. So, tim, you had said something earlier that struck me. You said any attempt now to undermine the Mueller Investigation at this point could credibly be described as treason. Explain that. Well, the Mueller Investigation, if you look at the mandate, was always supposed to look to see if there was any coordination or contact between associates of the Trump Campaign and russia. So it was part of the brief. But now we have publicly accessible information, which means the president has this information, that shows there was a russian effort to undermine our democracy. That means that any attempt by an American Citizen right now, whoever it is, to undermine the Mueller Investigation, you have to interpret as a way to help russia. I mean, we know that the Mueller Investigation is trying to figure out why russia did this to the extent you can. Who was involved. To what extent did they influence our democracy. Again, based on what you can learn through the means at their disposal. Anybody who tries to intervene in that process is making it harder for our country to defend itself against russia. Thats why the reason of treason arises. Its a game changer. This is a much, much more Serious Investigation and more publicly serious. There was a time when only people in the Intelligence Community and then in congress knew what they had been finding. Now the American People do. And now members of the white house do. I dont know what they knew before, but they certainly know it now. So for the president to Start Playing the game that he was, to undermine the credibility of the Mueller Investigation, a lot of folks are going to say to the president , mr. President , you dont want an independent investigation of russias intervention in our democracy . Why not . This raises the stakes for him. Its not the political game for him that it was before. And my hope, because i wanted the United States to have a Credible National security policy, my hope is the president will start distancing himself from russia big time and showing that hes embarrassed about having been putins candidate. This is embarrassing. The president of the United States was putins or at least russias candidate. That should be embarrassing to mr. Trump, to President Trump. Thats not any reason to have a victory lap at all. I want to give you the final thought, tom. Well, i think that one of the things to point out here is this is not something new. This goes back to the Cold War Soviet Union with their trade craft continued when they became the Russian Federation in 1991. They contribute to protest groups over the years. A an anonymously, of course. But this is back in the 60s, 70s, 80s, doing that, trying to show the rest of the world that they have the answer to run a country with their system, and our democracy is dysfunctional, and we actually help them prove that case, that we cant pass laws, that we cant agree, that we are all divided. And anything they can do to widen that wedge between various factions in this country, they do it and take advantage of it. And its still ongoing now, with or without their help, its continuing. Tom, tim, gregory, thank you all. Thank you. Straight ahead to florida, where the outrage is boiling over. Every politician who is taking donations from the nra, shame on you. A powerful message straight from the stewudents who survivea massacre. Their calls for change next. You are live here in the newsroom. Big news from advil. Advil liquigels minis. Our first concentrated pill that rushes powerful relief. A small size. Thats fast, cause its liquid. Youll ask. What pain . Advil liquigels minis. If you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, Little Things can be a big deal. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats psoriasis differently. With otezla, 75 clearer skin is achievable after just 4 months,. With reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. And the otezla Prescribing Information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. Otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Tell your doctor if these occur. Otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. 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Dave says dark magic is a bold blend of coffee with rich flavors of uganda, sumatra, colombia and other parts of south america. Like these mountains, each amazing on their own. But together . Magical. All, for a smoother tasting cup of coffee. Green mountain Coffee Roasters packed with goodness. Message. We lost 17 lives on valentines day. Thats supposed to be International Day of love. Well take the love that we lost on wednesday and spread it over the next week, days, months and maybe even years. The love you shared and continue to share is going to help us get through these trying times. Eagles i promise you, ill hug each and everyone of you as many times as you need and ill hold you as long as you need me to for all 3300 of you and your families and well get through this together. Now to the person responsible for all of this pain and fear and unbeliefable sorrow for so many people. The killer. 19 years old. He has confessed to the shooting. To killing 17 people according to Law Enforcement. People who know him say they arent surprised that, he has a long history of struggle and violence. His online posts do nothing to dispute those images. He does hate speech. Here in parkland, florida, kalgly who went to school, live next to him, teachers, all paint this picture of someone capable of horrible violence. Yeah, they do. We continue to learn disturbing habits on and off line of the confessed school shooter. Cnn was actually allowed access into a private Group Instagram chat that he was a part of. In it, he pronounces his views rateist and homophobic and antisemitic. Shares photos that illustrates his obsession with guns and violence. Now, since cruz joined Instagram Group chat in 2017 primarily 6 individuals. They confused their identities. They are younger than 16 years old. Im going to warn you his language is disturbing. As he would write, hate, i hate jus, n, immigrants, shoot them in the back of the head. I think i am going to kill people. Over the course of this story, we have also learned that the shooter spent most of his life in an adopted home. Here in this group chat he wrote, quote, my real mom was a j jew. Im glad i never met her. We are told by authorities that called to the home that cruz lived in. We are learning of one specific incident in September Of 2016 gotten into a fight with a mother. She ha ledged to short tlorts he was cutting himself. Investigates came to the home and yet determined he was not at risk to harm himself or others. We now know that not to be true. Such a shame all the way around. Carly, thank you. I want to bring in ha career Law Enforcement official and Current Deputy mayor of new york. Sed trick, this 19yearold shooter now charged with murdering 17 people. He has a Mental Health history apparently very long and extensive. Classmates say he talked about killing about shooting up the school. Fbi now we know got tips specific to this shooter. And i want you to listen to what he apparently told a neighbor after his mother died last november. I was emotionless. I wasnt sure if it was shock or what was going on. But he had no emotion to him. He was just then i asked are you sad . You know, can i help you . And he said im sad because nobody showed up. He was upset nobody showed up to his mothers funeral. Reporting just four people were there. And some were asking was that the straw that broke the camels back. But we also nolo cal Law Enforcement responded to this persons home 39 times. At what point does Law Enforcement intervene . When is the time for them to intervene . Well, lets back up a little bit. I think one thing that is important to point out, and a, when we look at this 19yearold young man, is that he certainly without question had a culmination of severe events happened in his life. Probably loss of parents we know at this point. Loss of connectedness. Emotionless that you hear about is someone who became totally detached in many ways. And probably suffered with some really for long time homicidal and suicidal aid yae ideations. And got to a point when got to a place when there were opportunities to intervene to help him through this. So what we end up with home and address police went over 29 years over the period of seven years and im quite sure they flag the residents in a number of ways. A number of officers been to that residence a number of times. But nothing ever from their visits to suggest anything else other than Family Trouble or something that didnt rise to the level of such as what we have today. So this is sad on a whole lot of levels. Unfortunately he did not receive the help he could have received very early on. And we may have permitted or had an opportunity to get in the way of 17 lives being lost here, which im still very sad and very angry about myself. So am i. And as a parent myself it feels personal when you see children in particular affected. Well, it is personal. And now if we listen to these children, these young kids in this school, they are young adults and becoming young adults, and in a few years theyll finish high school and college and going to go into the workforce and voting citizens. Theyll carry this trauma with them for a long time. They are going to be the ones Going Forward in the future who are going to determine who the next politicians thats going to set in those seats in washington and in the home state local communities because what they are saying is enough is enough. These are coming from young people. And over the last couple of days weve watched them on television articulate their thoughts and feelings. And we can see how bright they are. How smart they are. How fought thul they are and how committed they are in terms of helping to make a change in this nation when it comes to gun violence. Yeah. I want to ask you about lessons learned. Because i spoke with Columbine Principal Frank Deyoung ang less when he was there almost 20 years ago and talked about how there were protocol changes when it comes to respond to go active shooters for example. So there is always a takeaway you hope when all of these tragedies happen. What will be the lessen from this one . Lesson from here we should have learned many times before, when someone is identifiable to us and may have a severe issue, a severe Mental Health issue, and making threats as such, we no longer can take any of these threats for granted. And i said the other night, you can go up on any website and see all kind of foolishness of People Holding gun or masquerading weapons or making crazy statements. And what i implore to the American Public we can no longer joke around that way. And we also have to ask social media to create some new restraints as well as whats going to be posted online. Because Police Cannot Go beyond 300 million websites in this country and keep up with them all. Correct. Could it help if social media flagged thoem accounts . Absolutely if they flag them. But theyll have to come up with new parameters what they are going to allow. Because you wont have enough police or social service toss follow behind whats up there now. This is a very sad case. But the young people are being very aggressive. Being very verbal. And they are making it clear to all of us in this nation not again. Enough is enough. No doubt about it. Sedrick alexander, thanks for being here. Good to be here. We want you to remember the names and faces of the here are some of the 17 w perished. Woah. Plus, netflix for the whole family. On us. Prrrrrrr. So, they get their shows. Lets go, girl youre gonna love this bit and you get yours. Watch however you want. On your phone, tablet, or tv. For a limited time, get 4 lines for just thirtyfive bucks per line, with no extra charges. Its showtime all on americas best unlimited network, tmobile. They are enabling and the blood of 17 people and all those injuries and all the families that have been hurt, this is all on them. They have us thinking this is inevitable and that we cant do anything to stop it. Its too difficult. We are done with that. The gop has a bon doned us and left us to people like nikolas cruz. This is what speaker ryan said. We need to think less of taking sides and fighting each other politically and pulling together. I disagree with that statement. Because its very clear that there are two sides to this and there are certain people that accept money from the nra and i believe speaker ryan is one of those people. It doesnt seem like the country is coming together. They are sending prayers and condolences but not taking action the way they should be. Those we are hearing from others is that the nra didnt purchase the gun. The nra didnt pull the trigger. Nra didnt conspire to kill. They might have pulled the trigger, but they are who allowed him to buy the gun. Someone who isnt allowed to buy alcohol legally is allowed to buy a war weapon like where does that make sense. Does this make you uncomfortable what you are hearing from people who want to limit access to weapons . I just dont feel its realistic to expect people to just deny right theyve been given by the second amendment. And throughout the entire history of this country. I just feel like if we take small steps now that are plausible, maybe later we can actually take larger steps that will stop things from ever happening again. I think Mental Health is something that everybody can get on. If nikolas cruz spoke to one official, someone who knows Mental Health for five minutes before he bought that gun, they would have instantly said not only is this person not able to wield this gun responsibly, this american belongs in counseling. Mental health hasnt brought washington together before. Whats your degree of confidence that anything will happen . Ive never seen this kind of reaction to Something Like this. I dont have a degree of confidence at all. Stories like these, like you hear about them on the news, and a week later we are onto something else. Every time this happens, its flowers, its love. But right now there is this air of change. Parkland i feel it, everybody is inspired. Everybody is ready to make parkland the last city to deal with it. 17 people lost their lives in the high school shooting. We honor their memory tonight. Or robotcowboy thing. D or maybe its watching satisfyinglysatisfying things. Organic avocado on everything thing. Doing it yourself or tagging a friend thing. More checkingin or checking out things. Like faaaaaaaaaar Out Of This World things. Far out. More revolutions in the making thing. That play like a girl thing. Is it a 4 your eyez only, thing. More of a no role modelz thing. That tripledouble thing. Is he the g. O. A. T. . Thing. 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And the indescribable rush of saving drivers an average of 620. Why does fear feel so good . I fell in love three times once with a woman, once with a country, and finally. With myself. So, do you have anything to declare or not . Isnt that what im doing . Fresh claims of an affair early in the president s marriage to first lady Melania Trump. A reporter in the new yorker claims President Trump was ill maintain back in 2006 with mcdougal. They claim he had elaborate system for covering up in discretions. Tom is here to explain. Tom, tell us more. This has been a rough week at the white house for first lady. Full of new allegations of a fairs involving husband, secret payoff and details how he supposedly kept it all hidden from her. Heading to florida the president walked alone to marine one. Wife Melania Trump traveling separately amid humiliating headlines. Including word that the lawyer paid off an adult film star following alleged a fair and new claim against an extra marital merger. That story dates to 2006 when the apprentice was shooting and having a party at the Playboy Mansion in los angeles. The donald trump was there and an according to the new yorker so was karen mcdougal. The magazine said start of whirlwind and pointing out wives bedroom. Even he profile events like the launch of trump vodka and Miss Universe pag nt. Mcdougal told the mac seen she paid for everything as reimbursed to prevent a paper trail leading to trump. The white house says this is an old story that is just more fake news. The president says he never had a relationship with mcdougal. So how did the new yorker come up with the sordid tale . A friend of Mcdougal Supposedly gave the magazine eight handwritten pages. She wrote a detailed chronicle of this a fair in the course of selling this story. The story did sell to the company that owns the National Enquirer for 150,000 days before the election. According to the Wall Street Journal and the new yorker. Why didnt you read it . Because National Enquirer did not publish story blocked anyone else from coming out with details. National enquirer has made no comment on that part of the story. We reached out to mcdougal and we heard no more. Many allegations bins trump of other affairs, sexually behavior, disrespectful, including a racist comment. So is all of this getting to the first lady . We dont know. All she appears to be keeping some distance from the president , she is also keeping quiet. Ana. Tom foreman, thank you. So Black Panthers breaking records on opening weekend, but more than a movie, it is a long a waited cultural event. Up next, im speaking to actor who is in this film but why its having such a massive impact, here live in the cnn newsroom. vo you can pass down a Subaru Forester. But you get to keep the memories. 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Book now at lq. Com lifting up a proud image. So good to see you tonight. How does it feel to be part of something so big right now . Good to see you, too. It feels amazing. I mean, it is a huge celebration. Just to see how everyone is in love with the movie. Everyone is coming out with their african garb and outfits. It is a huge, huge celebration. I really didnt expect it to be this huge. What is your message to the fans. Look, my message to the fans is if you like Superhero Movies you are going to love this film. If you love action films, you are going to love this film. I have seen it a couple of times with different audiences and Everybody Loves the film because it is ultimately a great story. Also, you know, it highlights africa in such a great, positive light of what could really be possible. The most exciting part for me were the women of this film. And it just reminds me of our african mothers who really are the backbone of our society. And they really kick butt. Can i say ass on cnn . Sure. You just did. My fault. My fault. I know you are so passionate about this, about your work, about your culture. Some people are calling this film a real culture breakthrough. Is that how you see it . Yeah. Well, i think it is kind of a breakthrough the same way that star wars was a breakthrough. Right . We have had like blade before. But i think at the time that blade came out, superhero, marvel films or Superhero Characters didnt have the light and interest that they have today. So thats what i would say. I dont think it compares to obama being elected, right, because at the end of the day it is a film. But what im hoping is that it will show that black leads can carry a movie, and it can play globally and be bankable. Hopefully we can get more movies like that. I havent seen the film yet. A lot of people will be like, okay, now i have to look for you in this movie. What character do you play . Well, look, im the militant leader. My part comes fairly in the beginning. I kind of open the film up in a way. So get there early. My black people, please, this is not the time to be late. You got to show up on time and get ready and youre going to be blown away. Go ahead. No. I was going to say there is one more thing. It is also kind of bittersweet because, as you know, i have been here as a daca recipient and dreamer. And to be a part of such a great movie and live this American Dream and have my life and the life of other dreamers in limbo is kind of bittersweet. But im not letting anybody steal my joy. The devil will not steal my joy today. Good for you, my brother. I did want to ask you about that, specifically, about daca, because it is just the timing is somewhat coincidental, the fact this movie is being released at the same time we just saw the debate in the senate come to a grinding halt and now its sort of been shelved. Are you confident there will be a permanent fix. I dont know. None of us know. We just watch the news every day and hope. But like i have been saying for the last couple of months, were going to keep fighting. Were going to use this democracy. We will be in front of congress. Were going to be in their hallways and offices. They will see us and hear our stories. We will humanize it. Ultimately i believe that like ted kennedy said america has a choice to make, right . Looking forwards towards the future or looking back in fear of the past. I really believe that america will look forward and well find a permanent solution and well ultimately accomplish that more Perfect Union as we have done in the past. Thats my hope and my inspiration. Well, good luck. Thank you so much. Thank you for having me. Well be in touch. Well be right back. [mascot] heyoooo whoop, whoop [crowd 1] hey, youre on fire [mascot] you bet i am [crowd 2] dude, youre on fire [mascot] oh, yeah [crowd 3] no, youre on fire look behind you. [mascot] im cool. Im cool. 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