Are on scene. We know atf is on its way. Joining us to talk about this i want to get to cnn Law Enforcement analyst, retired fbi supervisory special agent and cedric alexander. What scenario would bring the fbi and the atf to a crime scene in a small town like this . This is going to be worked initially as a murder case. That would be the local or state purview for that. Because this is such a small area 30 miles east or so of san antonio. There are other resources that can come in from pretty close. Because it is such a small area probably a Small Police Department and municipality the fbi would bring resources out of san antonio. The two things to give fbi purview over this, terrorism and if that is suspected they will work with locals until it is determined to be a terrorist case and then take over the lead and the second is a hate crime. Either of those have specific definitions. Im sure that is being worked out right now as they track down the motive. We dont know the identity of this gunman. What do you think investigators are likely doing right now . I think everything that they can do under the circumstances in which they have to work in, you have to remember that is still a very active crime scene and one im quite sure is going to take some time to clear. But the most important thing for them to do is to be able to identify the shooter. Who is he or she . Where are they from . What was their motives . Was it an act och terrorism or more domestic related. It is still somewhat early. I think the important piece is as every moment goes by more and more information is going to be ascertained and this may begin to come together in some type of way. James, you mentioned that this is such a small town. What do you make of the fact that it happened in this church in this town versus san antonio which is just 30 miles away . Dont know. It would be pure speculation for me to say it possibly the shooter might have known people. He might have been somebody known to the community or as you pointed out somebody that was in san antonio and wanted to go to a place where there is going to be less Law Enforcement resistance. That would be pure speculation. I think one interestingtragedy,s is a town of about 683 people. We have done these far too often talking about these things, that number is sure going to crime. We know there were a number of other folks wounded and air lifted out. 683. 20, 25 people. Think about that. That is three percent to four percent of that towns population. And one of the witnesses has told cnn that she knows at least three people who are injured are in critical condition. We are working to find out more information about the victims. We can confirm at University Hospital alone at least eight victims taken there. Cedric, this church video taped its services we know and would post them on youtube afterwards. It happened in the 11 00 a. M. Service. I think we have one video, not from this incident. It is very possible this shooting was captured on tape. What could investigators learn from that . Well, certainly hopefully there is video something to be gleaned from that information, whether the subject was already sitting in the Church Service or whether he just came to the front door. I think there is a lot to be gleaned from that. Here is what is touching in terms of what my colleague stated. That is a very small community. Two or three percent of the population has been effected by the community. Imagine the First Responders who are providing to that scene among the death and the mayhem who may be related to or they themselves may be friends of some of those victims. That is a traumatic event that has taken place. Continue to pray for them all because in a community that size people are very in close contact with each other and know each other. It is a very challenging and difficult scene for them, as well. I want to remind viewers we are standing by for a press conference, a News Conference with investigators where we will learn more information, get an update on their investigation and what may have taken place today. What we can confirm according to the sheriff there in the county is that at least 20 people are dead and we know dozens more are injured including perhaps families, children. James, knowing these kinds of numbers of victims, what does that tell you about the weapon or weapons that were used . I had been listening to a number of conflicting reports. Not being privy to the crime scene right now and what is being determined from actually harvesting forensic evidence because all ballistics will be studied and shell casings in concert with fbi and locals are doing that. I heard some people say it sounded like semiautomatic weapons, a magazine being emptied. We know this is texas. Texas has very forgiving gun purchase rights. People out there own weapons and are proud to do so. Have not been able to establish yet whether it was determined to be an automatic weapon. I think we should be very careful. We learned obviously late after two days or so that it was the bump stock in las vegas. Whether or not this was just a lot of rounds which people on scene could have confused for automatic weapon fire or simply somebody with a semiautomatic rifle. We dont know if there was more than one weapon. We dont. What makes this so tragic is the fact that inside a church people, similar to what happened in vegas where people were watching the country concert or something here where you have four walls and somebody armed with weaponry that they are able to take lots of lives in short order and people cant get out and get away from the fire quickly enough. We know the attacker apparently did leave the church because there was some kind of a chase. Hoping to learn more details about the that chase. What do you make of the fact the suspect took off . He didnt take his own life inside the church. Its a lot to be i guess we could speculate in regard to that. Clearly he was trying to get away and was encountered by local Law Enforcement there. Hopefully we will learn more as to how his life ended whether from police gun fire or if he took his own life. Here again we are still kind of early in this and i dont want to go out too far on a limb on this. Here is what i would say about the type of fire power used inside that church as my colleague was just speaking he is absolutely right, cannot get too far ahead of this. At the end of the day for people who are listening to this report and seeing this as we are speaking regardless of whether it was semiautomatic fire, automatic gun fire, something very horribly happened there that took the lives of a large number of people in a very small space. That in and of itself is very concerning. As we learn more and hopefully there will be some footage of what occurred inside that church. It will probably not, i would imagine, be seen anytime soon because it is going to become very much a part of evidence. That had to be a graphic and horrible scene. Here for those who are responding to that scene and having to be there in the community that is where people know each other is just very, very heart felt. I cant find any other words to describe it. We are looking at aerial video of the scene that was taken earlier from one of our affiliates. You get a sense of how rural this part of texas is where the crime was committed. We understand make shift Gathering Place has been set up for families to wait for answers and wait for news of their loved ones. I imagine you have been on the other side having to deliver this kind of horrible information to people, family members. Help us understand what these families might be going through right now. We refer to this in federal government from the fbis perspective as victim assistance. And i tell you i worked cases where there were mass casualties. I worked cases where there were just horrific circumstances and death and destruction. I cannot begin to tell you how difficult it has to be when you are on the front line dealing with a family that first and foremost doesnt have an answer and then secondly if the answer is tragically they lost somebody in the carnage, that is a very difficult, difficult thing for folks to do. The people that do that are as brave as anybody that runs into a fire or anybody that runs to the sound of the guns. Dealing with family members at this time you have to have the right temperament for that and the right courage. It is tragic. I cant imagine. I assume that what is going to happen here quickly is the fbi will set up a tip line. No one has said whether or not this was a lone wolf or not y. Always feel that is premature to speculate until we allowed the locals and fbi on scene to come out and Say Something about that. We are going to be looking for answers. Unfortunately, in this situation the gunman either took his own life or interdicted by the police and we will not be able to ask the questions of him or her. Thank you both and stand by. We have new information just in. The wife of pastor frank tells cnn their 14yearold daughter was one of those killed in Todays Church shooting. She says neither she nor her husband were at the church today when the shooting occurred but telling us, confirming to cnn that the pastors own daughter, 14 years old, is one of the victims. At least 20 people who have lost their lives right now. An investigation continues. I want to bring in representative joining us on the phone. Congressman, you represent this county, Wilson County. What are you learning about what happened today . I do. Well, first of all, our thoughts and prayers are with people of Wilson County. It is certainly a tragedy that no one could have imagined that would have occurred in a community such as this. Its known for being a very peaceful place, good country folks live there. And im shocked and we are all shocked. We are waiting to see what develops. It has been reported to me that we lost 25 members of the community and there are 20 others who are injured. Those numbers could change throughout the day and maybe the next few days. I intend to keep a close eye and try to assist the community as much as we can. And are you learning anymore about how investigators are now piecing information together . Do you know anything about the attacker . We dont. It was reported to me that he is actually not from this community. Apparently, his name was released as sam hyde. That was a name i was given. We dont know more details. I assume probably there will be search warrants executed probably later in the day. We will be trying to get to the bottom of this persons life and what could have motivated him to commit such a tragedy. Do you know for sure that there is only one attacker . I dont know for sure. It would be all speculation, but that is what has been reported to me that there was only one attacker. Do you know how that person ended up dying . We understand that he is dead, that there was some kind of chase but it was unclear to us up until now if he took his own life or if there was some kind of altercation with police. It was reported to me that his life was taken by Law Enforcement. Now, this just developed. Im getting reports from my staff. That is what i have as of now. Im following it closely. Sometimes we get reports that turn out to be different down the road. I want to be very cautious. I think that is important to note. We are awaiting official word from those in touch with cnn who have confirmed at least 20 people are dead as they continue their investigation. Fbi resources are on scene. Atf is on scene, as well. A lot of people in this community are just trying to wrap their heads around what happened. Have you been in touch with residents there . We have. We have been in touch with a few constituents who live there and we have been in touch with the sheriffs department. Certainly what occurred today is certainly not character of the community. Wilson county is a rural community. A lot of really good people. Most of them are in farming and ranching and work in oil and gas fields. Its known as a very safe place. This is certainly way out of character and i think shocking to everyone there and everyone in the Community Around Wilson County. Sure. Are you able to share anything about any of the victims . Well, probably what has been reported to me is a lot of the same reported to you at this time. We are still gathering information. We have been in touch with fbi and local authorities and i think they will probably have more to share with the public. I know you are working to gather information to confirm information. When you say what has been reported to you when we were talking about the shooter, for example, who is telling you that information . Are those officials on the scene . These are officials that my staff is communicating with. Thats the information that ive been able to convey. It is still very limited at this time. I was told that they released the name of the sam hyde who caused this event. And i have been told he is not from the local community. Its a community of less than 700 inhabitants. Everybody knows each other. Many are related to each other. Its certainly not something that anyone would ever have expected. Thank you so much for spending some of your evening with us. Im so sorry for what you and your constituents and people of texas are having to grapple with right now. Thanks for your time. We are expecting to hear from President Trump tonight, as well, on this texas mass shooting. The president keeping close tabs on the situation in texas in japan. Trump is on the first leg of his historic trip to asia where he is expected to focus on trade and north korea threat. The president earlier announcing he will meet with his russian counter part Vladimir Putin this week to discuss north koreas rogue regime. Lets go to tokyo now. Jeremy, what are you hearing from President Trumps reaction to this tragedy in texas . Reporter so far what we have heard from the president came in the form of a tweet this morning shortly after the reports emerged. The president tweeting may god be with the people of Sutherland Springs, texas. The fbi and Law Enforcement are on the scene. I am monitoring the situation from japan. So the president continuing to be updated on this situation. This is, of course, just the latest tragedy that this president has had to respond to. 35 days ago we saw the mass shooting in las vegas and then last week, of course, we saw the terrorist attack in new york city. This has been the last 35 days have truly been marked by tragedy. And the question now is how the president will further respond to this tragedy. We saw after las vegas the president offered thoughts and prayers but did not in the coming days after that go beyond that to try to figure out legislation to address Mass Shootings in the u. S. Where it was last week we saw the president very quickly jumping to policy towards the ways that the country could address threat from terrorists. So these are questions that will be posed to the president today. He has a busy schedule where he continues to meet with Prime Minister shinzo abe of japan. Those questions will be posed as this debate turns to Mass Shootings in the united states. And it is such a sad, sad day here and there. Will the president s plans for the rest of the day change as a result of the mass shooting in texas . Reporter as of yet there is no update to the president s schedule. We are expected to hear from him in just a couple of hours. He was expected to go to the u. S. Embassy here in tokyo to address u. S. And Japanese Business leaders. I expect the president would likely address this mass shooting for the first time on camera at that event unless there are changes before then. A busy day ahead and now this trip is going to be against this terrible back drop of another mass shooting in the united states. Traveling with the president , thank you again president tweeting may god be with the people of Sutherland Springs, texas. The fbi and Law Enforcement are on the scene. I am monitoring the situation from japan. Meantime, we are awaiting a News Conference from officials in texas. We will continue to update you on the latest information we are getting on this mass murder shooting inside a small texas church when we come back. Stay with us. I love you, droolius caesar, but sometimes you stink. Febreze car vent clip cleans away odors for up to 30 days. Because the things you love can stink. Gives skin the moisture it needs and keeps it there longer with lockin Moisture Technology skin is petal smooth after all, a cleansers just a cleanser unless its olay. I want to bring in Texas Attorney as we continue to follow horrible event that has unfolded in texas this evening. It happened earlier today at a church in the small town of Sutherland Springs, texas. That is about 30 miles southeast of san antonio where a gunman we are told by witnesses on the scene walked into the middle of the Church Service and opened fire. The sheriff there in Wilson County has confirmed at least 20 people have lost their lives and many others have been taken to the hospital and are fighting to survive at this hour. We are awaiting for a presser, a news update and briefing. As soon as they step to the podium we will make sure to bring it to you live. Lets go to the attorney general in texas. Thank you so much for taking a little bit of your time on this horrific day in your community and your state. What can you tell us . What are you learning . First of all, this is horrific. I was just recalling that we have been through this before. I think it was eight years ago today we had the fort hood shooting. This is something we are unfortunately all too familiar with. As far as the details i think the focus, local Law Enforcement has been on taking care of those who have been killed and the deceased and also the injured. And i think we will get more information. Do you know anything about the attacker . I dont know anything about the attacker at this point. I dont think the focus has been on the attacker. The focus has been on saving lives. It will not shock me if it takes more than a day or two. It may take weeks to unravel why this person decided to do this horrific thing. For our viewers who may be just tuning in we can confirm that the attacker is dead. There was a brief chase with Law Enforcement and the gunman lost his life. Do not have an official identity of that man and we dont know about the victims at this point, only that there are 20 people who have been killed and we have learned at least one victim was a 14 year old, the daughter of that church pastor. We are working to gather more information on that. Attorney general paxton, where does the investigation go from here . We understand there is the fbi and the atf who are assisting local Law Enforcement officials on the scene. Do we know why the federal investigators are part of this investigation . You know, look, texas has a history of coordinating with federal, state and local officials. So while we dont as a state like Attorney Generals Office dont have an official role we will step in anytime we are asked to. A lot of times in smaller counties you will see it happen where they dont necessarily have the resources to deal with major crimes like this so you see federal and state officials ask to be part of the investigation so it can be done appropriately. You mentioned the fort hood shooting eight years ago today. Do you think there could be any connection to that shooting in what happened today . You know, i dont know. It did occur to me that it is strange. I havent verified that that is the exact date. I remember it happening about this time of the year. I think it was about eight years ago. Im pretty sure today is the date. You are correct. We did a double check. It was november 5, 2009 when the fort hood shooting happened. I dont think anybody has brought it up. It does make me suspicious. It may have no connection at all. It is just strange to me that it happened on the same day in the same state. What can you tell us about this community and this church . Well, i dont know anybody at the church. I do know it is a small church. My guess is that this would never be expected in Wilson County 30 miles southeast of san antonio. You would think it would be one of the safest places in america. It is very likely that everybody in the Community Knows somebody in that building that is either injured or killed or is related to them. This will be devastating for that community. We will let you go. Thank you so much for your time. Attorney general ken paxton on the phone. We know the governor is enroute to the scene. We are awaiting the press conference that will happen at any moment nearby Sutherland Springs, this rural town where this horrific event happened. A mass shooting that claimed at least 20 lives. I want to bring in cnn correspondent. The church where this happens records its services so is it possible there is video of this shooting . There is every reason to believe that there is video of this shooting. For the last three years First Baptist church has recorded services and posted it on its Youtube Channel for its congregation to view. This is a community very tight knit. Some told me watching the videos online was a way of reconnecting with the community. We have every reason to believe that a video was recorded today just like it has been every other day for the last three years. You can only imagine what a critical piece of evidence that will be in this investigation. Are you learning anything more about the victims . At this point we know of the one victim, the pastors 14yearold daughter. Confirmed that the daughter of the pastor of First Baptist church was among those killed this morning among the at least 20 we know are dead. Sherry pomoroy telling us neither her or her husband were at the church this morning. What else are witnesses telling you . Witnesses are telling me of the shock and the horror that people are experiencing in the fallout from this. As we have been discussing all day long this is such a tight knit community that everyone in the Community Knows someone who could have been in that church. There are so many questions that people are having in the wake of this and one of the most important keys here for everyone is just getting the information. Is someone they know safe . Is someone they know among those dead . The Community Center in Sutherland Springs is the rallying point for folks there now, for information but also for care. People there banding together to support one another in a community that will be forever changed as a result of this day. Thank you for that update. We are awaiting this News Conference from officials in texas on this shooting. We will bring that to you when it happens and bring you up to date on the latest on the shooting right after a quick break. Dont go away. Americas Small Business owners. And heres to the heroes behind the heroes, who use their expertise to keep those businesses covered. And heres to the heroes behind the heroes behind the heroes, who brought us delicious gyros. Actually, the gyro hero owns veros gyros, so he should have been with those first heroes. Ha ha thats better. So, to recap Small Business owners are heroes, and our heroes help heroes be heroes when theyre not eating gyros delivered by ah, you know what i mean. His family. His steinway, which met a burst pipe. So grant met his insurance you are caller number 12. Which didnt quite cover the steinway. But what if hed met pure insurance . Owned by members. Hed have met lisa, your member advocate. Whod introduce him to gustav, a temporary address, and help him get tickets to the mozart festival. 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We dont know if he was a member of the community. We dont know why he may have done this. All we do know is a small texas town witnessed unspeakable tragedy that left countless families without loved ones tonight. We know at least one victim was just 14 years old. A short time ago President Trump offered his support from abroad tweeting this. May god be with the people of sutherland spring, texas. The fbi and Law Enforcement are on the scene. I am monitoring the situation from japan. We expect the president to make remarks later this evening. We are also anticipating a News Conference with texas officials any moment now. We will bring that to you as soon as it happens. Earlier my colleague spoke with a witness who heard the shocking gun shots ringing out inside the tragic church shooting. And she works as a clerk at a Convenience Store near First Baptist church. Listen to her story. One of the cashiers was sweeping up outside. She heard the gunshots first and came running in and said somebody is shooting out here. It sounds like a lot. They were still shooting by the time i got to the door and outside. We heard ricochetting and went back inside. We didnt want toget hurt. It was very close and very loud. At first we thought maybe somebody was target shooting. But this was semiautomatic fire. This was rapid fire. At what point we start seeing First Responders coming in and there was the Fire Department and mobile command station and things of that nature. This is a very small town. A Everybody Knows everybody. It is devastating. So once you saw Law Enforcement thats when you realized all that gun fire was coming from that First Baptist church just across the street from your store . We were flabbergasted. There is no reason for Something Like that to take place especially here where everybody is family. This is just devastating. Its dumfounding. We are all still kind of in shock and still awaiting news they are not able to give us information at this point on people because they dont want to give misleading information. It is stunning and hurtful. How worried are you that people you know were in that church at the time . Well, we are worried. We are definitely worried and saddened and shocked. We do know some of the people that have passed on that were killed. And we are watching in shock and awe family members being told they lost their loved ones. Its all pretty its indescribable really the shock and everything that is going on right now. It is just terrible. It is terrible. You just expressed how this will just change everything for this town. Describe for me this town of Sutherland Springs, what it has meant to you, what it is to live there, what it is to raise family tlz, have friends and have a business there. Thats just it. We moved out here and realized that we were in probably the best place in texas because Everybody Knows everybody. We help each other out. You need something all you have to do is call and you will have three or four people at your door ready to help. To have Something Like this happen is just, its unconscionable. Are you hearing anything about who would have done Something Like this . Im sorry, could you repeat that . Are you hearing anything about who could have done Something Like this, whether people recognized the gunman . Saw any portion of the police chase . Well, we didnt see the police chase itself but we have been hearing rumors that i dont want to say anything at this point because i dont want to hinder the investigation and what is taking place, but we have an idea of who did this and we dont know why. Its a small town so we will know pretty quick. Rumors and unconfirmed but of that information was it a familiar name person to you based on the rumors you heard . No. No. I knew family members but not this person personally. As you look out the window can you describe for me what youre seeing right now . Im sorry, i couldnt hear you. As you look out the window look out of your shop right now at the church, what are you seeing . Can you describe for me . Well, what im seeing right now is we have 100 or so people here at the Community Building at Sutherland Springs. You have family members, congregation members, First Responders, news media has been pulled back to another location in stockdale for the moment. Right now we are just trying to get the red cross to assist the families of victims. We had nanet with the local newspaper with us earlier of the Wilson County news and was describing the Community Center as one where family members and friends are to await notice on their loved ones, the status of anyone they know in that church. Have you been can you describe what you have been seeing in them . Just shock and dismay and mourning and lots of people praying together and praying for their loved ones and their neighbors and family members that have lost loved ones and neighbors. This is what we do. When something happens to one of us we come together as a community. This is showing how strong we are but at the same time we are just shocked. Again, that was the voice of one of the witnesses, a resident in that community. We are still awaiting a News Conference from officials in texas on the shooting. Weal are ell bring you any new information as we continue to work the phones and try to contact witnesses and try to work the Law Enforcement sources that we all have to try to get more information on exactly what unfolded in sutherland spring, texas today. Stay with us. Its ok that everybody ignores me when i drive. Its fine, cause i get a safe driving bonus check every six months im accidentfree. And i dont share it with mom. Right, mom . Right. 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Texas Governor Greg Abbott issuing this statement while the details of this horrific act are still under investigation we want to send our sincerest thoughts and prayers to all of those who have been effected by this evil act. I want tothank Law Enforcement for their response and ask that all texans pray for their Sutherland Springs community. Texas senator ted cruz tweeting this. Keeping all harmed in Sutherland Springs in our prayers and grateful for our brave First Responders on the scene. Truly heartbreaking news in Sutherland Springs. Please say a prayer for First Baptist church congregation. And House Speaker paul ryan with this tweet. Reports out of texas are devastating. The people of Sutherland Springs need our prayers right now. We know fbi agents are in Sutherland Springs at the scene of the shooting. Atf is responding. Joining us to talk about what investigators may be looking for in the next few hours cnn analyst James Galiano and Law Enforcement analyst cedric alexander. What would be the investigative priority right now for the investigators . Obviously, the first thing is you want to interdict the gunman. That appears to have happened whether it was selfinflicted or the police took him out. Your critical incidence response is going back and piecing everything together. First and foremost, ana, is to make sure there wasnt a conspiracy. Who could have possibly known about this. Where did the weapons come from . Did anybody know he had bad type of intentions . Malice aforethought. Then theres going to be a plethora of evidence harvesting thats going to involve social media, scouring social media. What did he Google Search . Did he post any rants or any screens on facebook or on twitter, that type of thing. Then theres going to be the human intelligence. Most important is going to be interviewing the folks that survived this horrific shooting in the church to find out did they know him before . Was there any connection with the church . Was there any connection to the community . Finally looking to motive. Motive is what we want to know. It helps us get out in front of the next one. Was this an act of terror . Was this just a depraved and evil person . Was this someone with Mental Health issues. Finally, av na, could this have been someone hell bent on to go a copy cat. It was eight years ago today the fort hood shooting happened. Not only that, but ill give you one more statistic thats chilling. Austin, texas, is 80 miles north of san antonio. We know this town where the shooting happened was 80 miles east of na. 50 years ago is the first mass shooting, Charles Whitman in the texas clock tower shooting on the university of texas 51 years ago. Too many shootings. Hard to keep track at this point so sadly. Cedric, we know that this is a church that often recorded its Church Services. This was the 11 00 Church Service today. It was about halfway through, 11 30, when witnesses say the gunman came in and opened fire. How important will that Video Evidence be to investigators . Its going to be incredibly Important Information to determine whether this subject was already sitting in the church among other parishioners, whether this individual came in through the front door shooting any innocent victims. Its going to tell us a lot. The unfortunate part of this is if they were up online doing their services, there could have easily been those who could have been watching this service in progress and also could have been interrupted by this very violent shooting. So a lot of video footage hopefully will be out there, but unfortunately its going to be very painful and very graphic to watch. And but Law Enforcement, im quite sure, is going to do everything they can in that community to try to see if any further information can prove to be of value of this case. Cedric and james, thank you very much. We have to take a quick break and thank you for your ongoing analysis here. We will have the latest developments as we are just minutes away from a News Conference. You see that little box there on the bottom right as we are waiting for investigators to give us a briefing, to give us what they can share in their investigation so far. Well bring that to you just as soon as it happens. Youre live in the cnn newsroom. It does so much more than give me fresh breath. Crest prohealth mouthwash provides all. Of these benefits to help you get better dental checkups. Go pro with crest mouthwash. Checkup . Nailed it helping Small Businesses. Ut, jamie damage your vehicle . We got you covered. [ glass shatters ] Property Damage . Thats what general liabilitys for. What . injured employee . Ow. Workers comp helps you pay for a replacement. Whats happening . This is carla. Hows it going . And if anything comes up, our experts are standing by. Boo want in on the secret take the olay 28 day challenge. Millions of real women see results starting day 1. There is not a friend i have, that will not own this product visible results or your money back olay. Ageless. Back with breaking news from texas. These are live images. Over the scene of a mass shooting that happened inside a church during sunday worship today. Heres what we know now. The sheriff says more than 20 people have died at the First Baptist church in Sutherland Springs southeast of san antonio. Were told dozens more may be injured including children. The gunman died after a brief chase. They have not yet released the shooters name. We dont know if he was killed by police or if he took his own life. The fbi is on the scene trying to determine the reason for this attack. We do know one of the victims is the pastors 14yearold daughter among those 20 plus people killed. Neither the pastor nor his wife tell cnn they were at the church during the shootings. That 14yearold daughter is among the victims. A heavy Law Enforcement presentation still on scene as this is early in the investigation. We are now just about 5 1 2 hours since the shooting took place. Continuing to monitor that box there on the bottom right side of your screen as we are expecting officials to give us a press briefing any minute. Well bring that to you here. Stay with us on cnn. This is cnn breaking news. Were in the cnn newsroom. Im

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