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You are in the cnn newsroom. Thank you for being here. Now the most startling tweet, he called the mayor of san juan of puerto rico, a poor leader. He wrote this this morning. Poor leadership by the mayor. They want everything to be done for them when it should be a communitys effort. That poor leadership comment he was aiming at san juans mayor. She had been leadipleading with u. S. Government to move faster to get food and water and medical help to desperately needy people in her city. Here is an update of where the updates are standing right now. Just 5 of electricity have been restored and about half, 50 of water is back. We want to start with our brian nobles whos getting more reaction from the president whos continuing to tweet this out this afternoon. Ryan. Reporter yes, thats right ana, it is a busy day on twitter for the president of the United States. He tweeted 15 different times of whats happening in puerto rico. Most of those tweets about him defending himself and administration and the criticism of their response to whats happening in puerto rico. Most is aimed a the mayor of san juan whos been critical of the administration but never specifically criticizing President Trump himself. I want to talk a little bit of the time line of the president s tweets today. We know hes at his golf course in new jersey. He tweets started this morning. There was a gap before the president started tweeting again around 2 04 p. M. The president took series of calls from various leaders from the region, including the former governor of puerto rico and the congresswoman there and as well as the governor of the u. S. Virgin islands. The president is giving a read out of these calls of the leaders he spoke to. We dont know what happened between those six hours when the president stopped the tweet and began again. We did ask the white house if the president golfed again today. They did not comment on whether or not the president gwent golfing. He was at the golf course again a few days after the hurricane hit land fall in puerto rico. That following weekend as the devastation is setting in, there were no phone calls or conversations that we know of that took place. Now, he was a little busier, pushing back on this criticism that he received for r the response to the situation and there are now tens of thousands of troops and fema personnel on the ground in puerto rico with a specific goal of trying to help the citizens there. Of course, the president will travel to puerto rico on tuesday. Melania trump will be joining him. The e requequestion is on what reception will he receive after being so critical of the people on the ground there that they need to do more to help himself on his tweets this morning. Hes head to an american territory filled with american citizens who are in decembspera need. Do we know what the agenda looks like. Does he plan to meet with the mayor of san juan, perhaps . Thats a great question, ana. At this point, there is no plans for him to meet. The two of them had no communications throughout this entire situation. They are different Political Parties and in fast before Hurricane Maria flew in, mayor cruz was critical of donald trump on a variety of issues. Since the hurricane threw through, she made a number of desperate plea to get more help of the people. She was critical of the acting director of Homeland Security elaine duke who said the respond was going well. Thats when she made the emotional speech where that was not the case. They have all been through internet and television screen, they have not had any conversations one on one or in a dpr group setting. Today he had five different phone calls today and she was not among the leaders he spoke with. Ryan nobles. Let me take us to san juan and leyla santiago, i know the president plans to visit puerto rico on tuesday. What kind of per session will he get there . Reporter it is a mix. A lot of people are not happy of what the president had to say. They believe Puerto Ricans are doing everything they can to help each other out right now. I was with today with the super star daddy yankee and hes working with the food bank to do everything he can to get food and aid out to the people of puerto rico. We rode along with him as he distributed a weeks worth of food to more than 4,000 families. When that help arrived, i saw elderly with medical needs and Young Children waiting in line because help had not arrived. They told me fema had been in the area, some where close to san juan. They told me fema had been in the area to distribute water. Many of them are still without power. So lets go over some of those numbers. Right now 33 of the Communication Infrastructure has been restored. 50 of the Water Services have been restored. When it comes to power, only 5 of this island has power right now. Everybody else is running on generators and those generators are running out of diesel. People are getting desperate because fema maybe here and maybe doing damaging assessment but when it comes to remote areas of vulnerable people, that help is still not arriving, ana. What is your sense of what they need most right now, leyla . Reporter medical aid. A lot of people are getting desperate because hospitals are down. Diesels, the line for diesels. The diesel powers the generators and when you have an island of only 5 of power, those generators are crucial. Crucial in the hospital and crucial in the homes and crucial in the homes of elderly. Right now there are long lines and people are waiting in line for hours at gas stations and trying to get their hands on gas. The water seems to be a better situation today especially given that we heard that fema is already distributing that in areas that were really hitting hard by Hurricane Maria. 50 of Water Services have been restored and according to fema and the Governors Office backing them up by those numbers. Communication is still a major problem. People have not been able too reach families and let them know they are okay. There is people that could not get news. We have no idea how to reach fema because there is no communication. That must be so weird for so many people to feel information, black hole. Leyla santiago, thank you for your reporting. Best to your family. I know you are from puerto rico and you have family there and had an emotional reunion with them. Our ivan watson is there surveying the damage and had been speaking with the americans there. Puerto rico who need the help. Ivan, based on what we are hearing, it sounds like electricity is a big thing. Gas and medicine are also hard to come by for a lot of people, given there are still areas that are more disconnected than the main cities like san juan, how is all of that getting to those people . Thats the big question here. Reporter you know the roads, the highways that i have traveled on out of the capitol here have been opened and inside roads as well through smaller towns and thats one remarkable achievement of these ten days since the hurricane. You can drive to places. Then when you get to places, you are struck that only 45 minutes out of san juan and an hour out of san juan, there is no electricity and people say not only there is Running Water and there is gas lines and people are spending the night into get diesels and gas for their vehicles that you heard from leyla that also cell phones signals to nonexistence, there is no information of where to go. I saw a line yesterday in a town and people had spent the night in line waiting for fuel. They did not know whether or not a fuel truck would come. They had heard rumors that perhaps one would come so they were spending the day there when we passed the fuel line again in the afternoon for morning to afternoon. The fuel trucks still have not come. People have been there for more than 24 hours. There are incremental improvement. When we were driving back to the countryside on friday evening. Puerto rican guy, michael, he was driving us, got a text message when we got to the edge of the city. Hey, the water has been turned back on another man i spoke to about an hour ago, the water is running. I dont have electricity, we are running by flashlights and candles but at least for the water to be on, thats what i need right now. He went onto say he wont get electricity by his estimates until christmas. That gives you a sense of some of the conditions people are living in both here in the capitol where things are starting to pick up a little bit and shops and businesses and restaurants on the streets are opening up after they have been closed for eight or nine days. And in the countryside where the situation is much, much dire. Ana. Thank you so much, ivan watson and leyla santiago. Thank you for your reporting on the situation there. I want to talk more of President Trumps comment of attacking san juans mayor. Lets talk it over. Wanda summers and john phillips. Brian, i know you had been monitoring the reaction on this president s favorite platform, twitter, what are you seeing . I am struck by commentators and moderates have chime in d in an said what the president said is inappropriate. There is confusing messages coming from the president. The most popular from the president , and 15,000 people shared on their own twitter feed. The star of the creator of hamilton, he tweeted this morning, mr. President , you are going to hell. There are a lot of messages out there critical of the president. Some cases gaining a lot of attention. Former president obamas tweet encouraging puerto rico efforts. Thats way more popular than our current president. His words are shocking and i would argue that some of his words are beyond thepale. A lot of reactions are getting more attention online. What strikes to me from the president himself is he seems to be patting himself on the back for his administration response. Whep you look at the reality on the ground. 5 had electricity and less than half of the people have water restored about ten days after this . Hes calling this great . Where you stand depends on where you sit. And if you are the president , you have a finite amount of resources and you have a country thats been hit by three hurricanes in a neighbor that was hit by 7. 1 magnitude earthquake. You do as much as you can. You send 10,000 people down there and a general to coordinate the effort. This is not a president thats sitting by and watching as islands are destroyed. Hes enacting. And, they worked like trojans to get the region backup and running and people are still critical. When you are suffering, it cannot come fast enough. A short time ago, i spoke to al green who represents parts of houston that was devastated by harvey. Here is what they said. If they are all anglos, i dont believe the president will have the same kind of at constitute. Thats something reserved for people of color. It sends a signal for the people of color as to what defense is going to be. We dont worry about cost when people have their lives at stake. The president is the life guard of the United States of america. Hes the guy in charge, he got to act every American Life has the same value and all lives are the same. John, whats your reaction to that . I think hes race basing. Is south florida not a diverse place . The president did not say this about those places. The president did not say they want everything done for them he did the same thing for houston and south florida that hes doing right now for puerto rico is getting them as much as possible. He did not criticize the victims of the natural disaster. He did not do the same. Puerto rico is bankrupt. They are in sovereign. When you are dealing with fema, you are aiding with local authorities and if you are dealing with the state and to territory, the guy is doing as much as he can. Hes a president and not a miracle worker. He was not in front of the camera and he twoentwent to a r and he took the weekend off at his resort. I think the reason why this racial conversation happens, in this case, it is the female, it is a woman of color criticizing the president. This day last year was Alyssa Machado during the campaign. The president was tweeting to her calling her disgusting. There is a pattern of who he chooses to attack. Rosie owrosie o donald is h biggest threat. I am surprised the president given that he knows that continue to tweets so, you know unpresident ially. Juawanda, i want to bring yo into the frconversation. Is there a racial component regarding the president s response of puerto rico and disaster phases there. When i was reading these comments, i want to read it carefully. The fact the matter is, we dont know what they the president is talking about. I reached out to the white house to ask them what the president is getting this back and forth of who they are talking about. They have not responded. Based on that evidence, i look at it as shes looking at these disasters. For some reason he chose to single them out as americans for what they are not doing. These comments that brian said is beyond the pale. I cannot expect what the response is. The president of the United States is at a golf course right now who are cutting out and regardless or not you like it is really striking to me and something we cannot ignore. Go ahead, john, if you have a response to that. He was referring to the bankruptcy of puerto rico because as the governor of new york said earlier in this program, the role of fema in the situation like this is to aid the state local authorities. When theyre bankrupt and dont have the infrastructure, more of the burden has to be taken by the feds. It is a place thats difficult to get to. It is unfortunate but they are trying as hard as they can. John phillips and brian stelter, thank you all for that. See how people are coming together to support puerto rico. Well have a live report next, this is cnn, you are in the newsroom. I love you, droolius caesar, but sometimes you stink. Febreze car vent clip cleans away odors for up to 30 days. Because the things you love can stink. This inot this john smith. Smith. Or this john smith. Or any of the other hundreds of john smiths that are humana Medicare Advantage members. No, its this john smith. Who we paired with a humana team member to help address his own specific health needs. At humana, we take a personal approach to your health, to provide care thats just as unique as you are. No matter what your name is. New york has the largest population of Puerto Ricans. That community is turning out to support the victims thats affected by puerto rico. Our Paulo Sandoval is joining us. I understand the response there has been so overwhelming. They had to call more trucks to transport all the donations people are making. Reporter overwhelming and incredible too, ana. Look at this. You have the entire city blocked of palettes of water. You have water and food and cloeti clothing as well. We have seen at least six big tractor trailers already filled up and many of these people are relevants in puerto rico and many of these people have been hoping that some of the assistance will end up with families. Well catch up with the volunteers now. You are live in cnn. Tell me you hope some of these help make its way. I want to say that we are doing the best we can and loading trucks as much as we can. We are short on trucks. This is not about politics or anything or Football Game or nothing. There is only one race is human racism you can see there is black and Puerto Ricans and jews, even the jews came out. We all stuck together to help puerto rico. We need to start helping the people thats needed. As the catastrophe, i am from queens and the bronx came here. Reporter President Trump tweeted today saying it takes a community to recover from this. Is the community that you hope. Trump does not have to tell you, this is a family. It should have been recognized as a state but it takes so long because of the bureaucracy. All five bureaus, we are all one nation and this is what we are standing by. Reporter thank you, sir. Many volunteers are stacking stuff here. These are important things that they need and for family members here in the bronx hope it will make it to their family members. They maybe 1600 miles away but they are sending their vibe to the island. You are looking at 400,000 Puerto Ricans who call the bronx home. Theyre hoping all of this makes it way to puerto rico. It should happen very soon as they are leaving on private entities and churches are trying to help out. Thats so heartwarming to see that effort there. Paulo sandoval, thank you for bringing that to us. One o f the many problems people are facing is getting medical supply. Our doctor sanjay gupta is showing us firsthand. Next in our cnn newsroom. Burning approximately a million gallons of diesel fuel a year. 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And i absolutely want to know more about my native american heritage. Its opened up a whole new world for me. Discover the story only your dna can tell. Order your kit now at ancestrydna. Com. Americans struggling to survive in the hellish condition left by the hurricane. The devastation of fuel and water. Our doctor sanjay gupta is hearing from doctors from the ground that this is the biggest right now is treating people and they are pleading for help. We are tied up here because we dont have antibiotics to give to patients and we have no place to get them. I kept on thinking myself how difficult this could be if these life saving supplies are on the island of puerto rico. Whats standing in the way of whats happening and can i make it happen myself. I am trying this map disaster team. This is the federal government and see what they had to offer. This is what they are asking for. Okay, we have been waiting for 45 minutes now. And we know that they have medication, they got to run up two chains of command and they get back to us. We are trying to get to some of these medication because we went to some shelters. Is there medications . We have medications. Okay, thank you. These are all volunteers who basically come trying to gather supplies and taking out to people that need it. Theyre trying their best. Yeah, if we can get a few doses, well take it there. We have only some of i yeah, thatll be great. Appreciate it. Thank you. It is all about getting supplies and getting them to the people who need it. These come from organizations called direct relief. You can see the set up and w all the medications. We got them. Now we are going to take them. What doctor morales asked was that we get these medications and see if we can bring it to the clinic and hospital. This is one of those places thats up and running. Without this medication they have not been able to take care of patients. I was told to bring you this. Let me tell you what we have. These are all sors ts of botto antibiotics. You can go through it. There is also pediatrics. I hope this helps. Thank you. It is like a little baby. Doctor sanjay gupta, cnn, puerto rico. A shrivliver of life there. She will join us live next on the cnn newsroom, a Mothers Mission finding her son. Anthony bourdain parts unknown. He dives into cultures and of course, food. It is a food show, right . Well, not really. It is a concept in a lot of way. If you look at the mix of people ethnicity and religions, it is rather a extraordinary success story. A place where everything works as well and the system is so seemingly different than the thats generally confusing. One of the things thats frightening to me is how awesome the food is and enthusiastic and knowledgeable people are about food here. The selection of food and anywhere in the planet. Catch Anthony Bourdain and singapore this sunday at 9 00 p. M. Eastern at cnn. Parts unknown. Earlier this week, a womans desperate search to find her son in puerto rico. As we have been telling you the Communication System is totally destroyed there. So it is a challenge for people to communicate with each other. She had not heard from her son since Hurricane Maria made land fall. Watch this. It feels horrible. You dont know where to go and you pace back and forth and you wake up in the middle of the night thinking you miss a call or get back on the kmurcomputer. I called every Police Station i can find on the internet. I posted facebook and i joined every facebook and snap chat and instagram, Hurricane Maria and puerto rico that is out there just to try to get some information. Just some word that you know that your son is fine. That mother is joining us now, jackie, i am a mom, too. I cannot imagine that heart wrenching feeling of not knowing all these days and now you have a slight smile, you have good news to share with us. I do. I do, it started yesterday from a text of my cousin evelin, she sent me a copy of a letter that my sons grandmother wrote telling us she was fine. The only thing that they did not have is water and electricity but they are both fine and confirm his Airline Reservations that we have made to both storms. This morning, we were in the town and we found sour son, would you like to speak to him. Of course, it was just amazing and like i said, the first time i spoke to everyone, the first thing my son is going to say is i am sorry for not being able to reach you. Yeah, what was that phone call with him like . Um, my goodness gracious, i was filled with so much joy and of course, first and for most, thanking god that my son is safe and he kept them safe and his grandmother. And, it made me think of all the mothers and brothers and sisters and uncles and aunts that have not been as lucky as i am. It just this rush of emotions and i was crying because i was happy. I was crying because i was sad. It was just i cannot bring the words out to explain how i actually felt. It was great to hear my son and his grandmother and great to hear him say, mom, i love you and for me to let him know how much i love him. Explain to our viewers why he was there and what was his experience and what did you learn of the past few days had been like for him after the hurricanes . Well, he was there vacationing and visiting his grandmother and had not seen him a little bit and she lives in puerto rico. He went to spend some time with her and was going to be two weeks turned into several months. It is a great experience. I was hoping that he will learn to speak spanish, it did not happen. The experience had been scary. I dont wish this on anyone and not just the mother and on anyone. I do not wish them to go through this. It was an experience for him and for myself and speaking to him, i can hear in his voice when he said, mom, i cannot wait to come home. Goodwi goodwi goods willing, hes coming home on saturday afternoon, my son will be home. He flies into philadelphia airport. Okay, great. Sorry, i think i accidentally stepped on you a couple of times, there was a little delay with our satellite feed here. I wanted to ask if you have a message for the president. Hes been vocal today. Whats your message to the president now . Out of respect in his position, i am going to keep it nice and just say his messages and tweets today on twitter, aga against the first of san juan were uncalled for. He should not be talking about a state thats in such crisis of the way he is or any state for that matter. I heard earlier hes trying to theyre trying to cover up for him to say he meant that with any other countries or states in the same crisis. Hes not there day in and day out. If he wants to see whats going on, join one of these live feeds that have these american puerto rican people there helping each other and helping them feeding each other and giving water to each other. I just his tweets are ignoran ignorance. They were uncalled for. He should just do what hes supposed to do and do right by it. I heard earlier today that his five star general was saying that they dont have soldiers to help, you know, to get those foods on the ground like our first lady of san juan was saying, he needs to get on that phone and make sure he can make it happen. Like i said the other day, if it was any one of his family members or his child that was out there, i guarantee you, this man would not be out golfing right now. He would be doing something about it. So do something about it. Jackie, thank you very much for your time. I am so happy that you connected with your son. Thank you, i appreciate the time and god bless you guys. You, too. You are live in the cnn newsroom. 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Its going to be great. Watch. Remember what we were just saying . Go irish see that . Yes im gonna just go back to doing what i was doing. Find your awesome with the xfinity x1 voice remote. Im Michael Smerkonish is new york city. We welcome viewers in the United States and around the world. The president up early and attacking puerto ricos mayor for her complaints about storm response. Saying she has shown quote poor leadership ability. Meanwhile, turns out the russian meddle wasnt just about trump versus clinton. It pitted americans against each other. The wall street journal reporting that google is conducting broad investigation of russian influence in its ads before the election this after cnn reported fake social media accounts funded by russia were used to stoke racial tensions during the

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