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Bittermann. Jim, is this a sign europe is starting to push back on populism . Reporter i think so. I think you could say that, anna. At least the kind of things that we have written about and talked about over the last few months, about the rise of populism may not prove out to be as stru as we thought because now weve had the second election here. We had the netherlands where a populist candidate did not do so well, and we have the election here of Emmanuel Macron tonight who defeated le pen, who was widely regarded as a populist candidate. It shows some push back on that. The whole idea of sweeping populism in different parts of the world may not hold true as a lot of pundits have thought. Ana. Now, this new president , as another new president to form a relationship with in washington, the french american relationship is a strong one. Where do mr. Macron and President Trump have some Common Ground . Reporter well, theyve got Common Ground, they have contrasts as well. I mean youve got in President Trump the oldest president that the United States has had ever, and youve got in macron the youngest president that france has ever had. So theres a real generational differences here. But on a number of different planes they do have some similarities. Both are very much pro business. Macron is a former banker, and i think in terms of trade that macron is going to be very much in favor of more open trade with the United States. So i think thats going to be a positive. Hes also going to be on the same wave length as mr. Trump is in terms of supporting nato. I think that france already does pay a big share of its contribution to nato and probably will pay more in the future, and also he stands against iran as President Trump does. So there are some similarities there, and i think President Trump will find an ally thats pretty reliable. All right. Jim bittermann in paris tonight. I want to bring in my panel. Cnn political analyst josh rogin and Intelligence Security analyst and former cia operative bob behr. Josh, ideologically trump was closer to le pen. Now that macron is the winner, what do you think it means for the u. S. Relationship with france . It means they have a lot of work to do. President trump was just ideologically aligned with le pen. He did everything but openly endorse her. In the final weeks that a terrorist attack in france might help her candidacy. They both have to start from scratch. They realize they need each other. It is too important a relationship to mess up, but they dont see the world in the same way and they will have to find places they can Work Together and find out how to talk about the things they disagree on. It will not be easy. We did see the olive branch in that tweet from President Trump tonight. Bob, this election had a familiar ring. The final act of the days leading up, a hack against a candidate. The senate here at home is investigating russias meddling in the 2016 american election, and now we hear fbi director james comey warning this week that russia has tried it in other countries. Listen. What kind of threat do you believe russia presents to our democratic process given what you know about russias behavior of late . Well, certainly in my view the greatest threat of any nation on earth given their intention and their capability. Have they done this in other countries where they actually tampered with the vote . My understanding is they have attempted in other countries. And theres no reason they wont attempt it here if we dont stop them over time . I think thats fair. So, bob, any reason to believe russia may have been involved in the hacking in france . Well, you simply look at who benefits from the hacking. The russians supported, the kgb supported le pen, the national front. It sportes these rightist parties all over europe. It hopes to break up the european union. You know, the french have not come out with a full forensic finding on this, who was behind it, but right now if we have to speculate and i reemphasize it is speck lake would be the russians. Theyre the ones that would have benefitted. They have certainly done it in georgia, in lithuania, the ukraine and on and on. The russians, they have a lot of responsibility for this. As we know, they got into the american elections as well. They are hostile to europe and macrons election does not do them any good. Macron will not forget it. Josh, we have heard republicans ask time and again where is the smoking gun on this russia investigation here at home. Tomorrow the former director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, and former acting attorney general sally yates will testify as part of the senate investigation. Are we likely to get that smoking gun from them . No. I mean i agree with everything bob said. What is important to note here is that the hacking is just one small piece of the Russian Influence Campaign all over europe and including in the United States. It includes statefunded propaganda and everything else. So, you know, even if we cant prove the hacking we know that the russians are up to this and that it will continue. What were facing tomorrow is sort of a showdown where former acting attorney general sally yates hoo was fired, lets remember, by the Trump Administration in its first days for not signing on to the executive order on immigration, will layout her side of the story about what happened in those first weeks regarding former National Security adviser mike flynn. Remember, mike flynn talked with the Russian Ambassador, reportedly about sanctions, undermining u. S. Policy during the transition. And then the white house didnt do anything about it for about three weeks, and then they said that, oh, you know, we were on top of it, but it doesnt seem like thats the case. Thats what sally yates has a bunch of details about. Thats what she is going to layout tomorrow before congressional testimony. How do you see that impacting the president potentially if she does, indeed, contradict the white houses version of you how this went down . Well, for the first thing it doesnt really tell us anything new about michael flynn. What know what his timeline is. We know what he is accused of. He faces a lot of legal problems. Thats not going to get significantly worse or better. What she is doing is calling into question the white houses credibility, especially the credibility of White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer who characterized her warning to them in different terms. What will happen, im sure the white house will go on the attack, accuse her of being partisan. Thats par for the course for them. Well have something of a he said she said, but for those people who are inclined to see the white house as being misleading in this whole story line, which, you know, theres a lot of evidence of, sally yates testimony will add facts and details to that and will become part of the record whether the white house acknowledges or not. Put yourself in russian president verplanks shoes. You are watching it unfold in the u. S. , you have denied responsibility in the election tampering. What are you doing as you watch the fbi and congress pursue this investigation . Well, ana, i mean he miscalculated on this, miscalculated with the United States, with france, with the ukraine. I mean i know, i have talked to russians who advised him against this. They said, do not get in this elections. There will be a blowback. I think what were going to see is this investigation into russia is going to play out for months, if not years. Lets dont forget that the key evidence is not in the steele report, the mi6 report, it is in the intercepts, it is in the phone metadata. A lot of these people will be called into the fbi and asked questions. On the one hand the fbi will have the intercepts. On the other people are going to have to you know, theyre going to have to give up secrets. This is going to plague the Trump Administration. I think josh would agree for a very long time. It is very unfortunate for us, and the faster we get over with it the better, but i dont think it is going to be fast. Bob, what would you be let me ask a quick follow up to bochb bob. As far as the hearing tomorrow, bob, what would be your question specifically for sally yates and the director of nation pal intelligence, former director, james clammer . I think sally yates did her job. She went to the white house, it has been reported, and said, look, you got problems with flynn. The real question she is going to be able to document this. The real question is why did the Trump Administration not listen and put a hold on flynns appointment . Thats the real problem. Because she went in, i imagine, with this intercept with the Russian Ambassador talking to flynn, and normally a white house would just freeze the appointment and they didnt. It is a certain amount of arrogance and indifference to the department of justice and the fbi, and thats turned out to be a mistake. I think thats probably what shes going to say tomorrow. Josh, since i interrupted you, go ahead with your final thought before we go. Sure. I agree with bob this is going to plague the Trump Administration for a long time. Im not sure i agree with him it is such an overreach by the russians. They achieved their primary goal, which is to wreak havoc in the u. S. Election process. I think the Trump Administration is still pro russian than Hillary Clinton would have been. The sheer damage theyve done to our democracy, thats a win for the russians as far as theyre concerned. On the yates testimony, i will say this, were not going to find out whether or not the trump team colluded with the russians on their interference. It is not part of what yates knows or is talking about. It will be interesting testimony, but the big question, whether or not there rory sabbati sabbatini there was collusion will still be unknown. The trump team says people wont lose Coverage Even though their plan calls for cutting nearly a trillion coverage from medicaid. Their explanation. Plus, the embrace thats raising eye browse. A look at the friendship between the president and Rupert Murdock amid a federal probe of fox news. Introducing otezla, apremilast. Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. Some people who took otezla saw 75 clearer skin after 4 months. 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Cnn White House Correspondent athena jones is covering the president in branchberg, new jersey. She has a lot more on this looming fight over health it care. Athena. Reporter hi, ana. Thats right. The next step for this Health Care Bill is the u. S. Senate. It is a process thats likely to take several weeks. Weve already heard several gop senators say theyre going to rewrite the bill, or i should say write their own version of a Health Care Repeal bill, not just pick up what the house sent to them. Of course, any changes the senate makes to this bill will have to be approved by the house. That could be a tall order. There are several gop senators who are expressing concerns about this bill. One of the chief concerns expressed not just by gop senators but also by several republican governors is the bills cuts to medicaid. Health and Human Services secretary tom price addressed that issue on state of the union this morning. Watch what he had to say. We believe strongly that the medicaid population that will be cared for in a better way under our program because it will be more responsive to them. These decisions will be made closer to them. Right now you have washington d. C. Dictating to the states and dictating to patients what must occur. Thats not how a Healthy Health system works. A Healthy Health sills tell works by allowing the individuals closest to the patients themselves to be making those decisions, and from the president s perspective and our perspective that means patients and families and doctors making medical decisions, not washington d. C. Reporter so there you heard secretary price insisting that people on medicaid will receive better care, but there are a lot of folks who are concerned about the 880 billion in cuts to the program that are a part of this bill. Among other concerns, the concern that this bill does not provide enough aid to people who are low income or who are seniors to be able to afford to buy coverage. There are also concerns about the fact that this bill would allow insurers not to cover socalled essential benefits. It is a list of benefits that were required to be covered under obamacare. These benefits include things like Maternity Care and emergency room care, and then, of course, the provision thats gotten a lot of attention would allow states to allow insurers to charge people who have preexisting conditions more money for plans that could end up pricing some people out of plans. When i say some people, im talking about millions of people with a long list of conditions from high cholesterol to asthma to cancer to diabetes. The Kaiser Family foundation estimates nearly 30 of americans under the age of 65 have some sort of preexisting condition, so that is another big concern that gop senators and others have expressed. So it looks like a long road ahead in the senate for this bill. If they do pass it, it certainly will not happen quickly. Back to you. Athena jones, thank you. Coming up, the ties that bind. How the president s friendship with media mogul Rupert Murdoch could end up testing his own Justice Department. Nvestor in vests, i invest with e trade, where investors can investigate and invest in vests. Or not in vests. This is my retirement. Retiring retired tires. And i never get tired of it. Are you entirely prepared to retire . Plan your never tiring retiring retired tires retirement with e trade. Iwithout writing a single word. This mothers day create a gift from the heart that could only come from the pandora boutique at jared. A world of pandora. 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Thats President Trump embracing Rupert Murdoch, the man whose company fox news is currently under investigation by trumps Justice Department. It is no secret these two men have a longrunning relationship, and now that President Trump is president it is more complicated than ever. Cnns Brian Stelter has the latest. Reporter the commander in chief and the president of the United States, my friend, donald j. Trump. Reporter President Trump being introduced by 21st sent century fox chairman rupert mer dock. Trump echoing those words. Thank you to my good friend Rupert Murdoch. Reporter the president touting his past financial contributions to one of murdocks pet causes. For years through rupert every year he would send me this letter. Could you please give money . I would say what do i have to do with that, rupert. And i would keep sending him money, and now i realize it was money well spent. It is great. Right, rupe erpt. Reporter it is a line that might have gotten a laugh but a relationship raising questions about possible conflicts. The u. S. Justice department, which President Trump oversees, is investigating the murdockowned fox news, looking into settlement bampayment also stemming from harassment complaints against former fox news boss rocker ailes. Could the companies relationship stymie the pursuit of justice . The president loves fox news. It is his Favorite Network and he is a frequent guest. How was easter . It was great. Reporter murdocks papers like the New York Post helped boost trump to celebrity status in the 1980s. Much later foxs shows helped lane the trump win. They say trump and murdock almost speak every day even as the Justice Department investigates murdocks profitmaking fox news machine. Thursdays highprofile trump murdock meeting calling to mind another eyebrow raising meeting. Blapsed former bill clintons meeting with then attorney general Loretta Lynch as the doj was investigating Hillary Clintons emails. She met with him for 45 minutes. In the backful an airplane on the tarmac in arizona. I think it is disgraceful. I think it is a disgrace. Reporter but now that trump is president , it is his relationships that are raising questions. All right. Brian stelter is with us now. Lets dig a little deeper on your reporting with the relationship between President Trump and Rupert Murdoch. Seeing him publicly embrace Rupert Murdoch seems to imply he doesnt think theres a conflict of interest here. What are your sources saying . Reporter it is an unusual case. It is not normal for the held of a news network to talk every day with a president , but Rupert Murdoch is such an unusual media mogul, always active in politics, seeking out candidates or politicians with power. Npr called it a Mutual Alliance between murdock and trump. Although theres a perceived conflict of interest, it doesnt look good to have them both in public and in private speaking so often. The lawyers, legal experts say right now theres nothing we can make of it. We dont know what the Justice Department is going to do. Months from now the Justice Department does not pursue charges against any of these, people will have raised eyebrows. Theres reminiscent of bill clinton and Loretta Lynch. Let me push the conversation forward and talk about Stephen Colbert because that made a lot of news this week, his crude joke about President Trump that turned a lot of heads to say the least. Lets listen to it. So you attract more skin heads than free rogaine. You have more people marching against you than cancer. You talk like a sign language gorilla who was hit in the head. The only thing your mouth is good for is being putins [ bleep ]. Theyre investigating . Right. Number one, was he right to say it . Maybe, maybe not. Some people were offended by the joke, other didnt care. Number one, was he right to say it. Number two, does he have the right to say it . Does cbs have his back . Absolutely. The company will not be removing colbert from the airways. He came out and said maybe he chose a few words that were too crude he wouldnt choose if he were doing it over again, but cbs has his back. Number three, will government regulators do anything about it . The answer is no. The fcc takes complaints about everything. They review the complaints as a matter of course. The fcc chairman said theyre looking at the complaints, but normally theres not much you can do. If they had shown a sex act on television and not bleeped or blurred it maybe there would be a fine. One of the great things about this country is the leniency that folks on television and across the media have. Free speech. Thats right. Democracy. Especially late at night when talking about politics. Colbert is not in regulatory hot water, but if viewers are upset they might not watch the show. The reality is that it is such a polarized country. He has so many fans that want to see him go as aggressively at President Trump as possible. President trump set a record in his first 100 days he might not be compiled about. Look at this. George mason universitys center for media and Public Affairs released a study last week that showed President Trump was the butt of more than 1,000 jokes in first 100 days, more than each of his three predecessors in first 100 days. President obama 936 jokes in first year. President george w. Bush, 546 jokes. President clinton had 440 jokes. Does this study say anything other than comedians have gotten increasingly political over the years . I think thats what it says. It gives credence to trump fields that hollywood is leftist and out to get the president. Theres more comedy shows on the air these days than there were during the george h. W. Bush or the clinton administration. There are more comedians out there and theres more news going on involving this president. Theres a lot to talk about, a lot to krut scrutinize, a lot to maybe make fun of. And more outlets when we think of the different devices we have and the Media Outlets there are. I want to talk about saturday night live because they took a jab at Kellyanne Conway. Lets watch. Used to be our tv. One day she woke up, she was no longer there. What could have happened, she is not up in the chair. No, tell me where in the world is Kellyanne Conway . So pretty funny there. But it does beg the question, where has she been . Shes been on fox. You know, conway has been avoiding some of the Television Interview circuit. You know, she was very visible in january and february. She has been less visible lately, so snl is right to point that out. She has been mostly speaking to conservative media instead. Her big topic on fox this weekend was Hillary Clinton. Tomorrow is the sixmonth anniversary of President Trumps election, six months since election day but still feels like everybody in the country is relitigating the election, whether it is trump allies, trump himself or clinton. She is on twitter talking about whether there was interference in the election. This is something we seem collectively not to be able to get over. Conway was talking about that on fox this weekend. Interesting. Thank you for coming on, Brian Stelter. Dont forget to watch his show every sunday at 11 00 a. M. Eastern here on cnn. Thank you. On tonights brandnew episode of united shades of america we look at shi, ochicae of the most segregated cities in the u. S. Why . The host ka malbemalpelle took street to find out. What does the phrase black lives matter mean to you . That is a touchy shouldnt. It is worrisome. For the younger generation, what does it mean for them . First thing you put in your hand is a gun. Everybody look up to the shooter. Other shorties coming up, theyre like, thats what i want to be. The violence that has hit our city of chicago is perplexing. Poverty brings on all of these problems. What can we do to make it better . If we want to talk about violence in our communities, we have to talk about the support systems we have. The black school is getting way less funding per student. This is your new name. This is your new house. And a perfectly inconspicuous suv. You must become invisible. [hero] ill take my chances. Oh no, looks like somebody needs a new network. When i got this unlimited plan they told me they were all the same. Theyre not. Verizon has the largest, mostreliable 4g lte network in america. Its basically made for places like this. Honey, what if it was just us out here . Right. So, i ordered you a car. Thank you. You dont want to be out here at night cause of the, uh, coyotes. Ok, thanks, bud. Bye. Be nice to have your car for some shelter. Bye. 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Luckily, the Geico Insurance agency recently helped baa baa with renters insurance. Everything stolen was replaced. And the hooligan who lives down the lane was caught selling the stolen goods online. Visit geico. Com and see how easy it is to switch and save on renters insurance. Breaking news on cnn. From texas, the republican governor there, greg abbott, just signed a bill a short time ago to ban socalled sanctuary cities in his state. Governor abbott signed this legislation on a Facebook Live stream saying the new law will hold Police Officials accountable if they intentionally decline to help with federal immigration enforcement. It will also allow Police Officers to ask people they arrest their immigration status. The bill is controversial. Not all Police Departments in texas are on board. Dozens of families are breathing a sigh of relief. A nation rejoicing as 82 school girls kidnapped from a boarding school in nigeria are finally home. The teenaged girls were released from their cap tors in a swap with the terrorist group boca haram. As part of the deal we are learning five commanders were released by the any jeeran government but not everyone is free. Some 276 girls were originally kidnapped by this terrorist group more than three years ago. You might remember the outrage on the social media and spread of the bringbackourgirls. It is a welcome development. It gladdens our heart. We know that even the parents of the girls are happy because it means gradually closure, we are attaining closure. Of course, many any jeerans are happy. Back in 2014 then First Lady Michelle Obama tweeted this with the hashtag from her official first lady twitter account. Now more than 100 of those kidnapped girls unfortunately are still being held by boca haram. Another american has just been detained in north korea. The u. S. State Department Says it is aware of these reports that the north korean government stopped him from boarding a flight in pyongyang. I want to bring in elise abbott, our Global Affairs correspondent. This would be the fourth american detained in the communist nation. Do we know why he is being held . Reporter we dont, ana. All we know is that the North Koreans are saying he committed socalled hostile acts against the government. He worked for Pyongyang University of science and technology, which is, you know, interestingly the same university that tony kim, another american that the North Koreans detained, was detained on april 22nd when he was leaving pyongyang. They work for the same university. We dont know if theres any connection, but cnn has spoken to people who have known this gentleman, kim haksun who was arrested today. They say he was a professor. He was working in pyongyang. He was of chinese descent and had gone to pyongyang, he was an expert in agricultural training and was going to help the north korea people. You know theres terrible famine in north korea and he was hoping to bring his expertise there. We dont really know, but any of these americans that the North Koreans arrest it is really about using them as a bargaining chip. You know, given the tensions between the u. S. And north korea right now it is really difficult to say how they are going to get out. As we know, the other two americans who are being held were sentenced to, you know, 10 to 15 years of hard labor. So we dont know what the actual charges and sentences will be, but unfortunately it looks like they could be in for a long stay in detention. Well, you will be following it of course for us. This happen os the heels of north korea accusing the u. S. Of an assassination plot against kim jongun. What can you tell us about that . Reporter well, this came earlier this week. They were saying talking about a terrorist group that was working for the cia that was going to use a chemical weapon, a biochemical substance to try and assassinate kim jongun and try to topple the regime. Now, this is really odd. I mean north korea has in the past accused south korea of trying to launch assassination plots, never the United States. It comes on the heels of secretary of state Rex Tillerson at the United Nations last week sayi saying that the u. S. Is not seeking regime change, does not want to change the regime, is really only looking for north korea to abandon its nuclear and longrange missile programs. So this really comes in the face of the u. S. Saying it is not trying to get rid of king jongun, but certainly again with all of these tensions between the u. S. And north korea this just seems to be adding to the rhetoric that the north seems to be lobbing against the u. S. There was all of these details in that report from the north korean media on this assassination media but no evidence. Reporter no evidence whatsoever. Thank you as always. Coming up, crime in the digital realm. Cnns laurie sigel steps into another woman to meet a woman who says she was virtually groped. What should the consequences be . It is a story you dont want to miss next. U back . Break through your allergies. Try new Flonase Sensimist instead of allergy pills. Its more complete allergy relief in a gentle mist you may not even notice. Using unique mistpro technology, new Flonase Sensimist delivers a gentle mist to help block six key inflammatory substances that cause your symptoms. Most allergy pills only block one. And six is greater than one. Break through your allergies. New Flonase Sensimist be the you who doesnt cover your moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Be the you who shows up in that dress. Who hugs a friend. 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Most people using stelara® saw 75 clearer skin and the majority were rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. Be the you who talks to your dermatologist about stelara®. Im not a customer, but im calling about that credit scorecard. Give it. Sure its free for everyone. Oh well thats nice and checking your score wont hurt your credit. Oh im so proud of you. Well thank you. Free at at discover. Com creditscorecard, even if youre not a customer. Whatever it is that floats your boat. Or tickles your tastebuds. Or brightens your day. Even if youve never tried it before. Just know that. You can, in portland. Whatever it is that floats your boat. Or tickles your tastebuds. Or brightens your day. Even if youve never tried it before. Just know that. You can, in portland. This next story might make you think twice before letting a friend drive your car. Take a look at this. This is in springfield, illinois. Police department is on the hunt for the woman that drove this van into the side of a Mcdonalds Restaurant last night. Police say the driver ran away from this crash. Luckily, no one was injured but the van actually belongs to the drivers friend who was in the passengers seat when it crashed and remained with the car apparently. The owner was given a ticket for not having insurance. Our relationship with technology is getting complicated to say the least. For example, consider this question. If an assault or another crime happens in the Virtual World, what should the repercussions be . Cnns senior tech correspondent Laurie Segall explores this issue in her series mostly human. Reporter hey, ana. We talked a lot about Online Harassment and its impact on us, what people say to each other on twitter, facebook and trolls. Theres a new frontier of technology thats enabling a different type of harassment. Take a look. Step into the Virtual World and youll find that there are even more complicated questions. Hey, guys. Hey, whats up . Oh. Im having social anxiety in the Virtual World. Where are you . In alabama. Im from chicago. Youre from chicago. Thats so cool. Have you guys can i ask another question. Have you guys seen anything inappropriate to happen in the Virtual World . Oh, yeah. No, not so far. Definitely, yes, me. Okay. The woman says yes. So what kind of inappropriate stuff have you experienced. A lot of people virtually banging each other. Reporter im meeting a woman here were calling jordan. We are disguising her identity because she has received threats after sharing the details of a unique experience. Can you tell me what happened. A couple of months ago when you were playing . I was playing this game called quiver and theres a multiplayer mode. There was a player next to me in my space, which is fine. And suddenly he kind of came up to me and used his hand kind of like what we see now, and brought it towards my avatars body. Basically began to virtually grope me. I told him to stop. I think that only goaded him on further. It is a Virtual World, but what does it feel like . Obviously you dont feel the touch, but there is something about your virtual space being invaded that feels surprisingly real in that violation and that disgust you might feel. You know, you cant push the person. Talking to them does nothing. So i tried running away. I mean you could take off the head set and thats about it. Reporter in the real world if someone groems you in person and theres a cop nearby there will be repper cushions. Also, it is oddly more accepted. Other avatars were in the world with us and seeing what was going on and no one cares. To the person, the aggressive it doesnt feel like anything. It is kind of fun, a joke. When it is happening to you, you know, when it is directed towards you it feels totally real. The mind can get tricked in the virtual space into thinking something really happened, and maybe something really did happen to me. Now, ana, after jordan came forward with her story t Game Developers created a feature that would let people flag if their personal space was violated. What i think we should take away from here is what jordan said, that these actions impacted her off line. I think people think that behind a screen it doesnt feel real and that these actions dont impact you when you take off the Virtual Reality head set or get off line. The reality is they do. I think there are also these very interesting ethical questions we have to start asking about how we treat one another online or in the Virtual World, especially with this new frontier of technology thats just now being you can catch more of loris mostly human series. Its streaming now on cnn go. I want to show you live pictures now of air force i. The president on his way back to the white house after a weekend at his golf club in bedminster, new jersey. His return comes ahead of a critical day tomorrow, a busy week ahead. Tomorrow is when the former director of National Intelligence James Clapper and the former director sally yates testify, so a lot of eyes on that one. He is in his way toward europe, but Anthony Bourdain says this next place hands down has the best food. On to spains bass country. I calculate how much home i can afford. I get multiple offers to compare side by side. And the best part is. The banks come crawling to me. Everything you need to get a better mortgage. Clothing optional. Lendingtree, when banks compete, you win. Okay . Awkward. So i wanted you to have the ring to match. You, at jared, we only sell one piece of jewelry. The Engagement Ring of her dreams you had designed just for her. In fact, with Custom Design Services in every jared. 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Com. Its the most awesome food its the most awesome food scene in burke at farmers, weve seen almost everything, so we know how to cover almost anything. Even a coupe soup. [woman] so beautiful. [man] beautiful just like you. [woman] oh, why thank you. [burke] and we covered it, november sixth, twothousandnine. Talk to farmers. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum Anthony Bourdain has traveled all over the world, so when he says a destination has the most Delicious Food in all of europe, you know its amazing. Tonight he takes us to the heart of spains basque country. I hesitate to praise this place more than i already have. Its not really the best kept secret in europe or the world. Because plenty of people know about it, mostly chefs. What do chefs know . They know that bas country, thats sebastian in particular, but frankly the whole region has probably yeah, definitely the most awesome food scene, the most incredible ingredients, the most Delicious Food in europe. Dont come here. I recently sat down with Anthony Bourdain to discuss the food and the culture explored in tonights episode. People have been trying to figure out how old is the basque language, who are the basque, where do they come from, do they have any relatives genetically anywhere else on earth, and apparently no. Theyve always been there, their language might go back to cavemen times, and pound for pound, that region, in my experience, might have the best or the highest concentration of great food of anywhere on earth. Its absolutely theyre food crazy, they demand absolutely the best ingredientingredients, one of the most exciting places to eat in the world. Its one of those shows i did because i could. I knew it would be fun. An excuse to go back and visit . Any excuse to go to basque territory is a good one. Now, the basque influence in spain, this is a very small region in spain, is it not . Yes. They dont speak the typical hispanic or Spanish Language . They speak either canolon or spanish coustelian, their own culture. Theyre famously stubborn about protecting their culture and the language and culture was outlawed in franco times. They were not loved during the times of fascism and naziism. They are resilient. They are among the toughest people on earth and the most ferocious lovers of food. Even the bad restaurants in San Sebastian are really good. You cant go wrong. You talked about how they put such an emphasis, almost an obsession, on high quality and the freshest of ingredients. Yeah. Why do you think theres that influence there . We asked people about this, and they kind of shrug and say its always been like this. The basque like to argue about the differences between things. Theyll argue about the soccer game or their traditional sport. Theyre competitive, then . The difference between not something they like to talk about. That prawn is very good. But that one is much, much better. They always lived close to the sea and traditional made their living from the sea, so the seafood in particular is staggeringly good. I know that you were able to visit with a basque chef, juan marie arsoc, a huge figure in the culinary world and to you personally . Z since the passing of my father many years ago, ive become close to this chef. His daughter also a chef. In a lot of ways he would prefer to be called my older brother, i think, but i see him as sort of a surrogate father. Even though we dont speak the same language, we communicate in haltingly bad french and english and a little bit of spanish. Hes i love this man and respect him and, you know, ive made a number of shows in San Sebastian over the last several years and they always end with me going back home. How did you meet originally . I was introduced one of the First Television shows ever, someone took me to the restaurant and we just became very, very close and stayed in touch and have met around the world. When youre in the chef mafia, you tend to bump into the various campos around the world and hes a big one. Tune in for parts unknown San Sebastian. Its coming up next here on cnn. Im sure youre as hungry as me after that. Im ana cabrera. Thanks for joining me. Have a great night and week ahead. [ Foreign Language ]

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