Smart cookie. Trump sit down with cbs news came one day of north korea carried out another failed missile test. Something he seemed to down play. You and the administration said dont test a missile. They have tested a missile. Is the pressure not working . I didnt say dont test a missile. I will tell you man that ive gotten to like and respect, the president of china, president xi, has been putting pressure on him also but so far perhaps nothing has happened an perhaps it has. This was a small missile. This was not a big missile. This was not a nuclear test, which he was expected to do three days ago. Well see what happens. You say not happy. What does that mean . I would not be happy if he doesnt agree. I will not be happy. I dont believe that the president of china who is a very respected man will be happy either. Not happy mean military action . I dont know. Well see. How are you sure theyre not using this as way to test you . You can never be sure of anything, can you . I developed a very good relationship. I dont think they want to see a destabilized north korea. I dont think they want to see it. They dont want to see nuclear from their neighbor. They havent liked it for a long time. Well have to see what happens. The relationship i have with china has been all ready claimed as being something very special, something very different than weve had. Again, well find out whether or not president xi is able to effect change. Sdp will ripley joins us now. How are the president s latest remarks being received there . Here in north korea they view the United States as a warmonger and state media is blasting the strike group. Theyre blasting the fact they would pay 1 million. The u. S. Says they will be footing the bill as agreed upon previously. The Bigger Picture issue is they havent yet conducted the nuclear test despite intelligence that showed the test site was prime and ready for a number of weeks leading up to two major holidays over the last month opinion the army day on the 25th and the nuclear test didnt happen around that time. Beijing has warned if they did move forward, that would be a red line even for china which has resisted over five Nuclear Tests over the last decade to really impose any serious penalties on this country. Launching more missiles under the kim jongun era than his father and grandfather combined. We dont know what discussions are happening. The sixth nuclear test has not happened. What is north koreas next move going to be . We dont know p they are eager to engage with the United States. They dont want to be told they have to give up the weapons that they invested years and very substantial resources and developing. Thanks for that update from north korea. Meanti meantime, President Trump is talking up his revised republican bill to repeal and replace obamacare thats making its way through the house. Here he is on cbs face the nation. There will be such competition. Right now theres no competition. There will be such competition by Insurance Companies so they can get health care and the people taken care of health care. The other things we will have is groups. Whats going to happen is the competition is going to drive down the premiums. In my opinion much, much more than people understand. What you just described is the bill that you had said you worried wouldnt help your people. There were things in the other bill, the first version which were not as good. When i watched some of the news reports and they say we dont cover preexisting conditions. We cover beautifully. Lets bring in your panel to talk about it now. Julian. Paris, even as President Trump says north korea is a problem which the u. S. Will solve if china cant. He is saying south korea should pay for a Defense System which the u. S. Already agreed do pay for. Is this a good idea to haggle with an ally during a potential crisis . One thing we know about President Trump is he is the type of leader who is not going to reveal his hand. Hes not going to tell you exactly what hes going to do. Hes going to make a good poker player if he was a gambler. Hes always stoic. You dont know whats going to happen. Its part of the strategy to keep america guessing but more importantly to keep our foreign leaders guessing as to what he will do. I think we have to trust that he has the right leadership around him with secretary of the state tiller sons, with his National Defense leader, secretary and as the team around him at the white house to make the best decisions for us. If youre looking for this president to tell you exactly what hes going to do at the same time at the place and manner, thats not going to happen. Is that unpredictability perhaps a good thing . Im not sure its unpredi unpredictab unpredictable. Its probably giving the president the benefit of the doubt. The fact we talked about not paying for that misis system that has already been rebuffed by his own secretary. This is a flipflop. Its unknowing. Donald trump doesnt have a traditional Foreign Policy. He doesnt have some new cutting age Foreign Policy. He doesnt have a Foreign Policy at all. Hes figuring this out day by day. Its a lack of experience and its showing and telling. National security advisor says the deal with north korea stands unless it is renegotiated. How likely is it that south korea will pick up the tab for this billion dollar system. Its not likely. Many allies are not happy with that. This is all a grand strategy might be giving too much. To make statements like this and mover back and forth, that can be okay. You need some kind of strategy. South korea is an ally. Its a key ally in deterring north korea from its provocation. To undercut that could be dangerous. It could send a dangerous signal. Theres thousands of u. S. Military men and women in the Korean Peninsula that could be impacted by any kind of provocative action thats happening in that area. Thats part of where we see some of the effects of what we have been learning. How the state department has not been staffed yet and not as much attention to diplomacy. That part of these negotiations and back and forth its not clear its being thought through carefully. Theres a lot of risks in trying to handle Foreign Policy that way. He sent the Vice President to south korea. The Vice President had a very successful trip over there as well as the meeting with the president of china here in the west. This is part of the strategy of this president. In many cases he is testing the relationship with china. Hes putting a lot of on nn nous over them. I think need to give the president a bit of time and appreciate the fact there could be a strategy while some dont want to believe it. I believe theres a strategy in place. The white house believes it and knows it. We need to let that process work its way. Its not easy, its not quick. It takes time. Thats what this administration is doing. Lets turn to health care. President trump and the republicans are still trying to work out something that can clear congress and in his face the nation interview this weekend President Trump talked about leaving some of the details of this plan for the states to figure out. If you hurt your knee, honestly, id rather have the federal government focused on north korea, focused on other things then your knee or your back, as important as your back is. I would much rather see the federal government focused on other things, bigger things. Now, the state is going to be in a much better position to take care because its smaller. Paris, is congress trying to have it both ways claiming credit for repealing obamacare while leaving the tough decisions to the states . This is a fundamental difference between conservatives and liberals on the role of government. Many times believe there should be a nanny state. Republicans says lets take some of the power away from the federal government and give it to the states. States are better at work to do to have an impact on the people that live there. I think thats part of his overall viewpoint on the role of government. Is health care were to become more of a state responsibility, could we be looking at 50 states with Different Levels of coverage thats more tailored to their residents . Im going to look at South Carolina from where im from and represented, what you have is u. N. Ambassador and governor of South Carolina nikki haley refusing to expand medicaid. Pople literally died because of a political decision she made. Krou will have the you will have these gaps. The fundamental difference between democrats and republicans is quite simple. The democratic party, obama care, even with the problems that it has covers all but 10 of americans. The Republican Party is trying to strip health care from 20 to 24 million people. Theyre not trying to cover preexisting conditions. They are stripping essential services, things that people need. We can argue over repeal and replace all you want. Thats not going to fly. The question that needs to be answered is how are we going to make sure we fix obamacare so its fiscally sound and continue to cover as many people as we can. The aarp is expecting premiums and these pools saying its going to help with preexisting conditions get coverage. They are saying premiums could cost as much as 25,700 per year. Even further American Medical Association is also balking at this idea saying it would make coverage unaffordable to people with preexisting conditions. I see you shaking your head. Aca was created because the state based private employer based system wasnt working. Returning to the old system isnt going to make things better. Thats part of the response youre seeing from different organizations to some of these plans. Sgr lets talk about what we heard in the last 24 hours. Lets listen. Youre incompetent dishonest people who after an election had to apologize because they covered it, us, me, but all of us. They covered it so badly that they felt they were forced to apologize because their predictions were so bad. You wrote an opinion piece. I want to read part of it saying given his rally speech doesnt seem the president will do much to change his ways. That would be a mistake given that history shows that president s can bounce back from a rough first 100 days and you go onto talk about kennedy, reagan, bill clinton and how they had rough begins but did turn the tide. Why do you feel less hopeful this president can do that . Part of the 100 days is about accomplishmentslearning. The president seen what works. I dont think theres that much evidence that he is going to change his approach to politics. That speech sounded like candidate trump back in november or october. I dont think theres enough evidence yet to suggest that he will make the kind of moves that Ronald Reagan did. Could you put your finger on what he should change . This Health Care Debate is a test. Ronald reagan was struggling in his first 10 days. After a failed assassination attempt he recovered. He put all his muscle into selling a tax bill. That will be one thing that were going to see. A second is if he goes away from some of this rhetoric about the institutions that are stacked against him and turns to what he wants to offer this country now that he has the keys of power. Im glad you brought up taxes. The president will not release his own tax return. Reince priebus addressed that this morning. Lets listen. I want to clarify. We never have to ask you again. Is he never going to release his taxes with or without audit, no audit . Is it now the policy he will not release it. What the president said is hes under routine audit. When the audit is over, hell look at releasing his taxes. Nobody cares, jonathan. You care. No one else. Dont the American People have a right to know how this tax plan will effect it . Its not litigated before the American People. The American People issued a judgment in november and the President Trump want won a historic victory in the history of our country. The only people ask me this question are people like you. The task policy said the majority of the benefits the under the current plan the president has released will go to the wealthiest americans. Should the president release his tax returns so the American People can see how, himself, would be impacted by his own plan . When the American People see the president donated his First Quarter earnings to the National Park service is not taking a salary, they understand where his heart is. Its about serving the American People and making America Great again. Then why not put his taxes out there. Its what hes doing by donating his salary as president. Once thats completed he will look into releasing them. I dont think thats what the American People care about. If that was an issue they cared about, they wouldnt have voted him until as president. The issues that matter today are issues like obamacare premiums on the rise. How to fix this issue of health care. How do we look at making college more affordable and year round and making sure students get to college . The president is setting the agenda and tax reform is on this. Were not bringing this up out of nowhere. The president is proposing on essentially cutting taxes for the wealthiest americans, himself included. Thats how you interpret it. Thats not how i interpret it. Thats how the nonpartisan experts interpret it. We have seen a lot of people get things wrong. What i would tell you is no one denies the fact this president wants to make America Great, bringing jobs back, hire american, by american. If you think that his tax return is going to somehow change the mind set of the American People or make this tax policy even more palpable for the people it will impact, i think were all mistaken. He won. Hes the president and he has the right attitude and the agenda for the people. His tax returns are irrelevant. Thank you all for your thoughts this evening. Coming up, tornadoes ripped through texas leaving death and destruction in their wake. The search and rescue operations are under way right now to reach towns cut off by storm. Well bring you the latest, next. Choicehotels. Com. Badda book. Badda boom. Thats it . He means book direct at choicehotels. Com for the lowest price on our rooms guaranteed. 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Including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions,. And new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb,. Hepatitis b, are prone to infections,. Or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. If youre still just managing your symptoms, ask your gastroenterologist about humira. With humira, remission is possible. A series of twisters slammed into north texas damaging 5,000 homes in its past. Going to hit the power lines. My god. Thats just one of three monster tornadoes that hit near dallas yesterday. The Texas Governor said First Responders are still going door to door checking for survivors. Weve heard some reports yet unconfirmed. Theres a possibility that one of these tornadoes was on the ground for up to a 50mile stretch, which would be the longest stretch of a tornado on the ground that ive ever heard of. At least ten people were killed in the storms across the south and midwest. The death toll has been rising. More than 30 million others are under flood watches and warnings today as the Severe Weather moves quickly. Bring us up to speed. Pictures showing we are not out of the woods yet. The National Weather service continues to issue the warnings and watches for georgia, tennessee and alabama as well. We have seen the deadly potential of the storms including in can he nkent, texa. Its where four of the deaths have been reported. Right now as we heard from the governor, the search continues for survivors happening there a the tornadoes left a large trail of destruction. Officials describing it as stretching 35 miles long and 50 miles wide. These pictures just disheartening. Youre looking at whats left of the st. John catholic clurj. It was destroyed. It was dozens of people at the nearby parish hall. They sought shelter in a hallway that connected a sanctuary and a parish hall. They did make it out okay. They are calling that a miracle. Its interesting to see what has played out here. Today, some pictures that perhaps offer some hope here. The sanctuary may be gone but the people are still coming together. They celebrated mass in the parking lot there at st. Johns in the city of emery, texas. These are pictures that we saw today. This is something that we want to see more often. This is some of the positive news that comes out of some of these horrible storms. The threat remains for much of the southeast. Folks recommendsed to keep a close eye on this developing weather. Those Storm Chasers are showing up just incredible. Thank you for that update. Still ahead, the smallest victims of americas opioid and heroin epidemic. 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A staggering 2. 7 million grandparents are believed to be raising their grand children. We met one such family in kentucky. Night. Good night. Reporter welcome to the zoo. Its impossible to be quiet in the zoo. Reporter meet the flynn family. Grandma sandra is 64 years old. Her husband, michael, who everyone calls poppy is 73. You are now raising 5yearold twins. And the other three. Reporter they are raising five grand kids in a cramped, colorful kentucky home thats equal parts chaos and love. Willa now 16 is the oldest. When was the last time you saw your mom . Five years ago when i was ten. She kind of disappeared and no one knew where she was. Reporter the she is her younger child. Her kids were all addicted to drugs. The state said they could not care for them anymore. They asked if we would take all five. We said of course. Reporter an estimated 3 million kids are being raised by someone other than their mom or dad. Its hit kentucky especially hard. More than 68,000 children are being taken care of by grand parents, relatives or foster parents. They have been abandoned and forgotten in a lot of ways. You look at the generation of kids being raised. How do you think its going to turn out. It has to impact. Theres going to be want, a need that something they didnt get for mom. Do you feel on some levels youve been abandoned in some way by your mom . I know she cared about me. She used to be a really sweet person. Now i dont know. Ive learned to accept it. Reporter not far away in another part of kentucky, grandmother kathy allen drops by the high school to pick up grand kids kayla and madison. Did yall have a nice day at school . Reporter now 14 and 16, the sisters were small when they were placed in foster care. How does your childhood compare . How would you describe it . It was terrible. It was terrible. Yeah. When you think about childhood you think about happy things. It wasnt any. Reporter according to generations united, nearly 40 of grandparents caring for grand children are over age 60. One in five lives below the p poverty line. Foster parents can earn as mump as 600 to 1200 per month. Grandparents arent receiving the first food stamp. Reporter kayla and madison are in touch with their father who is in prison. They say they have little to no contact with their mom. Her choice, not theirs, they say. I forgive my mom so many times but she just keeps going back. Its hard to forgive every single time. A generation of children who feel abandoned by parents who they believe chose drugs over them. R weight, shape and temperature. So you sleep deeply, and wake up feeling powerful. Find your exclusive retailer at tempurpedic. Com [fbi agent] youre a brave man, your testimony will save lives. Mr. Stevens . This is your new name. This is your new house. And a perfectly inconspicuous suv. You must become invisible. [hero] ill take my chances. 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Turkeys president said he is concerned about the u. S. Patrols. He plans to bring it up when he meets with President Trump next month. We learned more than 350 civilians in iraq and syria were unintentionally killed by Coalition Air strikes aimed at isis between august 2014 and tend of last month. A report says 42 incidents are still being investigated including that march 17th strike in a section of mosul that coincided with more than 100 civilian deaths. American troops are flying in extra supplies forces on the front exclusive report, cnn wet along on one of these missions and saw first hand the dangers facing american troops in the region. Reporter an explosive but vital cargo for american and allied forces fighting isis. Munitions bound for iraq. Its rockets that are being flown into iraq. Its going to deliver. Reporter were riding along on c130 hercules taking off from an undisclosed clowe indication. For security reasons we can only identify their crew by their ranks and first name. We just maintain vigilance. Swi situational awareness. We make sure we keep focus on getting the mission done. Reporter the iraqi army backed by u. S. Forces is fighting an intense battle trying to oust isis from its largest strongholds, mosul. As the war intensifies, the troops unleash more fie pre pow and need more am knmo to come t fast. The crew wearing helmets in case their take enemy fire. The aircraft commander we can only name as colonel buck has decades of experience. Its a shot. Were always prepared for that. We train hard for that. Were ready for anything that pops up. Reporter the engine is running and the plane secured by two heavily armed soldiers. Then the c130 takes off again ready for another mission to keep up the fight against isis. Back here at home we have seen markets rise during the first 100 days of President Trumps administration. The socalled trump bump. Will we see them go higher this week . With the first 100 days in the rear view mirror, investors are looking for any developments on tax reform. The administration unveiled its lines for tax cuts last week. Its clear the details need to be worked out with congress. Hope for a tax reform has helped juice this market. The stock market rally is the second best since the 18 jump during the first 100 days of jfks presidency. Progress on tax reform is key to keep this market rally going. Solid corporate earnings wont hurt either and well get more of those Quarterly Report cards this week. Theres a Federal Reserve meeting on the calendar. Wall street is betting the fed will not touch interest rates. Its going to watch Economic Data very closely because it might hike rates at the next meeting. On friday the Labor Department will release the april jobs report. In march the u. S. Economy only created 90,000 jobs. Investor will be looking at whether it was a blip or a slow down is becoming the trend. After the break it was a president ial roasting donald trump wanted no part of. We got to address the elem t elephant thats not in the room. The leader of our country is not here. Thats because he lives in moscow. Its a very long flight. It would be hard for vlad to make it. He cant just make it on a saturday. Its a saturday. With e trade you see things your way. You have access to the right information at the right moment. And when you filter out the noise, its easy to turn your vision into action. Its your trade. E trade. Start trading today at etrade. Com the show went on last night without the traditional guest of honor. Im talk about the white house correspondence dinner. The president of the United States was not. President trump announced back in february he would skip the event. His absence was definitely noted. We got to address the elephant thats not in the room. The leader of our country is not here. Thats because he lives in moscow. Its a very long flight. It would be hard for vlad to make it. He cant just make it on a saturday. Its saturday. As for the other guy, i think hes in pennsylvania because he cant take a joke. That was feature speaker. Lets discuss. I know you and hasan are friends. You say you have a relationship that goes back years. How did he do . Whats your grade . I mean, its one of the hardest jobs to do. A plus. He knocked it out of the park. Under the circumstances and the pressure he had on him. Imagine what he has to deal wl as a Muslim American live ng this climate and have to take on such a burden, its very difficult position to be in. I feel like he really, really just did the best that he could under those circumstances. Its such a fine line in terms of joking versus making some kind of political commentary. You were giving him advice going into this. He was practicing with you. What kind of advice did you offer . Its important to highlight that he from venhas friends he with and present in a support capacity. Im mr. Spices. Im like maybe add a little seasoning here. Make sure to remind him of the important thing to take his time and be deliberate. That was the most important thing to deliver for him because its easy to be under such immense pressure and go really fast and to stumble and to go really quickly and want to do that and maybe a couple of lines are really important. He had a really nice balance. I think he was fishing in pennsylvania. What was he doing . It has to be doing. I remember mos def said the country is going to bad that of course obama was going to win. America needed to say a muslimamerican stand up comedian stand up there and that is the beauty of the United States. He came up with the goods. Sglid you ta did you talk to him . Hes sitting in. This is a historic moment in our time. He was still simmering in it. Hes in postgame analysis. Hes like wow, we just did that. That just happened. He felt really good about it. I think he felt really, really good about it. Were very critical of ourselves as artists, comedians. I can relate to that. He just killed it. Let me ask you this because you brought it up about the challenging times even now being a comedian as well. We did talk to some trump spov supporters who did fot finot fis funny at all. Do we think what we heard created more divisions . I think the divide already exists. Its important for people to see an arabamerican. I keep saying because thats what i am. A muslimamerican speaking such truth. Originally from pakistan but born in sacramento. Thanks for coming ae ining a chairing. He worked to hard on it. Nice to have you on. Have a great one. President trumps executive order get a makeover courtesy of most. Hey, bud. You need some help . No, im good. Come on, moe. I have to go. vo we always trusted our Subaru Impreza would be there for him someday. Ok. Thats it. vo we just didnt think someday would come so fast. See ya later, moe. vo introducing the allnew Subaru Impreza. The longestlasting vehicle in its class. More than a car, its a subaru. Sfx engine revving silence President Trump signed 30 executive orders since taking office covering everything from Border Security to abortion f youre not a big fan of them, there is now a way to give them your own personal touch. Cnns jeannie moos explains. Reporter President Trump rarely seems happier when signing executive orders. Anybody want to watch me sign . Reporter and hes getting lots of practice. Okay. Reporter hell sign more executive orders in his first 100 days than any president since world war ii. It doesnt get much bigger than. That. Reporter and we used to bash Pesident Obama for doing it. And goes around signing all the executive orders tchltz. You cant do it. Reporter oh, yes he k but holding up an executive order can leave the president holding the bag, make that the fox with a panda or the microwave. At the twitter account trump draws, the president draws like a kid and spells like one too. Often the drawings relate to the news. For instance, when the president inform informed chinas leader over dessert that missiles were launched against sear yachlt. And we most beautiful piece of chocolate cake that youve ever seen. Reporter that result in this. A visual effects artist told the magazine that twitter account wrote itself. He saw the leader of the free World Holding up paper. Theres even a mean generator that lets you create your own executive orders. For instance, you can decree grab them about it you know what jokes shall be banned. Or after an audience in berlin dissed his daughter, hissing at ivanka trump shall be punishable by flogging. So the next time the president holds up one of though executive orders blowing his own horn, that order could keep on trucking who knows where. Jeannie moos, cnn, new york. Top of the hour. Year in the cnn newsroom. Thank you for being with me. We begin with a Campaign Promise that continues to elude the president and republican lawmakers. Repeal and replace obama care. President trump was pressed again on what happens to people with preexisting conditions. And the current draft of the bill, heres what he said during a weekend interview with cbs. This bill is much different than it was a little while ago. Okay . This bill has evolved. And we didnt have a failure on the bill. It was reported like a failure. The one thing i swront done is a time line. Thats why i didnt put a time line. But we have now preexisting cnditions in the big. We have we set up a pool for the preexisting conditions so that the premium kbz

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