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The u. S. Impeachment inquiry. More on the key witnesses we expect to hear from and what they are testimony could mean. Thank you for joining us. Our top story comes from hong kong, which has seen clashes between protesters and police for months, but the past several hours have been especially violent. Were learning a man who confronted protesters was douse ed with the flamable liquid and set on fire. The video is incredibly graphic and has been shared on social media. Hospital Authorities Say they are treating a man with burns in critical condition. That incident emerged after another Police Officer shot a protester. Were about to show you that shooting, but we warn you that is also graphic. Were told the protester survived the shooting and is now in a hospital in critical condition. For more, lets go to cnns will ripley live in hong kong for us out on the streets for us. Its just unbelievable how this is becoming more and more dangerous and violent. Reporter it is, natalie. Im not wearing a gas mask and a helmet to be dramatic. Theres not been tear gas fired, but i learned from experience on halloween night when there are Police Officers nearby with tear gas guns drawn, we have to put on ours as well because its almost inevitable as they clear the barricades that protesters have set up, shutting down hong kongs busiest shopping district, once against, its surreal on a busy monday afternoon my gym down the street is closed. All these businesses that hong kongers rely on every single day are shut down. The citys economy struggling in ore session because of relatively small groups of people who have figured out a way to move in quickly, shut down major thorough fair, set up barricades and bring out the police in force. But theres a lot of bystanders here. There are no protesters. They have already moved on. They moved right down the street. To the next location where they are going to hunker down, build barricades, set fires, spray paint, do it all over again. Thats so remarkable. We are more than five months into this protest movement. I can tell you this is some of the worst that we have seen in terms of disruption on a busy monday when people are supposed to be able to work. Workers around here were sent home early. Officers were evacuated after tear gas was fired. Tear gas actually hit a man in the head causing him to plead at Central Station right over there. There was a tear gas fired inside the station. The stations are very popular targets for the protesters who are intent on doing as much damage as they can to make the point that they are fighting for their future, they say. They are fighting for the future of hong kong. Fighting for democracy. But natalie, this feels not so much like a fight for democracy, but a fight against the government. A fight against the police. A fight against the very institutions that are supposed to hold this city together. But at the moment, its all kind of mom coming apart. Theres no end in sight. You truly get a sense of that with the latest developments. We thank you for us on the streets there in hong kong. Thank you, will. In just a few hours, people in bolivia will wake up to a new political era, one that does not include their former president. This is another country that people have been taken to the streets to try to push back a government that has been unfair. We have been bringing you protests in recent weeks fuelled by accusations of voter fraud in last months elections. He leaves behind a power vacuum after a round of resignations, the souecond Vice President of bolivia says shes next in line and ready to assume the office ahead of new elections. We take a look at why moraless finally stepped down. Political earthquake is rocking bolivia after the countrys longserving president mora less was forced to step down. Its been weeks of violent protests and that he had stolen an election to become president. He denied that and said he was facing a kooup. But after a report came out showing fraud, he finally offered to hold new elections. The offer came too late from countrys opposition, for the military and the police. Many had risen up against moral morales. They said it was time for him to leave office. He did just that within hours shocking bolivia and much of latin america. He said it was a coup, but he recognized if he didnt leave, there would be bloodshed. Many critics say he had become too authoritarian, that he was never plan ining on leaving the presidency and he was essentially becoming a dictator. So while morales is out, hes received offers from other countries to seek asylum there. But mo rels says while he may not be president , hes not going anywhere. Cnn, mexico city. The u. S. Impeachment inquiry moves into a new and potentially damaging phase for President Trump this week. Allegations the president withheld military aid to ukraine in exchange for an investigation of a political opponent will move from written transcripts into public televised hearings for millions to watch. Republicans are demanding the whistleblower who triggered the inquiry testify in public. Its impossible to bring this case forward, in my view, fairly without us knowing who the whistleblower is is and having a chance to cross examine them about vices they may have. So if they dont call the whistleblower in the house, this thing is dead on arrival in the senate. Jeremy diamond has more on whats ahead this week. Reporter President Trump on sunday continuing to attack the impeachment inquiry in the democrats who are running the process. Something hes done for weeks, but this time it comes as this impeachment inquiry prepares to move to its public phase. Several officials slated to head to capitol hill for public televised hearings on capitol hill including the current u. S. Affair bill taylor, the top diplomat in ukraine and a state Department Official george kent. Those will be the first to come on wednesday. As all of that is happening, we are seeing republicans trying to fine tune their defense of the president. Several republican senators on sunday suggesting that, well, a quid pro quo may have happened. But that its not a problem. I think we have gotten lost in this whole idea of quid pro quo. He hit the nail on the head. If youre not allowed to give aid to people who are corrupt, theres always contingencies on aid. Even president obama withheld aid. I think its a mistake to say he withheld aid until he got what he wanted. He has every right to withhold aid. Quid pro quo is a red herring. Theres only two relevant questions that need to be ans r answered. Why did the president ask for an investigation . And number two, this is linked to the first question, what did hunter biden do for the money. House republicans are working up their own efforts to defend the president. That with a witness list they provided to the House Intelligence Committee democrats demanding several witnesses clearly many of these an attempt to divert attention away from the main allegations that President Trump is facing concerning ukraine. Two of those witnesses particularly notable. One of them being hunter biden, the former Vice President s son. The other being the whistleblower, the anonymous whistleblower whose complaint sparked this entire inquiry. They have to approve the list and theres no indication they are going to be doing that. House Intelligence Committee chairman adam is schiff said in a let tore the Top Republican on the committee that as we move to open hearings, its important to underscore the impeachment inquiry and the committee will not serve as vehicles for any member to carry out the same sham investigations into the bidens or debunked conspiracy about 2016 u. S. Election interference that President Trump pressed ukraine to conduct for his personal political benefit. So that seems clear there from the top democrat on the Intelligence Committee, who is running this impeachment inquiry that the witnesses including hunter biden and the whistleblower will not be coming forward. Jeremy diamond, cnn, new york. For more on the republicans strategy heading into the hearings, were joined by a p t Political Science lecturer in london. Thank you for coming on. Good morning, natalie. The republicans are spinning this to keep the focus on the bidens and corruption and a away from donald trump. Is that going to work . I think the problem for republicans is that there doesnt appear to be any evidentiary basis to contradict the fact pattern. So they are left with no other options. They might say either trumps actions didnt rise to an Impeachable Offense or that the intent to commit a crime wasnt there or the white house policy with ukraine is so incoherent that no one can really make sense of it. I dont think that any of those justifications, unfortunately for the republicans, seem convin convincing. Sgl the republicansen b issued a witness list to the democrats. They would like to see hunter biden and the whistleblower probably very slim that republicans will allow that. But if that doesnt happen, they claim that this whole process is invalid. Thats certainly what they have been trying to do since the beginning. They are going to continue to complain about process. Particularly, that the democrats are rejecting the request for witnesses. You mentioned hunt er biden as someone they wanted to interview. They also wanted to interview the whistleblower, but a am dam schiff is insisted hes not going to turn this into a sham. Hunter biden has no knowledge to trumps dealings with ukraine and the whistleblowers knowledge of the call is all secondhand. Republicans are also expect ed to argue that while democrats have built up evidence for Foreign Policy official, they have yet to prove that trump or those closest to him directly ordered the withholding of aid or asked for political concessions. Is that argument the strongest opening to undermine the democratic impeachment case . Thats a great point, natalie. I dont find it particularly convincing. I dont think democrats will either. I also dont think the American People will find that a compelling argument. But thats basically the hand that they have been dealt. So i think they are going to try to make it and ult mally it will be able to the house and then potentially the senate and also the American People who figure into this as well. Televised public hearings this week. It will be interesting to see what the ratings are there. At the same time, will the refusal by the white house to make available witnesses like Rudy Giuliani or mulvaney, will that allow the democrats argue the white house has something to hi hide . Certainly, thats the case they are going to make. They are essentially going to say, well, if republicans did nothing wrong, if this was such a perfect call and no concerted effort behind these dealings with ukraine, then why not put everyone forth. This is also going to set up constitutional challenges over checks and balances and separation of powers and thats been the case since the very beginning. Who is going to comply with subpoenas, who is not, so youre going to see this battle between the house of representatives and the white house going forward. I want to switch gears here a little bit and ask you about Something Else that developed on sunday. Former trump appointee nikki hailey has a book coming out and she says that former Top White House officials rex til lerson and john kelly asked her to undermine the president. Here she is sunday about that. Lets listen. Instead of saying that to me, they should have been saying that to the president. Not asking me to join them on their side bar plan. It should have been go tell the president what your differences are and quit if you dont like what hes doing. Lets talk about what shes referring to. She claims that both of these men wanted to undermine the president and asked her to work to undermine the president because she writes they said that he doesnt know what hes doing. Hes incompetent and that they are trying to save the country. Thats quiet a revealing look at the west wing and the chaos that has really been there from the beginning. It stecertainly is. The first thing to remember is the backdrop of it. She wants to sell books and set up her political career career. Theres been speculation she might some day run for president. But to the point that you make, the details of the book seem very consistent with there being a lot of concern within the white house about the competence and the judgment of this president at a very basic level. She certainly isnt the first to make this observation. So this is bisically very consistent with the narrative that we have already seen. Thomas gift, we appreciate your insight, thank you for joining us. Thank you, natalie. It started an an informal holiday to celebrate single life. Now sing is thes day rakes in billions of dollars. Well tell you why its the Biggest Record busting shopping day of the year in china. Here at. Snowfest. For your worst sore throat pain try Vicks Vapocool drops. Its not candy, its powerful relief. Ahhhhhh vaporize sore throat pain with Vicks Vapocool drops. Aveeno® with prebiotic striple oat complex balances skins microbiome. So skin looks like this and you feel like this. Aveeno® skin relief. Get skin healthy™ its is veterans day in the United States and its a crazy shopping day in china. People are spend iing matchup le crazy. Its their Global Shopping festival known as single days. And with billions of dollars spent every hour, it is bigger than b black friday and cyber monday combined. It became a missive shopping splree thanks to the ecommerce giant. For 24 hours shoppers around the world can rack up huge discounts for clothes and cosmetic, sports cars and liquor. Basically whatever you can think of. David culver is keeping track of the nirms. Could you pick me up a couple teslas and some beer. As long as you keep the two separate. Not r for the same outing. I think im going to fall asleep seeing numbers counting in my mind. This has been incredible to watch. They have several monitors set up at global headquarters. And right now were at 30. 3 billion. Were about 500 million away from last years record. We still have several hours to go for this Online Shopping extravaganza to continue. Its indicative of consumer confidence. Analysts say what were look in at in the midst of a down economy, growth has slowed to its lowest level in three decades. You have the u. S. Trade war still ongoing. And yet this may give us a clue as to what everyday folks are thinking and how they are willing to spend their money. It will be more interesting to tell the percentage in growth year to year. Well get those numbers year to year. It will be indicative of consumer strength. Some analysts point out anybody looking for a bargain is going to come today. So interesting to have watched over the past several weeks as people have prepared for this day and had their iphones and Android Devices and phones prepared for their apps putting in their ecard. A list of things that they have been scouting out and preparing to buy today. So eded a midnight is when they started going through the e checkout and making the purchases final and benefits in doing so. Also interesting to seat brands that are showcased here and doing pretty well. A lot of the Chinese Market is looking to do chinese shopping. They want the brands from china to support local f you will, as they are seeing it. They believe the quality has increased greatly over the past few years and serving demands just fine. Thats also fascinating in the this that goes along with it. If this has gone global, how is it spreading outside of china . I spent time with the chief marketing officer. He stressed that point. This is not just a chinafocused event. They have 78 countries that are taking part. I was looking at the top cou countries selling to the china market. You have japan up there, the u. S. , korea, and at the same time, this model of connecting retailers with customers is is something thats been exported by the group to several other countries. They see this as an effort thats moving beyond the peoples republic. Well see if it tops the 30 billion mark from last year. David culver, very interesting stuff. Thank you so much. Keep watching it. Other news were following for you, aramco is releasing details on the recordshattering ipo. But the oil giant wont say how much of the company will be floated. We have a report on what could be the biggest Public Offering ever. Reporter investors are one step closer to the opportunity of owning a piece of the worlds most profitable company. The 600page perspective outlining what could be the largest Public Offering ever. Exactly how big it will be remains unknown, but it could be the biggest listing ever without China Holding the current crown. The oil giant is set to sell half a percent of sharing to Retail Investors with the offering period kicking off on november 17th. Trading of that Saudi Stock Exchange expected to start middecember. The perspectives did not say how much of the company would be floated. Original plans from the listing are looking less likely scaling back in the region of 1 to 2 . But oil prices, the Climate Crisis remains concerns for noviinvest torts including the attack on the oil facilities, which temporarily cut the production in half. After that speedy recovery, the aramco chairman said it makes sense at this juncture. I think this is the right time for us coming to terms with the case. To be a Public Company to have full disclosure. This is one of the crown princes priorities in the 2030 vision. While it may be smaller than expected, he wants it delivered before the end of 2019. Cnn business, abu dhabi. Speaking of oil, if youre watching internationally, thanks for being with us. The Global Energy challenge, a special here at cnn is next. If youre watch iing from the United States, please dont go anywhere. Ill be right back with much more news for you wp. When we started our business we were paying an arm and a leg for postage. I remember setting up shipstation. One or two clicks and everything was up and running. I was printing out labels and saving money. Shipstation saves us so much time. It makes it really easy and seamless. Pick an order, print everything you need, slap the label onto the box, and its ready to go. Our costs for shipping were cut in half. Just like that. Shipstation. The 1 choice of online sellers. Go to shipstation. Com tv and get 2 months free. Shipstation. Aveeno® with prebiotic ostriple oat complex balances skins microbiome. So skin looks like this and you feel like this. Aveeno® skin relief. Get skin healthy™ welcome back to the viewers here in the United States. Youre watching cnn newsroom. Lets check your top stories this hour. The last few hours in hong kong have been etspecially violent. Visit owe emerged showing a man set on fire after confronting protesters. Another protester was shot by a Police Officer and a warning this video was fwrask and shows the traffic officer with his weapon out as he scuffles with one individual and then a masked protester approaches and the officer shoots him right there in the torso. Were told the protesters is in critical condition. A new political in bolivia. The president is is stepping down. He led the country for nearly 14 years but resigned following accusations of election fraud. His resignation was greeted with cheers who for week hs taken to the streets after he claimed victory in last months election. The u. S. Impeachment inquiry moves into a critical new phase this week when witnesses will testify in public televised hearings starting wednesday. One of the first up is the top u. S. Diplomat in ukraine bill taylor. His closeddoor testimony has corroborated many claims made by the whistleblower, who alleges President Trump withheld military aid to ukraine to force an investigation of a political rival. Cnn talked with voters across the United States to get their views on the impeachment proceedings. Athena jones has our report. Reporter President Trump insisting hes not worried about the impeachment inquiry set to ramp up on capitol hill this week delivering a familiar message to reporters friday. This is just like the russian witch hunt. Reporter its a message thats become a mantra. Impeachment witch hunt. Reporter one who supporters across the country are account coating. To make America Great again. More. In michigan after president obama carried the state twice, some Trump Supporters blasted the democrats. I think its a total witch hunt just like President Trump says. I think that the democrats are really just trying to overturn the results from 2016. I think its going to fail miserably. The president is doing a great job. Reporter they praised the president s performance. Look at the real estate. House goes on the market, its gone in a week, if it takes that long. The economy is booming. Reporter but in the sixth congressional district, which elected a democrat to congress in 2018 after trump won it narrowly in 2016, some voters said they were tired of a president who feels hes above the law. Why not just let the ballot box determine the fate of the president. Bl its the depth of what has gone on. The extent to which the administration feels above the law. Our minds just continue to get blown. There has to be a limit. Former republican Tamara Stevens supports impeaching the president , even if it energizes Trump Supporters. Asking for an investigation and dirt on your political opponent in 2020, i mean, he could potentially be going up against biden. This is what he was asking for. That has a value that well exceeds a Million Dollars. So how people can excuse that and say, oh, its no big teal. Its just part of diplomacy. Reporter theres an important difference between the ukraine investigation and the russia investigation trump spent two years slamming. This is looking forward to 2020 and trying to mess around with an election that we have coming up. Thats a whole new ball game. Reporter republicans in her district not surprisingly disagree. I think it is a sham. Its not as much the impeachment itself as the process that they are going to that is precedent in the history of this country. In pennsylvania which went for trump in 2016 going red for the First Time Since 1988, voters split largely along party lines with democrats ready to throw the book at trump. Were seeing the evidence in realtime almost. I think that thats good enough for me to think that hes ready to go. I think hes violated the law. Trying to exploit money appropriated from the congress and holding that up say iing, i need a favor. Reporter republicans standing by the president. I dont think David Copperfield or houdini was living they could pull a quid pro quo out of that transcript. How do you explain away testimony from other who is say they had concerns about the call . Those are not data points. Thats opinion. I dont know we can try somebody gays based on somebodys set of opinions. Reporter indents were split. I have seen enough evidence in reading the transcripts and watching a variety of news sources that looks like a lot of abuse of power. Things hes done are reprehensible and im embarrassed hes our president. But im not a lawyer. I dont know if those things rise to the level of high crimes. Reporter back in michigan even those who support the inquiry have is a clear warning for democrats. Dont let this side track you from tackling the issues that are top of mind for voters Like Health Care and jobs. I think its important that the inquiry be going on. I also think its important that wedistracted by it and theres governance going on as well. Reporter athena jones, cnn, new york. President trump has plenty of support in russia and while some russians enjoy whiatching e political disnungs the u. S. , Matthew Chance reports they are concerned about how russia would be affected if President Trump were impeached. Reporter in the burger bars in moscow, trump is a favorite on the menu. The trump burger. Whats in the trump burger . Its angus beef. The president , like the burger, is popular with russian diners. Wow, this is so wonderful man because this is special. You love his hair. I like hes strong. And the truth is is Many Russians see President Trump as a rare friend in the white house. What would be lost in the impeachment. When russian state television, tightly controlled by the kremlin, support for trump and the impeachment battle is absolute. After all, its russia that sometimes joke that got him elected. Allegations of election meddling were officially denied, but often referenced even on serious news shows with a wink. Have you lost your mind that you want to remove our donald, asks the host of this Weekly Current Affairs program. They say trump is weakenng the United States, says one of his guests. Yes, he is, and thats why we love him, he adds. More problems they have, the better for us. Its no secret only russians are taking pleasure at the political discord in the United States. Impeachment, according to republican members of congress, in a recent open let tore the wall street journal is what Vladimir Putin wants. But a fastmoving impeachment process may be too chaotic even for the russian president. He lifted arms control deals and a working relationship with the white house. Virtually impossible, he says, in such a toxic political environment. How can we cooperate with them when they are so engaged in their domestic political affa s affairs . Obviously, this is always the case during an election year, but this political race has gone a little over the top. I dont think its ever been like this in the history of the United States. Reporter like russia itself, its views on trump and possible impeachment are complicated and contradictory. They relish the chaos, but crave stability and have little time for opponents of their american friend. What about people who say hes not a good president and should not be president . This is people who think they are one of these. Reporter as you can see, President Trump is very popular in russia. People here see him as sympathetic to their world view. And amidinternational sanctions of this country for his actions in ukraine and elsewhere, u. S. President is an outspoken advocate for bringing russia in from the cold. They are maybe watch iing the political crisis from some satisfaction, but few russians really want to see President Trump leave office. Matthew chance, cnn, moscow. Heres what we can expect to happen for thoeds watching in the United States and russia too. Its going to be a busy few weeks. Cnn will bring it all to you live, including the coverage of the hearings this week. Those begin wednesday with bill taylor and george kent b set to testify. Then on friday for the public hearing of former u. S. Ambassador to ukraine marie utah von vich. Thats live here on cnn. Wildlife lovers are stumped by an underwater mystery in south africa. Great white sharks are disappearing without a trace. Well tell you about it, next. In the last year, there were three victims of cybercrime every second. When a criminal has your personal information, they can do all sorts of things in your name. Criminals can use ransomware, spyware, or malware to gain access to information like your name, your birthday, and even your Social Security number. [announcer] thats why norton and lifelock are now part of one company, providing an all in one membership for your cyber safety that gives you identify theft protection, device security, a vpn for online privacy, and more. And if you have an Identity Theft problem, well work to fix it with our Million Dollar protection package. There are new Cyber Threats out there everyday, so protecting yourself isnt a one time job, its an ongoing need. Now is the time to make sure that you have the right plan in place. Dont wait. [announcer] norton 360 with lifelock. Use promo code get25 to save 25 off your first year and get a free shredder with annual membership. Call now to start your membership or visit lifelock. Com tv check that out. This was an Opening Night like no other. This is in argentina where a sports club arranged for a hologram of a flaming lion to prowl the roof of their new stadium. Thats pretty cool right there. We have this important story to share with you. Great white sharks are disappearing from one of their most famous hunting grounds. Experts are worry ied about whas happened to them. We have come to dive with an a pex predator. Its probably the worlds most famous location. We see plenty of sharks, but no great whites. These sharks are scavengers of the iconic hunter that made this bay famous. After millions of years, in 2019 the great whites of cape town have vanished. Its losing part of my soul. This is an animal that shaped my life. Its given me some of the greatest highs of my life. Chris fellows, a photographer who put these sharks on the map, is forcing himself to speak in the past tense. The first time you saw this, what was it like . It was unbelievable. Everybody is fascinated by great white shark, but flying great white sharks to see this soup creature take to the air, it was fantastic. This past season, they havent seen a single shark. They used to take these sightings for granted. This year they recorded zero great whites. What if they dont come back . Were going to have to wait. Fishermen say there are more seals now too. Completing the catch. It feseems the ecosystem is already feeling the effects. For the Marine Environment is going to be huge. Reporter the seetzero sight is alarming, but not surprising. She predicted the collapse years ago. In 2012 by studying genetics, she founded the population was smaller and more vulnerable than anyone imagined. What were your reactions to the population of great whites . Concern, mostly. But also shock. We were expecting to find a thousand more around here. Reporter overfishing, shark poaching and the weakening gene pool are all contributing. Its difficult to realize that humans could have had such an impact on such a place of predat predators. Its once bountiful shores are becoming more and more by the day. If theres any hope of great whites to return, he says the focus should now be on what needs to be done, not about what once was. David mckenzie, cnn, south africa. Thats a very disappointing statistic for the great whites. Much of the u. S. Is facing a bitter cold snap and its still autumn. Its causing a lot of trouble. Well have an update on the recordbreaking chill, ahead. Forecasters say catastrophic conditions are about to make what youre seeing here even worse. New south whals are under a state of emergency and fire officials are urging people in high risk areas to leave now. Gabriel boil with 9 news in australia has the latest. Im joining you this morning from a Regional Center about four hours north of sydney. Its here the epicenter of the bush fire emergency response. Over the last 24 hours or so, people that have had to evacuate their homes and businesses have come here with caravan, trailers, just their cars, anything they can to escape the fire leaving their homes and leave iing our crews to respond this emergency. We have lost more than 150 homes already and tragically three people have lost their lives. Its certainly been a businey 2 hours for emergency crews. Lets take a lock at what the fire service have had to say about their emergency response. We have another 400 flying in and driving in today. Ahead of the the conditions tomorrow. Our colleagues from victoria are sending in more than 50 Additional Fire trucks, which have been prepositioned in areas ready for Rapid Deployment in the local Fire Fighting effort. But of course, the emergency isnt over yet. The Rural Fire Service here in New South Wales is predicting catastrophic conditions tomorrow. Thats for a number of reasons. Were expecting high temperatures upwards of 40 degrees and very strong winds and we have had Drought Conditions for several years now across the region, meaning theres no water in the soil, no water in the plants and everything erupts when it catches fire. We have had dozens of fires burning across the region through recent months. Fire crews are really struggled to contain them. The concern is tomorrow when the conditions deteriorate things could escalate. Im sure people in the state of california can relate to that scene b there. Well keep tabs on that story this week. It is cold in the u. S. Much colder than usual. Over the next week, arctic blast will break records across the country from the midwest to the deep south with temperatures that feel more like january freeze than november chill. We have more about it. The trees just started changing. The leaves just started changing and now they are covered up in some places with white. Its happening quickly. It absolutely is. Were talking about some areas running 30 degrees below average. Its an incredible trend when you look at how cold its going to be across the areas. And a big time wintery weather across the glaix and the Northern Plains and work your way into portions of the midwest as well. We have a massive front on the hiorizon that will bring snow showers to tennessee in the beginning portion of november. As you said, january to februarylike trend. This pushes towards northeast. Were looking at a significant amount of lakeeffect snow on the great lakes there because the lakes are still rather warm as were transitioning out of fall season. So as that cold air goes over the warm waters, it gets some Energy Transfer in place and 8 to 10 inches of snowfall possible on the eastern portion of the graigs. And widespread coverage here of at least 2 to 4 inches from nashville towards st. Louis and chicago, columbus, all of these regions have a shot of some snow in the forecast. The temperatures, the best we can do in the Northern Tier is about 18 degrees this afternoon around minneapolis. Thats more youd see in february, not in november. And take a look at this. Upwards of 350 record temperatures possible inside the next couple days. About a 2,000 mile area of land underneath Winter Weather advisories for the country as well. So bigtime wintery chill in the forecast. Thank you very much. We want the to take a second to send out a salute to the veterans. This is veterans day here in the United States. Queen and other members of the British Royal family paid their respects sunday to the the uks war dead to mark remembrance day, as they call it. She looked on as her Prince Charles laid a wreath. The annual ceremony takes place on the sunday closest to the anniversary of the end of world war i. Other tributes included this world war ii airplane dropping 750,000 poppies over the white cliffs of dover. The twominute moment of silence was observed across the country. Thank you for joining us. Im Natalie Allen in atlanta. Early start is next. Have a great week. These folks, they dont have time to go to the post office they have businesses to grow customers to care for lives to get home to they use stamps. Com print discounted postage for any letter any package any time right from your computer all the Amazing Services of the post office only cheaper get our special tv offer a 4week trial plus postage and a digital scale go to stamps. Com tv and never go to the post office again the biggest week thus far in the impeachment inquiry. Democrats will take their case straight to the American People. After more than a decade, the president of bolivia is stepping down. Why . And what it means for latin america. It is cold and about to get a lot colder. Record lows in jeopardy all along the east coast this week. And kevin hart is back. The comedian in public for the

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