Why u. S. President trump says he supports their relationship. Well continue to delve into the controversy at the Kentucky Derby. An historic disqualification leads to a new winner. Welcome to our viewers here in the United States and all around the world. Im george howell. Im natalie allen. Newsroom starts right now. On the u. S. East coast, tensions are playing out on two fronts on this day on the Korean Peninsula and also in the middle east. First, the situation thats playing out in north korea. New weapons testing has put improved ties with the u. S. In jeopardy. South korea is urging its neighbor to stand down this as the u. S. President donald trump seeks to affirm the relationship saying that he is with kim jongun. On another front, theres also been a massive flairup of violence between israel and gaza militants. Theyve been trading fire with deaths reported on both sides. The white house says the president s soninlaw is working on a peace plan but many fire that Jared Kushners approach wont be enough. Lets begin with egypt. Benjamin netanyahu is holding his weekly summit. Israels military says more than 400 rockets have been fired from gaza in the most recent hostilities. In retaliation israeli airstrikes hit hundreds of targets in gaza. Palestinian Authorities Say at least four people died. Lets go live to our Oren Lieberman following it all near the gaza border. What more do we know about whats behind these attacks . Reporter george and natalie, over the course of the last hour we have seen sporadic shooting, certainly nothing like what weve seen over the past 24 hours from saturday morning into the evening and overnight hours where if you stood here for simply 10 or 15 minutes you would see rocket fire coming from gaza, israeli airstrike. Let me step out of the way. Were going to go in and show you the border. In the course of the past hour there has been a red alert. There has been a strike on what they say is a weapons warehouse. Since this started about 10 00 yesterday morning, israel says there are more than 435 shot into israel. There are more powerful rockets that have reached major cities in southern israel indicating an escalation inside of gaza. One of the rockets killed an israeli near his house. That is the first israeli killed by gaza rocket fire since the end of the 2014 war and it must be noted the second overall as well. Israel has carried out a wave of airstrikes against more than 200 targets. They say the six gazans have been killed including a 1yearold baby girl and her pregnant mother. Israel denies it was their air missiles that caused that. As for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, he spoke just a short time ago saying the massive increase on targets will continue until a situation of calm can be restored along the border. Meanwhile, israels forces have been beefed up. Theres been an addition of tank, artillery and infantry. George, natalie, weve been here most of the past 24 hours and we will continue to be here to see how this situation develops. Oren, the Prime Minister pointing out that in defense reaction, of course, will continue as need be. Give a sense of time line here. Youve seen this sort of thing play out before. Its unclear what would lead to deescalation. From what weve seen before, how long could it take before we see some sense of calm, before we see sides coming together, some stand down . Reporter well, we know the efforts for deescalation are happening on the part of egypt and the united nations. They have stepped in in the past to make sure theres a deescalation and stepping back. The u. N. Putting out a statement that theyre working with egypt trying to bring all sides together to restore a cease fire. The efforts have not yet proven successful. Generally the flareups last 24 to 48 hours before there is return to a ceasefire. Will that happen again . Thats impossible to say. We will see over the course of the next hours what direction that appears to be moving. This all started after weeks of relative calm between israel and gaza going back to early april. On friday afternoon israel says during the course of weekly Gaza Protests a sniper hit two Israeli Soldiers on the border. Israel responded by striking israeli posts. That strike killed two members of hamass military wing. That led into saturday. The escalation we saw all through saturday brings us to where we are now seeing which direction this goes. Near the israel gaza border, Oren Lieberman, well see how that plays out. Our other top story comes from north korea. Months after a failed summit, the leader may be trying to send a message to the u. S. State media report kim jongun personally oversaw this weapons test on saturday. They say long range rocket launchers were tested along with tactical guided weapons. South korean officials are downplaying that part. They say the projectiles were only short range and crashed into the sea. Still, north korea is treating this as a victory. Heres how the tests were announced on state tv. Translator kim jongun, chairman of the Workers Party of korea, guided the strike drill of defense units in the forefront area and on the Eastern Front which took place in the east sea of korea. Watching the drill together with wlim cadres of the Central Committee of the Workers Party of korea. The u. S. Special representative for north korea is headed now to tokyo. Thats where the u. S. , japan and south korea are working together to find out exactly what north korea launched. Meantime, u. S. National Security Officials meet to figure out what to do, President Trump says he still has faith in north koreas leader. We learn more about that from boris sanchez. Reporter a stunning response from the white house especially when you consider the way that President Trump had previously responded to provocations from north korea. A little rocket man and fire and fury the likes of which the world had never seen. This is a much more subdued response from the white house. Part of it is that the president wants to maintain a good personal working relationship with kim jongun. He believes that by charming him personally with the promise of Economic Prosperity for north korea he can sway kim to abandon this generations long quest to arm north korea with nuclear weapons. Some experts believe that is unlikely. The president is making a personal appeal to kim jongun on twitter. He wrote, quote, anything in this very interesting world is possible but i believe kim jongun realizes the Economic Opportunity here. He knows that i am with him and does not want to break his promise to me. Deal will happen. Despite aggressive steps with kim jongun, President Trump remaining optimistic that he could strike a deal to denuclearize north korea though we should Pay Attention to that portion of the treat where the president says kim jongun knows that he is with him. It will be curious to see how some of the United States allies in that region, japan and south korea, respond to that statement and also the parents of otto warmbier, the american that was returned to the United States after having been held in captivity in north korea for some time. His parents have been very critical of President Trumps personal relationship with kim jongun in the past. Boris sanchez, cnn at the white house. Lets take you live to beijing. Andrew stevens is there live. First, lets talk about what exactly north korea launched and the timing of it. Andrew . Reporter according to the North Koreans, kcna did confirm that the firing did take place. They talked about rocket launches. They talked about guided Tactical Systems. Now we dont exactly know what these guided Tactical Systems are, but what we do know is they fell into the east japan sea somewhere between 40 and 200 miles off the east coast of north korea which we saw technically makes them short range if you like. Certainly experts in south korea have been ag these clearly are short range missiles. Were waiting for them what they are considered. South koreans are talking about projectiles. Missiles brings different connotatio connotations. His negotiation with kim jongun is there has not been a missile firing since late 2017. Now the North Koreans for their part imposed this moratorium on themselves but they were talking about long range missiles, Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles capable of hitting the u. S. The ones we look like weve seen this time around are short range. Nonethele nonetheless, natalie, it still adds pressure on the president to do something now tham he has made this missile launch. The question is japans response. South korea, they cant be pleased about this. Theres always what can china do to try to rein north korea in. Reporter well, certainly South Koreans no one in the region is pleased about this latest action from north korea. The South Koreans have had the strong eggs response saying that there are serious concerns that the North Koreans are violating a treaty that was signed by the leaders of the two koreas aimed at deescalating on the Korean Peninsula. Serious concerns coming from the office of the president himself. The japanese havent said a lot. There is a lot of telephone diplomacy from mike pompeo and the leaders of japan. Theyve agreed to take a prudent response to whats happening. As for china and acting, there hasnt been anything in it. The power that keeps north koreas lights on. It remains the power that keeps food going into this state. No comment from china. For more analysis, lets go to george. Lets go to robert kelly. Hes a professor of Political Science from south korea. Thank you for having me. So, robert, given where things stand right now, the negotiations between the two countries stalled for the most part, United States and north korea. Satellite imagery also suggesting Nuclear Testing in south korea. It seems to hinge on the relationship between kim jongun and President Trump. Mr. Trump saying kim, quote, knows that i am with him and that kim, quote, doesnt want to break his promise to the u. S. The question is what is the plus minus of this situation being so personal . I think thats very much a product of the president himself, that donald trump doesnt really care for the depth and bureaucratic effort necessary for a traditional peace treaty. When you think of jimmy carter and camp david. It takes a lot of time and a lot of effort. I think the president doesnt want to do it. He pinned his hopes very much on this relationship with kim jongun. Theyve only met a couple of times. They couldnt slayer a language or Something Like that. Theyve only sat down and talked to each other alone for an hour or two. Its hard to argue realistically like thats a meaningful friendship. He hangs on because hes trying to guilt him. The relationship the personal relationship hopefully will be enough. These launches we know do not appear to violate kim jonguns promise not to test. It seems north korea is saying to washington the ball is in your court. How important is it now for the Trump Administration to get the ball moving, to get continued talks and negotiations in play . Yeah, i think the president really wants a deal, then hes going to have to think what can he offer the North Koreans for denuclearization. Sanctions relief is not enough. Thats certainly made clear at han hanoi, right . They spent a lot of time developing these and theyre great as Regime Security where they are a detested state. The president hasnt offered enough. It could happen. Trump will have to offer more sanctions and aid and other things. Robert, you write an interesting thing in nationalinterest. Org about what many on the peninsula hope for, which is a unified korea. The question though, the divide among people about whether a unified korea is better off keeping its nuclear weapons. If we could bring this quote up. I want to point this out to our viewers. You say an old korean proverb said korea is a shrimp among whales surrounded by china, japan, russia possibly stumbling themselves. Tell us more. Yeah. The idea is after uniif i case, this is decades in the future possibly, china may want to keep this. Theyre going to stumble into a major cold war, it looks like were going in that direction if you listen to the rhetoric, if youre korea, youre stuck in the middle. You dont want to get caught in the middle. One way to pursue that armed neutralism would be to maintain nuclear weapons. A lot of people havent thought of that. A unified korea would give them up to china or the United States. I think its a possibility they keep them, yes. That is a divide between the right and the left in Korean South Korean politics. Well stay in touch with you and obviously see what plays out with these latest temgss. Still ahead, hear the hear breaking fallout from the violence in venezuela. Reporter its the news they never wanted to hear. Lives are changed forever after this 14yearold boy is fatally shot. Plus, the most powerful woman in washington has a plan to make sure the u. S. President does not get a second term. The question about that plan ahead. Stay with us. Is that for me . Mhm aaaah nooooo. Nooooo. Nooooo. Quick, the quicker picker upper bounty picks up messes quicker and is 2x more absorbent than the leading ordinary brand. son loudly clears throat mom and dad laugh bounty, the quicker picker upper. On a budget . Try bounty essentials. You should be mad they gave this guy a promotion. You should be mad at forced camaraderie. And you should be mad at tech that makes things worse. But youre not mad, because you have e trade, whos tech makes life easier by automatically adding technical patterns on charts and helping you understand what they mean. Dont get mad. Get e trades simplified technical analysis. Shes staying in a rainforest tree house . Thats my dream. You dream big for a man on a plane to omaha. And shes zip lining with little jon . What its lil jon. Even he knows that. Thanks, captain obvious. Youre with big jon. Im steve. Dont hatelike their trip, book yours with hotels. Com and get rewarded basically everywhere. Hotels. Com. Be there. Do that. Get rewarded. This and even this. Hark, i deep clean messes like this. But i dont have to clean this, because the selfcleaning brush roll removes hair, while i clean. [announcer] shark, the vacuum that deep cleans, now cleans itself. Welcome back. Venezuelas National Leader has a plan to oust the sitting leader. Juan guaido tries to get support. They delivered letters to soldiers urging them to defect but there was resistance as you see here. One of the soldiers burned the letter. Heres how one protestor responded. Translator we are not at war. We venezuelan citizens are in civil rebellion. We are all here because we have a right to make a claim. This is because Nicolas Maduro toured a base. At least five people died in the antigovernment protests that we watched play out. Among those who died, a 14yearold boy who was shot. Cnns rafael romo spoke to his father and the paramedic. Reporter its the news they never wanted to hear. The 14yearold died after being shot in the abdomen. The 14yearold student was shot wednesday during a violent antigovernment demonstration in caracas. His father says he wasnt far and heard the gunshots as well as the ambulance when they rushed his son to the hospital not knowing the victim was his observe son. This is the moment when green cross paramedics take the seriously injured boy into the ambulance. It was very noticeable that he was dying at the moment. Reporter the First Responders tried to save the boys life. He was bleeding profusely and was already losing consciousness. In what condition was this 14yearold boy by the time you got him . Well, when the teen got in he was conscious and he said to the doctors that to him first, im going to die. Those were his last words. Reporter and he was one of five people who died during two days of protests that left more than 230 injured according to the united nations. More than 40 people have died in violent demonstrations so far this year. Venezuela has seen several waves of deadly protests. During an especially violent fourmonth period in 2017, more than 120 people died. Now most of the victims were young people. After years of clashes with security forces, some young protesters say the stalemate is beyond frustrating. Sthe theyre tossing tear gas bombs at us. Some other people only come here to take selfies. The Venezuelan Ministry of defense denied comment about the deaths but president Nicolas Maduro has referred to protestors in derogatory terms suggesting theyre nothing but vandals. Youre not the same person after you see a 14yearold kid die in front of you. Reporter beyond the political polarization, the paramedic says her heart breaks to see young people die, especially when she realizes parents wont get to see their children grow into adults. Reporter if you had an opportunity to talk to this father, what would you like to tell him . I would just like to hug him and tell him i am so, so, so really sorry. That we did the best we could. It was out of our hands. Reporter davina says she often wonders how many more people she will see die in her role as a green cross paramedic before peace returns to venezuela. Our top stories are coming right up. My excellence isnt just about color. 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And works twice as hard when you take it again the next day. Zyrtec muddle no more. A warm welcome back to viewers here in the United States and around the world. Youre watching cnn newsroom live from atlanta. Im george howell. Im natalie allen. A hospital in israel has said one man has died. More than 400 rockets have been fired from gaza in the most recent hostility and in retaliation israeli airstrikes hit hundreds of targets in gaza. Palestinian Authorities Say at least six people have died there. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says the, quote, massive attack against terrorist elements, to his words, in gaza will continue. North koreas leader says that kim jongun, rather, oversaw a new round of weapons drills on saturday. This coming from south korea. Long range multiple rocket launchers were tested. South korean Officials Say the north fired several short range projectiles from the eastern coast. U. S. Investigators have recovered the flight data recorder from this plane that crash landed in florida. Theyve sent it to a lab in washington to be studied. The plane slid off the runway and right into a winter as it arrived from a u. S. Military base in guantanamo bay, cuba. The good news is all 143 people survived. A massive explosion that happened in the u. S. State of illinois friday killed two people and left three injured. Two are still missing. That blast happened at a plant that manufactured chemicals. Authorities working on determining the cause. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has a plan to defeat the u. S. President in 2020. In an interview with the New York Times, she says the democrats need to win next years election by such a huge margin mr. Trump cant challenge the legitimacy. How does that work . Do not get dragged into the impeachment bid that will get crushed in the Republican Controlled Senate and do not risk alienating voters by drifting too far to the left. Own the center left. Own the mainstream. Our passions were for health care, bigger paychecks, cleaner government and a simple message. Speaking of the 2020 election, polls show former Vice President joe biden ahead of the other democratic contenders. Hes got the big name recognition so far. However, the crucial state of iowa, that field is wide open. Jeff zeleny has the story. Its good to be back in hock eye, country. Ill tell you what, its been a while. Thank you, iowa. Reporter joe biden and Bernie Sanders are the far and away frontrunners in the president ial race, or are they . Hello, west des moines. Reporter iowa way means one thing for certain. Frontrunners can be fleeting. One voter after another sharing a similar sentiment. The 2020 race is as wide open as a country highway. Do you think at this point there is a frontrunner in the race nine months before the Iowa Caucuses . No, i dont think there is. Right now i think its wide open. Reporter theyre following the democratic primary more than most. Thank you all for coming and for this amazing turnout. Reporter they intend to meet and take a measure of all candidates. After President Trump won in 2016, they formed a group with their democratic friends to get ready. We called our group the pot luck insurgency because it is an iowa pot luck we want it to be edgy. They want to hear the candidates crow. Its who can win and thats a hard thing to judge especially so early but thats what everybodys looking for. Excitement is critical. Bernie got a lot of people excited. We need that same excitement this time around. Reporter when biden visited ed was there, listening and going in for a handshake. Good to touch the flesh. Im impressed. He didnt disappoint. Reporter nine months before the Iowa Caucuses, the field of candidates now stands at 21 with a mix of old faces and new ones. That speaks to a critical question facing voters. What do you say if some democrats are like time for some new blood . Well, new blood that would lose would be horrible, wouldnt it . I think Pete Buttigieg is wonderful but biden has so much more experience. I want a president that would be ready from day one. Reporter not everyone sees a gold lining in experience. Jan kerrigan says she loves joe biden but doesnt believe she can vote for him. This is a terrible thing to say but its his age. I know thats wrong. Thats not politically correct to say that. Reporter she actually likes cory booker but is keeping an open mind. Senator Elizabeth Warren has more paid staffers on the ground with 50 or so. Cory booker has three dozen. Many other Democratic Candidates are trying to build up. Joe biden can tell his democratic rivals how important it is. His two previous bids never got beyond the Iowa Caucuses. Yes, good old iowa, the Political Center of the universe as this political season kicks off. Lets talk about it with natasha lindstadt from colchester, england. Judging from our story, it seems it is anyones game right now in iowa. No, i would agree. Its really too hard to predict whats going to happen because were just still so early on. Theres so many Democratic Candidates that have thrown their name into the ring. The other thing that we have to look at in terms of what is motivating democratic voters is top on their list is someone that can beat trump. It may be that democrats think their best strategy is to go with someone who they know is more moderate, who is really experienced and really seems to be able to instigate trump, to push trump a little bit, to get under his skin and thats something biden can do. Anything can happen. His early attempts at running for president didnt go very well. He tended to kind of go out very, very early never getting past iowa as had been reported so its going to be a real test here if he can emerge on top after the Iowa Caucuses. Right. He literally moved into iowa before but never really got things going beyond the state. We heard that one eye owe juan, a democrat we interviewed. She made the point, its who can win. We were talking about beating trump. She said thats a hard thing to judge especially so early but thats what everyone is looking for. It does seem like its all about beating trump. Lets listen to what biden said on the campaign trail about that in iowa. Above all else, we must defeat donald trump. Hillarys not running. Ive decided to run this time, jill and i, is because we have to restore the backbone of america. We have to start rewarding work, not just wealth. This time were rebuilding the middle class i promise you, i promise you were bringing along everybody no matter their race, gender, ethnicity, religion. Where they live, whether they have a disability. Not a joke. This is what america is about. I misspoke. Hes there in south carolina, another state early on that will get lots of visits. But the question is, how directly will joe biden take on trump and how will that resonate . I think he already made it clear announcing his campaign with the initial video that hes taking on trump directly and hes taking on his vulnerabilities talking about charlottesville. He says to the american public, hes not morally fit to be the u. S. President and the u. S. Needs to take a uturn. Hes not afraid to go after trump and thats something democrats like. He has to focus on issues. Hes not going to win the primaries. Democrats tend to vote more progressive and liberal. He cant appear to focus on actual issues. Hes going to have a difficult time. Thats a look at a recent poll. It definitely shows him out ahead but, again, this is a huge field of candidates and everyone is trying to sort it out. There he is. Biden, sanders, warren, bought at this g buttigieg. How do they push through . Well, a lot of it is because they dont have the name recognition or the experience that biden has so theyre going to have to focus on other things that they have to offer. Youve seen Elizabeth Warren being very, very clear about what her plan for policies are in terms of education, college education, tuition issues, health care. You see that Pete Buttigieg has been very successful traveling around the country doing interviews. When he has engaged people in interviews, hes made a positive impression and he is able to articulate his views in ways that are working with progressives. At the end of the day theyre going to have to appeal to both moderates and liberals because people are voting based on who they think is going to beat trump and if you look at the way the u. S. Breaks down in terms of moderate, liberal and conservative, 35 of americans are conservative. 35 of americans are moderate and 26 of americans are liberal so in the initial thing that you had said about nancy pelosi and the New York Times article, her strategy of being moderate is because she knows the reality of the u. S. Public at the moment, that there are still a lot of americans that fall in the moderate category. They appeal to moderates and analyze the progressives. We appreciate your insight. Thank you so much, natasha. Thanks for having me. In thailand a new chapter unfolds in the countrys colorful history. It is the first coronation of a king in nearly 70 years when it comes to scent, helens motto is, the more the better. So when she tried new gain scent blast detergent, she loved it. Her son loves it, and her husband loves it, too. The delivery woman . Hey you cant float everyones boat. New gain scent blast. Love it or hate it, its intense. This and even this. Hark, i deep clean messes like this. But i dont have to clean this, because the selfcleaning brush roll removes hair, while i clean. [announcer] shark, the vacuum that deep cleans, now cleans itself. Taking to the streets because in thailand the threedecor row nation is taking to the streets. Theres a grandpa raid through the streets outside the royal palace. It will be the moment when the public gets to see the king in person for the first time as he visits several important buddhist temples. The carefully planned route will take the king in a long route through bangkok. The procession will take several hours and it will take place in sweltering heat. Will ripley is in bangkok following all of this. Reporter we are waiting for the new king to begin this really extraordinary sight that were about to see through the streets of bangkok. He will be carried by a group of soldiers. He will be sitting on a throne, presumably a golden throne, maybe not rock solid but gold enameled and very heavy 7 kilometers outside the palace and around bangkok with temperatures close to 100 degrees fahrenheit, over 36 degrees. Its really hot out here. You see these people. The crowds have grown. People are in their yellow shirts. Yellow is the auspicious color in support of the thai monarchy. They are sitting in front of the palace with umbrellas. The crowds are not as large as crowds that have been seen for previous events with the late king, but keep in mind this is a king who reined for 70 years in this country who became beloved and eye lot of people when i was here in 2016, they said theyve held a very personal connection with their late king. With his son, theyre stit gelling to know him. He doesnt spend a whole lot of time in thailand. He was educated abroad. He lives in germany. He has a large residence in munich. His fourth marriage. And so this is a king that people here dont necessarily know and yet theyre out here to witness this national moment, this gilded spectacle. Opulent spectacle weve seen in times. We didnt hear from the king when he gave his First Official order yesterday. Translator i shall continue to preserve and build upon the royal legacy and shall rein with riotousness with the benefit and happiness of the people forever. Reporter the kings role is to unite thailand because its a country that has been extraordinarily divided. There are 20 constitutions over the course of coup after coup. The last coup in 2014. In the next few days theyll release the result of the elections which could further divide the country. Its the role of the king to be a unifying figure and thats part of why weve seen more of these opulent celebrations because it is a way for him to project the legitimacy of his new position having ascended to the throne in thailand. At 4 47 p. M. There in bangkok, were seeing live images of people witnessing this play out. Will ripley on the story. Thank you. We turn now to pope francis. Hes in bulgaria kicking off a threeday visit in the balkins. His mission is to improve relations with the eastern orthodox church. This is a sensitive task. The two Church Bodies dont get along and catholics are only a tiny minority in those two countries. While hes in bulgaria the pope will visit a refugee camp where he will travel to macedonia and focus on outreach. All right. Americas most famous horse race finish in controversial and spectacular fashion. Why this years derby was unlike any other in decades. Well talk about it coming up. Edgetoedge intelligence u, gives you the power to see every corner of your growing business. From finding out whats selling best. To managing your fleet. To collaborating remotely with your teams. Giving you a nice big edge over your competition. Thats the power of edgetoedge intelligence. 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So go directly to petmeds. Com now. So 145 years of history in the Kentucky Derby horse race in america and for the second time the horse that cross the the finish line did not win. We have coy wire here. This has never happened. You have to feel sorry for maximum security. And the jockey and everyone who bet on this. You have one man, one jockey and the horse thinking they have reached the pinnacle of their sport and then they are punched in the gut. This is the crown jewel of the sport, the kentucky journey. Never had the winner been stripped due to on track violations. The prerace favorite, maximum security, led the entire race. Youll see here the rider is in the pink on the right. Pay attention how close he is to the rail. It doesnt look like much, you can see the horse drifts wide farther from the rail. Nobody watching thought anything of it. Everyone thinking maximum security won. Owners gary and mary west, 40 years in the sport. They had never won it. Trainer Jason Service hadnt either but there was this objection. The outcome of the race altered. The stewards, they watched this race and determined should they disqualify maximum security. It was an excruciating 22 minutes for riders and fans. Well, you know, it got scary when he started reaching the ground. He came over and i grabbed him right away. I stayed straight. We had a pretty good trip and then when i came around the turn i was outside. Then all of a sudden there was a real move from the inside to the outsi outside. So you had the 150,000 people there standing waiting in the rain. Millions more watching on television. Millions of dollars of bets on the line and then the decision came. Listen to the reaction from fans waiting to cash in what they thought was a winning ticket. I didnt like it because i had 50 on the horse, 7 to win and i didnt really agree with it. Random tip from woodford reserve. Oh, i like country house, the 20 horse. I said, why . A friend of mines dad trains the horse and thinks theyre going to run. Do a 2 win place show bet for me. All right, sure, i will. You have some people losing money, others ending up winning. Country house, 65 to 1 odds becomes the second biggest long shot to ever win the Kentucky Derby. Were talking here nearly a 2 million purse for the eventual winner of this race. Absolutely. Ive watched that as close as possible, george, i still cant see what happened. Yeah. You cant just leave the railing when youre yeah, it was ever so slight. Yeah. I kind of liken it to a football game. My former sport as an nfl player. If you watch this incredible touchdown but then you watch the replay and the guy actually stepped out of bounds. Youre like, yeah, it was an awesome play but he did step out of bounds. Those are the rules. Youre talking about millions of dollars changing hands and to be able to be a firsttime winner of the Kentucky Derby, your life changes forever. You become that super bowl mvp, tom brady, the goat of your sport. To have the winning ticket, to think you one and then you didnt win. All those beautiful hats thats right. Thanks so much. I appreciate it. Youre welcome. One more before we go here. Its about black women making history. Americas top beauty pageants of the for the first time miss u. S. A. , miss teen u. S. A. And miss america have all crowned black women as winners in the year. In the past beauty pageants have completely barred women of color from participating. Its only been in the past 50 years black women have been more prevalent in the competitions although they still face discrimination. With this years winners leading the way beauty pageants on the way to reflecting americas diversity. Well end on that one. Im natalie allen. Im george howl. For viewers here in the United States, new day is up. For viewers around the world, erin burnett out front is up next. See you later. paul great. Another wireless ad. 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Its a now theres one store that connects your life like never before store. The xfinity store is here. And its simple, easy, awesome. Multiple and daring President Trump to react. Trump trying to maintain a personal relationship with kim jong jongun. The point is they are take advantage of us and ive never seen this country this weak in decades. There were s135 people on board and seven crew members. The aircraft overran the runway. Everybody survived. I went forward and hit my head on the top roof and landed just remembering feeling water from above. For the first time in history, the Kentucky Derby the

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