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Newsroom. Talks to end a u. S. Budget impasse are at a stalemate with the partial Government Shutdown now in its third week. President donald trump is not backing down on his demand for more than 5 billion to build a wall on the southern border. And hes threatening to bypass congress to get the money if needed. Boris sanchez has an update from washington. Reporter as has been the case for several days during meetings between Top Administration officials and lawmakers to reopen the federal government and potentially fund some sort of border barrier between the United States and mexico that President Trump has been promising were hearing two different sides about what happened during these negotiatio negotiations. On one hand you have President Trump tweeting out that this meeting was productive. On the other hand were hearing multiple accounts from people behind those closed doors that things did not go all that well. One source telling cnn that the republicans presented the democrats the official justification for spending 5. 7 billion on the president s longpromised border wall. According to one democratic source they felt that demonstration was incomplete. Democrats on their end according to sources have continuously suggested that first the federal government should be reopened before any negotiations over an actual border wall could be had. The president meantime has continued suggesting a drastic option. He has said that he is seriously considering declaring a National Emergency to get the funds necessary to build his border wall. I asked the president about that on sunday as he returned from a retreat at camp david. Listen to his justification. Were looking at a National Emergency because we have a National Emergency. Just read the papers. We have a crisis at the border of drugs, of human beings being trafficked all over the world. Theyre coming through. And we have an absolute crisis. And of criminals and gang members coming through. It is national security. Its a National Emergency. Reporter i followed up in asking President Trump if he had a specific deadline or something specific that he would have to see during these talks to then trigger his announcement of a National Emergency, his declaration. He didnt answer. He said wed have to wait and see, well tell you soon. The president also made a statement that made waves, suggesting that he had given up on the idea of a concrete barrier between the United States and mexico, saying that now itll be steel, a steel barrier between the two nations, suggesting that democrats dont like concrete. Boris sanchez, cnn, at the white house. And as the shutdown drags on many Government Employees are facing their own financial challenges. As Paolo Sandoval explains there could soon be delays in government services. Reporter its week 3 of a shutdown showdown between the president and lawmakers with americans caught in the middle. 800,000 federal employees considered essential continue to either be furloughed or working without pay. People like tsa officer brian turner. I live about a half hour from work. And its going to come to a point where you say do i put gas in my car or do i feed my family . Reporter already ohundreds of tsa employees have missed work at major airports across the country. Its fueling concerns of possible security risks and travel disruptions. The tsa insists security for travelers will not be compromised and that screening wait times remain well within tsa standards. Air Traffic Controllers may soon be forced to support themselves through other financial means. In Washington State alex navarro says hes able to stay financially afloat for now. Safety is still at an alltime high. Efficiency is still at an alltime high. Its just trying to fight back the doubt and the worry of not getting that paycheck. Reporter the partial shutdown may lead to other hassles. This years tax refunds could be delayed as irs workers are temporarily off the job. Farmers may have to wait for loans and for a major agricultural operator due out this month from the usda. Its supposed to help plan this years harvests. The january report has a lot to do with 2018s production in acres. And a lot of farmers and traders base a lot of what theyre going to do in the coming year on what that report tells us. Reporter also at a standstill some environmental, drug, and food inspections. At k. C. Beer company in kansas city the new brews are blocked until they can get approval from federal inspectors. Were just in a Holding Pattern just to keep brewing the beer were already doing and getting that out there while we wait for approval on the new products. Reporter helpless and hopeless, americans have to wait for an answer from washington on when this partial shutdown lend. The president , who seems to be in a deadlock with democrats, says he can relate to affected workers. People understand exactly whats going on. But many of those people that wont be receiving a paycheck, many of those people agree 100 with what im doing. Reporter polo sandoval, cnn, new york. For more on what could happen next, Richard Johnson joins us now. Hes a lecturer in u. S. Politics and International Relations at Lancaster University in england. Thank you so much for being with us. Thank you. So both sides refusing to budge, as we see, with no budget compromise reached so far and President Trump threatening to declare a National Emergency to get military funds to build his wall. Wheres this all going, do you think, and how might this shutdown end . Well, if it continues into next week, were looking at the longest federal shutdown in u. S. History. The record was 21 days under president bill clinton. On the one hand you have members of congress including members of the president s own party who are increasingly feeling that this needs to be resolved as quickly as possible but on the other hand the president i think is reasonably relaxed about the length of time on this. The language which hes used about this going on for months or years. Although hyperbole suggests that, you know, the thing that hes concerned about the most is this policy commitment on the wall. And i think thats because hes thinking about his core supporters who at the end of the day is the first constituency that President Trump thinks about when he takes action. What are the possible political ramifications of doing that . Because he doesnt really even though hes playing to hiz base were talking about maybe 39 . Its not a great support there. So really is this something that he could win going forward, pushing this for a very long shutdown . Because hes publicly declared he owns this shutdown. I think that if he could he probably would carry on and just basically play the game of chicken with the democrats where eventually these hundreds of thousands of americans who are affected by it might push their democratic representatives to say look, just give him the money for the wall, we need to be paid, you know, we need services to continue. And i think thats probably what the president is hoping he can do. But on the other hand, there are republican members of the senate, cory gardner in colorado, Susan Collins in maine, and others, Lamar Alexander in tennessee, who have suggested that they would be willing to provide some funding to keep the government going without a border wall in it. And so if republicans in the senate shift on this and are willing to pass the house bill, then i think that could force the president s hand and he would have to probably agree to compromise. Right. Of course the irony here is that President Trump says hes doing this to improve security in this country but the shutdown is now putting Airport Security at risk with some tsa workers and air Traffic Controllers calling out sick. Theyre having to deal with various things, child care, and whether they actually put the money we saw there in the story. Whether they actually put the money to gas to get to work. Theyve got to make all of those sorts of decisions. But overall this is making an airport a very insecure place, isnt it . Yes. There are many ironies in this shutdown. One of them is that the tsa, although essential staff, the staff are being asked to work without pay, theres only so long that people can do that. Another irony of the shutdown is that the federal judiciary has been partially affected by this, including immigration courts. So the very courts which are used to evaluate whether or not someone should be deported are running at reduced or in some cases not running at all. And so we can see throughout the United States there are certain communities which are very heavily affected by this. Native American Communities are another community where their services, the services that Many Americans rely on state and local funding for like the fire and police, are actual through federal funding through the interior department. And those communities now face basic everyday services, potentially being disrupted or ended, which would have a very serious impact. Right. And of course the longer this shutdown continues the more risk there is for both President Trump and the democrats because people will just be very angry with the consequences. But because President Trump as we mentioned has owned this shutdown there are many risks for him. Particularly, how does he back out of this without losing face as far as his base goes . The olss of this are very interesting in that unike previous shutdowns for example, when president obama was president and the Congressional Republicans tried to successfully shut down the federal government for a time in an effort to get him to make shifts on the obamacare policy, president obama took action to make the shutdown as visible in americans everyday lives as possible because he knew that the blame was being directed not towards him but to Congressional Republicans. So for example, his administration very visible shut National Monuments such as the world war ii and vietnam memorials. Which didnt really need staff and could remain unstaffed. But he made sure those were shut as an attempt to show the far reaching extent of the shutdown. I think the Trump Administration is trying to minimize the effects of the shutdown so they can continue it because they know the person getting the blame for this is not congress this time but the president. And thats a new political dynamic. Right. Well continue to watch this and see what the outcome is. Richard johnson, thanks so much for your analysis. Appreciate it. Thank you. We are tracking developments in gabon, where the army says it has seized control of the oilrich african opec member. A short while ago soldiers said they had taken over the state Radio Station. They are unhappy with this man, president ali bongo. He has been in power since 2009, but his family has effectively ruled since the 1960s. Mr. Bongo has been in morocco recovering from a stroke. So lets turn to our David Mckenzie. Hes live in johannesburg. So david, whats the latest information you have on this . Well, rosemary, what happened was that there was officers that went into that Radio Station in libertiville in the early hours of this morning in gabon. You saw apcs or some kind of military vehicles on the streets. Shots were also heard in lichlt berville in the early hours of the morning. In that quite lengthy statement on state radio they said that they wanted to end the speculation about ali bongos health, who it appears had some kind of stroke or some other major Health Condition that took him out of the country in the last few months. Now, the officer who was reading that statement, it was more like a call to action than the announcement of a coup saying noncommissioned officers and rank and file military they wanted them to take control of the airports and critical infrastructure. They also called for Civil Society leaders and certain political leaders by name to support their cause. It doesnt suggest that all the pieces are in play for a successful coup against mr. Bongo. As you say, his family has held control of the oilrich nation for many, many years. Took over in 2009. Won the disputed election in 2016. Now, they refer in that statement on the Radio Station to the health and the address of the president on new years from morocco i believe where he clearly showed some Health Concerns and they say its time to end that speculation and in their words to restore democracy. Its early hours of this apparent attempted coup. A side note. There are some 80 u. S. Marines in the country who were sent there on a standby basis in case the situation in nearby democratic republic of congo becomes more chaotic to help u. S. Citizens. So there is no real indication yet from the presidency or the president himself, but the next few hours will be critical certainly. Rosemary . So david, do we have any idea if theres any political individual or force behind the army pushing for this or was it inspired from within the military ranks . Well, according to their statement at least the military officials, the lieutenant who was there, lowranking military official, flanked by two men with weapons at the state Radio Station in libreville, he is saying that this was a military action to restore confidence in leadership and restore democracy. There could be a political play behind the scenes in gabon, where there has been dissatisfaction with the president from some quarters. The key question will be how the international community, the african union, weigh in on this issue. In the coming hours. And whether they have this broadbased support within the military to execute the coup. You know, looking at the statement, it does seem like they are calling on people to it was a call to action as opposed to an announcement of a result. So this is by no means settled yet. In the meantime, the president , who is out of the country and clearly ill, will be tenuously im sure trying to cling on to the power which his family has held for decades. No doubt. Well watch this story very closely. Our David Mckenzie joining us live from johannesburg with the details there. Many thanks. Well, britains Prime Minister is wishing for muchneeded good luck in the new year as she tries to convince parliament to approve her controversial brexit deal. More on that uphill battle when we come back. F sheldon, and im the founder of ugmonk. Before shipstation it was crazy. Its great when you see a hundred orders come in, a hundred orders come in, but then you realize ive got a hundred orders i have to ship out. Shipstation streamlined that wh the order data, the weights of , everything is seamlessly put into shipstation, so when we print the shipping ll everythings pretty much done. Its so much easier so now, were ready, bring on t. Shipstation. The number one ch of online sellers. Go to shipstation. Com tv and get two months free. Welcome back, everyone. Well, in the coming hours negotiators from the u. S. And china will sit down face to face. Their job, lay the groundwork for a deal that will end the trade war between the worlds two largest economies. China has already made some concessions, but President Donald Trump says the tariffs are working, so he feels hes got leverage. Lets turn now to cnns matt rivers. He joins us live from beijing with a closer look at all of this. So matt, of course its critical what both sides say in the leadup to all of this. How helpful is it if youve got donald trump saying hes the one with the leverage here . I think beijing might argue that they also have some leverage given whats going on in the United States, rosemary. But i think what everyone can agree on is theres probably not going to be some sort of an agreement reached or really all that much made public more than likely from this two days of meetings going on in beijing. The delegation from the United States landed here on sunday evening. Theyre going to end spend the day today on monday and then on tuesday with meetings with their chinese counterparts before going back to beijing. I think part of the reason that people arent expecting an agreement here is because of the level that these talks are being held at. Its really at vice ministerial level. Youve got the deputy trade representative from the United States and an undersecretary from the Treasury Department for international affairs. Theyre leading the u. S. Delegation, and theyre meeting people of similar rank from the chinese side. So as a result, rosemary, i think what youre seeing is this meeting being viewed as something that could lay the groundwork for an agreement potentially later on down the road, what next rounds of talks between more senior members of both sides are going to be. But in terms of the likelihood of an agreement being reached, donald trump says he has leverage because he has correctly stated that chinas economy is slowing down. He said as much to reporters over the weekend. Lets hear a little bit of what he had to say. The china talks are going very well. I spoke to president xi recently. I really believe they want to make a deal. The tariffs have absolutely hurt china very badly. But our country is taking in a lot of money through tariffs. A lot of money. A lot of tariffs. Steel dumping tariffs and others. But i think china wants to get it resolved. Their economys not doing well. Now, a lot of experts would say that the United States is not taking in a lot of money from tariffs at the moment. But that point aside, the president is correct when he says that chinas economy is slowing down and that he thinks the United States has more leverage because china would want tomak make a deal because s trade war is hurting chinas economy. That is true. That said, theres a lot of stock market volatility in the United States right now. Theres a little bit of pessimism about the u. S. Economy going into 2019 now that were past the new year. So what you see is maybe some hope for a deal in that both sides might have a little bit more incentive giving the Economic Situation on both sides, maybe both sides want to come to a deal more so than they did the the last time they talked last year. Rosemary. Whats it going to take to get a deal here and how long are we talking about . Are we talking months . Are we talking to the end of the year . Whats the likely time frame here . Well, the deadline is march 1st essentially because what happened in early december between president xi and President Trump on the sidelines of the g20 in argentina is they agreed to kind of put a ceasefire in place for 90 days and the u. S. Would not go forward with putting additional tariffs on chinese products until march 1st giving negotiators a time to work out the deal. Thats the deadline youre looking at right now. In terms of what its going to take, the United States demands have not changed. They want increased intellectual property protection. They want to stop forced Technology Transfers where American Companies have to turn over technological knowhow to Chinese Companies in order to do business in this market. Theres a long list of demands that the u. S. Has been very consistent with, that china has not so far given any room on. So thats what its going to take, and thats why if youre still skeptical over a deal thats why youd be skeptical, because the u. S. Demands are something that so far china hasnt given a lot of indication that theyre willing to give. Lets see what they achieve by that deadline. Matt rivers joining us live from beijing. Many thanks. Well, the British Parliament is set to reconvene monday. It is a brand new year of the same old brexit battles. The press Association Says more than 200 lawmakers have signed a letter against a no deal brexit. Prime minister theresa may says the vote on her proposed deal will take place as planned in mid january. Many lawmakers worry the plan would leave britain too beholden to the eu, but mrs. May is trying to convince them that a future without her brexit deal is a dangerous one. Cnns anna stewart joins us now from london. So anna, of course the big question, what is going to happen now . What happens next . Well, mps have returned from their christmas break this morning. Theresa may will be hoping they come back in a more emollient mood, maybe full of good mood and festive cheer after christmas. But unfortunately it doesnt look like theyll have enough good will and good cheer to get this vote through. She was push k yesterday nan interview with the bbcs andrew mar for this because she said theres not another option. But this is the vote she delayed at the end of last year. She delayed the vote on her deal because she didnt have the majority to pass it and currently, rosemary, it doesnt look like shell have the majority this time. So it doesnt look like its going to pass. Shes also ruled out the possibility of any second referendum here. There had been a lot of chatter about that. Is she able to rule that out . Will there be some push from within her own party or outside of that party to go in that direction . Reporter it was really interesting. In an interview yesterday with the Prime Minister. Because she was asked repeatedly, will you, you know, sanction a second referendum if the majority in parliament pushes for it . And she just refused to speak about it full stop. She also wouldnt talk about whether she would extend article 50, if they needed more time to put the second referendum in place or just to negotiate further with the eu. She wont discuss any options frankly at this stage other than this deal, the only deal she says she wont talk about anything else. So i think if this vote doesnt get through what shes hoping probably is shell try to get it through after another stage, maybe after more talks with the eu. How much interest is there, politically there for a second referendum . Its something that was certainly mounting last year. I would say the same voices we heard just before christmas pushing for it, for instance, the labor mp, theyre the same voices now pushing for it. The question is now whether pressure will mount for a second referendum if this deal fails. Perhaps some conservative me. Ps within theresa mays party want to let her have a go, try to get this deal through parliament, and then question what to do next because frankly at this sort of stage of political gridlock there are a lot of people that think that perhaps you should be putting this back to the people. Now, boris skrojohnson, the for foreign minister of course, a massive brexiteer within theresa mays party, he wrote in the Daily Telegraph newspaper today and he said a no deal brexit is most like what brexiteers voted for, what people who voted for brexit would want. But chaka amuna this labor mp, also said this morning we dont know what people want because we only asked them leave or remain, we dont know what kind of deal they want. Indeed. Anna stewart joining us there live from out the front of 10 downing street. We will watch to see what happens there. Appreciate it. Well, donald trump is now considering declaring a National Emergency to fund his border wall. But does the u. S. President actually have the power to make that move . We analyze the issue ahead. Plus, two indian women who entered a hindu shrine breaking with a centuriesold conservative taboo, talk to cnn about the act of defiance thats now put their lives in jeopardy. Were back in just a moment. I am a family man. I am a techie dad. I believe the best technology should feel effortless. Like magic. At comcast, its my job to develop, apps and tools that simplify your experience. My name is mike, im in Product Development at comcast. Were working to make things simple, easy and awesome. Welcome back, everyone. Im rosemary church. I want to update you on the main stories weve been following this hour. Army soldiers say they have seized power in the west african nation of gabon. A short time ago military members announced they had taken over the state Radio Station. They say they are unhappy with this man, president ali bongo. His family has ruled for decades and hes been in morocco recovering from a stroke. The u. S. National security adviser says the u. S. Wont pull out of syria unless its sure turkey wont attack u. S. Kurdish allies. That is according to multiple reports. John bolton was in jerusalem sxund met with israeli Prime Minister benjamin netanyahu. The king of malaysia is making history by becoming the first royal in the country to abdic e abdicate. The National Palace announced King Sultan Muhammad vs resignation on sunday. It offered no explanation but said the kings decision takes effect immediately. Now the council of rulers will have to vote for a new king from one of malaysias nine royal houses. U. S. President donald trump says he might declare a National Emergency to secure military funding for his border wall. The Vice President met with congressional leaders sunday. But they couldnt reach a budget agreement. The dispute has led to a partial Government Shutdown, now in its third week. U. S. Politicians from both sides of the aisle took to the airwaves sunday. They spoke about whether the president actually has the authority to secure military funding for his border wall. And they debated the merits of such an action. President s have authority to defend the nation. The president has asked every single cabinet secretary and the office of management and budget to go out and find money that can be used legally to guard the southern border, which is exactly what were going to do. Does President Trump have the ability, have the authority to declare a National Emergency, have the military build his wall . Well, unfortunately, the short answer is yes. There is a provision in law that says the president can declare an emergency. Its been done a number of times. But primarily its been done to build facilities in afghanistan and iraq. And in this case i think the president would be wide open to a Court Challenge saying wheres the emergency . You have to establish that in order to do this. But beyond that, this would be a terrible use of department of defense dollars. So lets take a closer look at all of this with cnn military analyst colonel cedric leighton. Always great to have you with us. Thank you, rosemary. Its good to be with you. So we just heard from both sides of the political equation. The democrats suggesting the president does not have the power to declare a National Emergency, to secure military funds to build his border wall, while the white house and republicans say he can do whatever he needs to do to secure this nation. So which is right . Does mr. Trump have the power to do this specifically . To build a wall the answer is no, not directly. He can do some things and he can move some money around but he wont be able to move 5 billion worth to actually build the wall he seems to envision. So there are some limitations congress has put into effect in previous administrations. There are also some aspects of the way in which the appropriations process works in the United States. And what it really means is that the funds that are set for certain things are earmarked for those things. They cant be used normally for anything else. So there will be some challenges for the president to do what he wants to do. He has limited authority to do some things, but he has no overarching authority to actually build the wall on his own without congressional approval. Right. So you mentioned that process. What is involved here when a u. S. President wants to do Something Like this, get money from the pentagon to build a border wall in this country . And would this be deemed a National Emergency at all . Well, under normal circumstances it would not be a National Emergency. There is no threat of invasion, you know, in the strictest sense of that term. There is no threat of an armed force coming against the United States. If that were the case the president would then definitely have the authority to do whatever he deemed necessary as the commander in chief to actually shore up the defenses along the southern border. But what were dealing with here is in some ways a game of semantics. The real answer is that we dont have that kind of an invasion. What is involved in a process like this is you have to get congressional approval to move money from one area to another area, they call it pots of money from one pot to the other. And the other thing thats involved here is that within the department of Defense Budgets there are certainly funds that are earmarked for construction but those Construction Funds are for military bases, potentially for the army corps of engineers to do certain things that do impact the civilian sector, but these are not the kinds of things that would be allowed to be transferred toward constructing a border wall. So how will the pentagon likely respond to this . The president asking for this. And who might stand in mr. Trumps way . Well, this gets to be a very interesting question. Technically, if secretary of defense, former secretary of defense mattis were still in charge, it would be him. Given the fact that the deputy secretary of defense, mr. Patrick shanahan, is actually serving as the acting secretary of defense right now, he would normally be the person to do that. But i think the real answer would be that congress would stand in the way. They would prevent the movement of funds from one pot of money to the other pot of money. And that would in essence prevent or at least has the potential of preventing the president from exercising any authorities that he may think he has to build a southern border wall. Quick question to you. Do you believe a border wall is necessary to secure this country . No. And the reason i say that is because when you look at the type of geography that the southern border has, and ive been on the southern border, particularly in the state of texas, you look at some of the areas that we have the rio grande river, really comprises almost the entire border of mexico and texas. And that particular border is generally a natural informed by a natural barrier. There are also areas such as the Big Bend National park where not only would it be ecologically damaging to put a fence but from a security perspective the fence would serve no real purpose. What would be necessary is some kind of increased monitoring through various technical means to include things like facial recognition technologies, better monitoring of who is actually stepping into the United States from mexico, things of that nature, and that can be done through technical means. A border wall is not necessary for the entire frontage that we have with mexico, the entire frontier with mexico. And that is i think really what is getting lost in the debate here at this point. Thank you, sir, for being with us. We do appreciate it. Absolutely, rosemary. Always a pleasure. Well, the two indian women who defied a conservative taboo to enter a hindu shrine in karala are telling cnn why they felt compelled to do it. The women talked into the shrine last week, a few months after Indias Supreme Court ruled that the ban against girls and women of childbearing age was unconstitutional. Well, now the women are in hiding as protests rage against their action. Alexandra field has their story. Reporter binyamini and kanka jordan are in hiding and at the center of an indian controversy. This is video of the two defying centuries of tradition stepping into one of hinduisms holiest shrines. This is the violence their visit inspired, with police deploying tear gas and Water Cannons to end clashes between protesters against women entering the sacred site and those for it. These are some of the millions of women who formed a human chain hundreds of miles long in a show of solidarity. My message to the womens of india is that police, break the system and please break the evil customs. That is the message. Reporter bin ja amini says her pilgrimage to sabarimala was about gender justice. She was turned back by too many earlier protesters in an attempt to reach the temple in december. This time the police helped her through in the middle of the night after she threatened a hunger strike. Amini, a legal professor, said she showed the law is on her side and thats why she went. Our constitution and the decision verdict of Supreme Court and gender justice, because of that, the protection of all these things, i decided to go to sabarimala. Reporter in december Indias Supreme Court overturned a ban that kept women of childbearing age from entering the site believed to be the home of lord ayaba, a hindu god believed celibate. The issue has become political. Indias Prime Minister Narendra Modi of the hindu nationalist bjp criticized the courts ruling calling this a matter of faith and tradition. But in the state of karala the governing party is for the order, even organizing demonstrations to show support. My message to politicians, they should obey the judgment of Supreme Court. Reporter shes a doefsee who is determined to pay her respects to lord ayapa and a woman wanting to stand up for gender equality in india. Both women are under constant threat now, moving houses several times a day for safety. Their lives possibly changed forever. Their hope, to make more womens lives better. Alexandra field, cnn. Two very brave women there. Well take a short break. Still to come, new details in a tragedy that shocked the United States. Police believe a case of mistaken identity likely caused a little girls death. Well have the details in just a minute. A town in northwest poland is mourning five girls, all 15 years old, killed while celebrating a friends birthday. They had gathered at an escape room, a game where participants are locked inside and try to find a way out by searching for clues. But a fire broke out and Officials Say there was no way to evacuate. Hundreds gathered at a vigil in the town square to honor the girls. A houston newspaper says a second suspect has been identified in the death of Jazmine Barnes. She is the 7yearold girl killed when a hail of bullets went through her car. Police have already charged eric black jr. In connection with the girls death. Now the Houston Chronicle reports Larry Woodruff has been identified as a second suspect. Hes not charged in the killing but is being held on drug possession charges. Kaley hartung has more. Reporter Authorities Say Jazmine Barnes death is very likely a case of mistaken identity, that when a gunman opened fire on the car she was in he believed somebody else to be inside. Were told this investigation unraveled very quickly on friday. Authorities had received a tip by way of activist shaun king. They then pulled eric black jr. Over in a traffic stop, brought him in on a possession of marijuana charge, and once he started talking he eventually confessed to being the driver of the car in which another man sat in the passenger seat and pulled the trigger on the gun that shot and killed Jazmine Barnes. Authorities say they are being very cautious in their language now as black is the only man who has been charged in relation to barnes murder. They say this is an ongoing investigation. When it comes to the discrepancy between that composite sketch of a white man in his 30s or 40s that investigators were looking for for the past week, compare that to black being a black 20yearold man, well, Authorities Say theres nothing nefarious about the description they believe Jazmine Barnes family gave but that when they were caught up in the chaos of the moment the white man in that red pickup truck is very likely the last thing they saw. He is not a person of interest. They believe he is a witness and they do hope he comes forward to discuss what he may have seen last sunday morning. Well take a short break here. Still to come, the first awards show of the season produced some upsets. Well run down the surprises and snubs at this years Golden Globe Awards. Back in a moment. Ss my name is jeff sheldon, and im the founder of ugmonk. Before shipstation it was crazy. Its great when you see a hundred orders come in, a hundred orders come in, but then you realize ive got a hundred orders i have to ship out. Shipstation streamlined that wh the order data, the weights of , everything is seamlessly put into shipstation, so when we print the shipping ll everythings pretty much done. Its so much easier so now, were ready, bring on t. Shipstation. The number one ch of online sellers. Go to shipstation. Com tv and get two months free. Well, awards season got off to a great start with the 76th annual Golden Globe Awards in hollywood honoring the best in tv and movies. Host sandra oh and andy samberg poked goodhearted fun at the stars attending the ceremony and at one point gave them a big surprise. Flu shots. And now a look at the winners. Bohemian rhapsody, the story of rock group queen and its lead singer Freddie Mercury, won two awards. Best actor rami malek and best Motion Picture. And he thanked the man he portrayed in the film. Thank you to Freddie Mercury for giving me the joy of a lifetime. I love you, you beautiful man. Fantastic. Glenn close, who won best actress in a Motion Picture for her role in the wife, spoke about women in film. Take a listen. We have to find personal fulfillment. We have to fill our follow our dreams. Vice star Christian Bale won best actor in a comedy movie for his portrayal of former u. S. Vice president dick cheney. He thanked the usual people, with one exception. Thank you to satan for giving me inspiration on how to play this role. Well, theres a first. And the big news of the night was of course the surprises. Before the show movie insiders expected a star is born and vice to run away with most of the awards. But that did not happen. But lets bring in entertainment journalist kim serafin, joining us live from los angeles. Good to see you. Nice to see you. So Bohemian Rhapsody surprised everyone by beating out a star is born with two awards. What might this signal, do you think, for the oscars and of course the awards season . It was interesting, youre right. Everyone expected a star is born to dominate. You know, lady gaga. People thought she was going to get the award. Bradley cooper. People thought he would get it either for acting or directing. And they really did not get that. It was a big night for Bohemian Rhapsody and also a big night for green book. The thing is the Golden Globes theyre not really always a predictor of the oscars. You would look more to the Producers Guild awards to predict best picture or even the Screen Actors Guild awards. The Golden Globes get it right maybe about 50 of the time. But it just give kind of maybe more momentum now to Bohemian Rhapsody. Especially rami malek winning. Yeah. I can imagine a lot of people are going to run out to watch the movie. I mean, my 15yearold actually found it the best movie shed ever seen, which was really quite surprising. It was definitely a great movie. And this really i think does give it that kind of momentum for sure. But i dont think dont count a star is born out. Dont think this is the end of the road for them because certainly i think people still think lady gaga is going to be one of the frontrunners for the oscar for sure. Well be watching for that. And of course glenn close, she took the top actress award. How surprised were you by that outcome . Some are saying this was a snub to lady gaga. Its interesting. She was so surprised. She got on stage, you saw her, just so emotional and really just shocked. I think, you know, the Golden Globes, again, they kind of can surprise you. Theyll kind of pick someone out of left field that you would not expect. But glenn close certainly deserved it. And her speech i think just to see her speech was incredible. You played some clips of that. But she talked about her mother. She talked about women. She got a standing ovation. She made some jokes about it was called the wife, thats why it took 14 years to make. That was continuing the theme throughout the evening of the people continuing the times up movement, times up times two. It was about women and female empowerment. You saw a lot of that and glenn close was really a perfect example of that. I wanted to look at that because there were other impressive and inspiring speeches from actor regina king. You mentioned glenn close. Host sandra oh about women in film and tv. We also saw diversity on display. How significant was this Golden Globe Awards compared to previous shows . Yeah. Usually in awards season and awards shows you normally hear politics talked about. That has been the theme for several years now. Andy samberg and sandra oh did say they were going to have this kind of a politicsfree show. And it really was other than that one clip you that played of Christian Bale. What we thought, what we saw more of was the theme of diversity and female empowerment and inclusion and authenticity. And i think that really shone through. As you mentioned, regina king when she won her award talked about how shes making a vow, when she produces films shes going to make it 50 about women. And she challenged people in hollywood and in other industries to do the same. So many other people got up there. Peter farrelly when he was accepting for green book talked about if these two men can get along we all can as well. Alfonso cuaron talked about breaking down walls. Maybe that was a little bit of a throw to the wall discussion were having now. But more about just inclusion and Society Coming together and love. And that was really the kind of positive element that we saw throughout this golden globe. Some positive messages that some people describe in the show as a little sleepy but certainly had some tremendous speeches and messages there. Kim serafin, always a pleasure to chat with you. Thank you. Thanks so much. And thank you for your company. Im rosemary church. Early start is next for our viewers here in the United States. And for everyone else stay tuned for more news with max foster in london. Have yourselves a great day. I may declare a National Emergency dependent on what is going to happen over the next few days. President trump weighing Emergency Powers to fund his border wall, the shutdown entering a third week with talks making no head way. John bolton roll willing back t rolling back the President Trumps decision to pull troops out of syria. And after a week long search, two men are in custody connected to the murder of Jazmine Barnes

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