Wherever in the world youre watching and joining us, a very good day to you. Donald trump has promised to get bark to work on the day after christmas and then on tuesday he headed for the golf course instead. Mr. Trump spent time on twitter lashing out over the russian dossier, calling it a pile of garbage. It was a document compiled by a former british spy and has become part of the fbi and special counsels investigations into russias meddling in the 2016 u. S. Election. Cnns ryan nobles reports. Reporter there were no events on the president s public schedule on tuesday. So the only way we can see what he was thinking or working on is through his twitter feed. As a result we know he was thinking about health care and taxes and he was also working to discredit Robert Mueller and his investigation. Merry christmas. Reporter after tweeting on Christmas Day tomorrow its back to work, President Trump spent today on the golf course. The 110th day of his presidency that he has spent at one of his personally branded properties. He hit the links with pga tour pro Bryson Dechambeau and former pga golfer dana quigley but there may have been some work discussed as well. Also joining the foursome georgia senator david perdue, a loyal republican vote for the administration but someone hoping to forge a bipartisan solution on immigration. A solution that could prove to be more difficult. After a New York Times story that quotes the president grumbling in an Oval Office Meeting that immigrants from countries like haiti all have aids and that 40,000 immigrants from nigeria would never go back to their huts. White house officials strongly deny the report and mark shore, the director of legislative affairs, argues that there needs to be a plan for People Living in the United States under temporary protected status. Congress needs to change these laws opposed to continual sixmonth extensions of people here from 10 and 20 years ago. But while immigration promises a fix for the socalled dreamers, Government Spending and infrastructure have all been pointed to as priorities in 2018, on tuesday the president was focused on a failure from 2017. Tweeting based on the fact that the very unfair and unpopular individual mandate has been terminated as part of our tax cut bill, which essentially repeals over time obamacare, the democrats and republicans will eventually come together and develop a great new health care plan. Republicans were unable to come up with a replacement to obamacare, but as part of their new broad tax reform bill they struck the individual mandate, which requires americans to have Health Insurance or face a tax penalty. Those fines equal billions of dollars and help keep the Affordable Care act Insurance Market stable. Despite the elimination of the tax penalty, obamacare remains in place and some 9 million americans have just signed up for Obamacare Health care plans, exceeding expectations in a shortened enrollment period. Regardless of the president s pleas, there are no signs of progress on a new health care deal. Instead of bragging about more americans without Health Insurance, we should join every other major country on earth, guarantee health care to all people, and end the absurdity of paying twice as much per kapt. Reporter and despite the sunny West Palm Beach skies, the president and his agenda remain under the cloud of the Mueller Investigation, something mr. Trump continues to attempt to discredit. Today on twitter he suggested that the dossier produced by a former British Intelligence officer which the president called a pile of garbage was the basis for the special counsels investigation. While the dossier has been used in the investigation, it is far from the entire basis of muellers inquiry. And speaking of taxes, the president continuing to take a victory lap after signing that tax reform bill into law just before coming here to florida. In a tweet he said, all signs are that business is looking really good for the next year. Only to be helped further by our tax cut bill. It will be a great year for companies and jobs. Stock market is poised for another year of success. The president wanting to make sure the American People know about this big legislative victory as he heads into 2018. Ryan nobles, cnn, West Palm Beach, florida. Republican strategist and cnn political commentator. Far from home. But delighted to have you with us. Good morning. Its good to be with you. The president s tweets over the last day or so about the Mueller Investigation and the russia dossier, what purpose does it serve to remind other than discredit . Its all about discrediting. If youre donald trump you believe that any investigation into the elections is something that discredits your victory. Donald trump has said time and time again that hes won, hes won fair and square, and anything looking into that that could discredit it also weakens him. And thats why hes doing these. How dangerous is it when not only the president but also other leading republicans are now embarked on an industrialscale rubbishing of the mueller inquiry and mueller himself . It takes us down potentially a very bad road. What were seeing is more and more republicans speaking out, tweeting about this when theyre back home, theyre hearing about it from their constituents. Its not just a discrediting of one investigation. Its the entire federal bureau of investigation. Its the entire special counsels office. And this has a delegitimizing effect not on trumps election but on looking into anywhere this goes where weve already had guilty pleas from people who are close to the president. Now, youre a republican strategist. The base obviously loves what they hear. But what are, if you like, ordinary, sort of ordinary republicans, not red meat out and out frothing at the mouth. What are ordinary republicans telling their senators and congressmen when they go back to their districts . Well, its really the best of times, the worst of times. What members are hearing by and large is more support for trump is needed from washington. This is part of why we saw a positive reaction from republicans on the tax bill. But they also want to see just more get done. Its not necessarily about this investigation or that investigation or what investigations may come next. They know the tweets sometimes take trump off of where he needs to be. But theyre yeah but voters. Yeah these arent helpful but they want to see trump do more. Does he enjoy that level of support amongst ordinary republicans, not the ardent you were telling me about when you go back to your state what people are telling you that they are telling their politicians. Within the Republican Party he has very broad support. Theyre signing up for trump on whatever his issues or his agendas are, thats what they sign up for. Its more about the person than the policy. So donald trump could come out tomorrow with something very different from what hes campaigned on as hes done in the past and theyll support that. How do you reconcile that with the polls that show a very high disapproval, very low approval numbers . The latest approval numbers in the low 30s. How do you reconcile that . If the republicans themselves are saying we like what hes doing. Well, there are less and less registered republicans throughout the country. As party i. D. Is falling, its falling for democrats as well, what youre seeing is a shoring up within the parties as the parties are cracking up themselves. Does the passage of the tax bill, the significance of that, having failed on several occasions to pass anything to do with health care, not only has he got his tax bill, he has also done serious damage to the Health Care Legislation by repealing the mandate. Its very significant. One, it shows that he can move something through the house and the senate into passage. The event that he had in the white house had a couple hundred members of congress and republican senators behind him in unison. Thats important for trump moving forward. But it also highlights the other things that hes done that they can point their fingers at and why these tweets are distractions. They need to get out of their own way. So as we push forward into 2018, what for you and the republican movement, what is the next big fight that you have to go into . What theyre looking for is potentially not a next big fight. Infrastructure is what the president s priority at least now will be moving into 2018. If they can do that in a bipartisan fashion. Its questionable as to whether or not theyll be able to. On that score its questionable whether economically the country needs an infrastructure package. Physically yes it certainly does. But it certainly doesnt need it on the basis of economic stimulus. Absolutely. And this is one of the challenges for republicans. If youve campaigned for years and years against higher deficits, certainly in the obama years republicans were very much deficit hawks, what were seeing now is with the tax bill its not such a big concern. If they get behind a 1 trillion stimulus package or transportation infrastructure package, it means that deficit reduction doesnt exist in the Republican Party anymore. That should be a problem longterm. A wonderful new year. Thank you. As we continue, the United States is trying to put more pressure on north korea. Washingtons imposing new sanctions on two officials believed to have been crucial in improving north Koreas Nuclear weapons. At the same time russia is also offering to mediate talks between the u. S. And north korea if both sides agree. Fred pleitgen reports from moscow. Reporter well, richard, the russians are continuing what theyve been saying is their push to try and deescalate that situation around north korea. Of course between the United States and the North Koreans. And a lot of this in the form of a phone call between the Russian Foreign minister Sergei Lavrov and Rex Tillerson of the United States. According to the russian version of events, both men agree, quote, that the parties were unanimous in the opinion that Nuclear Missile development in the dprk, that is of course north korea, violated the requirements of the u. N. Security council. However, the russians then apparently, and again, this is according to their version of events, urged the United States to tone down their rhetoric, said they needed to get away from a rhetoric of sanctions towards a rhetoric of negotiations. Now, of course, richard, this is something weve been hearing quite a bit, especially from russias foreign minister Sergei Lavrov, over the past couple of days where he said that the russians would be able or would be willing to mediate between the u. S. And north korea. Now, its really an Interesting Development on the part of the russians. On the one hand, of course theyre trying to take a swipe at the United States. A lot of the things that Sergei Lavrov has been saying over the past couple of days was laced with criticism of the United States. For instance, saying that the u. S. Had told the russians to relay a message to the North Koreans saying that the u. S. Would try and deescalate the situation by cutting down on military maneuvers around the Korean Peninsula and then the u. S. Held those military maneuvers in any case. However, the russians certainly also have a very real interest in the situation around north korea not getting out of control. They have a border with north korea. Certainly they wouldnt want a huge influx of people going through that border if indeed there was a big confrontation between the u. S. And the North Koreans. And they have some trade with north korea as well, and that of course gives them sway with pyongyang, with kim jong un, that they could potentially use to help out with the situation and to try and help tone things down and get that situation under control, richard. Fred pleitgen in moscow. Now, experts are warning that north korea may be planning a biological attack. Pyongyang is feared to be developing chemical and biological weapons along with its nuclear ambitions. The country is denying those reports. Cnns brian todd reports from washington. Reporter were learning tonight that kim jong un has the capability to weaponize more than a dozen biological agents within just a few days if he wants to wreak havoc on the Korean Peninsula. There are reports kim has been methodical but unrelenting in getting his scientists to fission out how to deploy deadly agents like anthrax, which killed several americans right after 9 11. There are new concerns that kim jong uns deadly ambitions go beyond nuclear weapons. South korean officials and independent weapons experts are growing increasingly concerned that kims regime has the intent and capability to develop biological weapons. They are a weapon of terror in a sense because we have in our own minds these thoughts about the horror of biologicals, outbreaks of disease. This is something that frightens us. Reporter south korean government reports recently cited by Harvard University say north korea has 13 types of biological agents which it can weaponize within ten days. They say anthrax and smallpox are the most likely agents they would deploy. Anthrax is virtually the ideal biological agent for weapons purposes. Its a bacterium that is very hard to it can survive all kinds of conditions. It can persist. It is very deadly. You can aerosolize it and spread it around with sprayers. Reporter june 2015 kim jong un tours the pyongyang biotechnical institute. The North Koreans said it was a factory which manufactured pesticides but some machinery on display raised alarm. It seems they have invested a lot in imported equipment that cost them a lot and is i think unreasonable for any civilian application. Reporter equipment like what analysts say are industrialscale fermenters which could produce anthrax on a large scale and other machinery used to convert biological agents into sprayable form. South koreans would be in the direct line of fire, a threat taken seriously enough that south korea holds mock drills for wmd attacks. But american troops in south korea could also be hit. A small aircraft basically overflying them, individuals who are infected infecting them. Theres just no way to guarantee and protect u. S. Troops from this. Reporter Officials Say theres no evidence north korea has yet produced a biological weapon. But with the assassination of his halfbrother this year, kim jong un has shown the willingness to use his chemical weapons arsenal. And having the capability for a biological attack with the difficulties in tracing those weapons, experts say, adds another dimension to kims threat. With biologicals theres a slight element of denieblt. There could be an outbreak of disease in south korea. It would take us weeks, maybe even longer, to trace it back to north korea. And during that time he could kill south koreans. Reporter experts say another advantage this gives kim is that for every dollar the u. S. And south korea spend on preparing for an anthrax, smallpox, or other biological outbreak thats a dollar they dont spend on preparing for a possible conventional or Nuclear Attack from north korea. Brian todd reporting. As we continue in the newsroom from london, the British Military says russian ships are getting more and more bold. Theyre now skirting uk waters and washington is paying close attention. Also, Vladimir Putin seeking another president ial term, while the man who wants to be his opponent is now telling russians boycott the elections. Were going to explain that decision. And three major u. S. Cities are suing the Defense Department in the aftermath of a horrific mass shooting in texas. The details are ahead. When you have a cold, pain from chest congestion can make this. Feel like this. Allinone cold symptom relief from tylenol®, the 1 doctor recommended pain relief brand. Tylenol®. Twice in the past few days british ships have escorted russian ships passing near the uks territorial waters. Some are calling it a show of military force from an emboldened kremlin. Cnns Barbara Starr at the pentagon explains why washington is now paying such close attention. Reporter a British Royal Navy Helicopters infrared camera tracks a russian warship Christmas Day as it sailed close to uk territorial waters. The latest this what is British Government is calling an upsurge in russian warships too close to its coastline. Its all part of a message from moscow to washington. The Russian Military will be a force to be reckoned with in 2018. The russians are certainly pushing the envelope. A lot of their activities in the naval and aerial arena are certainly hardedged and theyre designed to push us to the limits. Reporter the question now, how much confrontation will President Trump risk . He has taken an unexpected step, allowing the export of antitank weapons to ukraine to fight russianbacked rebels in a country where prorussia rebels frequently clash with Ukrainian Armed forces. Its important for the United States to tell russia that we will support ukraines ability to defend itself. Reporter but its also a risky step. If putin decides that this is sort of a hostile act and a new u. S. Policy to push back on russia, russia has everything from covert operatives across the region in ukraine and theyre able to push back and escalate very significantly. Reporter Vladimir Putins military has also flown aggressively against u. S. Pilots in syria. The pentagon openly calling it a deliberate violation of an agreement to prevent accidents. After that, moscow appears to have backed off a bit. Putin personally challenging the president S New National security strategy. We also face rival powers, russia and china, that seek to challenge american influence, values, and wealth. We will attempt to build a Great Partnership with those who other countries, but in a manner that always protects our national interest. Translator diplomatically speaking, if i can put it in two words, it is of an attack nature, and if we use military terms its no doubt aggressive. We need to take that into account in our practical work. Reporter there is some u. S. Leverage. Moscow may be nervous that new congressionally backed sanctioned could be strengthened even further. Barbara starr, cnn, the pentagon. Hundreds of russian celebrities, athletes, and politicians have gathered to formally nominate president Vladimir Putin for reelection next year. The Ruling United Russia Party and the Just Russia Party have both said they will support him. And polls show mr. Putin winning the march 18th election. The kremlins plans to investigate a russian Opposition Leader who is urging people not to vote is aleksei navalny, who was barred from the race because of a previous embezzlement conviction. Navalny says the conviction was a political move to keep him from running next year. Three u. S. Cities are suing the u. S. Defense department over failures to report convictions to a data base thats being used for background checks in firearm purchases. Theyre new york, philadelphia, and san francisco, and theyre filing the lawsuit together. The suit follows the recent mass shooting at a church in Sutherland Springs in texas. The suspected shooter should have been legally barred from buying a gun after he was convicted of Domestic Assault whilst in the air force. That conviction wasnt reported. Ultimately, 26 people at the church were killed. The shooting has left lasting scars on the community. This was the first Holiday Season since the tragedy, and it proved to be an important time to heal together. Our affiliate ksat has more. Reporter hugging, holding hands, and praying. A sunday service filled with emotion. The congregation of Sutherland Springs First Baptist living with the memories of the day that changed their world. Where the shooter parked that day. Because when i first looked out over my husbands shoulder, i saw that. I saw his vehicle there. Thats whats hard for me. Kathleen curnow and her husband live across the street from the church. With so many members of their small church now gone, these are difficult days. But they say the pastor expressed the towns faith perfectly, saying, Sutherland Springs looks to the light and looks for hope. Its been two months since the shooting happened here at the church and memorials like these continue to pop up. When you speak to people from the church, they want to make sure what happened here and those victims are never forgotten. We need to remember the 26 people and the 20 survivors. There were a lot of people affected by this. Reporter many churchgoers i spoke with couldnt thank pastor Frank Pomeroy enough. His daughter one of the 26 People Killed april 5th. But still hes there for everyone else. I have a hard time with the noises. And he praise with me. And for him to lose everything he lost and then stop and pray with me that i can get a peaceful nights sleep and that the images that day will leave and, you know, be replaced by good ones, you know, i almost feel selfish. But thats the kind of person he is. Reporter the curnows say today and this christmas is about faith and always looking toward the light. If you want to donate to the victims and their families, you can give directly to the church at ssfb. Net. This is a strange story to bring to your attention. An al nippon airways, ana, flight was going from los angeles to tokyo and it turned back to l. A. X. Four hours into the flight. Apparently there was an administrative mixup according to an aviation source. The model Christie Teigen and her husband the Musician John Legend were on board. She tweeted that the plane turned around because an unauthorized passenger was on the aircraft. Its not clear what happened, how it happened, or why it forced the plane that was four hours into an 11hour flight back. Teigen made sure to thank legend for the vacation. Thank you so much for taking me on this awesome vacation, babe. Welcome to los angeles. Mm. That dinner was so good. You can see theyre not sitting in economy. Well, counting down to the biggest political stories of 2017, its no surprise that one man is at the center of most of them. The details are ahead. And prince harrys extraordinary interview. Its the first interview with barack obama since he left office. Anna stewart has been listening and will tell you what the two men talked about. You wont see these folks at the post office. They have businesses to run. They have passions to pursue. How do they avoid trips to the post office . Stamps. Com mail letters, ship packages, all the services of the post office right on your computer. Get a 4 week trial, plus 100 in extras including postage and a digital scale. Go to stamps. Com tv and never go to the post office again. And a very good day. A warm welcome. Viewers in the United States and around the world. It is wednesday, wherever you are. Im Richard Quest in london. And allow me, please, to update you on the top stories that were following at this hour. Russia is offering to mediate talks between the u. S. And north korea if both sides agree. The Russian Foreign minister told the u. S. Secretary of state to fasttrack negotiations with pyongyang. Sergei lavrov also told Rex Tillerson that aggressive rhetoric from washington is not helpful. Meanwhile, the United States is slapping more sanctions on north korea by targeting two key figures of the countrys missile program. The u. S. Says the official on the left has been crucial in developing intercontinental missiles and the Rocket Scientist on the right was behind the fuel Technology Used to launch the missiles faster. The International Red cross has evacuated four critically ill patients from a rebelheld suburb of syrias capital damascus. Another 25 people will be moved out of eastern gota over the coming days. A syrian medical group says more than 600 other people are very sick and also need to be evacuated and soon. President trumps twitter pledge to get back to work after the Christmas Day apparently meant go golfing. He also found time to tweet his disapproval of the russia investigation. He called the fbi tainted and said the now famous russia dossier is in his words a pile of garbage. Former u. S. President barack obama is warning that irresponsible use of social media is distorting the publics understanding of important issues. It comes out of an interview hes had with britains prince harry. Anna stewart is here with the details and has just listened to this interview which has been broadcast on bbc radio 4s today program. What is barack obama saying . Hes essentially saying, hes warning that people in positions of power, and this is the interesting part of the language, richard, shouldnt abuse their position by tweeting things, by using social media in a way that could, you know, disrupt civil discourse, that could distort facts. Its a he doesnt mention President Trump by name when he talks about people in power. But clearly, i mean, look, my words, not yours, anna. Clearly, if hes warning against irresponsible tweeting by people in power, as far as im aware, annu Angela Merkel and theresa may are not irresponsibly tweeting in some peoples view. Exactly. It would seem to be pointed in that direction. But he doesnt say, he doesnt mention President Trump by name. It is just people in positions of power. Essentially, hes saying think before you speak and think before you tweet and dont distort facts and dont hes worried about distortion of facts, that people are sort of reading their own bias again, its just reaffirming biases, distorted facts throughout social media. He warned that such actions distorting understanding of complex information. Well, quite. What can you do in 120 characters to portray the u. S. s position on russia, for instance . Is that something that should be immediately put into a tweet . This is what were looking at. Should people in positions of power head to twitter . Why was the president , the former president , speaking to prince harry . So prince harry is the guest editor today on the today program. Its something they do every year. Not prince harry but a new guest each year. And this year its president obama. They have a really good relationship. It was done at the Invictus Games in toronto back in september. Its been heavily teased ahead. Weve been looking forward to this for a few months now. But no mention of the engagement of course because it was before the engagement. It was before the engagement, although one wonders whether president obama knew it was heading that way. He mentioned in this interview how important Michelle Obama was to him throughout his time as president. Theres a big focus on how important a relationship is. I need to ask you about the reports and particularly since its prince harry, the wedding. Barack obama, with whom he has a longstanding friendship. This report that harry is being pressured not to invite obama to the wedding next may because donald trump wasnt going to be invited anyway and it would be difficulted for trump if obamas invited. Any credence to this story that has absolutely blown up yesterday . It did. It was an absolute storm over the internet. This is a tabloid story on unnamed sources. Its hard to know where this story is geg. But as far as cnn is concerned, royal aides will never pressure harry to invite or not invite anyone to this wedding. It is not a state wedding. Heads of state are not invited by rote. And the uk government doesnt have a role to play in that sense. You know, theyre a consulting body. Go back to the rest of the interview, please, and come back and report at the top of the hour. Interesting stuff. Thank you. Ahead, as we continue on cnn, from the travel ban to the me too movement, were counting down the top political stories of the year. It all continues. You are in the cnn newsroom, and we are in london. Hi, im the internet you know whats difficult . Armless bowling. You got this, jimmy you know whats easy . Building your website with godaddy. Pick a domain name. Choose a design. You can build a website in under an hour. Now thats a strike get your domain today and get a free trial of gocentral. Build a better website in under an hour. I love you. President donald trump came to washington promising to drain the swamp. And whether or not you believe hes keeping that promise, he stands front and center in the years most important political stories. Whichever way you look at it, donald trump remains at the center. Heres cnns jake tapper. Reporter gather round, family and friends. Youll be talking about 2017 for generations to come. The first year of the Trump Presidency shattered the status quo. Cultures of harassment were exposed. Travel bans were debated. Protests erupted. And i seem to recall something about russia. Here are in our view the top seven political stories of 2017. President trump signed executive orders banning u. S. Entry from seven muslim majority nations which sparked worldwide protests and disagreement among the courts before a revised version was upheld. Were going to take our case as far as it needs to go including all the way up to the supreme court. Reporter the administration also ended the daca program, affecting some 700,000 undocumented immigrants brought to the u. S. As children. The daca policy produced by the last administration could not be sustained. Reporter the fate of the socalled dreamers was left in the hands of congress. Hopefully now congress will be able to help them and do it properly. Mr. President , i will not be commi complicit or silent. Reporter in 2017 some republicans went rogue, openly expressing disdain for the president of their own party. I think the debasement of our nation will be what hell be remembered most for. Reporter critics such as jeff flake of arizona and former trump supporter bob corker of tennessee announced they would not seek reelection to the senate. Its not enough to be conservative anymore. It seems that you have to be angry about it. Reporter both will remain in office until november, working with republican senators john mccain, ben sasse, and cory gardner, who have expressed condemnation of trump at different times as well. Were going to get a health bill passed. Were going to get health care taken care of in this country. Reporter republicans tried to repeal and replace obamacare. Received insufficient support. Removed the bill. Regrouped and were left reeling after repeat defeats. The motion is not agreed to. Reporter the most dramatic courtesy of republican john mccain. We promised to repeal and replace obamacare and we failed. Reporter the gop had no major legislative victory all year until december. Merry christmas, america. Reporter a 1. 5 trillion gop tax plan passed with a partial repeal of obamacare, handwritten et cetera, and absolutely no democratic support. A white supremacist rally in charlottesville, virginia began way torchlit march around a confederate monument. One of these White Supremacists rammed his car into a crowd, killing 32yearold heather heyer. The president initially failed to call out the White Supremacists. I think theres blame on both sides. Reporter even strong conservatives condemned his response. What trump did today was a moral disgrace. Reporter passionate demonstrations filled the streets. Nazis are not welcome here reporter and nationwide symbols of the confederacy were vandalized or officially removed. Youre fired. Reporter it was more than a catchphrase. Just ask press Secretary Sean Spicer or Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci or chief of staff Reince Priebus or chief strategist steve bannon or National Security adviser Michael Flynn and, of course why do you believe you were fired . I take the president at his word that i was fired because of the russia investigation. Reporter the Trump Administration had more than a dozen resignations, firings, and reassignments in its first year. The me too movement ushered in an era of accountability, ending careers and launching a battle for moral high ground. Allegations that republican roy moore sexually assaulted teen girls as an adult led alabama voters to elect their first democratic senator in 25 years. I am leaving while a man who has bragged on tape about his history of Sexual Assault sits in the oval office. Reporter fellow democrats forced senator al franken to announce his resignation after several women said he acted inappropriately. He just mashes his mouth to my lips. Reporter several others in congress including trent franks, john conyers, ruben cuen, and blake faronhold resigned after facing accusations of their own. But in response to accusations about the president s past actions the white house was defiant. Thats the big news here, is russian interference in our election system. Reporter the leaders of u. S. Intelligence agencies unanimously concluded that russia interfered in the president ial election. But did President Trumps campaign help them in their effort . I have nothing to do with russia. Reporter fbi director james comey was leading the investigation until he was fired. Now an investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller is digging deeper. Former National Security adviser Michael Flynn pleaded guilty to misleading the fbi and Campaign Chairman Paul Manafort was indicted. The is that the Intelligence Committee questioned donald trump jr. For hours about his meetings with russians in trump tower. Is he being forthcoming . There are a lot of legitimate questions that this individual needs to answer. Reporter all this as the president and his supporters playing defense tried to accuse the Mueller Investigation of bias. Those were our top seven political stories of 2017. But with the russia investigation still ongoing and control of the senate at stake, 2018 is sure to present unprecedented political headlines of its own. Im jake tapper. Stay tuned. Not a white xwrims a whiteout christmas literally. Thats what parts of the u. S. Midwest and northeast got this year. Look at this. Erie, pennsylvania where many of you are suffering with heavy snow. Now, heavy snows not rare. However, this years snowfall has broken records. In three days the city has got more than five feet of snow, and thats more than 1 1 2 meters. Meteorologist Pedram Javaheri joins me now from the World Weather center with the details. That is a serious amount of snow. It is. And its not going anywhere anytime soon, richard. Across that region we have a significant shift in the weather across parts of north america here. And were going to show you exactly how its playing out because the amount of snowfall as richard said is not one to be messed with. Were talking 40, 50, 60 inches in spots in a matter of just a couple of days. A lot of that frankly coming down on Christmas Day and the day after christmas. In fact, a way to depict that, a nice way to put in perspective, is on sunday on Christmas Eve about two inches fell. 34 inches fell on Christmas Day. Thats an alltime record for the day. And then 24 more followed on the 26th. And all of this being lake effect snow. We have all the elements in place with the cold arctic canadian air going directly over a warm body of water. Relatively warm body of water being the great lakes. The difference in temperature, the Energy Transfer that takes place allows tremendous amounts of moisture to be transferred from the great lakes directly over some of the communities on the shores there. And thats where we have tremendous snowfall come down. In fact, very much a similar pattern plays out across the east sea, or the sea of japan, with parts of japan seeing more snow than anywhere else on earth. A lot of people surprised that northwestern japan gets more snow than anywhere else on earth on the order of 100 feet in a few spots because of a similar pattern. But again, there is a perspective right there. Could see a few more inches out of this before its all said and done with over the next couple of days. But the big story becomes parts of 20 states here, uppadres of almost 50 Million People dealing with wind 1k45i8z below to as cold as 40 below zero over the next couple of days. Step outside it feels almost 40 at this hour across northern minnesota. As impressive as it gets. In fact, High Temperatures in spots across the Northern Tier of the u. S. Will struggle to get above the 0 degree fahrenheit mark. You notice any light breeze and it goes downhill quickly. For a little fascination here, how about this . In international falls, minnesota High Temperature going from minus 8 on the surface of mars, richard, this is from the mars rover, right now on the surface reporting a temperature around minus 9. So again, were talking serious cold in place. And this is all expected to linger and eventually spill toward the northeast, which would put it right around new york city for new years eve. At least youre not there this year, right, richard . Not so fast. Ill be in times square with anderson and andy. Oh, my goodness. What temperatures for new years eve in times square . In fahrenheit were looking at well below 0. Minus 20 or so celsius is what the wind chill could be across is that region. Were at least four layers, richard. Thermals upon thermals. Exactly, yeah. Thank you. I think bits of me will freeze. Right. There we go. Pedram. Not to put you off your breakfast or dinner wherever you are in the world. As we continue in the cnn newsroom, it wasnt too cold for a round of golf at President Trumps florida resort. Well show you just how much time mr. Trump has spent at his properties this year. First of all, a white house landmark soon to be consigned to the history books. Donald trump has taken his presidency on the road for nearly a third of his first year in office. And when hes away from washington, he spends much of his time at trumpowned properties. Now, 110 days so far this year. Over the summer it was his golf club in bedminster, new jersey. There was 40 days spent there. Hes visited the Trump National golf course in northern virginia. He was there 23 times. And hes currently at his private club in maralago, where he spent 39 days and counting. Now, thats fair enough. But it is pretty ironic when you consider how during the Election Campaign it was donald trump, candidate trump, who haranged president obama for playing too much golf. Jeanne moos reports. Reporter golf digest called him the golfer in chief. But because he used to slam president obama he played more golf last year than tiger woods. Reporter trump is getting heat because he himself has been doing so much golfing. Hes the tiger woods of hypocrisy. Reporter before he was President Trump posted tweets like can you believe that with all of the problems and difficulties facing the u. S. President obama spent the day playing golf . Because im going to be working for you. Im not going to have time to play golf. Believe me. Reporter hard to believe President Trump seems to have played golf we say seems because the white house avoids talking about it. As a cbs reporter tweeted, White House Press aide wouldnt say if potus played golf. Told of Twitter Photo of trump in golf attire he said he may have hit a few balls. Reporters have resorted to poring over photographs like this looking for telltale signs. Aha hes wearing a golf glove. Trump has said its best for a president to play with other leaders. I would not have made certain deals if it werent for golf. Big deals. Reporter the time we saw him playing golf wlard the president gave japans Prime Minister a pat on the shoulder. Golf diplomacy . Help foster deeper relationships in Southeast Asia in asia, rather. Reporter so who is the better golfer, obama or trump . Golf digest calls trump the best golfer to ever hold the presidency, with a 2. 8 handicap, compared to obamas 13. And look who else golfs. Theres ivanka in a dress billowing like Marilyn Monroes and high heels instead of golf shoes. But with the president sneaking off, were going to need a little birdie to tell us when hes gone golfing. President trump for the birdie. Reporter jeanne moos, cnn. New york. Silly game. Never liked golf. Im Richard Quest. Early start is next for viewers in the United States. For everybody else in the world ill be back in a moment in the cnn newsroom. Five feet of snow and climbing. Parts of the north and east getting socked with wenter with winter weather. And the white house is ready

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