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It is 5 00 a. M. On the u. S. East coast and washington, d. C. The situation there around the white house is returning to normal after a security scare. Officials tell cnn that a man drove up to the white house in the vehicle you see right there late saturday night. He told a guard that he had a bomb. Cnns ryan nobles has been on this story and has the very latest for us. This all started after 11 00 eastern time here in washington. Thats whether a man driving a vehicle pulled up to a Security Check point on the east side of the white house near the Treasury Department. He told the guard at that checkpoint that he had a bomb. That started off a security situation which lasted for more than four hours. Secret Service Agents and bomb technicians methodically checked the vehicle from front to back trying to pull items out of the trunk and a bomb technician in full bomb gear to go through those items. After that long search, the secret Service Agents declared the situation cleared and reopened a series of roads that had been shut down near the white house for several hours. This marks the Third Security incident here at the white house in a little more than a week. One man jumped over the fence and was on the white house grounds for more than 15 minutes. Earlier on saturday, a man jumped over an extended barrier attempting to get over the fence of the north lawn but was stopped by secret Service Agents. The president was not here at the time. He is at his resort, mara mara. This is going to start another debate about security conditions here at the white house. Ryan nobels, cnn, washington. Also, in washington, monday will mark one of the most crucial days yet for the new president and his administration. Thats because the fbi director, james comey, is set to testify publicly, before the house intelligence committee, the focus, possible russian meddling in last years election, specially any russian connections with the Trump Campaign. Cnn president ial historian, timothy napthali, says it could be a revealing moment even if the director is short on details. I suspect that monday we will hear a little bit about the extent to which the fbi has undertaken a Counter Intelligence investigation about possible u. S. Assistance to the russian active measures or deception campaign. I dont expect a lot of detail but that we will learn about the extent of the investigation sgchlt will hthe kremlin view i. Clare sebastian is live. This will be an opportunity for many around the world to hear what the fbi director is focused on if there is an investigation, what might have happened between the Trump Campaign or the administration and russia. On that side of the world, is this a major story . The kremlin publicly is saying they are very busy with their own hearings. The kremlin spokesman stealthtes he doesnt expect to hear anything new. Making the point that these accusations against russia keep coming despite the fact that russia has strenuously denied it was involved in any meddling and insisted any contact between the russian officials and Trump Campaign were nothing more than the day to day business of diplomacy. It is fair to say when you have the fbi director testifying under oath on capitol hill about russia, we understand that russia will be watching. Certainly, this is an uncomfortable moment for the Trump Administration but also perhaps for russia. Over the last two months, we have gone from a situation where many of those high up in political circles, the media, would engage in a friendly p way toward a potential improvement in the relationship with the u. S. Under trump. Those hope vs. Bes have been rey disappointed. Russia may be trumps biggest achilles heel. Thats why you see these offhand dismissals from the kremlin and a marked decrease in media coverage. Clare sebastian, live in the russian capital with perspective. Lets get some perspective on mondays upcoming hearing with scott lucas, professor of International Politics at the university of birmingham in england. Always a pleasure to have you with us. Clearly, this could be a telling moment whether we see the fbi director speak publicly about whether there was any sort of connection between russia and the election. I think it is just opening. We have a long play ahead of us. While the fbi director will come out and say there is substance, he has to be careful. You dont go in with all guns blazing unless you have all the evidence assembled. Thats going to take some time. I expect him to say, first of all, look, there is no truth to the allegations that the Obama Administration wiretapped the Trump Campaign, thus clearing away this diversion and emphasizing, yes, we do have a serious situation with which the fbi is justly engaged and, therefore, giving substance to those who say there has to be a significant independent investigation of these claims. Director comey has come under fire in the past. How he handled issues like the clinton email situation for one is his credibility in question here . I think people do remember what happened last october. He really went aagainst protocol when he said the investigation had been reopened only days ahead of the election. Thats going to reinforce his caution. He has congressmen on both side, democrats and republicans this will look at any point where they think he stepped over the line. He has to defend the independence of the fbi. Donald trump has tried to push back by saying they are not legitimate. It is not just comey whose representation is on the line just as trumps reputation will be on the line in the weeks to come. When it comes to the United States an dealing with intelligence, certainly, there has been the wiretapping claim from the united kingdom. How does that play out with the president continuing to double down on these unsubstantiated claims with no evidence to back them up. Just when i think our jaws have dropped, the willingness by trump to alienate americas closest allies, the british, the germans, simply because, one, he cannot stand any criticism, two, i think he is justifiably worried about the exposure of possible link toss russia and, three, because he is unpredictable and has no filter on his thoughts, thats a really toxic combination. We see it in serious areas. Trump, as it were twitter tirades, they are like the twitter of the ice burg thats going to sink americas reputation if it continues. Thank you so much for your insight, scott lucas. Well be back to continue talking. Thank you. Another provocation from north korea. Reports say the regime has successfully tested a powerful new rocket engine. Earlier, cnn spoke with our military analyst about the Technology Significance of this technological significance of this test. Some of these technologies actually have to do with a covert method of firing missiles without being detected in advantage of exploding the devices. Thats part of the issue. The other pieces are when you are talking about an intercontinental ballistic missile, the type of warheads and the amount of weight in the missile itself have to be launched off of a bad and the better they can improve their technology, the more accurate these systems are going to be not only from leaving the pad but going into the atmosphere and hitting the target. All of these things are step ns a program that continue to advance their technology. Cnns will ripley is live in beijing where the u. S. Secretary of state, rex tillerson, just met with the chinese president , xi jinping and i have a feeling that whoo we just talked about was certainly on the table. Absolutely. Secretary tillerson has said that north korea is the most pressing concern he faces right now. That has really dominated conversations in jap app, south korea and here in china. He met with chinas two leading diplomats and very pleasant statements made publicly. Behind closed doors, very frank and candid exchanges. China and the United States have very different opinions about the best way to deal with north korea. China would like to see the u. S. Discontinue military exercises that are on going right now. Pyongyang gets very angry and we see this during the joint military exercises. The u. S. Says they are conducted in full transparency, a necessary part of two militaries learning how to work together. There is no plan to discontinue those exercises. What the u. S. Thinks china needs to dice more heavily sanction or penalize north korea for their on Going Nuclear missile activity. There was a yunited nations report that was led by kim jongun. In defines of those sanctions. Secretary tillerson was expected to say, if beijing is not prepared to reign in north cre yar crekorea, this is something something china would not be happy about. This is an important story. It is good to have you there. I want to pivot and talk about the process for which it takes for a reporter to be there and cover the secretary of state. I know that he only traveled with one reporter on the plane. Explain the situation for journalists frying to travel, trying to follow and report on news on big stories like this one where the world wants information. It has been a very frustrating situation for the diplomatic press core. It is accustomed to traveling with the secretary of state. In a country like china, where it is very difficult for journalist toss get a visa to work op the ground, traveling with the secretary of state would have allowed these seasoned diplomatic reporters to be able to cover the trip more ex pen ten they feel it has been a struggle to freely report about the secretary of state. They are hoping the administration will reexamine, the state department, moving forward. Will ripley live for us in the chinese capital, beijing. Thank you for your reporting. Well stay in touch with you as well. Children are being taught how to react to a potential north Korean Missile attack in japan. Our ivan watson has this report. Reporter japanese schoolchildren at play overseen by teachers who sometimes join in the fun until there is suddenly interrupted. At the sound of the siren, children hit the deck and wait for further instructions. This is a drill. A missile has been launched. This is japans first missile exercise. A simulation preparing people for the threat of a possible fort Korean Missile strike against this country. The japanese government is trying to demonstrate that as north koreas Missile Program grows more sophisticated, communities like this could become a target. The japanese will do all they can to shoot down north Korean Missiles. Earlier this month, neither japan or the u. S. Or south korean allies could stop north korea from successfully firing four missiles in a single day. Three of them landed in the sea less than 200 nautical miles from the small, coastal town. In this sleepy, fishing port, locals are waking up to a growing threat. It is scary, says this fisherman, who has just hauled in freshly caught octopus. You never know what the North Koreans might do next. For some here, the missile exercise brings back painful memories. During world war ii, we performed evacuation drills, the 89yearold tells me. We put on gas masks and dug tunnel toss hide in. In the future, you might have to do that again. The principal says his students need to be prepared for a manmade disaster. Usually, we perform drills for Natural Disaster but the potential threat from a missile is beyond imagination. In addition to its fresh air and seafood, this remote corner of japan is famous for namahage, a fairy tale monster that kept kids awake at night. Now, there is a very real threat that may leave everyone here losing sleep. Ivan watson, cnn, olga, japan. Ivan watson, thank you. Some sad news to report. A big loss to the music world. The father of rock n roll has died. Roll over beethoven he was a foundational icon, chuck berry, found dead at his home near st. Louis, missouri, on saturday. His sixdecade career included hits like sweet little 16, johnny be good and rock n roll music. Michelle turner has more on this rock n roll legend. Reporter chuck berry was one of the pioneers of rock n roll. His powerful guitar licks fueled hit songs such as johnny b good, maybelline and roll overbay toe ven. During the 50s and 60s, his music signaled a new era in rock n roll. His ability to blend r b and rock made a strong impact on the beatles and the Rolling Stones. Berry experienced a career resurgence in the mid 80s and 90s. His music reentered pop culture in films such as back to the future and pulp fix. In 1984, he received a grammy Lifetime Achievement award and a year later, he became the rock n roll hall of fame first inductee. On the heels of his induction, the stones Keith Richards invited a roster of great mu x musicians to celebrate his birthday. He was humbled to receive a star on the hollywood walk of fame. I dont have the voice, the wind, the spirit but i will remember it the rest of my life. Reporter the married father of four repeatedly had trouble with the law, behind bars three times for charges from attempted robbery to tax evasion and convicted of transporting an underaged girl across state lines. However, berrys career was not derailed. The margin of glory is not too high. The margin of defeat is not too low. I live right through it without any pain. Berry received the Kennedy Center honor award in 2000 and continued to perform well into his 80s. His remarkable contribution to music will forever remain a part of rock n roll history. Chuck berry, dead at the age of 90 years old. Ne no newsroom will be back. My belly pain and constipation . I could build a small city with all the overthecounter products ive used. Enough ive tried enough laxatives to cover the eastern seaboard. Ive climbed a Mount Everest of fiber. Probiotics . Enough avo if youve had enough, tell your doctor what youve tried and how long youve been at it. Linzess works differently from laxatives. 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I tell them the thickness of your enamel determines patients they ask me about whitening all of the time. Essentially how white your teeth are going to be. The strength of your teeth needs to be there in order for that whiteness to last. I would definitely recommend the new pronamel strong and bright to my patients to keep their enamel strong, help to keep stains away, and polish the enamel. Theyre going to get whiter, brighter teeth. This is going to be a really great product for my patients. Bounty is more absorbent,mom per roll so the roll can last 50 longer than the leading ordinary brand. So you get more life per roll. Bounty, the quicker picker upper were learning more about the attacker at an airport outside of paris. French troops shot and killed him after he tried to grab a soldier and put a gun to his head. He has been identified. He is believed to be a 39yearold he believed the 39yearold also shot a Police Officer north of paris earlier in the day. Cnns melissa bell has been tracking the story, live with us in the french capital. What more do we know this hour . Reporter a much more clear picture of the series of events yesterday. This man began his rampage just before 7 00 a. M. Local time, shooting a Police Officer as part shooting at a group of Police Officers, wounding one of them, Police Officers that tried to stop his car and check his identity papers. He ditched that car after fleeing and car jacked another bringing frances second biggest airport to a p stand still. We heard from the paris prosecutor that gave us lots of details about the preliminary findings of the investigation. He was known not only for common crimes like robbery and Drug Trafficking but had come across intelligence services, radars, for radicalization. His home had been searched back in 2015 after terror attacks in which 130 were killed. It was deemed not enough was found and that level of surveillance was not sufficient to prevent him acting yesterday. We dont know exactly what he was intending to do. He set out from home armed with this canister of petro in his backpack. We dont know what his initial intention was. Where would he have headed had he not been stopped by the policemen. That, for the time being, remains a mystery. Melissa bell, live in paris, thank you for the reporting. Ar stoi sto story in china. They have seen an incredible urbanization. Derek van dam is here to tell us more. There are gee og grafrs that study this phenomenon. Incredible. Shanghai is the perfect example of what is taking place with this urban i zation. Back in 1960, 16 of chinas population lived in cities. 56 , 760 million, now living within the city centers. To put it in further perspective, the United States is at 318 million people. Lets break it down for shanghai. This is a nasa satellite immanly image taken back in 1984. Lets fast forward to 2016. You see the shading of gray that spreads west northeast and south. That is urbanization. Thats what we see the population growth so quickly. We saw over five times the square kilometers of this particular area grow within that period. We are talking about four decades, from 308 square kilometers in 1984 to nearly 1400 square kilometers in 2015. Unbelievable to see whats happening in china. Whats also unbelievable is the rescue stories coming out of peru. We keep showing you the footage and talking about the story of the flooding in peru. It needs to be highlighted. The situation is very serious. The death toll has climbed to 72. There are 811 communities under state of emergency. Thanks to the excessive rain that continues to fall. The water temperatures are about 5 degrees celsius warmer nan it shou should be. It brings extreme rainfall to this region. I want to show you one last piece of footage. This is a mudslide coming down a mountain. Look at the tourists and residents locked inside this bus as it hits them. This is terrifying to see. It is important we continue to highlight this story. It is on going. The rains wont stop for several weeks. Derek van dam, thank you. Still ahead here, they are responsible for protecting the president of the United States but the secret service has been suffering some major Security Problems lately. Well have that story. Cnn is live from atlanta, georgia, on our networks in the United States and around the world this hour. You are watching cnn muse room. vo this is not a video game. This is not a screensaver. This is the destruction of a cancer cell by the bodys own immune system, thanks to medicine that didnt exist until now. And today can save your life. Announcer get on your feet for the nastiest bull in the state of texas. Thats why i use excedrin. N hold because of a headache. It has two pain fighters plus a booster and for some, headache relief starts in just 15 minutes. Now moments lost to headaches are moments gained with excedrin. [heartbeat] the more mysterious they sound, the more. Powerful youll think they are. Its time to see what power really looks like. New neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair with accelerated retinol sa. Clinically proven to reduce wrinkles in just one week. Wrinkles . Your time is up rapid wrinkle repair. And for dark spots. Rapid tone repair. Neutrogena® see whats possible. Welcome back to our viewers here in the United States and around the world. I am George Howell. With the headlines we are following. This hour, north korea said it successfully tested a powerful new rocket engine. Reports are calling the tests a great leap forward in that countrys rocket industry. Experts say that technology could help north korea to launch a satellite or to launch a longrange missile. French Prosecutor Says the man behind the attack shouted, im here to die for allah and there will be deaths. French troops shot and killed attacker after he tried to grab a soldiers rifle and put a gun to her head. Pope francis travel toss egypt to celebrate 70 years of diplomatic relations between the vatican and cairo. His First International trip of the year. Much of the focus will be on improving relations between christians and muslims. Authorities in washington scrambled after a bomb scare just outside the white house. Law enforcement officials tell cnn a drive drove up to a checkpoint in his vehicle and claimed to have a bomb. Security around the white house has return td ed to normal. No confirmation of explosives found. When it comes to protecting the president of the United States, the secret service has been face ag numbing a number o challenges from leaked first photos of the first family and a man making it inside of the white house grounds. Reporter a stolen laptop potentially compromising the security at trump tower in new york is the latest setback for the secret service. A senior Law Enforcement source confirms an agents computer was stolen out of her car in new york city thursday. On it, floor plans and evacuation protocols for trump tower. The laptop was highly encrypted but cant be traced or erased remotely. They said there is no classified information on the computer. Two agents are the subject of an internal investigation after being accused of photographing the president s grandson. The entire trump family and children received protection and they say they took pictures of donald trump jr. s son as he was sleeping being driven across new york city. This comes as we learn about a Security Breach at the white house where an intruder spent at least 15 minutes evading security on white house grounds while inches closer to the president. 26yearold Jonathan Tran scaled a Treasury Department fence last friday and set off several alarms and still managed to sneak past a secret Service Security post before being caught in the inner portion of the white house grounds. He was carrying two cans of mace and walking close to the exterior wall of the white house while the president was home. Trump praised the secret services response. The secret service did a fantastic job. It was a troubled person. Reporter former secret Service Agent says the breach is disturbing. He was able to beat the physical security measures at the white house, the technological security measures and the human capital, the uniformed guards. Thats very alrming. Reporter a House Oversight committee wants the breach investigated writing, if true, these allegations raise questions about whether the agencys security protocols are adequate. All of these things are embarrassments to the secret service and compounding that problem is that there is no director of the secret service right now. Joe clancy has retired. The onus is on dhs. The u. S. President wants to substantially increase military funding while making massive cuts to other agencies. That could mean trouble for parents with children enrolled in after School Programs in the United States. The school day is done. The learning is not over. More than 130 of the students, most of whom live in low income households are part of an Afterschool Program called wings for kids. Its called wings because the goal of the program is to encourage kids to soore soar. They learn, socialize, and have snacks. They even have their own creed. Under president trumps new proposed federal budget, wings primary source of funding would be eliminated. There are 11 wings for kids programs in three states with about 1600 children participating. Richard laird is the ceo. How does that make you feel . It makes me feel devastated. I have been with this organization for 19 years and thinking about the kids losing this program honestly breaks my heart. Wings for kids gets 1. 6 million a year from the federal program called 21st century learning centers. That Program Receives about 1. 2 billion a year from the federal government that it then gives out to after School Organizations across the country. All of that money would disappear under the president s budget plan. That will eliminate our programs. We will not be able to have the programs we have operating in the fashion that they do and our kids will no longer be able to come to the program. They will go either home to unsupervised houses or their parents will be required to quit their jobs and stay home with them. Jessica williams has two daughters in the program. What happens if it goes away . I really dont know how i could i really dont know. I will be lost. Reporter president trumps budget director said there is no demonstrable evidence that they help children do better in school. People in charge hearsay thre s disagree. Increases in positive behavior. Decreases in negative behavior. Reporter as for the elementary schoolers. What do you like bess snt. Building friendships with some of my friends. Reporter is it fun to be here too . Of course. It is a good place to learn and it is fun to know everything and there is a lot of fun that you can do and activities. Reporter do you like hanging out with your friends . Very much. Reporter they seem blissfully unaware it could soon be going away. Gary tuchman cnn, college park, georgia. Gary, thank you. Fighting and an endless drought and famine. Four countries are facing a dire emergency. We will hear how aid workers are trying to stave off the disaster next. Terrible toilet paper ill never get clean way ahead of you. Charmin ultra strong. It cleans better. Its four times stronger. And you can use less. Enjoy the go with charmin. Heigh ho heigh ho heigh ho heigh ho its off to work we go heres to all of you early risers, whats up man . Gogetters, and shouldbe sleepers. From all of us at delta, because the ones who truly change the world, are the ones who cant wait to get out in it. Because the ones who truenergy is amazing. D, how we use it is only limited by our imagination. And at Southern Company were building the future of energy, for you. The dinosaurs extinction. Got you outnumbered. Dont listen to them. Not appropriate. Now im mashing these potatoes with my stick of butter. Why dont you sit over here. Something for everyone is awesome. Find your awesome with the Xfinity Stream app. More to stream to every screen. Welcome back to cnn newsroom. Im George Howell. Millions of people could starve to death without emergency help. The nations says the communities suffering from yemen and somalia, south sudan and kenya are facing a devastating famine. Some areas are dealing with years of on going fighting. Other regions have seen little rain there and there is no end in sight for the drought. U. N. Leaders are calling the situation the worst humanitarian crisis that has been seen in decades. Lets see how aid workers are trying to prevent disaster. Jeremy cole is here with us on set. Thank you so much for being with us, jeremy. I want to show our viewers what we are dealing with to help people like this child. Absolutely i can. This is a humanitarian crisis thats only going to get worse unless we act now. 1. 4 million children in just four countries are in imminent risk of starving to death. We have to get them food. Unicef has been around for 70 years. We just celebrated our 70th birthday. We respond to over 200 emergencies every year. The core of our work is putting children first. What we want to do is make sure these children get the food that they need, the nutrition they need to survive, because we believe in a world where no child should die from not having enough to eat. How difficult is it for your teams there on the ground . It is very challenging. These are complex environments for us. There is more political conflict. The more difficult it is. Our unicef workers are tremendous. They are heroes in the field, working in these difficult circumstances to deliver aid directly to kid. The other thing we dice work with governments. Thats whats very unique about unicefs work. We are working to deal with these issues on a longterm basis. We are not going to see this in two years, three years, four years. We are not going to feed the kids now. We have to build systems so these kids are never hungry again. We have seen the largest migration that the world has seen since world war ii. Thats right. How does a group like unicef respond to that . 50 million children on the run, the most since world war ii. These are not refugees, they are not migrants, they are not displaced people. For us and for the world, they should be children. Children first. These are children who need our support. Children on the run, children just like our children, yours and mine, who want to snuggle a teddy bear. We need to help them and support them. We have the expertise, the scope, reach to do that work. We need support to do this work. This is the time where the demand is quite high. Nations are shifting their priorities. The recent budget would lead to major cuts to u. S. Foreign aid, groups like unicef. What would that mean for efforts like your group to help these children and the many around the world . I would make two points. Children know no politics. Un se unicef is an apolitical organization. It is the right thing to do. The second point is that it is the smart thing to do, investing in children and the resilience of children and the dreams of children. This is good for our global and national security. It is a smart thing to do. What we need to do is draw on the spirit of the great philanthropic spirit of our country, public and private support to provide for those most in need. Under a budget like this, that would be even more important, correct . Potentially challenging, all the more reason we need the American People to step up and raise their voices for children. We need to build a movement for children so we know investing in children is the right thing to do and the smart thing to do. Jeremy cole with unicef, thank you for being with us to explain what your group is doing around the world. We appreciate it. Cnn newsroom will be right back after the break. 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Music legends like elvis and the beatles covered his songs. Chuck berry was one of the first inductees in the rock n roll hall of fame in 1986. He was rocks greatest practitioner, guitarist and the greatest pure rock n roll writer who ever lived from spruce springsteen. A tremendous loss for the giants of the ages. Earlier we spoke to entertainment journalist about the legacy of chuck berry. Joining me now, an entertainment journalist and pop contributor to access hollywood live. Each time i talk to you, an artist has died, prince, jorgeo michael, david bowie. They were artist that is broke the mold and influenced generations of others. Tell us about chuck berry. Chuck berry is an icon. He would have to go down as one of the godfathers, if not the godfather of rock n roll. If you imagine his guitar licks, his instrumentation, his songwriting influenced the beatles, the Rolling Stones and elvis presley. So there is no rock n roll without chuck berry. Thats interesting, because i was just talking to the team in the control room and the team that produces the show. Hey, guys, whats your Favorite Song . Some people said, we are not that old. He doesnt necessarily rest nate th resonate that much with a Younger Generation. I think whats lost on the Younger Generation is the history of music. You dont have led zeppelin, guns and roses, any bands that people love today or listen to. They dont have that without chuck berry. If you havent seen back to the future with michael j. Fox doing the chuck berry duck walk and playing johnny be good in the movie, you havent lived. Chuck berry is an icon from all corners of the world. His music and that music of rock n roll has spread. He is one of those artists, even if you dont listen to him specifically, probably what you are listening to today, there has been some influence from him. Absolutely. If you think about it, rock n roll music is rebellious music, revolutionary music. At the time that chuck berry and Little Richard oand other icons were formulating this type of anger and putting it into their music and telling where it came from. It speaks to everybody. You can be a reggae artist in jamaica that that guitar spoke to and you get some bob marley music. You could be english kids and the beatles are influenced, the stones are influenced, the who is influenced. The beach boys are hearing guitar licks from chuck berry and it is being woven into their music. Chuck berry is the fabric of rock n roll. You dont have this music without him. Thats fascinating. Tell me about the revolutionary rebellious side . Well, sex, drugs, and rock n roll may never have existed more closely than in one man. You think of those three terms. He was arrested, had battles with substance abuse. The music was that underlying passion and that rebellion against the system. Chuck actually said, i lived in the middle, never got too high or too low with the career. He was still playing shows into his 80s. That gives you an idea about how much that music meant to him, how much it stirred his soul and i think kept him young. Segun, thank you so much. I make you a promise, next time we speak, it wont be after a passing. Well find another topic. I make that promise. Thank you very much. Before we go, one other thing about chuck berry that you may not have known. Decade ago when the u. S. Space agency launched the voyage injury space probes, they included a time capsule meant for whoever or whatever might find them. In it, nasa sent a record album of some of the most wellknown music on earth and chuck berrys johnny be good was included in that album. The voyager probes are still hurdling through space nearly 40 years later with chuck berrys music waiting to be discovered by someone or, dear we say something. Sfoet snet go, johnny, go it is cool to think that music is out there playing in outer space. Thanks so much for being wuss for cnn newsroom. 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