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Im George Howell at cnn headquarters in atlanta. And live for you in london, thanks so much for joining us this hour on cnn newsroom. It is 3 01 on the u. S. East coast, the u. S. President and his unsclaims that he was wiretapped. He accused the former u. S. President of ordering the wiretaps at trump tower yesterday. Again, mr. Trump offering no evidence still asking congress to investigate. Cnn has more. The fbi yesterday asked the department of justice to refute the allegations by donald trump that the Obama Administration wiretapped his phone in october during the campaign. We learned that some time over the weekend, the fbi reached out to the department of justice to try and work something out, to try and ask them if there was a way they could refute these stories. The fbi was very concerned about the allegations being not true. And the climate that it could create and the feeling that somehow the fbi was involved in this. So the director asked that the department of justice refute these. And so far, the department of justice has not done so. We asked them for comment tonight. They have not responded to our request for comment. And were just, basically, now, waiting to see what happens going forward. And also politically what this means for the fbi director and trump and how trump will react to the idea that the chief Law Enforcement officer of this country of the United States would refute. Basically say, these allegation that is youre making are not true. Shimon in new york for us, thank you. Pushing ahead on this story, more, my colleagues pamela brown and cnn political analyst david spoke with tom fuente serks. He says the fbis request in itself is a rejection of mr. Trumps claim. Lets season. Tom, this request from the fbi to the department of justice to knock down this claim by the president , is this unprecedented . I cant remember another time when Something Like this happened, so i think, yes, as far as i can tell, it is unprecedented. But i think that, you know, its interesting that what seems to be a request of the department of justice has actually knocked down the stories. It doesnt matter, now, the department of justice concurs or not and im not sure who would because if we have the attorney general, sessions, rekusing himself on matters related and all of this related to the russian investigation, then who is the request going to go to in the department of justice. This is similar to what happened last july when the attorney general lynch, at the time, said shell go whatever recommendation the fbi makes. So yet again we have a situation where we dont have a fully on board attorney general with regard to this case. Lets get more on this now joining me, leslie, shes a senior analyst. Lets so much to talk about. Why its happening allegations. We understand that the fbi or the Justice Department should have something to say about this and yet weve heard not a peep out of them yet. I guess it is early on monday morning. Your take on the scandal, if you like, that donald trump is talking about. Quite a weekend, came up quickly on the back of attorney general Jeff Sessions recusing himself from having to do with the russian investigations. So donald trump didnt respond to well and woke up and tweeted. So now we have this very curious situation where the former director of National Intelligence says that there were no there was no wiretapping, no proof of wiretapping during his period of rule. And, of course, the fbi director asking that they that the Justice Department make it clear that this did not happen. Its a very difficult situation. Now, what could happen is that the ongoing investigations by the house and senate and intelligence committees could just look at this and that will be a very easy resolution at some level. But politically this is very very serious allegation, and it seems to be unfounded. Every one honkered down, a busy weekend ahead as if we ever had a quiet one, and the travel ban and obama care both going to be topics coming up. Thats right. Supposedly there will be a revised travel ban put out today. Now, remember this was incredibly contentious travel ban, it invoked massive rave. Interestingly the Trump Administration has taken quite a long time. What were led to believe is that there will be major revisions that iraq will be taken off the list of the seven states, thats very significant, of course, United States have been working with iraqis in the war against isis in many different capacities. And also that Syrian Refugees will not be treated differently from other categories and also the protection for religious minorities will, apparently, will be removed which will make it harder to lodge an attack on the basis that its unconstitutional on the rights of any religious group. It should be quite different. One of the things thats been plaguing Donald Trumps administration is this idea of leaks. There was a Washington Post the other day saying there were 17 sources within the administration that this was based on. Itss obviously leaking all over the place. This idea of a deep state of some sort of forces in action against donald trump within his administrati administration, just explain, what this deep state might be. Its very curious term, usually the term deep state has been used to refer to countries like egypt, not the United States. Its when you think about the United States and this term being adopted on more than center right. And the idea is that there are forces within the government and bureaucracy, especially within the intelligence communities that are opposed to the president and leaks in the washington, d. C. , this was the way the game is played. Theres a sense that theres a deep bureaucracy within the United States government, this is the claim, right, thats really fighting against the president , the current president of the United States. And nancy pelosi among the democrats youve described, donald trump president as the deflector in chief at the moment. He says he wants to get on with his agenda and focus on what hes doing about jobs. Do you sense theres some frustration within his own staff. He said hes angry with them about Jeff Sessions, they must be angry with him as well maybe about these tweets early on sunday morning, as well, just catching them all on the wrong foot. Thats right. Remember tuesday after his address to congress, there was a sense that went quite well with the American Public and there might be moment to move forward the legislative agenda, everybody is waiting, right, repeal and replace of obama care and tax reform and were into the seventh week, first 1 hyunda hundred days are crucial. Theres so much energy putting being put into trying to contain the president and contain the tweaets and contain the distraction of their ability to move forward the legislative agenda. Its no longer new presidency and i think really moving forward seems to be quite critical at this moment. Were expecting to have some legislative plans for obama care, to be outlined as well. Thats right. Thank you very much for coming in and joining us. New version of executive order to ban travel from seven muslim majority countries could be unvailed in a matter of hours as we were just alluding to. As cnn ryan report, the trumps team hopes this version will clear the hurdles that stalled the first one. The newly revised executive order dealing with who can and cannot get into the United States could come as soon as monday. The new travel ban is expected to be more finely tuned as the original, avoiding legal hurdles like the first which is currently being held up in federal court. The new executive order is expected to exclude legal permanent residents and those currently holding visas. Its also expected to exclude language that prioritizes refugees claims. After the president s successful joint address to congress, the white house decided to separate the announcement from the speech, to give the executive order its own moment. What isnt clear is whats going to happen to the old executive order. Its possible it could be out right revoked. Sean spicer said the two orders could continue on dual track, right up until the last minute, the administration is making tweaks to the order. Sources say there is a debate among trump advisers about whether or not iraq should be removed from the list of muslimmajority countries from which travel will be cut off. One thing that will be different the implementation. Homeland security john kelly has promised the new policy will be phased in as opposed to just immediately put into place. Still, immigration advocates are already Staffing International airports around the country prepared to help those that may get caught up in the ban once implemented. Cnn, washington. Aside from those unsubstantiated claims of what is happening and the revised travel ban were expecting, this is going to be another very busy week for the u. S. President. His attorney general, Jeff Sessions plans to give a written statement to the Senate Judiciary Committee Regarding his contacts with the russians ambassador and we could hear more from congress about how its going to respond to the claims against the wiretapping. Another big story were covering this hour, north korea launching four Ballistic Missiles reacting. Japans Prime Minister says three of the missiles landed in its exclusive Economic Zone. Hes calling the laurchgnch a c violation. The United States released this statement saying in part we will remain prepared and well continue to take steps to increase our readiness to defend ourselves and our allies from attack. Joining now to talk more about this is cnn Global Affairs elise. Elise has been following the story for us, thanks for being with us. So, lets talk about this, you know, given the strong statement that we heard from the United States, there are several things at play here, one of them, the u. S. And south korea are engaged in joint military drills, to the north, Chinas National Peoples Congress is taking place. There is a lot happening at a very delicate time, elise. I think the u. S. And its allies, especially south korea, expected that north korea would do something in response to these annual drills between the u. S. And south korea. These are some of the largest annual drills north korea is always warning against and says that to take them as a threat and even though the u. S. And south korea maintain its not, they expect some north korean provocation around the times of many the missile of the joint exercises. I want to talk more about whats happening in china right now. You remember back on the campaign trail last year, President Trump said that china, he suggested that china could do more about the north korean issue, the threats coming from north korea. Given that this has happened at a time china is having its National Peoples congress, give us a sense of the optics. Well, i mean, i think the optics are more right now about these exercises, but certainly while the chinese are having these important meetings, you know, that obviously that brings north korea, you know, to the kind of pop up of National Security conversations there. I think that the u. S. And President Trump, in particular, has really, you know, made an effort of trying to talk to the chinese to say listen, you have to become part of the solution here, secretary of state Rex Tillerson has made it one of his priorities to put pressure on north korea as north korea only ally and benefactor, hes been putting pressure on the chinese after his meeting with foreign minister wong wang in berlin a couple of weeks ago. You saw the chinese cut off all full imports from north korea. Theres a lot more chinese can do, its not enough the u. S. That i think that the pressure will slowly begin to grow on china to do more to bring north korea to the table. Its good to get reporting and respective for you, as correspondent thank you so much for joining us on the line. My pleasure. Cnn is covering this story with our correspondents based around the world. Live this hour in Seoul South Korea and from tokyo. Paula, lets start with you, what has been the reaction there and what more can you tell us about these missiles . Well, george, we heard from one u. S. Official that they said the initial reports were that these were intermediate range missiles. We know they flew a thousand kilometers. They may have flown up high into the air. Clearly, the range of these missiles far more than that 1,000 kilometers. The South Koreans are condemning it seriously. The acting president , this morning, held a National Security Council Meeting and said that north korea is acting in defiance of the International Community saying that the consequences of a nuclear thono korean regime will be appalling among imagination. There are concerns. The timing isnt a surprise, at this point, though as elise were saying the joint military drills every single year provoke this kind of response from north korea, some years we have seen dozens of Ballistic Missiles being fired in protest. North korea says it believes these drills prelude to an invasion, the u. S. And south korea, theyre saying theyre defensive and routine. George. Serious reaction there from south korea. These missiles, again i fired into the sea of japan. Will riply in tokyo this hour. Will, this is certainly alarming for this nation so close to the shores what has been the reaction there . Yeah, by some accounts, george, those Ballistic Missiles landed 200 miles from the japanese coast. Obviously, any projectile that lands in the exclusive Economic Zone those waters close to japan is alarming. This is not the first time north korean missiles have threatened this country. There have been incidents dating back even ten years ago when missiles have flown over japan and, you know, essentially putting within striking range millions of people here in tokyo, more than 50,000 u. S. Troops are stationed here in japan and so here in tokyo, the Prime Minister was speaking with lawmakers and he said that they believe this is a new level of danger from north korea because even though there have been missiles launched before, what weve seen over the last few years has been very rapid progress in this missile development, more advanced type of missiles, the solid fuel missiles that can be launched without much warning. So this is this is a major concern here. Paula, if you would, just put this incident into context, given what we saw before north korea taking provocative steps with its missile program. Well, certainly, as will just mentioned, there was one just a few weeks ago that was actually the first Missile Launch during the Trump Administration since donald trump had taken power. We had seem some relevant restraint just before the u. S. Election last november for a month or so afterwards, as well. Some say that they were just sitting back and enjoying the political upheaval in south korea, but others say that it was a potential reach out to the United States to see if there could be some kind of different relationship with the Trump Administration and certainly we heard that from some north korean officials. But we do know that these drills every year annoy north korea. Its not a least bit surprising that were seeing these missiles now and potentially well see far more in the coming weeks. These drills dont finish until the end of april, george. And will, this question to you just drawing on your experience traveling to and reporting throughout north korea, there are really two reactions here. So theres a reaction were talking about from around the world. Also theres a reaction domestic cli how they view these launches, explain to our viewers around the world how important it is for North Koreans and do they get the full story of what happens with these launches . They dont get the full story, george. They hear about every success and every triumph by their leader, but they dont hear about missile test failures. What they are told north korea is under the em nant threat of invasion by the United States. When i was talking with officials, they were already outraged about these joint military exercises which are happening right now. As paula said, we often see north korea fire these missiles during those exercises. But the message that they get is despite the hardship in the country going without electricity, many people food and secure that they believe they have to do this. Theyre told they have to endure this because their government must invest in these weapons to protect their national sovereignty. The mess sanging inside the country very different from what the world sees. Paula hancock and will in japan, we appreciate the reporting and tex for you bocon both. Well stay with you. Coming up after 20 past 8 00 here in london. A rash of welcome back to cnn newsroom. In Rochester New York Police are investigating dang to a Jewish Cemetery where more than a dozen tombstones were topple just last week. It appears to be part of threats against jewish institutions across the United States. The governor of new york is showing his support for americas Jewish Community with a visit to israel over the weekend. Cnn had a chance to speak with the government and joins live from jerusalem on more what the government had to say about the vandalism at the cemetery. George, it was a very short visit, but a very important visit for new york governor andrew, his purpose here was to show people, show israel how close these two countries stand together and more importantly how close new york stands to israel. He said that anybody who tries to drive these two apart will only serve to drive them closer together. His visit wasnt just here to tell the people here what the u. S. Is doing against antisentiment he targeted hate crimes in general, pointing just as it isnt acceptable, neither is islam phobia, neither are hate crimes against blacks. It was against hate crimes in general, to stop one is to work on stopping all of them. I got a chance to talk to them one on one, sheer part of what he here is part of what he had to say. Weve had antimuslim attacks in the United States. Weve had antiafricanamerican attacks and incidents in the United States. Weve had more antise mattics no doubt. There is an anger in the United States that is being vented and its being vented at people who are different, right, who is the target, people who are different of the target, different color skin, different religion, they come from a different place, different language. The differences become the enemy. And thats very dangerous for the United States. Governor has had the new York State Police not only reward to help catch those responsible but set up a special task force to investigate hate crimes. Stopping hate in general is a matter of education, he said thats absolutely right. He said first step is to stop the hate crimes and then you can work on the bigger picture. Stopping hate. Lieberman, thank you for the still ahead here on newsroom, russias enthusiasm for the president of the United States, well, it may be cooling off a bit. Well see why the countrys media there is dramatically ramping down its coverage of the Trump Administration. Thats ahead. Plus well be looking at the School Exercise known as the sweat shop challenge, teaching students what it feels like to be a victim of forced labor. Back to our viewers here in the United States. Youre watching cnn newsroom and its good to have you with us. Sources the fbi wants the Justice Department knock down for President Trumps claim unsubstantiated claims, on orde president barack obama. The Justice Department and fbi have no comment at this point, mr. Trump, again, made the accusation on twitter saturday without presenting any evidence. Many civilians are fleeing western mosul as iraqi forces fight to drive isis out of the city. Iraqi Officials Say around 60,000 people have fled in resent weeks and more than 2,000 people in the last days alone. Hes making it clear he will not give up his bid for the french presidency. He says no one can stop him from being candidate. His Republican Party meets monday to discuss what it calls respectful exit plan for him. Hes been accused of misusing public money. It is a claim to which he denies. North koreas latest ballistic Missile Launch is getting a strong response from japan from the United States and from south korea. Japans Prime Minister said three missiles landed in its exclusive Economic Zones. This comes as the United States and south korea hold joint military exercises, both nations condemning north koreas actions with the u. S. Stating that it will defend its allies and itself. And now china also responding, its ministry of Foreign Affairs said that it opposes north koreas launches and calls them a relevant of un Security Council resolutions. Cnn matt rivers looks at beijing is trying to reign in and how it could do so in the future. How do you solve a problem like north korea, president Donald Trumps answer, always looks east. China has to get involved and china should solve that problem and we should put pressure on china to solve the problem. Before talking about what more china could do, lets talk about what theyve done already, february 2017, china says theyre done importing north korean coal for the year. Some estimates say that could lower north koreas gdp by a full 5 . March and november 2016, two new sets of un Security Council sanctions levied against north korea, the toughest yet. China helps draft and approve both. Beijing also regularly condemns north koreas Weapons Program and in, perhaps, the most telling sign of frosty relationship, chinese president has yet to meet despite years of opportunity. So what else could they be doing, well, a lot. Trade flows constantly across this bridge in china, on the north korean border. China accounts for at least 70 of north korean trade, not to mention vast amounts of food and fuel aid. Critics also argue beijing doesnt really enforce those un sanctions. China could cripple the regime almost immediately if it totally stopped this flow of trucks loaded down with goods. But in all likelihood, the show will go on. Because of regime collapses, two things might happen, one, korea unifies under a prou. S. South korean government putting u. S. Troops right on the chinese border. Two, a potential refugee crisis on chinas doorstep. For china north korea is like working at a job dont thai dont like but still needing the paycheck. For now china will pay ball at sanctions at the u. N. Security council while hoping the Trump Administration chooses to negotiate directly with north korea. Many experts think no matter how much is sent across the bridge, hes not going to give up his nuclear Weapons Program, in reality, its his only real card to play on the world stage. For north korea Nuclear Weapons equals for a congressional investigation. Mr. Obamas former director of National Intelligence flatly denied the charge, listen. I will say that for the part of the National Security apparatus that i over saw as dni, there was no such wiretap activity mounted against the president the president elect at the time, or as a candidate, or against his campaign. I cant speak for other title i the favor of two people or two entities, the first being the Trump Administration desperately trying to keep focus away from any russia angle here and secondly the people who really benefit from this are the people sitting in the kremlin who must be pleased with the chaos theyve shown over the last couple of months. Its an amazing circumstance f o of events that are unprecedented. They take focus on what we need to know, what exactly was the nature, if there was any, cooperation and contact between the Trump Campaign and the russian government prior to the election. Well, mr. Trumps will expand the congressional investigation of russias alleged interference in the president ial election. Here is more from fred from moscow. The Russian Press trump ted trump, if you would like, what are they saying now . Well, wasnt just the Russian Press, there were a lot of people here according to Public Opinion who felt at the time that donald trump would be a good president to for u. S. Russia relations, at least from the perspective from the russians. It seems many Russian Politicians have, somewhat, cooled off i wouldnt say they make the president himself responsible for that. It was interesting because last week you had the Prime Minister of this country come forward and say they dont believe the lifting of sanctions against russia that were levied in the wake of the ukraine crisis with this new administration that the sanctions could disappear any time soon. It doesnt look as though people here believe that there can be a very quick positive diplomatic momentum between the u. S. And russia any more. At the same time you had one of the main pun dents is a good measure on what kremlin is thinking as well. He came forward and said, that he believes that donald trump, President Trump has been pushed in the corner, as he put it, had been pinned to the ground where he cant even talk about russia any more without interrupting some sort of political scandal in washington, d. C. So certainly the mood seems to have cooled down a little bit, but at the same time it seems as though politicians here, or many politicians here still believe that President Trump itself wants to improve relations with the federation but they believe there are a lot of obstacles in his way, in the form of a lot of the things coming out of the administrative bodies in the United States, hanna. Fred, how much frustration is there, the way that russia and its citizens are being portrayed on the world stage at the moment when you got the Russian Ambassador, allegations of spies, hacking, of under hand coverts activities going on, whats the reaction there . Well, you know, there is a great deal of frustration on the part of many russian officials, also on part of the russian public as well, the foreign minister came out on friday and he called whats going on, currently, in washington, d. C. Some of those allegations, of course, against the Russian Ambassador, he called that a witch hunt. He said that that was similar to the era of the mccarthyism, that is what he said. Theres a great deal of frustration that was there. Its also something that was said, as well. You had that angry reaction by the spokeswoman by maria who came out and accused, for instance, our outlet of spreading what she called fake news when it came to the role that Russian Ambassador plays in washington, d. C. There is a great deal of frustration, on the one hand, the way russia is being portrayed in all of this. There are articles saying is everybody whoever met with the russian going too close relations with russia. At the same time there is a great deal of frustration at the lack of any sort of diplomatic momentum. The russians at the very least believe that possibly relations between the u. S. And russia could be redefined they at least believe there could be field in certain areas, syria being one of them. At the same time you still have washington and moscow over many other topics. Now, the spokesman for Vladimir Putin he said that russia is still patiently waiting to see what the Trump Administration will do and if relations will improve, but at the same time he do feel a certain cooling off to the Trump Presidency and especially to the belief that the relss between these two countries could improve significantly in the near future. Reporting live from the russian capitol, we appreciate it. Thank you very much, fred. The Russian Media is dialing back its coverage of the Trump White House and Nick Robertson reports the russian president Vladimir Putin may be changing his tone towards the new administration in washington. Lets take a look. Around the u. S. Election donald trump fever hit moscow and likeness on sell and plenty of face time in Russian Media. He ordered putin putin ordered the tone of the statecontrolled media, particularly, television in russia, to be more friendly toward the Trump Administration. Veteran commentator said trumps popularity in moscow was over done. I think there was a lot of fuss about the relationship, about the i dont know where people got that from. If there was a romance the last 40 days have called the otter. I love to negotiate things, i do it really well and all that stuff. But its possible i wont be able to get along with putin. Then came over who in the trump camp met the Russian Ambassador and why media vandalism say officials in moscow. Stop this spreading lie and false news. And some hard line comments by u. S. Officials on russias seizure of crimea and its meddling in ukraine. I must condemn the aggressive actions of russia. It reveals a lot less trump and a lot more putin and reflects frustrations at the kremlin officials describe emotionally charged atmosphere in washington and mixed signals for the new administration that also full of questions. The increase President Trump wants in u. S. Defense spending, 54 billion, thats as much as the entire Russian Defense budget. Moscow also wants it understanding over syria, doesnt know what its going to get. Some expect old rivalries to win out. The differences between vested interest and moscow and washington are too important, especially the military industrial conferences on both said. Maybe expectations were too high. What the russians wanted from the u. S. In idealy would have amounted to a Foreign Policy revolution in the u. S. , something not to be had. The history of the relationship has always been one of twists and turns that the view from moscow looks less than euphor euphoric, nate roberson, cnn, moscow. Youre watching cnn newsroom. This monday morning coming up on the program, well look at a School Exercise in hong kong known as the sweat shop challenge, teaching students what it feels like to be a victim of forced labor. E. Badda. Badda boom. Or. Badda bloom. Seriously . Book now at choicehotels. Com iraqi forces are closing in on the heart of western mosul. Its another big step to push isis after last major strong hold in iraqi. Iraqi commander says troops are storming neighborhoods. Terrorists are accused of using chemical weapons on civilians in that city. Red cross says 12 people were treated for exposure to some form of gas which is strictly prohibited under international law. Iraq launch and take western mosul weeks ago at the recapturing the eastern side of that city back in january. Nearly 60,000 civilians have escaped western mosul since then, 10,000 in the last two days alone. Cnn Senior International correspondent Ben Lieberman has more on their journey. With the few possessions they could carry and a white flag they treach towards safety. They thrflee the fighting that engulfed their neighborhood. Theyre explaining why they left. He said they survived just bread and water for the last month. At the first main iraqi check point they board army trucks. They expect as many as 250,000 people to flee mosul as this battle continues. As they leave they pass the symbols and slogans of the socalled islamic state. Down the road at the Main Assembly point truck after truck arrives with the shell shock, children scared an disoriented and the confusion. Others need help every step of the way. Our soldiers search for the parents of lost children. We left at night 2 00, says Muhammad Isis snipers fired at his family as they left. Where isis infiltrators iraqi troops separate the men and boys from the women and girls. First frisking them and then checking Identity Cards against a database isis members had sympathierizeizer sympathizers. They say every day they weed out five or six isis suspects. He says, isis held her and her family as human shields. She wants revenge. 10, 10 of my uncles, tell me, if i catch one of those rats, ill kill them with my own hand and drink their blood. Volunteers from southern iraqi rice and bens from many in weeks. The un warn battled the militaryian disaster, this is it. South mosul. So tell us your big idea for getting the whole country let it sink in. Shouldnt we say we have the lowest price . Nope, badda book. Badda boom. Have you ever stayed with Choice Hotels . Like at a comfort inn . Yep. Free waffles, cant go wrong. I like it. Promote that guy. Get the lowest price on our rooms, guaranteed. When you book direct at choicehotels. Com. Book now. 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Dont want you to even make eye contact with me. The minutes roll by, the students look confused and ra e angry. Stand over here and do it faster. Time is money. Come on. Faster. Faster. Give her right here. Just because. Dont drop the bolt. Give her detention. The teenager struggled. The process is painfully slow. And then mr. Friedman reveals his true intentions. This was a simulation. It was to give you an opportunity to experience what its like for short period of time to lose control of your life. To help them understand what its like for the millions dropped in forced labor. When i was doing it, my heart started sweating, i was sweating. So i cant basically imagine how people would do it for like 14, 15 hours every day. You think it was fair . No. Did you like me . No. Okay. Very good. Thank you very much. I was pretty close to walking out of the room. I felt very disheartened. Just an hour of their school. And that does it for this hour of cnn newsroom. Thank you so much for joining us im Hanna Vaughn Jones live in london. Im George Howell. The news continues on cnn after the break. The fbi turning to the Justice Department to push back on the president s claims he was wire tapped on orders from president obama. Trump still offering no proof. Is it just another distraction from a series of bad headlines . Good morning. Welcome to early start. Im dave briggs. I bet your heads are scratching. Im christine romans. It is monday, 4 00 a. M. In the east. Lets begin with this. The us what faces

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