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National park service, might become a National Monument for its symbolic importance and the Lgbt Community in this countr. P its unexpected momented like this when thousands of people needed a place to go. Look at this. Thousands of people needed a place to convene together tonight, to mourn and to be angry and most importantly to be with other people who are also mourning and being angry, there was no question in the countrys largest city that people would convene at stonewall, symbolic places are important. Thousands of people there tonight to commemorate the 49 americans who were just killed at the Pulse Night Club in orlando. In orlando tonight, more thousands of people gathered. This was outside the Performing Arts Center in downtown orlando. But there were other vigils at the cathedral in orlando, at the American Muslim Community center there was a good size vigil. And honestly, vigils and commemorative events have been happening all over. In buffalo, new york, hundreds of people gathered. At niagara square, over a thousand people assembled in charleston, South Carolina today. Also earlier today, burlington, vermont where Bernie Sanders and his wife took part in a profession through the downtown streets. It was the Congressional Staff association as well as the congressional muslim Staff Association who observed a moment of silence on the steps of the u. S. Capital. Overseas in london, thousands of people lined the streets in so hoe. 49 ballooned released in the air to honor the 49 killed. In berlin they laid flowers and signed a condolence book in the u. S. Embassy. And everywhere frommisten bull istanbul, to hong kong sao pallo, all over the world. In paris, the eiffel tower was lit up in tribute nin the color of the rainbow crowd. The Stonewall Inn itself is a touch stone of gay civil rights and literally going to be a National Monument because Police Violence against lgbt people who went to that bar in 1969, that finally boiled over into a knock down, drag out violent riot in the streets as the Lgbt Community physically fought back against the attacks and abuse they had been subjected to with impunity for years. Its a place they had a riot. In 1973, there were about 65 people inside a bar called the upstairs lounge in new orleans. An arsnist sprayed lighter fluid inside that wooden building, they sprayed it all the way up the one stairway and went back down under the street and rang the buzzer for somebody to open the door. Pulled that door open and the oxygen starved fire burst through like a fireball. A fire ball burst through as if shot from a flame blower, an updraft sucked it in within seconds, the walls were aflame and 32 people died in that fire bombing at the upstairs gay bar in 1973. Some of them were never identified. Still have never been identified. Because it wasnt necessarily safe to have your real id on you if you were going to a gay bar afterall. In 1996, after he bombed the summer olympics in atlanta and got away, he started bombing both abortion clinics and also gay bars. There have been five bombs now in seven months. Suddenly the atlantic mayor was a deranged killer. We got the latest from atlanta. Once again a bomb in the night. Once again a second one discovered. It happened outside a lesbian club called the other side. They were investigating a bombing at the same club when they found the backpack. The first bomb injured five people. Dancing, about having drinks, having a ga g time and all the sudden, bam. It was nails everywhere on the dance floor and all. Nails everywhere. Nails packed into the bomb for shrapnel to do maximum damage. That was 1997 in midtown atlanta. Three years laterer, a man named Ronald Edward gay who opened fire on a gay bar in roanoke, virginia. He said he was tired of people teasing him for having the last name gay and so he attacked the gay bar. And then a man wielding a hatchet and a handgun in new bedford, massachusetts, entered the puzzles lounge around midnight. When the bartender told him it was a gay bar, he pulled out a hatchet and struck the bar tender in the head and then struck a man who tried to help the victim, then pulled the gun out of his pocket and tried to them the man who tried to help the victim and then shot another man across the bar. In new years eve 2013, eerily similar to the attack in new orleans, this time at a Gay Night Club in seattle, poured gasoline in the stair well, lit it on fire. 750 people in that club at that time. Thankfully this time, fire codes have gone some distance since then and the fire was extinguished and nobody was hurt. The Gay Community in this country is forged in fire and therefore a tough community. But what happened in orlando isnt just an attack on the Gay Community, its the worst terrorist attack since 9 11. And amid calls for solidarity and resolve j new strategies against supposed loanwolf terrorists. Today this attack also led to the current republican candidate for president suggest that the president was maybe in on this attack somehow. Donald trump repeatedly insinueating that president obama was deliberately allowing, somehow encouraging attacks like this one in the United States. Mr. Trump saying repeatedly today about president obama, quote theres something going on, theres something going on. Its also reiterating his call for a ban on muslims coming to the United States and today seemed to expand it on immigration from all countries who have a history of terrorism, which presumably everywhere since the attacks on 9 11 were planned in germany and the worst attack appears to have been planned here, right here. Mr. Trump also said today in his speech that had planned to be an antiHillary Clinton speech, he made the a different kind of antiHillary Clinton speech and one where he spoke awkwardly off a teleprompter about this attack in orlando and said the killer was quote born in afghan. A, that makes no sense. B, the killer was actually born in queens, new york, just like donald trump was. So, this attack, this latest attack, this worst attack in this country since 9 11, theres a lot still to be learned about it. Were going to talk about late developments, including some that are provocative and hard to get your head around. This has national imp ls and an attack with National Security implications, which frankly putting a terrifying new cast in the stakes for this president ial election. Right now, this is still just about the 49 americans who died. Mostly but presumably not all of them, lgbt, mostly but not all of them latino, all of them warn tonight by their country and around the world. Joining us now are tarry decarlo, the head of the lgbt center. Its a coalition of 24 national coalitions. Theyre both leading efforts in orlando. I appreciate you for having with us. As the director of the lgbt center in orlando, how are people coping . It has been a really long 24 hours. The community is hurt but we have seen our Community Come together. Lgbt and nonlgbt and create a heck of a force to rally for the families of those who passed away and still in the hospital. We have had over 2 million pledged to help families. Weve had so many corporations contact us. The community has come together. We are orlando strong and were proving that and were standing as a force. Were hurting, but were hurting together. And were standing strong. Let me ask you for your take on this, obviously, anytime this number of americans lose their lives in any circumstance, it is an issue of National Importance and it will cause a huge out pouring. Obviously weve got a very specific community, an intersection of communities affected here. So many gay men of color killed here, so many latinos. How would you describe the Community Response and how people are copincoping . The community here in orlando, the response has been overwhelming. We opened our doors and said people, we need food, water, we need stuff for our first responders, for our people at the hospitals, for our people here from around the world that are reporting on this and it has been overwhelming. The community has pulled up to our center with trucks where we couldnt handle them, we were sending it over to a bar for them to hold for us but as it was coming into the center, we would take it in the front door, clock it in, and send it to the backer to get to the blood ban and people were waiting a couple of hours to donate blood. Its just a community that is hurting but hurting together and coming together and it is quite a site to see and im so proud to be part of this orlando community. Let me put the same question to you in terms of various communities effected by this. Obviously obviously, this is ain National Incident and im thinking specifically about the Gay Community and latino Gay Community. Whats your thinking on how people are coping and whats needed next . First and foremost when we heard the news, it was clear to everyone that this was a direct attack to the Lgbt Community but then as we went to offer as a Community Leaders our help, we suddenly and it was just overwhelming to realize that in large part, there was a loss of a lot of latinos, latinos and sisters and brothers and extended family. And so we were able to then organize and work in conjunction with the center and the other organizations to really rally up our resources within the latino Nonprofit Center that addresses the needs of Different Community groups to be able to provide resources and access to information in language, predominantly, to the families. So, tarry decarlo, Lgbt Community, respectively. Thank you for the organizing and thank you for being with us tonight. Good luck to you. Thank you, rachel. We have much more ahead tonight, including a wlilive ret from richard angle. And a very dramatic confrontation in congress on this issue they talked to anybody who might have known him. The owner of the gun shop where he bought the weapons legally, he said he vaguely remembered seeing him around. But on top of all that, heres a development from today that no one quite knows what to do with. We also heard from regulars at the Pulse Night Club in orlando that they had seen the shooter in the club before, at least a dozen times. Quote sometimes he would go in the corner and sit and drink by himself and other times he would get so drunk he was loud and belligerent and someone else recognized the shooter from several gay dating apps. He was very creepy in his messages and i blocked him immediately. You recognize him from a gay dating app . I recognize him off grinder. He says a couple of his friends have already given the fbi their phones to help in the investigation. So theres that. Theres that reporting. The shooter was hanging around the edges of gay life in orlando, including the Pulse Night Club for whatever reason as a quiet or belligerent or creepy figure. An fbi source tells nbc news that theyre looking into these reports but at this point the fbi doesnt know what to make of them. Stay with us. The secretary of defense announced for the first time u. S. Apache helicopters are being involved in direct contact with isis members in iraq. Weve had members killed in the ground both in iraq and syria. Its kind of a big war. And here at Home Congress never voted on it, never really debated it and as much as we like to fight about everything in this country, our existing hot war against isis has no political profile whatsoever. We fight about everything. We dont even talk about that. Nobody really even knows thats happening here. But isis does. And when the u. S. Expanded air strikes against isis into syria in september 2014, isis went a little nuts about that. They were super angry about those air strikes. In syria targeting them to the point where their spokesman basically embarrassed him in a statement at the time. It was an isis message telling isis supporters around the world that in the name of isis people should commit terrorist attacks in their home countries. If you can kill a disbelieving american or european, especially these spiteful and filthy french or an australian or canadian or disbeliever from the disbelievers war, then kill him in any manner it may be. Then to the specifics. Smash his head with a rock or throw him down from a high place or choke him or poison him. Isis was so unnerved by the u. S. Coalition air strikes that started against them two years ago that their spokesman literally responded telling people to find a filthy frenchman and hit him in the head with a rock. It was a strange statement. But however strange it was, it also marked an important tactical change for them in that organization. In that statement, that angry weird statement saying how mad they were that all these western countries were bombing them, isis stopped calling on their western supporters to leave their homes and travel to iraq and syria to join the Islamic State and inhstead told them to stay in the west and commit attacks there. They also said and this ended up being important. Do not ask for anyones advice and do not seek anyones verdict. Meaning dont ask for our permission, consider this to be your permission slip. Go ahead. Dont tell us youre going to do it, just do it. Dont come here, dont ask us, you dont need to ask anything from us. Just kill civilians in the country even if all you have is a car or a rock, well consider that being part of our movement and helping what isis is trying to do. That was issued september 21st, 2014. Two days later in australia, which is one of the countries specifically mentioned, two days after that statement, an 18yearold kid, alleged isis sympathizer in australia, walked to a Police Officer in melbourne, and stabbed two Police Officers before he was shot dead. They have strict firearm laws, so he had a knife, he used what he had at hand. Less than a month later, canada, he didnt have a knife but he did have a car and the isis statement suggested that as an option, run him over with your car was one of the things they suggested. An isis sympathizer in canada used his car to gun down two canadian soldiers in the streets. Two days later, another alleged isis sympathizer shot and killed another canadian soldier and then stormed into the parliament. And october 23rd, 2014, this guy took a run at four new york city Police Officers near a subway platform in queens. He was armed with a hatchet. He tried to attack the officers with an ax. That was the end of october 2014. The statement came out before the end of that year. Another alleged isis sympathizer had taken 18 hostages, killed two of them before he was killed by police. Less than a week after that, another sympathizer used his car in desean france, he injured 14 people, in another part of france, another alleged isis sympathizer drove into another crowd of pedestrians. He injured 11 people there. So, there was this ridiculous isis instruction that kill people at home, using anything you can and that will somehow help our movement. Just kill people by any means, that will somehow help isis get its way in the world. It was insane, right . It was very strange. But isis supporters all over the world apparently took it to heart. And then last spring isis for the first time was able to claim credit for an attack that took place in the United States. The first isis affiliated attack in the United States was garl d garland, texas. Two attackers armed with Assault Rifles and semiautomatic weapons. And cartoons showing intentionally blas fumous depictions of the profit muhammad. They found print outs of theize flag inside the it attackers car. One of them had gone online in twitter and pledged his formal allegiance to isis. Quote minutes before Elton Simpson arrived at the cartoon event, he went on twitter one last time to link the attack to the Islamic State tweeted the brother with me and myself have given the amir of the believers quote may allah accept us as mujau huh demuj hadim. Remember, in their september statement, they say dont ask for anybodys permission. Dont ask us, just do this. Even though they dont want anybody to ask for their permission, they do want credit for anything anybody does in their name. Not ask them permission ahead of time but once theyve decided to do it, they want those attackers to make a public pledge of allegiance. They may not know these guys existed but once the attack is under way, they want a public pledge of allegiance and that becomes an isis attack even though this group in iraq and syria never had anything to do with it directly. And so you get these claims of isis allegiance. You get everything from formally produced propaganda videos in paris, and brussels this spring and you get the hurried tweets from the guy on his way to blow up the cartoon contest. And the midst of the attack with all the complexity and adrena n adrenalin, they take time out to go on facebook and say hey, this is for isis. They pledge allegiance to isis. Since 2014, theres been all of these attacks all around the world in all these countries. And since that went so well, they put out another call for more of the same. Same isis spokesman who put out that call to carry out attacks with cars and rocks and knives in 2014. He just put out another statement calling again for western isis supporters to commit attacks at home, this time specifically naming the United States as a place they want attacked and these guys are wordy birds, theyre full of themselves. They go on blah, blah, blah how terrible america is and how great they are and then they get to the instructions part of it. They specifically direct this to soldiers and supporters in america and they say dont travel to the Islamic State. Instead, commit an attack at home. Truly the smallest act you do in their lands is more beloved to us than the biggest act done here. Its more effective for us and more harmful to them. They say they hear from their supporters they wish to reach the lands of the Islamic State but quote each of us wishes to be in your place to make examples of the crusaders day and night, scaring them and tearerizitear tears areerizing them until every neighbor fears its neighb neighbor. Theyve heard from their supporters in the west they cant reach military targets and theyre hearing objections from their supporters. Quote it has reached us that some of you do not act due to finding fault with targeting those who are called civilians. But isis in the statement put out last month specifically says dont worry about that. Actually what they want is attacks on civilians. If you are going to stay home and fight, please dont pick a military target, dont pick something hard to attack. Please just kill random people. They actually prefer that. Quote know that targeting know that youre targeting those who are called civilians is more effective and painful and a greater deterrant for them. So, go forth. And they specifically call for the attacks to happen in rom a n ramadan, which is right now. Thats one context. Now our latest american pledge of allegiance came in a 911 call from the pulse bathroom in florida where 49 people were killed. It was the worst terrorist attack on u. S. Soil since 9 11. What set this off in the near term remains to be seen. A lot of times its this complicating and clouding factor in isis inspired attacks around the world. But the person is not just thought to be an isis sympathizer, theyre also thought to be mentally ill or motivated and thats confusing and conflicting and cloudy to us, but they dont care if its just nut jobs doing their work. They just want credit for the attack. And there are reports tonight, including in the previous hour that the shooter in orlando was not making his first visit to the gay club. Some people who were regulars said hed been there many, many times. Chris hayes recovering reporting that he is at least known to have messaged gay men on gay dating apps. It could be that he was gay. It could be that he was not gay and hanging out there and trying to get to know patrons of that club specifically as a way of a casing the joint. I mean, isis has taken great pains to not just claim this as their own but specifically focus on the fact that its victims were lgbt. Isis has filmed a lot of executions and among the particularly gruesome are those which men have been stoned to death or thrown off Tall Buildings or both for the crime of being gay. The earliest report was syria, the most recent was earlier this year in iraq. Live, pick soft te more civilians the better. Live out your grudges, target whoever you feel like, go nuts. We dont care. Just credit it to us. We dont yet know and isis doesnt care what drove this particular killer to that particular place that particular night to do what he did. But isis believes whatever the proximate cause here, whatever kind of nut job this guy was, isis believes this is how they win. They believe youre making war on us, this is how we win a war against you. They believe Something Like this makes them stronger. Are they right . So, weve got nbc chief correspondent for a live report. But as were looking at the isis angle and why this is something that isis wants to claim credit for. How this fits their Business Model of terrorism, basically. We also have new breaking news out of france that is disturbing. Media reports in europe say an assailant with a knife stabbed and killed a Police Officer and reportedly the Police Officers wife. In a suburban home roughly 30 miles west of paris. News reports are both that the Police Officer and his wife were killed. Police managed to save a young boy who was also in the home at the time of the attack. Police also killed the attacker. Tonight, nbc news is confirming that a isis affiliating group claiming that the assailant in this case was an isis fighter. We will have more on this including the latest details out of paris in just a moment. The other guys cant say that we got you covered. A farmers market. Ve whats in this kiester. A fire truck. Even a marching band. 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According to this fellow student who does not want us to use his name, it was the first time anyone knew the shooterer wasnt a muslim. Instead, administrators came and he says chastised the academy cadettes for teasing someone about religion. Several days later, he says the shooter did pull up to the Academy Parking lot and was met immediately before he could leave his car, as if he says School Officials were waiting for him. They rush his car. We didnt see him or hear from him after that incident. So, we have no idea what happened. Details of what happened next have not been confirmed by the school. But a source says that the orlando shooter for some reason removed from the class and fired from his job at the Florida Department of corrections. Before he left or was kicked out of the school, the shooter had extensive training in firearms, spending nearly a month in the classroom and the firing range. The wouldbe corrections officer became a Security Guard and in 2014, while guarding the st. Luce county court house, fbi became interested. After 10 months of investigation, we closed the preliminary investigation. Two months later as cnn first reported, the fbi found another possible terror connection. An american suicide bomb killed in syria had been attending the same tiny florida mosque as the orlando shooter. Again the fbi investigated and again found nothing to make an arrest. According to the shooters father, his son did become upset after witnessing two men kissing in miami and in his bazar announcement of his sons death, he apologized to the people of afghanistan and said people with home sexually is something that those who do it have to answer to god, it is not up to human beings to punish them. And a foreign senior official with the fbi and the cia. Lets talk about what the fbi did. The obvious question was the ball dropdropped . Were trying to build out what should the fbi have done. What a day looks like at the bureau. Youre looking at kids going to syria, theres more than a hundred have come back. Youre look at people communicating with isis via al qaeda and yemen and then you add in cases like this where someone calls a friend or Family Member and says i think somebody might be radicalized. And i think you need to say how would you weigh it against these other priorities. I mean, theres obviously the question of how effective a job the u. S. Is doing when these kind of individuals are on their radar. Yeah, i think phil is correct but i think we also have to look at what is being done to make this better. Weve seen the same scenario with the sanai brothers in boston. And we know theres some kind of problem but the fbi, i mean theyre kind of stuck. They cant just glue an agent on these people for the rest of their lives. So, what do you do . I think thats a big dilemma that Law Enforcement is facing. Its not by chance he picked a gay club and now there are reports hed been there many times. How much of that do you think is inspired by his radical islamist believes and by hatred of gays. His dad said he saw two men kissing and that angered and infuriated them. Were remembering the 9 11 attack and al qaeda who not only trains people, it selects a target for them. You have people self radicalizing who are looking for an excuse p. Im angry at gay people, angry at rock venus because thats western culture. So, whatever im angry about, isis gives me validation. I dont think we should think of this as someone being targeted by isis. Isis gave them the validation to act. His dad saying riltitser heavens job to punish. Its not that big a stretch to imagine his son might go to a club and do Something Like this. There moilth ight be a major internal struggle going on in this guys head. Hes attending these clubs and at the next point shooting them up. He might be struggling between his view of his faith and what his personal urges are. You never know whats going on in these peoples head. Thats why the loan wolves are so hard to nail down. A lot to learn. Ahead, what Hillary Clinton, donald trump said about the massacre and how their words hold up to the facts. Well be right back. My moderate to severe chronic plaque psoriasis made a simple trip to the Grocery Store anything but simple. So i had an important conversation with my dermatologist about humira. He explained that humira works inside my body to target and help block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to my symptoms. In clinical trials, most adults taking humira were clear or almost clear, and many saw 75 and even 90 clearance in just 4 months. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. 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It mattered we got bin laden, not what name we called him. And i have clearly say we use terrorist enemies who use islam to justify killing terrorist people. Whether you say radical jihadism, or radical islamism, i think they mean the same thing. Im happy to say either. She also called on a ban for assault weapons. Terrorists used assault weapons. The ar15 and they used it to kill americans. That was the same assault weapon used to kill those little children in sandy hook. We have to make it harder for people who should not have those weapons of war. Just to be clear factually, its a semiautomatic assault style rifle that fires one round each time the trigger is pulled. Most experts consider it a tactical weapon and she did not mentioned donald trump once by name. Trump had a lot to say about her and renewed his call for a ban on muslim immigrants. Dana has been checking the facts. Reporter Donald Trumps 34 minute speech was brimming with the kind of nativest rhetoric that helped him win the gop nomination but as he doubled down on the solution to americans fears on attacks at home, trump made lautsz of claims, some true, some not true. In the category of not true, this. The killer whose name i will not use or ever say was born in afghan of afghan parents who immigrated to the United States. Reporter his parents immigrate from afghanistan but the killer himself was born in new york, which is why u. S. Officials are calling it an act of home grown terrorism. Still, regardless of the orlando killer being american. The thrust of trumps response is focussed on concerns about immigrants. He drilled down on Hillary Clintons plan to let Syrian Refugees into the u. S. A 500 increase in Syrian Refugees come nothing to our country. Tell me, tell me how stupid is that . This could be a better, bigger, more horrible version than the legendary trojan horse ever was. Reporter that stat that clintons refugee proposal would be a 500 increase over president obamas plan is true. To be specific, obamas plan allows for 10,000 refugees. Clintons is 65,000. That would be a 550 increase, about what trump claims. But he also argus theres no vetting. Having learned nothing from these attacks, she now plans to massively increase admissions without a screening plan. Reporter the reality is refugees now go through months of processing and paperwork before being admitted into the u. S. So, thats false. Then theres the question of how many are coming in now. We have to stop the tremendous flow of Syrian Refugees into the United States. Reporter on cnns new day. He was more specific. We have, by the way, thousands and thousands of people pouring into our country right now who have the same kind of hate and probably more than he has. Reporter on the numbers, what he said is true. 3,800 Syrian Refugees have been admitted since last october. More than 2,000 in the last month alone, though thats far f fewer than the 10 president obama said he would allow. And on guns. Her plan is to aballish the Second Amendment and leaving only the bad guys and terrorists with guns. No good. Not going to happen, folks. Not going to happen. Reporter he repeated his claim that Hillary Clinton wants to do away with americas right to bare arms. She wants to restrict access to guns but not abolish the Second Amendment. If the fbi is watching grou suspected terrorist links, you shouldnt be able to go buy a gun with no questions asked. And trump also seemed to paint the Muslim Community in g general with a very broad brush. His overall tone was probably alarming, because even as he said very clearly, some american muslim communities are great, he called for a partnership and said they know whats going on and said of the killer in orlando, they know that he was bad. But he didnt offer any evidence that the killers fellow american muslims knew of his intentions. Thanks very much. Much more ahead on this twohour of 360. All 49 lives lost. So many young people. Plus the latest, including reports that the gunman had visited the Pulse Night Club more than once and used a gay dating app. I love that my shop is part of the morning ritual around here. People rely on that first cup and i wouldnt want to mess with that. But when my back pain got bad, i couldnt sleep. I had trouble getting there on time. Then i found aleve pm. Aleve pm is the only one to combine a safe sleep aid plus the 12 hour strength of aleve. For pain relief that can last into the morning. Look up at a new day. Hey guys now im back. Aleve pm for a better am. If you have moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis isnt it time to let the real you shine through . Introducing otezla, apremilast. Otezla is not an injection, or a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. 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Thats what police shouted as they entered this Pulse Night Club just down the block from where im standing at 5 00 in the morning yesterday, three hours after a gunman started shooting. What happened in the three hours, its a puzzle and each piece seems more tragic than the next. Frantic text messages. Phones ringing, incoming calls from people desperate to make contact with their loved ones. In the end, the carnage was simply unimaginable. 49 dead, 53 injured. Were not going to show his picture or say his name. The reports tonight that this was not the shooters first time at that night club. Joining me on the phone is chris, who has been at the pulse. Did you see this shoot eer at t night club previously . And how many times and for how long . Ive personally seen him a couple times. Ive never really talked to him. But like i said ive introduced myself once before when we first saw him there, me and a Security Guard that used to work at pulse. We said hello and everything and he was very friendly and all that. But yes, he has frequently been to that bar and its been going on three years. And its been almost a year 1 2 since the Security Guard left. So, its been a while that hes been going to that bar. Wait a minute. Youre saying for at least three years this guy was seen in the bar . Yes. I mean, i would say maybe two times a month, maybe more. I know when i was going there, im a performer and im going on tuesdays and maybe twice a month see him on tuesday nights. Did he seem comfortable there . When you saw him yeah, he really did. He didnt seem like the kind of guy that just did what he did. I mean, it makes no sense of why . I mean, and i dont know. I understand there was an incident with the Security Guard. Do you know what happened . Im really not totally for sure. She said something about that she had to throw him out at least one to two times but like i gave you guys the number to her so you can talk to her as well. Do you think again, if crow dont know, dont say, but do you think he was there to meet people . Yeah. I mean, when i when we met him and we introduced ourselves and said hello and that was really all i got to do with him because i was performing but he seemed like and even my partner said he seemed like a nice, comfortable. He loved where he was at. He was drinking with another guy. He was actually standing with another guy when we were performing. A lot of it dont make sense. And were never going to know. Well, were trying to learn all we can. I appreciate you talking to us. Every bit of information helps. Thank you very much. Our chief National Security correspondent with more on what we know about the investigation and where it stands. Do we know much about the motivations of this guy . Its a confusing mix. We know the night of he expressed allegiance to isis and thats something they call on its members to do and we know the fbi has said in the past he expressed allegiance to other groups, al qaeda, and these are groups deathly opposed to each other. It appears that as he was claiming to the fbi and others to do this, it was a bit of bravado and they couldnt substanshiate those ties, which is one reason they ended the investigations. And his father saying he had been offended by seeing two men kissing. It was a hate crime and now you have this new line of inquiry which i know is part of the investigation as well that he had visited this club many times before. And been on hookup apps. Exactly. Which become as personal profile. Was it a selfenacted selfloathing. This is complicated. Thats not unprecedented. Its not always as simple as them attackers like this having one allegiance to one group. There could be Mental Health issues but this particular mix, is particularly unusual. We think back to the reports in belgium of one of the french attackers had allegedly been seen in gay bars as well in brussels. Whether that was confirmed or not, it didnt seem to be pursued. But kind of an interesting thing in the mix. In terms of this target, i mean the idea he had been here multiple times, was he scopeing it out . Was he conflicted and drawn here . Were there other targets possible . That is something theyre looking at now. We know his second wife is cooperating with investigators, including telling them of other places he visited, one being a disney property here. He went with his family in april just two months ago. His wife provided that information to the fbi. That could have an innocent explanation but in light of what happened here, it could have a nefarious explanation that he went there to scope it out. Another survivor story. Norman castillano was shot in the back, once in the side, and once in the back. He was thin the bathroom of the night club and had to climb over the bodies of friends of him to get out. Its more than any 25yearold s sld to go through, to see. So, you crawled into the bathroom . Yes, and from that point forward, i just already knew this was it was going to go south from there. While you were crawling in the bathroom, did there continue to be shots . I was like the fastest crawling. Like, military crawling. Like, lets get out of here. So, we went into the bathroom and theres already people lined up near the wall. So, i could only sit near the front where if something was going to happen was this a small regular bathroom . Probably this whole square right here. So, probably four by ten. Like to the point where theres people sitting on top of each other. So, everyone ducked and we got quiet and im just i try to call 911, it was busy. At that point gun shots are getting closer and i call my mom. I dont know if it something was wrong with the service or had something to do with what was going on but i heard it pick up and said mom, mom, mom. And it dropped. And that was a time span of not even five minutes. From that point forward, thats when the gun shots got extra close and you hear everyone under their breath praying and crying and trying to be quiet. So, if he wasnt going to go in the bathroom he wouldnt hear us. It was gun shots after gun shots and you could hear the bullets hitting the floor. You could hear when he was adding more bullets. Reloading. Reloading the gun, yeah. How many people were in your stall . I counted about 20 or 30 people. Because everyone had their own niche to stand and it was you need to sit one of my friends was laying on top of other people and it was to the pointed where people didnt care. Everyones ducking, hoping for the best. Praying. I myself was saying please, this cannot be what happened tonight. So at that point, after the phone call, immediately after, i see feet and were thinking its the assailant from under the bathroom stall . There was space like this under the bathroom door. And someone drops to the floor and it was another patron of pau pulse and he was bleeding. The floor started bleeding. He was shot then and there . I figured he was running to go hide in one of the stalls and i guess he shot him from a distance. Once he shot him, he laughed. Thats something imprinted in my head for the rest of my life. Ive literally been in the hospital for two days trying to sleep and i hear guns, bullets hitting the floor and that laugh. It wasnt like a multiple laugh. Like a villain in a movie. It was a laugh of satisfaction, like i am doing what i came here to do. Like a really quick chuckle. I cant even do it from how intense. It was just pure and everyone ive talked to. It was pure evil. It didnt even sound like a person at that point. The only sound we heard was a laugh. So, at that point someone starts screaming, like please, please, please dont shoot us. And he does the first round through the door. Of the stall . Of the stall i was in and thats when i got the first wound, which was an entrance and an exit. We start yelling again please, please dont shoot, people in the background begging him, we havent seen your face, we dont know anything, please dont do this. And i guess it enticed him to do it more and he put his hand over the stall and just free shot. You saw his hand go over the door . Thats the only description i was able to give to police was i know he was tan. Do you remember the gun he was ususing . Yeah. It was the handgun, yeah. 9 millimeter. I remember i just looked up for five seconds and looked down and shimmied over and thats when he got me here and he got other people and people screamed. Because a few of them did pasawpass away at that moment in time and i dropped to the floor and i guess he thought whoever was in there he already got. So, he left. Hed been shot twice at that point. He was bleeding badly. When the gunman left the bathroom, he stepped on the buddy of his friend, young woman who died by his side. He had to step on her body to get out. He tried to get some of the peachal sti people who were still alive to come with him but they stayed. He made it out alive. So many people tell you about their lives cut far too short. Next what we know about the layout of the club and how that may have affected how Law Enforcement responded. And two responses from the two people vying to become president of the United States. It. Is thu typically shop . You should be getting double miles on every purchase switch. To the capital one venture card. With venture, you earn unlimited double miles on every purchase, everywhere, every day. 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That needs leadin . Serving all your motorcycle insurance needs. Now, thats progressive. Well, there are certainly new details tonight. As we mentioned the shooters current wife has spoken to Law Enforcement and is cooperating. Theyre trying to use the investigation to put together a timeline leading up to the attack. Person said he had seen the shooter at the club over the course of three years. They go to feel safe and happy, now its the site of the worst mass shooting in the history of this country. Tom. Reporter yeah, anderson. As best we understand from police, at 2 00 in the morning, the gunman pulled up about where i am on the back side of the club and let me give you a sense of the layout of this place. Down here is a patio bar. This is the main performance area and down there is another bar and another performance area. What we know is by 202 00 according to police on this night, he had made it into the main area of this bar. There are about 320 people there according to police and thats where the shooting initially began. A few shots followed by many, many more. Theres a promotional photo of the bar from a time back showing how crowded it may have been. And then police say he turned around and started to go out the way he came in. Thats where he was met by an armed officer working security, two other officers started shooting at him and he came back inside, anderson. And so when he got back in, what did he do . Well, obviously, big threat to the people in this main room. But he moved to the long narrow room at the end. That gave people in the main room dozens of chances to escape. But people in this area had been trying to get out a narrow door in the end and several couldnt get out, so they went into the restrooms and a small dressing room. This is what the eye witness was telling you about, the victim, anderson, they were in these little rooms on the end and thats where the stand off began. This is where people were texting that they were trapped and couldnt get out and this is where people had him somewhat contained but couldnt get to him. Finally by 5 00, they decided they had to do something and they set off detraction explosions and pucnched through these five holes in the wall. You may note aslong narrow one there. That is the one where he tried to come out with the hostages. And you can see bullet holes everywhere as he was met by the full force of police there. Finally shot down and the three hours of terror inside that club came to an end. Anderson. Just incredible to actually see the layout and you start to under it more. Ive talked to two people at least in bathroom stalls. Thank you, cnn Law Enforcement analle anallea analyst. Art, i mean, when you look at that club, you sort of realize one of the Problems Police were facing. The limited number of intrnss, the tight quarters. Its pretty small rooms. We used to practice these kinds of inties are all the time. This is the worst case scenario. 300 people packed into several different rooms people and the shooter can get into. Often eye witness reports initial reports that there was more than one shooter because of the amount of rounds. This followed regular protocol up to a certain point where the two officers engaged initially and then the individual retre retreated back into the rooms and into the crowd and thats when it becomes difficult because you dont want to be firing rounds and take down innocent people trying to get out. One of the people in the bathroom said he heard the guy on the phone saying there were other people with him at locations and said north, south, east, and west, which must have made the police kind of unsure about where to enter. And theyre getting a lot of phone calls. So, hes telling the police theres eight, and another guy saying one. What this story does tell me is different than what i believed a day ago. I think omar wanted to get away. He left the front door, his car is there. He did not anticipate those guys were going to meet him at the front door. Thats more akin to the Boston Marathon and maybe explains why he picked up a phone. In a case like this, theres so many pieces to try to piece together, not just motivation. And obviously, he had he pledges allegiance to isis but also earlier had talked about the boston bombers. Clearly targets a gay club. His father said he saw two men kissing and that might have freaked him out. But now we hear hes been going to this club for possibly three years. I think were going to have a couple, if thougnot three diffe boxes. Obviously had a problem with the Gay Community, pledged allegiance to isis and al qaeda. His father also ezgays will be punished in heaven. There are many fathers of mass murderers who like the pretend they had no idea. The father should be an irrelevant figure in terms of understanding and i agree with art theres not a single motivation in this case. There are multiple voteivationm. Its isis, its radicalization, its homophobia. It may be that hes gay, its mental illness, all the above and i think thats why you hear people talk about we also have to address the means. Because the motivation is always going to be very jumbled. Thanks very much. Hope your voice gets better as well. Very dramatic though. I like it. As we said these are still early days. The grief here its extraordinary to talk to people whose lives are forever changed and in the blink of an eye. I talked to a man whose partner of three years was killed and he found out about him dying just hours before i got there. You saw some of the other people i talked to. Bit by bit were learning more about the 49 People Killed, what made them special and who they left behind. Gary tuckman brings us more stories. Reporter nobody should ever have to endure this. Family and friends of those who were missing in orlando told to meet at a makeshift Crisis Center where they would receive the official word on weather their loved ones had been identified. Lopez was told to show up at 8 00 a. M. To find out about her closest friend in the world but instead received a call in the middle of the night that he had been killed. I always thought he was immortal. He always said he would never abandoned me and i trusted him. Reporter sarah always called him jimmy, he worked in retail. Shes an artist. She met where they both grew up in puerto rico and both moved to the orlando area. When did you first meet jimmy . When i was 16 years old. And we fell in love immediate we knew that we were spend the rest of our lives together. Even though he was gay and i quaswas gay. So, it was not a sexual attraction but soul mates. He was my brother. Reporter most of jimmys family remains in puerto rico, same with sarah. They relied on each other coming to the mainland and for three 1 2 decades since. When she received the call, her mind raced. I remember when my son was sick and he stay with me at the hospital hospital. I remember when my sister died, when our best friend died a few years ago. In two seconds, he passed in front of me. Reporter she says jimmy was at the Pulse Night Club with two of his friends that survived. They told her they started crawling toward a bathroom when the gunman was reloading. But jimmy didnt follow, hoping the gunman would ignore him. When he looked back, he saw jimmy in the fetal position. And the guy was shooting to everything that moved. He said that it was like bam, bam, bam, bam in a minute. Reporter her mind plays tricks with her. What if he had crawled, would he be alive . Instead she is going to help his mother and sisters plan a funeral and wonders what it will be like now. I dont know. I might be surviving but i know im not without him. And i can prove you when i listen to salsa, he is right here with me. Hes going to be right here. Shortly after we talked with sarah, she and a niece of jimmys went to the medical examiners office. His body had arrived. Its incredible how many peoples lives have changed. The circle of love that was around them is so huge. Reporter right, these two people loved each other so much. He worked for forever 21 the Apparel Store and he was a style merchandiser, which meant he was in charge of the look of the store and he loved that. And she talked about the salsa dancing. Talked about he was an awardwinning dancer. She says at the age of 50, he was a better dancer than at the age of 16 because he was dancing with a band and felt free. When she used to dance with him in the teens and 20s and 30, people would part the floor because they were so magnificent. He was really worried about how his family would accept him and his mom embraced him and was very accepting and again were trying to learn as much as we can about the people thats what is beautiful about this couple. She was a gay woman, he was a gay man but they loved each other for 35 years. Just had an exclusive look insides the Trauma Center where dozens of victims were taken. Were going to talk to a doctor. Whats it like to be in good hands . Like finding new ways to be taken care of. Home, car, Life Insurance obviously, ohhh. But with added touches you cant get everywhere else, like claim free rewards. Or safe driving bonus checks. Even a claim satisfaction guaranteeeeeeeeeee in means Protection Plus unique extras only from an expert allstate agent. Its good to be in, good hands. mamost of the show. We missed woman and theres no way to restart it. jon bon jovi with directv there is. 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How close help was and how quickly the doctors were able to work on them, that may have saved many lives. Joining us now is the doctor who is on duty, on call when the first victims arrived. You clearly have never seen anything like this before in your Trauma Center. What was it like . To this magnitude, absolutely not. We owe it all to our mentors that taught us everything that we knowhow to be prepared for Something Like this. But to see the patients rolling back, to see the nursing, all of the entire staff down there in the Emergency Department falling into their rolls and appropriately taking care of the patients as they came in two by two was incredible. The wounds youre dealing with too. An ar15, from what i understand, the bullet enters and it can cause massive internal bleeding and damages. Correct. So, when these fragments enter the body, they break apart, they spread, they dont just go in one side and out the other. Theyre unpredictable in how they come in. So, triaging the patients and underi understanding there might be injury through the abdomen, through the thorax and it was the had most important thing to find out what patients needed to get to the operating room the quickest. Obviously training kicks in but youre also a human being. Can you talk personally what its like to see death on this scale in this closed confined space all coming in at once. Its tough. We see this on a smaller scale. Its no easier when everythings being thrown at you this quickly too, have to stop and allow yourself to think i know one emergency attending physician came up behind me at one point and said stop, breathe, youre doing fine. Stay calm. And to keep that going through your head throughout the entire night as the patients came in was important because it is difficult. Youre also suddenly learning peoples stories, your are try to save a life and im assuming youre talking to them or nurses are talking to them. Its so intimate what youre doing. Absolutely. Everybody coming in was at a similar situation but has family or friends to contact their loved ones and to look into the eyes of some of these patients and try to answer to them, especially when theyre asking you am i going to die . Is a difficult question to answer. People ask you that . They did. What do you say . At that point, its reassurance that they are getting top quality level one Trauma Center care and to keep them as calm as you possibly can because theres nothing worse than them being anxious and scared for themselves. If youre anxious, they feel that. Absolutely. Doctor, thacnk you so much fr all youve done. Its extraordinary. Up next, the politics of all this. How the presumptive president ial nominees responded to the Orlando Attack and lets take a look at some of the vigils here in orlando and extraordinary scenes out of new york city. So we know how to cover almost anything. Even a ufh2o. [man] thats not good. [pilot] thats not good. 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Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, and if youre pregnant or planning to be. Ask your dermatologist about otezla today. Otezla. Show more of you. Welcome back. President obamas going to travel here to orlando thursday were told to pay his respects to victims family. Hillary clinton calling for a ban on assault weapons while donald trump renewed his call for a ban on muslims entering the United States and seemed to try to imply that the president wasnt being vocal enough about the attack and could be sympathizing with radicalized muslims. Heres what he said this morning. He doesnt get it or he gets it better than anybody understands. Its one or the other and either way its unacceptable. Were led by a man that is either not tough, not smart, or hes got Something Else in mind and the Something Else in mind, people cant believe it. They cannot believe that president obama is acting the way he acts and cant even mention the words radical islamic terrorism. Theres something going on. Its inconceivable. Around the same time, Hillary Clinton had this to say on cnns new day. From my perspective it matters what we do more than what we say and it mattered we got bin laden, not what name we called him and i have clearly said that we face terrorist enemies who use islam to justify slotering innocent people. And whether you call it radical jihadism, radical islamism, i think they mean the same thing. Im happy to say either. Joining me political analyst and gloria. Is it clear to you or anyone youve been talking impactto, ws he going with that . Good question, anderson. Its really hard to say. Theres a clear insinuation that the president somehow has another agenda, one that doesnt share American Values and in talking to republicans today, they were having a hard time kind of trying to figure it out. And as one of them pointed out to me, this is a pattern you see with donald trump, which is he throws these statements out there and tries to walk it back as he did later in the morning after that fox interview, he said there are a lot of people who think maybe he doesnt want to get it, hes referring to obama. And then he sdsaid i just happe to think he just doesnt know what hes doing. He puts it out there, puts it on other people and then moves away from it but hes thrown it out there which is red meat for people who distrust and truly dislike the president. Yeah. I mean, david, it is remarkable that just hours after the attack, donald trump tweeted quote appreciate the congrats for being right on radical islamic terrorism. I dont want congrats. I want toughness and individual license. We must be smart. It sounds like hes patting himself on the back again. This has been a disappointing day in many ways for all of us who had hoped for a moment of unity. Candidates on both sides came out swinging. I think donald trump has gotten himself into more trouble with these dark insinuations that the president has different allegiances. But its very dark and its not fitting. For this particular moment. On the tweet, i must tell you on that one, anderson, i do think that certainly among his followers theres a belief that he was out here Early Warning about this and so when what he said in his tweet i thing is a recognize that there are people who feel he should have been listened to earlier. His problem is he goes he engages so much excess that he people lose the point of what hes saying. Today he certainly is not infirst person to warn about radical islamic terrorism in the United States. Well, thats right. But hes certainly been at the forefront of president ial candidates saying this is an ever present threat and so threatening im going to ban muslims from coming here. I have to tell you for him to let the day to get a bad headline out of the Washington Post and to yank their credentials of the Washington Post from covering your campaign. Thats extraordinary. Why would he do something so stupid . It just doesnt make any sense. Hes assembling an enemys list like president s have in the past. Most president s like richard ninetysix nixon keep it private. Donald trump pub lusizes it and says this is my list. The number of politicians coming out talking about gay people in a way ive never heard before. Theyre talking about muslims and radical jihadists targeting gay people when frankly a lot of their positions are not exactly embracing gay people in the United States. And also dont forget today, you heard donald trump embrace the Gay Community. Hes a greater supporter of gay people than anyone else. And as you point out there, are lots of republicans who dont. I think real conservatives would say hes not a real conservative. However, i think to me, trump was coming out saying i am a friend to this community as i am to all communities. Because hes still cleaning up the mess from last week. Let me be clear, he did, in fairness. Trump was out there against republican orthodoxy supporting transgender people on the question of bathrooms. But at the same time the community, as you well know, the Lgbt Community is very suspicious of him because at the same time hes against samesex marriage. That really though he had attended gay weddings in the past. S exactly. Thank you all. Up next, the orlando heroes. Those who risk their own lives to save others. Well be right back. As we take another look at the vigils from tonight. Been trying to prepare for this day. And im still not ready. The reason im telling you this is that there will be moments in your life that. Youll never be ready for. Your little girl getting married being one of them. People are taking charge of their type 2 diabetes with noninsulin victoza®. 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It might be tempting to say this is a story about radical believes or hate or evil pure and simple but we also know this, that when it mattered most in the thick of the chaos, there were selfless acts of curage as well. Randy cay takes a look. Reporter he was spinning records when bullets started to fly. Ray rivera, otherwise known as d jirks infinite had just started playing reggae music. Time to go but he wasnt alone. He was hold up behind his dj booth along with another man and a woman. The man took off running but the d jer dj helped the woman escape unarmed. As soon as there was a break in the shots, i pushed her and s said lets go. Reporter when the shooting started josh mcgill ran outside, then more shots and screams, then he took cover under a car. Thats when this man randy, started stumbling towards him covered in blood. He had multiple gun shot wounds, one in each arm, so i took my shirt off, tied it around it, took off his shirt, tied it around his other arm. Reporter josh applied pressure on the wound all the way to the hospital in the ambulance. He talked to rodney to keep him conscious telling him god has got this. I was like god please dont let me break my promise. Sglerks reporter hes alive and in recovery. Chris hanson thought it was part of the music, he hit the ground and then crawled to safety across the street. Blood everywhere. I was helping somebody. I was like, hey, are you okay . Reporter the man, chris says was named junior. I took my ban dannau off and shoved it in the bullet hole in his back. I was like talk to me, stay with me and i was holding pressure down, its okay. Reporter this woman also jumped in to help, her friend, a night Club Employee was bleeding badly. I saw my buddy, juan, the bartender and i see his wound and take my shirt off and tie it around his leg to stop the bleeding. Reporter this medical student stayed around to help too instead of running for his life. I realized he was hit. He had a gun shot wound to his back. I held pressure on his wound for about 20 minutes or so and still checking in with him, keeping him conscious. Reporter he also helped a woman who had been shot in the hand, even using his own cell phone to call the womans mom so her daughter could speak to her. It was so heart breaking because even though she was saying those messages, i didnt want her to give up and i didnt want her mom to i didnt want them to say their good byes. Reporter cnn, new york. Something to hold on to in this dark day. We now know all the names of the victims. The 49th name has just been released well have that in a moment. Whats it like to be in good hands . Man, its like pure power at your finger tips. Like the power to earn allstate reward points, every time i drive. Want my number . And cash back for driving safe. And the power to automatically find your car. I see you car and i got the power to know whos coming and when if i break down. You must be gerry. Hey. In means getting more from your Car Insurance with the allpowerful drivewise app. Its good to be in, good hands. Just checking my free credit score at credit karma. What the . . . Youre welcome. I just helped you dodge a bullet. But i was just checking my. Shhh. Dont you know that checking your credit score lowers it just be cool. Actually, checking your credit score with credit karma doesnt affect it at all. Are you sure . Positive. So i guess i can just check my credit score then . Oooh check out credit karma today. Credit karma. Give yourself some credit. Sorry about that. We end the evening as we began it with a name, the last of the 49 victims has now been identified. His name is geraldo ortizjimenez. He was just 25 years old. We remember him, and we remember all those whose lives were taken far too soon. Our coverage continues now. Hello. Thanks for being with us. Wed like to welcome our viewers in the United States and all around the world. Im john vause in orlando where its just gone 2 00 a. M. On tuesday. And im amara walker in los angeles. Ahead this hour, focusing on the victims of the massacre. We are learning about their lives, their loved ones, and their final moments. Plus exclusive access to the emergency room and the trauma team that helped save lives in those crucial first fou hoew ho after the shooting. And the political aftermath. Clinton renews calls for gun control while Trump Doubles down on the rhetoric against muslims coming into the country. But we begin with the latest on the investigation into the shooting rampage. All 49 of the People Killed at the nightclub have now been identified. Another 53 were wounded. Five remain in grave condition. The Orlando Sentinel reports some Club Regulars spotted the gunman there repeatedly before sundays shooting. Investigators say he spent several hours at a disney World Shopping Center before the attack. Pamela brown has more details on what happened inside the club that night. Im at the club. Reporter new video posted by a victim inside the nightclub the moment the shooter opened fire. [ gunfire ] reporter today fbi director james comey said its clear 29yearold omar mateen was radicalized. But which terrorist group he was acting on behalf of remains a source of confusion to investigators after the gunman made reference to both isis and isis enemy al nusra front in 911 calls during the shootout. Even referencing american al bu sa ha who was fighting in syria when he blew himself up. There were three different calls. He called and he hung up. He called again and spoke briefly with the dispatcher, and then he hung up. And then the dispatcher called him back again, and they spoke briefly. So there were three total calls. There are strong indications of radicalization by this killer and of potential inspiration by foreign terrorist organizations. Reporter authorities continue to sift through every aspect of the shooters life, looking for any indication he was given direction by terrorist groups. At this stage, we see no clear evidence that he was directed externally. Also at this stage theres no direct evidence that he was part of a larger plot. Reporter just after 2 00 a. M. Sunday morning, as pulse nightclub readies for closing, the shooter sprays a barrage of bullets into a crowd of more than 300 people. Witnesses believe the initial gunfire is part of the music. The bullets, you think its part of a song. I looked behind me, and i noticed that it wasnt just a song, that there was bodies falling down. The guy next to me was shot, and thats when i dropped, and i made sure that i had to crawl my way out. What we thought was gunshots as part of the music, four shots, ba, ba, ba, ba, but for some reason it was different. Reporter an offduty Police Officer working at the front entrance of the clib club engages in a gun battle, firing several rounds at the shooter. Additional officers respond and get into another fire fight with the gunman, forcing him to retreat to the bathroom where Officials Say he held several hostages. [ gunfire ] reporter 5 00 a. M. A s. W. A. T. Team uses ang exploex and an Armored Vehicle to break through a wall of a different bathroom, rescuing dozens more people. That was a braesh. Reporter the gunman emerged from the same hole in the wall, firing on officers with a handgun and a long gun. He is killed in the battle. All i saw was cops coming in, people rushing out, and you could just hear the guns just going on. Thats all you heard was bang, bang, bang. Thanks to pamela brown for that report. Jessica schneider is with us live for more on the investigation. Jessica, these reports that were getting from the orlando newspaper that, in fact, the gunman had been to this club on a number of occasions before the shooting, also word that he may have been using a gay dating app, that coming from the l. A. Times. Really, it seems, taken this investigation into a different area. Reporter yeah, new details now emerging, john. In fact, accounts emerging that this gunman had frequented the pulse nightclub in the months leading up to this horrific attack. In fact, four different people telling the Orlando Sentinel that they had seen him there numerous times in the month leading up. In addition, chris callen is a performer at pulse nightclub and he told Cnns Anderson Cooper that he had, in fact, met omar mateen, that he had talked to him, that he seemed very friendly and that he also seemed very comfortable at the club. So these are all details that investigators are looking at. Theyre piecing it together to see exactly why the gunman may have been at this club, how much he may have frequented it, and looking into exactly these accounts from people who say that he was, in fact, there on numerous occasions. John. So, jessica, on the one hand you have these reports that he went to that club on a regular basis almost. And then we also have the new information coming from the investigation into his social footprint that he had actually been watching a lot of jihadist propaganda. Reporter yeah. Investigators now turning, in fact, to his cell phone records. Interestingly and perhaps alarmingly, they found that omar mateen was in orlando in the day before this vicious attack. They actually traced his cell phone to someplace called disney springs. Its part of the Walt Disney World complex. It used to be called downtown disney. Its actually an entertainment and shopping and dining complex. They say that he was there in the hours leading up to this attack. They do believe that he was there alone. But theyre working to piece all these details together from his cell phone to come up with the timeline as to exactly what his movements were in the hours and perhaps the days before the attack. Theyre also looking into his electronics, meaning his cell phones and his computers, and theyre finding that in his searches, his history of searches, he actually looked up a lot of isis propaganda. He looked at some of the videos of isis beheadings, and investigators also say that he looked at videos of the imam, the american imam, anwar al a laky. Of course that american imam had gone to yemen to join al qaeda, and he was actually killed by a drone strike in 2011. On monday, fbi director james comey said that the gunman had, in fact, been at least partly radicalized online. John. 2 06 here in the morning. Jessica schneider live with the very latest. Jessica, thank you. Of course as this investigation progresses, we have to keep in mind that families are grieving for the 49 people who were gunned down inside that nightclub. The youngest victim, just 19 years old. Jake tapper now has more on an evening that began with joy but ended in horror. Reporter saturday night was going to be a night of friendship and fun for pulse clientele such as 34yearold Edward Sotomayor jr. And 25yearold Amanda Al Vee ar, capturing these moments on social media, not knowing those posts would be their last. [ gunfire ] reporter they are just two of the 49 victims killed in the terrorist rampage. For survivors, horrifying recollections remain all too vivid. People were running. Glasses were getting dropped, and then you know people were passing me. Im getting covered in blood from other people. It went with the beat almost until you heard just too many shots. It was just like bang, bang, bang. There was about 20 or 30 people trying to push themselves through a very small cabinet looking door. Reporter luisver ba know escaped with his friend never looking back at the murderer coming towards them. I didnt want to look back. Why . To look at them, that would be the last thing i see, the last memory i have. Thats not something i want to remember. Reporter club goers hid from the terrorist in restrooms and dressing rooms. Huddling together, hoping to survive. He said he was going to die, and he loved me. Thats the last thing i heard. Reporter just after 2 00 a. M. , mina justice received these texts from her son, eddie. Mommy, i love you. In club, they shooting. Trapped in the bathroom. Calling them now, she wrote back. Then messages from eddie kept coming. He has us, and hes in here with us. And then, im going to die. Eddies mother spoke to news crews as she waited outside for her son. I think something happened. I do. Reporter Eddie Justice did not make it out alive. The murdered range in age from 19 to 50. Retail workers, accountants, bartenders, journalists, students, Bright Futures extinguished in a hatefilled terrorist attack. You stole a lot of people away from their families. Reporter some club goers were luckier, shot but saved because of the fast work of others. On the way to the hospital, the officer had him lay on top of me, and i had to bearhug him. Reporter Nursing Student josh mcgill helped a man with multiple gunshot wounds outside the club, telling him what he needed to hear to stay calm. I promise you gods got this. Youll be okay. And i was mainly scared. I was like, god, please dont let me break my promise. Reporter as of now, that man is alive. And the promise to overcome lives on as well. Were standing up, and were fighting. Thats all we can do. All we can do is fight. Earlier i spoke with giovanni nerve es, and he was on his way to the pulse nightclub. He changed his mind. He was tired. He went home. But five of his friends were murdered. I asked him if this International Show of support has helped. It does go to show that we, as a community, do become one. As a community, weve only really had each other. We really havent had the support from other communities like we have within ourselves. And even throughout time, you really see it. We always cling to each other for help, and we come together. So it feels really good to see australia, california, london paris. Paris come together and say, orlando, we are with you in this. And it just shows. Do you worry that people will move on and forget about the suffering that happened here, maybe not this community but elsewhere, especially around the United States . You know, i said earlier today that this is this is orlandos 9 11. Yeah. New york had their 9 11. This is our rendition of 9 11, and we will never forget. Its part of what ive been doing all day. Ive got friends that cant make it to orlando, that theyre in other cities in kissimmee and miami, and theyre mourning and grieving. So ive taken it upon myself to put flowers at the memorial and be their representative as saying, im here for you, and im going to mourn with you. Of course amara, giovanni, hes right. This is the second worst terrorist attack on u. S. Soil, the worst since 9 11, and it will take a long time for this community to heal. Understandably. John, were going to take a short break from here. When we come back, federal investigators say the orlando nightclub killer was radicalized online. Were going to tell you why they believe he may have been plotting this attack for some time. Stay with us. I will change you. Change your goals to get you home earlier every day. Sometimes i will give you superpowers. But sometimes, ill make you feel like the weakest man in the world. I will test your patience to make your heart softer. And your limits to make you tougher. 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An official says he had multiple online searches for jihadist propaganda. The gunman also received extensive Firearms Training as a student at a Law Enforcement academy according to two classmates and a former administrator. Brian todd has more on what authorities are learning about the shooter. Reporter tonight a portrait of a mass killer with a deadly mixture of hate and radicalization. But we are highly confident that this killer was radicalized and at least in some part through the internet. Reporter fbi director james comey says the fbi first became aware of omar mateen in 2013, following reports of threats and inflammatory statements. And from that time to the night of the massacre, mateen gave vague and conflicting indications of allegiances to terrorist groups. First he claimed family connections to al qaeda. He also said that he was a member of hezbollah, which is a shia terrorist organization that is a bitter enemy of the socalled islamist state, isil. He said he hoped that Law Enforcement would raid his apartment and assault his wife and child so that he could martyr himself. Reporter the fbi tracked mateen, looking for terrorist connections for ten months before closing that case. Questions tonight whether mateen should have been tracked more closely. Were also going to look hard at our woen work to see whether there is something which should have done differently. So far, the honest answer is i dont think so. I dont see anything in reviewing our work that our agents should have done differently. Reporter mateen was born in new york, the son of afghan immigrants. He worked for nine years as a Security Officer at g4s security, one of the Worlds Largest private security companies. Investigators are looking into what led him to this horrible act, but all indications suggest preparation and premeditation for a mass killing. At this gun store in jenson beach, florida, a man who didnt want to go on camera told us in recent weeks, omar mateen came here looking to buy level three body armor, offering protection that Police Officers dont even get. The manager here says they dont sell body armor of any kind, and mateen was out the door in about five minutes. But a u. S. Official briefed on the investigation tells cnn that suggests to investigators that mateen might have been planning the attack for some time. You dont know why he did what he did . I have no theory at all. I wish he was alive. I could ask him the same question that you have. And i cannot i cannot tell you. Why . Why he did do such act . This is against the principle of me and the whole family. Reporter though his father gave no concrete answers as to why, others who knew mateen describe him as unhinged, home phobic and racist. There was definitely moments that he would express his intolerance to homosexuals. This was a sick person that was really confused and went crazy. Reporter this man says he worked with mateen as a Security Guard. He said, i hate all those ns, and i wish i could just kill them all. Reporter Daniel Gilroys claims could not be independently verified, but he said he was so upset that he requested to be transferred and eventually quit the Security Company where they worked together. I saw it coming. I mean everything. I mean he told me he was going to do it. Besides the date and the location, he said he was going to kill a whole bunch of people. Reporter Daniel Gilroy says he told their employer, g4s Security Solutions several times about mateens behavior, and he says the company didnt do anything. A Company Official with knowledge of the situation tells cnn g force was not aware of any other complaints by other employees, including Daniel Gilroys claims, and the company says while he worked for them, omar mateen went through two rigorous background checks. Brian todd, cnn, fort pierce, florida. U. S. President barack obama will visit orlando thursday to pay respects to the victims of the mass shooting. On sunday, mr. Obama described the tragedy as a result of homegrown terrorism and once again escalated the call for gun control. As far as we can tell right now, this is certainly an example of the kind of homegrown extremism that all of us have been so concerned about for a very long time. It also appears that he was able to obtain these weapons legally because he did not have a criminal record that in some ways would prohibit him from purchasing these weapons. Legal experts say its pretty easy to buy a gun in florida. Semiautomatic Assault Rifles like the ar15 used in the shooting in orlando are legal to buy in this state. Buyers must first pass a federal background check. Thats conducted by the fbi, and its required for all gun purchases from federally licensed dealers. Florida, like most u. S. States, does not conduct its own background checks, and theres no limit on magazine capacity in florida. The state does, however, require a threeday waiting period for handgun purchases. Joining us now, cnn Law Enforcement analyst cedric alexander. He is also the Public Safety director for decall be county in georgia. We also learned today that mateen who was trained for about a month at a Law Enforcement academy. Would he have been trained on an ar15 at that time or different weapons . He very well could have. Many Police Departments across the country today are utilizing that type of weaponry as opposed to the old remington 870 shotgun. So its very well possible he could have been trained on that weapon. So when people say he was a Security Guard, it seems he had much more advanced training than, say, your average Security Guard, which is one reason why he was able to kill 49 people and wound 53 others. It wouldnt have been that advanced, but certainly it would have equated to some type of structured training that would have made it much more comfortable for him to feel familiar with those type of weapons. Okay. Were also learning that inside that club, he was cool. He was calm. At some point he was smiling and laughing. What does that tell you about his state of mind . Youre probably dealing with someone who is very psychotic and someone who has really removed himself from any emotional contact with people, whom he in his mind, somehow, may have had a great dislike for. Whether they were part of an Lgbt Community or whether they just were americans, clearly he had a plan in mind and one that appears to have been full of hate. And that made him a very dangerous individual in terms of being able to go in, mix with people, carry on like anyone else would, leave, and then come back and end in such a dramatic and deadly way. Were also being told that most of the victims, most of the people who were killed, were killed in the early stages of what ended up being a threehourlong siege. Is that fairly typical in this type of situation . Well, it varies. But anytime that youre using such a highpowered weapon such as an ar15 that uses 223 rounds, which are high velocity rounds and of course its my understanding he had a small arms weapon as well, a glock 9 millimeter, and at very close range can create some real threat as we saw. Were also being told that from our sources that he attempted to buy levelthree body armor. Is that the same that the police have, or this is even thats more militarygrade. Thats really more militarygrade type of body armor. And thats just not going to be sold to anyone. But even your s. W. A. T. Teams also have a much higher grade of body armor. If he managed to get hold of that type of body armor, what would have happened here . How would this have the fight could have gone on a little longer. More lives could have been lost certainly, but the fight would have certainly gone on a little longer had it not been had he had that type of vest on him. Were also being told that his wife is cooperating with investigators here. Will she be of much help . I think she will be. Shell be able to tell us a lot about him in terms of his any changes in his moods and personality over time. Who were some of his associates . What were some of his habits from the time that they met, married, and divorced or separated . So i think theres a lot of information that can be gathered from her in terms of helping us to determine who was this individual, and what was the motivation behind this massive killing. Quite often in a situation like this, people wonder how is it that this woman could be living with this man who was planning this deadly rampage and not know anything about it. Were assuming thats the case here. Is it possible for someone like these lone wolf attackers to carry out their plans completely separate to anybody else, without anybody picking up on it . Well, it could be. If could be. But oftentimes as you dig deeper into these investigations, each one of them are going to be very different. If we go back and look at the San Bernardino killing, we found that there were others that were involved. If you look at this case and what we know right now about mr. Mateen, he could have been operating as a lone wolf. Were still you know, its still early into this investigation. But over time, were going to learn more about whether he was a lone wolf, whether there were some others who knew about, took part, had some knowledge of this act that took place. One lead, i guess, the authorities are following up here is possible accomplices who may have been in the club that night. Cedric, thank you again. Thank you for having me. Our coverage will continue in a moment with a harrowing account from a survivor who faced the gunman. Also the argument between donald trump and Hillary Clinton over radical islam. Both have very different views on how to deal with terrorism. The new Green Goddess cobb with avocado, bacon, freshly made dressing, tomato. And chicken. At panera. Food as it should be. As long as you love me, its alright bend me shape me, any way you want me. Shape the best sleep of your life. Sleep number beds with Sleepiq Technology adjust any way you want it. The bed that moves you. Only at a sleep number store. Its more than a nits reliable uptime. And multilayered security. Its how you stay connected to each other and to your customers. With centurylink you get advanced technology solutions, including an industry leading broadband network, and cloud and hosting services all with dedicated, responsive support. 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And whats scarier than that was that when he shot the boy that was already shot, he laughed. And as hes laughing, thats when he fires through the whole front of the stall, like just freefired. Were yelling at him, like, please, please, dont do this. You dont want to do this. Just spare us. We didnt see you. We cant tell anybody. I guess that enticed him more, and he put his gun over the top of the stall and just willynilly fired. Well, it didnt take long for the presumptive president ial nominees to weigh in on this attack. They have sharply different ideas on how to handle the threat of terrorism. Sara murray reports. Reporter in the wake of the orlando massacre, donald trump and Hillary Clinton are putting their commanderinchief credentials on display. We are heading into a general election that could be the most consequential of our lifetimes. But today is not a day for politics. Reporter and adopting starkly different tones. Shes in total denial. Hillary supports policies that bring the threat of radical islam into america and allow it to grow overseas. Reporter clinton taking a more somber approach and laying out a plan to guard against terrorists who act alone. As president , i will make identifying and stopping lone wolves a top priority. Reporter while also promising tighter gun controls. I believe weapons of war have no place on our streets. Reporter and in a cnn interview, calling for the return of the assault weapons ban, first signed into law by her husband. We did have an assault weapons ban for ten years, and i think it should be reinstated. Reporter all as trump is railing against his political opponents, casting himself as tough on terror. I refuse to be politically correct. The days of deadly ignorance will end. Reporter though the orlando shooter was an american citizen, born in new york, trump misreading his speech appeared to suggest otherwise. The killer, whose name i will not use or ever say, was born an afghan, of afghan parents. Reporter as he renews his call to ban muslims from the u. S. I will use this power to protect the american people. When im elected, i will suspend immigration from areas of the world where there is a proven history of terrorism against the United States. Reporter insisting an influx of Syrian Refugees presents a danger to the country. We have to stop people from coming in from syria. Were taking them in by the thousands. Reporter in fact, less than 4,000 syrians have been admitted this year. President obama has called for resettling 10,000 by the end of september. After all his tough talk, trump is still backing on cooperation from muslim communities. The Muslim Community so importantly, they have to work with us. They have to cooperate with Law Enforcement and turn in the people who they know are bad. Reporter as clinton argues, trumps approach will only alienate muslim allies. Inflammatory antimuslim rhetoric and threatening to ban the families and friends of muslimamericans as well as millions of muslim Business People and tourists from entering our country hurts the vast majority of muslims who love freedom and hate terror. Reporter today the Presumptive Democratic nominee also negated one of trumps loudest criticisms. Hillary clinton for months and despite so many attacks repeatedly refused to even say the words radical islam. Reporter intentionally using those words. Whether you call it radical jihadi jihadism, radical i islam, i think they mean the same thing. Im happy to say either. Reporter as trump embraces questionable semantics of his own. Were led by a man that either is not tough, not smart, or hes got Something Else in mind. Reporter now, the Washington Post is one of those news outlets that seized on the idea that donald trump pointed out maybe obama knows more than hes letting on about these terrorist attacks, about islamic extremism. Donald trump did not appear to like that story line. He went onto facebook after his event here to say he was going to be revoking the credentials from the Washington Post. Sara murray, cnn, manchester, new hampshire. Pat shi sheehan is orlandos first openly day commissioner, and she joins us now. Patty, thank you for speaking with us and taking the time. First things first, all the dead have now been identified. Yes. Families are being notified. Yes. How are people coping with this . Well, you know, i just came back from a huge rally down at the orlando Performing Arts Center. It was a really amazing time to bring the community together. I was frankly reluctant at first to do it because i was afraid of putting more people in peril and stretching a thin Law Enforcement resources. But it was actually really, really wonderful. There are people who are in the Muslim Community. There are people from all different walks of life, and it was just really affirming. There was a candlelight vigil, and i have to tell you they were ringing a bell for every victim. And it was stunning. Very moving. It was very moving, and how long it took to ring that bell for every victim. 49 victims. Yes. Do we have any idea do you have an idea why the gunman, mateen, would target the pulse nightclub because were now hearing from Police Sources that investigators are looking into the fact that he may have been at this club on a number of different occasions before the shoot something. This is i mean im incredulous although they do say a lot of times that people who have internal homophobia tend to act out against other gay people. Yeah, i guess that is one theory out there. This was a man struggling with his own sexuality possibly. Yeah. Clearly what happened here, its unprecedented. But for the Gay Community, violence, it happens all too frequently. You know, we have been weve lost, you know aids decimated our community. We had a lot of death and lost people and had great suffering because of that. Weve been victims of hate crimes. Weve, you know, been the victims of discrimination. We have had to overcome a lot in this community, and i think because of that, we have a resilience and a strength that a lot of people a lot of communities dont have. Thats why we get to together. Thats why we can put together fabulous shows and things like that, and fabulous music because its kind of our way of coping. You are going to need that strength in the coming days. We do need that strength, absolutely. Especially in states like florida, there are laws on the books. There are antilgbt laws which are on the books and continue to be attempted to be passed. Florida never got through the transgender bathroom laws, but the state legislature tried. It is about time that the lawmakers after what happened here maybe think about the discrimination that i asked to held them accountable. I said if you want to come here and talk about violence against the Gay Community and say its really not a gay thing, yes, it is a gay thing and are you going to do hate crimes enhancements for crimes against my community . Are you going to protect for public accommodation, employment, and housing at the state level like we do in orlando . What are you going to do to help my community after this . And, you know what do they say so far . So far, oh, well, you know, we love the gays. Yeah, right. No, you know what . You need to show that you put your money where your mouth is. If youre going to come here and stand in front of the cameras and talk about how you want to support the community, do it. Its not that difficult. Its not that difficult to do the right thing. Patty, good to speak with you. Thank you. Absolutely. Still to come here, the shock of this deadly mass shooting is giving way to devastating reality for the friends and the family of the victims. I thought that he was immo immortal. He always said that he will never left me, he will never abandon me. I trusted him. Announcer this is cnn breaking news. We have some other breaking news to bring to you. France now says the murder of a french Police Officer and his partner was a terrorist act. Lets get more on this from Senior International correspondent Jim Bittermann joining us live now from paris. What can you tell us about these killings . Reporter hi, amara. In fact, the branding of it as a terrorist attack came from the French Interior minister just a short while ago as he was heading out to the scene where all this took place last night. This Police Officer, a commander, in fact, at a Police Station to the west of paris, was coming home last night in civilian clothes, wasnt in unifo uniform, when he was attacked and apparently according to media reports stabbed nine times. And then later when he took refuge in the Police Officers house and the s. W. A. T. Teams went in and killed the assailant after a couple of hours of negotiation, inside the house they found the companion of the Police Officer dead. Both of the couple members were members of police force. The woman was a secretary at a Police Station not too far away from where she was killed, and the husband, 42 years old, was the commander at another Police Station a short distance away. They are now saying that the assailant was known to police, that he was sentenced to two and a half years in prison for association with a terrorist group, recruiting specifically terrorist members to go off to pakistan along with seven other people who were also convicted at the same time. He had a kind of a, according to the reports that were hearing, he had a kind of sort of the way he progressed through terrorism was something similar to what weve heard all along. He was a petty criminal, went to jail for petty crimes, and then became radicalized. And this attack has now been claimed by the same terrorist website that claimed the Orlando Attack, which is just a few hours after the killings. In fact, the attack was claimed by this terrorist website. It should be pointed out, however, there was no indication that isis had directed this attack, but rather that the website claimed it after the fact, amara. And just quickly, jim, we should tell our remind our viewers that france is hosting their euro tournament, already increased security for this football tournament. What would the impact be on that, and will we see more heightened security because of this latest terrorist attack as its being characterized as . Reporter one wonders how much higher it can get. The fact is were in a state of emergency right now. This kind of an attack with a knife in a suburban neighborhood, with a policeman in civilian clothes, its the kind of thing that it could happen practically anywhere in this country no matter how high the level of protection was. Once again, it was a knife that was used in this attack. No arms other than a knife were found as far as the police are reporting at this point. Amara. Jim bittermann live for us there in paris. Appreciate that, jim. Thanks for that. Were going to take a short break. Were back after this. Vo across america, people are taking charge of their type 2 diabetes with noninsulin victoza®. For a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar. But it didnt get me to my goal. So i asked my doctor about victoza®. He said victoza® works differently than pills. And comes in a pen. Victoza® is proven to lower blood sugar and a1c. Its taken once a day, any time. Victoza® is not for weight loss, but it may help you lose some weight. 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Stop taking victoza® and call your doctor right away if you have signs of pancreatitis such as severe pain that will not go away in your abdomen or from your abdomen to your back, with or without vomiting. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. Taking victoza® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. The most common side effects are headache, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. Side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. If your pill isnt giving you the control you need ask your doctor about noninsulin victoza®. Its covered by most health plans. Welcome back, everyone. The world is sending love to orlando as the city mourns the mass shooting victims. Here in los angeles, hundreds gathered for a candlelight vigil and rally outside city hall monday evening, and pop star lady gaga delivered an emotional speech. I gather humbly with you as a human being in peace and sincerity, in commitment, in solidarity. And there was a show of solidarity in new york as well. Huge crowds gathering there near the historic Stonewall Inn to honor those who died. Riots at the inn back in 1969 launched the modern gay rights movement. Clearly this tragedy has touched so many people around the world. But the pain is being felt the most for those closest to the shooting victims. Cnns gary tuchman met with one woman who says she didnt just lose her friend. She lost her family. Reporter nobody should ever have to endure this. Family and friends of those who are missing in orlando told to meet at a makeshift Crisis Center where they would receive the official word on whether their loved ones had been identified. Sara lopez was told to show up at 8 00 a. M. To find out about her closest friend in the world, who was missing. But instead she received a call in the middle of the night that he had, indeed, been killed. I thought that he was immortal, you know . He always said that he would never left me, that he would never abandon me, and i trusted him. Sara always called him jimmy. He worked in retail. She is an artist. They met where they both grew up in puerto rico, and both moved to the orlando area. When did you first meet jimmy . I met jimmy when i was 16 years old in a gettogether at her sisters house, and we fell in love immediately. We knew that we were stuck for the rest of our lives together that very moment. Even when he was gay and i was gay. So it was not a sexual attraction. It was a soul mate maybe. Reporter but you were best friends . Yes. Reporter soul mates . He was my brother. Most of jimmys family remains in puerto rico. Same with sara. They relied on each other when they moved to the mainland, and relied on each other for three and a half decades since. When she received the call that jimmy was dead, her mind raced. I remember when we used to dance salsa. I remember when my son was sick, and he stayed with me at the hospital. I remember when my sister died. Remember when our best friend died a few years ago, in two seconds, its like he passed in front of me. Reporter sara says jimmy was at the pulse nightclub with two of his friends who survived. They told her they started crawling towards a bathroom when the gunman was reloading. But one of those friends say jimmy didnt follow. He was playing dead, hoping the gunman would ignore him. When he looked back, he said that he saw jimmy in fetal position, and the guy was shooting back and forth to everything that moved. He said that it was like a hundred bam, bam, bam, bam, bam in a minute. Reporter saras mind played tricks with her. What if jimmy crawled too . Would he be alive and with her tonight . Instead she now begins to help his mother and Three Sisters from puerto rico plan a funeral and wonders what her life will be like now. I dont know. I might be surviving, but i know im not without him. And i can prove you when i clean my home, when i listen to salsa, he is right here with me. Hes going to be right here with me. Reporter shortly after we talked with sara, she and a niece of jimmys went to the medical examiners office. Jimmys body had arrived. Gary tuchman, cnn, orlando. Well, equality florida, lgbt organization has started a page on the crowdfunding site gofundme for the victims here in orlando. Theyre collecting money for the victims and their families. So far you can see there theyve raised almost 3 million and counting. For more resources and information on how you can help as well, you can visit cnn. Com impact. Well, that does it for us here. Im amara walker in los angeles. Im john vause in orlando. Cnns special coverage of the massacre in orlando continues after the break. eeeeohmumohweh hush my darling. dont fear my darling. the lion sleeps tonight. hush my darling. man snoring dont fear my darling. the lion sleeps tonight. woman snoring take the roar out of snore. Yet another innovation only at a sleep number store. Every ingredient is the main ingredient. The new Green Goddess cobb with avocado, bacon, freshly made dressing, tomato. And chicken. At panera. Food as it should be. Announcer this is cnn breaking news. Hello and welcome to our viewers in the United States and around the world. Im robyn curnow at the cnn center. And im George Howell live in orlando, florida this hour. And were following some breaking news in france where officials are calling the murder of a Police Officer and his partner an act of terrorism. An attacker stabbed the policeman to Death Outside his home. A s. W. A. T. Team killed the attacker. The officers partner was subsequently found dead inside the home. We will have a live report from paris with more shortly. But right now lets go to George Howell in orlando for the latest on the deadly shootings there. Robyn, two day afrz that shooting and you see behind me here there is still a crime scene, and there will be a crime scene here for many days to come. All the while, investigators are learning more about the man behind these murders. The fbi believes the shooter selfradicalized online, finding jihadist propaganda there. A performer said he saw the gunman at the gay nightclub at least twice a month for three years before the actual shooting. Vigils are being held around the world to honor the victims. Thousands came to a candlelight ceremony here in orlando. Also thursday, president barack obama will visit orlando. He says there is no evidence that the gunman was guided by isis. There are also new questions about the gunmans background and accounts that he visited the nightclub just down the street many, many times before. In an interview with the Orlando Sentinel, four regular patrons of the gay club said they saw the gunman there a number of times before sundays shooting. His exwife spoke with erin burnett about his past. Listen. When we had gotten married, he confessed to me about his past that was recent at that time and that he very much enjoyed going to clubs and the night life, and there was a lot of pictures of him. So, you know, i feel like its a side of him or a part of him that he lived but probably didnt want everybody to know about. Do you think he was gay . I dont know. He never personally or, you know, physically made any indication while we were together of that. But he did feel very strongly about homosexuality. Investigators are also examining omar mateens electronic devices, even his search history. An official says the 29yearold had searched for videos of isis beheadings and of a radical americanborn imam. Cnns Boris Sanchez is here and now joins us live in orlando this hour. Boris, good to have you. So first lets talk about the gunmans electronic footprint. Revealing several new clues now. Reporter thats right, george. Just to give you an idea where we are, first, were on the other side of this crime scene. It remains a massive investigation, and as part of it, were getting kind of a window into the mind of this shooter and the process of selfradicalization. One u. S. Official described what they found in his electronic records as, quote, he consumed a hell of a lot of jihadist propaganda that includes the isis videos that george mentioned, isis beheadings as well as videos produced by anwar al awlaki. He was based in yemen and inspired a generation of jihadis much he was mentioned in the september 11th commission report, essentially saying that he was the spiritual leader of some of the hijackers. Of course he was killed in 2011 during a drone strike. Some of these different influences might explain the discrepancy in the shooters socalled pledged allegiances. When he was first on the phone with 911 and pledged allegiance to isis and then later pledged allegiance to al nusra, which is an Al Qaeda Group based in syria. Those are two competing groups, so this reveals the inner workings of the shooters niemi. He was essentially looking for some kind of inspiration to carry out this attack. Aside from that as you mentioned, president obama will be here on thursday, offering condolences and support to the victims and their families. This as we watch vigils unfold around the world, including some here in orlando that coincide with the release of the name of the last victim. That is geraldo ortizjimenez. He is the 49th victim that has been identified by officials. We can also tell you that officials are looking into the shooters movements shortly before the shooting. It appears he had been scoping out several locations, and as they flesh out their timeline, that will certainly be the focus, george. Boris, tell us just a bit more about that. Apparently the gunman spending time at nearby disney springs. How exactly were investigators able to track this down . Reporter right. Well, they said that they used cell phone tower data to be able to pinpoint his location. As you said, he was in an area known as disney springs. It was an area that i frequented when i was a kid. Its essentially an entertainment center. There are restaurants there and different businesses. A lot of families are there, and what investigators were able to figure out is that just hours before the shooting, he was in that area alone. And you can imagine that they want to hear from people that were there at the same time to see if anybody saw him and perhaps they can glean something from what his demeanor was at that time as they put together this timeline to figure out just how all of this unfolded, george. So investigators learning a lot more about his background, his online searches, and even his electronic footprint where hes been. Boris sanchez live for us. Boris, thank you. And another aspect of this investigation. A store manager says the orlando gunman tried to buy militarygrade body armor in the days before the attack. He says the store didnt carry it, but the shooter was armed with a handgun and an Assault Rifle when he went into the pulse nightclub. Well, jim sciutto has more on the hours of terror that then followed. [ gunfire ] reporter this is the moment pulse nightclub turned from celebration to terror. [ gunfire ] reporter gunfire caught on video as 25yearold Amanda Alvear chatted online with a friend. She did not survive. Tonight u. S. Officials are calling the deadliest shooting in American History an act of terrorism. There is no evidence the shooter, omar mateen, had contact with isis or other terror groups. As far as we can tell right now, this is certainly an example of the kind of homegrown extremism that all of us have been so concerned about for a very long time. Reporter but today the fbi director james comey said the bureau investigated mateen for ten months in 2013 and placed him on two terror watch lists. Though he was removed when the case ended. He was still able to buy two guns legally in the last two weeks. Were working to understand what role antigay bigotry may have played in motivating this attack. Again its early. Were working hard to understand the killer and his motives and his sources of inspiration. Reporter omar mateen sprays a barrage of bullets into a crowd of some 300 people. Witnesses believe the initial gunfire is part of the music. I was just dancing to the music and you hear bang, bang. I thought really its just not even i dont know, 150 feet in front of you. Theres people being shot down. Reporter around 2 30 a. M. , mateen calls 911 from the bathroom three times, pledging his allegiance to isis, other terror groups, and expressing support for the boston bombers and abusalha, the american suicide bomber who killed himself in syria. There were three different calls. He called and he hung up. He called again and spoke briefly with the dispatcher, and then he hung up. And then the dispatcher called him back again, and they spoke briefly. So there were three total calls. He was cool and calm. When he was making those phone calls to us. Reporter jim sciutto, cnn, orlando. Now, for the people who survived this mass shooting, we are hearing some incredible stories about how they escaped death. Norman casiano is one of those people. He told my colleague, anderson cooper, what happened after he and several other club patrons ran into a bathroom to hide. So you crawled into the bathroom . Yeah, and it was just from that point forward, my i just already knew that this was it was going to go south from there. While you were crawling into the bathroom, did there continue to be shots . Yeah. There was like the fastest crawl. We were like military crawling, like lets get out of here. So we went into the bathroom, and we opened the stall, and theres already people lined up near the wall. So i could only sit near the front where if something was going to happen was this a small regular bathroom stall . Just like a probably like this whole scare right here. Uhhuh. Like about four by ten. Like a small little like to the point where theres people sitting on top of each other. So once i got in there, everyone ducked, and we got quiet. And im like just i tried to call 911. It wouldnt go through. It was busy. At that point the gunshots are getting closer, and i called my mom. And i dont know if something was wrong with the service or it had something to do what was going on, but she i heard it pick up, and i said, mom, mom, mom. And it dropped. And that was the time span of like not even five minutes that from that point forward, thats when the gunshots got extra close. And at that point you hear everyone just under their breath like praying and crying and like trying to be quiet so if he you know, if he wasnt going to go into the bathroom, he wouldnt hear us. Could you hear people outside the bathroom . No. It was just gunshots after gunshots, and you could hear the bullets hitting the floor. You could hear when he was, like, adding more bullets. Reloading . Reloading, the gun, yeah. How many people were in your stall . I counted about like 20 or 30 people. Wow. Yeah, because there wasnt any room for you to just like everyone have their own little niche to stand in. It was like you need to sit on top of like one of my friends was laying on top of other people, and its to that point where the people didnt care. Everyone is just like ducking and, you know, just hoping for the best, praying, and i myself was saying, please dont let this be where i go. Like this cannot be whats going to happen tonight. So at that point after the phone call, right directly immediately after, i see feet, and were thinking it the assailant. You see feet from under the bathroom stall . Yeah, because it was like a space this big underneath the stall. Im thinking its the shooter. You and just hear the door gets slammed on, and someone drops to the floor. And it was another patron of pulse, and he he was bleeding. The floor started bleeding. Like it was just all over. He was shot right then and there . I figured that he was running away from him to go hide in one of the stalls, and as he was running, i guess he shot him from a distance. Once he shot him, he left. The gunman left . Yes. And thats something thats imprinted in my head for the rest of my life. Like i have literally been in the hospital for two days trying to sleep, and one of the first things i hear what i close my eyes are guns, bullets hitting the floor, and just that laugh. Like it wasnt like a like a multiple laugh. Its like a villain in a movie. It was like a laugh of satisfaction, like im doing what i came here to do. Was it an extended laugh or just just like a really quick like a chuckle. I cant even do from how like intense like it was just pure and everyone ive talked to, its like pure evil. Thats what it sounded like. It didnt even sound like a person at that point. He didnt speak. The only sound we heard was the laugh. So at that point someone starts screaming, like please, please, please dont shoot us. Dont shoot us. And he does the first round through the door. Of the stall where you were . Of the stall that i was in. Thats when i got my first wound, which was an entrance and an exit. We start yelling again, please, please dont shoot. Theres people in the background just begging him, like please, please dont shoot. Like we havent seen your face. We dont know what you look like. You havent spoken. We dont know anything. Just please let us go. Like dont do this. And i guess that just like i said, i guess it like enticed him to do it more. And he put his hand over the stall and just freeshot. You saw his hand go over the stall . Yeah, thats the only description i was able to give to police was i know that he was tan. Do you remember the gun . Yeah, it was the smaller one . Was it a handgun . The handgun, yeah. It was a 9 millimeter. I could see it clearly. I remember i just looked up for five seconds and then i looked down and shimmied over. Thats when i got me here. And he got other people, and people screamed. So like, you know, because a few of them did pass away at that moment in time. And i just dropped to the floor, and i guess he thought that whoever was in there, he already got. So he he left. Clarity there of the description just chilling. But i also want to update you now on a breaking news story out of france. Lets go straight to paris. Jim bittermann is standing by. We understand officials are calling the murder of a Police Officer and his partner an act of terrorism. Tell us more, jim. Reporter yes, robyn. The interior minister called it an abject act of terrorism. That was a short while ago after he had met with the president and other Security Officials here in france and before he headed to the scene of this crime, which was to the west of paris. Its about 45 minutes from the center of paris. And in that locality, which is a fairly calm suburb of mannianville west of paris, the Police Officer was heading home last night at about 8 30 in the evening when he was attacked and stabbed according to media reports nine times. He was in civilian dress, was not on duty at the time. And then the assailant went into the Police Officers home and holed up there. S. W. A. T. Teams came. They tried to negotiate with him for several hours and finally in a shootout killed him. When the Police Officers got inside, they found that the companion of the Police Officer, who also works for the police as a secretary, in fact she was killed as well. A 3yearold child who was found inside the house was safe. Now, theyre saying the media reports here are saying that the assailant was connected to terrorism back in 2013, was sentenced to two and a half years in jail for his connections to a terrorist recruiting group. And the act has been claimed at least by isis and isisrelated news site has claimed that this was something that was carried out by someone who was an isis soldier. The fact is, though, that this came after the fact, and theres no indication that isis was in fact directing this operation, robyn. Jim bittermann in paris. Thank you, on news that authorities are calling an incident there in paris an act of terror. Thank you. Back here in orlando, dozens of victims are still in emergency care. We will give you an exclusive look inside one of the hospitals working to save them. This is cnn newsroom. Be the you who doesnt cover your moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis. Be the you who shows up in that dress. Who hugs a friend. Who is done with treatments that dont give you clearer skin. Be the you who controls your psoriasis with stelara® just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. Stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. 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This community dealing with a great deal of sadness and a great deal of pain. Im George Howell live in orlando, florida. And im robyn curnow at the cnn center. Cities across the u. S. And around the world are honoring the 49 People Killed in the pulse nightclub shooting. In orlando, it was a sea of glowing candles. Look at those images. Hundreds of people gathered to remember the victims. It was one of many, many vigils across the city on monday. In new york, a vigil was held at the symbolic Stonewall Inn, the site of the 1969 riots that launched the modern gay rights movement. Again, very evocative images. In london, hundreds of people rallied in the streets in solidarity with orlando. And in paris, a city no stranger to terror, the eiffel tower was lit up in honor of the orlando victims, half in red, white and blue, and half in the colors of the rainbow flag. The pain and sadness real, but people coming together around the world. Were also learning more about the situation at nearby hospitals here in orlando as dozens upon dozens of victims arrived sunday morning for emergency care. Cnn got exclusive access inside the orlando Regional Medical center, one of the places where doctors have been treating patients around the clock since the shootings. Our chief medical correspondent dr. Sanjay gupta has this report for us. They said there was a gunshot wound coming in, and they said that there were maybe a few more. The initial report was 20 gunshot wounds that were going to be coming our way. And one patient came in. Another patient came in, and then i realized this was not a drill. Reporter trauma surgeon smith, cheatham, and ibrahim have been operating almost nonstop since the shooting at pulse nightclub. We were up to six rooms within about 90 minutes. They had 44 gunshot wound victims come in all within a space of about an hour and a half, two hours. It certainly exceeded anything weve ever seen before. Reporter 26 operations were performed in the first few hours. Injuries so devastating, one patient alone requiring four separate operations. 90 units of blood and counting. The patients were wheeled indo this area. Theyd have about a dozen people surrounding them, physicians, nurses, pharmacists, anybody who could lend a hand. They would make a decision quickly as to was this patient going to survive, was this patient going to need surgery, and how quickly was that operation going to be necessary . How much blood was a patient going to get . You can imagine 44 patients within a short time coming in. Bed after bed after bed, and these doctors having to make those decisions. Thats whats been going on here for quite some time. They finally feel theyve gotten a handle on the situation but they still have many, many patients upstairs who need their care. And then in the midst of all that, a rumor that the hospital had become a target. We have the shooter currently inside ormc. We cant take anymore. Reporter patients, many of whom were still conscious, trying desperately to communicate till the very end. Several people asked if, you know, if they were going to die, where their friends were, where their loved ones were. And, you know, just everybody kind of came together, tried to reassure them at the same time. There were some patients unfortunately that due to their injuries, you know, they were unable to be saved, and we tried to make them as comfortable as possible. With us now, dr. Sanjay gupta. Sanjay, when we talk about that night, it seems like hour after hour it got worse and worse and worse. What was it like for these surgeons . Well, you know, i think they initially didnt know what really to expect. There was a doctor on call. He gets a call and says theres a couple of patients coming in initially. And thats not unusual for orlando. You might have a night where you have a couple of patients who have gunshot wounds. But then it was more and more, and at some point he had to make a decision. First of all, its not a drill. This is real life. I need to call for backup. So he called two more surgeons. They called for three more surgeons. Eventually there was at least six surgeons operating. They did 26 operations in a relatively short amount of time. So they were taking care of these patients, triaging the patients, triaging the blood. They needed to make sure they had enough blood. Triaging the other resources that were necessary. So its something that you think about. You try and practice for. But real life is always going to be a little bit different. You know, there was a point where mateen went outside and then came back in, and its you know, did the surgeons notice that they had one round of patients and then another round of patients . Very good point. And this was a crucial difference than San Bernardino, than newtown. Those are usually several minutes. This, in part because of the hostage situation as well, ended up being several hours. So the way they described it was they essentially had two mass casualty incidents. They had one wave of patients and then they basically had to stop. They werent doing any triage or any recovery or rescue at the scene. And then all of a sudden they got that second wave after the hostage situation was over. So that was a whole nother thing. And you remember throughout the night, i mean the numbers were all over the place. Right. Because nobody really knew what was happening. I remember. I was onset that night, and we got information initially, and then it seemed like the information changed drastically. There were so many more patients involved. These different hospitals, you know, in major cities, in chicago, for instance, in seattle, there are hospitals that are prepared for, that are designed for and trained for big situations like this. But orlando yeah. They do training. You know i think since ive been a journalist, this has been a big difference. The hospital where i work in atlanta, emery, we dont think about this. Im sure in orlando, you dont think this is going to happen. No city is seemingly immune. So if youre a levelone Trauma Center now, you do training for mass casualty incidents. Theyve always done it, but now part of their training is for semiautomatic weapons, multiple patients coming in with multiple wounds, not just, you know, big Car Accidents or even shootings but just single gunshot wounds. These are mass casualty incidents, more militarystyle. Different times. Dr. Sanjay gupta, thank you. Yeah, thank you. Robyn back to you. Amazing insight from sanjay. After this break, there will be more stories of survival, and youll hear from a man who lost eight friends in this mass shooting. Stay with us. Wanna drink more water . With sodastream you turn plain water into sparkling water in seconds. And because its so delicious, youll drink 43 more water every day. Sodastream. Love your water. Welcome back to our viewers in the United States and around the world. Im robyn curnow at the cnn center. And im George Howell live in orlando, florida. The fbi says that they think the gunman selfradicalized online. One official says the shooters devices showed numerous searches for jihadist propaganda. His current wife is cooperating with investigators with information helping them to build a timeline leading up to the attacks here. The u. S. President , barack obama, is calling the mass shooting a result of, quote, homegrown terrorism and is once again escalating the call for more gun control. On thursday, mr. Obama will travel to orlando, travel here to pay respects to the victims of this massacre. French officials are calling the murder of a Police Officer and his partner an act of terrorism. An attacker stabbed the policeman to Death Outside his home late monday. A s. W. A. T. Team killed the attacker and then found the officers partner dead inside the home. We are learning some terrifying new insight about this mass shooting from people who survived and others who are struggling with devastating news about their friends and their Family Members. Our nick valencia has their stories. It was the scariest day of my life. Reporter Jason Gonzalez was one of monther than 300 people enjoying a saturday night in pulse nightclub. But around 2 00 a. M. , it didnt take long for him to realize something was wrong. [ gunfire ] oh, my god. We were trying to run for our lives, you know. Everybody was running for their lives. Some people were throwing themselves on the ground. Some people were running on top of each other. Some people were hiding in the bathrooms. It was just it was just straight chaotic. Gonzalez, an Operations Manager at walt disney, jumped a fence to escape, ran to the subway across the street, and locked himself in a bathroom. He survived. But two of his friends didnt make it out alive. Another friend was shot five times and is still in the hospital. Why did these people have to die, and why did it happen to us . For people who give so much love, we receive so much hate. Reporter gonzalez hasnt slept much since the shooting. Neither has melissa cruz, who has also best friends with one of the victims. I took a quick nap and woke up, and when i woke up, i started crying because i kept thinking, like, how did this happen . How did we lose all these people . Like where did we go wrong . All our friends, a lot of them has already passed away. Reporter 49 People Killed by the gunman. Among them, a bouncer, a starbucks barista, an employee at universal orlando. For many friends and family who come to the orlando Regional Medical center, the gutwrenching news. We were just having a birthday discussion with one of your friends. Now theyre gone. Reporter Danny Roderick easy and his friend drove from tampa bay as soon as they heard eight of their friends were killed. Its outrageous. Reporter for all of the victims affected by this tragedy, the next steps wont be easy. We need to now try to move forward and make sure that those people that are not here today are not forgotten. Reporter nick valencia, cnn, orlando, florida. 49 killed. 53 wungdounded. When it comes to buying a gun in the state of florida, we learned its not that hard. Semiautomatic weapons are legal to buy in this state. Buyers are required to pass a federal background check conducted by the fbi. Thats required for all gun purchases from federally licensed dealers. Florida, like most u. S. States, does not conduct its own background checks, and theres no limit on magazine capacity in florida. The state does require a threeday waiting period for handgun purchases. Joining us now to talk more about this, cnn Law Enforcement analyst cedric alexander. He is the Public Safety director for Dekalb County just outside atlanta, georgia. Its good to have you. I want to talk about this issue of guns. When you talk about mateen, here is a guy who again was on the fbi watch list, but he wasnt under direct investigation. Still he was able to go in and buy these weapons. How does that happen . Well, you know, george, theres still a lot of work that has to be done as it relates to guns in this country. And we have a Second Amendment. We have to respect it, and we will respect it. However, both sides of the aisle need to come together and really begin to think about how do we find some resolve . The law as it is is what the law is. Hes a u. S. Citizen. Hes born in this country. He did not have a record. There was no indication he had Mental Health issues. So, therefore, he was just as eligible to receive a gun just as much as anyone else. This is going to be an ongoing debate, and i just think we have to have the conversation not just when Something Like this happens, but begin to have this conversation before it happens the next time. But we also still have to respect the Second Amendment is our right, and people have the right to carry weapons. But this is just going to be an ongoing debate for some time. As you point out, this is the United States. Thats right. The Second Amendment important. But, look, things like this happen. It brings this issue to light time after time after time. I want to talk about his training. Mmhmm. Did he have i mean he did have some sort of specialized training. Walk us through that. It has appeared from what we know he did do some training at one of the local academies here somewhere in the state. I think it was saint lucie county. With that training, certainly he had some familiarization with weaponry and became comfortable with it. Now, whether he completed that training, i dont know. But a lot of time people will start out training. But what they will also do is go on their own and continue to practice with and become comfortable with those type of weapons. But when you Start Talking about highpowered rifles like an ar15, it doesnt take a whole lot of training because theyre very deadly weapons. And anytime it hits human flesh, it can cause a great deal of damage. So this is just sad, and its unfortunate. But we have a lot still to talk about as it relates to this. Very quickly here, lets talk about the crime scene. This is still an active crime scene. How long would it take to process Something Like this . Well, its going to take a while. This is a very large crime scene. Weve had a lot of loss at this crime scene in terms of deaths and injuries. And a lot of rounds was fired at this crime scene as well, too, george. So its going to be a while. But i think its very important that they take their time, they be very methodical, and they put this case together in a way in which we all can learn from it. Cedric alexander, thank you so much. Thank you for having me. Robyn, back to you. Thanks, george. Youre watching cnn. After this break, donald trump delivers a fiery speech on the orlando terror attack. But some of his angry comments showed little regard for the truth. Well check the facts. Thats next. Im only in my 60s. Ive got a nice long life ahead. Big plans. So when i found out medicare doesnt pay all my medical expenses, i got a Medicare Supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if youre eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80 of your part b medical expenses. The rest is up to you. Call now and find out about an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. 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Inflammatory, antimuslim rhetoric and threatening to ban the families and friends of muslimamericans as well as millions of muslim Business People and tourists from entering our country hurts the vast majority of muslims who love freedom and hate terror. And clinton also expressed solidarity with the Lgbt Community. To all the lgbt people grieving today in florida and across our country, you have millions of allies who will always have your back. [ applause ] and i am wone of them. As for mr. Trump, his speech on the massacre was filled with inpl inflammatory rhetoric. Our dana bash checks the facts. Reporter Donald Trumps 34minute speech was brimming with the kind of nativist rhetoric that helped him win the gop nomination. Theyre pouring in, and we dont know what were doing. Reporter but as he doubled down on the solution to americans fear of attacks at home, limiting immigration into the u. S. , trump made lots of claims. Some true, some not true. In the category of not true, this. The killer, whose name i will not use or ever say, was born in afghan of afghan parents, who immigrated to the United States. Reporter his parents did emigrate from afghanistan, but the killer himself was born in new york, which is why u. S. Officials are calling it an act of homegrown terrorism. Still, regardless of the orlando killer being american, the thrust of trumps response to the attack is focused on concerns about immigrants. He drilled down on Hillary Clintons plan to let Syrian Refugees into the u. S. A 500 increase in Syrian Refugees coming into our country. Tell me, tell me how stupid is that . This could be a better, bigger, more horrible version than the legendary trojan horse ever was. Reporter that stat, that clintons refugee proposal would be a 500 increase over president obamas plan is true. To be specific, obamas plan allows for 10,000 refugees. Clintons is 65,000. That would actually be a 550 increase, about what trump claims. But he also argues there is no vetting. Having learned nothing from these attacks, she now plans to massively increase admissions without a screening plan. Reporter the reality is refugees now go through months of processing and paperwork before being admitted into the u. S. So that is false. Then theres the question of how many Syrian Refugees are coming in now. We have to stop the tremendous flow of Syrian Refugees into the United States. Reporter on cnns new day, trump was more specific. We have, by the way, thousands and thousands of people pouring into our country right now who have the same kind of hate and probably even more than he has. Reporter on the numbers, what trump said is true. According to the state department, 3,887 Syrian Refugees have been admitted to the u. S. Since last october. More than 2,000 of them in the last month alone, though thats far fewer so far than the 10,000 president obama said hed allow. And on the issue of guns her plan is to disarm lawabiding americans, abolishing the Second Amendment, and leaving only the bad guys and terrorists with guns. No good. Not good to happen, folks. Not going to happen. Reporter trump repeated his claim that Hillary Clinton wants to do away with americas right to bear arms. But that is false. Clinton does want to restrict access to guns, but not abolish the Second Amendment. If the fbi is watching you for suspected terrorist links, you shouldnt be able to just go buy a gun with no questions asked. Reporter beyond those specific statements, for muslims in america, trumps overall tone was no doubt alarming, even as he said some americanmuslim communities are great and called for a partnership, he also said they know whats going on. They know that he was bad. Despite offering no evidence any of the killers fellow americanmuslims knew about his intentions. Dana bash, cnn, washington. They put their lives in danger to save others. Just ahead, a look at the heroes who bravely stepped up in the mass shooting here in orlando, florida. Stay with us. Be the you who doesnt cover your moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis. Be the you who shows up in that dress. Who hugs a friend. Who is done with treatments that dont give you clearer skin. Be the you who controls your psoriasis with stelara® just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. Stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. Some serious infections require hospitalization. Before treatment, get tested for tuberculosis. Before starting stelara® tell your doctor if you think you have an infection or have symptoms such as fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. Always tell your doctor if you have any signs of infection, have had cancer, if you develop any new skin growths or if anyone in your house needs or has recently received a vaccine. Alert your doctor of new or worsening problems, including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. Some serious allergic reactions can occur. Do not take stelara® if you are allergic to stelara® or any of its ingredients. Most people using stelara® saw 75 clearer skin and the majority were rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. Be the you who talks to your dermatologist about stelara®. I want to bring you up to date on some breaking news out of paris. French officials calling the murder of a Police Officer and his partner an act of terrorism. An attacker stabbed the policeman to Death Outside his home late monday. A s. W. A. T. Team killed the attacker and then found the officers partner dead inside the home. Back in orlando, you cant help but feel the pain. You cant help but feel the agony for people who lost friends and loved ones here. It is just really hard to think about what people are dealing with. 49 people died just down the street. 53 others were wounded and still some are fighting to survive. As we remember the victims, we also want to mention those who risked their own lives to save others. He was spinning recording when bullets started to fly. Ray rivera, otherwise known as dj infinite, had just started playing reggae music. I heard the shots getting closer and closer and said its someti time to go. Time to go but he wasnt alone. He was holed up behind his dj booth along with a man and another woman. The man took off running but the d. J. Helped the woman escape unharm unharmed. I told her to be quiet and as soon as there was a break n the shots, i pushed her and said go. When the shooting started, josh mcgill ran outside. Then more shots and screams. So he took cover underneath a car. Thats when a stranger, this man named Rodney Sumpter, began stumbling toward him, covered in blood. Josh pulled him behind the car. He had multiple gunshot wounds, one in each arm. So i took my shirt off, tied it around one arm as high as i could, took off his shirt, tied it around his other arm. Reporter the man had been shot in the back too. Josh applied pressure on that wound all the way to the hospital in the ambulance. He talked to rodney to keep him conscious, telling him god has got this. I was mainly scared. I was like, god, please dont let me break my promise. Reporter Rodney Sumpter is alive and recovering. Chris hansen thought the sound of gunfire was part of the music until he realized a gunman had entered the club. He hit the ground, then crawled to safety across the street. There was people who were just blood everywhere. I was helping somebody because he was laying down. I wasnt sure if he was dead or alive. I was like, hey, are you alive . Hey, are you okay . The man, chris says, was named junior. I took my bandanna off and shoved it in a hole that was in his back. I was like talk to me, stay with me, and i was holding pressure down. This woman also jumped in to help. Her friend, a nightClub Employee, was bleeding badly. My only instinct was to help everybody else around me. My buddy, juan, was the bartender. The first thing i do was see his wound. I take off my shirt and i tied my shirt around his leg to stop the bleeding. Reporter this medical student stayed around to help too instead of running to his life. He saved man who fell to the floor on his stomach. He had a gunshot wound to his back. I held pressure on his wound for about 20 minutes or so, and still, you know, checking in with him, keeping him conscious. Reporter he also helped a woman who had been shot in the hand, even using his own cell phone to call the womans man so the daughter could speak to her. It was so heartbreaking because even though she was saying those messages, i didnt want her to give up, and i didnt want her mom to give up on her. I didnt want them to say their last goodbyes. Reporter in the face of hate, heroes emerged, randi kaye, skrn, new york. Equality florida, an lgbt civil rights group, started a page on the crowdfunding site gofundme for the victims here in orlando. They are collecting money to distribute to the victims and their families. So far, theyve raised almost 3 million and counting. Live here in orlando, florida, and you can see this investigation continues. The crime tape is still up, and investigators processing this crime scene. There are many families that are dealing with the news that their friends, that their loved ones are not coming back all because of this gunman and whatever issues he had. That does it for this hour here in orlando, florida. Im George Howell. Thanks, george. Im robyn curnow at the cnn center. Early start with Christine Romans and john berman is up after the break. Be the you who doesnt cover your moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis. Be the you who shows up in that dress. Who hugs a friend. Who is done with treatments that dont give you clearer skin. Be the you who controls your psoriasis with stelara® just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. Stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. Some serious infections require hospitalization. Before treatment, get tested for tuberculosis. Before starting stelara® tell your doctor if you think you have an infection or have symptoms such as fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. Always tell your doctor if you have any signs of infection, have had cancer, if you develop any new skin growths or if anyone in your house needs or has recently received a vaccine. Alert your doctor of new or worsening problems, including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. Some serious allergic reactions can occur. Do not take stelara® if you are allergic to stelara® or any of its ingredients. Most people using stelara® saw 75 clearer skin and the majority were rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. Be the you who talks to your dermatologist about stelara®. [ gunshots ] new investigation into the Orlando Gay Club massacre. 49 People Killed. 53 injured. New stories of survival as we learn new information this morning about the killer from his online radicalization to why he targeted that particular club. Patrons telling cnn they had seen him there many times before. Was he is

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