Every morning and go out and drive the bus and drive the train and deliver the food and do all those essential services that allowed people to stayathome. Also we have more people in the new york city area and more people getting on subways and buses and more people dealing with that density. We know thats where it communicates. But, new york city has the authority. We are starting more testing today at new York City Housing Authority facilities. I was a hud secretary, i worked in public housing. Thats some of the densest housing in the United States of america. People cramming into lobbies and over crowding their apartments. Public housing does have a special issue. I also want to get more testing in latino communities or Africanamerican Community or threw new york city and including long island. I want to work with Congress Member k joaquin and we have to find testing sites. Many churches want to use their facility as testing sites. I want to use the churches and netwo network, i think it is going to be extraordinary effective. This is something that new york should lead the way on answering this question and addressing this issue. Also i want to speak from our friends in washington, senator mcconnell whos head of the senate, you know we have been talking about funding for states and local government, it was not in the bill they house is goin to pass it today. Senator Mitch Mcconnell goes out and he says maybe the states should declare bankruptcy. This is one of the really dumb ideas of all time. I said to my colleagues in washington, i would have insisted that states and local funding was in this current bill. I dont believe they want the funds from states and local government. It is incredibly short cited. They went from Small Business and funding the airlines. I understand that. State and local Government Funds police and fire and teachers and school. How do you not fund police, fire and schools in the midst of these crisis. Yes, airlines are important and businesses are important but so are police and fire who are the front line workers. When you dont fund the states, the states cant provide the service. It makes no sense to me. You are not going to fund the State Government . You think i am going to do it alone . How do you think it is going to work . We are concerned of the economy . States going to declare bankruptcy . How are you going to bring the economy back . Let new york state declare bankruptcy or let california declare bankruptcy and illinois declare bankruptcy. You will see a collapse of this national economy. So just dumb. Vicious is saying when senator mcconnell says this is a bluestate bail out. When you look at the states that have coronavirus problems, they tend to be democratic states. New york, california, michigan, illinois, they are democratic states. So if you fund states that are suffering from the coronavirus, the democratic states, dont help new york state because it is a democratic state. How ugly a thought i mean just think of what hes saying. People died, 15,000 people died in new york. They were not predominantly democrats so why should we help them . For crying out loud, if there was ever a time you are going to put aside your pettiness and your partisanship and this political land that you see the world through democrats and republicans, we help republicans and we dont help democrats. It is not who we are as people. If there is a time for humanity and decency, now is the time. And if there is ever a time to stop your political obsession bias and anger, which is what is more offend to, the political anger, now is the time. You want to politically divide this nation now with all thats going on . How irresponsible and reckless. I am the governor of all new yorkers, democrats or republicans, i dont care what your Political Party is. I represent you. We are all there to support each other. This is not the time or the place or the situation to start with vicious politics. It is just not. Thats why look our rules be simple from day one. There is no red and blue. There should have never been a red and blue when it comes to important issues but certainly not now. And thats not what this country is all about. It is not red or blue. It is red, white, and blue. When we talk about new york tough, we are all new york tough. Democrats and republicans, we are all smart and discipline and we are all unified and in this together and we understand that. We operate with love and we are Strong Enough to say love. Say love is not a weakness. It is a strength and new yorkers are that strong. Questions . Governor, i am seeing over 110 staffers tested positive for covid. What more can people do and what about releasing federally elderly medlically people. 300 prisoners tested positive from covid and we are quarantining people. There are 1300 people in the prison system who are being quarantined. We have not seen the kind of outbreak, we are monitoring it closely. We have done a number of things including stopping visitation and doing isolation above and beyond but within humanity. So we are not monitoring closely. Well brief on it every morning. We have taken a number of steps and technical role violations and people over 55 of the 90 days. Excuse me. Mcconnell represents the state of kentucky. When it comes to fairness, new york state puts more money into the federal tide than it takes out. At the end of the year, we put in his state, the state of kentucky takes out 138 billion more than they put in. Hes a federal legislature. Hes distributing the federal pot of money. New york puts in more money to the federal pot than it takes out. His state takes out more than it puts in. Senator mcconnell, whos getting bail out here . Is your state thats living on the money that we generate. Your state is getting bailed out. Not my state. I have a question on the national guard, i didnt get an answer on that. Did you know there is an outbreak in prison or not enough tests available. We need more tests for Nursing Homes and more tests for antibodies and across the board. Thats not just new york, it is nationwide. Thats why everyone is scrambling on this testing, testing and how you are bringing it up. We are testing in prison the same way we are testing outside of prison. People who are demonstrating symptoms that we know come into direct contact. Theyre getting the same standards as is everybody else. If they fall under those conditions, yes. Have you called mcconnell and have you made any contact with him . Do you intend to . No. Does this change the calculation of people testing an antibodies . No, it does not change the calculus. Contact tracing is not the answer. It is not be all and end all. It is one of the tools and in a small tool box, right . You dont have that many effective tools to use so it is a tool in a small tool box and you are right, could you ever test and trace every positives . No. The state department of health is why is that state haves not done that already . They do do it. They do it on an ongoing basis. This is a crisis situation for Nursing Homes. They are under a lot of pressure. We understand that. It is no fault of their own by the way. This happens to be a virus that happens to attack elderly people and Nursing Homes are the place of elderly people. So this is a very intense situation for Nursing Homes, we get it. They still have to perform their jobs and do their jobs by the rules and regulations. The state had a ton of regulations and guidelines. It is what went wrong in society and hospitals. It is Mother Nature and a virus that attacks young peopl people sorry, old people. Nothing went wrong. Nobody is to blame but for the creation of the situation but they have to deal with the situation. The situation at rochester is getting difficult. Is there a concern that you have there and is there anything that the state can do at this point . We have been talking about that for a few months. I dont think anything is happening. Rob, do you know . We give them flexibility on their situation. The superintendent had some desire to make some reductions and dealing legally on the board. We gave them flexibility and we gave them close to 30 million in this budget so they can use the tools. They were treated and given more flexibility than any other districts in the states. What should these facilities do differently when this guy came out saying they admit to mutations and when they voice concerns of we dont have enough ppe and staffs are coming out sick. How are they handling that . They should follow the rule. If you cant provide adequate care for a patient, you must transfer the patient. So they have to transfer the patient. So if they cant transfer patients, they call the department of health say i cant find a facility for the patient the department of health will do it. They dont have the right to object. Thats the rule and thats the regulation and they have to comply with it. The regulation is basic common sense. If you cant provide adequate care, you cant have the patient in your facility. Thats your ethical operation and legal operation. If you cant provide adequate care, the person must be transferred. If you have covid people, they have to be quarantined and have to have separate staff. Thats the rule. If you cant do it, put them in a facility that can do it. Thats the rule. Any when now when a person gets transferred, they lose a patient and lose that revenue, i understand. The relationship is, the contract is, you have this resident, you get paid, you must provide adequate care if you can. If you cant, that patient needs to be transferred. The governor discussing one of the issues thatll be a legacy stain of the coronavirus stain of the pandemic is the high death counts in Nursing Homes. Also, discussing another one of the legacy stains is the high rate deaths of africanamerican communities and the governor taking a 3,000 new yorkers from 13 counties, 40 different locations tested. If they came out Grocery Stores and other stores ask them to participate so the state could learn how many new yorkers have been exposed. The governor says 13. 9 . 14 in this study tested positive for coronavirus and antibodies. Dana bash is with us and doctor, let me start with you. The conversation is 3,000 people. Thats a big data pool but maybe not as comprehensive as you would have liked. If 4 that tells me a much higher people have been infected than showing up symptoms at hospitals for treatments, what does it tell you . It tells us this virus is much more widespread than we thought. When we look at fatality rates, theyre based on skewed data. The hospital rate is much lower because our denominator is much bigger. We are developing some immunity to this. There are people that have mild illness that dont know they are sick. Those individuals are part of how we move forward as we start to think of reopening parts of the country. This is something thats replicated all over the country so we have an awareness of whats going on. Lets stay on this. Now that you have this information, obviously for weeks and months and years, people are going to be studying this. Today and tomorrow. How is the president s task force take that information and say okay, what do we learn from it and what do we have to change in what we are doing today . This puts into perspective that this is is a heterogenius is outbreak. This infected different parts of the country and different rates. You cant have a oneside fits all type. You have to see as we open these places up and you have to encourage other states to do this. People dont know what happened in their community. It is going to be safer in certain areas and less safer in other areas. One more healthcare question. The governor went relatively to optimistic number in new york. Again, there is no good news, it is less depressing news when you look at hospitalization is down and intubation rate is down. People walking into the hospital about 1300. That number has stayed flat. Now it seems to be flat. What does it tell you . Is it a persistent question about the coronavirus . These are not symmetric curve. Thats not necessarily the case. We know there are still transmissions going on of this virus and it may takes some time for case counts to go lower. I get less interested in the number of case counts but in hospitalization. What this epidemic is about is preserving hospital capacities and not allowing cases to surge. I get less worried of case counts and looking at the good trends of hospitalizations and need for ventilators. Thats what i focus on. Dana, as we listen to the governor, herses laying out hi healthcare and diagnoses for the state. He got angry at mcconnell whos starting to get in coming from conservatives and members of the tea party and government spending, Mitch Mcconnell says states should file bankruptcy instead of getting this giant infusion. Governor cuomo calling it the dumbest idea of all time. Dont help new york state because it is a democratic state. How ugly a thought, i mean just think just think of what hes saying. People are dying. 15,000 people died in new york for crying out loud. If there is ever a time you are going to put aside for you to put aside your pettiness and your partisanship and the political lane leens that you s world through. He went onto note when new yorkers when they pay their taxes, they pay more. Hes saying whos getting the bail here. Some raw, angry politics in the middle of this pandemic. We saw it coming from a mile away. Understanding that people like Mitch Mcconnell and others, to be writing big federal checks and voting yes and working on big packages, unprecedented packages and federal tax money to bail out a whole host of things. It lhas not turned yet. The statement from Mitch Mcconnell that Governor Cuomo highlighted is the cannery of the coal mine. Hes dealing with a reality of the budget shortfall beyond on what we can imagine. What mcconnell says and the protests we are seeing, we see this movement before and it is probably going to be a very, very familiar sequel. We saw this movie in 2010 after the 2008 financial collapse. Cuomo says the president publicly says he thinks maybe the next package you do help the state. Mechan so you will have these people in a tug of war with the president of the United States. Lets remember even the president said that, hes known to change his mind and hes looking ahead to november. New york is on the table for him. Other states are not on the table for him. You can bet it is hard negotiating and those facts are going to be put in front of him and the political reality for him despite how how they need this. Many fascinating ripple. These antibodies. Thank you very much for your insights. Up next for us after pushing r forward, President Trump says he disagrees with georgias decision to reopen up tomorrow. Youre first. First to respond. First to put others lives before your own. And in an emergency, you need a network that puts you first. That connects you to technology to each other and to other agencies. Built with and for first responders. Firstnet. The only officially authorized Wireless Network for first responders. Because putting you first is our job. Many of lifes moments in thare being put on hold. Are staying at home, at carvana, we understand that, for some, getting a car just cant wait. To help, were giving our customers up to 90 days to make their first payment. Shop online from the comfort of your couch, and get your car with touchless delivery to keep you safe. And for even Greater Peace of mind, all carvana cars come with a sevenday return policy. So, if you need to keep moving, were here for you. At carvana the safer way to buy a car. Some governors are lifting coronavirus restrictions this week. The new unemployment number from washington will add more to those saying the sooner the better. The fiveweek total now just shy of 26. 5 million americans tossed out of work. Take a look here. The states beginning to open for business, some aggressively than other. We know the president is beyond eager, he made clear yesterday that he thinks the georgias plan is going too fast. I told the governor of georgia, brian kemp, of his decisions in opening early. At the same time he must do what he thinks is right. I want him to do what is right but i disagree with him what hes doing. Cnn victor bralackwell is joining us. Your state is ground zero. What does he say of the president saying not so fast. Hes moving forward after the president disapproved the plan for thousands of businesses across georgia to reopen. The governor tweeting out a statement saying this plan will protect the lives and livelihoods of all georgians there really is no one answer we are hearing from everyone. The question is what now . This morning the governor tweeted o twee tweeted out of a list of guidelines and mitigation measures that shall be followed by businesses thatll open including creative physical distancing between workers and customers. There is no distance a nail tech or a massage employee can create any distance. When you ask Business Owners if theyre going to reopen and is this a right time . No, i have a 19monthold son and one of my managers have three little girls. We all have to know what we are going tome mahome to at the end night. I am excited, i am ready to go. I mortgage to pay. I have not had any help from the government. We focus a lot on barber shops and bowling alleys and movie theaters and restaurants. Lets talk about whats happening on sunday . The governor is relaxing for religious services and in Person Service and georgia, the organization of 3600 churches across the state say oh, we lost victors signal there. Governors around the country is watching the state. Well learn more ahead. More and more of workers testing positive for coronavirus. Nearly half of the cases from iowa is from this plant tyson waterloo. They may have acted too late. At this particular point, we believe it was too late. We went from 21 cases of covid of april 9th to about 380 yesterday. Thats a big jump. Many of tysons employees agreed with the mayor. Despite our continued efforts to keep our people safe while fulfilling our role of feeding american families. One worker did not want to be named told cnn, i want my job but i want a safe job. I got some grand kids and i am not going to risk my life to cut some damn hogs up. You have people who are frighten and theyre seeing their friends and some of them are getting covid because they are packed closely with the plant and theyre worried of getting their family sick and theyre now out of work and uncertain. Yes. I am concerned that theyre out of work and they may or may not get paid for their time. I am concerned of the people who died as a result working here at the waterloo plant. We weigh those concerns and being safe is more important. Well lobby and advocate for their pay. When they come to you for help and guidance and friendship and somebody to talk to and get some counseling from, this is from this year. I dont think tyson gives t too about their employees, all they talk about is production, production, thats all they talked about. When you talk to these employees, is that their view . Is their employer just care about making money . They shared that the company was concerned of the hogs than they were concerned about them. Had it not been for the pressure of elected officials or osha, they would not be closed. The state representatives, if it had not been for us pushing, they would still be open and well have Beautiful People like the wonderful haitian woman who died working in this plant. As a result getting covid and not being treated adequately dying in this plant. They would still be open and the hogs are still down the line being slaughtered. Help us understand, americans are having conversations about when should people go back to work and should they need to get temperatures taken . You had to go to work through this. What from their experiences did they share with you do you take as a cautionary as more and more people told by the governor to leave their home and go back to work. My niece does not work at tyson and yet she was infected because folks who were infected working at tyson that were in the same place that she did not know. This is bigger than tyson. It is the entire community, it is the city of waterloo and beyond the state of iowa. We have to be careful of reopening a state when we are traveling from state to state and have family members traveling from state to state who could be affected and potentially affecting others. This is serious. This is serious. Pastor bellinda creightonsmith. Keep in touch. Please. I will. Thank you, john. Thank you for your time and insights. Education is dependant on the internet. Electronic devices and parents filling in as teachers and how schools are addressing the digital divide. Oh. Whats going on . Oh, darn let me help. Here we go. Lift and push and push there. Its up there. Oh, boy. Hey joshie. Wrinkles send the wrong message. Help prevent them before they start with downy wrinkleguard. Hey bud. Hey, pop pop so you wont get caught with wrinkles again. [woman laughs] economy have you worried about your finances in retirement . Learn how senior homeowners are using home equity to improve their monthly cashflow and preserve their savings. Most people thought the three legs of retirement pension, Social Security and savings. Would be enough to get by but its kinda like this three legged stool. A little wobbly. But i think i might have a solution. The solution may be using your homes equity with a reverse Mortgage Loan from aag. Use it to Cover Health Care costs, medical costs, or to pay off large bills. 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Find out if a reverse Mortgage Loan can give you the taxfree cash that can help. Give aag a call call now to receive your free information kit. Aag bringing stability to your retirement. Bringing stability hey allergy muddlers. Achoo . Do your sneezes turn heads . Try zyrtec. It starts working hard at hour one. And works twice as hard when you take it again the next day. Zyrtec muddle no more. Home is our office for many of us these days and also schools. Take a look at this. Six other states recommended that but not mandated. Distance learning and online classroom is the new normal for children. Students only retain 70 of what they do in a ordinary new year. No school can equal new hunger and new struggle for families. Here is Katrina Macomb and tony thurman, thank you for being here. Ru t you are our heroes. Katrina, let me start with you in the sense of what do we know even if you are doing the best job you can. Lets hope you get your kids back in the classroom in september, how much will they have lost . Thats a great question, john. We know as educators during the summer months, there is also a regression of what we call a summer slide. In a district thats already facing an achievement gap thats used in many factors. We have begun thinking about what that transition plan will look like if we are to return in september. We are awaying oawaiting our go orders. We need to have a robust plan. We know we have to ramp up to close the gaps that had been put in place, a layer of on top of achievement gaps in our kmu community. Tony, every america has to reaimagine the workplace. So we have to reaimagine the classrooms and if you are in an inner city area where you have kids crowded in the classroom and cafeteria and maybe only one teacher for 20 or or more. How do you reaimagine that in the space perspective and resource perspective . Thank you, john. What we are experiencing now are six Million Students in our state who are in Distance Learning and that means we are providing meals that you referenced in five thousand different locations across the state. I want to commend our teachers and educators and our students for their resiliency. This is tough and unchartered territory that no one would imagine what we would be in. Our biggest challenge is the lack of computers for our students at home and connectivity. We need Internet Connectivity to flow like eelectricity, there is no way we can make it work successfully and providing more connectivity for students in low income nareas. Imagine students Wearing Masks and trying to find ways to do social distancing in school. We are working with top educational leaders in the state to think through what that may look like as we move forward in this pandemic. It is a fascinating question. I want you to listen here, this is the u. S. Secretary of education, betsy devos is saying washington is on your side. To your students, your education can and should continue, learning can happen anywhere and well help make sure it does. We believe in you. To our teachers, well support you and help you. We see this playing out in other spheres here. Are you getting help from the federal government . We have had a lot of guidance and from our commissioner of education and phil murphy. Additionally we have a lot of collaborations among superintendent in Camden County from our county superintendent. I have not seen specific guidance that has come from the federal government directly. So any Additional Guidance from the federal government would be great. Right now that will help us continue to close those gaps that are exacerbated based on equity and this covid19 pandemic would be helpful. Specifically to tonys point closing the divide in communities of color, we know in the camden city, we knew less than 30 of our families had access to the internet or or a device. We galvanized efforts as well as states collaboration in order to repurpose our funding in order to provide laptops for all of our students. Anything that can help in that effort and anything that can help replenish the budget thats been depleted as a result of having to purchase hot spots and crumble devices for students would be definitely helpful and i would say to the federal government, we need those things. One of the things you should keep pressuring business too and raise the issue in the city community. We should focus on it as we get through this. Katrina and tony, thank you again. Good luck to both of you and everybody trying what they are doing. Thank you, john. We keep on getting the word out that we have to have connectivity. Thank you. Keep the pressure on us to raise the issue. Up next, yes, some politics, joe biden preparing to weed down his list for the number two spot on the democratic list. Its staying safe. Home instead. To us, its personal. Hey you, yeah you. Its st ying safe. I opened a sofi money account and it was the first time that i realized that i could be earning interest back on my money. This is amazing. I just discovered sofi, and im an investor with a diversified portfolio. Who am i . They make you feel like its an honor for them to help you out. Thanks sofi for helping us get our money right. Heyim confused. Up . Confused about what, everything ok . Yeah, i only see one price on my phone bill. That doesnt sound confusing mama. Youre on tmobile, taxes and fees are included. Oh come on, theres always extra fees not on tmobile mama. Why cant all my bills be like this . I dont know mama. Bye mama, love you. Anthony . Umph with tmobile, taxes and fees are included. Thats right. No extra taxes fees, so what you see is what you pay. Many of lifes moments in thare being put on hold. Are staying at home, at carvana, we understand that, for some, getting a car just cant wait. To help, were giving our customers up to 90 days to make their first payment. Shop online from the comfort of your couch, and get your car with touchless delivery to keep you safe. And for even Greater Peace of mind, all carvana cars come with a sevenday return policy. So, if you need to keep moving, were here for you. At carvana the safer way to buy a car. Sad news to report those numbers you see in your screen, elizabeth warrens oldest brother dies from covid19. In a tweet she describes her brother as nice and funny. He was 86 years old. He knows more more than most of what the job entails and lets say many of the prospects not being shy about their interests. Joe biden will roll out details of his Vice President search process in weeks or so. He knows what it takes to be a good Vice President. Thats up to the Vice President. I am honored to be included in a conversation. All i can say if asked to serve, i would be honored. I would be honored if i were being considered. It is both tejoe biden searc running mate in the middle of this pandemic. Add d additional campaigning and retail politics coming to a halt. The president is fighting for his presidency in his home in delaware. You are in your basement and i am in my garage. This is the circumstances that we would never thought we would meet. He made one significant promise about his upcoming decision. I will commit, i will pick a woman to be a Vice President. There are a number of women thats qualified. Biden is unable to campaign alongside the women on his short list as candidates would during their election process. California senator Kamala Harris cohosting a fundraiser for biden and grit chetchen whitmer Amy Klobachar appearing as guests. Both women sidestepping the vp speculation. I will be frank with you. The job that i want is the one that i have. Right now i am focused on my state and i am not going to engage in hypotheticals. Gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams taking a different task. I believe i have the competence and the skills to serve. I try to be straightforward, we hope the work speaks for themselves. Elizabeth warren offering a simple one word answer. If he asked you to be his running mate, would you say yes . Yes. Biden feediis heeding this a from barack obama. Pick someone that has some background or confidence that may not be some strong point and make sure you make up each others weaknesses. The timeline that joe biden has in mind, he shared by the beginning of may which is just a week away, he hopes to have a vetting committee set up and by sometimes in july, he hopes to have narrow his short list down to a few people. John, the National Convention has been pushed back from july to august. We have no real sense of what that convention is going to look like john. No real sense, m. J. But the betting is about to begin. M. J. Lee. Thank you so much. I want to thank you for watching. Anderson cooper will pick up our coverage. Stay safe. I am anderson cooper, thank you for joining me. At this hour there are more than 843,000 infections and nearly 47,000 deaths. We are learning another stunning number. New york governor reveal

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