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And around the air space. The source says that move may have been intensional to remove radar detection. First, lets take a closer look about the details of the possible flight path. So nick, what more can you tell us about the plane skirting Indonesian Air space. Officials are telling us because they have now received radar data, they can put together a map of what the aircraft did. The data that led the Search Mission to the south indian ocean picked up the flight as it was on the western side of indonesia. We know after this flight deviated from its direct flight to beijing, then it turns and goes north around the north of indonesia. It flies down the far western side of indonesia. The information that is key here is that the Officials Say that they believe who ever was at the controls of the aircraft was trying to avoid detection. That gives insight into the psychology of who ever was flying. The most skilled pilot onboard would of course be the captain and the first offer sicer. Why would it be time to avoid radar detection and fly to a remote part of the ocean. A lot of attention focusing on the officer and the captain. It had been reported that authorities had cleared all of the passengers and other crew members onboard for any kind of potential criminal activity. These officials still believe that it was the pilot and first pilot who were in control of the cockp cockpit . They have said okay we clear all the passengers that leaves if you will a triangle of suspicion of who else was onboard the aircraft. The peak of that triangle you could say is the captain. The one with so many thousands of hours of experience. This comes down to that key question. Who was in control at the last minute. Who made the last transmission that said good night flight 370. So far, investigators say they cant determine which one of the two it was. But what we are beginning to get is a picture of what they believe was in the mind of the person that was controlling it and we do have to say sheer the t the top of the try apgoongle of suspicion teams to be on the captain. Trying to take the plane somewhere when no one knew about it. It leaves investigators with a tough conclusion. Still strange too that they couldnt determine whose voices they were hearing on the voice recorder since you are talking about a difference in ages between the pilot and copilot. And also we know that on the ground when the aircraft pushes back and on the taxi way, it is the first officer who is doing the radio transmission. You have a clear time period where you know who is speaking. Is it the same one, yes or no. But, again, lets remember here, malaysian authorities playing their cards close to their chest. If the information is leaked out, a hunge responsibility the would be feeling as well as the loss. Lets talk more about the british ship that arrived hours ago. It is designed to chart the sea floor and provide realtime information. The echo is equipped with sophisticated sound equipment. It could be the signal that is coming from the black boxes that they earlier said it detected on friday and saturday. On the phone with me now is david gallo, david, the british ship is now in the same area where the chinese vessel said it detected the pulses. Compare for us the technology we have seen the video of the chinese vessel using a phone how does that compare to the technology. My understanding is that the british ship is going to be more sophisticated. And should be able to be more sensitive to picking up that ping and analyzing whether it is from the black box or not. How long will it take before the british ship will get its equipment in the water and start its listening devices. Yeah, on route there in transit they wanted to be ready to go on scene. Im sure they have stuff going over the side now. My guess is that it is a tow system. And then they probably have other things too that we are not aware of yet. Is there anything else that would replicate the frequency that these chinese officials believe is characteristic of a pulse . Not off the top of my head but in air france we had a false alarm or two. Other groups have told me they have had false alarms. 37. 5. So it is not unhard eard of. It may be whales or a ship making that noise. Thank you so much. For the latest on what that ship is doing lets check in with matthew chance. What do we know about the sequence of events taking place on the echo right now . We dont know a great deal. We know within the last hour they arrived in the area where the chinese vessel detected those two events as they called 12 hours apart. In which one of them was for 90 seconds. Every second a pulse, so that was something which the australian search teams said is consistent with a black box. Thats why this sophisticated ship which is designed to map the ocean floor has been deployed for. There has been a major redeployment of assets. These chinese ships were operating outside of the main search zone. But now it seems because of what they found and other data as well, they mentioned satellite data as well. The most sophisticated of all the ships in search for this airliner is in a separate location about 300 nautical miles away from where the chinese are, investigating from what they describe as a third event. At the moment, none of these events have been verified as being linked to that missing plane. All right matthew in perth thank you so much. Well have more on the on going mystery surrounding flight 370 and well look further into why that plane may have been trying to avoid indonesian radar. Ne. That one. The one who seems like hes already got the job cause he studied all the right courses from the getgo. 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Great. all great i love logistics. 100 greek. 100 mmm. So mmm, you might not believe its 100 calories. Yoplait greek 100. There are hundreds of reasons to love it. How much money do you think youll need when you retire . Then we gave each person a ribbon to show how many years that amount might last. I was trying to, like, pull it a little further. [ woman ] got me to 70 years old. Im going to have to rethink this thing. Its hard to imagine how much well need for a retirement that could last 30 years or more. So maybe we need to approach things differently, if we want to be ready for a longer retirement. The mystery surrounding flight 370 number one a british ship is now in the vicinity where a chinese vessel picked up a sound. And officials are telling cnn that flight 370 intensionally tried to avoid indonesian radar. Tom fuentes is a cnn Law Enforcement analyst. Kit to you first. In your view while the criminal investigation started with that initial left turn you say they may want to look at this latest act as something that best indicated crame n ed criminal at do you mean . It is what a pilot would do. If you want to go to the indian ocean that descent to me says a problem with the plane. That is clearly a criminal act. Tom, what do you read into this latest report that the avoidance of Indonesian Air space . First of all, you are saying that this is the direction that the plane took but p you are guessing at the motive. There is a lot of air traffic overnight. In that air space over the land the island of sumatra in that location. By going north and then looping around yes, i think the plane is being intensionally flown there. But i think it is still a mystery as to why. I guess they are not avoiding anybodys radar. I think they are avoiding getting shot down or colliding with another plane. How would they know where radar begins and ends . It is a logical guess. And then i wonder, given the fuel capacity for this plane the search area in the indian ocean in this case we are still operating in the gray. We dont have any idea. That is why you see the search area being adjusted. So it is a complete mystery. That is why we need the black boxes. Tom, now that it is clear that chinese officials have tools at hand something to redirect their focus of the area. Just as the chinese have information to to manifest information that the chinese already had as well. For them to be doing backgrounds on the passengers from china from the beginning. My understanding was the cooperation in that area along with the 4 countries on that plane from day one. Where do you see this investigation now . The criminal investigation and now it seems as though well the australians have taken the lead, it is anyones guess which direction this search will go and who is in the lead now . I think malaysia still has control of the other part of the investigation. And the actual accident investigation. That would be theirs. It is their airline and their plane. They will get a lot of help from the other countries us in particular has a lot of experience with this. They will draw on that. And rob, you know, what kind of timeline should anyone be expecting in regards to the on going search. Until they have a bit of target to investigate they will for a long as they can. We could get licky at any moment. We want to talk more about this developing story this hour. And why families of the passengers are hesitant about these new leads. Lets see what you got. Rv covered. Why would you pay for a hotel . I never do. Motorcycles check. Atv. I ride those. Do you . No. Boat. Ahoy, mateys. House . Hello, dear. Hello. Hello. Van with airbrushed firebreathing dragons. Ah check. Thank you. The more you bundle, the more you save. Now, thats progressive. The head of the Australian Agency coordinating the search for flight 370 calls this an encouraging lead. But says that more work is needed. We need to keep at the forefront of our minds the families and friends of the 239 passengers who were onboard the flight. Speculation and unconfirmed reports can see the loved ones of the passengers put through terrible press. I dont want to put them through any further stress at this time. Here is cnns paula chew. Chinese families here in beijing are aware of the latest developments in this possible ping. Many have watched the Australian News conference. There have been so many false leads in the past. One relative saying there is a new clue. Lets wait until something is confirmed. There have been a lot of questions about why this news broke by Chinese Media rather than coming from australians. Chinese needs to appear strong for its citizens in terms of finding answers especially since 154 people on that plane are chinese citizens. The head of the agency said that he understands the reality of news getting ahead of him. Especially when you have reporters on the planes and on ships. He said he is prepared to accept that reality. He was down playing tension between australia and china and he wanted to stress that this is a complicated International Effort and wanted to focus on the positive of chasing down this latest lead. Thank you so much we are 31 days into the search for flight 370. What about the black box batteries have they run out or are they close to running out. The new or renewed urgency to the new or renewed urgency to find the black boxes. [ grunting ] im taking off, but, uh, dont worry. Im gonna leave the tv on for you. And if anything happens, dont forget about the new xfinity my account app. You can troubleshoot technical issues here. If you make an appointment, you can check out the status here. You can pay the bill, too. But dont worry about that right now. Okay. How do i look . Thanks. [ male announcer ] troubleshoot, manage appointments, and bill pay from your phone. Introducing the xfinity my account app. All right new details now from a source in the malaysian government raising suspicions that flight 370 might have tried to divert radar suspetition. But why the plane would have done that still a mystery. And a british ship with advanced equipment just arrived in an area where a chinese ship detected signals. Our panel joining me again now. All right know the batteries on the planes black boxes are probably close to running out if they havent already. How much urgency is there to find something sooner . I wonder if without these p pingers can you really rlocate plane wreckage under water . It is very strong. I would expect there would be large pieces and the radar mapping in the bottom would produce leads. This takes a long time to search. I think they will find something using those techniques. Rob, without the battery life on these pink pinger are s talke about how difficult it is to survey the full ocean bottom . It is difficult. But to search the existing search area would take around nine months but not all search areas are created equal. You may not have to search the whole area itself. Ren reanalysis would enable you to search it quickly. Help us understand the traveling of sound. Because we are talking about sound that may have been detected 350 miles apart. Sound under water, may be more prob able when we are talking about the australian ship picking up some audible noise some 350 miles away from where the chinese vessels did. Those reports are being very closely guarded. It is being referred to an acoustic event. We dont know what kind of noise that they have heard. You have to remember when you are tieing a tpl through the water, it is on the end of a very long cable, around 6,000 meters or so. You have a lot of cable in the matter and you hear something and you want to go back and listen, it can take many hours to turn around and go back. Is your expectation with these ships in the area, that it needs to invest at least another 24 hours to try to further investigate these sounds or perhaps more than that . I dont think they are going to walk away from this no matter what. If they find nothing, they may need to bring in the ocean shield and go down with submersibles. I dont know how they avad oid being out there for months and come back later is nothing is found. I would like to add one thing to the radar theory. Malaysian airlines flies to several areas. This captain was a senior captain. He could have headed for australia, he wouldnt have had to turn off a trance ponder or avoid a radar and on this way off shut it down and drift off into the ocean and found a 20,000 deep area. It is one more thing to think about. That goes to australia already. Captain darby, this new informati information, you would simply go away. If it were to happen, it would be instituted by life events we would look for divorces and relationships and physical problems. We would look for political or religious problems something that could set something off. We would be looking for something that would set it off at this time. That is the kind of information that authorities are looking into. They may have ruled in, but defensively none of that has been confirmed and very sensitive to go into those areas. It is going to take more than circumstantial information. Is this becoming for crystallized in your view . It has been difficult since the beginning. There has been no derogatory information. But from the profiling standpoint. Many of these events are planned for a long period of time. They may buy a weapon long in advance of going and using it and shooting people. The malaysian authorities have found nothing against the captain. Im saying that these events are not use wally something that is snapped that day but planned and thought out in advance. As it pertains to the investigation, does it worry you how the criminal investigation would impact the resources for the search . No, our role is to locate is in the depths and at the moment, there has been a dry force speed to find wreckage. Our job is about being precise and thorough about how we approach the next phase of the search which is clearly going to be under water. Thank you to all of you appreciate it. All right well have more on the on going search for flight 370. How will the ocean depth. We are talking about three miles deep. How might that impact the search for the black boxes and the plane . [ children yelling ] [ telephone rings ] [ shirley ] edward jones. This is shirley speaking. How may i help you . Oh hey, neill, how are you . How was the trip . [ male announcer ] with nearly 7 million investors. [ shirley ] hes right here. Hold on one sec. 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And in order words even if that is where the missing plane went down any under water search and Recovery Efforts will think be daunting to say the least. Fred the new search area is 83,000 square miles that is roughly the size of utah. I want to take you under the surface. You need to be careful with this. There are a few things we do know. We do know there is a broken ridge and a plateau. You can see 10,000 to 16,000 feet is what we are looking at. Where the ping was detected we are thinking it is almost 15,000 below the oceans surface and it could go down to 20,000 feet. Anywhere from 5 to 10,000 feet. The indian ocean a very, very deep ocean. Look at this. This is the eiffel tower. This is sitting on the dot tbotf the ocean. This puts it into perspective for you. Empire state building 1200 feet. You would have to stack more than ten buildings on top of each other to get the depths that we are talking about here. The average depth, almost 13,000 feet. It is going to be very, very tough to locate this especially with the terrain that we are looking at. Especially on the bottom of the ocean floor. It is going to be tough. Thank you so much. Our panel will be back. We want to ask if the search is the best hope in the on going search for flight 370. dad just feather it out. Thats right. son ok. Feather it out. dad all right. Thats ok. dad put it in second, put it in second. dad slow it down. Put the clutch in, break it, break it. dad just like i showed you. Dad, you didnt show me, you showed him. Dad, hes gonna wreck the car dad hes not gonna wreck the car. dad no fighting in the road, please. dad put your blinker on. son you didnt even give me a chance dad ok. mom vo we got the new subaru because nothing could break our old one. dad ok. son what the heck . Let go of my seat mom vo i hope the same goes for my husband. dad you guys are doing a great job. Seriously. announcer love a car that lasts. Love. 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We are in this agriculturely rich area yet people here are hungry and impoverished. Some are working in the field of feeting the country and they dont have the resources to feed themselves. You cant watch that and not wonder is there something more that we can do. We are looking at 6400 pounds and that is incredible. My husband and i grew up in pixly. My parents worked in the fields. I had family members who died at young ages due to chronic diseases. We were trying to figure out how do we provide our resources for our community and our home. We have a component in our garden which is a youpick area. If you need fruits and vegetables. We try to teach how to use what we grow. I want to grow old in a healthy way. And i want that for everybody. All right welcome back. A british ship with hightech under Water Equipment is now in the same area where that chinese vessel said it detected two pulses. Lets ask our panel if indeed this might be the best hope. Quickly to you first, thus far, it is the only lead thus far you know we have had reinforcement that this is the right area and we are within the sweet spot of the area listening to two events that is promising. And tom . I agree with rob. Sounds like the only place that we have had that sounds promising. And captain darby. I have to agree. This is like looking for debris and finding some. This is a discontinue sound. If there is no duplication of this ping then what . You go back and refine the formula. It can yield many different places to look. Well keep looking. Formulas will produce better and better analysis. Im hoping this is it. But the odds are low. Then what . If the pings are not duplicated with the greater sophisticated equipment then what . Then the search moves to a new face and a new tempo. What you have seen over the last few days is the search authorities reconfirming again and again that they believe they are in the right place and suggesting there are areas of higher probability. You go out there and mow the lawn. You tow sonar through the water. Casting 5,000 to 6,000 meters and you image the entire sea floor and start on the best spots first and see what you find. And tom fuentes what are you seeing next in this new twist in whether flight 370 tried to avoid detection telling cnn how might this impact the investigation. I dont think they will. They will keep working. For the criminal investigation to get anywhere they need the airplane. Without that, they are going to never know for sure. They can guess all they want who flew the plane but they wont know why until they recover the aircraft. What do you see as the next step as we enter a fifth week after the disappearance of this plane. If that echo finds nothing they are going to have to commit to the floor. It was the last day of the shelf life of the pinger battery are. They are going to have to map that floor and quickly what do you see in week five . Im afraid we are going to find the boxes and the voice recorders are going to tell us what happened. It may not yield the level of detail that we need to understand what happened. Thank you to all of you gentlemen i appreciate it. Much more straight ahead in the news room. We are going to turn to another big story estimated 7 million afghans went to the polls to vote to their next president next. What you wear to bed is your business. So, if youre sleeping in your contact lenses, ask about the air optix® contacts so breathable theyre approved for up to 30 nights of continuous wear. Ask your doctor about Safety Information as serious eye problems may occur. Visit airoptix. Com for a free onemonth trial. President and first lady will be in texas wednesday. They will attend a Memorial Service for the shooting victims of ft. Hood. After the shooting the president vowed to get to the bottom of what happened end quote. Estimated 7 million afghans turned out to vote. Following the success of the historic elections which will decide the fate of the sun tris elections. Polling stations had to remain open for an extra hour while some ran out of ballot papers. Vote counting is underway but it is unlikely we will know the results until the 28th of april. This will head to the run off stage at the end of may. While the people may have to wait longer to find out who their next president is they believe the change is coming back to you fred. That is going to do it for me. My colleague Ashley Banfield is here. A glimmer or hope and then nothing. Teams that are searching are raising to confirm pulse signal s at the sight. It is the latest and best lead in this month long saga but it is one that just may not last for very long. The chinese ship detected the signal right here. But there was another acoustic

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