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Still unknown. Overnight the first and so far the only physical clue has popped up. A search team saw what they believe is a floating piece of debris. Several boats are on the scene now. No word yet on what theyve found or whether it belongs to that plane. With no answers, Airline Officials and expert pilots can only guess at what happened. Did that boeing 777 break apart in flight . Or did it crash into the sea . The confirmation that two passengers got on that plane with stolen passports is now forcing investigators to put together possible terrorism scenarios. Cnns jim clancy is in kuala lumpur, malaysia. That is where flight 370 originated. And, jim, two full days. Zero contact with this airliner. How does an airliner how does a jet plane simply just disappear . Reporter well, thats what officials here were at the Briefing Center right next to Kuala Lumpur International airport. We expect to hear from officials in about five hours time. But thats what theyre trying to answer right now. What happened to flight mh370 . As we look over the entire scene there are clues. Plenty of clues have come around. Theres an oil slick that was found. There are repeated reports of debris. But every time things are checked out, we are told that this does not match this airliner. This is not debris from that airliner. They are continuing to check the oil slicks that were found to determine if that could be from the fuel that was onboard the illfated flight. Right now we are told by malaysian officials the search plane should be warming up, preparing to go and fan out over the South China Sea in the search for that wreckage. And as you noted, some vietnamese search boats are going to be joining in. They will be trying to ascertain whether that debris that i believe was spotted by air is actually debris from the missing airliner. But we wont get word on that for at least an hour or two. Officials here have told us theyll bring us into that Briefing Room thats just about 100 yards behind me and inform us as soon as they get any word. Theyre going to give us a regular update, as i said, in about five hours time. Deborah . Clearly what theyre doing in that area, as you described, is theyre mapping the waters. Theyre trying to sort of section off each piece to sort of rule it out. Have anybody from the malaysian government yet used the word crash, or are they still sort of just waiting till they have the details or any details for that matter . Reporter well, out of respect for the families, theyre trying to wait. But to be honest, they know what the situation is. As i understand it, they have informed the families, prepare for the worst. Because, frankly, people know when an airliner has been gone this missing, something terrible has happened. What exactly happened, though, is also important. Where it happened. Many of these relatives have already been told that should they find some wreckage, they will be taken to the crash site so that they can at least feel closer to their loved ones who have been missing now for going on three days. This has been a trying time for malaysia. This is a trying time for the families. We saw a tweet coming in from the Prime Minister, razak, that really thanked the neighbors, thanked the friends. Saying in a time of crisis, this is when you saw who your friends were. Theres solidarity. Singapore, vietnam, all of the surrounding countries like indonesia have all come in and have all volunteered aircraft. Theyve put planes into the search. This has really been a regional effort. Now, of course, youve got 14 different nations. There are nationals who were aboard that aircraft. So this is a regional concern. People realize that, you know, it could have been them. It could have been any one of these countries that is affected by this. And now is the time to come together, deborah. All right. Jim clancy, thank you so much. So much uncertainty and obviously that just breeds even more fear. All right. Thank you so much, jim clancy. As i mentioned just a couple of minutes ago, the airline has confirmed that two of the people onboard that missing flight checked in and boarded with passports that had been stolen. That were nottish shoo issued t. The passports were stolen separately, more than a year apart. Investigators are actively looking at this very curious detail. It appears they were still in the same country. Tom fuentes can help shed light on the stolen passport issue. Hes our Law Enforcement analyst and former assistant director of the fbi. Tom, for so many years, this has been a fear. Somebody is going to get onboard that plane who simply doesnt belong there. The whole stolen passport issue. Is this now coming to roost . It could be, deborah. This could be something that that has nothing to do with the reason that airplane crashed. Or it could be that the two people that got on did have something to do with it. We dont know. It may be actually a long time before we can confirm one way or the other. 1 billion people a year worldwide board aircraft without their travel documents being screened. Thats just a fact of life right now. Secretary general of interpol, ron noble, has been pushing for years to get governments to check the outbound passengers as well as the inbound when you come through passport control. Many countries still do not do it. Here in the, the United States makes 240 million inquiries per year into the interpol lost and stolen travel Document Data file. So that work is being done here. But its not being done everywhere. In this particular case, both of those passports were in interpols database. But no inquiry was made prior to the aircraft taking off. Thats also whats so frightening. We know that they bought the tickets at about the same time. They paid about the same price. Their itineraries were different. But they each paid in thai currency. This has to be a little bit more than coincidence. What is your sort of, you know, investigative background telling you . Well, of course, that part is more than coincidence. The two passports were also stolen in the same neighborhood of phuket, thailand. A resort town on the indian ocean. One year apart, but in the same neighborhood. Then, you know, more than a year later, both passports are used to simultaneously purchase two tickets for some for two people to board that aircraft who were not the people listed on the passports. The fbi has offered the malaysian government help. Usually this is an offer that the fbi makes. What can they actually do . Is it more on the investigative side or is it the search and recovery or rescue . It would be on the investigative side. Looking at the people. Looking at the circumstances. Queries databases. But the fbi has agents already assigned in the u. S. Embassy in kuala lumpur and in the embassy in beijing and in the embassy in bangkok, thailand. So those agents are already on the ground. And would have been involved in helping each country from the very beginning, from the time that aircraft disappeared. So sending more agents there may happen to help those agents, you know, looking into the databases, examining the fbi files. But that work is already being done from there to the u. S. Information systems of the fbi and other u. S. Law enforcement intelligence agencies. And you also have to believe that, in fact, they are probably trying to find the actual identity of these two passengers. Because clearly that could lead to an even bigger nexus if, in fact, that is what it ends up being, that is terrorism. All right. Tom fuentes, we appreciate you. Thank you so much. Youre welcome. People who knew the 239 passengers and crew members aboard this flight are truly devastated. Not knowing what happened to their friends and loved ones. The airlines manifest shows the passengers from 12 countries. 20 of them worked for a Company Based in texas. Cnns nick valencia learning more about the people onboard. Nick, what do you know . Deb, new information into cnn. Youre talking about this austin, texas, based Technology Company called freescale semiconductor. Earlier they sent out a statement to the media saying 20 of their employees, 12 of them malaysian nationals, eight others from china. Now, this companys technologies plays a prominent role in the Automotive Industry among other things. That statement, i want to read part of it they sent out to the media said, at present we are solely focused on our employees and their families. Our thoughts and prayers are with those affected by this tragic event. 239 people on this plane, deb. We are learning more about one of them. From right here in the United States. Originally from northeast oklahoma, phil wood was on that plane. His friends describe him as a humble man. One of a kind. He was a globe trotter, loved to travel. He worked for ibm. That was a job that took him all over the world. It was a passion that was sparked for him very early in his age when his family moved to germany. Earlier our affiliate koco caught up with the Vice President of the university whos a family friend. They are just devastated at the thought that he could be gone. Of course, its not known. And its very unclear right now what happened to that flight. Malaysia flight 370. A lot of people interested, particularly those that have been affected by this. Social media playing a big part in this, deb. There is a Facebook Page out there if youre interested that has about 1,000 likes already. Youre looking at it right now. They say r. I. P. To the victims, were calling them possible victims because we just dont know and dont have firm confirmation of where this flight is and what happened to it. Harrowing accounts and stories coming out of this, out of kuala lumpur as our correspondent jim clancy is there talking about. The need for prayer. The need for hope. All these families that were impacted, affected. Just holding on to their prayers and hopes. Deb . Yeah. Holding on. Clearly the pain for them just has to be absolutely unbearable. Nick valencia, thank you. You bet. And terrifying moments for a pilot and a parachutist. All caught on camera. Weve got the stories behind the pictures coming up. Plus, World Leaders trying to solve the crisis in ukraine. Is the key figuring out what president putin is really up to . A live update up next. Stay with us. Thats insane. Yep, and you can customize it. I can download anything i want. [ girl ] seriously . Thats a lot of music. Seriously. Thats insane. 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You can afford a sleep number bed, you cant afford another mediocre nights sleep. Know better sleep with sleep number. Well, tensions are on edge in the ukraine crisis. But so far weapons in the crimea region of set next week on possibly seceding from ukraine. Just cutting off ties and joining russia. Russian president Vladimir Putin defended the crimea vote i want to bring in cnn internationals Michael Holmes in kiev, ukraine. Michael, what are you hearing about possible movements by prorussian forces in crimea, the ones who took over crimea . Reporter yeah. Not really movements, per se, deb. But theres definitely more of a presence, a buildup, if you like. Some Ukrainian Military insulations that remain blockaded by armed and uniformed prorussian men. Theres certainly been an increase in recent days in things like roadblocks manned by a rather odd assortment of men. Some of them in uniform, some not. But many of them armed to the teeth. You see cars being searched, people intimidated, having their papers examined, their luggage searched. Remember, this is not while crossing an international frontier. This is while in ukraine. Just in crimea. Now, we also have confirmed that six Ukrainian Television stations have had their signals blocked in crimea. And replaced with russian television. You could call that an information monopoly going on. Deb . So theyre keeping people out, people who dont arent supposed to be there. Theyre limiting access to media in that area. How are people in the nations capital, kiev, reacting to what is going on there . Do they fear that that this is just a disastrous outcome . Reporter yeah, they do. Theyre very nervous about what happens after this referendum, which is less than a week now. You know, they were pleased with the revolution that went on in the square behind me and led to the ousting of the hated president viktor yanukovych. But they didnt expect part of their own country, crimea, would then hold a referendum that could see it become part of the russian federation. Quite frankly, theyre aghast at that prospect happening. Pretty amazing. They kicked out a president that was friendly to the russians. Now they may lose part of their country because that part wants to align with the russians. Michael holmes for us there in kiev, thank you. President obama wants to meet face to face with the top ukraine leaders scrambling to keep the crimea region from slipping further under russian control. Correspondent erin mcpike has details on the meeting. Interim ukrainian Prime Minister will travel to the United States to meet with president obama on tuesday. The Prime Minister has said the vote crimea intends to hold next sunday, a referendum to secede from ukraine and join russia, is illegitimate. President obama and several european leaders agree. What if that referendum is successful a week from now . President obamas Deputy National security adviser, tony blanken, was on cnns state of the union. He made a declarative statement about how the United States will react. If theres a referendum that moves crimea from ukraine to russia we wont recognize it nor will most of the world. Reporter former Vice President dick cheney warned about the dangers to the United States with putins continuing actions this morning. Weve got a much bigger problem if he decides to go further. If he decides to take part of eastern ukraine. Were in a situation where its not just about crimea and russia. Ukraine and russia. The u. S. , even. On a worldwide basis, potential adversaries and friends are watching how the administration handles this. Reporter republicans on capitol hill have stepped up their criticism of president obamas handling of the situation in recent days with some calling him feckless. At the same time, the white house is upping the rhetoric against russia and was pushing all of the things president obama was doing over the weekend while he was on vacation to make some progress on this crisis. Erin mcpike, cnn, washington. Lots to watch. Well, the question, how is a handcuffed man shot in the back of a police car . Officers say the victim shot himself. Were Digging Deeper into the moments before the shot was fired. Plus, the story behind these incredible pictures. I will say, everyone is okay. [ male announcer ] she wont remember this, being carried in your arms. But after a day spent in the caribbean exploring mayan ruins and playing pirates with you in secret coves, she wont exactly be short on memories. Princess cruises. Come back new. [ female announcer ] plan your sevenday cruise from just 549. Call your travel agent or 1800princess. I takbecause you cant beatrning for my frzero heartburn. N. 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Amazingly both survived with only minor injuries. Keeping my feet on the ground. A louisiana man allegedly kills himself while in the custody of the iberia Sheriffs Office. State police are investigating. The mans family is demanding more. Rosa flores joins me now with the chain of events leading to his death. What i find fascinating is they searched him. They found drugs but no gun. Thats one of the things that really stands out about this case. Heres what we know from state police. State police testify us the Iberia Parish Sheriffs Office responded to what was a fight, folks. Lo and behold, they arrested victor white for possession of drugs. Well, heres how the things unfolded, folks. He was handcuffed to the back he was put in the back of a patrol car, taken to processing. While he was there, officers say that he did not want to come out of the vehicle. The officer called for backup. And thats when the shot rang out. Officers say that he shot himself. He was transported to the hospital and later pronounced dead. Heres what his father had to say. I cant see him they say being uncooperative. I cant see him in the light which theyre trying to paint him, you know. Hes give someone his last. Thats all he is. Hell give you his last even though he may suffer from it. In the past two hours i talked to mr. White. He tells me that theyre waiting for autopsy report at this moment. Now, the state police is in charge of this investigation now. Heres what the superintendent of the Louisiana State police had to say. Well take whatever time it takes us to make sure that we can separate rumors and innuendos from fact. Because thats what we want to deal with, facts themselves. Then well take those facts as quickly as we can and well report them to the district attorney. And, deb, you know one of the key pieces of evidence in this case, i talked to the sheriff about this, he said they bagged everybodys hands. Whites and the two individuals that were there with him, the two officers. The results are still pending. But thats going to be key evidence in this case. Clearly. Because if that young man doesnt have gun powder residue on his hands or anything suggesting that he had a gun in his possession i did ask his father if he owned a gun. He said that he did own a gun. The sheriff said that it was a. 25 automatic, which is a small pistol. Okay. And so, again, all of this still under investigation. We still have to wait. But did they recover a gun from the back of the car . That is pending. Okay. Theyre not even letting that piece of information. One to follow. Rosa flores, thanks so much. Well, right now a memphis family is fighting with a drug company over medicine they say can help their son. Coming up, im going to be talking to his mom. And what happened to that Malaysia Airlines flight that disappeared . Tonight, unfortunately, still more questions than answers. Hey kevin. 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Theres only one way for your business to go. Up. Find out if your business can qualify at startupny. Com well, it is early monday morning already in southeast asia. Thats where air and sea crews are resuming the search for any sign of a commercial airliner that suddenly disappeared. Air Traffic Controllers heard no distress call, though the plane appeared to be veering. Searchers have so far found no recognizable wreckage. The fate of 239 people onboard is still unknown. The plane has been missing since friday afternoon. There are many questions that are all under investigation. Did the plane crash . Did it come apart in flight . And most importantly to the families, could anyone have survived . Investigators are also exploring the possibility that it was terrorism. Investigators are now leaning towards the possibility the Malaysia Airlines jet broke up at 35,000 feet. An aviation expert i spoke with said evidence found so far seems to support that theory. I can tell you that whatever happened had to be very catastrophic. Youre talking in terms of engine failure, literally if both engines had blown up, the airplane would still have been able to fly more than likely. Certainly there would have been time for a distress signal to get out. This turn that is being spoken about since last night is a real puzzle. Why would the crew intentionally make that turn if the crew was, in fact, in control . There are questions like that that really plague all of us that really are looking for some kind of answer to what happened. What would cause pilots to turn the way they turned . Would it have been an atmospheric problem . Something in the air . Would it have been some sort of mechanical failure . What do you think would cause a plane to veer that way . Well, none of those things that you mentioned would be things that would also eliminate the possibility of getting off a distress call. No matter what. All of those things are are possibilities. Theyre scenarios, whatever else. But, you know, youre trained to make sure that you maintain some kind of contact with the people who can really help you. The Ground Control people. And you want to keep them advised as much as possible. Then when you consider the fact that youve got radio equipment onboard the airplane that sends information realtime, even if you fail to make that call, there would be information going to the ground, letting the ground know that there was a change taking place that was not planned before. Now, the radar return is one thing. But then theres more information than that. We need to verify what youre talking about. And so the fact that they were not able to get off any sort of a disstress call, the fact that there was that sort of turn, it suggests that there was a catastrophic event that essentially eliminated even the ability to get off that kind of call. That would mean the plane disintegrating in midair, no . It certainly sounds that way. Of course, the debris field that we will establish after this investigation goes a little further will give us some indication about whether or not it broke up before it hit the water. Because it makes a very wide debris field. If it is more concentrated, it means likely that the airplane was intact when it hit the water. There again, were waiting and hoping. And for the families of the passengers and crew, the pain of the last 48 hours has been unbearable. They are simply no closer to understanding what happened to the people on that plane. Cnns Andrew Stevens spent the day awaiting developments with families in beijing. Reporter another heart wrenching day for the families of passengers aboard malaysian Airlines Flight 370. Another day with no news. Only conjecture. Only speculation and false leads. Im inside the leto hotel which is near the airport here in beijing where relatives of those passengers are staying. Behind me through these doors there are some family members who are waiting to find whether theres any new information on their loved ones. The faces reflected the mood. Many of these people now resigned to the fact that they may never see family members again. They had to run the gauntlet of the media in the hotel as they made their way to an area where theyre being processed to be able to fly to kuala lumpur. But authorities are keeping a tight control on any access to people here. This is the room where relatives are now filling out forms. Because Malaysian Airlines is offering to take them down to kuala lumpur. As you can see, there are just some of the relatives here. Were just being asked to leave now. But the anger and frustration is growing. On sunday, a petition circulated with more than 100 signatures calling for the truth as they put it, from Malaysia Airlines. And help from the Chinese Government in dealing with malaysian authorities. But the fact is, theres still very little reliable information. At least not until the plane is found. Malaysia airlines has also offered the families of the passengers a chance to actually go to the site where the plane crashed, if they, in fact, find it. It will probably be the closest they will get to that area and a chance for them to say final farewells. Andrew stevens, cnn, beijing. Coming up next, a familys fight to gain access to an experimental drug that they believe could help their son whos got a rare disease. I will talk to his mom on the other side. Spokesperson the Volkswagen Passat tdi clean diesel can go 795 highway miles on a single tank. Huh. So you could drive from los angeles all the way philadelphia with just three stops for fuel. Thats just a hop, skip, and a jump. Try that in another midsize sedan. Its more of a hop. A skip. A jump. A leap. Maybe a schlep. Probably a hurdle. A little bit of a trek. 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You can afford a sleep number bed, you cant afford another mediocre nights sleep. Know better sleep with sleep number. New medical research is being called a potential game changer. In a first of its kind study researches developed a blood test for alzheimers. It predicts whether a healthy person is going to develop the disease. Its got a 90 accuracy. Much work still needs to be done. But this test may some day be in doctors offices. The parents of a 7yearold boy are making a desperate plea. Help us save our son, josh. Josh hardy was diagnosed with a rare type of Kidney Cancer when he was just a baby. After a bone Marrow Transplant josh was cancer free. Just last month, he caught a virus and his suppressed immune system couldnt fight that virus. The Standard Drug treatment didnt work. So st. Jude Childrens Hospital asked for an experimental antiviral drug instead. The company that manufactures this drug is expressing regret, but it says because of limited resources and a push to get fda approval, it cannot provide the drug to josh. His parents say this drug is the only thing that will save their sons life. They are begging the company to reconsider. I want to bring in cnn senior medical correspondent Elizabeth Cohen and joshs mom, amy hardy. First of all, incredible to think that a drug company has something to help and wont give it out. But, elizabeth, i want you to walk us through what josh is suffering from and how this drug from the medical perspective could help. Right. So as you said, deb, he has a virus. And he has a suppressed immune system because of his cancer treatments. So that he really cant fight it off. And right now josh is in Critical Condition in the intensive care unit at st. Judes. Im looking at these pictures. It just breaks your heart to say he is in Heart Failure and he is in kidney failure. I know you think all of us think, why cant they just give this little boy this drug . Its something called compassionate use. When a drug is being studied, a company can give it out. But it does mean that they, the company, have to pay for the drug. It means they have to use resources to distribute the drug. And this company is now saying no. So i want to introduce you to joshs mom, amy hardy, who joins us from memphis. Amy, we have been thinking about your family all weekend. And we are really hoping that josh is that his Health Situation is going to improve. Can you tell us, what do you think is going to happen if he doesnt get this drug . As a mom, its hard for me to say that in words. I mean, you never want to think about that type of thing happening to your child. But we really feel like if he doesnt get it, its a very big possibility that he will succumb to a virus. I mean, actually, joshs history, hes actually fought cancer four times. Technically has survived each one. Has gone on to be disease free. No evidence of disease. And now for this virus to be in his system and there is a drug company out there that has it, theyre actually running clinical trials, and the fact that they say that we cant have it is absolutely infuriating to me. It breaks my heart as a parent i dont have any control over what my son gets. And, you know, how he can, you know, really just be make a full recovery. You know, we want him to play baseball again and basketball and just play with his brothers. We all want to be in the same household again. Its just unimaginable that they have what we need and they wont give it to us. Aimee, we reached out to the drug Company Called krimerics to ask this question, why wont you give josh this drug. We asked them to come on the program. They declined. They did send us a statement. I want to read the statement and talk to you about it. What they said in the statement is there are really no words to express the compassion for what this young boy and his family are going through. As a Small Company with limited resources we made the difficult decision to years ago to end our Compassionate Use Program and focus all our efforts on earning fda approval for the drug. This is the only path to making brincidofovir widely available to those who need it in the fastest manner possible. From kenneth moch, theyre president. I know your husband has spoken to mr. Moch. Youve heard his side of this. Its 50,000 a patient. We give this to josh, its 50,000. Hundreds of Patients Want this drug. It would it would delay our ability to get this drug on the market. We want to get this drug available for everyone. It would delay other peoples treatment if we give it to josh and to other people who want it now. What do you what did you and your husband think when you heard those arguments . Honestly, i just feel like it could be overcome. I mean, theres theres no good excuse for us. Theres nothing that they can say that will really keep us from asking. Were begging them to give it to us. It all sounds well and good on paper. But i just feel like, especially, heres the opportunity, it seems like the world is watching. Its great publicity for their product. Josh could make a full recovery. They could be, like, a real life superhero for our 7yearold boy. And none of that matters to me, what their excuses are. I feel like where theres a will, theres a way. Honestly, i feel sorry for every family thats in this condition that are begging for this drug. They continue to say no. Deb, we want to bring you back into this. I know you as a mom, youre hearing this story. Its just heartbreaking. No question about it. One thing i have a question one thing im curious about. The company decided to end its compassionate use policy. Would that jeopardize any potential approval by the fda . Is this one of those things where if they give it prematurely, then what theyve got in play could ultimately be denied . No, deb. The way it works is that Drug Companies are allowed to give out their drug under this Compassionate Use Program. Theyre allowed to do it as often as they want. Theyre allowed to not do it at all. If they give it out, they do have to report how that patient did with the drug under the Compassionate Use Program. But it really is the fda kind of handed it over to the Drug Companies and said you do what you want. Approve what you want. Which is rather incredible that they didnt explain specifically why theyre not giving this medication out for compassionate use. Ms. Hardy, how do you explain this to your son . What are you telling your son . He beat Kidney Cancer with his bone Marrow Transplant. Im sure his his sort of young life has been sort of a series of hospitalizations. What are you telling your son . Youre right. He has he actually beat Kidney Cancer and then he actually had a secondary diagnosis called myodysplastic syndrome, a result of the treatment he had years ago. That was the bone marrow to treat the myodysplastic sndrome, mds, we had to get a bone Marrow Transplant. And we i really cant put it into words to him. We are in the room when we are trying to push forward and try to convince chimerics to make this change. Ill tell you the truth, hes so weak and frail that conversations are pretty limited with him. He might say a few words. Then he falls asleep. Its you know, for me to sit down and break it down to him and tell him that, you know, we think youre going to pass away because this drug company were just not telling him that. Im sure that he can sense our anguish and frustration. Its not good for him. I mean, i would much rather be at his bedside right now than here. This is a distraction from his care. And it frustrates me. I know were bringing this on ourselves, but we are going to keep asking and asking and asking and asking until we get the drug. Elizabeth, do you think the drug company is going to change its mind, elizabeth . He said it breaks his heart. Hes devastated. I said to the president of the company, how will you feel if josh passes away . He says, i will feel horrible, but i will have known that i made the right decision for other patients. All right. Well, we are praying for josh. Aimee hardy, thank you so much for joining us. Elizabeth cohen, thank you as always as well. Can i ask you to ask everyone to just pray for us and follow us on save josh on facebook . And also they can see our caring bridge caringbridge. Org. Joshua hardy. Thank you. You bet. All right. We wish you the best of luck. We wish josh just a few happy days ahead. Thank you. Thank you. Ahead here of course. Ahead here, chicagoans struggle to turn their city around. Its front and center in a new cnn series. Well talk with one man whos using his daughters death to change the city for the better. Honestly . I wanted a smartphone that shoots great video. So i got the new nokia lumia icon. Its got 1080p video, three times zoom, and a twentymegapixel sensor. Its got the brightest display, so i can see what im shooting even outdoors, and 4 mics that capture incredible sound. Plus, it has apps like vine and free cloud storage. My new lumia icon is so great, even our wipeouts look amazing. Honestly, i want to see you be brave being carried in your arms. But after a morning spent in the caribbean, playing pirates with you in secret coves, an afternoon swimming with dolphins, finished with a movie watched against the setting sun. She wont exactly be short on memories. Princess cruises, come back new. Princess cruises, come back new. So our business can be on at ts network for 175 a month . Yup. All 5 of you for 175. Our clients need a lot of attention. Theres unlimited talk and text. 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According to police the murder rate dropped 18 from 2012 to 2013. That wasnt enough to save the 15yearold. She was gunned down in a chicago park in january 2013. She was out with friends after her final exams. Her murder near president obamas home came a week after she had performed at his inauguration. Since her death her parents have started a foundation, the goal to partner with police and afterschool organizations to make changes. This week, we sat down with her dad and asked, how do you keep going . How were doing it, i dont think either one of us know. We know it is a necessity. We know it is a definite necessary that we speak and hopefully we can try to make a difference for some other kid thats possibly on the same road that those kids were on. You realize you represent the heartbreak of chicago, right . No. No. I really dont realize it. She epitomized what a good student was, lived not far from the president , was going on to do great things and then all of a sudden her life was taken away from her. That is the heartbreak and pain of the city. Believe me, it hurt us. I mean, we hurt every day. And i cant, i know me personally, i cant necessarily speak for my wife. But ill never get over it. So you know, i mean the only thing we can do is keep moving and hopefully we can try to save another kid. Is that why youve made it your mission . You just cant, if you didnt keep moving, would you just stop . I would fall. What do you mean by that . Well, if you stop moving, now i dont i have to keep running. Thats the only way im going on keep my balance right now. If i stop moving, i just feel like everything will fall around me. That means ill fall with it like a domino effect. This is an odd question. If you dont keep moving, if you stopped, does it become real . Very. Very. Ive had stop moments. And they dont feel good. They dont feel good at all. Nathaniel has hoped things get better in chicago. He is looking forward to a brighter future. He said he thinks the president s new my brothers Keepers Initiative will make a you difference in the city and give boys the direction they need. You can see a new else thursday at 10 00 eastern. Before we leave i want to give you the places you can go to support josh hardy, that little boy whose name we just spoke. To you can go to facebook. Com savejoshhardy. You can go to caring bridge. Org. And i hope youll do that. Stay with cnn and cnn for the latest. Meantime, weed requested with sanjay gupta up next. Captions by vitac www. Vitac. Com using natural gas this power plant can produce enough energy for about 600,000 homes. Generating electricity thats cleaner and reliable, with fewer emissions it matters. [ male announcer ] for paul ridley, theres no substitute for advil. 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