0 wendy walsh, mark, thanks to both of you for joining us. mark, i know you'll be sticking around fsh the next hour. much more of "newsroom" straight ahead with don lemon. i'm fredricka whitfield. i know you're going to pick it up from here. >> absolutely, fred. thank you very much. as you said extraordinary c confluence of events. we're going to continue on with that and much more. i'm don lemon. we have bizarre new details of the alleged kidnapping of 16 hannah anderson, the couple who spotted hannah and her suspected captor in idaho say the teen was wearing pajamas and she and dimaggio were camping with a cat. >> these people did not want to talk to us whatsoever. and i said to the girl soaking her feet, i said what are you doing with your feet in the water, i said don't you know there's fish in there, kind of joking. and as we turned to ride away, she didn't make any comment until we started riding away and she says it looks like we're all in trouble now. all of their gear looked like it was brand new. that was another little flag that wasn't -- just wasn't normal or natural. >> hannah anderson expected to rejoin her father, brett, today for the first time since a once-trusted family friend shattered their lives. hannah was rescued from the idaho wilderness yesterday after the fbi shot and killed her alleged kidnapper james dimaggio and also suspected of 34urding hannah's mother and little brother. fbi rescue teams hiked for hours to find her. some rescuers wept when mission ended successfully. physically hannah's okay, but the trauma of her ordeal could linger for years. for hannah and her family, the family reunion may be filled with joy and grief. they have each other, but they have lost so much, so much. it is agonizing what -- one agonizing week for the entire family of 16-year-old hannah anderson, waiting, hoping, praying for good news. and the reunion sure to be sweet. remember hannah's mother and brother died a week ago. their remains found in the suspect's burned out house near san diego. paul vercammen is covering that angle of the story for us. paul, a news conference with the horse back riders who spotted the pair just wrapped up. you heard it right here on cnn. the details we're hearing are really just extraordinary about these people, really good samaritan every day men and women who helped to find her. >> reporter: yes. and, don, in front of the grandparents house, the britts, the maternal grandparents and they watched that conference and they were shaking their heads, just awesome. they were extremely delighted by the people in idaho who helped find their granddaughter. and actually the maternal grandmother, sarah, said that perhaps ethan somewhere from heaven had sent a message to the fisherman, the sheriff who spotted them and said reel them in, the pun certainly intended, don. they were so glad for what these people did. as you also heard, don, the man who spotted them was a sheriff's deputy and also an army ranger. they say -- one woman said, his wife, it was a one in a trillion shot that they came upon him. just astounding to hear all of that. and he also said that his buddy was an outfitter and that all of them were packing pistols. and he joked that if there was an exchange, he might have gotten one of them, but they certainly would have gotten him, don. >> yeah. again, you were talking to the grandparents, what more did they have to say to you, paul? >> reporter: well, off camera they were reacting to those heroes, if you will, in idaho. on camera we had a discussion as you pointed out, this is absolutely bittersweet. they are so happy and relieved that hannah is safe, but don't forget they now have to turn their thoughts to unimaginable tragedy. they are heartbroken, they have to bury their only child, their daughter tina, and they have to bury their 8-year-old grandson, ethan. and let's listen to what mr. britt had to say about this. >> and how would you like to remember christina? >> as a daughter and mother of two great kids. that's it. >> did you ever have any sense looking back, and hindsight of course is 20/20, that somehow jim dimaggio, this trusted family friend, would snap? >> never. >> no. no. >> and even the way it turned out, i mean, he loved little e and he loved my daughter. and for him to do such a horrific act is just not fathomable. i can't understand it because he loved them too. >> and back here live, don, i can also tell you that the britts say there will be at some point here, they're just planning it now, an open memorial service. >> all right. paul vercammen, thank you very much. i really appreciate that. i want to get back now to that press conference, those horsemen that held a press conference a short time ago talking about their extraordinary ordeal, how they stumbled upon hannah and james dimaggio in the woods and what made them think something was odd about it and volunteering their time and their horses. let's take a listen to that. >> mark john. got a ranch up in sweet. former jim county sheriff. retired army officer -- army rangers. this is my wife christa. she's been with me for 52 years. actually, 53, 54. so we're hanging in there. >> so you guys can get started by asking questions. and as you come up you guys can talk about -- >> i'd like to have mike and his wife -- >> mike and mary young. we're also from sweet, idaho. got a ranch there also. >> so questions? >> which one of you guys made the first phone call? >> i made the first phone call. when we got up on the mountain that morning, we hadn't been into the lake fishing for quite a while. so that tuesday morning we took off and went up to the lake. and that wednesday morning we rode in, we set up camp and rode in. mike here was the first one to encounter the two hikers, the guy and the girl. red flags kind of went up on him. >> what red flags? >> the girl -- it was -- she had -- i'll let mike explain that to you what he saw. and then when we went to the lake, and then they showed up at the lake, and there was just like a square peg going into a round hole. they didn't fit. he might have been an outdoorsman in california, but he was not an outdoorsman in idaho. and he didn't fit. so when we got back to the camp that night after fishing, after our twice we encountered them, then we discussed it. and we got home thursday evening and i put all the horses away, took care of our livestock and everything and then we went into the house and the news flashed on. and the amber alert was on the television. and i told my wife, i said that is that girl we seen on the mountain. but there was no phone number, so i talked to my wife and i called mike and mary and we said look at the tv and see if that girl doesn't look exactly like what we seen on the mountain. they kind of confirmed that. and then i called a friend of mine in the idaho state police, tom nesbit, he used to work for me as my investigator when i was a sheriff. so i had all the confidence in the world in him. and i called him and told him what we'd seen and what was going on. and i knew he'd get the ball rolling and keep it rolling. then the next morning we heard on the news where they found the car exactly where we told them it would be. >> did you guys see the car too? >> we never seen the car. our trailhead -- our trail going in t'd, came to a t, with the trail that they come in on. >> what was the mood like between the two? >> i can't hear you. >> what was the mood between the two? did she seemed frightened of you at all? >> they didn't -- they weren't friendly and they didn't talk. >> they didn't talk at all? >> they answered some of mike's questions. >> what did they say? >> mike. >> i just asked him where he was headed. and he said he was going to the salmon river hopefully. but they were headed the wrong direction to get to the salmon river. that was one red flag for me. >> how would you describe how hannah was behaving? >> she was trying to turn her face away. i talked to her -- well, i didn't talk to her. i was mainly concentrating on him, but she was kind of had a scared look on her face when i first come up the trail, we didn't know if it was from the horses or what. but then when i turned and talked to him a little bit, i just didn't -- just had a gut feeling about him. >> how long was that interaction? >> oh, just a few seconds. and then when we went up the trail a little ways, i turned around and told these guys that there was something wrong there. it just wasn't right. >> did you get a sense at all that there was danger, that somebody was in danger? >> not really. you know, we thought maybe she was just scared of the horses or something like that. i spent a lot of time in the back country and usually don't run into somebody that's wearing pajamas. >> who was wearing pajamas? >> well, it looked kind of like pajama bottoms that she was wearing. >> what were they both wearing? >> he had a backpack on. and she was just wearing either sweats or pajamas, you know, regular top. but like i say, she not long after i got, she turned and was trying to look the other direction. and at the second encounter we had was kind of the same way. i talked to him a little bit there too. >> what'd he say? >> they actually followed us into the lake. >> was there anything else about them that made you feel they didn't fit? >> no. just kind of a gut feeling, you know, like they didn't belong. >> how were they outfitted? what kind of gear did they have? >> well, he had a pack on. and when we got up the trail a ways, they had had a tent set up on a big dry ridge up there, which was really strange. >> a two-man tent. >> a two-man sent. and there was a lot of foot traffic going back and forth from the tent to the trailhead. >> what was strange about having a tent on that ridge? >> no water. >> lightning. >> and then it was just like being a lightning rod sitting up there on top of that ridge. it's a dangerous place. >> there were some reports that he had tried to disguise his encampment, did you notice that at all? >> no. that was after we left. >> was he bearded, or were they dirty? >> oh, he had a couple days' growth, but they weren't dirty. >> did they approach you, or did you approach them? >> no, they moved off the trail for us. >> did she appear to be there against her will? did you have any indication of that? >> no. >> did she say anything to you? >> no. no. she never did speak. >> were they going the same direction or opposite when you first met them? >> they were going the same direction. >> toward morehead lake? >> yeah. >> and this was wednesday morning? >> yeah. we left our trailhead about 8:30 and encountered them about 9:30. >> second time you encountered them? >> it was about 5:00, yeah, it's when we left the lake. and they had followed us in. >> when mike first passed them, they were about ten feet apart. and i followed mike up the trail, so it was a short time later that i encountered them. and in that time he had moved closer to her. and it looked like he had his arm around her waist. she did appear frightened, but i thought it was a fear of the horses because she was wanting to move off the trail. but that encounter was very brief because we were moving up the trail at the time. and they were off the side of the trail. and they did not want to talk with us. mike asked a brief question. he did say as i went past he said that's the way to travel in this country is horseback. >> usually when you meet people -- >> very interesting. very interesting there. after two encounters that they deemed strange. intuition they said told them that something was wrong, a gut feeling, body language. and they also mentioned the amber alert that they said helped them find this young lady. because they went back and said that's the lady we saw on the trail. all this is interesting because i'm going to talk to wendy walsh. and then also mark class who is the father of polly class who disappeared almost 20 years ago. and wendy walsh is a human behavior expert. wendy, i want to talk to you when we come back about that gut intuition. and, mark, i want to talk to you about that body language when we come right back.