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0 city about $200,000 a year and saves a lot of grief for those whose bikes have been stolen. that's going to do it for me. i'm fredricka whitfield. brooke baldwin up next in the "newsroom." inside the rift with russia. why president obama is pulling the plug on his one on one with vladimir putin. i'm brooke baldwin. i'm brooke baldwin. the news is now. -- captions by vitac -- after usher's son nearly drowns, the singer's ex wants a court to step in. allegations of torture, abuse and murder at a reform school. bodies of boys never found. but florida is making a dramatic move to change that. >> let's take all of these boys, white boys, black boys, join them together. plus, did a dad make the right move in addressing his daughter's suspected kidnapper? >> if you have a chance, you take it. you run. and a college professor's deep, dark secret revealed. years ago he murdered his entire family. and today the mayor wants him gone. but the school and students, well -- >> he's very intelligent. he's almost a genius. thank you so much for starting your hour with me. i'm brooke baldwin. take that, putin. no summit. barack obama is backing out of that big meeting planned for moscow, marking a new hard line from the white house. he's likening russia's leaders to soviet style despits and expressing disappointment in moscow's decision not to hand over snowden. take a look at this statement. we have informed a russian government that it would be more constructive to postpone the summit until we have more results from our shared agenda. russia's disappointing decision to grant edward snowden temporary asylum was also a factor. here was the president just last night with jay leno. >> were you surprised that russia granted snowden asylum? >> i was disappointed. >> mm-hmm. >> because, you know, even though we don't have an extradition treaty with them, traditionally we have tried to respect if there's a lawbreaker or an alleged lawbreaker in their country, we evaluate it and we try to work with them. they didn't do that with us. and in some ways it's reflective of some underlying challenges that we've had with russia lately. >> so no september summit. did you notice in that interview with jay leno, no attempt by the president, no attempt whatsoever to ingratiate himself with moscow. >> there have been times where they slipped back into cold war thinking and a cold war mentality. and what i consistently say to them and what i say to president putin is, that's the past. and, you know, we've got to think about the future. and there's no reason why we shouldn't be able to cooperate more effectively than we do. >> yeah. putin seems to me like one of those old school kgb guys. >> well, he headed up the kgb. >> well, that's what i mean. >> so as we said, take that. no september summit. the president has just backed out. with me now from washington, jake tapper. chief washington correspondent and host of "the lead." also from irvine california, bob baer, former cia. gentlemen, i have to confess here. i missed the cold war. bob baer, let me ask you, does this bring back any memories? >> oh, absolutely. putin is an unreconstructed kgb officer. he thinks the cold war is still on. he's looking at snowden as a great victory over the united states. and he's going to squeeze everything he can out of it. so why should the president go to moscow and just add to his propaganda theater? >> jake? >> well, the reason that they -- they canceled the summit obviously ultimately it looks as though edward snowden was the straw that broke the camel's back. but senior administration officials tell me that they were already thinking very seriously about canceling it because they hadn't made any inroads in negotiating with putin and the russians when it came to missile defense, when it came to reducing the numbers of missiles, when it came to economic and trade agreements, when it came to human rights. the relationship is pretty bad. i asked senior administration officials what exactly the president meant when he talked about them slipping back into cold war mentality. i was told the number one way that they view the russians as being -- holding on to this cold war mentality is when it comes to negotiating the missile defense treaty. that the russians still believe that the americans have some sort of nefarious intent enwhwht comes to building strategic missile defense. they tend to view the relationship continually as a rivalry when the obama administration doesn't see it that way. >> okay. so that's what the administration is telling you and your sources. we know about edward snowden. the president's clear, you know, he's clearly disappointed with that. we know about this big dispute over syria. russia's still backing president bashar al assad. you have this arms control stalemate. now we have, as i know, jake, you and i have been reporting on this, this international outrage at russia's new laws that target gays and lesbians. let me play one more clip. this is, again, the president with jay leno. >> suddenly homosexuality is against the law. this seems like germany. let's round up the jews, let's round up the gays, you round up the blacks. why is not more of the world out raged at this? >> i've been very clear that when it comes to universal rights, when it comes to people's basic freedoms, that whether you are tdiscriminating on the basis of race, religion, gender or sexual orientation, you are violating, you know, the basic morality that i think should transcend every country. and i have no patience for countries that try to treat gays and lesbians or transgendered persons in ways that intimidate them or are harmful to them. >> strong words from the president, right? the two words, no patience for countries that discriminate against gays and lesbians. tapper, are we about to see another huge struggle with the russians over human rights here? >> well, i mean, the obama administration is always pushing when it comes to human rights. that's one of the reasons i think that the russians have granted ed snowden asylum. so that they can push back and say, look, the shoe is on the other foot. here's somebody who claims he would be discriminated against if he were in the united states. something else interesting president obama said in that answer to jay leno was he talked about all the african countries that he's visited where there is horrific discrimination against gays and lesbians and how this is something that needs to change on an international basis. i don't think -- i do think there will be something of a showdown when it comes to the olympics, not just with the u.s. but with other countries as well. i don't think there's going to be any major push when it comes to gays and lesbians, u.s. versus russia. >> jake tapper, bob baer, thank you very much. jake, we'll check back with you next hour. the president will be speaking? california at camp pendleton. watch jake every day 4:00 p.m. eastern right here on cnn. her husband gave his life battling wildfires. one of 19 elite firefighters known as the granite mountain hot shots. remember this tragic story? this was back in late june. now his widow is battling an arizona city for the benefits she says her husband earned. she is julie ann ashcraft. she says her family should get the lifetime health insurance and salary full time firefighters in the city of prescott receive. the city says some of the hot shots were considered, quote, unquote, seasonal employees and, therefore, not eligible for the payouts. >> i wanted to be able to just spend time with my family. i want to be able to grieve the loss of my husband. that's what's been the worst part. my son started school on monday. every chance i get, every time he comes home and i pick him up, i'm rushed off to another meeting. there's a lot of these administrative things i'm trying to take care of. i don't get to enjoy my children the way that i want to. i don't get to make sure that they're okay going through this the way that i want to. it's been incredibly stressful. lumped on top of something tragic. i can't wait for the resolve of it. >> so the city of prescott says it is following its policy. stay with us. we're going to talk about this and analyze this legally. what rights does chshe have. next hour. meantime the nationwide search for a 16-year-old girl and her 8-year-old brother has now gone international. mexico is now involved in the hunt for hannah and ethan handerson who have been missing since their mother's body was found sunday inside a burning home in boulevard, california. this is near the mexican border. a source close to this investigation tells cnn that the second body found inside that home is, quote, unquote, consistent with an 8-year-old child. so you have this desperate man hunt under way. a nationwide amber alert is in its second full day for a 2013 blue nissan versa with california tags. and take a good look at this with me. this is the man police believe is the driver. this is james dimaggio. a long time friend of the andersons who's known both of these kids since they were born. at a vigil just yesterday the children's father and a cousin spoke about this man. >> the gentleman that was a friend of ours for a long time has taken everything. hannah will come back and ethan and tina, i love you both. we all love you. >> jim, if you're watching this, please don't hurt my family. and my only little cousins. please bring my cousin home. >> marc klaas lost his daughter, polly, to a sexual predator who snatched her from her bedroom in 1993. he joins me live. marc, nice to see you again. in reading about this story i keep thinking about this father and going back to his words we saw on camera just yesterday. just as the parent of a once missing child, how are you prepared by police to -- to, you know, talk to a kidnapper via tv cameras? >> well, when i was involved in the disappearance of my daughter, they were telling parents to go sit by the telephone and wait for the -- wait for the ransom call to come in. so, i mean, there really wasn't any backup for me. but i think that this dad did an incredible job. i mean, he did what he had to do. he addressed his daughter specifically and gave her the action plan. if you have an opportunity, get out of there and we'll find you. >> that's exactly right. that was the one thing that really jumped out at a lot of us. let me play that in case our viewers missed it. this is the father talking to hannah. >> hannah, we all love you very much. if you have a chance, you take it. you run. you'll be found. >> you run. you will be found. heaven forbid you find yourself in a situation like this, marc. what is the right thing to say? is there a right thing? >> well, i think that he did say the right thing. i mean, first of all, he's been betrayed by a good friend who murdered his wife, possibly his son. and now has stolen his daughter. he exercised a tremendous amount of restraint. i'm sure he wishes he could have just reached through the camera and wrung this character's neck. i think he did a very good job. i think the most important aspect of it was that he went straight to his daughter and addressed her and gave her the action plan. >> and, marc, a lot of people in k california were shocked when this amber alert went off on their cell phones. right? this was the first time this was done on a statewide level in california. i want to show our viewers who are sort of learning about this, dennis, come on over and i can show you how to turn it on or turn it off. if you have an iphone, for example, find settings. then you go to notifications. you scroll all the way down. you can see all my apps. all the way down. see where it says amber alert and emergency alerts on the very bottom? amber alert? you can turn it off. mine doesn't want to turn off. mine's on. with this, though, mark, i hear you are not too impressed by this amber alert technology. why is that? >> well, first of all, i think people have got to quit whining about this. i think that the rollout in california was pretty abysmal. i think it should be more geographically located than state located. i think given the circumstances, they should have probably done a 200-mile radius distribution on that. i know i received it very late at night. as did my wife. we had no idea it was coming. we were rather alarmed by it. and we were unable to really find out any more information about it. so there are definitely steps that can be taken to improve this. but if you don't like it, you can do just as you explained. k go into your settings and turn it off for most things. >> marc klaas, thank you so much as always for your perspective. we so appreciate you. coming up next, just hours after usher's son nearly drowns in a swimming pool, the singer's ex-wife is asking the court to step in. my legal panel debates this custody battle. plus, today in cleveland, as crews demolish ariel castro's nightmare home, one of his victims makes an emotional appearance. >> nobody was there for me when i was missing. and i want the people out there to know, including the mothers, that they can have strength. they can have hope. d as hourly associates. there's opportunity here. i can use walmart's education benefits to get a degree, maybe work in it, or be an engineer, helping walmart conserve energy. even today, when our store does well, i earn quarterly bonuses. when people look at me, i hope they see someone working their way up. vo: opportunity, that's the real walmart.

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