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[ male announcer ] call today to get adt installed starting at just $99. hurry. this sale ends march 31st. adt. always there. where does the time go? hard to believe twitter turns 7 years old today. 200 million followers post 400 million tweets every day. we've seen the rise and fall of trends, celebrities, and major news events all in 140 characters or less. like this photo of survivors of the u.s. airways flight that crashed into the hudson river back in 2009. remember that? it was snapped by janice krumm, a commuter on a nearby ferry. one of the first images the world saw on a crash. then famous iconic voice of the aflac duck was fired for tweeting jokes about japan weeks this was the tweet, i was talking to my japanese real estate agent, i said is there a school in this area, she said, not now, but just wait. may 2, 2011, an i.t. consultant inadvertently tweeted helicopter hovering above abbottabad at 1:00 a.m. is a rare event. anthony weiner famously stepped down as a congressman after tweeting this shirtless photo and more to a female follower. at first he said his twitter account was hacked, but eventually fessed up. and president obama posting this photo with the first lady after he won reelection just last november. november. it was the most retweeted tweet. -- captions by vitac -- www.vitac.com all right, rumors of jimmy fallon taking over for jay leno. jimmy kimmel weighs in on "the lead" with jake tapper, but first "news nation" with don lemon starts right now. he's tweeting, too. live during this show, a man convicted of killing a rabbi could run free and prosecutors say it's the right move. >> i was a passenger on a extremely devastating one-car accident. >> supermodel nikki taylor thanks the people who saved her life. plus, the ceo of xerox suggests. my hot topics panel weighs in. curing cancer, find out why dream teams of scientists are closer than ever. >> hello, everyone, i'm don lemon. in one hour, a new york judge may free a man convicted 22 years ago for a murder many believed he did not commit. among the believers, not just defense attorneys, but the brooklyn d.a., who is going before the court today to ask for the release of this man, who was convicted in 1991 for the murder of rabbi warsburger, who was 58 years old. a reporter survivor of auschwitz and champion for jews in brooklyn. a robber gunned him down and got away in his car. detectives say they had rantas' confession, eyewitnesss, and more. but as the d.a. began digging, he determined ranta was the wrong man. mary snow is in brooklyn. mary, how did this case fall apart? >> reporter: well, really, don, the turning point and what set this in motion was an eyewitness who identified david ranta in a police lineup came forward two years ago to say that he was told by police who to pick. he was 13 at the time of that lineup. he phoned to say it was weighing on him and a police detective had told him, this is his words, to pick the guy with the big nose. the attorney for david ranta then went to the brooklyn d.a.'s office relaying this information to the conviction integrity unit. they were looking to review cases. they took up this case, and in their investigation, they say they found two other witnesses who admitted lying, and they found holes in the police work. now, the chief detective in the case at the time, his name is lewis scarcella, and he is now retired. we caught up with him a short time ago to ask him about claims david ranta was framed. here's what he had to say. >> ma'am, i didn't do anything wrong. i stand by my investigation, and i don't know what else to tell you. >> reporter: he would only speak to us briefly, don, but he says that he secured a confession from david ranta at the time. he says he stands by that, but ranta and his attorney says ranta never made any confession and always maintained his innocence. don? >> the obvious question, who do investigators think killed rabbi werzberger? >> reporter: they have a lead, but the bottom line is we may never know with 100% certainty. here's why. a woman came forward in the 1990s and said that her husband had confessed to killing the rabbi, but her husband was killed in a car accident shortly after the murder. the police investigators and prosecutors say that they have no evidence to contradict what she's saying, but no evidence to prove what she's saying. and that information that she came forward with was used in a hearing in 1996. there was some credibility, questions that came into play, and the conviction of david ranta, obviously, wasn't overturned there and his lawyers said he thought david ranta was going to die in prison and believed him all the way along he was innocent. >> mary snow in brooklyn, thank you very much for your reporting. at any minute president obama will be honored in jerusalem. this comes on the heels of a very frank address to the jewish state as a whole where he seemed to be speaking as an older brother, dispensing advice to a sibling. over and over the president said, i'm with you, have no doubt about this. but this was his bottom li. >> the only way for israel to endure and thrive as a jewish and democratic state is through the realization of an independent and viable palestine. >> the president said the palestinian people must have a state of their own, just as the jewish people do. and for that, he got a sustained applause. in jerusalem. cnn's john king is with us from jerusal jerusalem. seemed the president selected his audience well. >> reporter: smart politics, don. the president bringing to israel some of the personal style we've seen on the political campaign trail and the policy campaign trail, if you will, back home. traditionally, an american president visits and goes into the parliament. what would be in there? older people, right? older people. no offense to older people, but the president's trying to put pressure on the poll tigs. he said flat out, i'm a politician, we don't do risky things unless we get pressure from the people. he's trying to rally the younger generation of the israelis, who was interested. he was getting applause from young israelis. he's trying to get them to put pressure on their prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, a conservative, somebody unwilling to say stop settlement building. rise up to your government and said, we want a new israel, different israel. don, we could talk an hour about the obstacles of peace, but nudge your side to move forward, hopefully young palestinians will nudge their side. might say the president trying a new grassroots approach here in israel. >> i want you to listen to this, john, again. he spoke of a meeting he had with palestinian youth. >> talking to them, they weren't that different from my daughters. they weren't that different from your daughters. or sons. i honestly believe that if any israeli parent sat down with those kids, they'd say, i want these kids to succeed. i want them to prosper. i want them to have opportunities. >> john king, that's all well and good, lovely words, but let's talk about actions, specifically this. iraq has fired at israel today during the president's visit. fired, in fact, from gaza, whose palestinian leaders refuse to accept israel's right to exist. despite the applause the president got, his new offensive, as you said, new approach is use offensive. a lot of israelis will say this is our reality, correct? >> reporter: they would, don. they would say this is our reality, rockets fired in from gaza, controlled by hamas, a palestinian fraction that says israel has no right to exist. palestinians would say, you keep building settlements in the west bank, that's way beyond the borders. you keep building highways that go right through our communities so you connect jewish communities. the israelis point to rockets, palestinians point to construction. both sides have their reasons, but both sides have their objections to getting back to the bargaining table and making the concessions necessary for peace. what is the president trying to do? not talk to the politicians, but parents. next week, no, next month, probably not, but the president's trying to change the dynamic and get people to stop talking about it in a political term, land for peace, settlement, rockets that have dropped progress in the past, but start a new conversation. >> all right, john king in jerusalem, thank you very much. politics now. politics gave way to raw emotion today as vice president joe biden, new york mayor michael bloomberg, and the families of the newtown massacre pushed for tighter gun control. >> my son jesse's life was taken by a cowardly deranged person with an assault weapon. no child deserves to be murdered or brutally slaughtered the way these children were. and quite honestly, i'm really ashamed to see the congress doesn't have the guts to stand up and make a change and put a ban on these type of weapons and universal background checks. >> in the immediate aftermath of the shooting, there was a sense of what happened in our town might be a tipping point, and that real meaningful progress in the area of gun safety might result. and we know that a lot of good people are working very hard to try to make this happen, and we thank them for that. we'd ask everyone who has power to influence legislation in this area and, of course, those whose job it is to vote on the legislation to ask themselves if they are doing enough to bring about real and meaningful change, and if they are not, to ask themselves, why not? >> well, the white house has been urging congress to pass an assault weapons ban, but senate democrats dropped it this week from the gun control package that will be debated on the senate floor next month. >> three months ago a deranged man walked into sandy hook elementary school with a weapon of war. that's what we walked in with, with a weapon of war. and that weapon of war has no place on american streets. and taking it off american streets has no impact on one's constitutional right to own a weapon. no less than justice scalia acknowledged the government has a right. >> vice president says that the will of the people will prevail and he reminded the room that the original ten-year assaults weapon ban had long been written off long before it eventually had been adopted in 1994. days after a judge convicted two high school football players of rape, another town, another case of alleged rape. and this time the victim was called a whore and a snitch. we're on the case next. [ male announcer ] this is bob,