With inevitable Power Outages that could last for days, if not more than a week. Thats why hundreds of thousands of people who live, work or play near the water, including the spot youre looking at right now, atlantic city, theyre all under a mandatory Evacuation Order. Its why classes are canceled for more than 2 million schoolchildren. Its why more than 10 million commuters in new york, philadelphia and washington have no bus service, have no Subway Service today. And thousands of airline flights, almost 10,000, in fact, into and out of the northeast corridor are canceled. If you need to drive anywhere in connecticut today, you better hurry up because the governor of connecticut has Just Announced hes shutting down the highways at 1 00 eastern. And that is just two hours from now. Here where i am in new york and where we begin our mega coverage, my colleague, john berman is down in battery park city, which pretty well can be expected to get battered as the namesake is. Sandy is turning towards the shore and picking up speed. Give me a bit of a read from your location. Reporter its really been an interesting place to be all morning. About two hours ago, i was standing in 8 inches of water right here. It was up past my ankles. What happened was after high tide here in morning, there was a small storm surge. The water came up over this seawall right here and began to flood this area. This is the evacuation zone in lower manhattan, some 370,000 people have been told to get out from here and also the other boroughs in new york city to evacuate, get to a friends place uptown, get to a hotel or to one of the 76 Emergency Evacuation Centers throughout the city. Theyre expecting a storm surge of anywhere between six and 11 feet. Thats a lot. We saw at high tide this morning it come over the wall here, that was a mere fraction of what it will be tonight at about 8 50. Thats high tide tonight. With this full moon and with this storm hitting the east coast, the water could come in and simply flood this whole area. What youre seeing here is a lot of tourists, a lot of people coming to take pictures. This is a bad idea. I dont think these people knew just an hour and a half ago, they would have been standing in 8 inches of water or if they come here tonight, they would be floating or sinking. The police have come through here and told people to get out of here. This is really a bad place to be. This is a mandatory evacuation zone in lower manhattan. 6 to 11 feet of storm surge. Its not big waves like youve seen up and down the east coast. There are some Pretty Amazing pictures up and down the east coast. No, this is a slow creep. The water will simply rise behind me. Hour by hour by hour as we get closer to 8 50 tonight. And then it could simply be devastating. Ashleigh . This is even more sort of secret and stealthy for those who dont know what theyre about to walk through. New yorkers, all 400,000 of people who have been ordered to evacuate are a hearty lot and dont heed the warning. What do we know about where you are, where the mayors threatened to shut off the power down there . Have they left and gone anywhere . Reporter most of the people ive seen here are tourists. They arent native new yorkers. Theyre people who may be in hotels nearby and they just came to get a look here. You can see the police are walking down here right now and telling people to get out of here. Its not a good place to be. Im telling people that i see here, they should get in, hunker down, it really only started to happen about half an hour ago where people started to come out. Earlier this morning, it was a ghost town. Thats what new york should feel like today. It is a very good day to be at home. Im glad to see what im seeing behind you, the Police Officers responding and telling people this might look like there isnt a problem but there is. Stay with us, john, if you would. I want to move on that Jennifer Delgado because ill tell you something, theres a lot going on that people might not be able to see. The new advisories have been rolling in. We just got one from the National Hurricane center. Hurricane sandy is about 205 miles southeast of atlantic city. And our meteorologist, jen delgado, is joining me live from the hurricane center, tracking this storm. Theres some significant news thats just come out. Tell me about it. Absolutely. Most importantly, we are going to start off with the winds. The winds have gotten stronger from the last advisory at 8 00 a. M. We are now seeing the winds sustained at 90 Miles Per Hour with some gusts up to 115. So, yes, we are still seeing strengthening out of it. And were talking Hurricane Sandy has been moving right along the gulf stream. We think that was allowing Hurricane Sandy to strengthen over the last couple of hours. Want to point out to you also the pressure. The pressure has also dropped. Were now looking at it being 943 millibars. Thats the lowest pressure recorded for a storm north of cape hatteras, north carolina. We are not done by any means with Hurricane Sandy. We still have to go through late tonight as well as into tomorrow morning before we see that circulation making landfall. Again, you can kind of see for yourself right now, its located roughly about looks like 268 miles southsoutheast of new york city. And its now made that northwesterly turn. As it makes landfall, its going to bring hurricane conditions across the region. Talking those winds are going to be extremely gusty. They will be moving very slowly. As it does up towards the north this is going to be producing a tremendous amount of rainfall. And the rain is already coming down. You can see for washington, d. C. As well as for baltimore, the storms in yellow and orange, of course that indicates the heavyyear rain. Out towards the west, snow. Ashleigh . Just quickly, ive got a lot of ground to cover, but when we came into this today, we thought wed be looking at winds around 75 miles an hour. And then to hear now maximum sustained winds, 90 miles an hour, gusting to 115 miles an hour and the wind speed, the fact that its a cat 1, that makes this thing so damaging and powerful. Can you explain to our viewers why its far more serious than that . Absolutely. Its going to be interacting with a low thats coming through. This is going to turn into essentially a perfect storm. Its going to shift over and getting its energy from a baraclinic motion. The storm is going to continue to blow up on radar. Talking very heavy rainfalls intensified out of this. And of course snow. Some of these locations, talking about blizzard on the backside of that low. Thats going to be developing in parts of west virginia. You asked with the intensification, as we said, moving along the gulf stream, very warm waters. The gulf stream moves along the eastern coastline and has been moving over there. And thats what really, we think, been the fuel. Weve seen that intensification of the storm developing and the center of circulation. Dont focus on the center. The strongest winds are all around the storm. I keep hearing posthurricane winter cyclone. I dont like the sounds of that at all. Jen delgado, thank you so much. We have more to update you on right after this. Were lucky, its not every day you find a companion as loyal as a subaru. Love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. If youre a man with low testosterone, you should know that axiron is here. The only underarm treatment for low t. Thats right, the one you apply to the underarm. Axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than 18. Axiron can transfer to others through direct contact. 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Go to higher, safer ground. The margin for error for me being wrong and you going to stay at a friends house for two days i think is significantly better than winding up with a severe injury or death for yourself or for your family. Thats new jersey governor Chris Christie. Hes not messing around with his message. His state is right in the path of this storm. Newarks liberty airport is basically shut down. Hundreds of flights have been canceled because of this storm. Our rob marciano is keeping an eye on things in asbury park, new jersey. Rob, last year just before hurricane irene, Chris Christie told people in no Uncertain Terms and i will quote him here, get the hell outfit beach. My question to you, are people heeding his message to get out and get to safer ground . Reporter you know, they are. And you may remember, he caught some criticism for using those strong words last year after what people along the immediate jersey shore felt was an overreaction. Certainly after irenes disaster, turned out to be a wise choice, especially for those living along the immediately shoreline. Here in asbury park and up and down the northern coastline of new jersey, they have certainly heeded his warning. Heres a look at the surf that continues to pour in. The tide is actually receding now. But ive only seen it go down maybe five, ten feet in the last 20 minutes because the actual surge continues to push water over what should be dry, sandy beach here. But obviously thats not the case. So i think throughout the afternoon, even though the tide is going down, were going to see it hold where it is. And when high tide comes again later on tonight around 8 00, right when this is supposed to make landfall, about 50 to 80 miles to our south, thats when we expect the water to come up and over the boardwalk. Tell you what, this surf coming in here has been impressive. All day long, weve seen 10, 15, even some 20foot huge breakers really testing some of the jetties and seawalls here that protect this stretch of coastline. Yeah, everyones evacuated. Mandatory evacuations up and down the coastline to all of new jersey. There are shelters set up. Theres been a few hundred people that have taken advantage of those. Officials here at the Fire Department here tell me there have been a few calls theyve had to deal with. But all in all, so far, so good. The storm itself is still a couple of hundred miles away. We have all afternoon long and all night, residual wind pounding the coastline to deal with. In for the long haul here. Looks so aggressive that, surf behind you. Were just at the beginning stages of it. Rob mars nocianomarciano, stay. Were not only going to watch what robs been watching, the surf, surge and the flood danger. But coming up, whats going to happen when millions of people are almost certain to lose power and how long is it going to take for people to get up in the buckets and fix those power lines and make sure that it is safe just to go outside . Thats coming up next. [ woman ] its 32 minutes to go time, and the candidates speech is in pieces all over the district. The writers desktop and the coordinators phone are working on a joke with local color. The secure cloud just received a revised intro from the strategists tablet. And while i make my way into the venue, the candidate will be rehearsing off of his phone. [ candidate ] and thanks to every young face i see out there. [ woman ] his phone is one of his biggest supporters. [ female announcer ] with cisco at the center. Working together has never worked so well. Seems like a pretty vulnerable area because were so close to the water. Preparation, whatever we can do to minimize any damage to homes and the city in general. I have two little kids and a dog. I figured if the power went out, we dont have any generator. So going up 15 flights of stairs would be a pretty big task. Smart people getting a move on things early. As many as 60 Million People could be personally affected by Hurricane Sandy. The storm could leave whole cities powerless for as long as a week. Maybe even longer because some of these sustained winds that are going to stick around for a while mean that those Power Companies cant get their guys up in their equipment to fix the lines. It could be very dangerous to be out on the street and it could be very bad for getting power restored. We saw the impact of this when major storms tore through the northeast earlier on this year. But the red cross says it is ready for this storm. And joining me now on the phone is katherine barday, a spokeswoman for the red cross. Shes in atlantic city, new jersey. Katherine, we just saw in an area that where rob marciano was, the storm surge is coming up. Even when the tide is receding, the water is still coming up. That should be a clear indication for someone whos out there and wondering when they need to leave, right . Absolutely. If water is rising in your neighborhood, we absolutely courage people to evacuate. Red cross has shelters open all up and down the eastern seaboard. Weve had over 190 shelters open with over 4,500 people staying just last night alone. We have hundreds of disaster workers and were ready with supplies and emergency vehicles in place to help. And to find a shelter, we have very easy ways to do so. You can download our hurricane application from redcross. Org. Visit our website, or call 1800redcross for this information. Thats great information. Just quickly, i want to ask you, if someones watching this and saying, i see standing water in my neighborhood. Its very dangerous to drive on just an inch or two of water. Lets say theyre about to leave. What should they grab before they head out the door to get to a shelter . Well, first and foremost, we want everybody to use extraordinary caution going through their neighborhoods and standing water. But when they leave, we courage everyone to take their medications, personal documents. If they have special needs or need lifesaving medical devices, please take those. Battery chargers. And if you have pets, please bring pet supplies with your pets, collars, leash. And make sure that you are headed to a petfriendly shelter. We have many of those open. And we also partner with other agencies to make sure that pets can be accommodated. Please do not leave your pet behind. And make sure they grab their insurance policies, along with those important documents. I just want to jump ahead really quickly to after the storm. I know that youre busy now but youre going to be busy then as well. What he is the plan for after the storm when the damage is done and people are really going to need the help . Well, red cross will be here for weeks to come. This is a largescale disaster response. And really we rely on the generosity of volunteers and the public to be able to support such service, whether its shelters, mass feeding, all of the services that we are going to be providing. And we encourage if you would like to find out how to volunteer or make a donation to red cross, please visit redcross org or text the word red cross to 90999 to make a 10 donation to this Disaster Relief effort. Catherine barde, thank you so much. Stay safe yourself as you continue to watch out for the safety of others. Again, for more information from the red cross, 1800redcross. Check them out also at redcross. Org. A whole bunch of apps on your ipad that will help you to find shelters and get information and find the go bags and what to pack in your go bag. I want to just direct your attention to live pictures right now. The International Space station just happens to be, as we speak, flying over Hurricane Sandy. So the picture that is youre seeing are the actual live shots of what this storm looks like from space. Its remarkable that we just had this timing. But we seized on the opportunity to jump onto their live cameras from the International Space station. Thank you to nasa tv for this as well because you can just see that wall of clouds. Its hard to get perspective when youre looking at the globe from that angle. But you can certainly see what everyones been talking about. And that this is a monster storm. Weve got a lot more very valuable information for you coming up. Choose the Perfect Hotel starts with arthritis pain and a choice. Take tylenol or take aleve, the 1 recommended pain reliever by orthopedic doctors. Just two aleve can keep pain away all day. Back to the news. Just two aleve can keep pain away all day. Anncr every president inherits few have faced so many. Four years later. Our enemies have been brought to justice. Our heroes are coming home. Assembly lines are humming again. There are still challenges to meet. Children to educate. A middle class to rebuild. But the last thing we should do is turn back now. President obama im barack obama and. I approve this message. [ the odd couple theme playing ] humans. Even when we cross our ts and dot our is, we still run into problems mainly other humans. At Liberty Mutual insurance, we understand. Thats why our auto policies come with accident forgiveness if you qualify, where your rates wont go up due to your first accident, and new car replacement, where if you total your new car, we give you the money for a new one. Call. To talk to an Insurance Expert about Everything Else that comes standard with our base auto policy. [ tires squeal ] and if you get into an accident and use one of our certified repair shops, your repairs are guaranteed for life. Call. To switch, and you could save hundreds. Liberty Mutual Insurance responsibility. Whats your policy . Im very concerned when i see the map and i see it, im very nervous. But i think im in good hands here. I think im safe. Hurricane sandy has a lot of people nervous. Shes not the only one. This things making its way towards the east coast. And it is not stopping. The storm has also severely impacted travel. More than 10 million commuters who take mass transit in new york city and washington, d. C. And philadelphia, they are all without service today. Thousands of flights also canceled. And amtrak has canceled its service along the eastern seaboard as this massive weather system or series of systems approach. Our meteorologist Jennifer Delgado is watching things in the cnn hurricane tracking center. Shes looking at the storm. We heard from you about 20 minutes ago that we had this big update on the maximum sustained winds, moving up to 90 miles an hour. Gusting up to 115. Thats still a cat 1. A strong cat 1. 6 Miles Per Hour away from it becoming a cat 2. Is that possible . We just dont know right now. We know that we saw brief intensification out of this from the last advisory where it was 85. Now the winds, as we just heard, are at 90 Miles Per Hour. Now, the gusts, 115. Keep in mind the diameter of the center of circulation, the eye. Were seeing it now roughly diameter of 23 miles. Also new here, the pressure has dropped down to 943 millibars. This is the lowest pressure recorded for a storm north of cape hatteras, north carolina, in quite a while. Again, this is really an interesting feature. And we really believe this intensification because it was moving over the gulf stream. You can see for yourself. Weather conditions are going to deteriorate. This is going to make landfall late tonight into early tomorrow morning. Keep in mind, you see how it moves over towards the west. Were going to see Hurricane Force winds in a very wide area because the storm is so big. Now, pointing out to you some of the travel delays and the ripple effect. Look at atlanta as well as into charlotte. We are dealing with delays and volume because of the cancellations. Thats only going to get worse. Today is just not a good day to be flying. As we take you back over to our tracker explorer, look at this. The flight explorer, this is the northeast. In a normal time of day, youre in new york, you know, this area is just exploding with planes out there. Now theyre all over towards the west. If we were to take this down towards the south, wed see a lot of those planes across parts of atlanta. This is because people arent flying into new york, philadelphia, of course, because they dont want to fly into danger. Weather conditions are going to continue to get bad. And we havent etch talked about the storm surge or the blizzard thats going to be developing in west virginia. Ashleigh, this is just an allencompassing storm here. At last count, it was Something Like 7,500 flights plus have been canceled. All the International Flights have to deal with the ramifications. All the planes off to the left of you have to figure out where else they can land. It is a disaster. Thank you, jennifer. A quick update from the white house and from president obamas campaign. He canceled his Campaign Event this morning in orlando, florida. He had planned to cancel everything after that and head to the white house. Now thats gone, too. Now were getting word in about an hour and 15 minutes, the president is going to speak live. Hell have an address at 12 45 eastern time. National television. Hes going to speak about the hurricane and give us an update as to what Everyone Needs to do at this point. Perhaps said best yesterday when this is a time we need to get together as a nation, help your neighbors, keep an eye out for others. This is a national disaster, folks. Back in a moment. [ male announcer ] in blind taste tests, even ragu users chose prego. Prego . but ive bought ragu for years. [ thinking ] wonder what other questionable choices ive made . I choose date number 2 whooo [ sigh of relief ] [ male announcer ] choose taste. Choose prego. [ sigh of relief ] ffor help finding a plan thats right for you, give unitedhealthcare a call today. Right about now, a week and a day before we elect a president , our current president was supposed to be in florida wrapping up a Campaign Rally in orlando. That rally did go on but not with him. With former president bill clinton as the starring attraction instead. But president obama had to cancel this and the reason is on the bottom of your screen. Its Hurricane Sandy. Cnns dan lothian is at the white house. We just heard the president making a plan for this big public announcement at 12 45. Anything other than updating where we stand and what people need to do, depending on where they live . Reporter were still trying to get more details on that. But we expect it will simply be an update at 12 45 on what the president has lrnd coearned comt of this meeting going on right now. The president getting briefed from some of the senior members of his Team Including Janet Napolitano and craig fugate and john brennan. The follows some of the briefings the president has been getting over the weekend. He also went over to fema headquarters where he had a chance to get a firsthand glimpse of what the federal government was doing to stay on top of this hurricane. Again, the president promising that the federal government will help states in any way possible, as you know. So far, eight states have been declared states of emergency by this president , including the district of columbia. And that frees up some federal dollars to help them not only during the storm but also in the cleanup effort. Dan, were still a week away from a national election. This is not going away. What about the early voting . What about the efforts of people to do the inperson early voting state to state . Reporter well, obviously that is a concern. Not only on the voting end of it but these are key battleground states that the president really wanted to be in in these final days before the election where the race is neck and neck. So you pointed out, the president was supposed to have this event in florida, pulled out of there. Was supposed to have another event tonight in virginia over not only today and tomorrow. He was supposed to be in ohio, also in wisconsin and colorado. And he has pulled out of those events. Its unclear whether or not the president will still keep his schedule at the end of the week where hell be heading west again to nevada and colorado and also spending a lot of time in ohio, were told by Campaign Officials that right now, its day by day because its such a fluid situation. Dan lothian live for us at the white house, thank you very much for that. The Mitt Romney Campaign has also had to make some big changes because of Hurricane Sandy. While the places may have changed, the message is still the same. Our cnn Political Editor Paul Steinhauser is live with me now. Both campaigns have had to cancel events but the president still gets to be president. And theres a lot that he has to do right now while mitt romney is not the president and cant necessarily campaign. Some people might think thats an edge for the president. But is it . Reporter it can be an edge for the president. But if things go wrong with the federal response, he will get blamed for that. That could be the flip side and a political consequence. Romney was supposed to be in virginia yesterday campaigning. Of course that got canceled because of sandy. He ended up campaigning in ohio, he and paul ryan. At all three stops there, mitt romney was talking about the stops and his prayers for people in harms way. Take a listen. I know that right now, some people in the country are a little nervous about a storm, about to hit the coast and our thoughts and prayers are with the people who will find themselves in harms way. Reporter romney todays got an event coming up in a few minutes in ohio. Then its on to iowa and then on to wisconsin as well. But his campaign is doing stuff to help people out back on the east coast, people being affected. Andrea saul said in north carolina, new hampshire, pennsylvania and virginia, well be collecting supplies at our Victory Offices to deliver local storm relief. In virginia, we are loading storm relief supplies onto the romney bus to be delivered. Its not the same as going to a fema News Conference like the president is doing. But romney is trying to do his part. Cnns Political Editor, Paul Steinhauser, for us live, thank you very much. For more on todays campaigning and how the storm is changing those plans, you can check out cnn. Com politics. We still have our political unit doing all this coverage. You still get your information despite the fact that were in emergency storm coverage on television. In the meantime, new york citys mayor, michael bloomberg, is briefing the news media right now about evacuations and the preparations as Hurricane Sandy nears landfall at new york city. By the way with 11foot storm surge expected, that is critical. Lets listen. It keeps new york city well within the danger zone of the storm. And its why as of now, we are under a coastal Flood Warning from now through 3 00 p. M. On tuesday and a high wind warning through 6 00 p. M. Tomorrow. This is a massive storm. Hurricane force winds extend some 175 miles in every direction of this center. The storm may strengthen at it meets the cold front approaching from the northwest. And thats when its changes from a Tropical Storm to a noreaster which has very big implications for those areas to the west of us and to the north of us. As weve emphasized all along, the greatest danger posed by sandy is the coastal storm surge. Weve had as much flooding along the fdr, which is fundamentally closed at the moment, as we did in hurricane irene. When we close a road, we close it when the water comes up. As the water recedes, going from a high tide to a low tide period, we would reopen that. But at any moment, any of these roads, if it becomes unsafe, we close it. And we have lots of people watching the flooding that could occur later today, thats why we ordered our evacuation from zone a areas. Last night, there was a high tide. Tonight, a much bigger one. Tomorrow, another one. The levels along our coast and in our waterways have begun rising and are expected to remain at higherthannormal levels for the next 24 hours. The surge will be roughly at 8 00 tonight, 8 15 plus or minus a couple of hours. But, remember, if youre in the south bronx, the surge that youre getting is surge that enters Long Island Sound from out around montauk and it talks about four hours to get down here. So the surge that you would experience there is much later than the surge that youd experience if the water is coming up the east river and the hudson river. There has been some flooding already in the bowery as well as the fdr and some of the rockaways. We expect surge levels of six to 11 feet, a surge of nine to ten feet is possible along coney island and the rock waus and a surge of 11 to 12 feet may occur at the battery monday evening. Maximum surge in these areas expected to be plus or minus two hours around 8 15, say 6 00 to 10 30. The peak surge will hit areas between Long Island Sound between 10 00 and 2 00 a. M. Now, if you live on a coastline as mayor bloomberg continues to give local updates to those around the five boroughs who are going to be affected so deeply by what hes saying could rise as high as a 12foot surge, keep in mind, everybody lives pretty much at sea level here in the new york area. That is critical. He also said the fdr, one of the main roadways in manhattan, is fundamentally closed. The Connecticut Governor is shutting down all the highways at 1 00 eastern this afternoon. I want to show you something that our weather team has put together, especially when you talk about new york city and all those highrises. Take a look at what happens to the wind threat for highrises. If a wind comes onshore at 80 Miles Per Hour, thats what its like at the ground. You go up 30 stories and its 20 greater. Goes up to 96 miles an hour. Head up to the 80th story and everyone between 80 and 100, those stories, they get a 30 kickup to 104mileperhour winds. And let me remind you. Those arent gusts. Those are sustained winds. So the sustained winds at 80 stories high would be 104 miles an hour. And then add to that the gusting winds, that is trouble. And that is exactly why you just saw mayor bloomberg telling people, mandatory evacuations in certain parts, not just the flooding but also these dangerous winds. Take a look at the live pictures. A lot more information coming for you in just a moment. There are a lot of warning lights and sounds vying for your attention. So we invented a warning you can feel. Introducing the allnew cadillac xts. Available with a patented safety alert seat. When theres danger you might not see, youre warned by a pulse in the seat. Its technology you wont find in a mercedes eclass. The allnew cadillac xts has arrived, and its bringing the future forward. The wheels of progress havent been very active lately. But because of Business People like you, things are beginning to get rolling. And regions is here to help. Making it easier with the expertise and service to keep those wheels turning. From Business Loans to cash management, we want to be your partner moving forward. So switch to regions. And lets get going. Together. Two words describe Hurricane Sandy, huge and dangerous. The National Hurricane center saying that sandy is picking up speed as it bears down on the eastern seaboards largest cities. This is a massive storm expected to trigger lifethreatening storm surges. Let me repeat that, lifethreatening storm surges. As well as powerful winds and snow in the appalachians. And a lifeanddeath situation has been unfolding off of north carolinas outer banks as well. The coast guard says that 16 people who were on board this ship, the hms bounty, all abandoned ship after it began taking on water and lost its propulsion in heavy seas. We have breaking news to tell you right now. That ship has now sunk. Luckily those people were able to abandon ship. 14 of them were rescued before the ship went down. But two people are still missing. And joining us on the telephone now, u. S. Coast guard vice admiral robert parker. Whats the latest you know about the effort to find those two missing people . Thank you, ashleigh. The latest we heard, weve debriefed the 14 people we did get back to elizabeth city, north carolina. They are in good health. All the people abandoned ship earlier this morning, as they were abandoning ship, three people were washed overboard. They were all wearing emergency suits. Only one of those people made to it the life raft. The two people not found did not make it into the life rafts. The helicopters out there that did the hoists returned because of fuel state. Weve had a continuous coverage on scene with a coast guard c130 aircraft and another mh60 helicopter. But no further sightings of those two people. Can you explain what emergent suits and how that might play into their survivability . Theyre made to protect the person wearing it to keep them both afloat, hopefully faceup and also to provide them thermal protection from the water. But many these conditions, its very problematic to maintain your position in seas out there in excess of 20 feet, the winds are probably down to about 45 knots but thats still pretty extraordinary conditions for a person in the water. These are suits designed to both hold on to the heat thats so important when youre immirsers in the water and also to keep you afloat. One person made it to the life rafts, the other two didnt. Are you going to be able to have helicopters or any rescue equipment out there to keep looking for these other two people . Were out there right now. We have a helicopter and a c130 out there. Weve recalled the coast guard cutter elements. Shes on her way there now. If she can make decent speed, shell be there before dark this evening. Weve recalled also the coast guard cutter gal tin, one of our older 378foot cutters out of charleston, south carolina. They should be on scene by tomorrow morning. They can be out there safely, admiral i cant believe that ship was out there in the first place in weather like this. But those rescue crews can be out there safely at this point . Yes, maam. Thats one of the reasons that our ships tend to cost a little more is they have to be out there in some pretty nasty weather. Theyre built to a little higher standard. We have people that are pretty experienced in this weather. We try to avoid it when we can. But obviously as we hope for the best, we plan for the worst. And i just have to ask you, with this kind of a storm, this is just unimaginable. What are the odds that your guys are going to be able to find these two people out there . Thats a good question. But we have everything we can going for us except for the weather right now. Weve had assets on scene. We do have what we call a selflocating data market buoy, a small buoy that drifts about the same rate as a person in the water would. That gives us a continuous gps feed for which direction the drift is going. And having continuous coverage gives us absolutely the best hope. Finding a person in the water in those conditions is really, really difficult, especially when the visibility is as low as it is right now. Godspeed to you and all of your crews who are doing this heroic work. I hope you are lucky in this mission. And ill check this with you later to find out how its going. Vice admiral robert parker, thank you very much. Thank you. We have more right after the break. But i still have a runny. [ male announcer ] dayquil doesnt treat that. Huh . [ male announcer ] alkaseltzer plus rushes relief to all your worst cold symptoms, plus it relieves your runny nose. 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Sandra, i have been watching the progression of your live shots all the way through last night and into this morning, and at times it seems that its passed you, and then we come back to you 20, 30 minutes later, and are you holding on for dear life. What is exactly happening now . Ashleigh, the word i am using for this storm so far and it hasnt even reached landfall yet is relentless because it has just been nonstop raining, but really significant as of the last hour is the wind, and as you mentioned, its intensifying out there, and were feeling it out here, and really the gusts have picked up here, and we have watched this beach erode right in front of our eyes. Weve seen high tide throughout the morning and then massive waves crashing on these protective sands they have here. Im actually on the street side, the Property Side of the sand dunes, and weve watched the waves come on over, crash into these sand dunes and actually flood this area and so thats a big concern for local residents and authorities here is the flooding, and the storm surge by these massive waves. The storm surge and the tidal surge is something theyre going to look for. Take a look at the waterfront property here, ashleigh. You could also see how the water has accumulated. Theres flooding here already. This is something they were preparing for, and a lot of the residents here have boarded up their homes and theyre certainly bracing for the worst, but keep in mind, as you have been forecast, the worst is yet to come. High tide is happening later this evening, and thats when the heart of Hurricane Sandy is expected to come through this area. Ashleigh. High tide where you are, maryland, as well as several states all along the eastern seaboard. What has that done in terms of telling the people where you are to get to better shelter, to get to higher and safer ground. Have they. Theyve taken all the warnings seriously, and there was a mandatory Evacuation Order in place, and the deadline was last night for residents in downtown ocean city, to get out of town. All nonresidents, as well, had to leave ocean city. Route 50 into this area is shut down, and those residents who have decided to hunker down and ride out the storm, they are being urged to stay inside because clearly you could see the conditions are just worsening by the hour, so its i dont mean to play inside baseball here, about the i think a lot of our viewers are going to be looking at you holding on for dear life and wondering when you are going seek shelter and how you are going to stay state of. Yeah. Im actually just being very cautious out here, obviously, because you never know what Mother Nature does, but were staying protected. Were trying to really seek shelter in the building that were broadcasting from, so from time to time, you know, we are protected, obviously, so we try to stay safe out here as well. All right, sandy. Be careful out there, and we will come to you for updates. The last hurricane to disrupt maryland was hurricane irene, a little over a year ago, and that caused widespread flooding and huge Power Outages, and this word just in as well. The u. S. Supreme court will not be convening tomorrow because of Hurricane Sandy perhaps not surprising. Thank you, everyone, for watching. Stay tuned to cnn as we continue to update you throughout the day on the powerful impact of Hurricane Sandy. Try as much as you like, anyway you like. Like new teriyaki grilled shrimp. Offer ends soon my name is angela trapp, and i sea food differently. If youre a man with low testosterone, you should know that axiron is here. The only underarm treatment for low t. Thats right, the one you apply to the underarm. 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