Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom 20120713

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of coming in to us right now and it's really fascinating when you look at how these networks that take nuclear material from the u.s. and then provide it overseas. two men have been indicted. a citizen of iran and a resident of china are being accused to try to obtain and illegally export these u.s. materials toer rang. and they're used to construct, operate and maintain gas center fudges. there was a statement that was released by lisa monaco. she's the assistant attorney general iranian networks continue to target u.s. and western companies for technology acquisition by using fraud front companies and middle men in nations around the globe. so essentially the citizens of people who are doing things like this are setting up fake companies, trying to buy materials from the u.s. and then slip them into iran and obviously with iran's nuclear programs right now, you can see the concerns with that. one other thing that came out in this, some of the details against these men in particular, the indictment, i'm going to read to it you one more time because it's so fascinatinfascie of these men sought to obtain radioactive materials to the u.s. by going to an undercover agent and asking him to purchase these test materials for a u.s. company. and the intent was to get them into iran. it's fascinating to see how these companies are it up around the world, for really the mere movement of materials like this. >> keep us posted on more developments, suzanne kelly, in washington. they admit to failing their school, but they're not resigning over it. the penn state board of trustees are meeting right now after a scathing report on the jerry san dews kay scandal. >> the board as the group that has paramount accountability for overseeing and ensuring the proper functioning and governance of the university accepts full responsibility for each of the failures that occurred. >> investigators led by former fbi director louie freeh in the record said that the board also failed to do its job by not inquiring about important university matters and by not creating an environment where senior university officials felt accountable, end quote. the trustees say they take full accountability for the promise and they are willing to act on the recommendations on the freeh report but none offer to step down now. the former person state head coach joe pan terin know ---this statue from the campus, including some of his own friends like former florida state coach bobby bowden. we'll ask coach bowden about that when he joins us in the half hour. we have got a lot more coming up this hour. watch. predawn crowds tired of the violence and tired of the deceit by the syrian government. this one day after another massacre reportedly kills more than 220 people. proud of his family, his heritage. one man's ink is stopping him from getting a visa. why the state department is targeting tattoos. and a dentist reportedly reusing needless and syringes is reportedly exposing people to hepatitis c and hiv. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ you see us, at the start of the day. on the company phone list that's a few names longer. you see us bank on busier highways. on once empty fields. everyday you see all the ways all of us at us bank are helping grow our economy. lending more so companies and communities can expand, grow stronger and get back to work. everyday you see all of us serving you, around the country, around the corner. us bank. [ dog ] we found it together.upbeat ] on a walk, walk, walk. love to walk. yeah, we found that wonderful thing. and you smiled. and threw it. and i decided i would never, ever leave it anywhere. because that wonderful, bouncy, roll-around thing... had made you play. and that... had made you smile. [ announcer ] beneful. play. it's good for you. you go to a doctor to get better, right? some 8,000 people could have hepatitis b or c and hiv. dr. stephen stein is shown in his video from his website. they say the oral surgeon and dentist had reused syringes and needless on his patients. now the public health department is advising his patients to get tested for hiv and other illnesses. >> it's devastating. i mean it's devastating. and i feel for all the other people that are in my shoes right now of what do i do? >> and the investigate continues as to whether the doctor may have been putting his patients at risk for years. joining me by phone is the executive director and chief medical officer chris urbina, you know of no one who has been infected bid the doctor's practice of reusing these syringes, hepatitis b or c and hiv? >>s that correct. >> how is it that you learn that this doctor was allegedly reusing this type of equipment? >> because we were collaborating with other state agencies, the department of regulatory affairs which is an agency, another state agency that regulates physicians and dentists like this, let us know that they have concerns about unsafe practices and that's when our investigative team went out and interviewed providers and staff to find out what unsafe practices were actually done and we found out that those unsafe practices existed and our investigate continueded over the next couple of weeks and that's when we discovered that at least 8,000 patients in these two practices may have been exposed and we probably are aware of other folks that because of the incomplete records that we did or did not have, we cast a broad net by putting out a media alert so that we can get information out to people that they had been in contact with this practice, they can get tested and further information, early diagnosis and treatment if necessary. >> so if indeed dr. stein was doing this, why? >> i don't know the answer to that question. my job as the director of public health here at the state of colorado is to give people information about potential risks, we think people had potential risk being exposed in this practice and it's our responsibility to inform the public to get appropriate testing and treatment. >> is there a significant delay as to when the department of health found this back in april and the letters are just now being sent out? >> there's no delay, we put out accurate information, but we put out accurate information, we have to actually talk to folks, we have to identify patients, identify the practices, get all of our questions answered so that we can, if any patient, or if any concern, we can answer all their questions. and we loalso wanted to get a system out that local public health and providers and others can be informed so that when we release this information, everybody has the same information, is on the same page and everybody's aligned to get the most accurate information and appropriate testing and treatment. >> and while this investigation is ongoing, what about dr. stein? is dr. stein still practicing? >> you know, he is actually in a a -- the colorado state board of dental examiners at dora, it's their responsibility, we're working in collaboration with them. their job is private practice and our job is to protect the public health. and now this -- >> it is being called one of the worst days in syrian violence since the protests began more than six months ago, more than 200 people killed in a massacre yesterday. a live report from abu dhabi ahead. student are concerned about their future college financial aid. >> we're talking about paying for college. very hard thing for a lot of folks to do. with me don rosato and greg olsen, our money experts. don, take a look at this question that came in for you. >> my question is what am i going to do about getting fnlt aid for the upcoming years because i have run out of sources for loans. >> he's 23 years old and we had been talking before, and you said there's more competition for this federal money as well. >> it's a tough spot to be in, and you max out your federal aid and there's no place additional that you can do. there are private loans that you can get, it's going to be harder to do it without a co-signer unless you have a really strong track record with credit and a job, and that might not necessarily be the case with someone that young. but a lot of states have subsidized loans, there's the that has a list of state subsidized program. >> and private loans should be your last resort in terms of interest rates, right? >> in this particular situation, i might recommend, maybe slow down the credits that you make and work a little bit more. >> that's a very good point. thank you guys, appreciate it. if you have something that you want our help desk to answer, just post your question at nrks nrn watch it for us. thank you so much, i appreciate it, i'll be right back. they didn't take a dime. how much in fees does your bank take to watch your money ? if your bank takes more money than a stranger, you need an ally. ally bank. no nonsense. just people sense. heavy rain in southeast texas is causing flooding that's trapping people in their homes and cars. downtown houston is getting pretty hammered there. three inches of rain fell in three hours, just today alone. some streets are closed by high water and causing major flooding on the major freeways there. they're under a flash flood warning and they're asking people who don't have to travel to stay put. how long are we talking about with this rain? >> the rain is almost over, the flooding is of the over. just because the rain stops doesn't mean the water is going to stop going up. the rain is uphill somewhere, it has to run down hill. maybe you got only five or ten inches not the 13 or 14 that the cypress creek caused. so that creek has to go somewhere. we will finally see the rainfall get done here, here's today, moving up toward later on today, it finally does slow down. i promise it's going to stop. but here's the problem, fred, here's what's already happened, i'll draw it out for you, here's 25, here's i-10, here's houston, here's houston proper, there's this area on the northwest side of houston, that's eight to ten inches of rainfall. everywhere there's a little white spot, that's going to get eight to ten inches of rainfall. so here's your area, almost from baton rouge, almost all the way down to corpus christi, with flash flood warnings. flash flood happens in a flash, you didn't see it coming, maybe you were on that road ten minutes ago on the way to 7-eleven. in ten hours cypress creek went from seven feet below sea level to 14 feet above sea level. imagine that 20 feet in just a short time. that's how quickly the flash flooding goes up and goes down. don't let your kids play in that area. >> that is very dangerous, there's too many stories of the worst that can hatch as a result. president obama is campaigning today in one of the southern states that he actually won back in 2008. here's the president in virginia beach, virginia. a short time later, he reminded a friendly audience that he led the effort to rescue the u.s. auto industry. >> when some said let's let detroit go grupt bankrupt, we said we're going to bet on american workers and american industry. and now gm is back on top, and ford and chrysler are selling cars because we believe in that promise. >> the president has a full afternoon in virginia. mitt romney has narrowed it's can dwdidates and condi is the top of the list. rice recently told cbs it's not going to happen. >> there is no way that i will do this, because it's really not me. i know my strengths and governor romney needs to find someone who wants to run with him. there are many people who will do it very, very well and i'll support the ticket. >> and a quick programming note, our jim acosta is with republican candidate mitt romney talking about the other vice presidential picks, perhaps bain capital and when he'll releast his tax records. proud of his family, his heritage, one man's inking is stopping him from getting a cease th visa. buy the state department is targeting tattoos. you can watch cnn from your mobile phone or you can watch cnn live right from your desk top. go to wanted. new crest 3d white glamorous white toothpaste. your smile will shine brighter after just one brushing, and it removes up to 90% of surface stains in just 5 days. for a smile so white, you won't just be the ex-girlfriend. you'll be the one that got away. crest 3d white glamorous white toothpaste. life opens up when you do. glamorous white toothpaste. how did the nba become the hottest league on the planet? by building on the cisco intelligent network they' able to serve up live video, and instant replays, creating fans from berlin to beijing. what can we help you build? nice shot kid. the nba around the world built by the only company that could. cisco. all right, welcome back, anotr massacre in syria and a record one-day toll in 16 months of fighting and should a tattoo count against receiving a u.s. visa? also a close encounter with a 12-foot shark. >> allegations of another government massacre in syria? >> opposition activists say it's the deadliest massre since the uprising began. they shelled the town for several hours, after the shelling was done, military tanks and militia flooded into town and started killing people indiscriminately. we must warn the viewers that the video is very graphic. one video purports to show people around bodies in various states of distress inside in room. another video purpts to show a mass gravesite as dozens of bodies are being buried, all victims of this alleged massacre. the syrian security forces are saying that this is because of armed terrorists and clashes in security forces, only 50 people killed in that town. they're very angry about this, and kofi annan, they say they have failed to stop the violence in syria. here's more of what the chairman of the main opposition group of the syrian national council had to say about this today. >> translator: this massacre falls under the action planned by the regime to break the will of the syrian people and to force them to accept the reality as it is. these massacres target the country to pull it into a sectarian war. the amman regime is a failure and a thing of the past. holding up some immigrants from getting a green card. next on reporter roulette, u.s. officials a s ars are denies pe because they are ink, tell us why. >> it's not just that nay had tattoos, but they represent affiliates to gangs. there's a -- a man who used to live in san antonio, he has three american children, he goes back to mexico to apply for permanent -- officials notice that they have a tattoo of what is called holy death. this tattoo is significant because it represents the patron saint of the political underworld. so he has been denied. it's not the only case that we know of in the last several years, there are four or five cases and there may be many more. >> while the images we're looking at, those are tattoos on portions of the body that can easily be concealed. how did they get wind of tattoos that would imply gang activity, on their face or neck? are they difficult to conceal? >> in this case they started asking questions and told him to show us what you have. some of these tattoos are indeed affiliated with gangs, what his attorney is saying is it doesn't have anything to do with his past. my client has not committed any crime, he just likes tattoos as an artistic expression and it doesn't have anything to do with anything he might have done. on to australia now, it's known for its deadly creatures from spiders to snakes to sharks. and we have got this incredible video of a couple of guys with their close deep sea encounter. next on "reporter roulette" our own amy laport, she's down under with us. >> i can not tell you how many times i have been asked by americans what it's like to come from a country that has these dangers all over. i saw this video, i had chills running up and down my spine, take a look at this. >> okay. >> oh, boy. that's the good old great white. so this diver or snorkeler or fisherman? >> these guys were actually deep sea spearfishing, it's not what they were doing, but where they were doing it. this is just crazy to me. this area off the coast of west australia, this place is synonymous with these great white sharks, in fact there have been more people killed last year in this body of water that you're seeing right now. >> so they really are daredevils, they conveniently have their cameras on. it seems as though they were looking for a closen counter? >> that spear is a fishing spear. armed with a fishing spear, a fishing knife. this is a 12-foot shark, they can consider themselves lucky in a lot of ways. there's been sightings of 20-foot sharks in this water. show you just how far away, how far they were away, 150 feet from safety. they had to stay there, they had to fight it off and they did manage to fight it off, they poked and prodded it until it decided to go get a meal elsewhere. >> i'm on the onop of that fish tomorrow, what should i ask him? are youcrazy? >> yes, of course. let's move on now, as joe paterno's legacy diminishes over the sandusky sex scandal, former rival bobby bowden weighs in on his image, next. an accident doesn't have to slow you down... with better car replacement, available only from liberty mutual insurance, if your car is totaled, we give you the money to buy a car that's one model-year newer... with 15,000 fewer miles on it. there's no other auto insurance product like it. better car replacement, available only from liberty mutual. it's a better policy that gets you a better car. call... or visit one of our local offices today, and we'll provide the coverage you need at the right price. liberty mutual auto insurance, responsibility -- what's your policy? joe pat attorney -- paterno now leaves behind a much darker legacy. e-mails appear to show that he led a 1998 investigation as to whether jerry sandusky molested a boy in a locker room shower, but he didn't admit that when he testified last year. former florida state university coach bobby bowden on the phone with us. good to talk with you again, coach. last time you and i spoke it was shortly after the death of joe paterno and you talked about his legacy and i wonder now after louie freeh report whether that colors the legacy of joe paterno? >> this is kind of a nightmare, i keep wanting to wake up and say all this does not happen because it is so unlike joe paterno, what i know about joe paterno, a man that we have all looked up, and even though i'm just a few years younger than him, i was a great admirer and follower of him and i just can't picture that happened. but according to this report, the four most important guys in it didn't report it when they could have. and allowed this molester to molest 10 or 11 more boys, when he could have been shut off immediately by reporting this. >> so this report claims that not only did patteerno know abo some of the details of this allegation, but that he helped cover it up, that he was complic complicit, they even used the word "enabler". as you try to come to grips with these details, what would be the best determination that you could see of the actions behind joe paterno. what was it by what was at stake, what would have been measured in his view why he would allegedly do these things? to cover up, to be an enabler. >> i really can not hear you. can you speak up a little bit? >> why in your view would you believe that this report would spell out that joe paterno was an enabler, that he was complicit, that he knew of this. what might have been at stake in your view for joe paterno that he would not reveal these kinds of details, take it further. >> the only thing i know is what the report said. you know what? many times in my coaching career at florida state and west virginia and wherever i have coached, some kind of event would come up that was shocking, maybe a kid getting arrested, maybe cheating, maybe something that you're so ashamed of, oh, i hope nobody hears about this, you know, and it goes through your mind, oh, gosh i wish i could keep this thing quiet, but you can't. you know, you can't. and evidently that's just -- i'm just basing this on the report because i'm not a judge. that this thing came up, you had a university with an impeccable image academically, and character wise, you had a coach the same way. and they knew this was going to kill them if it got out. and so therefore, they covered it up. now that's my reaction, from hearing that report, you know, i don't know everything that's gone on. but that's what it sounds like. >> so when you look back at some of the punishments imposed by the ncaa, smu was penalized for unscrupulous activity, your program was penalized 12 times for conduct. should -- there have been some discussions be a so-called death penalty, which is the ultimate punishment of closing down a football program that would be under such scrutiny, what do you think is appropriate here? >> i don't think they're going to get the death penalty from the ncaa. i say that because smu got it about 40 or 50 years ago. since that time, it kind of seems that the ncaa has felt like they're not going to do that anymore. because they had opportunities. so now would they do that here? i don't think they would, you know, they're liable to do anything. but i don't think they would. i hate to see them get the death penalty to be honest with you, because the boys that are there today, they didn't do it. the coaches that are there today, they didn't do it. it was somebody else. and so i just wonder if the ncaa is going to take a role in this thing, their biggest gripe was do you have institutional control and there definitely was not. what they'll do, i do not know. i know they took 12 dad gum games away from me for some cheating scandal that i had no involvement whatsoever on it. in fact we reported it, we self-reported it. ncaa didn't find out, we called them and said this is what happened, you know, so anyway, that's what they did to me, i don't know how involved they'll get in this thing, think mae pass it off as a criminal case and not in their jurisdiction. >> in your view, if the ncaa were to do nothing, is that more damaging than to impose the strictest or harshest penalty for a athletic program or a football program like penn state the death penalty? >> it's not going to change anything, those kids that were molested, were molested. it's not going to change anything. you know, i just don't know what they're going to do. >> if the ncaa does nothing, is that damaging? if the ncaa does nothing, is that damaging in your view? >> yeah, and that makes me think, yes, they will do something. like i said, i can't speak for them, but just the question you asked right there makes me think they will do something. >> coach bobby bowden, thanks for your time, always good to talk with you, appreciate it. >> still criminal charges pending in the penn state case jerry sandusky child abuse scandal. have that, invest here ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 you know what? ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 you can't create a retirement plan based on ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 a predetermined script. ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 to understand you and your goals... ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 together we can find real-life answers for your ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 real-life retirement. ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 talk to chuck ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 and let's write a script based on your life story. ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 lawyers plans to sue penn state university over the jerry sandusky sex abuse scandal have been handed what amounts to a pretty big gift by penn state, it is that internal report that says school officials at the highest level knew sandusky was a predator and covered it up. sunny hostin is in new york. let's talk about the pending civil and criminal aspect of this and let's talk about those lawsuits and highway that report, that louie freeh reports actually helps them particularly as it pertains to the criminal cases, might we see more criminal charges being imposed? >> the pennsylvania attorney general's office has made it clear that this is an ongoing investigation, that this is an ongoing grand jury investigation and they won't commit as to whether or not these findings in the freeh report could lead to additional charges. we already know that curly and schultz are pending criminal charges, pending criminal trial. they have been charged with failure to report. the -- having knowledge of what happened in 1998, those sex abuse allegations against jerry sandusky as well as the decision making team in 2001, that pyramid of power that decided not to report these allegations. so i suspect it is quite possible that criminal charges are being considered for at least president -- ex-president spanier. >> so going down that road, we can see indictments, but now let's talk about the civil cases that in many cases are settled out of court. what's the potential here? >> my guess is that because of the freeh report, i mean this is a resource manual for defense attorneys. for civil litigators. it is a road map to a lawsuit. so there's no question that there are going to be numerous lawsuits filed against penn state, those cases will never see a courtroom. those cases will be settled, the only question fredericka is how much will penn state pay to the victims of jerry sandusky and penn state. >> do you think this will be unfolding in a matter of weeks, months, or a matter of years? >> it takes years when it goes to trial. i just cannot see that happening here, this is something that should be settled rather quickly, it's something that pen state has indicated it wants to put behind it. >> sunny hostin, appreciate it. cholera is a devastating disease that is making a come back, devastating one cuban town. about once a month. drive around town all the time doing errands and never ever have to fill up gas in the city. i very rarely put gas in my chevy volt. last time i was at a gas station was about...i would say... two months ago. the last time i went to the gas station must have been about three months ago. i go to the gas station such a small amount that i forget how to put gas in my car. ♪ ...more talk on social security... ...but washington isn't talking to the american people. [ female announcer ] when it comes to the future of medicare and social security, you've earned the right to know. ♪ what does it mean for you and your family? [ female announcer ] you've earned the facts. ♪ washington may not like straight talk, but i do. [ female announcer ] and you've earned a say. get the facts and make your voice heard on medicare and social security at cuba is dealing with a deadly outbreak of cholera. the first outbreak of the disease there in more than a centu century. cnn's journalist is the only one allowed to go into the epicenter of this crisis. >> reporter: in this hospital, three patients arrive complaining of stomach ailments, but doctors here are on the lookout for something far more deadly. an outbreak of cholera. this woman shows some of the symptoms. >> translator: this morning i was waiting for the bus and i threw up twice. so i came running here. >> reporter: so far, the epidemic has claimed more than 120 lives. many more people suffer from cases of severe diarrhea. for e first time, the cuban government allowed cameras inside the hospitals at the epicenter of the outbreak. and for doctors to tell their stories to cnn. >> translator: the first day five patients came and then eight. that's not normal that five people would come with the same symptoms. the most critical days were when there were 30 to 32 patients that arrived in a single day. >> reporter: cholera is a water born disease that is usually not fatal if treated. it was believed to have been eradicated in cuba. but cuban doctors say a hot, wet summer here has set the stage for cholera's return. floodwaters contaminated the water supply. to halt cholera spread here, the government has closed contaminated wells and is trucking in drinking water, temporarily ban swimming in waters that may be contaminated. this doctor treated patients in cholera and haiti and is part of a cuban medical mission there. he says doctors are gaining the upper hand on cuba's much smaller cholera outbreak. >> translator: the number of cases is evidently dropping, that doesn't make us confident as much as make us intensify all of our preventative measures so in the next few weeks we can stop the outbreaks. >> an outbreak this this woman can avoid. after talking to us, she was admitted to the hospital, cholera tests can take seven to ten days to come back. cuba. it is the nation's largest bank. and a stock that could be in your 401(k). now we're learning just how much jpmorgan lost in a bunch of risky trades. but one dark stormy evening... there were two things i could tell: she needed a good meal and a good family. so we gave her what our other cats love, purina cat chow complete. it's the best because it has something for all of our cats! and after a couple of weeks she was healthy, happy, and definitely part of the family. we're so lucky that lucy picked us. [ female announcer ] purina cat chow complete. always there for you. a new twist today in a story we brought you wednesday. the son of one of the richest men in the world has been arrested on suspicion of murder in the mysterious death of his wealthy american wife. news of hans rausing's arrest came today during a preliminary inquiry into the death of eva rausing. her body was found earlier this week in the couple's pricey home in london. she has been battling drug addiction. and her husband, hans, was picked up by police on monday on suspicion of drug possession. friends have been concerned the drug use may have played a role in eva's death. hans rausing is heir to a milk packaging fortune. eva's autopsy was inconclusive and awaiting more test results to determine the cause of death. we're just a few minutes away from the top of the hour. that means wolf blitzer and "the situation room." wolf, big interview today. >> big interview. our own jim acosta's going to have a chance to speak with mitt romney today. an important day to speak to the republican presidential candidate. that interview will air in its entirety at exactly 6:00 p.m. eastern in our brand new 6:00 p.m. eastern hour of "the situation room." i want our viewers to know two hours from now the interview with mitt romney and jim acosta airs in "the situation room." lots of news happening though today as you know. syria a big, big story. what's going on in syria right now. professor will join u us in the 5:00 p.m. eastern hour. fran townsend is here as well. we'll talk about syria. also talk about these arrests the u.s. justice department making some important arrests now. two individuals allegedly involved in trying to smuggle sophisticated nuclear-related material to iran. so lots of political news, national security news. all this stuff we do well here in "the situation room," fred, coming up at the top of the hour. >> of course. lots coming our way. wolf blitzer, see you at the top of the hour. another day, another online security breach. this time 450,000 yahoo! users have had their passwords compromised by hackers. g-mail, hot mail and aol addresses were caught up. they didn't have a lot of damage, instead posting a warning for yahoo!. beef up your security. some online security experts claim your e-mail addresses and passwords are completely unsecure. yahoo! responded with this statement saying "we are taking immediate action changing the passwords of effected users and notify the companies whose users accounts may have been compromised." no word on them from any changes to prevent this from happening again. you can find out if your e-mail is one of those affected by putting your addresses into this website on the screen right now. losses for jpmorgan chase's failed trading strategy are almost triple what we first told you. and bank ceo jamie dimon says they could go higher. that hasn't stopped chase from raking in profits. alison kosik is at the new york stock exchange. exactly how much has jpmorgan chase lost so far? how much worse can it get? >> reporter: it's what you said $5.8 billion for the first six months and it could get worse. jamie dimon saying it could grow by oobt $1.7 billion. it's not surprising. these are very complex trades that seems like the bank itself was having a hard time deciphering these trades. it takes time to unwind. even with the trading losses, fredricka, jpmorgan still made $5 billion in the second quarter actually beating expectations by quite a bit and made $9.9 billion so far this year, fredricka. >> so the bank did turn a healthy profit in the second quarter. what are investors saying? how are they reacting? >> reporter: they're reacting very positively today. shares of jpmorgan chase up more than 5.5%. we have about four minutes to go before the closing bell. one analyst says there's this feeling the worst is behind them. something else making investors happy, dimon said that these trades that are still in this bungled portfolio may actually still be able to make the company money. plus, outside of this trading disaster some of the most important divisions that are at jpmorgan like investment and retail banking, they did very well in the second quarter. and there's also been a lot of demand for the bank's loan. so jpmorgan had a pretty darn good second quarter. fredric fredricka. >> very good. alison kosik at the new york stock exchange. thanks so much for that. catch them if you can. doing over 180 miles an hour weaving through traffic all while filming himself. now police in british columbia are trying to track him down. they think they know who this guy is 25-year-old randy george scott of victoria. this video has gone viral with a million hits on youtube. scott is facing charges that could have him braking being locked up for five years. it's called the red light for a reason. look at this car speeding through right there red light in new jersey slamming into another car. spinning around and taking down a light pole as you saw right there. you're going to see it again. thankfully the driver made it out okay. police released this video as a way to remind drivers that stopping at a red light is a matter of life and death. stopping the drug war. well, it's hard thanks in part to the hundreds of small tunnels that are hand dug under the u.s./mexican border. now, our cameras take you inside one passageway that is being called the most sophisticated. here's cnn's casey wian. >> reporter: this is the way agents first discovered this tunnel a few days ago. under this giant container of water. over here you can still see 55-gallon drums that contain the dirt that was dug out of this tunnel stretching 240 yards across the u.s./mexico border. >> this is the most sophisticated one i've ever seen in arizona. >> what makes it that? >> because the way it's designed. most of the tunnels we have in arizona, those are just digging through dirt to get into the sewage system and then punching out again. when you look down that hole, you are going to see it is completely 4 x 6 all the way around it, rebar reinforced. >> reporter: the tunnel is so narrow and so deep, cnn photo journalist and his camera needed to descend separately. >> clear the shaft. >> clear the shaft. >> okay. >> reporter: each with the help of a harness. >> it gets even smaller? >> we'll actually have to crawl. a whole lot farther.

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Jurisdiction , Nothing , Penn State , Athletic Program , Penalty , Harshest , Charges , Thanks , Child Abuse , Script , Ttd , Retirement Plan , Goals , 345 , 2550 Ttd , 1 800 345 2550 , 1 , 800 , 2550 , Life Story , Chuck Ttd , Real Life Retirement , Plans , Jerry Sandusky Sex Abuse Scandal , School Officials , Predator , Gift , Sunny Hostin , Level , New York , Talk , Lawsuits , Highway , Aspect , Let , Pennsylvania Attorney General S Office , Grand Jury Investigation , Findings , Curly , Pending Criminal Trial , Knowledge , Sex Abuse , Pyramid , Decision Making Team , Power , 2001 , Guess , Indictments , Potential , Settled Out Of Court , Defense Attorneys , Resource Manual , Road Map , Lawsuit , Litigators , Courtroom , Pay , Matter , Pen State , Cholera , Disease , In The City , Cuban , Come Back , Drive , Doing Errands , Gas Station , Amount , Chevy Volt , Social Security , On Medicare , Isn T , Facts , Say , Earnedasay Org , Outbreak , Journalist , Epicenter , Woman , Hospital , 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