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but certainly beyond that someone took charge of a cover-up which we were victim to and i regret. >> the hacking scandal has engulfed murdoch's vast media empire and resulted in dozens of arrests and two parliamentary investigations. a live report from london coming up in just about eight minutes. the prosecution star witness is back to the stand today in the criminal trial of former presidential candidate john edwards. edwards is accused of using contributions from campaign donorses to conceal an affair with his mistress. former aide andrew young has already testified that he helped hide rielle hunter in his own home while edwards pursued the white house. edwards' lawyers insist the way he used the money was not illegal. this just in to cnn. a miami federal judge has declared florida governor rick scott's order requiring drug testing for florida state workers unconstitutional. an employee's union filed a lawsuit citing a violation of fourth amendment rights protecting against unreasonable searches. the order covers 85,000 state employees. and you're looking at live pictures now. vice president joe biden at new york university. he's talking national security and pushing a message a strong and secure america. biden will likely take aim at gop presidential number knee mitt romney on foreign policy. we're keeping an ear on it, and we'll bring any news to you as it breaks. walmart gets the headlines, but it's far from the only big company accused of bribing officials in other countries to clinch deals, win permits and cut red tape. this week the "new york times" reported walmart's former ceo in mexico oversaw millions of dollars in payoffs to speed up construction projects dating back years. u.s. law makes that a federal crime, and investigators have their hands full. "for tune" magazine says at least 81 companies now, including john deere, hewlett-packard, news corp and avon are all under investigation. nothing says you've learned quite like air force one or arrived quite like air force one, and republicans are now accusing president obama of using that plane for campaign purposes. the republican party chair says trips like the ones the president makes all week, like this week to several college campuses are purely designed to get him re-elected. he compares the president's events to campaign rallies, and he wants the government to investigate that. the white house insists it's following all the rules about reimbursing taxpayers. and just last hour the republican chairman of the house budget committee defended his blueprint for budget cuts at georgetown university. he says the proposed downsizing of social services are a reflection of catholic teaching, but ahead of today's speech almost 90 priests and faculty that actually run georgetown told him that he's wrong. and during the speech protesters unfurled a banner saying stop the war on the poor. ryan says he's thinking of future generations. >> you know, we wonder if we will be the first generation in american history to leave our children with fewer opportunities and a less prosperous nation than the one we inherited. this storm has already hit europe where millions are already enduring the consequences of empty promises turning into broken promises. but for too many in washington, instead of learning from europe's mistakes, we're repeating them. >> paul ryan's budget passed the house but stands no chance in the senate. bird strikes forced these two flights to make emergency landings. we'll talk about a time span of less than one week. you in a u.s. senator is proposing a controversial solution. senator kirsten gillibrand is pushing to make it easier for officials to round up and kill canada geese on a federal wildlife refuge near jfk airport. she's introduced legislation. wildlife advocates are criticizing the measure saying there are other methods to control the geese. parents of a missing 6-year-old girl in arizona say they will never give up searching for her. police say they are scaling back the search new for isabel celis who was reported missing from her family's tucson home last saturday. >> we are here today to me for a safe return of our baby girl isabel. >> we're lacking for you, isa. we love you, and we miss you so much, and we will never give up. we will never give up looking for you. >> police are describing the girl's disappearance as suspicious but haven't identified any suspects in the case. supporters of trayvon martin marking the two-month anniversary of his death. the naacp and other groups now hosting a rally tonight in l.a. civil rights activists are expected to join celebs like magic johnson, stevie wonder, chaka khan and others. he died february 26th after being shot by neighborhood watchman george zimmerman. zimmerman is charged with second-degree murder and insists that he acted in self-defense. the marine corps has d discharged sergeant gary stein who slammed president obama on facebook. the marine corps spokesperson says that stein was given and other than honorable discharge which is given to a marine who commits a, quote, serious offense. among other comments, stein called the president a domestic enemy, posted obama lies and says president obama was, quote, ultimate political target. stein also suggested he would not follow orders from the president. the marines say he violated rules limiting political conduct by service members. and white house party crasher and reality tv star tariq salahi now wants to crash the governor's mansion in virginia. salahi, a virginia native, says that he wants to run for governor in 2013. he explained why on cnn's "starting point" with soledad o'brien. >> i love it, have a passion for virginia and have been living there my whole life. very excited about this. currently the virginia attorney general has brought personal attacks against me and i just said enough is enough. >> salahi will likely run as a republican, according to his application. this wouldn't be salahi's first time in the public sector either. he once served on the virginia tourism board. rupert murdoch, one of the most powerful media moguls ever showing a rare moment of humility. >> all i can do is apologize to a lot of people, including all the innocent people in "news of the world" who lost their job. >> murdoch also admitting something else today, a cover-up. details next. and later, my date with some raging aging rockers, styx to be precise. it's part of our week long series on baby boomers, taking the golden years by storm. we call it "age against the machine" and styx proves age is just a number. rock 'n' roll is for life. don't you believe me? >> baby boomers rock! >> don't listen to anyone who says they don't. >> and back to you, kyra. >> thanks, guys. see you in 40 minutes. , there's big news. presenting androgel 1.62%. both are used to treat men with low testosterone. androgel 1.62% is from the makers of the number one prescribed testosterone replacement therapy. it raises your testosterone levels, and... is concentrated, so you could use less gel. and with androgel 1.62%, you can save on your monthly prescription. 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[ male announcer ] jetta tdi clean diesel. the turbo that gets 42 miles per gallon. that's the power of german engineering. ♪ i tell you what i can spend. i do my best to make it work. i'm back on the road safely. and i saved you money on brakes. that's personal pricing. for the first time since the phone hacking scandal broke media mogul rupert murdoch actually admitted there was, quote, a cover-up, and if you think this is a british thing, think again. if you watch television, go to the movies and read newspapers like the "wall street journal" and "new york post" and even own books published by harper collins, have you bought into the murdoch empire, and today he was in the spotlight today, facing a barrage of tough questions about the scandal. dan rivers joining us now live from london. dan, murdoch made some news today, right? >> reporter: yeah. i mean, this is the first time we've heard rupert murdoch himself admit in his words that there was a cover-up. the news corp line to start with was that this was the work of one rogue reporter at one newspaper, the "news of the world" that famously got shut down last year. then the scandal has spread and spread and spread. now for the first time, he's admitted that he was basically misinformed and shielded from what was going on but did agree with the lawyer questioning him, robert jay, that there had been a cover-up at that newspaper. >> there's no question in my mind that maybe even the editor but certainly beyond that, someone took charge of a cover-up which we were victim to and i regret. >> he regrets, but it's something that is engulfing his media empire world wide. there are going to be big questions for him to answer in the u.s. about this, about, well, if there was a cover-up, why didn't he know about it. was he part of it? when did he feigned out and why didn't he tell shareholders of news corp in new york? and also some insight into the moment that he found out that this phone-hacking story was going stratospheric, the day that we got news that a murdered british schoolgirl's voice mail had been hacked into by some of his journalists. he gave a very graphic account of what it was like to get that news and how he reacted. >> you could feel the blast coming in the window, and as i would say simply i panicked, but i'm glad i did. >> well, it's obvious that closing it was a disaster. >> i'm sorry i didn't close it years before i put it in. >> so they are admitting that he wished he had shut down "the news of the world" earlier than he did. of course, it was shut down in disgrace last year, you'll the way through really rupert murdoch trying to say, look, they have gone to extraordinary lengths to try to get to the bottom of this. they said 300 million e-mails they have looked at, of which 2 million have been forwarded for further investigation by the police. this isn't over yet. he's got a lot of questions still to answer about. exactly how this cover-up occurred, and as the guy at the top of the organization some responsibility surely for ultimately, as he said, the buck stops with him. he put a lot of these people in their post and, therefore, his critics will say he must share some responsibility for that cover-up. >> dan rivers out of london. dan, thanks. grave, immoral sinner. that's what an indiana teacher says she was called after going through ivf. now emily hertz is suing for discrimination. she joins me live next. mine was earned off vietnam in 1968. over the south pacific in 1943. i got mine in iraq, 2003. usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection, and because usaa's commitment to serve the military, veterans and their families is without equal. begin your legacy, get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. well, in vitro fertilization is a godsend for millions of infertile couples who long to have children, but the catholic church says it's a sin, so when higher-ups in the diocese in ft. wayne, indiana learned that a teacher at st. paul vincent catholic school was undergoing ivf treatments they fired her and made no apologies about it. quote, the diocese has clear policies requiring that teachers in its schools must have a knowledge of and respect for the catholic faith and abide by the tenets of the catholic church. the teacher then accused the school and diocese of violating both the civil rights act and the americans with disabilities act, the equal opportunity employment commission agreed. still, the church sun moved calling the core issue as a challenge to the diocese's right as a religious employer to make religious-based decisions consistent with the standards on an impartial basis. meet the teacher, emily hertz who joins me from new york with her attorney kathleen delaney. were you ever reprimanded for any performance issues? >> never, not once. i was always given remarks by my parents and principals and other teachers. i was told that my children performed very well so everything seemed to be going great for as long as i was there. >> so did anyone ever tell you that ivf could get you fired? >> no, absolutely not. about two years when -- two years ago when we started, there was no warning. there was nothing about fertility treatments being an issue. >> and did you ever try to hide it from anybody, not talk about it? >> no. i was very honest with my principal from the get-go, so i was -- i was never trying to lie about it or anything like that. >> was your principal supportive? >> yes, she was. for the first two years she never warned me about it. she never said there was a possibility that you could lose your job. so that's why this was all so shocking that this was happening. >> we're talking about a catholic school and did she ever say, hey, let's pray about it and i'll keep new my prayers and let's stay focused on this. >> absolutely. the first time she was made aware that my husband and i had to go through fertility treatment she said you are in my prayers so that's -- that to me was support. >> so i -- i see that you started fertility in 2008, and you weren't fired until 2011, so tell me what happened. how did this blow up? >> honestly i'm not sure. it was shocking because one day i got an e-mail saying that i needed to meet with the monsignor at st. vincent, and he told me that basically my job was at risk out of the blue and i said, well, you know, my principal has been knowing about this for two years. i didn't think i was doing anything wrong, and i had never had any complaints about, you know, me as a teacher so i was shocked and then it just kind of snowballed from there. so it's been very traumatic. >> so who had the issue with the fact that you were going through ivf? >> well, we're going to have to explore that issue, kyra, through the discovery process, and we'll be able to prove that when the time comes. >> so -- and i'll talk more with you, kathleen, of course, about some of the details but just trying to get a feel from emily on how this all unfolded. emily, it seems like you had a lot of support, that people were aware of what you were going through. the principal, as you say was praying for you. how has this impacted your family in. >> oh, my family is devastated. we are all emotionally -- it's been a very rough year. my entire family, my parents, it's just been a very hard thing to come to grips to because i did love my job so much and did love teaching so much, you know. right after college i was so excited to get a job there, and, you know, to have that stripped away from me, but the outpour of support has been wonderful. >> so kathleen, does the diocese insurance policy cover these treatments, cover fertility treatments? >> our understanding, based upon the information that we now have, is that the diocese health plan covered some of the treatments, including office visits and anesthesia services. >> okay. so emily, as far as you knew, you were going through this and the insurance that you have through the diocese was helping you pay for these treatments. >> absolutely. >> the bills were getting paid? >> some of the bills were getting paid, absolutely. >> okay. so then kathleen, if i -- in the diocesor to use the diocese's own words, the quote here is that your client was fired for improprieties related to church teachings or law. so let me ask you this. what about the teachers who use contraception, teachers that are divorced, teachers that lived -- live with partners that are unmarried? >> that's a very good point, kyra, and in proving discrimination claims the evidence that's relevant includes how similarly situated people who are not in the same gender category are treated, so if male teachers are using contraception and participating in fertility treatment with their spouses and not being terminated for it, then that is one way that we can prove gender discrimination, for example. >> kathleen, do you know if that's happening? >> kyra, i'm not in a position to tell you names and dates on that, but if you read the research in the news media about the briprevalence of contracept use within the catholic community, i think that's a safe assumption to make. >> what do you think is happening here? do you think someone had a grudge against your client and making a big deal when apparently everything was okay from 2008 to 2011 if indeed the principal knew she was going through the treatment, the bills were getting paid for things covered by the insurance policy? >> well, we're not going to speculate on the motives of the diocese of ft. wayne. i think it's for them to address those questions when the time comes rather than us. >> understood. emily, i know this may be a bit of a personal question, but did the ivf work for you? >> honestly, no, it has not. >> and i know that must be tremendously hard to deal with as well. do you want to do it again? do you want to keep trying? >> right now i don't feel comfortable talking about that r, but -- >> it's a really tough topic, kyra, and that's really between emily and her husband and her doctor. >> understandable. how about returning to the classroom, emily? >> one day i would love to be in front of children again, but, i mean, this has been such a traumatic year that right now i need to focus on getting through it. >> we will definitely follow the case. emily and kathleen, thanks so much for your time this morning. >> thank you. >> thank you for your interest, kyra. >> you bet. straight ahead, traveling with pets is much more common new addais, but finding pet friendly destinations, well, that can be a pretty big challenge. look no further. we do have a solution next. 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head, south carolina. i'm jamie maglietta, cnn. >> and again the website, jamie searched for that was well, it's one of the capital's most infamous murder mysteries. a washington socialite shot in brought daylight. the victim, a long-time rumored mistress of president john f. kennedy. next, a man who says he believes he knows who killed her. sex, murder and alleged cover-up, all the makings of the countless conspiracy theories that are out there about the assassination of president john f. kennedy. now, the murder of this woman. kennedy's widely rumored mystery mary meyer, her execution-style murder has been called one of washington's enduring mysteries. the latest mystery now detailed in this explosive new book called "mary's mosaic." the book claims the cia has both kennedy and myer's blood on hand saying she knew too much, too close to kennedy's assassination and the book claims the cia masterminded her assassination. the author of the book joining me along with presidential historian thomas wayland. peter, critics here say this book is absolute fiction, but then there's people on the other side, fascinated by the subject like oliver stone who says that this book moves us closer to, quote, a reckoning. so tell me about your personal dies with mary meyer and the cia. >> i knew mary personally, one of the best friends before her child before he was accidentally killed by an auto and i did not know of mary's murder until i came home for thanksgiving vacation in 1964. her murder had taken place a month earlier on october 12th, 1964, and so i learned that she had been murdered and it was deeply troubling to me, as i detail in the book, and it has sort of haunted me for a great deal of my life. it wasn't until 1976 that we all learned through an explosive article in "the national enquirer" that mary and president kennedy had had a fairly involved intimate affair and in fact i maintain mary meyer was likely the last true love of president kennedy's life. >> okay. let me stop you right there. i mean, you're talking about "the national enquirer" and how can you -- you're talking about "the national enquirer" here. that's a totally different -- that's a tabloid, so now you're coming forward and saying the cia masterminded this murder. tell me where you get your facts, your proofs, your documents, your conversations, you know. tell me what you got here that should make us believe in this, peter. >> well, in 19 -- in the early 1990s, an author by the name of leo demoore, who is no longer with us and i believe was suspiciously led into suicide, he had uncovered much of the research that is used in my book, and i became friends with him, and after his death, i guess it was about 2003, i found his primary research assistant who had saved all his research which i procured, and then i went to his family and asked them for permission to make use of this research in my book, and it's really author demoore when i credit with having done the real spade work on mary meyer's relationship with president kennedy and her death. >> let me -- hold on a second, peter. let me get thomas to weigh in because we've got a couple more minutes. you're the historian here. weigh in on this. what do you think of the allegations that peter makes in this book, and do i want to add quickly, let me get it in, that we did reach out to the cia. this is the statement that we got. allegations that the cia had anything to do with miss meyer's death are baseless. there is simply no evidence to support this conspiracy theory. as a historian, thomas, please weigh in. >> i think it's interesting speculation, but it's just that, speculation, and i looked at the book, and i had a problem with the sourcing. it's based on a lot of interviews, and as the author suggests leo demoore's research, but there's no smoking gun hard evidence to link the dots here, and i also have a problem here. in the book it makes a linkage to president kennedy's assassination is as to the motivation, and it seems to suggest that mary meyer helped steer president kennedy to a more dovish stance towards the cold war, towards the soviet union, and as an historian i just can't buy that. president kennedy was one of the staunchest cold warriors we had in the presidency. during his tenure he starts off with, for example, 63 icbms and ends with 423. he launched the greatest arms race in the world's history, and he also is responsible for ordering the coup that resulted in the assassination of president diem of south vietnam just a few weeks before his own assassination, and the book also makes the contention here, that one of the reasons president kennedy was assassinated was because he was going to disengage the united states from vietnam, and frankly the proof isn't there. >> thomas whalen, peter janney, we have to leave it there. appreciate your time. >> thank you, kyra. good to be with you. straight ahead, secretary of state hillary clinton may throw her hat back into the ring for president in 2016, so who would be at the top of the list for her running mate? fair game next. 8% every 10 years. wow. wow. but you can help fight muscle loss with exercise and ensure muscle health. i've got revigor. what's revigor? it's the amino acid metabolite, hmb to help rebuild muscle and strength naturally lost over time. 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[ male announcer ] the citi simplicity card. no late fees. no penalty rate. no worries. how math and science kind of makes the world work. in high school, i had a physics teacher by the name of mr. davies. he made physics more than theoretical, he made it real for me. we built a guitar, we did things with electronics and mother boards. that's where the interest in engineering came from. so now, as an engineer, i have a career that speaks to that passion. thank you, mr. davies. gee, president obama's college tour isn't sitting too well with republicans right now. let's head to d.c. to talk about this with author and entrepreneur tom blair and cnn political analyst roland martin. guys, the republican party chair wants the government to investigate president obama's recent trips. they say they amount to campaign stops, but haven't we heard this argument before? roland? >> yes. my goodness, please. i wish reince priebus and all the republicans whining about this to stop being stuck on stupid. seriously. this is what people can't stand. it's an absolute joke. every president, democrat and republican. that's what they do. i can remember in 1984 and '88, actually '88, when vice president george h.w. bush was positioning himself to run for president and ronald reagan, president reagan, took him along various trips. there were photo-ops. it was the same thing, so, please, stop it. this is childish. >> tom blair, obama white house says, quote, when there is political travel, we follow all rules and regulations that all other administrations have followed. >> well, the republicans call it fraud, and i think roland is absolutely right. it's jealousy. i would say though i think yesterday the white house perhaps pushed back inappropriately. they pushed back by saying the president needs to get out and chat with real americans to see what their thoughts are about the course of the country, and i would humbly suggest for a lot less money he could fly the same americans into d.c., put them up at the willard, buy them a nice dinner and show tickets at the kennedy center and during intermission he could go over there and see what their thoughts are, but from a practical point of view the presidency comes with unbelievable responsibility, and there's some perks. you walk into a room, they play "hail to the chief." you can go skinny dipping in the white house pool at midnight and you have keys to air force one. and to try to separate politics from presidential duet sis like trying to pull the white off of snow, you can't just do it. >> be honest, either one of you dipped in that pool? >> no, so you know black people don't swim. stop it. >> geez, he had to go there. let's move on to mississippi, shall we. the republican governor there, phil brian, signed this tough anti-abortion bill. it's taken a few shots from the anents. let's take a listen to what he said to tony perkins of the family research council. >> even if you believe in abortion, the hypocrisy of the left that now tried to kill this bill that says that i should have never signed it, the true hypocrisy is that their one mission in life is to abort children, it's to kill children in the womb. >> okay. if you're mitt romney and you're ready to appeal to the political center, how does this play out what fill phil bryant said, roland? >> round two of stuck on stupid. it's not going to play well. that's like a democrat saying, hey, it's just the republicans are so pro gun, guess what? they -- all they want to see 30,000 americans killed every single year as a result of gunshots. i mean, it's ridiculous. if you want to make the position that you are pro-life, fine, do so, but stop with the nonsense, governor johnson, just throwing stuff out. plus, i'm still waiting to hear him or even tony perkins talk about trayvon martin easily. you want to be pro-life, talk about that, but i doubt we'll actually hear that. >> tom? >> well, i think his comment was right up there with some of the comments we heard in the health care debate where democrats want death panels. the flashpoint on this issue is moment of conception, and this is something that i've been studying and for the first time i would like to disclose when the moment of conception is when the young couple open the second bottle of wine. there's a baby in somebody's future and to interrupt them is somebody's design. no matter how noble the cause or heartfelt the convictions are or the people that support that cause, to demonize the opposition is really just self-inflicted wounds and undercuts the very arguments they are trying to make. >> roland martin, tom blair, that's "fair game." thanks, guy. >> let's go swimming. >> i'll pass. but i will rock out with the band styx. i'll tell you what. it's better than ever. they give you a little bit apology tar lesson, share their secret of remaining ageless. it's all part of our week-long series "age against the machine." you'll see it next. 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[ female announcer ] new aqua light from pantene. well, we all have something in our lives that takes us back to our youth, a moment, a person, a letter. for me it's been music, you know, that first kiss, to an eight-track cut. for so many baby boomers it's been to the tunes of styx, a band who has truly aged against mat sheen showing all of us classic rock lovers age is just a number but rock 'n' roll is for life. when styx made this music video in 1981. ♪ too much time on my hands >> the career clock was counting down. now, nearly four decades and more than 2,000 shows later time has been nothing but good to styx. ♪ too much time on my hands >> especially when so many '70s rock bands have become extinct. >> the dinosaurs have come back. >> james j.y. young, the godfather at 62. >> rough times. >> tommy shaw, ageless 58. ricky phillips, a sultry 59. todd zurkman, they call him sweet baby, at 42. >> rockmusic. >> chuck, all class at 63. >> he wants to know if there's a restroom. >> and lawrence gowan in a class of his own at 55. >> how rock is that? >> reporter: a band of boomers redefining what it means to grow older. >> it's not necessarily the wrinkles on your face or if your body is breaking down in some manner. it's how engaged you are in what you're doing. >> i'm very close to the 15-year-old that i was, you know, dreaming ofthis. that person is not someone way in the distant past. he's completely alive again when we hit the stage. ♪ >> and they got here surviving hard living and hard times. >> the thing that shaped me more as a human being was having a sister who was in her 20s when i was in my teens become a quadriplegic and i learned so many lessons from the way my parents responded to that. >> what did you learn? >> you have to take care of your own. all these things that can go wrong will go wrong in rock and roll. that's just the way it is. but i was always able to just sit back and say, i can still do all these things that my sister can't do. so i don't complain. >> wow. >> i find the joy in each day. >> chuck, you're such an inspiration to me and to so many people. living with aids. you battled prostate cancer. why not retire? >> this band means a lot to me. my twin brother was part of the band until he passed away. so there's a lot of emotional aspects to the band for me. ♪ get up, get back on your feet ♪ >> is it music that keeps you living? >> totally. this is as good as the best medicine i've been taking for the last two years, and it just gave me the strength to go on and to be here today. >> being in a band with these guys, they're a great example and great role models because being that i'm younger than everyone, if i was in a band that, you know, partied like crazy and threw television sets out the window, it could be very easy to go, this looks like fun, and then all of a sudden you get caught up in that life where the music becomes secondary. >> i will throw down a little bit of something from my own experience. you can get a lot more done when you stop all that. you're going to actually do more quality work. you might think that you're writing your best stuff when you're doing whatever, but that isn't the case at all. ♪ >> i don't smoke anymore. i gave up the booze and all the party favors quite some time ago, thank goodness. >> tell me about this healthy living. where does this come from? why do you live this way? >> we've discovered there's great ways to eat healthy. >> a discovery that stems from his garden. >> here is our black fig tree. >> he grew it with his wife jeanne. >> i send them on a road with tommy. >> now branching off to the road. >> the bus food has become -- >> it's a health food restaurant. >> it is. >> it's little by little the cokes have gone away and the ruffles have gone away. >> be honest, is his food tasty? >> it's great. >> here, drink had. what's in it? 27 things. all right, sure. >> being on the tour bus that's rolling down the highway at 100 miles an hour and he's with the beg ginsu knives chopping it all up. it's impressive. and he still has nine fingers. >> healthy food and humor. the elixir that keeps this band of renegades young at heart. how would you describe yourself now? >> grateful. >> i got to go with grateful. >> joyful. >> blessed. >> thankful. >> because we're all digging what we're doing. >> grateful, joyous, blessed, thankful. nobody said sexy. >> we were hoping you might say that. >> they're seasoned veterans in a young man's game. >> that is the fountain of youth for all of us to get up there and just celebrate the joy of the music. that's the key to our sort of longevity and good health. >> pushing back the boundaries of aging. still nowhere near the final encore. and to prove that point, you can catch styx on their u.s. tour starting next week. already selling out, by the way. it's called the midwest rock and roll express. it kicks off may 1st in texas. if you can't make that show, head to and you can find out when you can see them. the latest twists and turns in the john edwards trials. his lawyers are turning up the heat on the prosecution's key witness. details next. ♪ [ piano chords ] [ man announcing ] what we created here. what we achieved here. what we learned here. and what we pioneered here. all goes here. the one. the accord. smarter thinking from honda. more than 50 times a day? so brighten your smile a healthy way with listerine® whitening plus restoring rinse. it's the only rinse that makes your teeth two shades whiter and two times stronger. ♪ listerine® whitening... power to your mouth. take a look at some top stories. there's no suspension about the nfl draft. the indianapolis colts have said they will take quarterback andrew luck with the first pick. the washington redskins are expected to take another quarterback, robert griffin iii. rupert murdoch admitting to a phone hacking cover-up but saying his company was actually the victim. while murdoch wouldn't name the people responsible, did he apologize for not taking more control of the situation. >> i have to admit that some newspapers are closer to my heart than others, but i also have to say that i failed. >> dozens of people have been arrested in the scandal which forced murdoch to close one of his best-selling newspapers. and day four under way as we speak in the john edwards' trial. details of edwards and his former mistress, rielle hunter, coming forward. their affair, the conspiracy to hide her and their baby during edwards' 2008 presidential bid. highlights of the trial. money from rich donors allegedly given to hunter also kept her from talking apparently. invoices in court showing alleged expenses of nearly $38,000 for a rental house. also included more than $28,000 for a car. $40,000 for cash expenses and nearly $25,000 in other expenses. a lot of those allegations hinge on the prosecution's star witness, andrew young. today the defense is on the attack, and joe johns is on the ground there in greensboro, north carolina, with all the details. >> reporter: the cross-examination of star prosecution witness andrew young continued today in greensboro. it's been a brutal cross-examination so far in an effort to discredit the witness and tear down his credibility. defense attorney abbey lowell has been reading page by page, line by line from andrew young's book about the edwards' case asking him whether he lied about this, whether he made up that story. all in an attempt to discredit him. at the end of the day, however, the question will be whether the center of the prosecution's case holds. that will be the contention by the government that john edwards had a specific intention to break campaign finance laws. andrew young is expected to remain on the stand throughout the day. back to you. >> again, that's our joe johns. thanks for watching, everyone. you can continue the conversation with me on twitter @kyracnn. or on facebook. cnn "newsroom" continues now with our suzanne malveaux. live from cnn headquarters in atlanta where it's 12:00 noon, 9:00 a.m. on the west coast. i'm suzanne malveaux. want to get you up to speed for this thursday, april 26th. a government official today acknowledged past misconduct by past secret service agents. the admission follows the scandal over agents hiring prostitutes in colombia. there's also a new report of agents behaving badly in el salvador. seattle tv station kiro cites an unnamed contractor who worked with a secret service advance team last year. he said about a dozen acts partied with strippers at a club and most paid for sexual favors. this is hama in northwest syria. at least 70 people died, many of them children, when the syrian army launched rockets into this residential neighborhood. it may be the single deadliest incident in more than a year of the fighting there. now, the syrian government tells a different story, that terrorists accidentally set off a bomb when they were building. right now north carolina attorneys for one-time presidential candidate john edwards are grilling his former campaign aide, andrew young. young's expected to be cross-examined all day, and edwards is accused ever illegally using a million dollars in campaign cash to hide a sexual affair. new details about george zimmerman's gun. many have wondered why the neighborhood watch captain who shot trayvon martin was even carrying a weapon. well, new report says that zimmerman bought the gun because a neighbor's pit bull had been on the loose. reuters reports an officer told zimmerman to get a gun instead of using pepper spray on the dog. stunning admission today from media magnate rupert murdoch. he's being questioned for a second day about his role in a phone hacking scandal that has rocked his media empire. today he told a british judicial panel there was a cover-up at "news of the world." murdoch denied responsibility but he apologized saying that he wasn't paying more attention to the problem. >> i have to admit that some newspapers are closer to my heart than others, but i also have to say that i failed. hold onto your seats. amazing, an airplane landing that you will remember for a long time. take a look at this. serious cross winds in northern spain. the landing a little bumpy there, but given the conditions, the pilot definitely earning his wings there. wow. a tearful plea from the parents of a missing arizona girl. >> we are here today to plea for a safe return of our baby girl isabel. >> we're looking for you isa, we love you, and we miss you so much, and we will never give up. we will never give up looking for you. >> it is heartbreaking. isabel mercedes celis disappeared from her room last weekend. her parents say they woke up saturday morning to find the 6-year-old wasn't in the house. police have been looking for her. so far they have not turned up anything. they're scaling back the search now. they're not treating it as a missing child. i want to bring in marc klaas. his own child, polly, was abducted and killed almost two decades ago. he's joining us via skype from college station, texas. first of all, it is good to see you. i'm glad you're here with us. when you hear about this situation with isabel, it must break your heart. >> well, it does break my heart because so many times over the years i have seen this exact same situation play out on the news. you'll see a parent pleading for their daughter's safe return, not understanding that there are no real terms about this, that the term was that the child is the thing that was wanted in the first place. >> can you explain this, marc, because we know that your own daughter was taken from the slumber party at your wife's home, and this looks like a case where perhaps their daughter was taken from the home. how does something like that happen when you have someone who is able to actually get into your own house? >> well, this is such a high-risk situation, and i think it's a huge public safety issue when we can't feel safe in the sanctity of our own homes, and that's why it's incumbent on the local authorities not to scale back this investigation, but to push forward and keep increasing on the task force until they get to the bottom of it. i don't for one minute believe this was a staged situation. i think somebody came in and took this little girl. >> the fact that they have scaled back on this investigation -- on the search here, what does that say to you, marc, about what they suspect? what does this mean? >> i don't really know what it means. it almost sounds like they're trying to point fingers at the parents, but i have to remind people that even in polly's case where they had witnesses, for the first two weeks the authorities were convinced polly had run away and that her girlfriends were covering up for her. and i think maybe they try to overanalyze these things. this looks like a situation where somebody broke into this bedroom and took this little girl, and i think that needs to be the high priority here is investigating that possible scenario as, of course, they do look at the other possibilities. >> marc, having been through this situation yourself, what do you think isabel's parents should do at this point? you must understand what it is that they are going through. >> sure. i know that her mother said that they don't want to distract from her disappearance by appearing in front of cameras, but i think they need to do that. i think that they need to sit and talk to the police whenever they want. they need to be completely cooperative. they have to go and do absolutely every interview that is asked of them, and i know that can be incredibly difficult. it was incredibly difficult for me. but nobody can paint as good a portrait of this little girl as the parents and as long as the public is fully invested in her safe return, it's going to be more and more difficult for law enforcement to pull back resources which is exactly what law enforcement seems to want to do right now. >> and, marc, you have dedicated your life essentially to helping these kinds of situations, these families looking for missing kids and the klaas kids foundation. what is the most important thing right now? >> well, the most important thing is not to give up hope. i mean, the parents have to stay invested in the fact that she's going to come home alive, and i think that that is inherently what's going to happen. but people have to understand that something terrible has happened. that somebody really bad is out there committing crimes against little children and breaking into people's homes to do it. there's a frenzy about that and we can't allow that to continue. we have to feel safe in our homes, and the only way that can occur is if we bring in the monster that committed whatever crime they committed against this young girl. >> really appreciate your type and perspective and again your own personal story. thank you, marc. here is a run down on some of the stories we are covering. first the diamond ring on your finger could have cost someone their life in west africa. we're going to tell you why. and then young people, they loved him in 2008. >> good to see you. how are you doing? good to see you. absolutely. glad to be here. >> the 20-somethings are they going to love him again in 2012. and then as the arizona immigration debate takes out in the supreme court, two wrestlers are taking the fight to the mat. >> some people might say r.j. brewer is a racist. >> i've heard that countless times, i'm a racist, i'm a bigot, i'm against the mexican people. >> how the prim gration immigras being fought in a wrestling ring. for improved texture and elasticity in 2 weeks. reveal healthy, supple skin. aveeno skin strengthening. ♪ ♪ wow... ♪ [ female announcer ] sometimes, all you need is the smooth, creamy taste of werther's original caramel to remind you that you're someone very special. ♪ werther's original caramels. not quite knowing what the next phase was going to be, you know, because you been, you know, this is what you had been doing. you know, working, working, working, working, working, working. and now you're talking about, well you know, i won't be, and i get the chance to spend more time with my wife and my kids. it's my world. that's my world. ♪ if you're wearing a diamond, take a close look at it. do you know that west africans were used as slaves just so you might be able to wear that diamond? the man accused of using blood diamonds to finance a war was found guilty today. charles taylor could face prison time for helping a rebels during a civil war in sierra leone. more than 50,000 people were killed during this war. michael holmes is joining us live. explain to us, if you will, because this is a very significant development. the fact that this leader is being held accountable for these kinds of crimes. >> the first time that is a leader has actually gone to trial in this sort of case since the nuremberg trials. it's a historic moment as well. the u.s. has a link with liberia, of course. it was founded in 1822 by freed u.s. slaves. the u.s. also was one of the first when the war was going on in sierra leone, bill clinton issued an executive order in 2001 to ban the export of diamonds from sierra leone. they were called blood diamonds. remember the movie? >> sure. >> and so the u.n. followed that up with sanctions. why? because charles taylor was using the diamonds that were being mined illegally in sierra leone, selling them internationally to fund the rebel group that was at the front line of the civil war that killed so many people. this was a brutal butchering civil war. people had their arms cut off, hands cut off. the bad guys would go around, do you want long sleeves or short sleeves. short leaves -- sleeves meant they cut your arm off at the elbow. >> what can americans take away from this? some people think this is very far removed from our lives today here. >> yeah, well, this is one of the world's baddest of bad guys who is now going to go to jail. he will go to jail. and, you know, people think -- hope for the rest of his life. there's some satisfaction for the international criminal court that they're finally starting to get convictions on some of these horrendous people in the world. there's a long list of other that is are still on the wanded list, too, by the icc, including some sitting leaders, the leader of sudan. >> i wonder if that's a signal to other leaders, these brutal dictators this, could be the outcome. this is >> and you're seeing couple years. moammar gadhafi and his son wanted by the international criminal court. all of these guys are on the list. you have to catch them. there are nations who signed on to the rome convention which is the thing that governs the icc, and you have to be a signaturetory to the rome convention to have these guys arrested. al bashir is sitting pretty in sudan also. >> still calling for his resignation. >> a six-year trial. took a long time. >> thank you so much. one of my producers led liberia during the brutal civil war we're talking about. she's going to join us live to tell us why charles taylor, this trial, really means -- what it means to the people of west africa. the quiet sneeze... ♪ [ sneezes ] [ male announcer ] you may be an allergy muddler. try zyrtec®. it gives you powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin® because zyrtec® starts working at hour 1 on the first day you take it. claritin® doesn't start working until hour 3. 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[ female announcer ] this week only, save up to $11 on zyrtec® products. see sunday's newspaper. save up to $11 on zyrtec® products. i'm one of six children that my mother raised by herself, and so college was a dream when i was a kid. i didn't know how i was gonna to do it, but i knew i was gonna get that opportunity one day, and that's what happened with university of phoenix. nothing can stop me now. i feel like the sky's the limit with what i can do and what i can accomplish. my name is naphtali bryant and i am a phoenix. visit to find the program that's right for you. enroll now. talking a lot today about blood diamonds and whether the diamond on your finger was used to finance the brewal war in the west african country of sierra leone. the former president of the neighboring country, liberia, was found guilty of crimes. brenda bush is from liberia and she's a producer on our team. tell us what you are hearing from your home country of liberia. what is the reaction? >> this morning when the verdict came down, my phone started ringing like crazy right away, and, you know, a lot of excitement. you know, guilty, guilty, guilty, that's what people were saying. then i started getting text messages. you should see the sun, it's shining so bright. there's a rainbow around the town. liberian people were feeling this was a sign from god. i get to my daughter's facebook and there was a picture of the sun with this rainbow. this is actually on my daughter's blog. it was sent to her from an american in liberia, matt jones, so matt said we could use this picture. thank you, matt. but the thing is liberians love charles taylor, many still do. this is what people -- it seems crazy -- >> it does seem crazy. >> yeah, but he has so much support still. he's loved and hated in liberia today because people think, you know, this man was -- he won an election. he was already a warlord when he won the presidential election, and the slogan was he killed my mom, he killed my pa, but i will still vote for you. people are thinking how can you vote for somebody like this? >> why is that the case? >> some felt there wouldn't be peace if he didn't win the presidency. others just love him. he has this mythical reputation. we have some sound from people talking about the verdict. i want to roll some of that. >> do i want him to come back? yes. i would be happy. >> we did not chop up people's arms in our war. liberians are not wicked enough to chop up people's arms. so we expect that our war crimes court, the court of liberia, will come to try people from sierra leone. >> explain what we're hearing from folks there. >> person you just heard her talking about the hacking of the limbs, that's what many people remember about charles taylor and his rebels. they would in sierra leone where he's been convicted today of atrocities, he was known for -- the rebels were known, not himself, but the rebels were known to have asked people, women, children, all, you want short sleeve or long sleeve, meaning we cut off your arm here for long sleeve, up here for short sleeve and people had to say. children, babies, women, men, all of these people were, you know, so many sierra leonians were subjects to this sort of atrocity. >> i can see the emotion in your eyes as you describe it. and your daughter is back in liberia now. how has it changed? >> you know, moo i daughtmy dau blogged today. she said all hail liberia heal. she talked about when the war ended my father immediately sent all of us back to liberia. he wanted us to know this country. one year after the war ended we were back there in liberia. i think there's so much hope now that i saw through my daughter's eyes, but suzanne, i want to say one thing about this -- the hero of this who i feel nobody -- doesn't get recognition is george w. bush. he was the one who ordered charles taylor out of liberia. nobody really talks about the fact that george w. bush and america played such a big role in bringing peace to liberia. i don't say that because i'm bush. we're not related. this man -- >> brenda bush. >> yeah. we have the same name but no -- he's not a distant cousin, but i think george w. bush is probably sitting somewhere in texas today smiling because, look, this day couldn't have happened had he not said, look, i have got some u.s. troops ready to move you out if you don't get out of the country. so, you know, and now, of course, you know i have been back. my daughter is there. >> it is amazing to see. when you went back and you were back there just a couple weeks ago, what did you see? what can we take away from where you were and what you actually experienced as a part of that country? >> i think what i saw this time is that liberians are ready to move ahead. they're ready to -- they're embracing life again. they expect good things. they expect -- you know, they're putting the war behind and liberians are looking forward to the future and very optimistic. so many liberians are optimistic and many liberian americans, the young people like my daughter moving back. i met so many young people my age who have moved back to liberia. they see hope, they see a future there, and they're there ready to help rebuild this country. so this is another step in that direction. >> and, brenda, tell me a little bit about the children because when you came back and you put together just a beautiful very telling, very moving piece about what you actually saw there. the faces of the children and how that compared to when you had to flee the country. >> yeah. in liberia and in sierra leone there were child soldiers, children were forced to fight in the wars. they were taught to kill. they were made to kill. they witnessed family members being killed. we had child soldiers in that war. it was the most horrible part about our history, i think, is the fact that our children were forced to commit horrific acts, real atrocities. and in liberia i turned a corner and saw children dancing, and that day i realized myself, my husband, we realized that liberia had turned a corner. i turned a corner. i realized my country had turned a corner, and this was a very moving moment for me because i saw liberian children had their childhoods back, and i don't think i'll ever forget that. >> and i can just see the passion in your eyes, brenda. i mean, you're on the verge of tears. it's just wonderful. >> wonderful. >> i'm so glad you're here and part of our team. >> thank you for having me on to tell this story. liberians want the good news out. >> and it is good news. >> it is, it is. >> thank you, brenda. check out the latest issue of "rolling stone." president obama is on the cover. it's one way to get the young vote. find out how mitt romney is doing it. restore strength for up to 90% less breakage in three washes. for strong, healthy hair with life, new aveeno nourish+ strengthen. but not how we get there. because in this business, there are no straight lines. only the twists and turns of an unpredictable industry. so the eighty-thousand employees at delta... must anticipate the unexpected. and never let the rules overrule common sense. this is how we tame the unwieldiness of air travel, until it's not just lines you see... it's the world. water, we take our showers with it. we make our coffee with it. but we rarely tap its true potential and just let it be itself. flowing freely into clean lakes, clear streams and along more fresh water coast line than any other state in the country. come realize water's true potential. dive in-to the waters of pure michigan. your trip begins at delicious gourmet gravy. and she agrees. with fancy feast gravy lovers, your cat can enjoy the delicious, satisfying taste of gourmet gravy every day. fancy feast. the best ingredient is love. here is a rundown of some of the stories we're working on. "rolling stone" sits down with president obama. he loves "the daily show." and secret service agents involved in a second sex scandal. and later meet baby boomers who are trying to stretch the years ahead of them with pill latisse. >> i want to stay working and productive and have fun while i'm doing it. >> why some older americans are turning to the latest fitness fad. president obama starting it up. he's getting ready to officially kick off his re-election campaign next week with rallies in ohio and virginia. the race between obama and romney is already under way. a little rolling stones music to start up our political round table. obama is on the cover of "rolling stone." we'll show you that in a minute. first want to bring in our political panel, democratic strategist jamal simmons and republican strategist ana navarro. so great to see you both here. this week you had him on jimmy fallon. you had the slow jamming news. now he's on the cover of "rolling stone." do we they, jamal, that this is what it takes to get the young people fired up like we saw in 2008 to get them to vote this go round? >> i think it take twos things. first of all, they're trying to just reignite the connection between the president and young people. that's what these articles and showing up on jimmy kimmel -- or jimmy fallon, that's how that works. then you have to talk to young people about the issues they care about. that's why he spent the week talking about student loan interest rates because it's not just a feel good, let's all hang out kind of a thing. it's a real life economic issue that so many young people whether they're in school or the ones just out of school or some of them beyond school like us are still paying their loans. >> "rolling stone" a lot of buzz being generated right now around president obama. >> i think it's a smart move, but i don't think it's going to be enough. obama really counted on the youth vote and the turnout in '08. it was a huge part of him having the magic formula to get to the white house. and so if he doesn't get the same numbers, it's a real problem for him. and the youth vote is hurting tremendously. the young people are unemployed. you know, one out of every two young people right now is unemployed or underemployed. 3 out of 10 are living back home with their parents. and it's hard to, you know, for these kids who bought into hope and change to stay hopeful while they're in their pajamas in their parents' basement. so i think he's going to have a hard time with it. >> jamal, ana paints a pretty bleak picture. you could tell when his campaign caught fire, when he hit those young voters, the college kids. you could say they dropped the ball when he went into the white house and all of that enthusiasm, even the e-mail and the texting and all of that, they didn't take advantage of that when they moved into the white house. how does he get those folks back? >> well, yeah, i would say the campaign apparatus probably didn't take as much advantage of it as it should have or the dnc. they didn't take as much advantage as they should have. for young people though to get back to ana's point and yours, they're not just sitting in pajamas on their parents' couches. we see this generation as one of the biggest generations of volunteers, very involved in their communities. they really care a lot about what's going on. they maybe get a little disillusioned by politics right now but they're still involved and engaged. the president has also done something for them, for all those folks who are having trouble getting back into the economy, they can stay on their parents' health care until they're 26 years ode. that wouldn't have happened if john mccain was president. it does happen now. the president does have some arrows to fire out of his quiver with young people. >> and we have to give a little shout out to the young folks. i don't think they're all in their pajamas hanging out eating chips -- >> but seriously speaking, it's been a very tough three years for young people. i mean, you have got only 54% of 18 to 24-year-olds right now have a job. that's the highest unemployment rate since government has been keeping a record of unemployment rates. so, you know, it's a real problem, and i think mitt romney is going to have to focus on what his campaign message is with young people as well, which is it's still the economy, and we're not stupid. he's got to hit that because mitt romney is never going to out hip or out sing or out dance barack obama, and he shouldn't try to. he's not going to be funnier on barack obama on "saturday night live" or "jimmy fallon" but at the end of the day we're not electing a comedian in chief, we're electing a commander in chief and somebody to lead us out of the economic doldrums. >> to get to ana's point -- >> real quick and then i have to get into this mitt romney -- >> you're right, mitt romney will never outhip barack obama, but what young people have a very good nose for is they can smell somebody who is not authentic. whoever mitt romney is, he needs to be that person from now until the end of the campaign or young people won't buy what he's selling. >> i agree with you. >> and maybe there is something that mitt romney does have that he can use his secret weapon to appeal to younger voters. his five sons. they were on the campaign trail. he used them to charm a lot of folks and to humanize him a little bit. i want to play a quick clip here. this is one of romney's sons prank calling him. >> got to mantle right now he's feeling stressed. it's the day before the michigan primary. everyone is saying it's a do or die for him, which i don't know that i totally agree with, but he's got to do well. so let's help him relax a little bit and give him a call from governor sha warg necessarier. >> gov, it's the governor of california. >> governor, mitt romney, how are you? >> hi. how are you? >> i'm just fine, governor. how are you doing today? >> good. good. who is your daddy and what does he do? >> all right. ana, that's pretty funny there. do you think you should put his sons out a little more in front to help him attract young voters? >> i think both these candidates, barack obama and mitt romney, have got great families, and i think they should use their wives and in mitt romney's case since he has five adult sons, those five sons shb out there as much as possible because they need to humanize mitt romney. we need to learn more about mitt romney. i think mitt romney's probably not as comfortable talking about himself and his background and humanizing himself. so that's why these five kids can come in. if you have raised five sons, they've got a sense of humor, they're young people, you can't be detached from what the young people are feeling today. >> jamal, even you chuckled when you saw that. >> it's funny and it's fun. and i grew up in a house -- i have four brothers, so -- >> oh, god. >> i understand what a house of five boys is like. it's tough. >> poor ann romney. okay, jamal, ana, great to see you guys. thanks. >> thank you. more fallout for the secret service. first post tuts in hotel rooms in colombia. a new report that has some agents visiting a strip club in el salvador before the president arrives. we more details up ahead. coming up, sunday on cnn's "next list" redefining radio for the 21st century. here is a preview. >> you don't see a lot of people lining up to reinvent radio. there's very few things about my job that are intuitive to me. the one thing that really is intuitive, it's just working with sound. he invented a new way to think about this broadcast medium. >> the genius thing is totally trippy. >> he's like the gershwin of journalism or something. i don't know. just a very amazing thing. >> i think the sound is something like when you're on the edge of a dream. >> and if they want to call that genius, i think that they should. [ male announcer ] a car is either luxury or it isn't. if you want a luxury car with a standard power moonroof, your options are going to be limited. ♪ if you want standard leather-trimmed seats, you're going to have even fewer. ♪ and if you want standard keyless access, then your choice is obvious. the lexus es. it's complete luxury in a class full of compromises. see your lexus dealer. lingering question in the secret service prostitution scandal, was it a one-time incident or something more? there is a new report today about agents behaving badly. an admission from a government official of past misconduct by some agents. white house correspondent dan lothian is joining us. first of all, we traveled with the secret service all the time covering the president. these guys and women do a great jock most of the time. what do we know about this one official who says, you know what? every once in a while someone screws up? >> reporter: that's right, in admitting there have been missteps in the past and some employees have engaged in misconduct. this official telling me, quote, that people make mistakes. but also this official noting that given the history of the secret service, it's 147 years old, that that's to be expected. i tried to get specifics as to what that misconduct may have been. this official citing privacy issues would not disclose that information but said their internal investigation division or the office of professional responsibility dealt with those matters, suzanne. >> what do we know about this other incident, the scandal in el salvador? >> reporter: that's right. every day there's more news that continues dripping out on, you know, the secret service and other federal law enforcement agencies as well. and this comes from cairo -- kir o tv in seattle. saying a government contractor who worked with not only the secret service but also some military officials ahead of the president's visit last year to el salvador alleges that he was in a club with about a dozen of these agents, that there was heavy drinking, that some of them did go to a vip area for sexual favors. this report also implicating embassy employees, u.s. embassy employees, fbi, and de a agents. i asked the secret service about that and edwin donovan said the following, quote, the recent investigation in cartagena has generated several news story that is contain allegation i boos mostly unnamed sources. any information brought to you are attention that can be assessed as credible will be followed up on in an appropriate manner. >> all right. dan, thank you. appreciate it. appreciate the update. thanks. coming up, the fight over immigration in arizona spilling over into the world of wrestling. we're going to take you inside the ring for a battle that is just heating up. time for the help desk where we get answers to your financial questions. joining me this hour, gregg olson is a certified financial planner, and lynette cox is the founder of the financial advice plog a blog ask the money greg, first question for you comes from tom in ohio. tom wrote in his pension plan has $200,000 in it but he has $25,000 in credit card debt. he wants to know if he should use money from his pension to pay off his credit card. >> no. >> no. >> the first thing that's going to happen is he's going to have to pay income tax on whatever he wraus fr withdraws from his pension planned and then a 10% penalty. he could have to take up to $50,000 out of the pension plan to pay off the $25,000. a much better idea is to switch to the lowest interest rate credit card even if it's an introductory rate. >> good advice. lynette, your question comes from jill in new york. we wrote in she and her husband got a copy of their credit report and it showed three collections. she wants to know how they can pay those off and get them expunged from the report. >> she can certainly pay them off, but just paying them, unfortunately, doesn't mean it automatically gets repofed from your credit report. this is one of the downsides for people who want to pay off debts and do the right thing. the fact is under the law, negative information like a collection can stay on your credit report for up to seven years. simply paying it off won't automatically remove it. you can negotiate. you can reach out to the company you owe and ask whether or not they would agree to delete the information from all three credit reports. there's no guarantee. they may just do it though. but it doesn't automatically happen. >> once it's there, it's there. thank you very much. we appreciate it. if you have a question you want answered send us an e-mail anytime to cnn help this is $100,000. we asked total strangers to watch it for us. thank you so much, i appreciate it, i'll be right back. they didn't take a dime. how much in fees does your bank take to watch your money ? if your bank takes more money than a stranger, you need an ally. ally bank. no nonsense. just people sense. the supreme court justices surprisingly are speaking in favor in parts of arizona's super tough immigration law. arizona's crackdown was blocked by the federal government. the sate is appealing. now in oral arguments today the justices hinted they would support the part of the law that allows police to check the nationality of people they stop for other reasons. in arizona opponents of the law marched in phoenix. many people believe the law unfairly targets hispanics. the supreme court ruling expected in a few weeks. arizona's governor is optimistic. >> i thought that the hearing went very, very, very well. i feel very confident. as i walked out of there that we will get a favorable ruling in late june. >> arizona's immigration fight at center stage at the supreme court. well, now the story line is a hugely popular west coast wrestling circuit. it's kind of like art imitating life. thelma gz reports from los angeles. >> reporter: in a warehouse deep in an industrial part of los angeles, we're going underground to fight night. this is not your average wrestling match. this is the world of luch a l alibre. fighters perform in front of sellout crowds. on this night the stakes are high. this fight is about the u.s. immigration debate and the controversy surrounding sb-1070, arizona's tough anti-illegal immigration law that's being challenged in the u.s. supreme court. as art imitates life, the court battle plays out in the ring. in the one corner the popular blue demon, a 27-year veteran of lucha libre, and the son of a beloved fighter in mexico. >> i fight for my crowd, for my people. i believe in the free country. >> reporter: his opponent, r.j. brewer, takes on the character of jan brewer's son, the governor who signed sb-1070 in law two years ago. >> when they see somebody like me coming out saying you don't belong here, show me that you do, they take offense. >> reporter: the insults fly fast and furious just as the wrestlers sending the crowd into a frenzy. i met with both wrestlers before the match. have you guys struck a raw nerve? >> what i say is truth and what i say is what i feel. i think it hits home for a lot of these fans because we're wrestling in front of 99.9% latino fans. >> reporter: is this something you talk about all the time? >> no, i talk in the ring, in my style, in my mexican style, in my wrestling. i don't need to talk with him. >> reporter: some people might say, r.j., he's anti-latino. >> i have heard that countless times. i have heard i'm a racist, bigot, i'm against the mexican people. i'm not. i'm a proud american who wants our borders secured. >> reporter: is it all shtick? brewer and the blue demon tell me they fully believe in what they're fighting for. gauging from the crowd, they have struck a nerve with the politics which makes this tour hugely popular. thelma gutierrez, cnn. do you enjoy getting your mail on the weekends? we'll tell you how the senate stepped in to save the struggling postal service. thousands of postal workers around the country are breathing a sigh of relief after the senate passed a plan to save the u.s. postal service as well as their jobs. the battle not yet over, however. alison kosik joins us from new york. alison, my grandfather used to work for the post office. it's a good job. we know the house hasn't voted on this yet, but the senate plan essentially is going to help people get back on their feet? >> you're talking about the post office, and, yes, this bill will help the post office, but critics say the problem with this bill is it doesn't go far enough. what the bill winds up doing is making it hard for the usps to make the cuts it needs in the first place to save itself. let me give you the big example. the postal service says it wants to close almost 4,000 locations and the senate bill says, okay, close them but we're going to put restrictions on really whether or not you can close them. meaning the postal service first has to prove that these closures are justified with running through lots of studies and public comment. but the thing is the postal service already looked at these closures. they found out that these places are bringing in less than $50 a day and republican congressman darrell issa said if we keep studying this thing, it's going to mean more and more delays and cost millions of dollars more. what this bill does, it caps executive pay. it authorizes worker buyouts, but it doesn't allow the post office to cut that saturday service we all rely on. it doesn't allow that cut in service for a few years saying that really would only be a last resort. suzanne? >> do we know how much time the post office has before it just runs out of money? >> that's a good question. you look at what's going on, it's already in such bad shape it's borrowing money from the government, $12 billion so far. the senate bill lets the postal service borrow even more money if it nids to, and if you ask me, i think it needs to. you look at the usps, it's literally bleeding money here. it's lost 5 billion just last year. it hasn't turned a profit in six years. now, the usps is kind of caught between a rock and a hard place. it needs to make cuts but the problem with the way it gets its approval, they have to go through congress first so the usps can't run itself like a business wood because it's tied up in all that politics. so you can't really see it like a business, any old business. >> i know a lot of people, they look forward to getting their mail on saturday. weekend is really important for a lot of folks. they're going to be able to get their mail for at least on the weekends another couple years, right? >> another couple years. it shows you just how much we rely on our mail, getting it on saturday, that the senate bill did put a stipulation in that that is only a last resort, that the saturday service would go away. >> all right. alison kosik, thanks. appreciate it. >> sure. baby boomers turn to machines to keep them fit. that is pill latisse machines. you will hear one woman's story about how this exercise kept her medical bills down. now washington, they're looking at shutting down post offices coast to coast. closing plants is not the answer. they want to cut 100,000 jobs. it's gonna cost us more, and the service is gonna be less. we could lose clientele because of increased mailing times. the ripple effect is going to be devastating. congress created the problem. and if our legislators get on the ball, they can make the right decisions. not quite knowing what the next phase was going to be, you know, because you been, you know, this is what you had been doing. you know, working, working, working, working, working, working. and now you're talking about, well you know, i won't be, and i get the chance to spend more time with my wife and my kids. it's my world. that's my world. ♪ they are the children of the post war boom. baby boomers born from 1946 through the early '60s have had a huge impact on society, right? well, all this week our series "age against the machine" looks at this amazing generation. today baby boomers are the first generation to really take exercise seriously. i want you to meet 50-something who has turned to a form called pilates to keep her out of the doctor's office. >> reporter: flipping through a pile of bills, maryann says she's paying a lot for her health now that she's in here 50s. we're looking at a lot of medical bills. >> physical therapy, surgery, a whole variety of different assessments, x-rays. >> reporter: after surgeries to her knee and foot, she decided to work on preventative measures to get stronger. >> i want to stay working and productive and have fun while i'm doing it. >> reporter: so three years ago she turned to pilates, a fitness fad which is low impact but strengthens muscles using resistance. many baby boomers are focusing on ways to stay healthy and agile to promote longevity. >> i have saved at least a shoulder rotator cuff operation because of the specific pilates exercises that we do. i don't have the neck problems that i might have based on my job. i was able to prevent the other foot from becoming a claw toe foot. >> arms just a little bit in front of you. >> reporter: her instructor says the pilates class is specifically for aging clients and is the most popular because of the benefits clients see in their everyday life. >> often mobility becomes an issue because if you don't use your body, it becomes a little stiffer, and that again leads to injuries and that is being prevented here. >> reporter: health and fitness experts say these days there are a number of fitness classes like cross fit, yoga, and boot camp that all work the body's base. >> working your core allows you to keep your spine in alignment, keeps you in better posture for the duration of your workout, and prevents injury. >> reporter: mary ann says her mind and body has improved because e'

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Assistant , Spade Work , Permission , Use , Demoore , Weigh , Second , Relationship , Allegations , Statement , Miss , Meyer , Baseless , Problem , Speculation , Interviews , Conspiracy Theory , Sourcing , Motivation , Smoking Gun , Linkage , Dots , President Kennedy S Assassination , Presidency , Stance , Cold War , Warriors , Tenure , Soviet Union , World , Coup , Arms Race , 423 , 63 , Isn T , Contention , Reasons , President Diem , South Vietnam , Kyra , Hillary Clinton , Secretary Of State , Ring , Hat , Thomas Whalen , Muscle Health , Got Revigor , List , Fair Game , Exercise , Running Mate , Fight Muscle Loss , 2016 , Strength , Preserve , Nutrition , Protein , Hmb , Muscle , Amino Acid Metabolite , Crossovers , Dealership , Telephone Ringing , We Don T , Highway Fuel Economy , Sir , Chevy Equinox , Ford , Hi , Dealer , Lessees , Equinox Ls , Chevy , 229 , 29 , 2012 , Monica , Hasn T , Cut , Director , Location , 3 , Fees , Penalty Rate , Simplicity Card , Fee , Payment , Hit , Bigger , Citi Simplicity Card , Mr , Davies , Kind , Physics Teacher , High School , Worries , Math , Mother , Career , Guitar , Electronics , Engineer , Physics , Boards , College Tour Isn T , Gee , Tom Blair , Roland Martin , Head , D C , Roland , Campaign Stops , Goodness , Argument , Reince Priebus , Being , George H W , Joke , Democrat , 88 , 1984 , Brenda Bush , Ops , Obama White House , Photo , President Reagan , Travel , Administrations , Regulations , It Fraud , Jealousy , Country , Real Americans , Thoughts , Intermission , Dinner , Tickets , Point Of View , Kennedy Center , Willard , Room , Pool , Politics , Hail To The Chief , Perks , Isis , Duet , Skinny Dipping , Keys , Phil Brian , Let S Move , Black People Don T Swim , Snow , Mississippi , Bill , Tony Perkins , Listen , Family Research Council , Anents , Shots , Hypocrisy , It , Mission , Abortion , Left , Play , Center , Ground , Womb , Phil Bryant , Guess What , Gunshots , Result , 30000 , Stuff , Stop , Nonsense , Fine , Health Care Debate , Comment , Somebody , Bottle Of Wine , Conception , Flashpoint , Death Panels , Convictions , Matter , Cause , Opposition , Design , Arguments , Wounds , Let S Go Swimming , Secret , Apology , Moon Roof , Tar Lesson , Seats , Standard Keyless Access , Class , Aqua Light , Compromises , Obvious , Luxury , Choice , Lightweight Nourishment , The Best Of Both Worlds , Lexus Es , Nourishment , Sarah , Pantene , Zero , 100 , Person , Music , Lives , Youth , Letter , Kiss , All Of Us Classic Rock Lovers Age , Tunes , Mat Sheen , Time On My Hands , Music Video , Career Clock , Four , 1981 , Dinosaurs , 70s Rock Bands Have Become Extinct , 2000 , 70 , Ricky Phillips , Rough Times , Sweet Baby , James J Y , Tommy Shaw , Todd Zurkman , 59 , 58 , 62 , Chuck , Lawrence Gowan , Rock , Boomers , Restroom , Rockmusic , 55 , Manner , Face , Wrinkles , Dreaming Ofthis , 15 , Hard Times , Human Being , Stage , Sister , Care , Lessons , Go Wrong In Rock And Roll , Teens , Quadriplegic , 20 , Joy , Inspiration , Twin Brother , Band , Raids , Aspects , It Music , Medicine , Everyone , Fun , Role Models , Television Sets , Experience , Smoke , Booze , Discovery , Ways , Living , Food , Wife , Road , Health Food Restaurant , Fig Tree , Bus , Garden , Right , Little By , Tour Bus , Cokes , Ruffles , Drink , 27 , Humor , Fingers , Ginsu , Highway , Knives , Beg , Nine , Elixir , Renegades Young At Heart , Digging , Thankful , Grateful , Joyful , Blessed , Nobody , Fountain Of Youth , Game , Joyous , Sort , Health , Longevity , Key , Encore , Boundaries , Tour , Texas , Midwest Rock And Roll Express , 1 , May 1st , Twists , Trials , Show , Heat , Witness , Piano Chords , The One , Smarter Thinking , Accord , Honda , Times , 50 , Smile , Listerine , Teeth , Mouth , Shades , Whitening Plus Restoring , Stories , Look , Andrew Luck , Suspension , Pick , Washington Redskins , Nfl Draft , Indianapolis Colts , Phone Hacking , Murdoch Wouldn T , Robert Griffin Iii , Situation , Heart , Control , Trial , Baby , Conspiracy , Highlights , Donors , Hunter , Bid , Court , Expenses , Rental House , Invoices , 5000 , 8000 , 28000 , 0000 , 25000 , 38000 , 40000 , Defense , Attack , Joe Johns , Prosecution S Star Witness , North Carolina , Greensboro , Effort , Credibility , Cross Examination , Cross Examination Of Star Prosecution Witness , Defense Attorney Abbey Lowell , Line By , Attempt , Page , Reading Page , Intention , Campaign Finance Laws , Conversation , Watching , Twitter , Newsroom , Headquarters , Suzanne Malveaux , Yracnn , Government Official , Misconduct , West Coast , April 26th , Thursday April 26th , 9 , Agents , Secret Service , Admission , El Salvador , Kiro , Prostitutes , Contractor , Tv Station , Seattle , Colombia , Favors , Club , Team , Strippers , Hama , Northwest Syria , Incident , Fighting , Syrian Army , Neighborhood , Terrorists , Syrian , Attorneys , Campaign Aide , Building , Bomb , Weapon , Gun , Campaign Cash , Captain , Neighborhood Watch , Who , A Million , A Million Dollars , Officer , Neighbor , Dog , Pepper Spray , Pit Bull , Loose , Reuters , Role , Judicial Panel , Attention , Airplane Landing , Pilot , Landing , Plea , Arizona Girl , Wings , Serious Cross Winds , Northern Spain , We Love You , You Isa , Isabel Mercedes Celis , Polly , Search , Marc Klaas , Wasn T In The House , College Station , Skype , Daughter , Parent , Term , Terms , Slumber Party , Public Safety , Safe , Task Force , Homes , Authorities , Incumbent , Sanctity , Forward , Little Girl , Say , Witnesses , Girlfriends , Bedroom , Possibilities , Priority , Scenario , Situation Yourself , Cameras , Interview , Portrait , Law Enforcement , Resources , Public , Difficult , Kids , Hope , Kinds , Situations , Klaas Kids Foundation , Crimes , Frenzy , Marc , Monster , Run , Diamond Ring , Perspective , Type , Cost , Finger , West Africa , Fight , Wrestlers , Supreme Court , Immigration Debate , Mat , Racist , Jan Brewer , Bigot , Prim Gration Immigras , Wrestling Ring , Texture , Elasticity , Skin Strengthening , Supple Skin , Aveeno , 2 , Taste , Caramel , Werther S Original , Werther S Original Caramels , Phase , Working , Doing , Doesn T Start Working , Diamond , Slaves , Blood Diamonds , Africans , Charles Taylor , Rebels , Sierra Leone , Civil War , Michael Holmes , 50000 , Leader , Development , Link , Nuremberg Trials , Liberia , Executive Order , Export , Bill Clinton , 2001 , 1822 , Diamonds , Sanctions , Movie , U N , The Rebel , Front Line , Arms , Brutal Butchering Civil War , Sleeves , Arm , Elbow , Cut Off , Jail , Baddest , Rest , Satisfaction , Wanded List , Sitting Leaders , International Criminal Court , Is , Icc , Moammar Gadhafi , Leaders , Signal , Dictators , Outcome , Sudan , Rome Convention , Nations , Al Bashir , Resignation , Signaturetory To The Rome Convention , Six , Producers , Quiet Sneeze , Zyrtec , Sneezes , Claritin , Allergy , Allergy Muddler , Try Zyrtec , Hair , Dream , On Zyrtec , Sunday , The Sky S Limit , , Kid , University Of Phoenix , Visit Phoenix Edu , Phoenix , Program , My Name , Naphtali Bryant , Brewal War In The West African , Home Country , Verdict , Phone , Guilty , Reaction , Excitement , Picture , The Sun , Rainbow , God , Sign , Text Messages , Town , Matt , Blog , Matt Jones , Crazy , Election , Slogan , Warlord , Mom , My Pa , Sound , Wouldn T , Peace , Reputation , Felt , Folks , War Crimes Court , Hacking , Atrocities , Limbs , Sleeve , Babies , Eyes , Emotion , Atrocity , Sierra Leonians , Father , Moo I Daughtmy Dau Blogged Today , Hail Liberia Heal , Suzanne , Hero , Doesn T Get Recognition , George W Bush , No , Oman , Somewhere , Cousin , Day Couldn T , Troops , Age , Step , Direction , Brenda , Soldiers , Family Members , Wars , Corner , Saw Children Dancing , Childhoods , Tears , Verge , Wonderful , Rolling Stone , The Good News Out , Cover , Vote , Breakage , Washes , Restore , Aveeno Nourish , Three , Employees , Business , Lines , Industry , Eighty Thousand , Unexpected , Unwieldiness , Air Travel , Common Sense , Delta , Water , Potential , Showers , Coffee , Estate , Coast Line , Streams , Waters , Lakes , Dive In , Pure Michigan , Michigan Org , Gourmet Gravy , Fancy Feast Gravy Lovers , Cat , Ingredient , Delicious , Fancy Feast , Rundown , Sex Scandal , The Daily Show , Pill Latisse , Fitness Fad , Campaign , Ohio , Race , Rallies , Round Table , Re Election , Rolling Stones , Jamal Simmons , Ana Navarro , Panel , Strategist , Jimmy Fallon , Go Round , Connection , Articles , Jimmy Kimmel , Works , Student Loan Interest Rates , Feel Good , Hang , Loans , Buzz , Youth Vote , Numbers , Move , Turnout , Magic Formula , 08 , Pajamas , Change , Basement , Ana Paints A , Voters , Ball , Fire , College Kids , Advantage , Texting , Enthusiasm , Campaign Apparatus , Couches , Dnc , Little , Communities , What S Going On , Volunteers , Economy , Health Care , Ode , Quiver , Arrows , John Mccain , Chips , Shout , 54 , 18 , Unemployment Rates , Unemployment Rate , Campaign Message , Record , He Shouldn T , Hip , Saturday Night Live , Commander , Chief , Doldrums , Comedian , The End , Outhip , Nose , Sons , Campaign Trail , Five , Mantle , Clip , Governor , Do Or Die , Primary , Call , Warg Necessarier , Daddy , California , More , Candidates , Have , Adult , Wives , Background , Sense , Feeling , Brothers , Boys , Fallout , Poor Ann Romney , Okay , Tuts , Strip Club , Hotel Rooms , Next List , Coming Up , 21 , Preview , Broadcast Medium , Journalism , I Don T Know , Gershwin , Genius , The Edge Of A Dream , Options , Power Moonroof , Access , Keyless , Prostitution , Dan Lothian , Official , That S Right , Jock , Most , Quote , Missteps , Privacy Issues , Specifics , 147 , Matters , Office Of Professional Responsibility , Investigation Division , Government Contractor , Law Enforcement Agencies , Tv , Cairo , Dozen , Visit , Drinking , Vip Area , Embassy Employees , Following , Embassy , De A , Edwin Donovan , Fbi , News Story , Allegation , Sources , Boos , Cartagena , Wrestling , Battle , Immigration , Update , The Ring , Lynette Cox , Help Desk , Certified Financial Planner , Gregg Olson , Tom , Pension Plan , Advice , Founder , Credit Card Debt , Greg , Plog , Money Coach Com , 200000 , 00000 , Pension , Wraus Fr , Credit Card , Income Tax , Idea , Interest Rate Credit Card , Penalty , Better , Credit Report , Copy , Collections , Doesn T , Debts , Downsides , Sb 1070 In Law , Collection , Seven , Credit Reports , Guarantee , Help Desk Cnn Com , Bank , Strangers , Dime , 100000 , Stranger , Ally Bank , Parts , Immigration Law , Favor , Justices , Nationality , Sate , Crackdown , Opponents , Hispanics , Hearing , Immigration Fight , Ruling , Story Line , Warehouse , Los Angeles , Wrestling Circuit , Center Stage , Thelma Gz , Match , Controversy , Fighters , Crowds , Sellout , Stakes , U S Immigration Debate , Luch Al Alibre , Sb 1070 , Veteran , U S Supreme Court , Art Imitates Life , Blue Demon , Court Battle Plays Out In The Ring , 1070 , Crowd , Fighter , Lucha Libre , Character , Opponent , R J , Insults , Offense , Fast And Furious , Fans , Truth , Raw Nerve , 99 9 , Style , Anti Latino , Proud American , Shtick , Nerve , Mail , Thelma Gutierrez , Service , Thousands , Alison Kosik , Plan , U S Postal Service , Jobs , Post Office , House Hasn T , Doesn T Go , Example , Cuts , Bill Winds Up Doing , Closures , Restrictions , Lots , Locations , 4000 , Darrell Issa , Delays , 0 , It Doesn T , Executive Pay , Worker Buyouts , Borrowing Money , Shape , Last Resort , 12 Billion , 2 Billion , It Nids To , 5 Billion , 1946 , 60 , Planet , Condition , Human Race , Tactic , Gas Prices , Focus , China ,

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