>> the damage and the cries for help. the claim their government is out to kill them. cnn's nick robertson with an exclusive story. to the rescue. >> what does this now mean for you? >> i will be able to pay my mortgage every month on time. >> go back to the basics. >> solving the mortgage crisis. we find out this hour. that and more right here, right now on cnn. i'm don lemon and we begin with breaking news. a major shake-up in the battle for president. he said he had a ticket to ride after finishing third, but the trip is over for jon huntsman. a senior official told cnn huntsman is dropping out of the race for president and here's a detail you heard first on cnn. he plans to endorse mitt romney. cnn's political reporter broke this news for us and joins us now. when is the official announcement? >> reporter: the official announcement will be tomorrow here in myrtle beach at the sheraton hotel where there is a big gop debate. the official endorsement will be here. he is going to endorse govern nor romney. a campaign official said the reason for this and why they are getting behind governor romney is they believe he is the one true candidate who can fix the economy. jon huntsman is playing in the same lane as governor romney on that moderate establishment side of the primary. this makes a lot of sense. there has been a little bit of friction between the huntsman and romney families. the staffs did not like each other at all. you can see the sort of establishment getting in line behind mitt romney. >> what's interesting is that earlier today, south carolina's largest newspaper, here's what they said. they praised him and called him the essential values candidate e. he has the values that drive candidacy, honor and desensey and now this. >> yeah, it's interesting on the same day the state paper which is the largest newspaper in south carolina endorsed him that he would wait an extra day out of that. the symbolism is important and the republican universe will be here and there will be tons it of cameras to do this. this angle is interesting. after he finished third in the new hampshire primary, a lot of republicans are surprised. he has no support and no television ads. he was camp ud out on the coast where you had moderate voters. he was not really catching on down here. if he wants to run again, it made sense to lay ground work in south carolina to appeal to voters. if he decides to run for president. the entry into the race this year. barack obama's former ambassador to china. this is a kind of wimper to end that big entrance to the campaign. >> the first of the breaking news on cnn. thank you very much for your reporting. i want to go to john king. it's interesting because you are hosting a cnn republican debate in south carolina on thursday. guess who will not be at the podium. this changes things there. >> good evening. the reporting makes it interesting. the calculation looks at the here and now. if jon huntsman is getting 5%, i'm going to call it to mitt romney's left. the establishment, more moderate republicans. you tend to find them along the coast in south carolina with gingrich, santorum, perry to romney's right. maybe ron paul who is a little more characterized. he made a basic calculation. she doing miserable in south carolina and he is not going to win the state. if he wants to run in 2016, this is a chance to with a man he had a tough relationship with and to try to get good will in the party and maybe take a small slice. whatever jon huntsman was going to get in the south carolina primary, it's a good bet that 70 or 80% comes out of mitt romney. by endorsing him now and getting out of the race, governor romney only has to worry about the votes coming out of the right. the calculation that he could possibly embarrass next saturday to get something out of this. as peter notes more than anything else, if he comes back and establishment republicans will say the man did the right thing at the right time. >> we will leave it there for now. thank you very much, john. remember to tune in thursday night. john will be host skpug will hear the candidates. the southern republican leadership conference debate comes your way at 8:00 p.m. eastern. john king will be hosting. tune in. we want to go to the other major story. two americans among the missing after their cruise ship ran aground on the italian coast. workers are working to find them and more than a dozen others who may be trapped in the world of the concordia. the 1500 cab iins and water is t making the search easier. >> they are working in very, very bad conditions. it's cold of course and it's dark. during the day and the night is the same situation. it's always dark. they work with a small light from their helmets. people are working until we are sure that no person is missing and so on. we will keep on working. >> the company that owns the ship points the finger right at the ship's captain for allowing the boat to run aground on an island off the coast. they received a statement that reads in part, while investigation is ongoing, preliminary indications of that there may have been significant human error on the part of the master captain which resulted in these grave consequences. the captain is under arrest and could face charges of hod which oxz are a manslaughter and a band onning ship. the death toll is at 5 after two elderly people were found inside with life vests strapped around their bodies. rescuers pulled out a couple who were trapped for more than 24 hours. the newlyweds on the worst trip of all time. they took a boat out to the ship and gives the closest images yet of the destruction. >> with an open garb rung the length of her port side, the costa concordia looks like it has been gutted. they are lying on the shore dwarfing the town behind it. we were taken on a tour of the wreck by a local driver and shown a reefer he thinks the costa hit, one he swears is on every chart. >> over here this is not on the chart. >> every rock here is on the chart? >> every one. the possibility should be on that one. >> he is planning to dive to see if there traces of paint on the reef from the ship's hull. the ship's captain who could face criminal charges insists he wasn't too close. >> translator: the nautical chart was marked as water. 100 to 150 meters from the rocks. we were about 300 meters from the shore. we shouldn't have had this contact. >> the officials disagree, suggesting the ship came too close as the crew wanted to wave to friends ashore. >> we know the ship was close to the island. >> too close to the island? >> yes. >> as the frantic search for survivors go on behind me, a picture emerges of the chaos on board as panic spreads through the passengers desperately trying to scramble ashore. >> the ship's owner, carnival corporation said they are trying to figure out what led to the accident. this was what it was like in the dark cold chaos as passengers fled the costa concordia in life jackets, battling against gravity to get out. >> translator: the life boats were not upside down, they were slant and that made it hard to get on because of that. >> these photos were taken by more than passengers amanda and brandon as they tried to escape. >> we were one of the last ones, pretty much the chaos happened for everyone to get on the life boats first. we more or less didn't get there early enough. it was so crowd and no room for us. we ended up waiting the last maybe few people. we were holding on to the railing and trying not to fall. >> korean honeymooners were rescued after more than 24 hours trapped aboard. >> translator: at first we were very scared and as time went by our few grew and grew. we lived with the hope to survive this ugly thing and with the strength of being near the one you love. we did not get hurt. >> even though the search and rescue is not over, already it's clear this accident will result in litigation and criminal prosecutions. the death toll remains uncertain with passengers still missing. now everyone is wondering how on earth this massive ship came so close to this treacherous shore and how many more bodies will be recovered from the wreck of the costa concordia. >> coming up on cnn, more on breaking news. jon huntsman dropping out of the race and cnn confirms that. millions of americans are struggling to hold on to their homes. meet a man working to change that. one family at a time. e drinking fountain at the mall. [ male announcer ] great tasting tap water can come from any faucet anywhere. the brita bottle with the filter inside. there few things scarier of people losing your home. many of those facing foreclosure who tried working with the lenders got nowhere. in atlanta, one man is changing the game and helping change the lives of countless families. we have the report tonight. >> he's an unlikely rock star. he's the man everyone here wants to meet. a crusader who is a fierce advocate for struggling homeowners. >> thank you, thank you. >> thank you! >> thank you. >> the greatest thing in this country. >> bruce marx is doing what people thought was near impossible. he is saving their homes from foreclosure. >> how many people here have tried and failed to work with your lender? that's about 100%. >> he is doing it with the legally binding support of banks and lenders getting them to modify existing loans. >> what are built this country afterworld war 2? no down payment mortgages from the va that were full underwriting that people could determine what they could afford. we have to go back to basic underwriting. these mortgages were structured to fail. interest only and negative. a home ownership deception scheme. you have to go back to the basics. >> thousands waited long hours over several days armed with bank statements, income tax returns and hope. >> everyone here has a story. many are victims of predatory lending and lost a job or others are facing foreclosure. the one thing they have in common and is they all want to pay to stay in their homes. after her mortgage payments doubled to $1200, she came hoping to negotiate a 30-year fixed 3.75 rate, the average modified mortgage here. >> a lot of pressure and stress out. it's just i can't sleep. >> marx's army of workers from the neighborhood assistance corporation of america processed the paperwork, sending completed packages electronically to 500 lenders less than 50 feet away. >> for they are paying a $2,000 mortgage payment and they can only afford $1300, the bank has to do the restructuring to get to that $1300 mortgage payment and bring it down to as low as 2% or reduce the principal. it's one mortgage product. no down payment and the bank pays all of the closing costs and fees and 1% below markets. today's rate is 3.75%. you don't need perfect credit. >> what is in it for the banks? >> homeowner sustainability. >> some people say the banks are giving loans to people who can afford. what happened? why wasn't that the case before? >> we don't claim perfection and we can't harp on what happened in the past. what we are doing is putting our best food forward. >> dear they just get a loan? >> the reality is it's good business. banks make less on foreclosures. the reality for this homeowner, she was able to modify her mortgage from 5.5 to 3.75, lowering her payments by $170 a month down to $480. >> what are does this now mean for you? >> well, i will be able to pay my mortgage every month on time. it means a great deal to me. >> a great deal to bruce marx. >> an ex-activist who is doing what nobody else is able to do. get lenders to the table and fix the mortgage mess. >> thanks a lot. thank you. >> cnn, asulanta. >> jon huntsman may be dropping out tomorrow, but it won't stop the talk of the republicans going after each other. is it possible the attacks are helping? we will discuss after a quick break. as we reported to you first at the top of the hour, presidential hopeful jon huntsman will dropout of the race on monday and endorse mitt romney. romney's rivals are blanketing the state in search of votes. newt gingrich started at the cathedral of praise church. rick santorum who picked up the backing of top leaders this weekend visited the same church on saturday. santorum and rick perry attended a faith and freedom prayer breakfast in myrtle beach. we expect democrats to go after republicans, but what about when republicans go after each other. backing romney and gingrich, they are blasting the airwavings with negative ads. rick perry has gone after romney over his career. i asked if these attacks are helping president obama. >> what i think newt and rick perry have done is deliver a massive gift to mitt romney with a ribbon tide around it. it gave mitt romney a voice. he positioned himself as the defender of capitalism and people like me who can muster simply marginal enthusiasm can amount enthusiasm for free markets. another thing this does is threatens to exhaust that line of attack before it gets to obama. they see it as a dress rehearsal? this is going to be played out. >> listen. not that there hasn't been a lot of fun that has been made of these campaigns in their own volition, but time for comic relief. leave it to stephen colbert to take the ads to the extreme. here's one that was released. >> as head of bain capital he carved them up and got rid of what he couldn't use. if mitt romney believes -- >> corporations are people, my friend. >> then mitt romney is a serial killer. he's mitt the ripper. >> is he showing the absurdity with sat ire or what do you think? is he making a mockery of the system? >> he's doing what he's always done is making a mockery of the entire system. this is absolutely ridiculous the level of drama that the super pacs are trying to build up on both sides. there is no way in which you can control how the message is delivered and make sure the information being shared is accurate. i love the fact that he is poking fun not at any particular party, butt process in which the election is happening. i thought it was hilarious. >> listen to david axel rod, campaign adviser to president obama. he told candy crowley he is worried the super pacs will go after obama in the fall. >> the other thing that worriys me with the super pacs with governor romney and others, there will be a ton of money aimed -- >> democratic too? are. >> not nearly of the scale on the republican side. they are talking upwards of a half billion in negative ads from interest group who is don't disclose and raise unlimited amounts of money. that is a very, very concerning thing. >> legit worry? >> that is complete and utter spin. president obama is the warren buffett of fund-raising and he attracts money and accumulates. he will be the $750 million. she throwing dinners atnd money all over the process. >> jon hundred dollarsman gets out on monday and endorses mitt romney. six days until the primary. stay with us for the most complete coverage. could snow add time to your drive on monday? we will check in for answers for you. may seem like the stuff of fairy tales. but if you take away the faces on the trees... take away the pixie dust. take away the singing animals, and the storybook narrator... [ man ] you're left with more electric trucks. more recycled shipping materials... and a growing number of lower emissions planes... which still makes for a pretty enchanted tale. ♪ la la la [ man ] whoops, forgot one... [ male announcer ] sustainable solutions. fedex. solutions that matter. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] entune mobile technology. ♪ stronger! ♪ stand a little taller [ male announcer ] stay seamlessly connected to your smart phone. available on the reinvented 2012 camry. from toyota. ♪ and it hasn't been going exactly as planned. cut. cut! [ monica ] i thought we'd be on location for 3 days -- it's been 3 weeks. so i had to pick up some more things. good thing i've got the citi simplicity card. i don't get hit with a fee if i'm late with a payment... which is good because on this job, no! bigger! [ monica ] i may not be home for a while. [ male announcer ] the new citi simplicity card. no late fees. no penalty rate. no worries. >> other stories as well from the white house. what need to know. we begin with the president's plans for the week. >> this week president obama will continue making his economic pushas he rakes in cash to fuel his reelection campaign. on thursday he will attend a high dollar event at the home of spike lee. 40 people are expected to attend described as an intimate fund-raiser. $38,500 per person. before heading out of town, president obama will welcome the world series champion st. louis cardinals to the white house. he will honor them for the big victory last year. >> i'm barbara starr at the pentagon. leon panetta will put the finishing touches on the new defense budget the billions in cuts, reductions in personnel and some of the most significant trimming in decades. now that the wars in iraq and afghanistan are either wrapped up or wrapping up. the world stage is still intruding. tensions with iran remain sky high. we learned that the iranians harassed two u.s. ships in recent days in the persian gulf. tensions in pakistan remain high. the u.s. is watching that country 24-7 as there concerns about a military coo with that ally that has nuclear weapons. >> wall street gearing up for a slew of corporate earnings of particular interest, the big banks. we will hear from citigroup, bank of america and morgan stanley. the home sales figures and two key readings on inflation. the market will be closed on monday for martin luther king day and reopens on tuesday. we will track it all for ow cnn money. >> here's what we are watching this week. we are right there on the red carpet for the golden globes and i will have the wrap up of the winners and the shockers and of course the fashion. also the lovely jessica alba and the legendary dave navarro stopped by this week. exclusively week nights eastern and pacific on hln. >> what are will monday's weather bring as you head into work. wet and icy roads? jacky is in the severe weather center with tomorrow's commute tonight. >> a holiday tomorrow so a lot of people are not going in. we will talk about the day part and the week ahead. we have big changes and it's all about the west tomorrow. our jet stream pattern has changed. look at the moisture moving into los angeles and in seattle today, you have been dealing with snow. take a look at the video out of seattle. two inches that caused a lot of problems on the roadways. this is the first measurable snowfall you have been dealing with. snow will remain in the forecast tomorrow and a big storm heading your way on wednesday. we will show you the jet stream across the west kept at bay as the jet stream has been up to the north. it's taken a visit here across the pacific northwest and throughout the week it will meander up and down. the storm track within the jet stream and we will see heavy snow. all of the mountain chaps by this time next weekend should have snowfall. a snow and ice change for a lot of people. a little wet. that will be the weather story. city number five is salt lake city looking for snow in that area. city number four is indianapolis with rain showers. chicago is coming in at number three with rain and blustery conditions for the afternoon. number two is portland with snow and rain and number is seattle. dealing with the snow showers. >> thank you very much. next, a cnn exclusive. a syrian town is under siege as protests grow. after the break, we take you to the battle ground in a story you will only see on cnn. t the mall. [ male announcer ] great tasting tap water can come from any faucet anywhere. the brita bottle with the filter inside. so, you're looking for help great tasting tap water can come from any faucet anywhere. with your mortgage, worried about foreclosure. we can help you keep your house. all we ask for in return is that you submit to our plans for galactic domination. [laughing] [laughing hesitantly] [laughing evilly] sign. announcer: if you're facing foreclosure, talk to the right people. speak with hud-approved housing counselors free of charge at... it's called a crack down, but what happened in syria feels like a war. that's what nick robertson discovered when he traveled to the city for an exclusive look at the violence. the syrian government tried to keep a lid on the unrest and now we know why. >> on the road it feels like we are entering a war. we see the check posts and then this. civilians, the first we meet. what these people have told us is that they are fleeing. they are running away and haven't got any possessions with them and don't have a car either. just getting out of town as fast as they can. further on at the frontline, more people fleeing. we cross to the anti-government side. follow-through twisting streets into the town's center. little can prepare them or us for the welcome we receive. thousands of protesters. >> the crowd has gone absolutely wild. they arrived even carrying them on their shoulders here. they are treating them as if they are gods. they have been sent here to save them. bitter anger against the government is everywhere. >> every day, every morning, shooting. >> two or three people have been killed. more than 60 wounded. for the last three days she adds water, electricity, and phones have been cutoff. >> they striking anything! in the street. kill people. isolation people. can you understand me? >> yes. >> we don't need this regime. can you understand me? they are killing us! >> inside the nearby mosque, arab league monitors use the calm to take down more monitors. this man told us she was got going out to get bread and lost a finger. his brother was killed. in this mountain town close to the border with lebanon, military defectors with the freeze syrian army say they have 70 lightly armed fighters. we don't see them, but the monitors do. after more than an hour, the monitors inch through the crowds and more and more press forward. they don't want the monitors from the arab league to go, telling them soldiers will use the tanks to fire on the town as soon as they leave. in apparent desperation, the crowd turns on the monitors and beats their car and begins to throw rocks, forcing them to drive a dangerous road towards frontline troops, not expecting them. gunshots fired and monitors stop and wave their orange jacket to show who they are. a half mile, 800 meters ahead, the road is blocked. it is the syrian government frontline. we are forced to stop. it is not a safe place to be. they are trying to shout out to the soldiers to clear the road and clear the barricade. it's a road that is not used often. the soldiers seem to be nervous. they won't let the monitors cross. as we wait, soldiers bring out one of the dead saying he has just been shot. they shout at the camera, film, film. is this the freedom you want? is this what the world wants? is this the syria you are looking for? around us the soldiers are edgy. occasional shots ring out. finally after an hour and a half in the danger zone, a digger is broad for the. two soldiers begin clearing the barricade. gunfire erupts. not clear who is shooting. soldiers run for cover. the monitors race for safety. they pass plenty of armored vehicles with heavy machine guns. 20 seconds later, they stop at the frontline army base. soldiers cheer the president and then this. an unprovoked attack on the monitors. as they drive out, they leave behind a city under siege. cnn, syria. >> thank you very much. remember that russian fuel tanker we have been telling you about going to nome, alaska? it reached its destination, but the work is far from over. man on tv: ...rbis and 36 homers. swings at the first pitch and fouls it deep back into the stands. [ding] [fans whirring] announcer: chill raw and prepared foods promptly. one in 6 americans will get sick from food poisoning this year. check your steps at will be giving away passafree copies of the alcoholism & addiction cure. to get yours, go to the russian fuel tanker bound for nome, alaska has arrived. the ship led the way breaking through 300 miles of ice. joined on the phone by mayor denise michaels. how does it feel to have the fuel tanker in nome where you were running low on fuel? >> it's a good feeling. we are halfway there. the main concern was to have the delivery done. now they are in the process of laying the hose down and working with the state and federal compliance officials and they have a meeting and hopefully tomorrow is when it will start going through the lines. we are pretty excited. >> you mentioned the hose. i understand they are useing it to get the fuel into the town. is whether a factor with that? >> yeah, whether is always a factor. we are finally above 0 for the first time in a long time and the winds are calm. it looks pretty good. >> good, good. this is the first ever attempt to bring a settlement through sea ice. are you confident that it will get through? >> you're right. we had a little concern it was never done. there was no policies. we had to create different experts to get to here. we are just very happy it's halfway here. the remaining other half with the crew back home wants to transfer successfully. >> we wish you the best of luck. nome alaska, we appreciate it. >> next, a report that could make you question your racial identity that terms with the passing. we will explain the meaning of the one drop rule. first this. we have an extra cash or absolutely no savings at all. there steps you can take to make your money work for you in 2012 and you don't have to be a risk taker to get a good return. we talk about that in mastering your money. >> you might want to look into tips and you also might just want to if you have a home that you have a mortgage on that you will stay in for the rest of your live and you are 45 or older, take that money and pay down the mortgage. when the mortgage goes away you don't need as much income for that expense. >> your credit score, how do you get it up and fix credit in a tough time. what should the priorities be? >> you can fix it simple by always if you have credit cards and not everybody does, but if you have them, pay your credit cards on time. never go over your limit. really be there with them and pay down your credit. the thing that counts most on fico scores is your debt, what you oh, to your credit limit ratio. if you pay down your debt the ratio goes down and fico score goes up. >> we have been working down the ladder and we will talk about those probably almost in two american who is have virtually no money and can't get credit. they lost a lot of stuff and can't get a credit card and not even a secured credit card. >> they can get a secured credit card obviously. to get a secured card you have to put a sum of money like $1,000 to secure the card. now you have a card and you can charge. you charge $200 on it. they don't take the money from what you put down. they say now you owe me $200. i don't have $200. you pay me $20 a month at 19% interest. here we have this person again getting themselves into trouble on a secure card. i don't like secure cards, however if it is your only alternative to build a credit score right here and right now because there not alternatives, it's one way to go. you know when i grow up, i'm going to own my own restaurant. i want to be a volunteer firefighter. when i grow up, i want to write a novel. i want to go on a road trip. when i grow up, i'm going to go there. i want to fix up old houses. [ female announcer ] at aarp we believe you're never done growing. i want to fall in love again. [ female announcer ] discover what's next in your life. get this free travel bag when you join at >> in the years following the abolition of slavery, some feared a rise in interracial relationships. states began passing laws with any child with a negro and white parent could be considered black and denied the rights of white people. a child with one blood would be called the one drop rule that is unconstitutional in the u.s. supreme court in 1967. it caused african-americans to pass and pretend they were white without telling their families leaving a lot of families not knowing they had black blood. the legacy of the one-drop rule still exists in today's culture. one expert is an african studies scholar who does research on skin color politics. >> explain the one drop rule. >> historically is the rule of hypodecent is meant to protect whiteness and to be able to name and cite who was white. >> drop, 1/32nd? >> that would make that person negro or african-american. whatever classification they used at the time. >> 'do this project? what's the purpose? >> this is my father. >> a way for us to think about identity and a way for people to define their blackness, if you will, above and beyond legality. we see blackness as a richer identity than one drop of blood. how do you quantify blood? >> that's my cultural, ethnic and racial background. >> when you read the contributor narratives, you understand how they see themselves as black or african-american. >> i am black. i am proud of it. >> why is that important? >> it's important for us to be able to see how people themselves identify. what's interesting is most people say they have this experience of people walking up and saying what are you in you look at the website and some you might say they are black? she could pass. this idea of passing. it's not that they are trying to be anything other than what they are. >> everyone in my family is lighter than me. most people in my family on my mother's side. the people would mistake my mother for white when i was a kid. your mom wasn't here. that's my mom. i thought she was white. people want to categorize. what is it that makes people want to put you in a category. what difference does it make? >> america was founded on race and racial difference. still race absolutely defines our experience. >> i hear people say we will post racial society. >> in order to get beyond something, you have to understand it. where in your education have you been required to learn about race? >> they don't reach it. >> no. it is the foundation of this country. we have to talk about race. we have to talk about racial difference. it is a flat out lie to believe we have moved beyond race. >> let's talk about color. i write about the difference between having light and dark skin. light skin was -- you were a bit more privileged and still in society people think that way. it used to be worse. ledge talk about the privileges of having light skin even if you are a person of color. >> whiteness is normative. whiteness has come to define what is human and valuable and beautiful. when we look at women, the ways in which you determine a woman's beauty is straight hair, colored eyes or different complexion and the same is true for men. subconscious or historically what that said or communicated is that if you have lighter skin, we assume you have white in your blood. to have white in your blood micks you less african and more civilizes. >> that are name is say catalyst to have a discussion about race. >> why is it so hard to have a discussion about race? >> to discuss race is uncomfortable. white people have been associated with on the oppressor. black people have been the oppressed. some people don't want to deal with that. i don't want to be associated with that. i'm not that kind of person. i'm not racist. to talk about race is not to say let's deal with the reality we are in. >> i know because every time there is a discussion about race, people say racism will be over if you guys stop talking about it. i go come on. >> where in history did silence change anything? silence doesn't make stuff go away. it just makes it silent. >> the conversation continues on line. logon to america. you can go there and read my personal story on the one-drop rule, passing for white and colorism. growing up in the 60s and 70s. as the nation celebrates martin luther king junior's birthday, change is on the way for the new memorial in washington, d.c. we will explain that straight ahead. thermacare works differently. it's the only wrap with patented heat cells that penetrate deep to relax, soothe, and unlock tight muscles for up to 16 hours of relief. that's 8 hours while you wear it, plus an additional 8 hours of relief after you take it off. can your patch, wrap, cream or rub say that? so if you've got pain... get up to 16 hours of pain relief with thermacare. and it hasn't been going exactly as planned. cut. cut! [ monica ] i thought we'd be on location for 3 days -- it's been 3 weeks. so i had to pick up some more things. good thing i've got the citi simplicity card. i don't get hit with a fee if i'm late with a payment... which is good because on this job, no! bigger! [ monica ] i may not be home for a while. [ male announcer ] the new citi simplicity card. no late fees. no penalty rate. no worries. ♪ tell me what you really mean ♪ do you know what you want? ♪ while beating up on yesterday ♪ ♪ rolling on, moving on [ female announcer ] the space of a small suv. and more ways to connect to your world. ♪ do you know what you are? the all-new prius v from toyota. ♪ do you know? >> we are going to get caught up on your headlines. jon huntsman dropping out of the republican race for president. a senior official told us and the announcement will happen on monday. huntsman will endorse mitt romney and hoping for a boost after new hampshire, but his third place finish was not enough. two americans are among the missing in the concordia cruise ship disaster. 128 americans were on the ship, but only 118 are accounted for. the owner of the ship is blaming the captain, saying that significant human error on his part led to the ship running aground. the captain could be charged with manslaughter and abandoning ship. the fbi is asking residents to help find the body of a missing montana teacher. cher i arnold was last seen in an early morning jog. two men are being held and authorities say evidence gathered indicates she may be dead. the property owners in western north dakota and north eastern montana have been asked to look along tree lines for signs of a grave. crowds gathered to celebrate the birthday of dr. martin luther king,jr. for the first time at his memorial on the national mall. many were thrilled to hear that the national park service will change the q

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,2016 ,Oman ,Party ,Chance ,Will ,Slice ,Relationship ,South Carolina Primary ,Votes ,Bet ,80 ,70 ,Anything ,Something ,Way ,Thing ,Candidates ,Southern Republican Leadership Conference ,Host Skpug ,8 ,00 ,Cruise Ship Disaster 128 Americans ,Cruise Ship ,Workers ,Tune ,Eastern ,Two ,World ,Water ,Others ,Concordia ,Cab Iins ,1500 ,Course ,Conditions ,Situation ,Cold ,Flight ,Person ,People ,Ship ,Company ,Finger ,Helmets ,Captain ,Statement ,Part ,Island ,Boat ,Investigation ,Human Error ,Indications ,Master Captain ,Charges ,Arrest ,Consequences ,Hod ,Manslaughter ,Death Toll ,Couple ,Onning Ship ,Bodies ,Rescuers ,Band ,Life Vests ,24 ,Length ,Port Side ,Destruction ,Newlyweds ,Garb ,Images ,Shore Dwarfing ,Tour ,Costa Concordia ,Hit ,Chart ,Driver ,Wreck ,Rock ,Reefer ,The Ship S Captain ,Planning ,Possibility ,Paint ,Reef ,Hull ,Rocks ,Translator ,Nautical Chart ,300 ,100 ,150 ,Contact ,Officials ,Crew ,Shore ,We Shouldn T ,Friends Ashore ,Passengers ,Chaos ,Picture ,Search 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,Packages ,500 ,000 ,50 ,2000 ,1300 ,Fees ,Markets ,Restructuring ,Closing Costs ,Principal ,Mortgage Product ,1 ,Credit ,Homeowner Sustainability ,Wasn T ,We Can T Harp On ,Case ,Perfection ,Reality ,Homeowner ,Loan ,Foreclosures ,Food ,Business ,Payments ,480 ,170 ,Deal ,Ex Activist ,Nobody ,Mortgage Mess ,Table ,Thanks A Lot ,Asulanta ,Attacks ,Break ,Talk ,Jon Huntsman Will Dropout ,Top ,Backing ,Leaders ,Rivals ,Cathedral Of Praise Church ,Freedom ,Prayer Breakfast ,Church ,Faith ,Rick Perry ,Ads ,Each Other ,Airwavings ,Career ,Gift ,Ribbon Tide ,Is ,Enthusiasm ,Defender ,Capitalism ,Voice ,Hasn T ,Attack ,Fun ,Campaigns ,Dress Rehearsal ,It ,Head ,Volition ,Extreme ,The ,Comic Relief ,Bain Capital ,Stephen Colbert ,Serial Killer ,Corporations ,Friend ,Couldn T Use ,The Ripper ,System ,Mockery ,Absurdity ,Pacs ,Message ,Sides ,Drama ,Level ,Making A Mockery ,Election ,Process ,Fact ,Information Being Shared ,David Axel Rod ,Candy Crowley ,Ow Cnn Money ,Half ,Ton ,Scale ,Mare ,Disclose ,Spin ,Interest Group ,Who Is Don T ,Amounts ,Fund Raising ,Atnd ,Warren Buffett ,50 Million ,750 Million ,Coverage ,Stay ,Jon Hundred Dollarsman ,Six ,Stuff ,Drive ,Faces ,Animals ,Fairy Tales ,Trees ,Answers ,Pixie Dust ,Number ,Solutions ,Shipping ,Planes ,Storybook Narrator ,Tale ,Materials ,Emissions ,Matter ,La ,Electric Trucks ,Fedex ,Toyota ,Smart Phone ,Mobile Technology ,Camry ,2012 ,Monica ,Cut ,Location ,Citi Simplicity Card ,3 ,Simplicity Card ,Payment ,Penalty Rate ,Worries ,Fee ,Bigger ,Plans ,Stories ,White House ,Cash ,Event ,Reelection Campaign ,Pushas ,40 ,Cardinals ,Fund Raiser ,Big Victory Last ,World Series Champion St ,Louis ,8500 ,38500 ,Personnel ,Some ,Trimming ,Touches ,Cuts ,Reductions ,Defense Budget ,Billions ,Wars ,Leon Panetta ,Barbara Starr ,Pentagon ,Iraq ,Tensions ,Ships ,Intruding ,The World Stage ,Iran ,Iranians ,Sky High ,Afghanistan ,Military Coo ,Rally ,Weapons ,Persian Gulf ,Pakistan ,7 ,Earnings ,Slew ,Bank Of America ,Wall Street ,Citigroup ,Morgan Stanley ,Market ,Inflation ,Home Sales Figures ,Readings ,Martin Luther King Day ,Wrap Up ,Winners ,Fashion ,Shockers ,Globes ,Red Carpet ,Dave Navarro ,Jessica Alba ,Work ,Weather ,Center ,Roads ,Commute Tonight ,Icy ,Jacky ,Pacific On Hln ,Changes ,Jet Stream Pattern ,Seattle ,West ,Moisture ,Los Angeles ,Snow ,Snowfall ,Look ,Storm ,Roadways ,Forecast ,Video ,Problems ,Jet Stream ,Visit ,North ,Bay ,Pacific Northwest ,Ice ,The Mountain Chaps ,Storm Track ,Salt Lake City ,Weather Story ,Area ,Indianapolis ,Rain Showers ,Chicago ,Five ,Four ,Rain ,Afternoon ,Snow Showers ,Portland ,Next ,Cnn Exclusive ,Three ,Siege ,Protests ,Battle Ground ,T The Mall ,Tap Water ,House ,Tasting ,Return ,Domination ,Laughing Hesitantly ,Laughing Evilly ,Charge ,Housing Counselors ,Sign ,Crack Down ,Syria ,Violence ,Unrest ,Lid ,On The Road ,Civilians ,Check Posts ,Haven T ,Car ,Frontline ,Fast ,Possessions ,Little ,Twisting Streets ,Crowd ,Shoulders ,Protesters ,Danger ,Gods ,Electricity ,Phones ,Everywhere ,Cutoff ,60 ,Kill People ,Isolation People ,The Street ,Regime ,Monitors ,Calm ,Mosque ,Arab League ,Bread ,Military Defectors ,Freeze ,Brother ,Border ,Syrian Army ,Lebanon ,Fighters ,Soldiers ,Crowds ,Tanks ,Press Forward ,Road ,Desperation ,Frontline Troops ,Jacket ,Gunshots ,800 ,Place ,Barricade ,Shot ,Film ,Camera ,Shots ,Digger ,Danger Zone ,Gunfire ,Cover ,Safety ,Vehicles ,Frontline Army Base ,20 ,City Under Siege ,Fuel Tanker ,Nome ,Destination ,Alaska ,Russian ,Homers ,Stands ,Rbis ,Tv ,Pitch ,Swings ,Fouls ,Ding ,Fans Whirring ,36 ,Foods ,Food Poisoning ,Steps ,6 ,Copies ,Alcoholism ,Addiction Cure ,Ssagesmalibubook Com ,Fuel ,Denise Michaels ,Phone ,Concern ,Whose ,Feeling ,Delivery ,Lines ,Compliance ,Meeting ,Factor ,0 ,Time ,Sea Ice ,Winds ,Settlement ,Policies ,Luck ,Experts ,Best ,Passing For White ,Identity ,Terms ,One Drop Rule ,Meaning ,Savings ,Risk Taker ,Money ,Expense ,Income ,Rest ,45 ,Credit Score ,Credit Cards ,Everybody ,Priorities ,Fix ,Fico ,Debt ,Scores ,Limit ,Credit Limit Ratio ,Score ,Ratio ,Ladder ,Card ,Credit Card ,Sum ,1000 ,Cards ,Trouble ,19 ,Alternative ,Alternatives ,Restaurant ,Road Trip ,Novel ,Volunteer Firefighter ,Houses ,Travel Bag ,Growing ,Love ,Aarp ,Child ,Rights ,States ,Parent ,Relationships ,Negro ,Slavery ,Rise ,Laws ,Abolition ,Blood ,White ,African Americans ,U S Supreme Court ,1967 ,Rule ,Expert ,Legacy ,Culture ,Studies ,Whiteness ,Scholar ,Skin Color ,Hypodecent ,Project ,Drop ,Classification ,Person Negro Or ,1 32 ,Blackness ,Father ,Legality ,Purpose ,Above And Beyond ,Narratives ,Contributor ,Background ,Experience ,Website ,Idea ,Mom ,Kid ,Categorize ,Difference ,Category ,Society ,They Don T ,Foundation ,Order ,Education ,Skin ,Color ,Lie ,Privileged ,Flat Out ,Let ,Ways ,Light Skin ,Privileges ,Women ,Ledge ,Men ,Subconscious ,Same ,Hair ,Complexion ,Beauty ,Woman ,Eyes ,Discussion ,Name ,Civilizes ,Oppressor ,Catalyst ,Oppressed ,Guys ,Racism ,Silence ,History ,Come On ,Silence Doesn T Make Stuff Go Away ,Conversation ,Colorism ,Logon To Cnn Com In America ,The One Drop Rule ,Birthday ,Thermacare ,Wrap ,Heat Cells ,Memorial ,Change ,Nation ,Martin Luther King ,The 60s And 70s ,Washington D C ,Junior ,Relief ,Spain ,Muscles ,Cream ,Patch ,16 ,Pain Relief ,Rolling On ,Space ,Suv ,Moving On ,Prius V ,Headlines ,Americans ,Missing ,Finish ,Boost ,New Hampshire ,128 ,Ship Running Aground ,118 ,Residents ,Body ,Cher I Arnold ,Fbi ,Missing Montana Teacher ,Tree Lines ,Property Owners ,Signs ,Jog ,Authorities ,Evidence ,North Eastern Montana ,North Dakota ,Everything ,Shouldn T ,Information ,Nomination ,The City Under Siege ,Prebration ,Ship S Captain Under Arrest ,Jr ,Grave ,Dr ,Q ,National Mall ,National Park Service ,53 ,

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