phone etiquette, the man was an older gentleman but tells the "new york times" he had just gotten the iphone the day before the concert and he didn't know how it worked, didn't know it had an alarm, didn't know how to turn it off. according to "the times" he apologized to the conductor face to face. apology accepted. the lesson learned. at least turn the ringer off. now this. here we go. top of the hour two. welcome back. couple of stories we're watching for you. president obama wants to shrink the government. joran van der sloot learns his fate. and cnn sits down with oprah winfrey in a revealing interview. time to play reporter roulette. dan lothian, let's begin with you at the white house. a new push to try to cut part of the federal government bureaucracy. dan lothian, what's the plan? >> that's right in is something that the president started talking about during his state of the union address last year. he really believes that the federal government is bloated. there's a lot of it, inefficiency, redund dance difficult between agencies and even within some of the agencies. so the president wants to get the powers last held by president ronald reagan. he wants to get that back, the congress to give him the green light to reorganize the administration believing this could save $3 billion over ten years. specifically, six agencies that the president wants to combine into one, including commerce, small business administration, and the office of the u.s. trade rep where the president believes there's some overlap. >> right now there are six departments and agencies focused primarily on business and trade and the federal government. six. commerce department, small business administration, the u.s. trade representative's office, in this case six is not better than one. >> now, the president says that he will elevate the small business administration to a cabinet level position. that is something that he will not need congressional approval for. now, some republicans are being critical the timing of this announcement saying that it really smacks of election year politics. but none the less, promising to give the president's request a careful review. brooke? >> dan lothian, thank you. next on reporter roulette let's go to jean casarez in new york with the news of the crime suspect in the natalee holloway disappearance. he's going to spend a long time in prison for a separate case in pe peru. what was the sentence in the joran van der sloot case and his demeanor in court today. >> he was sentenced to 28 years just minutes ago in a per you'vian court. alease date of june 10, 2038. in nine years he can petition for parole. his demeanor, well, he seemed a little nervous. seemed a little scared. sweating profusely. and then at the point of time where they started describing the condition of stephany flor s flores' body, he bowed his head and didn't look up again. >> what about his status in the natalee holloway disappearance? has anything changed? >> nothing has changed in that case. but the united states does have federal extortion charges and wire fraud charges against joran van der sloot based upon right before he went to peru, him agreeing to tell natalee's mother where her body is for a mere $250,000. he accepted $25,000. that took him to peru, but now we have charges and we can extradite joran van der sloot to this country. >> jeanne casarez, thanks. next on reporter roulette, south africa in a one-on-one interview with, of all people, oprah winfrey. let's talk politics first since we are in an election year. do we know if she's endorsing president obama this time around? >> we'll know oprah likes to open up, share, and she was pretty frank about why she wasn't publicly endorsing barack obama this time around. take a listen to what she said. >> i don't need to endorse him because i am a 100% supporter of him. and i've already endorsed him and i've already, you know, everybody always asks, are you going to do what you did in 2008. what i did in 2008 i did because people didn't know really -- my own friends didn't know who he was at the time. who is this guy? do you think that guy is going to be president? i go, yeah, i really do. so i was happy to step up and do what i felt was a public service because i so believed in him and i still do. >> brooke, i actually asked her if she would rate barack obama's presidency on a score of either -- between one to ten. she wouldn't do that, surprise, surprise, but he did say the fact that she wasn't publicly endorsing him didn't mean that she was disappointed in him. >> what about just the reason she's in south africa, i'm guessing it for her school for girls? >> absolutely. you'll remember, she started this school giving disadvantaged young girls from very, very poor backgrounds a chance at a very excellent education. the first group of girls to graduate is graduating tomorrow. they're going to universities here in south africa. and also in the states. so she's here to pay respects to them. >> robin kurnow, thank you very much. that's your reporter roulette for this friday. i want to pass this along to you. a judge has revealed that john edwards is suffering from a life-threatening heart condition and has delayed edwards' trial until at least march 26th. the former nor is accused of use campaign funds to pay off mistress during his presidential campaign. his trial was supposed to begin later this month. he's expected to have a procedure in february. and this hour, we are watching the dow as it takes a dive. the reason, investors are getting some pretty bad news that could impact americans, your 401(k)s, plus dozens of pow wereful social conservatives are all coming together over the next two days to discuss whether to unite and back one republican candidate. so, who might that be? also this -- >> she can hear the kids screaming from the top of their lungs while she's trying to read. >> you need to take your child out of this school. >> young students allegedly locked in what are called scream rooms. wait until you hear what parents say happened behind closed doors. and heather locklear rushed to the hospital after reportedly taking a dangerous mix of pills and booze. dad, why are you getting that? is there a prize in there? oh, there's a prize, all right. [ male announcer ] inside every box of cheerios are those great-tasting little o's made from carefully selected oats that can help lower cholesterol. is it a superhero? kinda. ♪ i understand you need a little help with your mortgage, want to avoid foreclosure. candy? um-- well, you know, you're in luck. we're experts in this sort of thing, mortgage rigamarole, whatnot. why don't we get a contract? who wants a contract? [honks horn] [circus music plays] here you go, pete. thanks, betty. betty: we're out of toner. announcer: if you're facing foreclosure, talk to the right people. speak with hud-approved housing counselors free of charge at... happening right now, you're about to see it, rapid fire beginning in montana. missing montana schoolteacher has been found dead and the fbi says they have now one suspect in custody. sherry an nod was missing for six days. school announced the news of her death just a couple hours ago. she went running last saturday morning and simply never returned. search crews found one of her shoes. that was the only clue they made public. closing prisons, that is what's about to happen in florida due to a decline in the number of inmates over the past four years. seven prin prisons to be shut down in july. the largest is the new river facility in rayford with more than 1400 inmates. inmates will not be released early. they will be transferring employees. heather locklear in the hospital. rescuers responded to an emergency call from her home, or i should say a home in thousand oaks, california, yesterday. tmz reports that locklear's sister called 911 after locklear had taken both prescription drugs and alcohol. in texas, a mom's suv was stolen with her 18-month-old son inside. surveillance video of the store parking lot shows actually what happened last night. the mother says she left her jeep running just for a moment so she could run inside the store. >> i left my son and my niece and my son in the car because it's cold and windy and i had just gotten them bundled up and i didn't want to take them back out. i saw my niece running towards me screaming my name and my car going down the road. i dropped everything and ran toward the car. >> thankfully houston police found the little boy still in the suv this morning behind a strip mall not too far from the store. let's look at this together. yeah. pretty big fish. south florida fishermen found this rare ten-foot saw fish. it was already dead in the water. apparently abandoned by another fishermen. they are protected by florida's state launchts another picture for you, a plane in a tree. authorities say the pilot had been drinking. when he landed in the trees, this is rural wisconsin, neighbors say he did manage to get out of the plane, crilimb down, walk to a barn and sleep it off before knocking on their door. the pilot only had minor injuries. and to wall street we go where investors are reacting to some bad news for europe. the dow, let's take a look, guys. i can see how far down it is today. can we pull up the big -- thank you, roger. down 64. alison kosik live at the new york stock exchange. s&p is downgrading france's aaa credit rating. what's the story behind that today? >> exactly, brooke. this isn't coming as a huge surprise if you've been following the saga known as european debt crisis. no doubt about it. still bad news. after the closing bell today in about 45 minutes, it's all but a done deal that credit ratings agency standard & poor's is going to downgrade the credit of france, austria, italy and other countries. they're going to get bumped out of the aaa club. that's the best credit rating you can have. remember what happened in august to the u.s., we lost our top notch credit status going from aaa to aa plus. now, what's happened most recently in december, the ratings agency went ahead and gave notice to the euro zone countries that this was going to happen. so today it's going to happen right after the bell. that's at least what's certainly expected. brooke? >> so why should americans care about a potential french downgrade? >> okay. so first of all, what it can mean sits going to be more expensive for those other countries downgraded to borrow money and pay off their debts. it could. now, for strong economies, these downgrades don't necessarily happen a lot. when they do it's a concern. and when you think about what happened with the u.s., when it was downgraded in august, brooke, the dow fell 600 points the next day. that was kind of a knee-jerk reaction. you saw how it really hurt confidence. especially globally. it rattled investors today as sort of these rumors come out and what's going to happen after the bell. although looks like the dow has paired some of the losses. but when you look at the u.s., it actually has rebounded prelity well from the downgrade, brooke. look at the interest rates, they've fallen since last summer. so the u.s. certainly rebounding quite well. we'll have to wait and see what happens with the other countries. brooke? >> we'll see what happens with france. we'll watch that in 45 minutes from now. thank you. still ahead, eight marines sent to war to fight and sometimes to kill. but now several of them are being questioned about video desecrating the bodies of america's enemies. michael hastings, "rolling stone" article who hook down general stanley mccrystal weighs in on the controversy. don't miss what he said. plus, severe weather, perhaps you know this all too well today. rocking a large swath of the country, also the international space station threatened by a piece of space junk. chad myers, i'll have both those stories next. ttd# 1-800-345-2550 ttd# 1-800-345-2550 let's talk about the typical financial consultation ttd# 1-800-345-2550 when companies try to sell you something off their menu ttd# 1-800-345-2550 instead of trying to understand what you really need. ttd# 1-800-345-2550 ttd# 1-800-345-2550 at charles schwab, we provide ttd# 1-800-345-2550 a full range of financial products, ttd# 1-800-345-2550 even if they're not ours. ttd# 1-800-345-2550 and we listen before making our recommendations, ttd# 1-800-345-2550 so we can offer practical ideas that make sense for you. ttd# 1-800-345-2550 ttd# 1-800-345-2550 so talk to chuck, and see how we can help you, not sell you. ttd# 1-800-345-2550 ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] entune mobile technology. ♪ stronger! ♪ stand a little taller [ male announcer ] stay seamlessly connected to your smart phone. available on the reinvented 2012 camry. from toyota. ♪ if there was an unofficial sound of winter, this is it. yes, the snowblower. this sound is being heard in a lot of places for the first time this winter. these are pictures actually just out of chicago this morning. chad myers, we had a fun little e-mail exchange earlier and you wanted to see me with a snowblower. i had, i'm a southern gal. i have never had to do that. >> i thought you could start that. >> i could totally rock a snowblower, i'm just saying i never had to. >> we have to rock them here in atlanta, everyone else in the world is trouble. exactly. we have some snow coming down. buffalo getting snow. south town is getting some. you have peak and peak. areas that want to go skiing. they like the snow. it's free. that it don't like it -- not everyone likes it to snow though. >> they don't want to make it because that's expensive. here you go the radar from buffalo back into watertown, detroit, and cleveland seeing some snow today. hey, it's winter. this is supposed to happen. this is probably the right thing. now, it is windy. and the winds have slowed down airports pretty much across all of new york and into philadelphia, boston. look at those wind gusts in new york city. 32 miles per hour. can you imagine what that feels like in the buildings when the funneling goes on. wow. that could be 50 miles an hour when you get the wind tunnels in midtown and through downtown in some spots. montreal and new york city, philadelphia, some spots, an hour, hour and 30 as it goes for the rest of the day. wrook brooke? >> okay. iss, space junk. >> yeah. >> what's the deal? >> did you hear about this? >> yes. >> there is a coffee cup size that the only found a couple days ago, piece of junk from an old uranium satellite floating around in a direct path with the iss. if it would hit it it would knock it out of the sky. literally. >> they're moving it. >> they put the thrusters on. they raised the iss 1,000 feet. this piece of space junk is going to fly under it and the iss will be fine. >> safe. >> it happens all the time but this is scary. they only found it two days ago. if they were a little bit late, somebody was sleeping on the job, it could have put a hole right through the iss. how do they find it? exactly. >> it's awesome. chad, thank you. >> you're welcome. coming up, dozens of social conservatives are coming together, talking about you you nig nighting, balking just one presidential candidate. who might that person be and what impact could that have? we're all over that. plus, we're learn more about a man who opened fire at his workplace three people are dead. that developing story next. ♪ he was a 21st century global nomad ♪ ♪ home was an airport lounge and an ipad ♪ ♪ made sure his credit score did not go bad ♪ ♪ with a free-credit-score-dot-com ♪ ♪ app that he had ♪ downloaded it in the himalayas ♪ ♪ while meditating like a true playa ♪ ♪ now when he's surfing down in chile'a ♪ ♪ he can see when his score is in danger ♪ ♪ if you're a mobile type on the go ♪ ♪ i suggest you take a tip from my bro ♪ ♪ and download the app that lets you know ♪ ♪ at free-credit-score-dot-com now let's go. ♪ vo: offer applies with enrollment in™. you know, typical alarm clock. i am so glad to get rid of it. just to be able to wake up in the morning on your own. that's a big accomplishment to me. i don't know how much money i need. but i know that whatever i have that's what i'm going to live within. ♪ ♪ ♪ when bp made a commitment to the gulf, we knew it would take time, but we were determined to see it through. today, while our work continues, i want to update you on the progress: bp has set aside 20 billion dollars to fund economic and environmental recovery. we're paying for all spill- related clean-up costs. and we've established a 500 million dollar fund so independent scientists can study the gulf's wildlife and environment for ten years. thousands of environmental samples from across the gulf have been analyzed by independent labs under the direction of the us coast guard. i'm glad to report all beaches and waters are open for everyone to enjoy. and the economy is showing progress with many areas on the gulf coast having their best tourism seasons in years. i was born here, i'm still here and so is bp. we're committed to the gulf for everyone who loves it, and everyone who calls it home. a north carolina man killed three of his co-workers and wounded a fourth at a lumber company today. this is according to police. 50-year-old ronald dean davis opened fire and then fled the scene. they say they found him inside his home with a gunshot wound to his head. >> this is the worst thing we've had as far as this much violence and shows the potential is ev y everywhe everywhere. >> the gunman, ronald davis, is hospitalized along with his fourth victim. want to take you back now to the race for president and for that we want to bring in gloria borger. you know, you and i have definitely talked about the bruising attacks against mitt romney for his leadership at bain capital which did close down some of the firms, it bought and then obviously that meant laying off workers. the romney camp has launched a new ad to try to respond to these attacks. let's just watch one of these and listen. >> this is a business mitt romney helped start. and this one and this steel mill. mitt romney helped create and ran a company that invested in struggling businesses, grew new ones and rebuilt old ones, creating thousands of jobs. those are the facts. we expected -- >> is the romney campaign successful in beating these attacks? >> they have to try something, obviously. at the beginning as you know, brooke, we talked about this. romney seemed a little bit defensive when he said, you know, i know what it's like to get -- to have that fear of getting a pink slip. he also sounded a little authentic, i might add, when he said that. and i think what these ads are trying to do is say to voters, look, newt gingrich's pac is not right, we created jobs and i'm a job creator and not a job criminaler. i'm not a corporate raider, i'm somebody who cares about you. we'll have to see if they can blunt the impact of the gingrich ads. >> you know, something else i talked about with peter hamby in south carolina and in south carolina he is getting hit with a double whammy. how do you see that playing out with south carolina? >> social issues are going to be very important to the voters of south carolina. 60% of them are evangelicals. mitt romney is somebody who was once pro abortion rights. he no longer is. and you had rick santorum just yesterday gave a speech in which he said that you need someone who you can trust, implying that mitt romney is someone you can't trust. i also believe in addition to the cultural issues, that mitt romney is probably going to get attacked on massachusetts health care since he supported mandates in his health care plan and that would also have some resonates in south carolina. but let me add this. evangelical voters -- and we've seen this in the polling -- are not just single-issue voters. they vote on a whole variety of subjects. and they may not trust a romney on the social issues, but if they think he can improve the economy and unemployment is 9.9% in south carolina, they may just vote for mitt romney. so i think the jury is still out on that one. >> speaking of social conservatives, there is a huge group that are going to be in houston meeting for the next two days to decide whether to unite and back a certain aent candidate. i talked to tony perkins and he said, yes, we're going to pick a candidate already in the race. b my question to you is, what kind of impact will that have? >> endoshsmentes generally have had less impact than you would think. newspaper endorsements, manchester union leader. >> why. >> >> because people are independent and because they have so many more sources of news, for example, than just the union leader or -- and they can look at candidates more for themselves on television. now, i think evangelical endorsement is going to be more powerful in a funny way than a newspaper endorsement because these are your pastors and these are people you trust. and so i think that it will be interesting to see if they endorse somebody who is not a front-runner, like a rick santorum, for example, who, you know, so we just don't know. or what would be really interesting is, of course, if evangelicals go for mitt romney who is a mormon. >> you never know. >> we don't know. >> gingrich and santorum, he mentioned to me. we will find out. thank you. >> sure. coming up next, a disturbing piece of video. it shows an officer elbowing a woman in the face during a dramatic standoff. we're going the tell you what the officers tried to do to the guy reporting the thing. and parents livid over what they are calling these scream rules. unruly students allegedly locked inside. one parent said ambulances have had to come to the school because of the scream rooms. we're going to talk about that next. hi. looking good! you've lost some weight. thanks! you noticed! you know these clothes are too big now, so i'm donating them. not going back there again. good for you! how'd you do it? eating right, whole grain. whole grain? whole grain. [ female announcer ] people who choose more whole grain tend to weigh less than those who don't... multigrain cheerios has five whole grains and 110 lightly sweetened calories per serving... more grains. less you! multigrain cheerios. ♪[music plays] when you're responsible for this much of the team... you need a car you can count on. ♪[music plays] a smack down on a bus ends with a sheriff's deputy under investigation. another passenger shot the video on this suburban l.a. bus. two deputies trying to restrain the woman by holding her arms. look. see themmed holding her aarps behind. one of them hauls off and elbows her in the face. the l.a. county sheriff calls the video disturbing. >> the individual deputy who swung an elbow at the lady is looking at that as a sensible solution. we need to refrain that individual and hold him accountable. >> sunny hostin is on the case. first question, what led up to this moment? >> well, and i've seen the entire video and it really is extraordinary, brooke. apparently they were waiting, all the passengers were wait to get on the bus. one of the passengers made a call to 911 indicating there was a woman being unruly, who was being very rg meant tive and almost hit an older man in the face. well, the deputies got on the bus and apparently tried to take her off the bus. she called one of them a big shot and the next thing you know one of the deputies did elbow her in the face. she wasn't being physically combative at that point. i think that's where all of the outrage is coming from. also, many people are saying that this is a woman who was mentally ill. so, of course that is also one of the factors leading to the outrage and this video has really gone viral. >> let me ask you about that point. there is talk, i think we heard from police potentially, police are trained to deal with unruly people. what kind of training do they get in handling someone who is potentially mentally ill? >> well, in law enforcement we call it -- we call people that are mentally ill edps, emotionally disturbed persons. there are protocols specifically, brooke, for dealing with edps and there are always protocols for the use of force by police. police officers and deputies are only supposed to use the amount of force that's reasonable to deal with the situation. to deescalate a situation. certainly hitting a woman in the face with your elbow to de-escalate a non-confrontational, physically situation is not part of the protoc protocol. >> we know this passenger who pulled out his cell phone took this video, apparently he says the deputies tried to take his phone away. can they do that? can police do that? >> you know, they're not supposed to. and certainly we remember the days of rodney king, right? and since then we all have our cell phones, we all have these digital recorders. and if you want to take a video of police doing their job, but you're not interfering with them doing their job, that should be perfectly legal. it's been challenged across the states. the challenge usually fails. and so i am very surprised that that is a part of this story, brooke. i think for me that was probably one of the most disturbing parts. apparently this man is a war veteran. he just come home from overseas. and in order to sort of preserve the video he placed the memory card in his mouth and kissed his girlfriend, his fiance, so the video card would be transferred to her. so this story could be told. so really just a remarkable effort on his part and that's why we're even talking about it. >> how about that? wow. case number two here. this is news out of connecticut. there's a school in connecticut. puts unruly kids in a room all alone until they calm down. parents are upset over these time-out rooms. they're being called scream rooms. that's what the kids call them. here's how one young woman describes her sister's reaction. >> he can hear the kids screaming at the top of their lungs while she's trying to read. when she asked a teacher what's going on they never give her answers, they just say ignore it. >> a scream room, have you ever heard of this? >> no, i haven't. and i got to tell you. my lawyer hat is on, my mommy hat is on as well. i'm just fired up about this. this is unbelievable. i mean, is this where we are in the state of special education, because that's what this is dealing with. these are kids with special needs, kids with disabilities. and they are being put in these time-out rooms and allowed to just scream their heads off. and this is a story that i think is just remarkable, remarkable that this is happening in our education system today. >> when i was in school i had never heard of putting kids in a coat closet. i know our producer said that's what happened when she was young. i mean, this s. this the equivalent? is this legal? >> i think it's worse, certainly i can't even believe that's the state of things, going from coat closets to time-out rooms. and believe it or not i did some research on this, it is legal. the department of education says under state law, if you have a child with disabilities and that child has what's called an iep, an individual education plan that's made apparently in conjunction with the parents, you are allowed to put a special education child in the time-out room. i mean, it is outrageous. i say shame on you, the connecticut school, shame on you for the department of education for even allowing something like this. shouldn't we all be outraged? i mean, special -- kids with special needs are the children that need the most protection. >> i know. >> need the most help. why do something like that? >> i know. we love it when you get fired up with with mommy head on, sunny hostin. we appreciate it. thank you so much. you have a good weekend. now this. >> running down here now by the mall, i'm continuing to follow them. >> yes, chaos and violence over iphones. cnn is taking you inside this melee. apple is responding. plus, a former college football grade hears some disturbing news. the doctor tells him you have a rare disorder that could paralyze you. dr. sanjay gupta explains, next. so who ordered the cereal that can help lower cholesterol and who ordered the yummy cereal? yummy. [ woman ] lower cholesterol. [ man 2 ] yummy. i got that wrong didn't i? [ male announcer ] want great taste and whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol? honey nut cheerios. all right. just in to us here at cnn. reporting on these story, all these different par sddons that have taken place in mississippi with regard to the out going governor haley barbour. i want to bring in martin sarve vinlg. we know, martin, you spoke with the state's attorney general yesterday. they were looking for these four convicted murderers who were essentially mia. you and your crew managed to track one of them down. how and what's he saying? >> well, the way the how, actually, we were working on a profile on a victim's family. jennifer mccray was murdered in 2001 by her husband anthony mccray. we had talked to the victim's families, the pardon given to the killer of the woman who had been part of her family. while we were there, we said could you in any way get us in touch with the family members of anthony mccray. well, we'll take you by the house where he used to live. we went by and sure enough we spotted anthony mccray at that house. the same man that law enforcement said for several days they had been unable to locate. living in the address where he used to live prior to all of this happening. anyway, we went to the door. i knocked. finally after talking to a woman inside, anthony mccray stepped out and here's what's happening next. >> let me make sure i'm talking to the right person. this is anthony. >> you are anthony mccray. and you are the man convicted of killing jennifer mccray? >> yes, sir. >> the man who has been pardoned by governor barbour? >> yes, sir. >> well, first, how does it feel to be out? >> it's a blessing to be out. see my children, help take care of the children. i've been saved, i've been baptiz baptized, i've been reading the bible for 12 1/2 years. so it's just a true blessing. i didn't do this. god did this. god blessed haley barbour to do this for us. >> what do you think of the governor's decision to pardon you? >> well, you know, we were down at the governor's mansions and meet the criteria. and then, you know, you follow the criteria and this be your reward at the end of the time. >> your pardon, though, as you probably know by now, has triggered a lot of outrage. not just yours, of course. >> yes. >> but bpardons of other prisoners. what do you think about that? >> well, you know, if the lord lay on the governor's heart, the inmates who worked at the government around the world who have been working at the government mansion, did whatever they've been doing, the chores at the government mansion. thinks they should be mar dpard. everybody deserves second chance in life. >> do you think people should be angry with governor barbour? >> no, sir, because he treated us like his children. >> he treated us like his children. anthony mccray, killed his wife, shot her in the back in front of witnesses in a cafe. and that is the man that we found this morning. and apparently the same man that law enforcement was able to finally track down last night. we understand he was served with the court order that came out a couple days ago. he now knows he must report in to authorities every day. he also knows he has to be at a court hearing on the 23rd of this month and that there is a chance, a strong chance that he may go back to prison. >> so, martin, so i'm clear, law enforcement found him last night and then you found him this morning, so they are very much so aware of where he is so he is not running. he's not in hiding? >> reporter: correct. not running. says he never was running. says he was at the address where we found him from the very moment after he left the department of corrections. and that he has not fled from anywhere. he has no intention of running. he will be in that courtroom as ordered. i asked him what he thought about the possibility of going back to prison. he simply said it was all in god's hands. >> what about, we were talking, you and i, yesterday. there were these four pardoned convicted murderers and the agu you spoke to said it was possible they left legally but it was possible they would launch this nationwide man hant hunt to find them. what do you know of the status of the other three men? >> we don't know. we've made countless calls to the attorney general's office today, especially after the fact that we were able to find this one murderer because we felt if we found them clearly the attorney general's office with all of its resources and the fact they found him last night might have found the other convicted murderers that are now on the loose. but again, we have not heard anything back from the attorney general's office so we have no way of knowing -- i did talk to the department of corrections and they were unaware of any of these murderers being found. so right now we just really don't know, brooke, where things stand, whether they are also served in these documents or whether they remain out on the run and away from authorities. >> incredible that you and your team were able to track anthony mccray down. we'll look for more sound from him, of course, later on on cnn. martin savidge for us in jackson, mississippi. thank you. coming up next, "rolling stone" article whose article took down general stanley mccrystal. now michael hastings the telling us, and you're going to hear my conversation with him. you've asked at it, you've wondered. now it's back. we get a behind the scenes look we get a behind the scenes look of how we put our show together. the street a script and had them read it. no, sorry, i can't help you with that. i'm not authorized to access that transaction. that's not in our policy. i will transfer you now. my supervisor is currently not available. would you like to hold ? 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[ male announcer ] why do we grow quaker oats? because there are mountains to climb. ♪ dreams to be realized. ♪ new worlds to be explored and hearts to be won. quaker oats. energy to get you going, fiber to help fill you up and help keep your heart healthy. super people eat super grains. see this once, it's tough to forget. i'm talking about the video of u.s. marines in afghanistan apparently urinating on the corpses of taliban fighters. we're going to show you a still picture from this, but again, just a warning you may find it disturbing. military investigators say they have identified now all four men in this image. their names have not been released, but just last hour i spoke with "rolling stone" contributor editor michael hastings. in 2010 hastings wrote that article that led to the rest signature nays of the top u.s. commander in afghanistan, general stanley mcchrystal . i asked michael what kind of mindset, he's been there a number of times, what kind of mindset would lead people to this kind of video. here's what he told me. >> there's one thing that we sort of forget. marines and infantry men are taught to break the biggest taboo we have in civilization, which is don't kill people. they're trained to do that. so it's a very, very decision. once you unleash the dogs of war, to then say, oh, well, these people who have been trying to i can you that you just killed, you should treat their bodies with respect. >> i want to ask you about the mindset of some of the marines, some very young. you had access to very high brass in afghanistan. can you at all in our experience, michael, trace this attitude that we see clearly from the marines, can it be traceable up the chain? does it reflect commanders' attitudes at all? >> i would say it probably does on a certain level. i mean, i would -- >> probably does, what does that mean? >> i would say that if we injected our generals with truth serum and ask them how they felt about the afghan people they would not say they love them. i think there has been a breakdown in discipline from the top. there was explicit in my reporting on general mcchrystal but this sort of contempt for common sense that we've seen where we have, you know, again, ten years in and we have, you know, general john allen and these other top generals saying we want ten more years, if that's not a breakdown in discipline, to try to wainlg an endless war, i don't know what is. >> i mentioned a moment ago hastings "rolling stone" article about general mcchrystal because he has now expanded upon that in a new book called "the operators, the wild and terrifying inside story of america's war in afghanistan" and i asked michael about vice president joe biden whom mccrystal and a top adviser mocked who a top adviser mocked in an infamous scene from an article and the book. >> i would say if vice president biden had had his way in the strategy discussions of two years ago, we would not be looking at that video we just showed earlery today. what vice president biden advocated for is a limited footprint of american soldiers and marines in afghanistan to focus on this -- the specific counterterrorism mission, meaning specifically targets the terrorists, the al qaeda-linked terrorists who threatened the united states homeland. that's what vice president biden wanted to do. that's where we're on the path now, we're heading toward that path. >> counterterrorism plus is what he calls it. i also wanted to. >> counter. t-plus, right. invite front of the book is a glass, whiskey, scotch, whatever it is. how about the role in alcohol in your book? you write about his favorite beer being bud light lime, one of his top advisers claims he worships the god of beer. alcohol, michael, peppered throughout the book. why focus so much on that? >> well, for me, part of it is to get a sense of how these guys really live their lives. general mcchrystal is one of the most successful special forces operators in american history, and his state of was this outrageous bunch of characters who were very talented, very ambitious, and very willing to accept all sorts of risks. you listen to -- ulysses s. grant was drunk all the time. patton or mcarthur, they are huge personalities. so booze came to represent this sort of release and this intoxication. and what i -- i like to look at it metphoricly, there has been some intoxication not just with booze, but with endless war, with the sort of power that has come from the pentagon's ability to wage two wars for the past ten years. so there's sort of a metphorical thing, plus i want people to get inside of like -- it's -- we're so used to these pictures of heroes, the clean-scrubbed pictures, and whenever you can get a couple shots of whiskey into a story, it makes for better copy. that's for sure. michael hastings. and we are eight minutes away from "the situation room" with wolf blitzer and also eight minutes away from new poll numbers. >> brand-new poll numbers, national poll numbers, where the race nationally stands. we're going to share that with our viewers right at the top of the hour. we also have a special interview in the 5:00 p.m. eastern hour with the former president of pakistan, pervez musharr musharraf. he says he's going back, even though authorities say he may be arrested as soon as he gets off the plane, and there are many threats. but he's going babb irrespective, he says. we'll have that coming up in "the situation room." thank you, wolf. meantime, we're back in 90 seconds with some news on stephen colbert, but first a look behind the teams as my team and i decided this friday the 13th. >> good morning. good morning. we thought we would so something different. we're all walking into our morning meeting, so we'll show you a little bit of it. happy friday! got to go to black. got some breaking news. provocative behavior in the strait of hormuz. barbara, what happened? >> reporter: tensions could not be higher. we now know exclusively that last friday, the u.s. navy and the u.s. coast guard had encounters with iranian forces that are considered to have been very provocative. first up, the u.s. navy "new orleans" an amphibious ship was transiting, moving into the strait of hormuz. it was harassed by three iranian fast speedboats. we're told. the iranians did not respond to signals to back off and came within 500 yards of that u.s. warship. they finally broke contact. no shots were fired. at the same time a u.s. coast guard cutter operating 75 miles east of kuwait, inside of the strait of hormuz, was harassed by high-speed small iranian boats. the u.s. personnel observed iranian personnel with ak-47s, a video camera, and they believe the forward machine gun on one of those high-speed iranian boats was pointed right at the cutter. again, they broke contact. this is when tensions are high, everybody is nervous around the clock about what is going on in the strait of hormuz. we are told that now the navy and coast guard are videotaping all their encounters. there is videotape of these incidents. we're trying to get our hands on it. >> barbara starr, we'll look for more in "the situation room." thank you. meantime, quickly, a new poll out of south carolina. you'll seal the name below mitt romney, gingrich making a run in south carolina. he's in striking distance of romney. finishing number four in the iowa caucuses, fourth in new hampshire, with less than 10% of the vote. here he is. he was campaigning today in florida, mounting a challenge to mitt romney in south carolina. let's go there to aken, south carolina. joe johns, we keep hearing about this super pacs. explain if you will despite the poor showings, he's been able to stay in the race with the help of the super pac. >> reporter: it's all about the money. when you have a guy like sheldon aidle son, the billionaire who's kicked in big money to the super pac, or the father of jon huntsman, who's also kicked in money to his pro-huntsman super pac. this money goes in and gets spent supposedly independently on television ads that go all over the place. they really keep the campaign running. donors then give to the campaign to support the candidate, so that's the bottom line. it's all about the ben mince, as they say. >> all about the ben mince, baby, but there is some gray work. as it happening, last night stephen colbert announced he'll run for office. so supposedly signing over his super pac to comedy central's jon stewart. here's the exchange they had with a former government lawyer. >> now that i have the super pac, can i run ads supporting stephen colbert, who i believe in very deeply, perhaps attacking his potential opponents? >> i don't believe in it at all -- >> yes, you can, as long as you do not coordinate. >> oh, that's interesting. >> can i legally hire stephen's current super pac staff to produce these ads that will be in no way coordinated with stephen? >> yes. as long as they have no knowledge of stephen's plans. okay. joe johns. really? what's the deal.

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,Government Lawyer ,Comedy Central ,Opponents ,Staff ,Stephen S Current Super Pac ,Gilbert ,Ring Tone ,Musicians ,Tension ,Ring ,Tone ,Feeling ,Measures ,Quiet ,Symphony Number 9 ,On And ,Hall ,Plans ,Knowledge ,

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