Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom 20120105

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barack obama. i think it will be very hard for him to win the general election because i think it just blurs everything. i think a real conservative who stands for solid values, essentially for new hampshire values -- >> the former massachusetts governor holds what looks like an insurmountable lead in new hampshire so he is moving on to south carolina. that state's primary is january 21st. it has been a deadly day in iraq. at least 60 people were killed in attacks in baghdad and other cities across the country. most of the victims were shiites raising fears of renewed sectarian violence. the deadly attack was a suicide bombing targeting shiite pilgrims west of the city of nasiriyah. at least 36 people were killed. dozens wounded. the iraqi military blames the attacks on terrorist groups. president obama says a fighting force that costs less can still be the best in the world and it will be. in an unusual visit to the pentagon, the commander in chief unveiled a rewrite of cold war strategy that's driven military decision making for decades. being able to fight two major wars at once. he said deep cuts in spending are a political reality but the military fallout can be managed. >> that's why i called for this comprehensive defense review. to clarify our strategic interests in a fast changing world and to guide our defense priorities and spending over the coming decade because the size and structure of our military and defense budgets have to be driven by a strategy. not the other way around. >> we'll talk much more about all of this in face time just minutes from now. after more than a sent riff capturing smiles, there are reports the kodak eastman company may be getting ready to file bankruptcy. although the company has not confirmed the news, the report has already spooked markets. kodak shares have dropped sharply. meanwhile kodak is continuing to try to sell its assets to raise much needed money. some stronger than expected job numbers out today. payroll processing firm adp says private sector companies ramped up hiring last month adding 325,000 jobs. up from 204,000 in november. many economists aren't expecting the labor department's numbers coming out tomorrow to be as large. a deadly police shooting in ogden, utah. six officers on a narcotics task force are shot, one killed while serving a search warrant. wounded officer's injuries range from serious to critical. the suspected shooter was also wounded and his injuries are not life threatening. the officer who died at the hospital was a seven. year veteran of the organized city police force. he leaves behind a wife and two young children. in los angeles, $2.85 million is the bail set for the german national suspected of setting dozens of fires. harry burkhardt will also have to surrender his german passport while he waits to be tried. it is believed the 42-year-old started more than 50 fires after his mother's arrest led to his "rage" against americans. casey anthony out of the news and out of sight for months is apparently speaking out for the first time since acquitted of murdering her little daughter, caylee. in a four-minute video diary on youtube and facebook, she makes only a vague reference to o her sensational trial last summer but says nothing about caylee, her daughter, her parents or where she is in hiding. anthony's attorney issued a statement saying, "casey has maintained notes and memoirs for her personal counseling. she did not upload or release this to youtube. she doesn't know how the video got on youtube, she did not authorize it and therefore it had to be obtain illegally. nancy grace covered the anthony still for hln. she'll join us for reaction to this video in just a moment. also ahead, amid an anemic economy and a new era of record budget cuts, president obama has announced a major shakeup at the pentagon. a new strategy of the military that involves reduced funding. will it still keep americans safe? we'll talk about that with retired army brigadier general mark kimmitt. but did you know they're good for you too? they're high in vitamins and potassium. and idaho potatoes are now certified to carry the heart checkmark from the american heart association for foods low in saturated fat and cholesterol. so they're good for my family, and for yours. heart smart idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. is the pain reliever orthopedic doctors recommend most for arthritis pain, think again. and take aleve. it's the one doctors recommend most for arthritis pain... two pills can last all day. ♪ it's pro-cool technology releases armies of snowmen masseuse who cuddle up with your soreness and give out polar bear hugs. technology. [ male announcer ] new bengay cold therapy. the same technology used by physical therapists. go to for a $3 coupon. aspercreme breaks the grip, with maximum-strength medicine and no embarrassing odor. break the grip of pain with aspercreme. welcome back. have you seen this video of casey anthony? it was uploaded on youtube. the first we've heard from casey anthony since she was acquitted. nancy grace covered the trial for our sister network hln and she joins us now. nancy, i'm sure you've had a look at this video. but i want our viewers to see it so before we talk about it, let me play just a little bit of it here. >> i know it is going to be a while since i leave. i'll be here for many, many months more, even if i'm living here for six months, even if i get off probation early. i'll still be here at least until february? the end of february. seven months, either way, whether it is six months or it is a year from now, or year from middle of august, you know, this has been such a blessing in so many ways. >> nancy, what do you make of this video diary as it is being called? >> well, first of all, i don't believe that it's any such thing as a "video diary." her lawyers, her old defense team has just come out with a statement that this was hacked. i find that very, very difficult to believe. as a matter of fact, the person that posted it who was on our show tonight at 8:00 p.m. eastern says he got it by finding it on pay-per-view sites charging $2 and $3 per viewing of it. so i find it very difficult to believe it was hacked. think this is very simply tot mom casey anthony and her lawyer's way of injecting themselves back into the media because nobody's touching her offer for an interview with a ten-foot pole. this is her way of generating interest in herself, her story, as it is. and i think an extension of her own narcissism. >> what do you think of the fact she does not mention her daughter caylee in this video? >> i think the same thing i thought throughout her trial, throughout all of her interviews with police, throughout every single time she talked to her parents behind bars and it was captured on video in a florida jailhouse. only when caylee was brought up directly to her face does she da deign to mention her child. she talks about adopting a puppy as being her family. hey, correction, tot mom. you had a family. it was caylee. also her family now, her mom and dad, no relations with them. so everything is so disingenuous. and also, you see her presentation of herself with the new hair, the glasses to appear more serious, the low-cut shirt, the flipping of the hair style. just the whole thing is so contrived. >> what do you make of her whole demeanor? at one point she says things are going to get better, they are getting better. overall what do you take away from this? >> i take away an extension of what i observed at the trial and all of her tapes with detectives and tapes with her family. that it is all about tot mom. it is about her birthday coming up. it is about her starting a new life. it is about things getting better for her. i'd like to know how could she afford a computer. who gave her a camera. who made this possible? so many unanswered questions and again, this amplifies the fact that justice was not obtained in the death of 2-year-old caylee. >> how does it make you feel watching this having covered the trial? >> not surprised, randi, not surprised at all. it was just a matter of time before tot mom emerged again in some way trying -- for self-gain and furthering of her own money situation and her own persona. this is just an amplification of that as far as i see. same thing, second verse, same as the first. >> nancy grace, thank you very much. good to have you on the show. nancy will have much more on casey anthony's new video tonight on o her show on our sister network, hln. tune in 8:00 p.m. eastern on hln. president obama has announced a major shakeup at the pentagon. a new strategy for the u.s. military that involves reduced funding. but is it one that will work? we'll talk about that with retired army brigadier general mark kimmitt next. also coming up, a cnn exclusive that you don't want to miss. a senior syrian official escapes the brutal crackdown in his country and tells cnn a story of horror, torture, underground prisons, even ambulances being used to run down protesters. that story is coming up as well. stay with us. nyquil: you know i relieve coughs, sneezing, fevers? tylenol: me, too. and nasal congestion. nyquil:what? tissue box (whispering): he said nasal congestion... nyquil: i heard him. anncr vo: tylenol cold multi-symptom nighttime relieves nasal congestion... nyquil cold & flu doesn't. as much as presidents have to think about defense, the military, national security, they rarely set foot in the pentagon. so president obama's visit there would be worth a mention even if he weren't rolling out a historic overhaul of the u.s. military planning. facing tight budget pressures and a dynamic threat, the obama administration's changing a policy that's long been an article of faith. the brass know it asmtw, two major theater wars. they've been able to fight and win two major wars in two parts of the world. but the president says budgets have to be driven by strategy and cutbacks have to be seen in context. >> i think it is important for all americans to remember over the past ten years since 9/11, our defense budget grew at an extraordinary pace. over the next ten years, the growth in the defense budget will slow but the fact of the matter is this -- it will still grow because we have global responsibilities that demand our leadership. in fact the defense budget will still be larger than it was toward the end of the bush administration. >> $450 billion in cuts already are in the works for the decade ahead and half a trillion dollars in new cuts may be unavoidable. they'll be belt across the board from nuclear missiles to navy ships to fighter jets to personnel. my next guest will be watching it all. you can count on that. retired army brigadier general mark kimmitt joins me from washington. general, you've expressed concerns about a budget driven exercise. did you hear anything from the president or secretary panetta today that eased those concerns? >> well, i was glad to hear the president recognize that there will be more challenges, that there will be more instability in this world and that there will be more threats that we face over the years to come. and it is good that we're restructuring the military to adapt to these new threats, but at the same time that he said we're going to have more challenges and more threats, he said there's going to be less money to do it so i see a fundamental mismatch between the requirements that are being levied on the military and the resources that are going to be provided to the military to accomplish these missions. >> if you look at this whole picture, critics argue that the two whole major war policy was wishful thinking. iraq and afghanistan took a huge toll on the u.s. military so why your argument? >> well again, the whole construct of two major theater wars going on simultaneously at one time recognized that we might have to fight north korea in a major theater war in the middle east or europe. it is a dated construct. we don't think that there is going to be two major theater wars simultaneously so it is good that the strategy no longer reflects that. but at the same time, we're still asking the military to fight a major theater war but also defend against cyber attacks, conduct peacekeeping operations in the balkans, conduct peace enforcement operations in libya, conduct humanitarian operations in places such as pakistan. that is a significant number of missions that will require significant resources and the president is saying you will see fewer resources, not more. >> i want to share with you and with our viewers a quote from former defense secretary robert gates. quoting here westbound's like to say when he comes to predictsing the nature and location of our next military engagement, since vietnam our record has been perfect. we have never once gotten it right. doesn't that speak to the need to rethink this? >> no, that's exactly right. i had pleasure and privilege of working for secretary gates at the department of defense and he was prescient in much of what he said and he was prescient there. it is the very nature that the threats are unpredictable, asymmetric and will always try to fight us in a way that we're not prepared, which means that we need to have significant capabilities across the board. it needs to be a capabilities-based force, one that recognizes not just today's threats but tomorrow's threats. and fundamentally that's an expensive proposition for the defense of this country and what the president has said today is we're not willing to pay that. >> i want you to look very quickly here. we have some numbers here. the u.s. military spending compared to everybody else's. you see it there. no other country comes close. in the face of gigantic deficits, why shouldn't we make deep cuts? >> well, i absolutely agree that we need to take a look at the defense budget and structure it for the missions at hand. but the united states, if it wants to retain its position as a super power in this world, it has responsibilities. and those responsibilities are unlike any other country. there is not a country that's standing guard on north korea, assisting humanitarian relief efforts in pakistan, conducting combat operations in afghanistan, putting aircraft carriers through the straits of hormuz. to some extent the u.s. has been a free rider on the defense establishment. it is expensive to maintain the security of this country and to a greater extent the security of the free world. that's why we pay more and that's our responsibility and our responsibilities need to be met with resources. >> general mark kimmitt, thank you very much. >> thank you. time now to go globe trekking. today we head to syria. since protests began there last year, the u.n. says more than 5,000 people have been killed. activists and human rights groups have been talking about the regime's brutality but now a senior syrian official who escaped to egypt tells cnn about the horrific acts of violence committed by state security forces. arwa damon has that exclusive story. >> reporter: in the syrian capital, the defense ministry is the nerve center of the regime's efforts to stamp out unrest. >> translator: my office is on the 12th floor of the ministry of defense. >> reporter: he worked at the ministry for years. his official i.d. describes him as a financial inspector. not part of the regime's inner circle, but in a position to see the wheels of repression at work. >> translator: during protests in damascus, armed gangs filled the green public transport buses and dispatched from our offices flanked by four-wheel drive vehicles filled with weapons. >> reporter: and those they didn't kill, they brought back. >> on a daily basis, i used to see them bringing in blindfolded and handcuffed detainees on buses. they were kept in underground prisons. some even built under streets. >> reporter: and he makes this chilling allegation. >> translator: what is more horrific is the intelligence vans carrying the red crescent insignia labeled syrian red crescent drive through the protests as ambulances and fire at the protesters. >> reporter: he says the oversaw spending at the defense ministry. he tells cnn that the regime hired hitmen, paying them $100 a day. it spent so much on the security crackdown that the budgets of other ministries had to be cut by one-third. he says for a while he hoped there would be compromise. >> translator: we were hoping the killing would stop and the regime would understand that the revolution will win and maybe find a way to appease the people. there was no hope. >> reporter: as a climate of fear took hold, he decided to get out. >> translator: so i traveled to egypt through the airport. normally. with the excuse of registering my son in college in egypt. when the rest of my family followed me, i announced my defection of protest regarding what is happening in syria. >> reporter: most of the carnage he blames on intelligence services and armed gangs, not regular troops. >> translator: bashar al assad is no longer able to control these human monsters. >> reporter: two weeks after he fled syria, he has this message for the outside world -- >> translator: we have reached a phase of genocide and this can't be tolerated under any circumstances. >> reporter: arwa damon, cnn, beirut. the arab league has been on a fact finding mission in syria. they say they made mistakes during their mission and are now asking the u.n. for help. a lot of parents tell their kids to fight back if being bullied at school or stick up for themselves. but what happens when a bully victim takes it to the next level, not just fighting back, but killing? it's happened in florida and the state says it is okay. sunny hostin is standing by for us now, she takes up the case with us coming up next. over twenty delicious varieties have sixty calories or less per serving and are now weight watchers-endorsed. try green giant frozen vegetables with sauce. welcome back. i talk a lot about bullying on the show because we need to put a stop to it. i feel very, very strongly about that. but the story i'm about o tell you raises troubling questions about how far is too far when it comes to self-defense against bullies. by all accounts this 15-year-old was bullied relentlessly by a group of boys. a fight broke out at this florida bus stop last year. the court says 16-year-old dylan nuno, the so-called bully threw the first punch but nuno ended up being stabbed to death. the most interesting thing about this case, a judge ruled he acted in self-defense and was justified in killing his classmate under the florida stand your ground law so the case was dismissed, no charges filed. let's bring in sunny hostin from our sister network trutv to talk about the implications of this case. part of what the stand your ground law says is, a person who is not engaged in an unlawful activity has the right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force, including deadly force if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself. now some might say that this gives victims immunity when it comes to killing someone who's bullying them. how do you see it? >> i don't see it that way at all. these were very specific and special circumstances. not only because florida does have this stand your ground law, but also because this was a situation, as you mentioned earlier, where a child was bullied for a year. the child tried to avoid the fight. he was told by the bully that today was the day. the child got off at a bus stop earlier than the proposed bus stop. the bully followed him off and then attacked him, punching him in the head. given those special sets of -- set of circumstances, this case is sort of unique, i think. and so we shouldn't read into it that now victims of bullying can kill with immunity. that is really not the lesson i think that we can take from this case. one of the lessons certainly that we can take is we need to stop bullying as it escalates. we need to address these concerns before it gets to this type of situation and certainly victims are allowed to defend themselves. not only in florida -- again, florida has this unique law, but all over our country if you feel that you are in grave danger of extreme bodily harm, you can defend yourself. >> here's what -- part of what the judge said according to our affiliate wink. this is part of the eight-page ruling from the judge. he said the defendant was in place to where he had a right to be and was not acting unlawfully. had he more than enough reason to believe he was in danger of death or great bodily harm. but again, you don't believe that this sets a precedent that violence is okay. >> i hope it doesn't. certainly, unfortunately, certain people will see this as a victory for victims. but this isn't a victory for anyone because you have two children, one dead, and one who will forever have to live with the fact that he took another's life. so i sure hope that that is not the message that gets sent. but what i think you said earlier, randi, is so very important, that bullying is a real issue. we're seeing death -- the death of our young people all over our country and it is an issue that needs to be addressed before we get to this kind of situation. >> absolutely. it starts at home, it starts at school. we've got to get this under control. sunny hostin, thank you very much. i do want to mention that we did call and e-mail collier county, the school district there, for a response on this story but they did not get back to us here at cnn. it is a right all presidents have under the constitution but some of president obama's critics are calling his recess appointment to the consumer watchdog an abuse of power. political pundits weigh in next in "fair game." one former presidential candidate is the undisputed king of the new hampshire primary. he won it three different times over 12 years. you know who it is? think fast and tweet the answer to me at randikayecnn. thrilled. wait. we can have shakes? and boston cream pie. did you say pie? pie. she said pie. pie. [ male announcer ] get back on track with low prices on everything you need. backed by our ad match guarantee. walmart. [ female announcer ] improve the health of your skin with aveeno daily moisturizing lotion. the natural oatmeal formula improves skin's health in one day, with significant improvement in 2 weeks. i found a moisturizer for life. [ female announcer ] only from aveeno. before the break i asked you which former presidential hopeful was king of the new hampshire primary winning it three times over 12 years? the answer -- richard nixon. he won it in 1960, 1968, and again in 1972. shout out goes to mike from michigan. mike got it right. he was the first one to tweet me the answer. so you know, tomorrow's another day. come back and play tomorrow. time now to check both sides of the political debate where all topics are "fair game." president obama has opened the new year with a shot across the bow to republicans in congress calling what's called a recess appointment to install three new members of the national labor relations board and make richard cordray the head. crystal, let me start with you. if the senate won't give the president's appointees an up or down vote, what's wrong with a recess appointment? >> well, what's wrong is president obama thinks he's governing under a monarchy rather than a democracy. and he started off the new year with a bang as an obstructionist. the fact is, the senate was in session. they had a pro forma session and barack obama decides he's not going to be held accountable to the american people, to the u.s. constitution, or congress for that matter and he actually broke the constitutional law and decides he's going to make these recess appointments. so he's really kicking it off with a bang in the new year. >> roland, i want to share with you what house speaker john boehner had to say and get your reaction to it. this is an extraordinary and entirely unprecedented power grab by president obama. it would have a devastating effect on the checks and balances that are enshrined in our constitution. what do you think? >> easy. i'll take my hand. this is what i say to john boehner, whatever. my other hand to crystal, whatever. the problem we have here is that you have republicans and democrats who do not like the fact when they lose the white house. we saw under president george w. bush where democrats will block appointments -- excuse me, crystal, no need to laugh -- where democrats block appointees because they wouldn't give an up or down vote. what would happen, randi? republicans would get all upset. confirm our nominees. now a democrat is in the white house, republicans do the same. when you have people put forth by a president, waiting 9 months, 12 months, a year -- >> harry reid did the same thing -- >> crystal, allow me to finish. >> crystal, let him finish. >> i just said democrats do it as well! this is the problem, randi. if you win, you should be able to get your appointees. vote them up or down but these are the games and democrats and republicans play. the president said, fine, constitution says i can make a recess appointment. i'm going to make it. >> the senate was in session sew actually violated the constitution. barack obama needs to understand he lost control of the house in 2010 because the american people said his policies were a failure. so barack obama needs to realize he's not governing under a monarchy. senate republicans had a problem -- you know what their problem was? they didn't have a problem with cordray. they had a problem with the unchecked powers of the consumer financial protection bureau. that's the problem. >> that's just nonsense. but whatever. bottom line is they were mad the bureau got passed. that's why they were upset. they want to protect wall street. >> i'm sure we'll have plenty of washington gridlock clearly in our future. roland, i want to ask you now about the gop race. a report coming out that conservative evangelicals are going to be gathering trying to figure out which candidate they want to get behind. is this a good idea? bad idea? >> first of all, anybody can get together, you want to be able to get behind a particular candidate. look. a lot of them have a problem with mitt romney. but what you have here, you have these folks who are freaking out because they're saying, my goodness, we should be able to pick and choose. elites on the gop side do not like what is going on here so the people who can't stand mitt romney are trying to say how can we stop them. this is also why we have primaries, wan di. th the people in iowa chose. mitt romney won by eight votes. let the people in new hampshire. what bothers me is when the political people really don't want the american folks to have their say, they want to drive the process. i agree, have your meeting, knock yourselves out. >> i agree with row lan on that. the problem is this so-called elite -- i mean republicans like myself and other conservatives are wondering who this elite group of people are behind the wizard of oz curtains -- >> you know who they are. >> i think roland is actually right and the primaries serve a reason. they allow the american people to decide who their nominee will be and that's where we are. if mitt romney was able to be so dynamic and charismatic, he couldn't pull it off in 2008. in iowa he couldn't pull it off either. he squeaked by with eight votes which tells you the field is undecided. but i do think we need to coalesce, conservatives need to coalesce around a candidate so i think what they're doing in texas trying to get us behind a candidate is the right thing to do because you know, the clock's ticking now. >> randi, you need 1,445 delegates to get the gop nomination. there are 50 states in the country. only one has voted in a caucus. guess what? somebody's going to get to 1,445 and that's when you coalesce, when you actually won the race and win the delegates. >> romney is not -- has not been co coronated. we got a ways to go. i will agree with roland martin on that. >> she's agreeing, roland! >> that means she's wrong a whole lot. >> it is a good thing roland only has two hands because i don't know who else he would have been swatting out there. >> you know how we do it in texas. >> crystal wright, roland martin, thank you both very much. that is fair game today. woo! keep it right here next tuesday as new hampshire voters head to the polls. join wolf blitzer, anderson cooper, erin burnett and john king for live coverage of the new hampshire primary, tut nies night, 7:00 eastern right here on cnn. an oklahoma woman says she has no regrets about shooting and killing an intruder that broke into her home. through diet and exercise, alli can help you lose one more by blocking some of the fat you eat. let's fight fat with alli. ♪ okay... is this where we're at now, we just eat whatever tastes good? 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i don't believe that. >> governor christine gregoire in the final year of her second term says she will back legislation that legalizes same-sex marriages. the bill would give gay the right to get marriage licenses in washington. if the state legislature passes the bill, washington would be the seventh state in the nation to recognize same-sex marriage. from blanchard, oklahoma, this extraordinary 911 call from an 18-year-old mother as two men try to break into her house. >> i've got two guns in my hand. is it okay to shoot him if he comes in this door? >> you have to do whatever you can do to protect yourself. i can't tell you that you can do that. but you do what you have to do to protect your bear. >> sara mckinley says she waited 21 agonizing minutes as the men tried to break in. the man she shot and killed was carrying a 12-inch hunting knife. >> i did not know them but i know that they were there for something very evil and it wasn't to rob the house. >> the second man later turned himself in to police and is awaiting a court appearance. next stop, brownsville, texas. police shot and killed a 15-year-old student. officers say the eighth-grader was carrying what looked to be a handgun through the hallways of his middle school. police say the teen refused to drop the weapon. >> turned out to be what is a .177 caliber pellet pistol. >> police are conducting an internal investigation about the shooting. luckily no one else was injured. when pittsburgh plays the denver broncos in a key nfl playoff game is under the steelers' leading tackler won't take to the field. he has sickle cell trait, a condition that's aggravated when playing at higher elevations. denver sits one mile above sea level. the last time clark played there it almost kill him. he had had to have his gall bladder and spleen removed. clark says he was prepared to play but accepted his coach's decision that he sit this one out for his own safety. talk about a bad parking job. take a look at this. police say the driver of this car lost control while speeding in fog, hit some big rocks. went airborne and landed on the roof of an apartment complex in fresno, california. the driver fled the scene wearing only boxer shorts. he was later caught by police and taken to a hospital for treatment. no word on his condition or if he was charged. two people in the apartment were not injured. as for the car, it was taken off the roof but a crane. it is being called the santorum surge. a wave of conservative support that's boosted rick santorum to the top of the republican presidential pack. but is it sustainable? if 2008 is any indication, maybe not. up next i'll speak to the man who ran mike huckabee's campaign, a campaign many say is a mirror image of rick santorum's. he may have dropped out of the republican presidential race, but herman cain apparently isn't quite ready to let it go. he's trying to keep his 9-9-9 plan alive by launching a lunch tour. herman cain, don't get us wrong, but we don't get it. you're out of the race. plus, we thought the whole point of you suspending your campaign was to stay out of the public eye, as you put it, for your family. we're afraid, mr. cain, your 15 minutes were up when you dropped out. i sprinted here... wow! from your house?! from the car. unh! ooh. [ male announcer ] get back on track with low prices on everything you need. backed by our ad match guarantee. walmart. [ female announcer ] improve the health of your skin with aveeno daily moisturizing lotion. the natural oatmeal formula improves skin's health in one day, with significant improvement in 2 weeks. i found a moisturizer for life. [ female announcer ] only from aveeno. thank you so much, iowa. rick santorum has a lot to be thankful for. not only did he ride a late surge of support to the number two spot in iowa but he's also being called leading conservative alternative to mitt romney. but can he ride this wave all the way to the white house? he sure thinks he can. here's what he told cnn's piers morgan as the iowa votes came rolling in. >> there's going to be a rematch and we're going to go to new hampshire. and take him on. >> if you remember back in 2008 evangelicals helped former arkansas governor mike huckabee win the iowa caucuses. many felt he had the staying power but he felt short of securing the nomination. what went wrong and can rick santorum learn a thing or two from huckabee's run for the white house? many are calling rick santorum the huckabee of 2012. having worked on the huckabee campaign, do you also see similarities here? >> certainly what he did in iowa was amazing but mike huckabee in 2008 we were organized a lot further down the line than i think line than i think rick santorum was. we went on to win eight more states and coming in second to john mccain. what iowa did for rick santorum was put him on the game. on the path. the path is long and windy and up-hill but at least he's on the path. he has a shot. it will be tough but it has put him in the game and we'll see what happens in new hampshire and more importantly, what happens in south carolina for rick santorum. >> let me show you the latest cnn/orc poll. mitt romney in the lead with rick santorum coming in fourth despite doing so well in iowa. if we look back to 2008, huckabee lost new hampshire. what did you learn from this loss and what do you think rick santorum can take away from this loss? >> i think a couple of things. one, he is competing in new hampshire. he is there and it looks like he'll be there through tuesday. maybe we skip new hampshire and go to south carolina and play a home game. and then he can win in south carolina. he's made the decision to fight it through new hampshire. i think if he comes in fourth like he is now, it will take a little shine off the penny. and then he will have to go to south carolina and win it. there are lots of other people in this game. a lot of time between now and then. but he has a lot to do. but i think south carolina ultimately will be his alamo just like governor perry's down there, too. he is probably not going to win new hampshire. we know that. then he'll have to go to south carolina and put a "w" on the board. >> a lot of people are focusing on south carolina. rick perry is already there. back in 2008, i wanted you to look at this. mike huckabee as you know took second place in south carolina, losing to john mccain who won the republican nomination. if you could do it again, what would you have done differently in south carolina and what do you think rick santorum should be doing there now? >> well, i wish we would have raised a lot more money. we went straight to new hampshire like rick santorum. then we went to michigan where we thought we could put a knockout blow on mitt romney and we took time and resources away from south carolina. plus we still had fred thompson in the race too took away from some of the conservative vote. rick santorum has the same set-up going on even though he has newt gingrich out there banging on mitt romney. it will take conservative votes away from him in south carolina. so perhaps, and rick santorum has a great team i would take the time and resources and move to it south carolina. at the end of the day, he has to win south carolina. >> i'm glad you mentioned the money, a day after iowa, rick santorum says his campaign raised more than $1 million. will this all come down to money? >> well, it doesn't always come down to money like we saw in iowa. my guess is that rick santorum got out and spent 10, 12, 15-1 and he still did incredibly well but now he has a short window, a couple of weeks where he is raising good money. he has to harness those resources and use them in a most effective way. that will be on tv and radio. he is probably not going to have any mail in new hampshire because it's so quick. he can focus those resources in south carolina and that's what i would be doing if i was running his campaign right now. >> do you think at this point, it is a smart play for rick santorum to be going after mitt romney? >> well, if he wants to get it down to a one-on-one match, that is his only play. he is going to have to say i'm the alternative to mitt romney and this is why. that will be his pitch for the next four or five days in south carolina. if he wants to be the nominee, that is the only way he can do it. go after mitt romney. >> if you were managing rick santorum today, what would you tell him your main point to stop him from fizzling out? >> well, the most important thing is for him to be himself and speak from the heart. i think we saw him do that in iowa so effectively. at the end of the day, a vote for president is so extremely personal. and most people outside of iowa, new hampshire and south carolina never meet the guy running for president or the woman running for president but it is so personal. if he can connection to these vote orders a very real, personal level, he has a chance. >> thank you very much. a new campaign ad makes kim kardashian the star. only probably an role she wants. why she is being made the poster child for wealthy millionaires. if you want attention for your cause, mention the name kardashian. a group called the courage campaign is pushing for higher taxes on california's wealthy as a way to ease the state's budget crunch. the group claimed kim kardashian made $12 million last year but only paid one percentage more than someone who made $47,000. cnn political editor paul is standing by for us in manchester, new hampshire. the center of the storm for the republican race. i hear there's a new poll out on where the republicans stand in the granite state? any surprises? >> reporter: there is. i don't know if i can top kim kardashian. i'll try. we have five days until the primary. brand new out this morning from suffolk university. look who is on top. that same guy that has been there for about two years now in massachusetts. in new hampshire, i mean. mitt romney, 41% of likely gop primary voters, romney. at 18% in second place is the congressman from texas, ron paul. and everybody else in single digits. this poll was conducted tuesday and wednesday which means half was conducted after the results in the iowa caucuses. we know why romney has always been on top. he is from neighboring massachusetts. he owns a vacation home here and spends a lot of time here. people know mitt romney in this state. >> speaking of romney, is he still campaigning with john mccain? >> reporter: he is this morning. in salem, new hampshire, which i know very well. my in-laws live there. i spend a lot of time in salem. they were at the boys and girls club this morning. now guess what, romney and mccain are heading south. they'll be joining the governor of south carolina in her home state. why south carolina? as you were talking earlier, south carolina comes third. their primary just 11 days after the new hampshire primary. so that's why you're going to see romney spend a little bit of time there and a lot of the other candidates going to south carolina as well. >> where are the other republican candidates today? >> reporter: a bunch of them are here including newt gingrich who continues to really go after romney and try to point out the contrast between these two guys. the former house speaker up with a brand new ad in the granite state. it calls romney's policies timid. and it said that romney would not be able to beat president barack obama in november. we're seeing a more aggressive newt gingrich now. maybe he learned some lessons from iowa where he wasn't as aggressive going after romney and some of his other rivals. >> when you look at those poll numbers, sure, romney has to feel good about his polling in new hampshire. but south carolina could be more of a challenge for him. don't you think? >> reporter: it sure could. a very different electorate. remember, polls change. we saw that with rick santorum. that surge came very late and good timing for him. because the polls say something today doesn't mean it will be the same way in five days. as for south carolina, we really haven't seen any polling in a while that we can really look to. but it is a very different electorate in south carolina. much closer to iowa. much more different than here in new hampshire. >> thank you, paul. be sure to keep it right here next tuesday as new hampshire voters head to the polls. we'll have live coverage tuesday night 7:00 eastern right here on cnn. thank you for watching. i would love to hear what you think. you can continue the conversation with me on facebook or twitter. cnn newsroom continues now with brooke baldwin. let's get you caught up. beginning with the military and specifically shrinking the size of it and likely ending america's ability to fight two ground wars at once. president obama today unveiled a plan at the pentagon to deal with these deep cuts to the defense budget over the course of the next decade. this plan would scale background forces and also shift more resources to air and sea. bess but despite all reduced spending, the president claims america will not be vulnerable. >> so yes, our military will be leaner but the world must know the united states is going to maintain our military superiority with armed forces that are agile, flexible and ready for the full range of contingencies and threats. >> and do me a favor, stay right here. in a couple minutes i'll speak live with general wesley clark on his thoughts on today's huge news. >> also today, renewed violence in iraq in the wake of the u.s. troop withdrawal. a series of bombings in baghdad killed 24 people and left dozens injured. car bombs exploded in two busy squares in a shiite neighborhood and three bombs were detonated near a group of day laborers in another shiite neighborhood. but the day's deadliest attacks happened to the south in nasiriyah. at least 36 people were killed. on the political front, the rick santorum presidential campaign got a very big boost from its near victory in the iowa caucuses. santorum's campaign said it took in, are you ready for this? more than $1 million in the 24 hours after the iowa voting. santorum, you know, lost iowa to mitt romney by only eight, count them, eight votes. and an american teen's family is fighting to get her back after she was deported to south america. she ran away from her dallas home in the fall of 2010. her family now shocked to learn the 15-year-old is now in colombia and supposedly pregnant. immigration authorities say turner was arrested without i.d. in houston. she gave them this fake name that belonged to a colombian woman who was in the country illegally. her family meantime says, yeah, they should have dug a little deeper. >> i don't understand how it could happen. someone made a goof. and i think it was someone that goofed up. also, police in orange county california are looking for a serial kill here they say is targeting homeless men. authorities say the men in their 40s and 50s were asleep when someone attacked them. >> there were three homeless males who were stabbed. that's what we're using as our connection right now. but it is still very early on in the investigation. there's a lot more police work to be done here. >> so one of those killings was actually caught on a surveillance camera. our affiliate kcal reports that tirs first victim was stabbed dozens of time. a person labeled the most hated woman in america speaking publicly for the first time. when i say publicly, i mean not exactly by her choice. an attorney for casey anthony said someone must have stolen her video diary which showed up overnight on of all places, youtube. in this video anthony speaks about her new pet. >> this has been such a blessing in so many ways. and now i at least have someone to talk to. when i'm by myself so i'm not bothering the poor dog. who i've adopted and i love. and he is as much my dog as any of the other pets i've ever had. >> casey anthony with a dog. anthony was acquitted in july for the murder of her daughter caylee who was 2 years old. and the man who ruled egypt for 30 years may be hanged if he is convicted on charges, he ordered the death of protesters today. prosecutors in the trial of hosni mubarak asked for a penalty of death by hanging for him and for four others. mubarak who is 83 years of age and ailing has been lying in a gurney during the trial. reports say he has been battling cancer and heart problems. >> reporter: and police shot and killed an eighth grader after allegedly waved a weapon in his brownsville middle school. the thing was he was holding a pellet gun. police say that that gun looked so real, they believed 15-year-old jaime gonzalez was a clear threat. they shot him and rushed him to the hospital. he was later pronounced dead. and inmates riot in prison in new mexico. 31 prisoners were killed in vicious fighting that broke out after one group of inmates broke this ban on going into another area of the prison. in all, more than a dozen other prisoners were injured in the fight. the prison is about 300 miles south of texas. and a denver woman is in jail charged with damaging a $40 million paining at a city museum. oh, boy. here's what she did. police say 36-year-old carmen was apparently so intoxicated, she ploechd this multimillion-dollar abstract painting, scratched it. did a couple other things and then urinated on the floor beside it. tisch is now charged with felony criminal mischief. repairs to the painting are expected to cost about $10,000. yeah. don't do that. got a lot more to cover for you in the next two hours including this. >> reporter: for months he's been the guy who has never gotten a bump in the polls. now rick santorum is riding a wave. that mean more questions and new scrutiny. we're going to hear from him live during the show. i'm brooke baldwin. the news is now. there is a serious serial killer on the loose. that from police in california. and they're warning one group of people, be on guard. even as our troops continue to fight in afghanistan, the tide of war is receding. >> the military is shrinking and no long her the u.s. be able to fight two wars at once. find out exactly how president obama's move changes the entire future of warfare. plus a new wave of ads showing children in a campaign against obesity. but do they go too far? >> i don't understand how it can happen. someone made a goof. >> a teenage girl runs away. then she is deported from the u.s. and as she sits in colombia, there is a new twist. she may be pregnant. we're on the case. now there's no way i could send our boy to college without it. if there was one thing i could say to hank, it'd be "thank you." you're welcome. hey, hank. 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a person under the constitution. and barack obama says no. well, if that person, human life is not a person, then i find it almost remarkable for a black man to say no, we're going to decide who are people and who are not people. >> reporter: santorum received significant attention when he gave a report in 2003 about the supreme court and homosexuality. if the supreme court says you have the right to consensual sex within your home, then you have the right to big me, to polygamy, you have the right to incest, you have the right to adultery, you have the right to anything. does that undermine the fabric of our society? i would argue yes, it does. and he continued, in every society, the definition of marriage has not ever to my knowledge included homosexuality. that's not to pick on homosexuality. it is not, you know, man on child, man on dog or whatever the case may be. santorum has said he wasn't equating homosexuality with all those other activities but was trying to make a larger point about morality. >> i think the christian teaching on the subject, that one can have desires to do things which we believe are wrong but it is when you act out those things that is a problem. and i was simply reflecting that opinion. and that belief structure that i happen to hold as a catholic. >> reporter: santorum is a strong supporter when it comes to contraception. >> one of the things i will talk about, that no president has talked about before, is i think the dangers of contraception in this country. it is not okay. it is a license to do things in a sexual realm that is counter to how thing are supposed to be. it is a belief that may play well with many in the far right but might be a harder sell among other conservatives. and regarding national defense, he is certainly the antithesis of a candidate like ron paul. if elected as president, santorum said he would tell the iranians to dismantle their nuclear facilities and make them available to inspectors. if not -- >> we will degrade those facilities through air strikes and make it very public that we are doing that. >> reporter: many critics thought his political career was over after he lost his u.s. senate re-election by 18 percentage points. but his star is once again rising. he hope his iowa showing helps him broaden his reach in new hampshire and beyond. >> i want to bring in two people you just saw. good to see you. got a question for you in a moment. first i want to begin with jim o'toole in mank, new hampshire, with really the politics editor of the pittsburgh post gazette. i know you've covered santorum his whole career, two decades. let me begin with this. does santorum have the organization and you're there on the ground. does he have the organization up and running to be able to capitalize on quite a strong showing we saw in iowa? >> his folks say yes. his political director is an old new hampshire hand and he has actually complete extensive network here given the relatively modest resources he had until recently. he has a similar ground game in south carolina. i think the bigger question is what happens if his momentum carries him on to florida and the really big media landscape that follows that. >> quickly though, his folks say yes. what do you see there in new hampshire? are you seeing a lot of santorum people? >> yes. i think that it is easy to see them now because he is the candidate of buzz right now. his events are drawing lots of people. so it's not a huge logistical challenge to bring people out. >> jim, stand by. gary, he brought up, he was getting way ahead. we're talking florida. let's reel it back for a minute. you reported on the social conservatism. he had a very strong showing in iowa. let's just the what if game. if he can capitalize on that momentum that we saw, get through new hampshire, the next primary of south carolina which could play well with his social conservatism in the south. if he can pull through a win, is that even possible, a, and b, how much of an organization yet do we know he has on the ground? >> i'll play that what if game with you, brooke. first of all, new hampshire, it is important to point out that new hampshire is a conservative state but largely fiscally conservative, not socially conservative. so new hampshire is not right for him. it is right for ron paul. because new hampshire is known for its libertarian i. it is a live free or die state. that's what it says on the license plate. keep an eye on new hampshire. south carolina and florida are crucial for santorum. because they are socially conservative. particularly south carolina. he needs to do well in south carolina. >> do you think he could do well? >> i think there's great potential for it. it is a game of momentum politics. he did very well in iowa. a lot of people will be taking a second look at rick santorum. >> back to you. when we think of trusantorum, w think of pennsylvania. not to get ahead of things, but would you see him as a fit, maybe, maybe, on someone else's ticket such as a romney romney? >> the party that mitt romney as we've seen has had trouble connecting with to the social conservatives to the conservative base. the question is, you know, the threshold question for a vice presidential nominee, can he pass the do no harm test. mr. santorum is a polarizing figure. that would be something that might give people pause. but i have to say, he and his immediate advisers are pretty confident. i don't think they're running for vice president at this point. they think they've kind of got lightning in a bottle and might be able to make a run at romney. >> and since i have you, you've covered this man for years and years. he's 53, father of 7, roots in western p.a. seems like a pretty nice guy. >> he can be very engaging but he can be very confrontational, too. as you saw in that piece that opened this segment. he is very confident. he will express himself in colorful language and sometimes gets away from himself, i think, that he would like to take back some of the more phlorid expressions he's used. >> jim o'toole, i appreciate it. >> keep in mind, tuesday night, this is still the cnn election center. all eyes on new hampshire. live coverage all night. new hampshire primary starting again, 7:00 eastern time. the united states should give up the capability to fight two major ground wars at the same time. at least that's according to pentagon review just released this week. we'll dig through the exact potential changes to our military and hear what president obama has to say about those potential changes we heard from him this morning. plus, a 15-year-old girl is mistakenly deported to colombia. that girl is an american citizen. and now the girl's family, fighting very hard to get her back. that story coming up in ten minutes time. and here we go. video of casey anthony surfacing today online. she of course, you know, i don't have to remind you. the young woman who was found not guilty in the death of her daughter caylee. we'll play you a chunk of that video coming up this hour on cnn. with hydroblend™, only from visine®. just one drop instantly soothes and revives tired, overworked eyes. and comforts them for up to ten hours. visine® tired eye relief. try now and save $3. the united states will no longer have as many fighting men and women at the ready under this new plan from president obama to deal with all these deep cuts to defense spending. the president made a rare visit to the pentagon's briefing room. there he is. just hours ago with his defense secretary leon panetta by his side. they announced a sweeping plan to scale background forces and to shift more resources both to air and to sea. you said this strategy, 4,000 u.s. troops would be recalled from europe and then within the next five years, there will be at least 47,000 fewer troops serving. that level of troop reduction, while it is not specifically spelled out under the strategy, would probably end america's ability to fight two ground wars at once. this is all happening to give you a little context here, because the pentagon plans to slash half a trillion in spending over the course of the next ten years. president obama said today, vowing that all these cuts will not leave americans unprotected. >> we can't afford to repeat the mistakes that have been made in the past. after world war ii, after vietnam, when our military was left ill prepared for the future. as commander-in-chief, i will not let that happen again. not on my watch. we need a smart, strategic set of priorities. the new guidance that the defense department is releasing today does just that. >> i want to bring in retired general wesley clark, the former nato allied supreme commander. nice to see you. you know this all too well. the trouble in places like you have iran, north korea, syria. how smart is it to shrink the u.s. military at the moment? >> i think it is really smart to focus on the strategic requirements that our military must maintain. the president has put the strategic requirements, emphasizing the freedom of navigation and the access to energy supplies and support to our friends and allies in the gulf, concerns about iran, and in the asia pacific area, all of southeast asia and the energy situation there. these are two critical areas that we have to watch. what he's doing is he is rebalancing our defense expenditures so we can put the necessary investments where the greatest need is likely to be. >> so just to understand where this is going, when we sort of thought of libya, as an example here. i know you were against u.s. intervention there. that was a case in which there were no u.s. boots on the ground but we certainly provided air strike support. general, is that a model for how war will resemble under this plan? >> well, i think it's clear that we've got lots of capabilities. we can intervene again if we have to to support others the way we did in libya. we can do much more if necessary. the air force, the navy, the army still will have substantial capabilities and we can act in more than one place at once. the truth is we're out of iraq right now. we've got a withdrawal schedule for afghanistan. so these troops that are coming out, these two major land wars, that's where we were. we need to look to where we need to be and where we need to be is to face different challenges. >> there are layers of cuts, as you know, who could forget the super committee failure in november. that means an additional $600 billion would automatically, remember those trigger mechanisms we talk about, would automatically be cut from the military over the course of ten years, starting in 2013. at the time, and we heard this multiple times, secretary panetta gave this morning. take a listen. >> i've warned that by cutting an excess of $20 billion in every area, sequester will lead to a hollow force. a ship without sailors, it's a brigade without bullets, it's an airwing without enough trained pilots. it's a paper tiger. >> certainly that was then. we heard those words, hollow force echoed. do those words at all worry you? >> they always worry me and i'm always concerned when we transition from one defense strategy to another. i've been through several of them in my lifetime. and my military service. and they're always difficult. on the families and on the country. but in this one, i think we've got to make this transition. we've got to focus on new security priorities. we've got to take advantage of the success or the completion at least of the operations in iraq and the draw-down in afghanistan to take those very scarce defense resources and use them for other things. our national budget, our nation. we need to look at the broad array of challenges. the greatest threat to america, as one former chairman of the joint chiefs said, is our economy and the unemployment in this economy. we need to see the whole package. we've got to get america growing again economically. we've got to have the right defense. but not more than we need. >> republicans though, you read all these different comments today. they're blasting this plan. as you can imagine, they've been highly critical of the president over defense issues. you endorse full transparency, you endorsed senator obama at the time in 2008. do you think his new strategy at all, general, makes him look weak on defense? >> well, of course the other party is going to say that. this is a traditional charge. if you go back into the 1990s, when we came out of the first gulf war, we said we were going to reduce our forces. that was under president george h. bush and secretary of state cheney and we went down appreciably from the cold war force to a much smaller force. we said it was two nearly simultaneously major regional contingencies. we didn't say wars. we said contingencies. we used that through the whole '90s. we went to that ground war. we didn't fail going into iraq because we didn't have enough troops. we didn't actually use the troops we had when we should have going into iraq in 2003, 2004, 2005. our problem in afghanistan doesn't stem from the fact that we didn't have enough troops in 2001 to do what could have been done and what is being done now. our leaders chose not to do it. so i think we shouldn't be distracted into traditionally partisan arguments on this thing. we should take a look at the situation america is in right now. the resources available. what the challenges are. and how best to use those resources to address those challenges will. >> certainly though i imagine in this election year, this is a point we'll be hearing from republicans hammering all the way to november. nonetheless, general wesley clark. thank you so much. and happy new year to you. >> thank you. to you too. there is new video that surfaced. it shows a woman with chin length hair talking to a camera about her life. this woman in the video is casey anthony. mother of caylee who was found dead in her home in florida. coming up next, we'll play the video for you and we'll show you a statement about the video from her own attorney. [ female announcer ] splenda® no calorie sweetener is sweet... and more. if you replace 3 tablespoons of sugar a day with splenda®, you'll save 100 calories a day. that could help you lose up to 10 pounds in a year. and now get even more with splenda® essentials, the only line of sweeteners with a small boost of fiber, or antioxidants, or b vitamins in every packet. just another reason why you get more... when you sweeten with splenda®. ♪ guess who is talking now. casey anthony. apparently she didn't exactly mean for you to hear her. labeled video diary now on youtube and her attorney said she didn't exactly put it there. someone stole the footage. in this video, the mother acquitted of killing her toddler talk about newfound freedom. she was jailed for nearly three years waiting for her trial. >> i've actually now paid for my own computer. the camera was a gift but these are things that are mine that i don't have to, i don't know, that i don't have to give back. it's kind of nice finally being able to say that i have some belongings that are mine that i'll be able to take with me after i leave here. a little surreal how much things have changed since july, and how many things haven't changed. the good thing is that things are starting to look up and things are starting to change in a good way. >> cnn's ashley banfield has been following this. here's the question. what strikes you most about the video? >> brooke, this is just so unusual that this video log would just sort of surface, given the fact that casey says on tape that she taped it back in october. it is also just unusual in what is not being said. she says that she is in a location from which she's going to finally leave in february and hopes that her probation ends early. she's been in hiding ever since her acquittal and her release from prison. but she doesn't say anything else of value. she doesn't acknowledge the enormity of the story in which she was involved. she doesn't say anything about her daughter who was murdered or killed or accidentally died, depending on what you believe. she doesn't say anything about her family. the family who many claim she threw under the bus for her defense. she doesn't talk about the extraordinary media attention, the fact that she is actually in hiding. she does say she adopted a dog and she said she is hoping that her probation will be cut short. short of that though, she just talks about having a camera and a microphone and how she enjoys the fact that she owns things for the first time in a long time and that she doesn't have to give them back. and brooke, she also mentioned that this may be the first in a series of these online video journals. >> amazing. that was the first they know i mentioned, no mention of caylee that we saw. don't forget to watch her right here on cnn, a new show that started this week. they didn't do that work. how do you deport a 15-year-old and send her to colombia without a passport, without anything? >> a lot of questions in this story. a teenage girl from texas is deported to colombia. now the girl's family trying to figure out how in the world this happened. why it happened and how they can get her back. that story is next. tylenol:nyquil. what are you doing? nyquil (stuffy): just reading your label. wait! you relieve nasal congestion? tylenol: sure. don't you? tylenol (another bottle): nyquil (stuffy): dude! anncr vo: tylenol cold multi-symptom nighttime relieves nasal congestion... nyquil cold & flu doesn't. she is not colombian. she wasn't in the united states illegally. so why was she deported to colombia? that's what the family of jakadrien turner is demanding to know. she ran away from home. she is now stuck thousands of miles away and they just want her to come home. ed is following the story out of dallas today. ed, so many twists and turns here. let's begin with how in the first place could something like this happen if she is an american? >> this is the multimillion-dollar question at this point. agencies at every level are trying to figure out how this could have happened. essentially, what we seem to be looking at here is a young girl, 14 years old at the time, when all this started who has essentially been able to fool not only local police agencies but federal immigration system and the colombian government in getting herself deported to colombia. all of this started back in november of 2010 when jakadrien turner ran away from home here in the dallas area shelf make it to houston. then april of last year, she is arrested on a theft charge. instead of giving authorities her real name. she did not have identification on her. she told authorities that she is 21-year-old tica cortes and then said she was from colombia. no identification on her. she serves her jail sentence. pleads guilty to that charge. then gets turned over to i.c.e. she go before a judge, gets herself deported. after all of that, the colombian authorities still have to come in and then give her the proper paperwork to ensure that she gets september to colombia. somehow manages to get that. authorities are scrambling, trying to figure out how all of this could have hampden. her family who we spoke to her mother and grand mother at great length say they think there is something more sinister going on here. >> okay. a lot of questions. obviously one being, and you're not going to have the answer to this, but why she would use this fake name, tica cortes you a through this process. i.c.e. said they believed her because she maintained this identity all the way through. now she is in colombia. i understand the colombian government is refusing to release her. why? >> well, remember, she has been given colombian citizenship. she has a colombian passport. she, we understand now, is in the custody of a government agency in colombia that basically looks out after juveniles in dangerous situations. almost like a foster care situation, is my understanding. she is being held in that situation down there in colombia. what her motivations are, aren't clear. she is, her family had been tracking her on facebook. i've read some of these facebook messages and posting that she has left. it almost seemed like obviously, a child going through a lot of issues. some of the postings seem to suggest that she wanted to get away. wanted to get to colombia. her family members believe this isn't the case. that there is something else going on here. that she is being coerced. they don't see how a 14-year-old girl could fool so many people on so many different levels for this long to get herself deported. so they worry very much about what's going on here. also, they have come to find out that she is pregnant in colombia right now. >> you mentioned you spoke with the family. here's what the grandmother told you. >> do you have any idea how she could have gotten to where she is using this fake name? and getting to colombia? >> i mean, there has to be adults involved. no 14-year-old can change their name and get to colombia. on their own. >> i just don't understand how it could happen. someone made a goof. i think this was in i.c.e. or someone. they goofed up. >> they dropped the ball. >> ed, last question. does the mother, does the grandmother, do they have passports? might they go to colombia to try to bring her home? oh, i hate that noise. we're left hanging on that one. maybe ed can let us know. tortured in underground prisons, fake ambulances used to attack protesters. coming up next, a syrian defector, what he calls horrific acts by state security forces in syria. stay with us. 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[ male announcer ] find your program at [ male announcer ] why do we grow quaker oats? because there are mountains to climb. ♪ dreams to be realized. ♪ new worlds to be explored and hearts to be won. quaker oats. energy to get you going, fiber to help fill you up and help keep your heart healthy. super people eat super grains. soledad o'brien working double duty. she asks rick santorum about the news that the obama administration is shrinking the military. here's that exchange. >> reporter: the president as you know at a press conference. i was wondering if you caught the details. >> no, i haven't. >> reporter: one of the things he's saying is a major budget cut for military spending. >> i'm against that. >> reporter: so what would your -- >> this is the typical obama approach. which is cut the number one responsibility of government and create a bigger welfare state. >> reporter: what would be your approach? >> not to cut defense at all of period. it's not the problem. it is only 20% of the overall budget of the country. it is not where the growth of government has been. it has been in entitlement and social spending. it is the area that a president wants to continue to expand and it is not the core function of the federal government. >> reporter: if you him your plan -- >> that a short time ago in manchester, new hampshire. soledad will talk about this encounter with santorum tomorrow morning. starting point starting this week on cnn. let's stay with the political theme. let's get to an america's choice 2012 politics with wolf blitzer. i'm last to congratulate you on quite a wonderful night here tuesday night. >> 3:31 a.m., you were, you stayed with us until 3:31 a.m. >> of course i did. my nose is growing longer and longer. i was with you a long time. i will say that. did you run your five miles the next day? >> i did, i did. i went to bed at 4:00 al. i got running at eight clog. i try to do it every day. i'm trying. >> i think of you as i'm on the treadmill as well. let's talk about this new poll. we're now channelling the focus to new hampshire. no huge surprise. mitt romney doing very, very well. >> very well in new hampshire. and the new suffolk poll, similar to our poll the other night. mitt romney right now and it's only five days before the new hampshire primary. ron paul is doing pretty well coming in second. 18%. he has a good organization there. newt gingrich and jon huntsman, 7%. rick santorum has moved up to 8%. rick perry not doing so well. he got 0% in this latest poll. rick perry is an interesting guy. he is the texas governor. he said after he didn't do well in eye warning he would go back and reassess. he said he's in it and off to new hampshire. off to south carolina. but you know what he's doing today and tomorrow? >> what's that in. >> he's hanging around in texas. i don't know why he's doing that. he should be out campaigning. either in new hampshire or south carolina. the texas primary is a long, long way down the road. maybe he's recharging his batteries a little bit. if you're in it, you have to show that you're in it. you have to be, to his credit, newt gingrich, for example, he was done by 2:00, 3:00 in the morning in iowa. he got on a red eye and flew to new hampshire. he was out campaigning the next day, the next morning from new hampshire. so these are the final days, and if you want to be a player, can't just sit around and relax and go jogging. you have to get out there and fight. >> romney romney is out there. we know he is in new hampshire and south carolina. clearly, he has a bit of money. he has the monetary advantage that affords him to spread the field. can he afford, we were talking about santorum earlier in south carolina. how he may play well there. could mitt romney afford to lose south carolina if he follows up with a win in florida the next primary? >> the answer is yes, he could. he probably will do well in south carolina. and i'll tell you why. the conservative vote, especially now that rick perry said he's back in this contest, will be split. gingrich is from georgia, not very far away from south carolina. he's got rick santorum. that whole, if you divide up that real conservative base, santorum, perry, and newt gingrich, that's better for mitt romney. romney could do what john mccain did four years ago. he was not the most conservative of the bunch but john mccain won in south carolina because fred thompson who was then running against mike huckabee, they divided up that conservative evangelical vote and it helped get the nomination. by rick perry staying in the race, he's done a huge favor to mitt romney in south carolina. >> what a fascinating time. wolf blitzer, we'll talk next hour to see what you have cooking. >> i've got some major guests in the situation room. i've been tweeting and i know you've been checking my twitter. >> of course. i live by every wolf blitzer tweet. >> we won't tell our viewers now but we'll tell them in the next hour. coming up, parents, pay close attention. overweight kids in these pretty tight fitting clothes featured in ads with unforgettable slogans. read with me. it's hard to be a little girl if you're not. another one, quote, my fat may be funny to you but it's killing me. coming up next, an advertising campaign in georgia that ames to get parents to stop sugar coating the problem of childhood obesity. we're talking about it next. [ female announcer ] splenda® no calorie sweetener is sweet... and more. if you replace 3 tablespoons of sugar a day with splenda®, you'll save 100 calories a day. that could help you lose up to 10 pounds in a year. and now get even more with splenda® essentials, the only line of sweeteners with a small boost of fiber, or antioxidants, or b vitamins in every packet. just another reason why you get more... when you sweeten with splenda®. ♪ when you sweeten with splenda®. where they grow america's favorite wpotatoes. idaho, everyone knows idaho potatoes taste great. but did you know they're good for you too? they're high in vitamins and potassium. and idaho potatoes are now certified to carry the heart checkmark from the american heart association for foods low in saturated fat and cholesterol. so they're good for my family, and for yours. heart smart idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. but my nose is still runny. [ male announcer ] truth is, dayquil doesn't treat that. really? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus fights your worst cold symptoms, plus it relieves your runny nose. [ deep breath] awesome. [ male announcer ] yes, it is. that's the cold truth! so many of you have reached out via twitter, let me know what you think about this. there is a public service campaign out of georgia to combat childhood obesity. the critics say it is flat out mean. >> playing video games is what i like to do. by myself. i don't have to be around the other kids. all they want to do is pick on me. >> i don't like going to school because all the other kids pick on me. it hurts my feelings. >> if you're the parent of an overweight child, how do you think he or she would feel seeing this sign? since they came out last year, the ads are doing their job. they're getting peel to do what we're doing today. talking about this. talking about a problem that is only getting worse. georgia ranks sengd in the nation for childhood obesity. a spokeswoman tells the "atlanta journal-constitution," and i'm quoting, we felt like we needed a very arresting, abrupt campaign that said, hey, georgia, wake up. this is a problem. but is this the best way to spread this kind of message? let's ask our expert, peter shenkman joins me. this is your wheel houseful are these ads effective. >> should mixed emotions. on one side, i totally understand that you need a shock. childhood obesity is growing at rampant rates. it is shocking and it is people talk about it. on the flip side, i'm speaking as a former fat kid myself. it is very, very hard to be overweight as a child. specially around the ages of 10, 11, that these kidsful are kids in school are brutal when it come to fun and bullying. i think there were better ways to do it just as shocking. like up, the end result, we are about it. >> kids are so mean. you couldn't pay me to go back to the seventh grade. let me say this. i've been reading all kinds of criticism about these different ads including from, i found this tweet from a celebrity chef. let me read this. in plain words, putting up billboards of photos of obese kids helps those kids no more than putting kick me signs on them, probably to your point. one ad that really jumped out at me. i read it again. it is hard to be a little girl if you're not. do these ads further stigmatize obesity? >> they do stigmatize it in a way that's not healthy for kids. i understand again from a perspective, they're trying to make a point. to get people to realize we have a serious problem with childhood obesity and obesity in general in this country. there are better ways to do it. >> like what? >> for instance, new york city has done something where they sa

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Ministry , Wheels , Inspector , Repression , Inner Circle , Damascus , Offices , Weapons , Vehicles , Basis , Those They Didn T Kill , Green Public Transport Buses , Detainees , Streets , Buses , Vans , Horrific , Allegation , Red Crescent Insignia , Fire , Ministries , Hitmen , Security Crackdown , 100 , Killing , Compromise , Hold , Hope , Fear , Revolution , Climate , Defection , College , Protest , Airport , Excuse , Son , Rest , Message , Troops , Carnage , Human Monsters , Intelligence Services , Bashar Al Assad , Circumstances , Arab League , Genocide , Phase , Beirut , Lot , Kids , School , Help , Bully Victim , Mistakes , Mission , Fact Finding Mission , Isn T The Case , Level , Back , Sunny Hostin , Varieties , Sixty , Twenty , Vegetables , Serving , Sauce , Green Giant , Bullying , Self Defense , Stop , Group , Fight , Bullies , Boys , 15 , Judge , Dylan Nuno , Bully , Court , Bus Stop Last Year , Punch , 16 , Charges , Stand Your Ground Law , No , Classmate , Ground , Activity , Implications , Network Trutv , Someone , Bodily Harm , Does , Bus Stop , Head , Set , Lesson , Immunity , Sets , Unique , Lessons , Law , Type , Danger , Harm , Affiliate Wink , Ruling , Eight , Place , Reason , Right , Defendant , Precedent , Victory , Isn T A , Anyone , Dead , Issue , Control , Kind , Constitution , Recess Appointment , Collier County , Some , School District , Response , E Mail , Fair Game , Power , Consumer Watchdog , Abuse , Pundits , Candidate , Answer , King , New Hampshire Primary , Times , Randikayecnn , Three , Cream Pie , Shakes , Thrilled , Boston , Pie , Skin , Health , Prices , Ad Match Guarantee , Oatmeal Formula , Track , Walmart , Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Lotion , Moisturizer , Improvement , Aveeno , Hopeful , Break , Mike Huckabee , Michigan , Richard Nixon , Shout Out , 1972 , 1960 , 1968 , Play , Gop , Congress , Sides , Topics , Shot Across The Bow , Members , Richard Cordray , National Labor Relations Board , Crystal , U S Senate , Won T , Appointees , Up Or Down Vote , Monarchy , Bang , Democracy , Obstructionist , Pro Forma Session , Roland , Recess Appointments , U S Constitution , John Boehner , Checks , Power Grab , Effect , Balances , Problem , Whatever , White House , Democrats , Laugh , Appointments , Upset , Same , Nominees , Democrat , Harry Reid , 9 , Games , House , Republicans , Fine , 2010 , Policies , Failure , Bottom Line , Bureau , Powers , Consumer Financial Protection Bureau , Evangelicals , Race , Gridlock , Gathering , Wall Street , Folks , Idea , Saying , Anybody , Primaries , Side , Goodness , Elites , Wan Di , Iowa , Votes , Say , Process , Ith , Meeting , Conservatives , Elite Group , Elite , Row Lan , Curtains , The Wizard Of Oz , Nominee , He Couldn T , The , Charismatic , 2008 , Texas , Clock , The Field , Nomination , States , Somebody , Delegates , Caucus , Ticking , 1445 , Roland Martin , Co Coronated , Game , Voters , Crystal Wright , Swatting , Woman , Polls , Coverage , Tut Nies Night , Oklahoma , John King , Wolf Blitzer , Erin Burnett , Anderson Cooper , 7 , Home , More , Intruder , Alli , Fat , Regrets , Diet , Let S Fight Fat With Alli , Fiber , Cereal , Half , Honey Clusters , Pork Chops , Fudge , Lady , Have A Nice Day , Sweetie , Recognition , Truck , Yea , Sweet Honey Taste , 80 , Truth , Alka Seltzer Plus , Nose , Symptoms , Runny Nose , Deep Breath , Dayquil , Streetsmart Edge Platform Tdd , Trade , Price , Charles Schwab , 8 95 , 95 , 1 , 345 , 2550 , 800 , 1 800 345 2550 , Trading , Traders , Trade Tdd , Opportunities , Stocks , Tools , Strategy Builder , At Schwab , Countries , Attend Workshops , Globe , Offers , Introduction , Trading Specialists , Webinars , 40 , 30 , Chuck Today , Account , 877 , 2203 , 6 , 1 877 809 2203 , 809 , Newsroom , Gay Marriage , Steps , Respect , Citizens , Equality , Love , Christine Gregoire , Couples , Relationship , Bill , Marriages , Marriage Licenses , Legislation , State Legislature , Term , Gay , Men , Nation , Blanchard , Same Sex Marriage , Door , Guns , 911 , 18 , Oman , Sara Mckinley , Bear , Something , Wasn T , Brownsville , Hunting Knife , Court Appearance , Grader , Weapon , Teen , Handgun , Student , Middle School , Hallways , No One Else , Investigation , Pistol , Shooting , Denver Broncos , Pittsburgh , Nfl , 77 , Sickle Cell Trait , Playoff Game , Field , Elevations , Sea Level , Denver , Steelers , Wesley Clark , Decision , The Last Time Clark , Spleen , Parking Job , Safety , Gall Bladder , Coach , Driver , Car , California S , Roof , Boxer Shorts , Apartment Complex , Speeding , Fog , Rocks , Scene , Fresno , Support , Word , Wave , Treatment , Apartment , Crane , Santorum Surge , Rick Santorum , Campaign , Pack , Mirror Image , Top , Indication , Iran , Isn T , Lunch Tour , Herman Cain , Don T , Mr , Wrong , The Public Eye , Unh , Surge , Alternative , Spot , Piers Morgan , Rematch , Win , Staying Power , Run , Felt , Iowa Caucuses , Arkansas , Similarities , 2012 Having , 2012 , The Path , Line , John Mccain , Second , Orc , Loss , Fourth , Couple , Home Game , Alamo , Lots , Shine , Penny , Rick Perry , Few , Knockout Blow , Fred Thompson , Vote , Team , Move , Guess , A Million , 1 Million , 10 , Window , Tv , Radio , Mail , Match , Pitch , Five , Heart , Fizzling Out , Chance , Guy Running , Poster Child , Campaign Ad , Role , Millionaires , Kim Kardashian , The Star , Attention , Courage Campaign , Wealthy , Cause , Taxes , Budget Crunch , Name Kardashian , Ron Paul , Political Editor , 47000 , 12 Million , 2 Million , 7000 , Storm , Center , Surprises , Manchester , Eastern Time , Guy , 41 , Brand , Suffolk University , 41 , Congressman , Results , Digits , Vacation , South , In Laws , Salem , Boys And Girls Club , Bit , Home State , 11 , Candidates , Contrast , Bunch , Guys , President , Sad , Challenge , Polling , Poll Numbers , Rivals , Haven T , Electorate , Timing , Conversation , Twitter , Brooke Baldwin , Ground Wars , Cnn Newsroom , Ability , Plan , Course , Claims America , Background Forces , Sea , Bess , Armed Forces , Superiority , Agile , Contingencies , Favor , Thoughts , Orange , Series , Neighborhood , Bombings , Bombs , Day Laborers , Wake , Car Bombs , Squares , Troop Withdrawal , 24 , Boost , Front , Voting , Lost , Fighting , Dallas , Colombia , Name , Immigration Authorities Say Turner , Houston , Dug A Little Deeper , Goof , Orange County , Authorities , Skill , Their 40s , Homeless Males , Killings , Affiliate Kcal Reports , Surveillance Camera , Connection , Victim , Choice , Pet , Dog , Pets , July , Murder , Prosecutors , Hosni Mubarak , Heart Problems , Others , Penalty , Lying , Gurney , Cancer , 83 , Pellet Gun , Gun , Jaime Gonzalez , Prison , Area , Prisoners , Inmates , Ban , 31 , Boy , Paining , Jail , City Museum , 40 Million , 300 , 00 Million , Abstract Painting , Floor , Felony Criminal Mischief , Old Carmen , Tisch , Painting , Repairs , 0000 , 10000 , Serial Killer , Riding A Wave , Bump , Scrutiny , Gulf War , Loose , Tide , Ads , Future , Warfare , Girl , Obesity , Twist , Life Insurance , Hank , Agent , State Farm , Stuffy , Oaches , Sneezing , Relieve Coughs , Twins , Overachiever , Every Single Day , Daily , Him , Finish , Unquote The True Conservative , Bonified Challenge , Gary Tuckman , Vision , Entitlement Programs , Comment , Recipients , Aid , Tongue , Lives , Opportunity , Somebody Else , Comments , Baby , Didn T , Human Rights , Pay Grade , Black , Abortion , Question , Human Life , 2003 , Homosexuality , Sex , Society , Adultery , Supreme Court , Polygamy , Fabric , Incest , Knowledge , Marriage , Definition , Activities , Morality , Teaching , Subject , Desires , He Wasn T Equating , Belief Structure , Supporter , Opinion , Catholic , Contraception , License , Belief , Dangers , Realm , Antithesis , Sell , Iranians , Career , Inspectors , Facilities , Air Strikes , Re Election , Showing , Points , Star , Reach , Beyond , Organization , Jim O Toole , Politics Editor , Mank , Pittsburgh Post Gazette , Saw , We , Director , Momentum , Network , Ground Game , Big Media Landscape , Yes , Cup , Drawing , Buzz , Events , Stand By , Social Conservatism , We Saw , Tb , License Plate , Politics , Potential , A Second Look , Trusantorum , Romney , Ticket , Fit , Someone Else , Pennsylvania , Trouble , Party , Threshold Question , Base , Vice President , Figure , Harm Test , Advisers , Bottle , Run At Romney , Lightning , Father , Roots , Western P A , 53 , Piece , Segment , Language , Expressions , Phlorid , Eyes , Mind , Cnn Election Center , Changes , Least , Capability , Pentagon Review , Citizen , Casey Anthony Surfacing Today , Hydroblendtm , Chunk , Visine , Eye Relief , Women , Leon Panetta , Defense Spending , Briefing Room , Troop Reduction , 4000 , Plans , World War Ii , Americans Unprotected , Watch , Commander In Chief , Priorities , Defense Department , Smart , Guidance , Former , Supreme Commander , Allied , Nato , Energy , Freedom , Energy Supplies , Allies , Gulf , Navigation , Access , Friends , Asia Pacific Area , Southeast Asia , Investments , Areas , Need , Thought , Defense Expenditures , Example , Doing , Intervention , Model , Air Strike Support , Air Force , Land Wars , Withdrawal Schedule , Super Committee Failure , Players , Trigger Mechanisms , 00 Billion , 600 Billion , Morning , Cut , Secretary Panetta , Listen , 2013 , Bullets , Ship , Brigade , Sequester , Sailors , 0 Billion , 20 Billion , Words , Airwing , Pilots , Paper Tiger , Families , Defense Strategy , Another , Lifetime , Transition , Military Service , Several , Defense Resources , Completion , Advantage , Draw Down , Success , Security Priorities , Package , Chiefs , Array , Chairman , Unemployment , Transparency , Defense Issues , Charge , George H Bush , Secretary Of State , Forces , Cheney , 1990 , Whole , Ground War , Afghanistan Doesn T Stem , 2004 , 90 , 2005 , We Shouldn T , Leaders , 2001 , Situation America , Arguments , Calorie Sweetener , Splenda , Tablespoons , Sweeteners , Packet , B Vitamins , Antioxidants , Essentials , Guess Who , Footage , Toddler , Gift , Belongings , I Don T Know , Don T Have To , Ashley Banfield , Tape , Surface , Video Log , Probation , Say Anything , Release , Acquittal , Value , Claim , Enormity , Media Attention , Bus , Though , Microphone , Video Journals , Amazing , Congestion , Label , Dude , Don T You , Hmmm No , Thousands , Twists , Away From Home , Jakadrien Turner , Maybe Ed , Agencies , Immigration System , 14 , Government , November Of 2010 , Identification , Theft Charge , Jail Sentence , Tica Cortes , Paperwork , Hampden , Sinister , Length , Scrambling , Ice , Being , Tica Cortes You , Identity , Citizenship , Situations , Foster Care Situation , Government Agency , Understanding , Juveniles , Custody , Messages , Motivations , Posting , Tracking , Aren T Clear , Wanted , Issues , Postings , Family Members , Grandmother , Levels , Adults , Passports , Last Question , Ball , Defector , Coming Up , Noise , Changing , Physics , Motion , Body , Prescription Celebrex , Arthritis , Arthritis Symptoms , Celebrex , Plus , Function , Studies , Inflammation , 200 , Doctor , Warning , Narcotic , Risks , Prescription Nsaids , Benefits , Ibuprofen , Meloxicam , Naproxen , Risk , Nsaids , High Blood Pressure , Intestine Problems , Heart Attack , Reactions , Stomach , Stroke , Heart Disease , Chance Increases , Aspirin , Ulcers , Asthma Attack , Allergies , Patients , Bleeding , Stomach Bleeding , Elderly , Hives , Sulfonamides , Arthritis Treatment , Breathing , Throat , Visit Celebrex Com , History , Swelling , Teetering Situation , Check , Flat Out Disinformation , Up Front , Ranks , Four Wheel Drive , 93 , Third , Jeel , Climtd , Bashad , Poll , Brand New , University Of Phoenix , Back To School , Dr , Instructors , District , Award , My Name , Principals , Degree , Phoenix , Carrie Buck , Program , Dreams , Mountains , Quaker Oats , Phoenix Edu , Hearts , Worlds , Exchange , Grains , Soledad O Brien Working Double Duty , Budget Cut , Details , Press Conference , Welfare State , Approach , 20 , Core Function , Entitlement , Encounter , Theme , Soledad , Let , America S Choice , Bed , 4 , Meal , 0 , Contender , Predictions , Everyone , Memory , Predemd , Caucuses , Page , Hello , East Coast ,

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