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good morning, everyone. phil is making jokes before 6:00 a.m. it's friday. we're glad you're with us. five things to know for this friday, september 8th. we want to start with weather breaking overnight. hurricane lee intensify ing int a category 5 storm with sustained winds of 160 miles per hour. that was double what it was 24 hours ago. the big question, is it going to hit the east coast or make a turn and stay in the atlantic. and eight sightings, but an escaped murderer is still on the run. and new overnight, we're hearing from the american trapped 3,000 feet deep in a cave. he says he was very close to the edge suffering from internal bleeding and rescuers saved his life. this morning for if the first time we're expected to see the full report from the special grand jury in georgia. they are investigating efforts to overturn the 2020 election. we'll see if it has any new information that was not included in the indictments against former president trump and his 18 codefendants. and a climate protesters glued his feet to the concrete floor delaying coco gauff's win by 50 minutes. "cnn this morning" starts right now. let's begin with with hurricane lee, which has strengthened to a powerful category 5 storm. it's churning in the atlantic. the system intensified very fast. it was a category 1 when speeds of 80 miles an hour. that's double to 160 miles an hour right now. the category 5 in just 24 hours. meteorologist derek van dam is live in the weather center with more. the question is where does it turn. >> that is the big question. right now, it's moving generally in a westerly direction, well north of the leeward islands and north of puerto rico. but look at day four and day five. this cone of uncertainty expands considerably because we expect this forward movement of the storm to slow down significantly. so why this cone of uncertainty? why so much uncertainty going forward in that turn and the strength as we look towards day four and five. pwe have to look at how the national hurricane center operates. it builds out the circles with this cone of uncertainty. five days out, they know their average error spread that was roughly about 230 miles. so that means as you go forward in time, the spread inner report possibilities increases. if you look outside of five days, the spaghetti model, the general consensus, it goes out in all directions t fans out. that shows you the uncertainty that we have currently with lee. we just don't know when it will make that turn. but there are a few factors we're paying close attention to. it will be moving over cooler water, so it will be a weaker storm. but one thing is for sure. it is a powerful monster that is currently in beast mode. it's the strongest storm in the atlantic basin since 201 where hurricane dorian. it has more than double d the criteria for rapid intensification. so at the very least, we will see large swells and large waves along the atlantic sea board starting sunday right through next week. but this thing blew up overnight. >> it really did. thank you so much for keeping an eye on it. there's been a new sighting of a convicted murder who escaped from a prison now more than a week ago. state police confirmed danelo cavalcante has been spotted at least eight times over the course of those eight days. one area they are focusing their search is a popular botanical garden three miles from the prison. ny freeman joins us live. the focus right now on the specific area, what's that tell you? >> reporter: we have seen over the past 12 hours a tremendous amount of police activity related to the manhunt of danelo cavalcante. we have seen troopers racing down winding roads in neighborhoods just like this one. we have seen the search area expand once again. and we got confirmation last night from the stit police there has been another sighting. lot me tell you what we know about this. it started last night really in the 6:00 hour. that's when we started to witness a tremendous amount of police activity. state troopers were rushing to close off many roads that frankly had not been closed off before. one trooper telling us as they were ushering us away they discovered some sort of new intel. we learned the botanical gardens, they were closing for the night. and that's been a spot where police have been focusing part of their attention over the course of the past nine days. we were that guests were told to leave. tenants were told to shelter in place. it was because police were searching an area of interest. we all got on the phone calling our sources, but we were able to confirm there was not a capture last night, but state police saying there was a confirmed siepgting. state police, while they have not gaten their hands on danelo cavalcante yet, they were still projecting optimism yesterday. listen to what the lieutenant colonel told the press yesterday afternoon. >> i have ever reason to believe he's still within that perimeter. we have had no sightings outside of that area. we have maintained a secure perimeter as we possibly could. >> reporter: so this manhunt still ongoing now on day nine. but i have to tell you, this is some of the most policed activity that we have seen in this entire search. >> danny freeman, you have been our eyes on the ground. keep us posted please. to d.c. now where there's another law enforcement search underway. police released a new video of a suspect who escape d two days ago. christopher haynes was spotted on this surveillance video jumping over a fence sba someone's backyard. he's wearing just socks, no shoes, and appears to be looking for something. there is a $25,000 reward for information on his capture. he made his escape from the hospital after assaulting a police officer. he was taken there after he complained about a ankle injury. teen sensation coco gauff headed to her first u.s. open final. she beat the 10 seed, 6-4, 7-5 in the semifinals, but the match was delayed for almost 50 minutes. four environmental protesters interrupted. three of them were removed. the fourth was a bit more complicated because he glued his feet to the concrete floor. >> i always speak about preaching about what you feel and what you believe in. it was done in a peaceful way, so i can't get too mad of it. i don't want it to happen when i'm winning, but if that's what they felt they needed to do to get their voices heard, i can't get upset at it. >> a great attitude. she's the young est american woman to reach the u.s. open final since serena williams won her first back in 1999. >> remarkably mature response to someone blew gluing their feet. all of her press conferences have been fantastic. we'll have more on this throughout the show. but we could see the full undedakt redact d report from the grand jury over donald trump's efforts to overturn the election president bush. a fundraiser at a golf club put a dent in rudy giuliani's legal bills as he fights theses cases, we'll discuss. save up to 30% nowow for a limited time. whether you're moving across town or acrossss the country. save up to 30% at today. i need it cool at night. you trying to ice me out of the bed? 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>> if you look at the page numbers of the report, there's about six pages in the middle that got cut out. awe low for spacing, it's not a short list. >> did you recommend charges against donald trump? >> we definitely heard a lot about former president trump and we definitely discussed him a lot in the room. i will say that when this list comes out, there are no major plot twists waiting for you. >> so today we're going to learn how closely this report lines up with the indictments that were landed down. we'll also learn if special grand jurors want ed to indict more people. >> that comes as trump tells the judge he may try to move his case into federal court. the same thing his former chief of staff is attempting to do right now. and another of the codefendants in georgia now has about a million dollars to put toward his roughly $5 million legal debt after $100,000 a plate fundraiser overnight. we have it all covered, but we'll start with sara murray, who spent too much time trying to explain internally the difference between a special grand jury and a grand jury that were all accurate. we have a teaser in february about what this might entail. what are you expecting to learn? what are you looking for given how close ily you have covered this case? >> it's been a long time coming, as you point out, to see the product of this special grand jury that did months and months of the actual investigating. they handed the findings off to decide whether to heed closely to them or to do her own thing. the first thing we're looking for is any kind of difference between who district attorney fani willis decided to bring charges against and who the special grand jury recommended. we do know that the special grand jury was unanimous on at least one point because we got this in the earlier excerpts that the judge released. that was after they heard from 7 witnesses they were not convinced of any fraud. we find by a unanimous vote that no widespread fraud took place in the georgia 2020 presidential election. that could result in overturning the elections. that was one of their primary take aways. the other thing i'm looking for today is anymore indication of who the special grand jury believes lied to them when i they came before and intensified. there was one person who ultimately was charged with perjury. he's a pro-trump attorney. here's what was said. a majority of the grand jury believes that perjury may have been committed by one or more witnesses testify ing before th grand jury. they recommend appropriate indictments for such crimes where the evidence is com compelling. so i think those are the two areas where we could potentially see some news today. >> so we'll look out for that. it could come soon. we're also learning that trump likely going to try to move this case to federal court. does he have a stronger chance? >> it's hard to say if he's going to have a stronger chance. on the one hand, donald trump is the ultimate federal official because he was the former president of the united states. but mark meadows can essentially say anything he was doing, he was doing because he needed to offer his advice to the former president. that's one of the things that his attorneys argued when they went before this judge. i think what we saw from donald trump's team and his attorney's team yesterday preserving the opportunity to move to federal court while sort of hedging and waiting to see how this plays out for mark meadows. they didn't put forward their arguments before a federal court for why they think trump should maybe move there. that's probably because they are waiting to see what the judge is going to do in the meadows case. >> we'll watch. thank you so much for the updates. appreciate it. another conviction for a trump associate. a jury finding former adviser peter navorro guilty of contempt of congress for refusing to turn over documents. the trial lasted just over a day. the defense did not call any witnesses and nova ro joins steve bannon as the second former trump aid prosecuted for not cooperating with the committee. he faces one year in prison and $100,000 fine for each count. he has pledged to appeal based on executive privilege issues. this morning rudy giuliani is still really drowning in debt after former president trump posted a $100,000 per person fundraiser last night. giuliani struggling to pay millions of dollars in his legal bills for a host of lawsuits, criminal charges and last night's event was expected to take in more than a million dollars for his defense. kristen holmes is following all of it and join us now. how much would he have to get to sort of get out of this legal bill hole? >> good morning. we don't have the number exactly. one source estimated he has about $5 million in debt. we know that it's millions of dollars. and unlike these other aids, advisers, employees that trump has footed the legal bill for, the former president isn't doing the same for rudy giuliani. i talked to a number of trumped a providers who pushed back at this notion that he's not helping the former mayor and his long-time ally, pointing to these fundraisers. also pointing to the fact that at one point the save america pac that pays legal bills paid $300,000 in giuliani's debts. but as you noted, again, millions of dollars in legal debt. even if he was able to raise from this fundraiser more than a million dollars, there's a long way to go. we heard from one of giuliani's attorneys last night, who essentially said giuliani was going to need every penny he could get. >> i assume that they are trying to raise as much as possible. i think they are going to need it. i don't how much money you have. you can't outspend the state. knowing the scope, the length of this it trial, even the preliminary matters is going to be extremely costly. the state has nearly unlimited funds. >> we have heard this is a full-court press from giuliani's allies. they reached out to people who giuliani helped when he was mayor. people who sought favors from giuliani, as well as previous donors to giuliani's political endeavors. >> i work from the baseline that trump's camp will never be monolithic, but based on your reporting, is everyone inside the trump team supporting rudy giuliani at this point? >> there's a splut. you talk about former president trump himself. he's still fond of rudy giuliani. they describe a friendship. they had lunch and went and greeted supporters together. they have a relationship. this idea there's any kind of wedge between them does not exist. but there is a split within trump's orbit. some people saying it's important for trump to pay these bills, that he needs to keep giuliani in the fold. another section saying it's time to cut giuliani loose. we have no indication, one, that he's going to pay the bills, or two, he's going to cut giuliani loose in any way. when i raise these points with trump advisers, they say that trump himself is not going to be pushed into anything. he still said he didn't do anything wrong. but again, not really paying those bills yet. >> big bills, thank you very much. 22 days, it's the end of the deadline to avoid a government shutdown. it's quickly approaching and what's rising is tension in the ranks. ahead, what the party can't seem to agree on. we show ed him looking. >> i'm doing well. >> hear from the american trapped in the careful in turkey more than 3,000 feet deep. dry skin is sensitive skin, too. and it's natural. treat it that way with aveeno® daily moisture. formulated with nourishing, prebiotic oat. it's clinically proven to msturize dry skin for 24 hours. avno® (vo) in two seconds, eric will realize (man) [laughs] (vo) they're gonna need more space... gotta sell the house. 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>> reporter: this is a real, real mess. typically these spending fights, as you well know, is democrats versus republicans. this time it's different. it's republicans versus republicans in large part senate republicans vs. house republicans. there's the end of the month deadline hoere. there are two big things making it complicated. one is how to fund the government at large. the entire federal government for the full year. earlier this year, senate republicans and house republicans and democrats all thought they had a deal on everall spending levels. then kevin mccarthy backed away from that deal that he cut as part of raising the debt limit because of pressure from his conservative hard liners to cut spending even more. that was a result of the house and senate republicans and the two chambers are $150 billion apart in overall spending. they are not going to be able to resolve that by the end of the month, so they have to figure out how to keep the government open to avoid a disastrous shutdown. that's where things get complicated. even the short-term stopgap bill is unclear how they get that done. in large part, because of the $24 billion in aid to ukraine. the white house, along with senate republicans for the most part, want to include all of that in that short-term stopgap bill. kevin mccarthy is suggesting that they could separate that out and just pass the stopgap bill, but that's not going over well with some senate republicans, including senator tom tillis. >> the dole we thought deal we thought was going to be the foundation for funding the government, now we have to understand what the house members need and whether or not we can get sufficient votes in the senate for it. right now, they need to get to the table and negotiate. if there's a lapse in the thort for ukraine, that's a win for russia and china. >> it undermines the effort to help ukraine. you're putting americans against a foreign policy objective, that does not endure the same level of support. >> so that last comment from senator rubio aligning himself with the house republican approach. rubio represents hard-hit florida. the disaster aid should go separately from ukraine, but that's the real complication. the white house wants to keep it together. democrats and senate republicans want to keep it together. how does it end and does it lead to a shutdown? all big questions here as the clock ticks down to the end of the month. >> i'm also interested in how democrats on the hill are responding to you about the cnn poll numbers that were not good for biden that were released yesterday. >> reporter: i spoke to more than a dozen of them about all of this. there just really is a sharp divide within the party about how the president should deal with this. some of them simply brushing it away saying this is just one poll. things will change once we get to a general election. donald trump will help energize the democratic base and deal with all the bad numbers we're seeing here. but others simply believe that the white house needs to amp up its messaging and start to draw a firmer contrast with donald trump, start to tout its accomplishments more significantly and start to be more aggressive on the campaign trail as well because they are not just joe biden's future hangs in the balance, but so does the senate majority. they could certainly lose the majority in next year's elections, so the question is if biden increases his standing, can that save the senate as well. that's one of the things that these members are pondering in the aftermath of these bad poll numbers. >> chief congressional correspondent, and newly minted an court of "inside politics" on sunday. >> we're so excited for you. >> the hill rats, we're doing okay. thank you. appreciate it. >> thanks, guys. china is buying up more and more of america's farmland. hear reaction from lawmakers and american farmers. >> nothing about this suggests that it's out. look right there. it's an american flag that's flying. and thisis pro with thehe perfect slice. and if we profer it, we know america will too. what about spapaniards? 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how long do i they think this could take? >> we're talking about the third deepest cave. we heard from local authorities this would stiptipically take an experienced caver around 15 full hours to make it to the surface under ideal circumstances. but that is not the case. he is in a delicate situation when it comes to his health. it is anticipated that this rescue effort could take days. now he is currently at base camp some 3,000 below the ground. he received urgent medical attention. but he is set to be in a good condition at this stage. and we have heard from had him now. take a listen. >> i i look forward to working with everyone to safely get myself out with their assistance. as you can see, i'm up on alert and talking. but i'm not healed on the ideas yet. i need a lot of help to get out of here. >> that rescue effort is still ongoing. he will need help to get out of that position. we're talking about very narrow, winding pass acts. according to local authorities, he will need assistance buzz of the situation around his stomach. >> thank you. china is increasingly buying up more and more american farmland. this is raising concerns about what the communist party plans to do right here on american soil. david culver joins us now. not only did you do this reporting, it comes with a background that you lived and reported in china for three years, where it's not typical for u.s. companies to own farmland. >> or any of us who live there. anybody who is a foreigner trying to buy is next to impossible. there are heavy restrictions. you talk to lawmakers here and they are saying we don't want it to be a tit for tat, we don't want to equal what the communist party is doing, but there's something strategic that china hit on with foreigners from buying too much of their land. and it was really interesting as we started to see how that i applies to what we're experiencing here in the u.s. and what we found firsthand. >> reporter: just a couple hours into our drive from seattle, we start to see the markings of american pride. stars and stripes lining the highways of rural washington state. this is part of the agricultural backbone that keeps us fed. but as we look closer here, we find what might be for america is, in cases, not american. >> this is something we kind of have spwoken up to and thought should do something. >> reporter: dan splits his time between washington working as a hops farmer and the other washington where he serves on congress's select committee on the ccp. >> a lot of folks would look at where we are and say how does that relate to the committee that focuses on the chinese communist party. >> i think there's a huge connection. we have seen tremendous increase in the number of acres being purchased by chinese businesses. the increase has grown by a factor of 10 over the last decade. >> reporter: a sharp rise he worries will continue. >> but the one thing that people need to understand is that china is not an ally. they are an adversary. >> reporter: law miccers fear with control of u.s. farmland, china could manipulate u.s. food supply, surveil military sites, or even steal intellectual property. china's foreign ministry is says they are playing off unwarranted national security fears to discr discriminate. we drive an hour to see how close the business ties to china are. >> you're about to see the sign that's called syngenta. this is a seats and pesticide manufacturer. it's one of the largest in the world. let me show you something else as you look from the outside here. nothing about this suggests that it's foreign out. you can even see look right there, it's an american flag that's fly ing. >> syngenta is head quartered in switzerland but owned by china, which is chinese-state controlled and designated last year by the defense department as a military company. its ceo, a former government official and member of the communist party. cincinsyngenta is operating her legally and neither it or its parent company have been accused of wrong doing. in a statement they stress that syngenta has 4,400 u.s. employees in 43 states and all its activities are conducted on fields and farms in the u.s. to benefit american farmers. new house is sponsoring a bill that would vet and restrict future investment from chinese entities. a similar effort passed in july. more than two dozen states have either passed or proposed their own restrictions on foreign ownership of land. >> they are all family owned. now there's no families left. >> reporter: the restrictions on certain foreign investment could mean fewer options for family farms facing increased financial pressures and needing to sell. >> would you be hesitant in selling to any sort of foreign group that's coming in? even if it was a chinese-owned company? >> i wouldn't like it, but money is money. if it's the only check, what are you going to do? >> reporter: the legislation could have wider consequences. >> one of the biggest counterarguments is that's going to create a prejudice. you say? >> we can make that distinction between the chinese people and the chinese communist party. and we're not looking at trying to create an anti-chinese isn'tment in our country. we're just trying to be smart in how we respond. >> such a lens into what they are dealing with give us a sense of how much american farm lapd is owned by chinese companies. >> it's importanten cop text. when you look at all the foreign-owned land in the u.s., we're talking about less than 1% owned by the chinese people or chinese businesses. there's no data to suggest what percentage of that is linked to the government. but it's not so much that lawmakers are focussed on. it's the trajectory that's increased. >> where does this go from here, which is so interesting because this seems to be one of the things that may unite republicans and democrats. >> it's true. you speak with members of the select committee on the ccp, and many of them will tell you it's refreshing to be on this committee. and they say because we're all in agreement. common ground is found here in a common adversary. >> thank you for the great reporting. federal appeals court says texas can keep its floating border barriers that have been injuring migrants as they try to cross into the united states. asa hutchinson is the former head of the d.a. we'll talk to him about that and the state of the 2024 race, that's coming up next. rude. who are you? 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>> we just need one more national poll at 3%. we have already had that. we are meeting our donor requirement. so we're very optimistic we'll be on the debate stage. we made the first debate, and we expect to make the second debate as well. >> i was struck that there was a piece from the national review that said essentially they urge you to drop out of the race because your position felt like a line with where chris christie was and chris christie was more effective at being kind of the vocal trump critic in the race. what's your response to that? >> well, as you know, i have been a critic of donald trump ever since january 6th happened. i spoke out early on this. . i was the first presidential candidate to speak out clearly on it. i do it in my way. and i think that's important. and i'm campaigning in iowa. i'm campaigning in new hampshire. and the distinctions are clear. in fact, in the last debate, i was the only candidate that clearly said i'm not going to be supporting someone, even donald trump, if he's a convicted felon. that would be a violation of rnc rules, in my judgment. so the clarity is there. i have had many voices that say we need you on the next debate stage because you're experienced addressing border security issues, you're experienced in the fentanyl crisis. as well as the foreign policy experience. >> you want to get to the boarder in a minute, but to that point, it was striking in the most recent batch of cnn polls, republicans and republican-leaning independents when asked about wlo whether the criminal charges disqualify the former president from the presidency, 13% said yes. 2020 election interference charges, 15% said yes. i'm very cognizant of your position and the kint sit in that position. that's a position that seems porl oppospolar opposite to whe voters are. >> you're right. the polling information con if you remembers that they believe that donald trump has been unfairly prosecuted. i would certainly agree, in some circumstances, that there's an overreach by the new york district attorney, the georgia case, to me, should have been part of jack smith's investigation. this is a process that's got the voters confused. they see unfairness in it. that's understandable. but you take away all of the cases, you have underlying conduct, you also have can you win with donald trump, and that's the case that i make. so the voters want to win, and they see the path to winning as someone other than donald trump. the american public does not want a donald trump and a joe biden race. i think that's clear from your polls. so this is early. there's a lot of time to transpire before the iowa caucuses. we're going to continue to make the case, to speak the truth, and we'll see where that leads. >> former vice president mike pence had a noteworthy speech this week talking about the risk, as he saw it, in the populism versus what conservatism used to be. he said still is and an inflection point in that battle. it reminded me of a headline a couple months ago that said asa hutchison, the ideal candidate for a gop that no longer exists. where do ewe think the bat sl in the is inside the party? >> i think this is a fight for the soul of the republican party. it's not that you go back to what a party used to be because a party adjusts to the needs of our country today. you respond to the working person who is struggle iing to e a living, and those policies should be based upon it, but it's on our principles of limited government,en opportunity for everyone. so when you're speaking those truths, that is the republican party that i know of. it's not a trump party. it's not a party that is trump 2.0. that's what so many candidates want to see in our future. i want to see a republican party that is the party of lincoln, the party of reagan, that represents a strong america. so that's a battle we're having within the primary. my voice is clear on that. if you agree with that, go to my website. >> that philosophy of thing, vivek ramaswamy has had a burst in the last couple weeks. he said, it's not 1980 anymore. it's pasm to watch old-school rerepublicans resite from a bygone era. >> i think that vivek ramaswamy is very young. think he does not appreciate the contribution that people have made in the past, like ronald reagan and other leaders of our party. but you also look at nikki haley. nikki haley says she doesn't want the party to go back to the pre-trump era. this is a battle for the soul of our party. we're not going back. we're going to go forward. but if you think limited government is a cliche, you need to be running as someone besides a republican. >> on the border, you had a tweet responding to something new york city mayor eric adams said. a very candid comment about the migrant crisis and potential for destroying new york city. and you referenced that adams should blame the biden administration, not be blaming people like greg abbott. do you agree with everything greg abbott mass put ihas put into place in terms of strategy on the border? >> i think he's done an incredible job of draw ing putting resources there. marshaling the other governors. we sent national guard resources there. in reference to the water barriers, this is something the federal government should have already done. it's a good idea. it's effective. the first thing i would do is bring the governors together, democrat and republican, along the border and i say, let's work together. to get the job done. this administration is fighting in opposition to governors trying to help. this makes no sense to me. and clearly eric adams has made the point you're destroying our cities. so it's not just the border communities, but it's our cities across america. we have to bring this under control. it takes a cooperative effort between cities, the states, and the fact government to get the job done. >> governor asa hutchinson, appreciate your time. thank you. >> really interesting conversation. soon president biden will arrive in india. he's going for the g-20 summit. we'll take you live and talk about on the agenda. and why the uaw calls the latest offer insulting. >> the union account makes the difference. new science shows listerine is 5x more effectiveve than floss at reducing plaqaque above the gumline. for a cleaner, healthier mouth. ahhhhh. listerine. feel thehe whoa! how can you sleep on such a firm setting? 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