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Hello and welcome to our viewers in the United States and Around The World. This is cnn is continuing breaking News Coverage. If iran strike on israel im Christiane Amanpour in london alone inside my colleague, Alex Marquardt in washington. Now this morning, israel remains on high alert after iran launched and unprecedented fivehour attack on israel the idf says more than 300 missiles and drones were fired. The majority were fired from iran some were launched from iraq in yemen, they say only a few were able to pierce israels defenses hitting an airbase in southern part of the country causing minor damage. And there are no reports of injuries suffered directly from the strikes israel is now saying that the us, britain, as well as france also acted during these iranian strikes. Us forces intercepting more than 71 Attack Drones and based three Ballistic Missiles thats according to two us officials who are familiar with matter. The attack was in response to an israeli strike last week on what iran says was its Consulate Building In Damascus that was on april 1, this morning, tehran is saying that the matter has concluded and warns the us and israel against future attacks. But as we speak now, israels forces do remain on high alert President Biden has spoken with Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister reassuring him that washington still has a strong commitment to israel. But our mj lee has learned the president also told netanyahu, us will not take part in any offensive operation against iran cnns covering the story around the globe. Cnns kevin liptak and kylie atwood, a standing by in washington. But we begin with Jeremy Diamond in northern israel. So jeremy europe there its the border with Lebanon Hezbollah says the did fire was not clear whether its in relation to the iran strike. What are you hearing up there well, listen, we saw a significant barrage of rockets being fired from Southern Lebanon into northern israel late last night or early this morning, i should say, this followed a fivehour long attack that iran leveled. Again israel more than 300 drones and missiles that were fired by iran, 99 of which were intercepted by israeli as well as some american air defense assets, according to the Israeli Military that included 170 drones, 30 plus cruise missiles and 120 since he Ballistic Missiles only some of those Ballistic Missiles, according to the Israeli Military, actually made it to their target with several of those Ballistic Missiles hitting the nevatim, airbase in southern israel, causing with the Israeli Military described as light damage of following that barrage, hezbollah fired at least 55 ive rockets directed at northern israel and the Golan Heights Iranian Military chief of staff. Now saying that this re military response by iran has been concluded. But theres no question that both israel and iran are on high alert. And the question now is how will israel . Oh respond to this attack by iran as well as its proxy forces. Already weve seen overnight that israel retaliated for those latest strikes striking deep inside lebanon in Northern Lebanon, which is rarer than the typical israeli response that we see israels work cabinet convenes overnight to discuss potential responses so far they have yet to publicly say what that response will look like. We know that in recent days before these this attack happens, israel effectively said that an iranian attack on israeli soil would result in a commensurate response suggesting a response on iranian soil itself that much remains unclear at this hour, but certainly this is a significant inflection point. And while the wave of iranian drones and missiles has now concluded, much more still remains to be seen. Christiane alex jeremy, just a quick question. It appears that the targets were a military base. That is, according at least to a fragmentary compensate commentary that weve already had from israeli officials. Now, you been up there and youve obviously been covering this since the heightened tensions since october 7 one of the areas of great concern Cern For America Is Israel potentially getting into a war with hezbollah . Lets leave iran aside for a moment. And i covered the 2006 for which they didnt win. It was at best fought to a draw. What are you hearing about that . Well whats so interesting christiane is over the course of the last six months, we thought that if there were to be a moment that could potentially escalate this war between israel and hamas and is kind of slow simmering conflict between israel and iranian proxy forces. That if there were to be something that would result in this going in to a fullblown regional war, that it would be that that conflict between israel and hezbollah and yet what were actually seeing is that this major escalation has actually come directly between israel and iran resulting from israels strike on a console or facility in damascus that killed a senior level iranian commander and then a rons largescale attack against israel overnight. Now, one thing thats unclear is the extent to which has below was acting in coordination with iran. Obviously, they closely coordinate their Military Operations in general, but overnight as hezbollah appears to have launched dozens of rockets at northern israel and the Golan Heights. They claimed that their attacks were in support of the Palestinian People framing it in that vein, rather than as part of this largescale attack with iran. So look israel in these latest strikes early this morning in Northern Lebanon those are rare. It has happened before, however, so it remains to be seen to what extent this could escalate further from here. Jeremy diamond. Thank you. And in a matter of hours, President Biden will meet with g7 leaders virtually to coordinate a diplomatic response. Alec, President Biden has already spoken with his Israeli Company part Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Cnns Kevin Liptak joins us now from washington, kevin. Okay. What can we expect from that meeting today . Yeah. And i think when the white house says that they will be coordinating a united diplomatic response, the emphasis is on the word diplomatic. Certainly President Biden, hoping to avoid a wider regional escalation, and he has made clear, including in his phone call with Prime Minister netanyahu that the us will not participate in any offensive operations against iran. I just want to read to you a little bit of the president Statement Last night he said, ive just spoken with Prime Minister netanyahu to reaffirm americas ironclad commitment to the security of israel. The president goes on to say, i told him that israel demonstrated a remarkable capacity to defend against an defeat, even unprecedented attacks, sending a clear message to its fos that they cannot effectively threaten the security of israel. And i think greeting between the lines of that statement and also in talking to american officials, the president s message here is take the win to netanyahu. You have been successful in intercepting these hundreds of missiles and drones launched towards israel they did not strike anything of significance. Most of them were shot down effectively saying that this was a success and the president certainly trying to avoid this conflict from exploding into a wider regional conflagration. That is something that he had been trying to do since the start of this conflict. Certainly now, tensions are at among their highest point. The president then in his talks with netanyahu, a trying to emphasize the importance of not letting this spiral out any further. And certainly today as President Biden returns to the Situation Room to discuss the conflict with the leaders of the g7. His message or will be on the diplomatic front to try and find ways to coordinate against iran without turning this in to a regional war. Now we know yesterday, President Biden returned are urgently from his beach house in rehoboth for these Crisis Meetings in the Situation Room. Hes able to watch in real time as this unfolded. Now certainly the focus its here at the white house is on how israel respond and what that response might look like. Christiane, indeed, kevin, thank you. And within the past few hours, irans army has sent another stark warning to the United States saying that if it cooperates with israel in any possible counter attack, us bases will be quote dealt with with us now is cnns kylie atwood in washington, dc yeah, thats right. What we learned overnight from us officials. Was that the us was heavily involved in the response the defense of israel alongside israel over the course of these five hours with us officials telling cnn that 70 drones and at least three Ballistic Missiles were intercepted by the us over the course of this attack. And we should also note that according to President Biden, that statement, there were not any us personnel or us facilities that were struck at all. And that is significant. It obviously contributes the defense that the us was able to put up the defense that israels able to put up to the us assessment that this was a largely unsuccessful attack by iran and of course, the us, us officials, President Biden himself, have reiterated that the us support for israel, us defense of israel the iron cloud. Of course, it is important to point out that in that phone call between Prime Minister netanyahu and President Biden, according to reporting from our colleague, mj lee, President Biden said very clearly that the us would not participate in offensive operations against iran. So the us is standing on its real side here, but also essentially saying were not going to go with you if you decide any counterattack is necessary here, the us is pushing in conversations with ally in the region as they have been doing over the course of the last a week or so to try and deescalate the situation, Secretary Of State put out in a Statement Last night, of course, condemning this attack by iran, but also saying that he would be in touch with his partners in the region and Around The World as a us is pushing not to escalate this conversation and its also worth noting that today all eyes will be on that diplomatic response as you guys were saying, the g7 will be meeting today . And well watch to see what the white house says out of that indeed, kylie, because Everybody Knows that while youre on maybe outgun by both israel and iran, a war with iran would be a massively serious prospect thanks so much now, as we said, hezbollah has taken the opportunity to launch rockets strikes on the idf and israel has written tolerated will take you live to beirut for details theres debris and this guy parents, has been sent via wish i couldve done something differently. You can just make it better for those that follow up Space Shuttle columbia, the final flight, to part fund nelly tonight at nine on seek with Fast Create Factory great visual solutions to perfect your process that sides make your statement when you purchase a pair of bomba psaki or underwear you also donate one to someone facing homelessness. One purchased equals one donated 100 million donations and counting visit bomba dot com and get 20 off your first order unnecessary . 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Now, israel has already retaliated in the hours since that has bulla strike, hitting hezbollah targets in Southern Lebanon and lebanon is where we find our Senior International correspondent, ben wedeman, who joins me now from beirut. So ben, in that statement about its support for the palestinian in people hezbollah appears to be making clear that its actions have to do with the war in gaza. And our independent of irans attack on israel yeah the beginning of that statement is really the standard statement that his butler puts out. Every time it launches strikes against israel. And we know that from speaking with sources very close to his butler. And we heard in his speech from hassan nasrallah, the secretary general of the hizballah himself that the response to the israeli strike on the diplomatic complex in damascus, belonging to the iranians on the 1st of april, would be iranian. Now its interesting that i think the video did you just showed was Katyusha Rockets being fired by hezbollah from Southern Lebanon . A toward air and Missile Defense positions belonging to the israelis on the Golan Heights, which might indicate that they were trying to disable those as the iranian strikes were taking place nonetheless. What were seeing is that this is what certainly today is really a continuation of the backandforth between his berlin, israel that weve seen since the age of october and therefore, weve heard President Biden saying that the United States will not participate in any offensive operate Israeli Offensive action against israel. Ive cant see ron, excuse me. So it does appear that weve gotten over what last night looked like. What was really threatening to be a regional war. Its gone back to really where we work, where we were of course, is theres a war going on in gaza six months now, more than 33, almost 34,000 people dead according to the un 70 of whom are women and children now we know that the israelis have long wanted the United States to participate in some sort of Military Action against iran President Biden statement would indicate that thats not going to happen. I think what were seeing here in lebanon, in gaza is it just back to the war thats been going on for six months and the hope certainly here in lebanon is that this country will not be drawn into any sort of war last night, we saw a lot of panic buying of petrol stations, particularly in the south of the country. The airport was closed for a few hours. But now everything has gone back to as i said, before, what passes for normal and lebanon bet alex, ben, youve just spent time in Southern Lebanon along the border with un forces, i believe the us is trying to help broker a diplomatic deal to prevent further flare up. And perhaps in his race Haley Incursion into Southern Lebanon what are the prospects of avoiding further worn and a second front essentially being opened up . How, how how are those conversations going . Well, what weve seen is almost hoax nine is new. This special envoy from the white house has been coming here on a regular basis, trying to work out some kind of arrangement where by hezbollah fighters who are along the border in Southern Lebanon would be pulled back to north of the litani river. So far, they havent had much success in this regard. And we understand that the israelis are getting impatient government Benjamin Netanyahu is under intense pressure from the tens of thousands of israelis who have fled. Good, their homes in the northern part of the country. And therefore increasingly, there are messages being sent that israels tolerance is wearing thin and that they could launch some sort of operation in the southern part of the country to try to drive his butler out. But if we go back to history in 2006 there was a more than monthlong war between israel and hezbollah. Israel was really failed in achieving its objective of destroying his butler. And theres no reason to believe that it wouldnt be the same if israel to work through launch a similar military operation today, alex. All right. Then wed have been beirut. Thanks very much. Christiane its an important point, as we said, that war in 2006, which we both covered at best was fought to a draw with hezbollah, a war against iran would be much, much more serious, of course now, israels military worked with the us, the uk in front fans to defend against jurans retaliatory strike. And while President Biden says the us wont join any offensive operations against iran. He reaffirmed americas commitment to israels security in a post on x this morning, french president Emmanuel Macron said, quote, i condemn in the strongest terms, the unprecedented attack launched by iran against israel, which threatens to destabilise the region. The uk and canadian Prime Ministers also condemned irans actions and pledged ongoing support for israels security. Cnns Paula Hancocks is live from abu dhabi with whats next in terms of the allied response, paula christiane, its interesting what weve been hearing from the western side. Suddenly the western reaction has been very much focused on condemning the iranian strikes overnight. But when you look in the region here, theres certainly a lot more sensitivities we are seeing much more of a diplomatic tight rope if you like, with some of the countries in this region not wanting to upset to any sayyed, for example, saudi arabia, it now has deployed Somatic Relations with iran once again, it is also if the Biden Administration is taken at his word close saw considering relations with israel and they also are close to the United States. So they have had a very muted response of publicly certainly saying that they want all sides and to work to deescalate a very similar situation when you look at the uae, when you look at qatar, jordan, for example, they all want to say that this needs to deescalate, but they do not want to point the finger of blame in any particular direction. And that is understandable. Lets of course, the sensitivities in this region are significant. They are all still agreed on one point though, and they are all still calling for that ceasefire in gaza, calling for humanitarian aid to be going in, in more significant amounts into gaza. But when it comes to what happened overnight, they are certainly not aligning themselves with any side, simply saying that they are worried about potential severe repercussions. Qatar saying there is deep concern and that is really the leyen that they are trying to focus on at this point, but it goes to show the concern in this particular region that this may be a significant escalation if indeed it becomes, once again a for tat, a response to a response that we have seen in the past and many of these countries in the region simply do not want to see an escalade relation. They, they cannot afford an escalation and they are the countries that could potentially be brought in if this conflict does spread in into a more wider regional escalation, christiane paulas some of those countries as you say, are involved in attempting to mediate an end so the catastrophe in gaza, we see 33,000 or more dead, so many of them women and children and civilians, according to the United States, famine has certain starvation is happening there. The reality is terrible but also wondering whether youre hearing that some of those countries are concerned, that this escalation with and by iran could move the focus from the important business of ending the war in gaza, getting the hostages back and having a plan for the day after weve certainly been hearing that theres a concern that the focus has now shifted. I mean, the very fact that all the focus today is on this overnight strike by iran, whether or not israel will be carrying out some kind of response, whether the us will be involved in that a sponsor and the word gaza is barely being uttered. At this point. It is like the focus has shifted significantly. Now, of course, as you say, there are still hundreds of thousands of people on the brink of famine in gaza, Northern Gaza is still an utter catastrophe. When it comes to innocent civilians with no food, no water, and no shelter. You have countries like jordan for example. They have been integral in trying to get airdrops of food and water into Northern Gaza. Theyd been working with many countries around the region Around The World, including the United States, to make that happen. And yet overnight they were embroiled in what was happening with these iranian strikes. They say that they had to work to shoot down what they call some foreign objects flying into their airspace. We had eyewitness accounts sending us videos as well. In amman in jordan of what appear to be these projectiles that being intercepted overhead christiane, Paula Hancocks. Thank you so much and are continuing breaking News Coverage of iran strike against israel continues after a short break, and well talk more about the reaction around the region thats coming up tonight. A ninth of space for stoma whole story with Anderson Cooper the james Webb Telescope are we alone . Followed by the two parts finale of Space Shuttle columbia, both final flight tonight, starting at eight on see, you certainly unfit sure. You for imprint set certainty matters. Meet bobo gear for inference. Certainly got it. Apparel drink where bags and more go get it at four imprint. Com in for certain at granger, we know dealing with the unexpected as part of your Job Description. And were here to help with professional Grade Supplies plus sameday pickup and next day delivery on most orders col. Could granger. 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Dr. Phil away, optimum iranians are celebrating last nights attack on israel, but new video into cnn shows propalestinian demonstrations taking place in tehrans palestine swept. Often these are state managed. This is following irans launch of more than 300 projectiles in retaliation for israels strike on an iranian consulate in syria earlier this month. Israels military says 99 of the missiles and drones fired overnight were shot down and damage was only minimal joining me now from tel aviv is the former director of mossad who led Israels National Security f frame, halevi. Welcome back to the program is to halevi. Can i just ask you first to evaluate what happened overnight . Did iran do damage or did israel showed . That it actually came out ahead i think that israel came out ahead as you said before the percentage of success was over 99 i think this is unprecedented in this kind of warfare i think that we suffered no real damage except for the injury of one person and that is after hundreds and hundreds of these missiles and other uvs were proud against israel. And israel was able to neutralize almost all of them. Id say i dont remember any such operation ever. In recent years had such a success of this type . So therefore mr. Halevi, do you believe that israel should not retaliate for this round andf it does, pting herself direct confrontation with the United States what will that bring to your country . Im not sure whether decision has been taken yet. In israel, as to how to handle the aftermath of this attack on the one hand, i think the renewal of aircraft coming into a lot international airports, the opening of the airports here and other places. Maybe one of the indicators that israel is going to look at this within the context of a wider elements of the conflict we are now into i think also, that may the time will come for the iranians to think twice and three times before they proceed with the activities, they actually supporting mainly in the north of the country and i think that this is a time for perception, not only of israel, but also of the iranians. They have to think of their future and the fact of the matter is that israel is not alone inside the region on this yeah ms mr. Halevi, the former israeli Prime Minister, digital yeah. Sorry to interrupt you. The former israeli Prime Minister, ehud barack told cnn today are indirect question about what next . He said that israel quote, had won this round as we discussed. And that netanyahu must think before doing anything further. And not only that, look at the whole picture. And he laid out that israel is still in gaza. That is not finished hostages are still captive. And as you mentioned, the lebanon, israel, border is volatile what would your advice be if you were still in that position my advice would be that i dont think that this is not uptime for taking going back and taking revenge i i i dont think the revenge is a good policy. And therefore what we have to think of, what our interests now and i think that number one interest that we have is to get release of the hostages that are in the hands of the hamas and, and given the fact that these negotiations, which has to have the highest priority correct. And thats what the people of israel believed, certainly the families believed that and have made it very clear to their government. But these negotiations appear not to be bearing any fruit at all. And i wondered if you think that the Israeli Government needs to really double down on negotiations to deliver what youve just said. And weve also heard today that one of netanyahus most extreme Coalition Members has said that this event overnight actually shows that netanyahu should double down and go into rafah. Now despite what the United States has said i think that the opinion one particular individual in the cabinet should not be something which has to be taken. Any notice of and i think that as i said, the number one priority we now have is to save the lives of the hostages. We know now that the hostages are in very dire straits. We know now that theyre suffering enormously we know that the women are suffering in ways that i dont want even to describe in this particular broadcast. And therefore, we have to think also of our commitment to those who are now in captive in gaza, and to give this priority over every other issue on the table a frame halevi, former head of mossad. Thank you so much and didnt of course obviously the United States and its allies say that huge mounds of humanitarian aid must get in to the starving people of gaza as well. Celebrations in tehran, as we mentioned, to show support for your retaliatory strikes on israel, while others in the region urge caution as i say, those celebrations are often stage managed by the regime. Next, we live then we get the latest reaction Around The World theres debris and this guy, parents, husbands and wives wish i couldve done something differently. You can just make it better for those that follow Space Shuttle columbia, the final flight, two part finale tonight at nine on with fast sides. Signage that gets you noticed in terms hot lots into homes thats signs. Make your statement. I had no idea. I was still paying very play wifi until i finally checked my Credit Card Statement 14 months its 600 later. 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Com hi, im evan perez and washington. And this is cnn just a matter of hours. President joe biden will be meeting with fellow g7 liters after rons five our barrage of missiles and drones that were fired against israel overnight, joining me now to discuss as cnn Global Affairs analyst, Kimberly Dozer and cnn Military Analysts and retired air force colonel cedric leighton, who is back with us kim, do you first we have seen Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu throughout the course of this war in gaza time and time again, ignore the please, and theyre urging of the Biden Administration primarily around the question of aid getting into gaza, as well as avoiding palestinian casualties. So in this moment, as Israel Considers its response, to what extent do you think the us now has leverage over israel . As it tells israel that it would not support a strike against iran well the. Problem with that is that israel has proven itself perfectly willing and capable of doing unilateral strikes without us support. That said, it has been the common thinking that israel would need some sort of refueling if it were to to do a direct attack on iran of any sort of sustained sort. The problem also is that israels deterrence has been in the past. If someones strikes, israel, it strikes back twice as hard. I had israeli officials and middle east officials laying that to me as they were watching what was unfolding in gaza, that after the hamas attacks of october 7 israel felt the need to message the middle east writ large. That this cannot happen again. And to make them feel pain so thats whats going on in the war cabinet in israel. The decision to strike now, or strike covertly later now that iran has crossed this divide and attacked openly something it has isnt done before, though this shadow war is out in public, and that changes all the rules, will israel be contents to do another deniable attack on iran . Or does it feel the need to strike back in a public way and will only know that by watching what they do in the coming hours and days but to your point, kim it may be hard to see what they do in the coming days cedric did what kim was discussing there are mentioning there in terms of perhaps an asymmetric response if we dont see a classic, say, Bombing Campaign of iran by israel, what are some of the ways that israel could respond in a more covert and hidden away in the coming weeks and months well, alex, one of the things that do weve seen the israelis do of course, is those targeted assassinations of, for example, Nuclear Officials in iran that would be one thing that they could do, but they basically already done that in many parts of the middle east. And in fact, even recently in lebanon, theyve gone after some of the leaders of hamas that handle the Finance Aspect of homologous. So thats the kind of thing that we can expect that the other thing i think that is perhaps more likely if they go the asymmetrical route, would print naps be a cyber attack im thinking of stuxnet for example that has been attributed to a joined us israeli operation. Whether or not that was the case is subject to some secrecy, obviously, but that is the kind of thing that the israelis could mount. They have the Technical Capability to do that. And that could be done in conjunction with some more kinetic Type Operations it came in the wake of last night strikes. Weve heard that the sort of classic bellicose statements from the iranians that their ready to respond to more should israel decide to do anything to the United States, decide to do anything theyre ready to hit us targets. But what do you make of this . Really interesting set of statements last night that essentially we did what we came here to do and all this is over that it really does seem like they were trying to telegraph. This is the response and we dont want it to get any bigger i think that was important messaging for western powers to here, because everyone watching this was wondering interesting. They sent Something Like 300 missiles and drones in israels direction. But they didnt time it in such a way that everything would arrive at once israel had a chance to respond together with the us, britain, jordan, to knock these things out of the sky they could have instead been faced with a barrage that overwhelmed. Their and their allies. Air defenses so iran has apparently kept that in reserve for a potential future strike each side is learning from what unfolded in the past 24 hours. So that also guarantees that what ever israel does next, if iran then responds, youre in this potential escalation, this for tat. And you can be pretty sure that the next round would be more deadly. Well, theres certainly still a lot of tension this morning, a lot of questions about what were going to see in the hours in the day is Going Forward the kernel subject, leighton, composure. Thank you both for joining me today. And rods attack on israel is sparking an urgent push on both sides of the aisle here in washington will have details on the bipartisan plan to support israel with more aid thats when we come back lets see what else Erin Burnett Outfront week nights at seven odd cnn with fast sides create factory great visual solutions to perfect your process thats sides make your statement. Homer glow shut up right on time. And did the dishes, my laundry. They even cleaned my windows. I love it. You just pick a date picker cleaner and enjoy a spotless house for 19 get customizable furniture, joy bird. Com, that compliments your art. Your green thumb are just, you create your dream space with joy bird shop, an unparalleled selection at joy bird. 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That of course has been held up in congress for months hes also blaming democrats for delay despite House Speaker mike johnson refusal to bring a 95 billion foreign aid package that already passed in the senate in february to the house floor look, i believe very strongly we need to get aid to israel to ukraine, and to taiwan. Its why ive introduced defending borders, defending democracies, which would provide 66 billion and lethal aid, as well as Border Security here in the United States we have to recognize the threat at our own southern border. But let me be very clear about this House Republicans passed aid to israel back in november of last year Chuck Schumer and Senate Democrats sat on that for months, refusing to take up that supplemental aid package for israel we obviously have to Work Together to get this done. So yes, im calling on speaker johnson to bring a bill to the floor this week. Im calling on Chuck Schumer and the white house to work with house we are in a divided government. We have to Work Together. There has to be compromised. We need to help israel. We need to help ukraine you need to help taiwan, and we need to secure our own borders. The world is under attack, and we all have a responsibility in an obligation to get this done. And indeed, of course, Everyone Wants all americas allies that ukraine is under attack by Vladimir Putin and unless ukraine gets the weapons, it will lose that is the warning of the ukrainian president. Now the wave of iranian strikes on israel appears to have subsided, but israel says it remains on high alert. And ill breaking News Coverage continues after a short break every weekday morning. Cnns five things has what you need to get going with your day. 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