Joining us tonight. A news night with abby. Phillip starts now the gop is once again the dog that caught the car are the consequences . This could be farreaching for millions of women thats tonight on this side good evening. Im abby phillip in new york tonight. You might just get what you ask for. Republicans are relearning that lesson today. Arizona supreme court, a court made up of all republican appointees have ruled in a four to two decision that physicians are now on notice that all abortions, except those necessary to save a womans life are illegal. That decision and the timing is truly stranger than fiction. It happened just a day after donald trump said, leave it to the states to make up their minds on abortion now, the country has firsthand evidence of what exactly 50 State Patchwork Approach to abortion would actually look like. The gsp spent 50 years trying to eradicate roe versus wade. But now that they have the aftermath isnt pleasant and only now that the electoral consequences of all of this are becoming more clear, republicans are acknowledging that laws like the one on the books in arizona, simply are not good ones. That arizona law, its not just decades old. It is generations old it is nearly 160 years old lawmakers wrote it in 18, when arizona was not even a state, when Abraham Lincoln was still alive, when professional baseball did not exist. When jules verne wrote journey to the center of the earth. When manet painted one of his most famous works that law is a literal antique but republicans worried about what a total ban means for their electoral futures. Their now refurbishing their positions look no further than kari lake. Shes the republican nominee for the senate in arizona lake. Tonight says, i oppose todays Ruling Lake Back in to that 2022 says the law was great im incredibly thrilled that we are going to have a great law thats already on the books. I believe its ars 133603. So it will prohibit abortion in arizona except to save the life of a mother republicans realized that there are very real ramifications for what arizonas court just did because they have seen this movie before in other places. On the map. When abortion was on the ballot, republicans lose even in places where they otherwise might win places like ohio, kentucky, Virginia Places where they ended up losing in 2023. And its going to be on the ballot again this november in 2024, already voters will decide directly on abortion in florida in maryland, in new york, and an eight other states, activists want to put it on the ballot, including right there in arizona the point here after five decades of pining for a decision like Dobbs Republicans got the grrrl, their dreams. And now its turned into a bad romance, one that may ultimately cost them their jobs and put the lives of millions of Women In Limbo joining us now is Arizona Democratic senator eva burt. She is a Nurse Practitioner as well. And last month, you may remember she appeared right here on this show to talk about this floor speech that was heard all around the country she explained that she wanted a pregnancy, but it would not progress and that she would need to get an abortion, which she has since received. Listen i dont think people should have to justify their abortions, but im choosing to talk about why i made this decision. Because i want us to be able to have meaningful conversations about the reality of how the work that we do in this body impacts people in the realworld State Senator birch, thanks for joining us again. When this law goes into effect, no abortion is going to be allowed except to save the life of a mother with the penalty of fines, even jail times for the provider you are a Nurse Practitioner, youve seen both sides of this. What does this mean . Practically for Health Care Providers in your state . Well, its really upsetting and confusing for Health Care Providers who obviously have to now make impossible decisions because what we really do in these situations is muddy the waters and is this patient close enough to death that we can consider administering this type of care in giving this kind of procedure thats a ridiculous question for a provider to have to answer. And if we look at just my own situation, i would not have been able to get the treatment that i had only less than three weeks ago. I had that procedure, but this is the same thing that were seeing. Again, this happened two years ago where Abortion Clinic shutdown all across the state of arizona and our republican lawmakers have pad plenty of time and opportunity to repeal this banned from the 1800s and have chosen not to act. And as we just heard some of them, just a couple of years ago were saying that it was a great law. The Democratic State attorney general, kris mayes, has the full power to enforce Abortion Laws thanks to an Executive Order from your states governor, katie hobbs. But mayes has vowed not to enforce any abortion law, especially not this one but couldnt that decision essentially be challenged by local attorneys and basically create chaos in your state well i will tell you im not a lawyer, but i am certain that theyre going to be a number of challenges that were going to see in the coming weeks. We only have a twoweek stay on this 1800s band before it goes into effect. But we have been talking about this band and this band has been being litigated for much longer than two weeks. And so any effort by the courts to try to reverse or to alter this decision is going to take longer than that. And so we really need to have some sort of legislative action. Now, in order to be able to protect this right for patients and arizona and to your point, i mean, this is going to be something that will affect women very. Very soon if its allowed to go into effect but youve also been urging your state to support a potential Ballot Member Measure for later in november, the advocates who are working on this Ballot Measure say they have more than 500,000 signatures as well over the threshold that they would need to get on the ballot how confident are you that this will make it onto the ballot and that ultimately voters will side in favor of Abortion Rights i feel really confident i have a lot of security and i have a lot of peace in my heart that this is a measure thats going to make its way to the ballot. I think that the reason though that this is necessary in the first place and why its so important for people to really get politically engaged people to come out and for people to vote is that even if the legislature does take some kind of action, they have been slowly eroding these rights for decades. And we cannot trust the anything that we do in the next two weeks and the legislature is going to hold for any significant period of time, what we need to do is elected democrats up and down the ticket from the presidency down to our state legislatures. And what we need to do is come and vote in november and make sure that this Ballot Initiative gets the attention it deserves and passes you heard there kari lakes switch on this issue. Shes not the only Republican Arizona and expressing suddenly dismay over this Court Decision why do you think that theyre saying that after years really, im trying to restrict Abortion Access where this was pretty much the explicit goal so this is an obvious transparent politically expedient act of desperation when we see these republicans who are flipflopping on their position and now suddenly theyre horrified. What we need to keep in mind is that the legislature has been in session for months. And at any Time Legislature could have repealed this ban and aza, a matter of fact, representative Stall Hamilton in the Arizona House had put forward a bill to repeal the ban and they wouldnt even give it a Committee Hearing. And when we tried to bring legislation forward to talk about the right of contraception, they wouldnt even give it a Committee Hearing and they wouldnt let us vote on it on the floor so we know what theyre coming for next. So i think that while we might see some politicians trying to turn around because of the political consequences that theyre experiencing. We have decades of history and of voting records and of statements to back up the fact that we cant trust them in any action that they take, and that we really have to take this into our own hands. We have to take this to the ballot box. Its our only option. All right State Senator eva berge. Thank you very much for joining us tonight thanks for having me and tonight. Country constitution, the high court, and the Service Members who might be caught in the middle former generals and admirals are taking the dramatic step of submitting a brief to the justices outlining how making president s absolutely immune would quote threaten the militarys role in in american society. That doesnt plus Officials Say that if the court sides, its with the former president , they will forever alter the meaning of the oath that every Single Service member takes to defend the constitution of the United States against all Enemies Foreign And Domestic by obeying potentially illegal orders from a president of the United States the former highranking officials envision a future where Service Members will be placed in the impossible position of having to choose between following their commander in chief and obeying the laws that were enacted by Congress Chris the list of notable names attached to this briefing is not short. Several retired generals or retired admiral, a former cia director, and also my next guest, louise caldera. He served as the secretary of the army under president clinton. Sir, thank you very much for staying with us tonight. It is highly unusual visual to see these kinds of officials, military officers, and others former ones weighing in on a politically charged issue, like this. Why did you decide to do it . Thank you for having me it is very unusual. And the reason is because the stakes are so high for our National Security and for our military if they werent, i dont think you would see this kind of brief, but a brief like this is a brief to the court as an amicus brief means a friend of the Court Bringing to the justices attention matters that they may not be expert in. No member of the supreme courts served in the military. And so to increase their understanding of the nature of our military, its foundations, how it operates, and what the implications of finding seeing that a president would be immune from criminal actions. And we think it would have disastrous effect on our National Security, including for the reasons you mentioned would put Military Personnel in a terrible position lot to do the i mean, the reality is is that theres a possibility the next president of the United States could be donald trump if thats the case, what are you most afraid of . Well, its not just about donald trump because if the justices say that this is the Law Of The Land that the president can violate criminal laws as long as he has some rationalization of why he thinks its in the countrys best interests and one thing we know about former President Trump is that he can ride i shall eyes. Everything is perfect and in the countrys best interests, when its really about his own political interests or personal financial interests as if thats all it takes for a president to be able to violate the laws of the United States. And his own lawyers in the argument before the court of appeals, were asked, does this mean that he could order the military to assassinate his political rivals . And their answer in the end was yes. Well, the president is not the one whos going to pull the trigger. Hes going to order the military to do such an action or he might order the military to quash the constitutional rights, rights of americans who are protesting as they have a right to do, whether they there protesting for racial equality or whether theyre protesting against Abortion Rights americans have the right to protest. And yet he wanted to use the military to quash these protests thats a violation of the posse comitatus act, which says you cannot use the military for civilian Law Enforcement purpose and we have these laws for a reason. Yeah. Exactly. I mean, i think thats such an important point, but i do want to play for you what former defense secretary mark esper said about this on cnn earlier today . I would prefer her to see retired admirals and generals not get involved in these issues. Its not even worth kind of talking about. Its just ridiculous he called it just ridiculous. Whats your reaction to that . Well, i well, i think hes just wrong and in fact his situation really illustrates our point is that to have that in our country, we have civilian control. The military, that is the militarys responsive to the president as commander in chief and two civilians like mark esper, who are appointed to run the department of defense. But they have to work hand in glove with military leaders some of whom have spent 30, 40 years in uniform. Steeped in military affairs, dedicated their lives to defending our country. And that, and theyve ultimately follow the directions the civilians, because thats the way our constitution was set up. But that only works if you have deep trust between the civilians and the military leaders that we have one purpose to defend the constitution, to defend the country, to be apolitical, to stand up for the rule of law. And if the president transmits orders that say violate the law, and then expects the military to violate the law when theyve sworn to uphold the constitution and when they can be prosecuted for violating the law. So maybe the president would be immune, not subject to to prosecution, but the military wouldnt, from the generals down to the soldiers, would not be immune from prosecution you should, you put them in a terrible by new destroy the trust that has to exist between civilian and military leaders. You put military Service Members in jeopardy that can do nothing. But destroy the bedrock principles on which our military operates. At cars. Americans to wonder why they should support our military are asked her sons and daughters to serve when its being used for political ends it can cheer our enemies in Foreign Countries that would do us harm because theyre sitting there saying this democracy that they keep talking about is, is a figment of imagination. Theyre president can order the military to do illegal things just like ours can thats not what the founders had in mind when they created our constitution. Thats what were worried about. And because this is such a serious subject is why people overcome their hesitancy to involve themselves in these kinds of matters and say, wait, this is just wrong for our country. Its wrong for a military. Its wrong for the role that our country should play in the world defending democracy, defending the rule of law not violating the rule of law. And if youve spent any time around people who were at the highest levels of the military. You understand how hesitant as you put it, they are to weigh in on matters like this. So it is extraordinary that they have from our Army Secretary caldera. I thank you very much for speaking with us tonight. Thank you, abby im breaking tonight. President biden with his most direct criticism of israel, yet since the war started. But hes calling a mistake and outrageous and ill speak live with a jewish war reporter who says, israel is committing crimes. Plus justin rfks running mate says that she received a letter from a democratic congressman calling on her to quit the ticket because it hurts biden. That congressman will join me to respond this is new side Laura Coates Live tonight at 11 eastern on cnn of Chronic Kidney Disease you can reduce the risk of Kidney Failure with bars sega because there are places like to be for seeker can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal dehydration, Urinary Tract, or genital Yeast Infections and low blood sugar a rare lifethreatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur, stopped taking for sika and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of disinfection and allergic reaction oh ketoacidosis i love your dress. Thanks. I splurged a little because Liberty Mutual customize my Car Insurance and i saved hundreds thats great. I know. Right. Ive been telling everyone did you hear that i just set her first word can you say mama . Never can you say on how many people did you tell only pay for what you need lucky file 100 free with turbotax free edition. 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He calls the Deadly Strike on the aid convoy outrageous. I think calls for israel to accept a sixweek ceasefire to get more food and medicine then into gaza. In fact, he says, there is no excuse now, this, of course comes as more civilians die by israels bombings and outrage from around the world grows in fact, one american senator is now saying that israels actions amount to genocide if you want to do it as an application of law, to leave them find if can assign ample evidence do so today before congress, the secretary of defense, though, he dismissed that claim is israel committing genocide in gaza . Senator cotton, i we dont have any evidence of genocide to have been created thats a no, israel is not committing genocide in gaza. We dont have evidence for that my next guest is a veteran War Correspondent who has seen his share of horrors on the front line. Peter moss covered the Genocide In Bosnia for the washington post. He wrote a book called loved i neighbor, a story of war about that conflict he also reported from iraq and afghanistan and other war torn countries peter must also has this unique perspective of being an ancestor to key funders of jewish immigration to then british palestine. That area that ultimately would become the state of israel now, all of that combined makes the Opinion Piece that he wrote for todays washington post. Incredibly timely and interesting. Quote, im jewish and ive covered wars. I know war crimes when i see them even more provocative than that is what he says potentially about this charge of war crimes. Peter moss joins us. Now. Peter, youve said that you think is is guilty of crimes. But on the charge of genocide do you consider a genocide . I dont know for sure. I dont think anybody can say for sure. I mean, what i can say, having covered the war, bosnia genocide and bosnia as adjudicated and decided by an International Tribunal is that theres a lot of evidence that suggests that this does reach the level of genocide legally, which is defined as an attempt to destroy in whole or in part a group of people, ethnic, racial, religious. But im not a lawyer. But what do you think is the strongest evidence broadly speaking. Broadly speaking, i think it is the vast number of civilian casualties. I mean, there have been so far, i think and, 30,000 civilians killed in six months more than 13,000 children killed in six months. And this is a toll that actually, when youre looking at just children killed is several times higher than what i saw and reported on in bosnia, which was a fouryear long war. And there were somewhere around 568 while some children killed in those four years. So its civilian casualties, its the what appears to be lack of regard for protecting them, which is actually the duty in war time of a military. So i just wanted to clarify one thing because the 30 plus its more than 30,000 at this point. But that number is not differentiating between hamas war fighters and civilians. We should be clear about that. Thats generally agreed upon number from the gaza health ministry, but just on this question here of that definition of war crimes that used summarized 18 back, hes an israeli Human Rights Lawyer who represents palestinians actually who were harmed by Israeli Security forces heres what he wrote in a piece about this idea of genocide. He says civilians in gaza are killed, not because israel specifically targets them, but because of the extensive hamas Military Infrastructures that are located near inside civilian buildings. And in the tunnels beneath them. He makes that point and also know whats that the standard isnt just the number of killed, but the intent do you think that there is an intent on the part of the Israeli Government to eradicate the Palestinian People i think its not clear yet, but what i think is that there is enough evidence to justify investment lets take actions by prosecutors, by duly authorized prosecutors to look into this question to determine yes. Is their intent i mean, we of course, have heard various different speeches from different Israeli Government officials, from israeli soldiers, et cetera. That are very chilling with respect to intent. But does that reach the threshold thats necessary . Again, this should be in the hands of prosecutors. Let them decide and the people who debate about it, i guess im one of them. Thats all fine and good, but its not for us to decide and it does im like theres enough evidence to justify real investigations. You mentioned in your piece this incredibly disturbing video that we reported on your at cnn of a palestinian grandmother who was walking with her grandson in that video. You can see there will play it for you shes walking. That child who i think is maybe five years old, is holding a white flag and is waving it as she walks. She is eventually shot by israeli apparently by israeli forces. Now whats notable about this is that this was a very public incident supposed to have been investigated, but you also compare it to sniper fire that you witnessed in the conflicts that youve covered. I think in bosnia what is the difference between perhaps a rogue maybe this is the argument could be this is a rogue idf officer made that call and something that is that rises to the level of genocide, a targeted attack are repeated targeted attacks on civilians. That is what a full investigation with participation of the israeli side would hopefully establish the video that you saw very similar to things that i saw myself in bosnia. I mean, i stayed in a Frontline Hotel in theory evo were there was constant sniper fire and i saw somebody gets shot rendering is my window wrote about it a civilian no doubt about it. And this was a regular regular occurrence and we have a sufficient number of videos of not just that incident, but other incidents that indicate that civilians are getting targeted in ways that are frankly obviously disturbing. Is this systemic is this something that rises to the level of intent on the rayleigh governments part thats what the International Tribunals established in bosnia. And it was necessary for them to exist and to go through this very long process of investigating these cases. And so to answer your question, i mean, thats something i can give an opinion about. Anybody can give an opinion about. But to get to the bottom of it, i think everybody should support the idea of actually handing this over and having everybody cooperate not just with investigating israeli war crimes, but also on october 7, war crimes committed by hamas as well. You understand that there are many people who described this is a blood libel and youre jewish yourself when you hear that, what do you think i dont understand how that could be addressed to me . Im somebody who has i know about war crimes. Ive covered war crimes, ive seen war crimes. I dont speak about war crimes lightly and i dont have any interest in saying that israel has committed war crimes without there being a sufficient factual basis to it. I am jewish. I have relatives who were that my family participated very actively in the foundation of israel so people can say that and ive gotten pushback on social media about that to me, it discredits them, not me all right. Peter mass. Thank you very much. Interesting conversation. Thank you. Next, rfk juniors running mate is accusing a democratic congressman of privately supporting her. Run. And then telling her to quit the ticket, will speak with that congressman bro cauda about the Accusations Snacks wolf blitzer, tomorrow with six on cnn on till you can put that right in the dishwasher watch me with cascade Platinum Plus, i have my dish game. I just scraped load and im done in that dishwashing that dishwasher only Platinum Plus is packed with more dawn to remove up to 100 of greece and food residue get the highest standard of claim even in your machine clean enough for you yeah scrape bloat done, cascade Platinum Plus dare to dish differently. He there brenda. Its carroll actually. So which like are we operating on . You mean arm its all connected, asking the right question can greatly impact your future. You share your an orthopedist actually, im a sagittarius specially when it comes to your finances, give a question. Are you a certified Financial Planner . Yes. 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A butler . Super nice guy. I got to start using the app. Run. Com lets run are those who can quiet up and listened down scratch that, reverse it its done i mean, a greater chocolate shop wonky rated pg, now streaming exclusively on macs just in tonight, a surreal story from the the world of politics. The running mate for rfk junior is publicly revealing that she received a letter from democratic congressman ro khanna, Nicole Shanahan says the cauda is asking her to step down from the ticket because his candidacy hurts President Bidens chances. Shanahan says, in part, rho encouraged me to run that its wrong for anyone to threaten me against running. She goes on to say clearly row has changed his stance based on pressure from his party that its antidemocratic. Im very disappointed that he has been pressured into issuing this letter to me publicly he could have called me privately. Now, the congressman is here with us tonight and he joins me to respond in a moment. But first, remember a Campaign Official for rfk said her number one priority is to prevent biden from winning. And tonights cnns kfile reports that rita palma attended a stop the steal rally, including the rally that preceded the capital insurrection. She also is posted praise for trump including the hope that he wins in 2024 and that hes her favorite president. She says congressman ro khanna joins me now, congressman, we have this letter. We just received it that you set to Nicole Shanahan. What did you say to her . Well, a guy unknown Nicole Shanahan and for years, she has been a supporter. I would say shes an acquaintance and weve shared a common issues around the climate, common issues around reproductive rights. And when she called me to say that she was going to join Robert Kennedys ticket. I said, well they, call why dont you join the democratic coalition, support President Biden he will better advance climate. I understand you have disagreements with the president. I do too. Uncertain issues like gaza, but joined the coalition and then i texted her that always respectfully, but i was hoping to make the case that her issues would be better served, joining the coalition so she says that you changed your position that you actually told her that anyone should run and shouldnt be threatened for doing so. She posted a your exchange on x and then you responded to her with a text . They you sent her afterwards. Whats your response to her claiming that youre not telling the truth well, i dont think shes saying that i didnt say that anyone has the right to run and that no one should threaten her are no one should engage in character assassination offer. And i stand by that. And even in the text, i sent her, i said she has absolutely the right to run and i will never disparage her personally, but i will make the case. Ill making the case tonight. That given the stakes, given her own view and regenerative agriculture on climate, on reproductive rights how could she aid candidacy . Thats simply going to help reelect donald trump. And i want to make the case for her that shed be better served supporting joe biden so by all of this, are you saying that you are worried that an rfk candidacy will end up possible sitting President Biden the election the president can win regardless, but will it make it harder for the president . Absolutely. I mean, i dont think that is revealing any unique math. I mean, the reality is that any Third Party Candidates help donald trump because he cannot get to 50 and so if we lower the ceiling of what he needs to get, it makes it harder for the president to win. Do i think the president can overcome that . We can overcome that. And when yes but why diminished the odds and help tilt any advantage to donald trump to think that Nicole Shanahan is aware of what you are saying there, that this could end up resulting in a trump a presidency, yet again i dont know. Id love to have that conversation with her publicly. Maybe on your show. I mean, the Reality Issue has been extraordinary and funding regenerative agriculture in places like iowa state she has worked on big climate issues. And so i was perplexed to baffled why she would choose to enter it this time given the stakes that its a binary choice, ordinarily i understand you want to get your views out. You want to push for reform but i hope she understands that what she is doing a really could put trump back in the white house. And undermine the goals that she believes that i mentioned in two nights reporting that the new yorkbased rfk junior Campaign Official michelle she previously promoted these false claims that the 2020 election was rigged and she actually attended the january 6 rally. Whats your reaction to that well, its appalling. Look, i used to admire Robert Kennedys Environmental Activism and i just dont understand what hes doing. I mean, denying that january 6 that the people who Beat Police Officers vandalize the building. And were attacking colleagues of mine while i was in the complex than that that is somehow just a form of protest, which is what he has said and people shouldnt be prosecuted. And then being more to the right way, more to the right than either donald trump or Joe Biden On Unconditional Support for netanyahu i mean, i just dont understand what hes trying to achieve very interesting, indeed, congressman ro khanna, we would love to have you back on with nicole sham and hand if the two of you would like to have that debate here on the air. Thanks for joining us tonight thank you, abby next outraged tonight over bodycamera footage of Chicago Police firing as many as 96 bullets a man is now dead after a tragic traffic stop. Ill speak to the states attorney here. Plus congresswoman alexandria ocasiocortez has a serious warning after discovering Deepfake Pornography of herself online. Well discuss that theres debris in this guy that runs husbands and wives gone i wish i couldve done something differently. You can just make it better for those that follow space total columbia, the final flight, two part finale, sunday at nine on cnn. Crap. 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Chicago police have released this video of a deadly traffic stop that occurred last month when dexter reed was killed hold after police fired and 96 shots and just 41 seconds at him and his vehicle. Now, want to note that the police i say th reed fired thosfirs shots but an investigaon into what exactly happened has not been completed, and i also have to warn you that this is fficult to wat one at l. Were the window down wha are you dog this will not red out one dont roll the window, dont roll the window up do not ro the window light heoors. Now locked the doors e door reeds body was later fnd lying face down behindhat vehicle a chaotic scene. Well, that left quite a lot of questions and cooks counties cook countys state attorney kim fox joined me right now. States attorneys fox. Thank you very much for joining us. Your office i know is investigating this incident for potential prosecution it is ongoing, but what can you tell us at this point . At this point, abbe, it is, as you said, an Ongoing Investigation that is very early this incident happened 19 days ago. The video having been released today and so what we do know is that this was a traffic stop, or stop . For not wearing a seat belt that led to the death of dexter reed an injury to the Chicago Police officer. And many questions that need to be answered about the use of force in this case. 19 days ago, you say this occurred when do you think you can expect . I to update the public on a Charging Decision certainly were in the preliminary stages. We have to look at all of the bodycam video that has been released. There are pod cameras in the neighborhood videos that we will be looking at videos from doorbells in an area. Were also going to be Interviewing Officers who have been involved, witnesses. Theres ballistics and dna and forensics and so realistically, its going to take us time. We want to be thorough, we want to be complete. And the interest of justice for dexter reed and his family, as well as for the officers who were involved that day. It requires us to be swift and thorough absolutely. I just quickly on i know you cant say a whole lot about the case, but were you able to confirm that that officer was was shot from a weapon that was used by dexter reed you know, again, what we are able to confirm is that there was a shot fired by dexter reed in that vehicle the rest of who shot the officer. How many shots came from the car . Those questions will be answered during the course of our investigation. Okay. So shot was fired from his weapon is what youre saying here meanwhile, while this is ongoing, Family Members are obviously devastated and theyre calling for charges as youre saying, the investigation needs to play out, what is your message to chicago residents that are really worried about the process, not simply playing out fairly i think chicago residents are all too familiar with incidents of Police Violence louk while mcdonald comes to mind for many folks here in the chicago land area, a part of the reason that we stood together at the Press Conference with the mayor, the head of our civilian office of Police Account ability and my office is two from the very beginning talk about what is happening to be transparent with the public. So that we dont see a repeat in history some people may not ultimately like whatever outcome comes to play, but we believe that the legitimacy of the outcome requires just to be transparent throughout this process and so i understand the fear. I understand the distrust. There has been a history with policing in chicago. We have a Consent Decree as a result of the liquid mcdonalds shooting, a finding of unconstitutional policing. And so we have an obligation to do this investigation thoroughly and complete so that everyone those who are in Law Enforcement and those who have lost a loved one in our communities trust, the legitimacy of this investigation kim fox, cook county states attorney. Thank you very much for joining us thank you very much and a dire warning from congresswoman the alexandria ocasiocortez she has seen Ai Porn Images of herself will discuss the real consequences of all of that from friends coming over to moms coming over so many ways to save life, ready while it happy, thats 3605 by Whole Foods Market i met with the turbotax expert because i had two fulltime jobs, lawyering and mimi count on me, mia, ill file your taxes for you with 100 accuracy guaranteed. 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Com shes one of the most highprofile politicians in the United States aides, but even alexandria ocasiocortez has now become the target of an alarming and a graphic online phenomenon. In a new interview with rolling stone, the democratic congresswoman is sharing the nightmare of discovering ai generated pornographic images of herself on x she says, as a survivor of physical sexual assault, it adds a level of dysregulation. There are certain images that dont leave a person. Its not as imaginary as people want to make it seem it has real effects, not just on the people who are victimized by it, but on the people who see it and consume it unfortunately aoc is not alone. She says that one study shows 96 of deepfake videos or ai generated images using peoples real faces and identities are non consensual and sexually explicit. And by the way, all of them are aimed at Women Joining me now is a veteran tech reporter, lauri segall is also the ceo of mostly human Immediate Company that focuses on official intelligence. Laurie good to see you on this horrible topic this deepfake horn phenomenon. Its becoming more popular online, but its also easier to make than ever before besides or even offering tutorials on how to create this pornography. Your actively investigating some of these sites behind this technology. What can you tell us about them . Yeah im im currently out here on an investigation into the anonymous person behind one of the largest deepfake Pornography Sites and what ill say is its not just about x and having an image come out on x, you look at aoc and she, its horrific. She found this image of herself on x, but there are the sites that are operating in plain sight, were millions, not hundreds, not thousands, millions of people are going every month to these sites to learn how to do this type of thing. And then whats happening. Its trickling out into the realworld. Were seeing this in high schools. You now have apps just as easy as it is to order an uber or order grows threes. Now theyre upset, encourage young men to digitally undress their classmates with Generative Ai and i think were just scratching the surface on this. Its a huge problem. Are these things, i mean, obviously theyre operating in plain sight. Hows that even legal . Yeah. I think its 20 years ago. I covered nonconsensual pornography and the rise of this type of abuse online. And i remember just saying, well, how is a lot of this legal and in short, the laws hadnt caught up yet, right . I think thats what were looking at right now. You have a wild west of artificial intelligence. You had these new unintended consequences, these new use cases that are mainly being used to harm women, right . Were seeing it now with politicians, with figures like taylor swift and bobby altaf, who were victims of Deepfake Pornography. And now were seeing it with our children. And as a type of abuse and as i think we know this already, it takes so while for the laws to catch up, but i think the most frustrating part of this, if i can be honest, is this is happening. We dont need to warn people anymore. This is actually happening so right now, you do have a handful of state laws that are looking at protecting victims and all of them vary in scope. Some are civil, some are criminals, some are both you have ive aoc spearheading the house version of the defiance act. So the laws, hopefully well catch up, but we need to know that this isnt even just reserve for politicians, which by the way, its happening too many female politicians. I spoke to a journalist today who said he spoke to a politician. And the netherlands of female, a woman who said, basically this felt like digital rape when it happens ive been to her and those are such strong word. But i think its really important that we listen yeah, it was he called it violent humiliation, but as a parent, i know actually a lot of parents who dont even put their kids faces on social media it almost makes you think that that might not be the wrong decision considering that this is possibly out there for not just their classmates, but just really horrible people out in the world yeah. I mean, i think about it when i look at it through the lens of parents, right . This is a really scary type of abuse and i think the biggest thing i would say to parents is its important to sit down with your sons tell them that this is actually digital abuse. That if these types of ads come up in high school, that its not okay to gamify or point a camera at someone and quote, digitally undress them using ai. Its almost hard because parents dont even know that. We need to have these conversations, but these conversations need to happen because not only are we creating a new generation of victims but this type of technology when misused, is creating a new generation of abusers. Yeah, its a new form of a talk that you might have to have with both your sons and your daughters hopefully, the laws will catch up soon because if its here now, its not in the future. Laura segall. Thank you very much. Looking forward to seeing the results of this investigation and thu so

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