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Anniversary of the september 11th attacks but President Trump overruled them and then this weekend he changed his mind blaming a Suicide Attack the taliban claimed credit for that killed an american soldier and 11 others in kabul announcing it on twitter which came as a shock to even the people involved in the negotiations. Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle quickly condemned the plan. The whole thing doesnt quite make sense to me and it is just another example of the president treating Foreign Policy like its some kind of game show. This isnt a game show. These are terrorists. Negotiations between nation states can happen there but a terrorist organization that doesnt recognize nation states, it kills innocent women and children, denies the right of women to be in the same room as husbands is a minor part of the terrible things to do, to have them at camp david is unacceptable. Joining me is Sarah Westwood and kylie atwood. We dont often hear from the Vice President breaking with the president on basically anything. So what does this mean . Reporter thats right, kate. Vice president pence was one of several officials who advised President Trump that a camp david summit with the taliban was not a good idea, National Security adviser bolton and both of them warned a backlash of taliban on the u. S. Soil as the same week as anniversary of 9 11 on wednesday. But both men were overruled by President Trump who signed off on camp david as the venue for this potential meeting because of its long history of hosting foreign leaders and sources tell cnn that President Trump grew frustrated with the progress of peace talks and keep in mind bringing the troops home is an ultimate goal and what the Peace Agreement was aiming to do and trump considers himself best positioned to finalize this deal. We have seen him take that attitude in other negotiations, as well, with north korea thinking himself most capable to extract concessions of adversaries and just President Trump wanted the optics of striking a landmark deal in a historic setting, there were few aides involved in the planning and even fewer knew he would announce the collapse of the secret meeting in a series of tweets on saturday night. For sure. Thank you. Kylie, where does this leave the peace talks . Reporter that is the milliondollar question right now because we have not heard from u. S. Officials in the Trump Administration what the preconditions are for restarting these talks. We know that secretary pompeo made it clear yesterday that the u. S. Feels that they can get back to the table with the taliban if the taliban show that theyre able to uphold commitments that they have discussed across from u. S. Officials in these meetings in doha. But President Trump is now involved. As sarah said, hes grown frustrated with the talks in recent weeks and he was told by those who are close to him including senator graham and his National Security adviser bolton that the taliban being given too much leverage so does that mean that what the u. S. Had agreed to is off the table now and start at ground zero . That is something that the u. S. Officials who are working tirelessly on this effort are going to have to work towards. But the reality here is that the taliban does feel that they are negotiating from a position of power. And so, how does the u. S. Kind of draw them back to the table and determine that they are the ones who are going to make the decisions here and not just leave the country ahead of the president s election in 2020 . Kylie, great reporting, thank you so much. Much more on this, joining me is cnn National Security adviser working on u. S. Negotiations with the taliban while serving the white house and working under the National Security adviser in the obama administration. I want your take. What if this is a negotiating tactic on the part of the president trying to he goes about this to try to gain leverage over the taliban, working towards the peace talks . Does this help the negotiator, the man working on this for so long . Does this help him . This undercuts the negotiator and President Trump is not a student of history or much else, for that matter, but if he looked back over several years, past several decades, the taliban doesnt care about the court of public opinion. We should be talking with taliban and negotiate but not by tweet. The taliban is focused on trying to get a deal with the United States and trying to push the United States out of afghanistan. What theyre not focused on is what President Trump thinks about them or what his twitter feed thinks about them. All that President Trumps tweet did is push the taliban into a corner such that they have to retaliate with violence, they show theyre negotiating from a position of strength and it puts President Trumps experts in a box. They now have to try to get talks back on track while dealing with the public backlash about this secret meeting. This should never have become public. President trump should have trusted the experts to do their jobs that we would be able to get a dole. You are getting to it but if talks say at best just as a pause, still 14,000 troops in afghanistan as we speak on the ground. What happens in the interim . Is this just we need to find another date . Seems like thats not how this works. Not a scheduling issue but the immediate near term need is mitigate the threat to Coalition Forces on the ground in afghanistan. The taliban will likely respond with violence and is unclear that anyone of President Trumps team knew he was going to tweet about this meeting. It is unclear whether we move more assets into place to try to meet the threats that are coming out as a result of the president s tweet while concurrently trying to figure out what our withdrawal timeline is. President trump announced the withdrawal which is a whole purpose of the negotiations before we had a signed deal. What President Trump criticized president obama for. Yes. Before we had a signed deal. Right, right. This point i dont know if the taliban or anybody else for that matter believes that we are going to keep the same troop presence even not getting a deal so the military may be starting to implement withdrawal timeline while trying to mitigate the threats from the taliban while negotiators are trying to figure out how to salvage the negotiations in the first place. So important, such a huge moment. Its so amazing that it is this unclear. So unnecessary. Thanks, sam. Appreciate it. We will have much more on this coming up. Now a cnn exclusive, though. We have new reporting of a previously undisclosed operation by the United States of spying on the russian government and president Vladimir Putin. Cnn anchor chief National Security correspondent jim sciutto broke the story. Thank you so much. Lay out what your reporting is and what you have learned. Here are the headlines. Multiple Trump Administration officials with direct knowledge tell me in that previously undisclosed secret mission in 2017 the u. S. Successfully extracted from russia one of the highest level covert sources inside the russian government. Knowledge of the russian covert sources existence highly restricted even within the u. S. Government, according to a source know quall alternative inside the russian government with insight and information on the russian president Vladimir Putin. A person directly involved in the discussions said that the removal of the russian was driven in part by concerns that President Trump and his administration repeatedly mishandled classified intelligence which could contribute to exposing the covert source as a spy. The decision to carry out the extraction occurred soon after a may 2017 meeting in the oval office in which you may remember trump discussed highly classified intelligence with Russian Foreign minister lavrov and then Russian Ambassador to the u. S. Kislyak. The disclosure to the russians by the president prompted intelligence officials to renew discussions about the potential risk of exposure. This according to a source directly involved in the matter. At the time then cia director pompeo told officials that too much information was coming out regarding this asset. So, jim, what are you hearing about the fact that this was not the first time that there were concerns about this source, this spy being exposed . For sure. And to be clear, i spoke to multiple officials and these concerns were growing over months. At the end of the obama administration, u. S. Intelligence officials expressed concern about the safety of this spy and other russian assets given the length of cooperation with the u. S. Those concerns grew in early 2017 after the u. S. Intelligence community released its public report on russian meddling in the 2016 election which said that putin himself ordered the operation. The Intelligence Community also shared a classified version of that report with the incoming Trump Administration which included highly protected details on the sources behind the intelligence. Senior u. S. Officials considered extracting at least one russian aset at the time but did not do so according to the former Senior Intelligence official, however, the meeting with the russians happened in the oval office raising new talks and concerns in the Intelligence Community continued to grow in the period after Trumps Oval Office meeting can kislyak and lavrov. Weeks after the decision to extract the covert source, the president met privately with russian president Vladimir Putin in hamburg. You may recall that at that meeting he took the step of confiscating the interpreters notes. Afterwards im told officials of intelligence expressed concern again that the president may have improperly discussed classified intelligence with russia. This according to an intelligence source with knowledge of the Intelligence Communitys response to that trump putin meeting. Kate, it was not just one instance. It was a series of instances. I know you reached out. What is the Trump Administration saying about this . All right. I reached out to the administration, of course, the agency, as well. One u. S. Official i spoke to said before the secret operation there was media speculation about the existence of such a covert source and such coverage or public speculation poses risks to the safety of anyone a Foreign Government suspects may be involved, however, this official did not identify any public reporting to that of the decision and cnn itself could not find a reference in the media at the time. Asked for comment, brittany brahmel told cnn the nairtive that the Central Intelligence agency makes life or death decisions based on anything other than objective analysis and sound collection is simply false. Misguided speculation that the president s handling of the nations sensitive yens which he has access to each and every day drove an alleged exfiltration operation is inaccurate. White House Press Secretary said, quote, cnns reporting is not only incorrect but the potential to put lives in danger. The removal happened at a time of wide concern of mishandling of the intelligence by trump and the administration. Those concerns described to me by five sources who served in the Trump Administration, the intelligence agencies and congress. I should also note that cnn is withholding key details about the spy to reduce the risk of this assets identification. Speaking about asset, what is the cost of from what you have gathered from your sources, what is the cost of losing an asset like this . One that was clearly importantly placed. Enormous at an enormously important time between the u. S. And russia. Left the u. S. Without a key source on the inner workings of the kremlin and the plans and thinkings of the russian president at a time when tensions between the u. S. And russia have been growing. The u. S. Intel community considers russia one of the two greatest threats to u. S. National security with china. A former Senior Intelligence official tells me, quote, the impact would be huge because its so hard to develop sources like that in any denied area, particularly russia, because the surveillance and security is so stringent and cant reacquire a capability like that overnight. That is big loss. Absolutely. Thank you, jim. Really appreciate you bringing that. Thank you. So much, so much more to learn from this. Really appreciate it. Joining me for more perspective on this from jims great reporting, steve hall, retired cia chief of russia operations. Steve, i just want to get your take on what we make of this reporting. Well, kate, i think its probably clear i need to be somewhat circumspect in the comments here. Of course. Im reticent to talk about american capabilities because the russian Counter Intelligence service are working this story and how its handled in the administration and the press. That said, what does this say to me is it just deepens my concerns of a president who seemingly thinks that intelligence information is sort of his to do whatever he wants with and what are the consequences of that . You have got as jim was mentioning in his report, the situation of the oval office talking about intelligencetive intelligence in that time from the israelis with the russians. Of course, the icing on the cake i just got rid of this guy at the fbi i dont like very much, james comey. Just a couple of days ago the president tweets out what appears to me at least, i dont know for sure, but it looks close to a classified overhead of an Iranian Missile launch site and then very quickly if you had questions whether or not the president was concerned he used classified information he comes out with another tweet saying this is my absolute right to use this information however i want to. So when you have a president whos willing to use intelligence for pretty much whatever he wants to, youre going to have consequences that can have long, long range down range impact on u. S. National security and that concerns me. And, steve, i know you cant wont give a play by play and i would never ask or want you to but as jim was talking about what the sources telling him of the cost of losing an asset like this, the way its described, this asset is described as one of the u. S. Governments highest level covert sources inside the russian government. From your perspective, can you describe the value of that asset and also if youre still head of russia operations what are you doing, what have you been doing to try to fill the void that is left then . Yeah, kate. Again, i have to be careful but if i were in my old position this would always be a concern in that frankly wouldnt have had to deal with. Collecting, trying to collect you know, not just russian operations. Theres operations worldwide. And when you have to ask yourself, well, how at the end of the day is this information going to be used and treated appropriately, by the senior most members of our government, thats a concern and also a concern of our allies so thats something that again is worrisome. How much does would President Trump or any president be told about this certain asset . Do they know everything . Kate, they know as much as they want. You know . If you get a request from the white house or from senior members of the administration, we want to know in great detail about, you know, a particular intelligence operation, you know, by law and by our regulation if im not mistaken, the president can ask whatever he wants about that. Again, that can make people very, very nervous both inside our own Intelligence Community and allies passing us critical Counter Terrorism information, for example. Always important for your perspective, steve. Thank you so much. Sure. Coming up, for us, the death toll and the despair rising in the bahamas. More than 100 people trying to evacuate the islands and come to the United States on a ferry and they were told to get off the boat. Details on that ahead. Plus, one of the president s golf resorts is now at the center of a big investigation into military spending. Got much more on that. I can. The two words whispered at the start of every race. Every new job. 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Com thanks to priceline working with top airlines to turn their unsold seats into amazing deals, Family Reunion attendance is up. Were all related yeah, i see it. And because priceline offers great deals by comparing thousands of prices in real time, sports fans are seeing more away games. Various yeahhh is that safe . Oh, y. Ahh not at all. No, maam. Nope. And more people than ever are enjoying romantic getaways. romantic music thats gross priceline. Every trip is a big deal. 70,000, that is the number of people now left homeless in the bahamas after hurricane dorian. Devastation as far as the eye can see on some of the hardest hit islands. Heres how the head of u. S. Aid describes it after touring some of these parts. What i was struck by was the focused nature of the devastation. So there are parts of abaco and the bahamas that dont show a great deal of damage and then there are clusters and communities devastated, almost as though Nuclear Bombs were dropped on them. Thats how great the suffering and devastation is. Theres growing confusion really over where they can now seek refuge. U. S. Customs and Border Protection is speaking out after new reporting that more than 100 people trying to evacuate the bahamas on a ferry were forced off the ferry after hearing this announcement. Listen. Our passengers that dont have u. S. Visas, please proceed to disembark. Visas are not required for residents flying into the United States. If they meet other criteria. U. S. Customs now says this move that just heard there is not under their direction and not how they would have handled it. Listen. We would have basically made sure that everybody was properly documented and facilitated that process working with the cruise line so why they said that i wouldnt know and its really heartbreaking for them to say that to these people really suffered more than beyond comprehension. Thats for sure. For the latest, joining me on the phone is the minister of health dwayne sands. Thank you so much for joining me. Hi, good morning. How are you . Doing well, thank you. I really appreciate your time. Have you received any clarity about that situation with folks being told to try to evacuate the island to come to the United States on that ferry and then being forced off . Have you gotten any clarity on it . No, i havent. You know, the complexity of this situation which is an immigration matter certainly my fellow cabinet minister that has responsibility for Foreign Affairs darren hemfield and the minister of immigration will be in close contact with the u. S. Counterparts in order to try to resolve this issue. In the urgency of the moment as you can imagine not every i is dotted nor every t crossed. Thats yeah. That is for sure. Folks trying to get off may not have the documents that are required though they still do need to get off the island. You even hear the sympathy and empathy from u. S. Border patrol and Border Protection on that one. The death toll let me ask you about go ahead. Before we go there, i mean, the other problem is that there are persons who may indeed have passports with visas but they have been destroyed in the floods and the hurricane. Right. So, believe me, let me say categorically that we have been the beneficiaries of tremendous international support. And one of the greatest comforting entities is the United States of america. So, the micromanagement of this particular issue is not something that i am certainly gong to get involved in except to say that i am sure that this is going to be resolved and resolved satisfactorily. Well be checking back in on that. So the death toll right now stands at 45 people and you have said all along you expect it to go up and to go up significantly. I did hear that you announced new updates on the death toll coming from the Prime Ministers Office from now on but when do you think that you will have a final count . Will have your arms around the enormity of that . Well, i think we have a massive logistic challenge. The island of abaco is 100 miles long. Grand bahamas 100 miles. You have discrete pockets of populations separated by land and water. Many of those areas devastated with debris, residual flooding and you have teams of experts, many of them from the United States and canada, equipped with cadaver dogs and Defense Force of bahamas and Police Force Officers and they are they have divided the hurricane zones into grids and theyre wokking methodically in order to find out can we clear this area . Can we clear this cluster of homes, et cetera . But if youre talking 1,200 square miles and bear in mind that many of the vehicles that would ordinarily be used to move people and things have themselves been destroyed, you understand the logistic challenge. So, to answer your question directly, we have no idea how long its going to take. It could be weeks or months. Are you expecting this to be in the hundreds or the thousands of people to have perished . I have heard speculative estimates and i stand by my previous statement that the public should be prepared for unimaginable numbers. That we expect the death toll to rise but i dont think that theres going to be a whole lot of benefit in pegging it at a particular number. There are many souls that have lost their lives, many families that are grieving. We will work until we identify them all or at least retrieve them all. We will treat them with dignity that they deserve. And then we have to do the Legal Process of determining a cause of death, notifying next of kin and then giving them a proper disposition of their remains. Beyond just getting to the final death toll and the process that you just laid out, there is i am hearing criticism that the government has moved too slowly for basic relief to the bahamians, food and water, that sort of thing. What do you say to that . I say that, you know, there are certainly instances where we have not been as rapid in our response to certain communities. There are other communities where we moved quite quickly. We have certainly moved as quickly as we could. We have been irp ironing out the kinks in terms of organization and deployment. I have spoken to the destruction of much of the capacity in order to do what it is that were trying to do. I have mentioned that in grand bahama island, 100 miles long, we have 1 functioning ambulance. One. Minister, i was going to ask you about that. The status of the hospitals, troubling reports that like in grand bahama, they cant perform surgery. The rooms are completely full if not flooded. What is the status of the hospital situation . Well, we have recognized the operating room, intensive care center, et cetera, it is not safe or sanitary for use. We have the wonderful fortune of having International Ngos from the United States in particular, but from other countries, as well, the dutch have created Field Hospitals and the samaritans purse Field Hospital with the capacity to provide inpatient beds, icu services will be open today. There are other private facilitys that are providing services and delivering babies and doing basic surgery and we expect that within another 24 hours we will have replaced the inpatient or acute Care Capacity and the outpatient capacity across the entire island of grand bahama. Looking at abaco, we are probably about 70 there. There are many of the keys and some of the northern outposts that deserve additional attention. But for the most part i have been very pleased with the return to normalcy at least in the provision of health services. Well, that is that is a challenge we havent addressed is increased demand on the providence. Well, that is some good news to hear, though, that the Hospital Capacity is getting back up and as you very well as a doctor yourself is a key thing in the aftermath of this. Thank you so much for coming in. I really appreciate you jumping on. Thank you. Have a great day. Byebye. Thank you. Well be right back. The game doesnt end after a spectacular touchdown grab because theres always another team looking to punch one in. With nfl redzone from nfl network on xfinity, you get every touchdown from every game on sunday afternoons, all season long. Watch every breakout star, every heartpounding running attack, and every big time defensive stop. 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Faced with grave threats, the men and women standing behind us stepped forward to save the lives of their fellow americans, few people could have done and even would have done what they did. In a few moments, i will award Six Police Officers from dayton, ohio, with our nations highest Public Safety award, the medal of valor. I will also honor five americans from el paso, texas, with certificates of commendation, recognizing these civians that displayed tremendous bravery. The light from these souls defied the darkness and confronted the most sinister danger. Would you all please join me in expressing our deepest gratitude and highest admiration to these unbelievably exceptional americans . Thank you. [ applause ] were also joined by senator john cornyn and several members of my cabinet an i want to thank you all for being here. John, thank you very much. Most importantly, to the families of our heroes, you understand better than anyone the difference your loved ones have made in the lives of so many americans. We treasure you and we really do thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Again, thank you very much. Great job. One month ago america witnessed horror beyond belief. On saturday, august 3rd, at a walmart in el paso, texas, the soulless and bigoted monster killed 22 innocent people and wounded 27 others. Happened very quickly. It was a racist attack motivated by pure evil, hatred. The next day in dayton, ohio, a vile and wicked murderer stole nine lives and injured 34 others. Our nation is shocked and enraged by these inhuman and sadistic acts of bloodshed. We fail to comprehend how any person could be so warped by malice and contempt. Every heart breaks for the families who lost precious loved ones. And every american grieves for those who were so cruelly taken from us. In the midst of such profound anguish, one memory fills us with hope. When evil showed its hideous face, americans of all walks of life rose up and they did. They rose up, they defied fear. They stared down death to protect the innocent. And stand tall they did just for righteous and for good. Several days after the shootings, the first lady and i visited both cities. We met with First Responders, hospital staff, survivors and families. We will never forget the unity and love we saw in those communities and at those hospitals. It was incredible. In ohio, i had the privilege of meeting the six dayton Police Officers who without a moments hesitation immediately and courageously engaged the gunman ending his attack and rescuing countless lives. Who knew and who can even understand how many lives would have been taken if they didnt act so quickly . Just after 1 00 a. M. On august 4th these officers were patrolling the streets of downtown dayton when the killer opened fire into an innocent crowd. The shooter continued firing as he ran down a sidewalk packed with people. Sergeant William Knight was stationed in his cruiser about 150 feet away. He heard the gun fire. Jumped out of his car and quickly returned fire. Meanwhile, officer brian rolfis ran directly towards the shooter and into the onslaught of incoming bullets. Then officers jeremy campbell, vincent carter, ryan nabel and David Denlinger moved in, engaging the shooter at close range calling upon years of training in the span of an instant. Millions of americans saw the video footage of these officers calmly charging forward in the midst of chaos and constant fire. Without a thought for their own safety they stood square to the target, executed their mission and brought down the murderers with precision gun fire. It was just before that maniac was ready to enter a very crowded restaurant and bar. Within 32 seconds of the start of the attack, these six officers ended the violent rampage and saved countless lives. Today it is my immense honor to award the medal of valor to sergeant William Knight and officers brian rolfis, jeremy campbell, vin cent carter, ryan nabel and David Denlinger. To each of you we are in awe of your swift response, sterling professionalism and rock solid nerves of steel. On behalf of our entire nation, we thank you for your remarkable and heroic actions in the line of duty. And we just want to thank you so much. What a great job youve done. Thank you very much. [ applause ] today we are also honoring five americans who risked their lives to save others during the brutal attack at the walmart in el paso, texas. Walmart store manager robert evans was outside the store entrance when he heard the gunman fire his first shot. Robert instantly alerted employees of the active shooter. He saw the killer heading towards the store, so he raced inside and directed customers toward the nearest emergency exits helping hundreds escape to safety. Incredible. Robert, you exemplify noble leadership and selfless service. Thank you very much, robert. Great. [ applause ] thank you, robert. Walmart employee gilbert sirno heard roberts alert over the radio and immediately without hesitation guided dozens of shoppers to refuge through a rear exit boosting some people over a 12foot wall and hiding others in shipping containers. So smart to think of that. Who would think of that under these circumstances . A lot of people would just run for their lives. He cleared out the back area of the store a minute before the shooter got there. Gilbert, your unwaivering resolve inspires us all. Thank you very much. Great job. Thank you. [ applause ] marasela luna was managing the mcdonalds inside the walmart when the murderer burst into the entrance. She quickly gathered customers from the lobby and led them them to refrigerators and other hiding places. Shielding them from the shooters line of sight. Thank you for racing to rescue others from grave danger. Thank you very much. Thank you. [ applause ] mcdonalds supervisor angelica silver was working at another location when she got word of the active shooting. She drove straight to the scene to check on her employees. Upon arriving, angelica saw two people in the parking lot who were very, very badly wounded. She alerted First Responders and helped save the life of one of those severely injured victims. Angelica, we thank god you were there. Thank you very much. Thank you. [ applause ] chris grant was picking out snacks for his kids when he suddenly saw the murderer firing at innocent shoppers a few aisles away from him. Chris grabbed listen to this soda bottles and anything else in front of him and began hurling them at the gunman. Distracting him from the other shoppers and causing the shooter to turn toward chris and fire at chris. Whereby chris suffered two very serious gunshot wounds but he is recovering well and we wish him the best. His family is here. So please thank chris for us. [ applause ] think of that. In the darkness moments of danger and despair, god calls the bravest to action. These 11 individuals answered the call. They stared down evil. They put love of neighbor above life itself. And we are blessed by their courage. We are honored by their presence. We are overwhelmed by their example and we are forever inspired by the goodness of their hearts, the grace of their souls and the enduring greatness of their deeds. To every one of the heroes we recognize today, thank you and god bless you all. Thank you very much. [ applause ] incredible. Now i would like to ask the military aide to come forward and read the citations please. The medal of valor is presented to the following individuals for their bravery and composure in the face of an armed assailant intent on the murder of innocent civilians in dayton, ohio, august 4, 2019. Their quick actions in the face of extreme danger neutralized the gunman within seconds protecting the lives of hundreds of people. Sergeant William Knight. [ applause ] officer brian rolfis. [ applause ] officer jeremy campbell. [ applause ] officer vincent carter. [ applause ] officer ryan nabel. [ applause ] officer David Denlinger. [ applause ] will the medal of valor recipients please take your seats and the medal of honor recipients please join the president on stage. The certificate of commendation is given to those who suffered fearlessly to apprehend the gunman on august 17. They could have escaped the massacre, but instead they put their own lives in jeopardy and helped their citizens to safety. Mr. Robert evans. [ applause ] mr. Gilbert serna. [ applause ] miss marcella luna. [ applause ] miss angelica silva. [ applause ] accepting on behalf of her son chris grant, miss minnie grant. [ applause ] would the medal of valor recipients please join the president on stage for one last group photo. [ applause ] announcer ladies and gentlemen, please remain in your seats as the president departs the east room. As you saw right there, President Trump honoring six officers who showed incredible bravery and courage in dayton, ohio after that horrific shooting there, bringing down that gunman. Five other americans who showed incredible bravery and courage as well in the midst of the el paso shooting in texas. Its remarkable to think that happened just one month ago. 31 people in total killed in those two tragic shootings hours apart. Well be right back. 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Oh, hey jeff, im a car thief. What . im here to steal your car because, well, thats my job. What . What . . What . laughing what . . What . what . [crash] what . haha, it happens. And if youve got cutrate car insurance, paying for this could feel like getting robbed twice. So get allstate. And be better protected from mayhem. Like me. A desperate rescue operation is underway off the coast of georgia after a cargo ship capsized early sunday morning. The u. S. Coast guard has been working all throughout the day. They were able to rescue 20 people of the people on board but have been really trying to reach four of the remaining crew on board. Just just in, there could be some very good news on that front. Tasha is near the scene. Tasha, whats the latest . Reporter kate, they have made contact with people alive on board inside. Right now we just dont know if its all four of them or just some of them. We also dont know their conditions. This is how the u. S. Coast guard told me it happened. If you take a look behind us here, the coast guard has been outside the vessel for the last 24 hours or so. They had to stop their search on board because of a fire on the ship yesterday, but overnight they heard tapping noises coming from the propellor shaft area. So they decided today when they were finally able to have a team dropped off onto the ship when it was stable enough, they drilled a hole in that spot where they heard the tapping. And thats how they made contact with some people who are inside. So the next step now, im being told, is that theyre going to create a larger hole so that they can send in some water, some food, more air to these people who are inside, and that will happen while specialists continue to figure out the best way to actually access them and get them off of this ship. So, again, we dont know for sure if all four have been found, but certainly someone is alive in there, and theyre trying to give them food and water. This is a really Incredible Development considering that they have now been in there for more than 24 hours. I talked to some of the people who are rescued at first among the first 20 out of there. They said they dont know what happened because they were actually asleep when the ship started listing, kate. Then they were going to try to begin exactly what caused the ship to tip on its side as it was bound to baltimore. Natasha, thank you so much, i really appreciate it. And thank you all for joining me on this monday. Inside politics with john king starts right now. Welcome to inside politics. Im john king. Thank you for sharing your day with us. President trump abruptly canceled a planned peace summit with the taliban, his idea to meet with the allies on camp david split congress. Plus congress is back from its summer break. Republicans want to know if the president is serious about new gun controls. Democrats trying to balance a family debate about whether to stick issues like guns and health care or move ahead with investigations and possible impeachment. And rememr

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