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To this. Thank you. We will be there 100 . All of the folks from the federal government that are around the table, they are confirming it, as well. We started early. Well be here late. I want to thank you for the great job you have done. I would like to ask richard burr to say a few words, your great senator who has done an incredible job. And then we ask tom till s to say a few words. These are two people who love this state and the country. I will say to this group what i said to you on the plane. I have been doing disasters in North Carolina as an elected representative for 25 years. I have never seen the preparation, coordination and collaboration between the federal, state and local government like i have seen prior to this. If we do half as good in the response as we did in the preparation, then North Carolinaens are going to be in good hands. The challenge is quite frankly going to be this, facing things in this event that we havent been faced with before. The ability to have the coast guard and d. O. D. Assets in this state up front before the event has enabled those at local, state and federal level to adjust what plans we might have had in place and deliver water and food and essentials in a way that we can get to any community in the state. Without that level of collaborati collaboration, we had people in serious problems. Senator richard birr speaking there. Good morning, im erica hill. President trump in North Carolina with a number of officials. He is on the ground to survey the damage as flooding continues to ravage the area. More than a dozen rivers in the state now at major flood stage this morning. The governor of north carolin, roy cooper, warning thousands of evacuees shouldnt go home yet. He just said we have never seen a storm like this calling it epic, disastrous and widespread. Florence blamed for at least 36 deaths. Cnns nick watt is live in wilmington, North Carolina which is basically cut off and turned into an island. Give us a sense of where will the president be going after this . What will he see today . Well, we are not being told exactly where the president is going. Perhaps some of the plans are still fluid. Lots of roads are still closed here. This is still a fluid situation on the ground. Some of the rivers are still cresting. We have been told by the white house that he does want to meet people who have survived and he does want to see some of the worst hit areas. The message we just heard there, he is in a hangar at a marine base up at cherry point. That base was hit hard. The message from the president was very clear. He said the planning for this was fantastic. The work of the First Responders has been great, but there is still a lot of hard work to do. He said this is going to cost the federal government a lot of money. Whatever you need, we will be there for you. He also spoke to the families of those 36 people who have lost their lives. He said america is with you. America grieves with you. So the message very clear that the work so far has been great according to the federal government and it will continue to support local and state efforts that are needed. The message from President Trump is we are with you all the way. Thank you. Before departing the white house the president weighing in on Brett Kavanagh and calls from christy ford who says the Supreme Court nominee assaulted her. Eyebrows raised by the president this morning with renewed attacks on attorney general Jeff Sessions and in defense of Paul Manafort who just entered into a plea deal with the special counsel. Abby, lets begin with the president s comments on Brett Kavanagh. What more did he have to say . The president took a number of questions about Brett Kavanagh. The message was pretty much the same. As you know, Justice Kavanagh has been treated very, very tough. His family, i think it is a very unfair thing what is going on. Reporter he was asked several times about the issue of the fbi background check being potentially reopened to include some of the allegations. The president didnt answer why. He doesnt think that that is necessary as you saw in that clip. He says the fbi doesnt do that. He was reminded by me and other reporters that the fbi has investigated these matters in the past. Most notably in the case of Clarence Thomas in 1991 on a number of other issues including Jeff Sessions, his attorney general, President Trump, once again reiterated his disappointment in his attorney general. After telling the hill in an interview that i dont have an attorney general, the president appeared to walk that back a little bit saying he does have an attorney general, he is just disappointed in him for a number of reasons. On Paul Manafort, as you mentioned, once the president cried flippers, the president had nothing but praise for Paul Manafort and said he doesnt believe he has anything to worry about if manafort testifies. Thank you. One of the attorneys for Christine Ford says her client has received Death Threats since revealing her identity. Its premature to talk about a hearing on monday. I think people understand that because she has been dealing with the threats, the harassment and the safety of her family ft asking her to come forward in four or five days and sit before the Judiciary Committee on national tv is not a fair process. You heard the president share some of the sound as he expressed concerns about Brett Kavanagh and his family. He did not mention ford and the impact on her. The chairman of the senate Judiciary Committee also weighing in. In a written statement grassley says the testimony would reflect her personal knowledge and memory of events, nothing the fbi or any other investigator does will have any bearing on what dr. Ford tells the committee so there is no reason for further delay. Where do things stand this morning . Could this Committee Vote happen next week even without hearing from dr. Ford . Very likely that vote could happen if dr. Ford does not come on monday. We just had a chance to speak to the senate Judiciary Committee chairman who made it clear he is trying to get ford to come before his committee on monday. He said he is offering her four different ways to come publically or privately via staff interview, open or closed. He said he would reach back out to her today and continue their own staff level investigation to talk to people who were a part of the incident. When i asked them directly whether or not you would agree to delay the hearing and reopen, call for reopening the fbi background check as dr. Ford has demanded, he would not say that. He said we will focus on the Judiciary Committee and getting her to testify. Where im focussed right now is doing everything that we can to make dr. Ford comfortable with coming before our committee either in an open session or closed session or a public or a private interview. That is four different ways she can choose to come. Reporter now, the question is what happens if she does not choose to come . That is a question that the chairman posed. She was asked directly what about the monday hearing . Will it happen if she does not come. He said we dont have any problem with kavanagh coming. The only problem we have with making it a fruitful hearing is to hear from both sides. He is opening the possibility that it could be just kavanagh at the monday hearing. He wants to hear both sides. Even if it doesnt happen, republicans are making it clear they want a Committee Vote next week. They want it on the floor soon after. Despite the calls to reopen the investigation and delay the hearing, there is no reason to think that will happen at the moment because republicans are just not willing to go there right now. Lets continue the discussion now. The Democratic Congress woman from the state of washington, member of the house Judiciary Committee. I appreciate you joining us today. We heard from the president a little bit earlier. You just heard from Chuck Grassley there. Here is a little bit more of what the president had to say specifically. I want to see her. I would want to see what she has to say. I want to give it all the time they need. If she shows up, that would be wonderful. If she doesnt show up, that would be unfortunate. The president making it clear he doesnt see that this is the place for an fbi investigation. If there is no investigation, would you support some sort of a compromise here, perhaps an investigation in the senate . I think the problem here is that she does not want to go into a situation that is inherently unfair to her and not independent in nature. If you think about what happened with anita hill, some would say that what is being done to dr. Ford is actually less due process than what anita hill got. Anita hill had multiple witnesses testify. There were experts who testified, sex crimes prosecutors who said this is normal or this is to be expected. And you know that that anita hill hearing outraged the country. I think if dr. Ford comes forward at this hearing in four days with very little preparation, a woman who has not taken a public role before, who has now been threatened with Death Threats, had to move out of her house, had to protect her children, had her identity stolen, i think it sets up a very unfair situation. I think that is what she is trying to prevent. She is not saying she wont come and testify before the committee. She is saying she is happy to do that but she thinks there should be an independent investigation, whether an fbi investigator or an independent investigator that collects the facts and that we should allow for the other witnesses to testify, as well. Mark judge has said that he does not want to testify. He was the third person that she put in the room at the time of the incident. If she was because i believe because he was actually there. Because he i think he should at least be made to testify as well in the senate Judiciary Committee should hear from him also. I think that this is a situation where its all these men who are saying, well, she should come forward and testify. They keep saying we want to move quickly to a vote. They say theyre going to listen to her but then theyre going to vote for him. Thats exactly what she fears. She wants this to be real. Shes thrown her life upside down. And, you know, i think judge kavanaugh should have the chance as well to put forward his case. I think that is appropriate. She is taking tremendous risk coming forward and saying let me have a fair shot at this. Dont put me in front of a bunch of men on the committee who predetermined what the outcome should be. As we just heard from our reporter, to your point, most people he spoke with are clear they want to move forward and get to that Committee Vote. I want to share something we heard from Lindsey Graham putting out a statement saying requiring an fbi investigation before professor ford will appear before the Judiciary Committee is not about finding the truth but delaying the process until after the midterm elections going on to say he wants that Committee Vote to be taken as soon as possible. This has become for better or for worse a very political situation where we stand right now. Whats your response to that statement . The reason its political is because they keep insisting its political. If you really take a step back and look at the issue of exasex assault and what women go through, there is a lot of evidence from this particularly whether something happens to a young woman, she was 15 years old at the time of the alleged incident. She did not speak out about it. She did everything she could to forget about it, i think. And to try to move on with her life despite a lot of reported challenges that she had. She went on to get a masters degree and doctorate degree and she felt like she needed to talk to a therapist. There are notes around that. Shes taken a polygraph test. She is now asking, submitting herself to an fbi investigation. I dont think that thats about a delay tactic. That is about preserving her reputation and bringing closure to a very, very difficult situation in her life. One that she intended to keep private, except she felt she had a duty to the country to come forward and report this. I think its disingenuous of senator graham and manufacture t many of these other males that say of course hes a good man. But what we know, erica, is that good men do bad things. I think having a forum where she has to come at the same time as a judge thats been on the bench and has been prepared for this nomination for, you know, months and months and months, in fact, years probably hes been preparing for this. Is just unfair. And, of course, the only thing that republicans have to say is about the delay. Theyre not talking about the content. Lets talk about the content. We have a Supreme Court nominee, highest court in the land who will administer justice to men and women for the rest of his life if hes confirmed. And we dont have the time to do an investigation into a credible accusation that has been made against him . I think that is just outrageous. The fbi has vektinvestigated in past. They can investigate here. We can get an independent investigator. What are they afraid of . Why well see where this ends up. I have to cut you off. We are way over on time. Always appreciate you taking the time to join us. Well continue the discussion. Thank you. Thank you, erica. Just ahead, President Trump on the ground in North Carolina. Set to tour the damage from Hurricane Florence. Just moments from now well bring that to you live. Plus, President Trump unleashing a fresh attack on his attorney general before making his way to North Carolina. So how or will Jeff Sessions respond to this . Were on that ahead. Girls are not in school because of Economic Issues and they have to work. At the malala fund, we help girls stay in school. The malala fund invests in Education Champions who work in the community and pave the way so that girls can actually go to school. To have our Financial Partner guiding us is very important. 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Make it, squarespace this morning, President Trump lashing out once again at his attorney general Jeff Sessions before heading to North Carolina to survey the damage from Hurricane Florence much he told the hill, i dont have an attorney general. Im disappointed in the attorney general for numerous reasons. But we have an attorney general. Im disappointed in the attorney general for many reasons. And you understand that. Joining me now, senior political reporter and cnn legal and National Security analyst. So chris, its a new day. But sortst same old story for the president. The question this morning is why now . Why is he back on Jeff Sessions . Is this yet another push to try to get him to quit . I dont know any other reason why he would do this now, erica. Im not a subscriber to the donald trump is always playing eight dimensional chess theory of his sort of outbursts and statements. He just says stufwhat comes to. I dont know why he wont fire Jeff Sessions. He made the name and fame by saying youre fired to people. Hes had a lot of turnover in the cabinet. Its not those things. I think it is resistance among senators, sessions excolleagues and concerns about confirming the next attorney general which will be a total nightmare, potentially making it look like hes done something wrong in the russia investigation when he believes hasnt. But hes obviously continuing to try to get Jeff Sessions to quit. This is not new. He refused to take that bait. He is willing to take what trump throws at him. Justin to go to work. My guess is it will be more of the same. So we should buckle up and get ready. We have a lot to get to on this wednesday. When it comes to bret kavanaugh, weve been hearing we heard the president weighing in this morning. He doesnt think that there needs to be an fbi investigation in this case. Talking about there had been six investigations. I think the president may have been referring to the six background checks that we know of that have been done on brett kavanaugh. First, the difference between a fbi investigation and background check by the fbi. Right. So an fbi investigation on a violation of criminal law if, they get evidence in their possession that someone might have violated federal law, they can initiate an investigation into that. When theyre doing background checks, thats not what theyre doing. Background checks are there to look at a persons suitability for public trust, to uncover information on a variety of different criteria including character and reputation and loyalty and, you know, drug abuse. They interview many people. They compile that into a dossier if you will and they give it to either the agency that is making the clearance or in this case with appointees to the white house to determine what to do with it. Given that its complete and also because it alleges something when judge kavanaugh was 17 which is beyond the scope of what they normally ask people about, they go back to 18 or beyond, the president needs to request the fbi to look further into the leads and investigate it further to get more information. And real quickly, just to pick up on what you said, because from what we know did not violate a federal crime, in your estimation, there isnt anything that the fbi would traditionally investigate here, despite the fact that Christine Ford is calling for an fbi investigation . Thats right. They wouldnt initiate a criminal investigation. They may have passed this on to the Maryland Attorney general or to the appropriate Law Enforcement, for example. They may disseminate relevant information. But they are not going to launch a criminal investigation on their own. When we look at this, this should not be important for a political discussion but it is. Were seeing politics from both sides. Its also a gamble. How do you see this playing out, especially with the midterm elections looming . Youre right. Political on both sides for republicans, this is the culmination of a real dream to get kavanaugh on the Supreme Court and if democrats were able to block it, slow walk it and prevent it from happening, that would also be a dream as well. I think when you look at the specter of this woman, professor ford and the way republicans have approached her so far, i think they probably have a bigger gamble. There is little political upside to what theyre doing so far. There is little political upside to the hearing. There are the all men questioning of this woman before this i think that would be very damaging to them and in some ways you can tell they dont really want. That i mean the sort of idea that it has to be monday or never and this is something they decided without even really talking to her and theyre expecting shes going to agree to this forum, the guidelines of which arent even set in stone. One idea, for instance, is there will be outside counsel. There will be attorneys questioning her. So all of this, i think, you know, they are actually betting she doesnt show up and if she doesnt show up, theyre saying at this point they would just go ahead with the votes which, again, i think would be very big political risk, a big political gamble for them given where they are with suburban white women. If you look at all of these polls, this is where they are bleeding support. You look at the polls in arizona. You look at the polls in tennessee. Two republican women are running. They are 20 points behind with women in terms of how theyre doing versus the democratic candidate. This is a big risk for republicans. But obviously, the big kind of holy grail that they could get at the end would be kavanaugh on the court and at this point theyre willing to risk that basically because they know they would at least please their base. I appreciate you all. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Coming up, the battle over the russia probe documents. President trump ordering the declassification of Sensitive Files during the investigation. Now republicans say this is all about transparency. Democrats call it an abuse of power. Thats next. The new Capital One Savor card. Earn 4 cash back on dining and 4 on entertainment. Now when you go out, you cash in. Whats in your wallet . The nations largest seniorliving referral service. For the past five years, ive spoken with hundreds of families and visited seniorcare communities around the country. And ive got to tell you, todays seniorliving communities are better than ever. 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Joining me now is Eric Swalwell of california. He serves in the House Intelligence Committee. Good to have you with us here. Listen, you have good morning. Good morning. You have seen the documents. Theyre included in this request. You said before all the rules were followed. In obtaining this warrant. So if all the rules were followed, nothing to worry about, why not let that information be out there . Yeah. This is quite lawless of the president to selectively declassify. You know, hes only putting forward to the American People what he believes helps him completely and recklessly risking sources and methods who can be put at risk and have their lives at risk. So you know, tranpasparency is great. He wants to put out what he thinks helps him. And that is a very destructive way too act as a person being vekted and to ord investigate. We know the documents are being poured over in terms of redactions. Given that that there will be redactions before released, do we still need to be concerned about that . Wouldnt those be taken out . The president is ordering complete declassification. He has seen who knows if he reads this stuff, he has, i hope, been told that, you know, there are sources and methods in the documents and people have come forward to the government in many Different Cases and cooperated hoping that there is trust and that they will not be outed. Otherwise, we cant count on receiving information in the future. But, you know, the truth is, ive seen the documents. This president is for declassification. Every time he tries to declassify something, it ends up backfiring. Im more concerned about the precedent of a person being investigated, being able to order declassification selectively because he thinks it helps him. Thats not how a rule of law country works. We know the president though said listen, this is all about transparency. Fit was broader, would that work for you . If it wasnt as selective as you say it in your words . Well, the problem with how he views transparency is i think he thinks an on going investigation should have the facts that came forward so far put out in the public. That is not how investigations work. You dont let subjects of investigations dictate the terms of investigations. Now let me also just say, erica, the House Intelligence Committee has concluded its investigation. The republicans on that committee lead by nunes said they would release the transcripts, that never happened. He has no interest in telling him to put forward the evidence we collected. To me, it seems more self serving. The larger issue here is it is violating the rule of law and the independence of the department of justice must show. In terms of that, we know how divisive the investigation was in the house. Obviously. But is that something that you would make a push for in going to devin nunes and saying if that this is what were supposed to see, put it out there . Chairmane nunes said he was going to release the transcripts. Again, were waiting. We believe the public will see you pushed for that . That is my question . Yes. Going after him and saying lets see it and his response to you . Credit to frpg are airanking. Wont look us in the eyes when we try to con front him over these issues. This has been a long standing problem with him. But the American People will see if the transcripts are released with what little investigative tools we were given, the personal relationships between donald trump, family, campaign and businesses with the russians and also what little interest the republicans have in exploring any of. That i think thats why theyre not willing to put the transcripts out there. Before we let you go, i want to get you here about the president s latest attacks on attorney general Jeff Sessions. Saying earlier, i dont have an attorney general. What is your reaction to that . He means he doesnt have an attorney general who will protect him and allow him as president to be above the law. The best thing we can do, i believe, is to cement bob rollers role. Bob muellers role legislatively to protect him from being fired and then let him fire the attorney general. I dont think he should be there either. Without that protection for bob mueller, firing sessions would also lead to being able to fire mueller. The senate should pass that legislation and cement muellers role. Were out of time. I appreciate you joining us today. Thank you. My pleasure. Thanks. Coming up, south koreas president calls it a new era of peace with the north. After historic summit today, is the korean war over . And what could this mean for the United States . Thats next. 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Nextera energy heres something you should know. Theres a serious virus out there that 1 in 30 boomers has, yet most dont even know it. A virus thats been almost forgotten. Its hepatitis c. Hep c can hide in the body for years without symptoms. Left untreated it can lead to liver damage, even liver cancer. The only way to know if you have hep c is to ask your Healthcare Provider for the simple blood test. If you have hep c, it can be cured. For us, its time to get tested. Its the only way to know for sure. Could the korean war finally be over . After nearly 70 years. This morning the leaders of north and south korea signing a wideranging Peace Agreement at their summit. It includes getting rid of Nuclear Weapons and stopping some military drills. North korea also said it would permanently destroy a Nuclear Facility if the u. S. Takes certain steps. Heres how President Trump reacted to the news. We had very good news from north korea, south korea. They met and we had some great responses. I got a tremendous letter from kim jongun, as you know, it was delivered three days ago. Were making tremendous progress with respect to north korea. Prior to my coming into office, a lot of people thought we were going. It was inevitable. We were going to war in north korea. And now were the relationships i have to tell you, at least on a personal basis, theyre very good. Its very much calmed down. Lets dig a little deeper with our daily beast correspondent. Just give me im fascinated by what you really think in these moments. What is your gut on this agreement . My gut is that the United States and the International Community owe kim jongun the opportunity to do the right thing. But we didnt really see any breakthrough promises here. The promises that he made which are steps forward are not nonetheless reversible and dont show a change of intent. This is kim family playbook being played out again. Im skeptical but we do owe them that one shot opportunity that President Trump talked about. These kponldicorresponding m, theyre getting a lot of attention. He says hell give up the complex if they take the corresponding measures. Those were not specified. Kim is going to ask for a lot. Hes going to ask for too much. So i think that this was sort of euphoria creating words from kim which theyre very good at kim kims family is very good at doing. That i really worried about what theyre going to ask in return for getting rid of ben. This question about are we seeing an end to the korean war here . Youre smiling a little bit. What is your take on that . The south korean president says, look stashg, starting to were ending the korean war. The only reason why there is no war is not because the south korean president says i dont want war, the only reason there is not war is because u. S. Troops about been guarding the peninsula. Moon and kim jongun want the troops off the peninsula. Everybody should be concerned about what happens after that occurs, after we leave south korea. How real do you that i is in terms of i mean happening in the near future . It mean, i dont think its going to happen, eric yachlt but the erica but there is a large chance it might. I think most South Koreans want the u. S. There. But there is a political system led by the pro north korean advisors who want us out. And also you got the north koreans who want us out. In that statement that they talk about selfdetermination for the korean peninsula, i mean, how can you have selfdetermination in a totalitarian state . I can see kim and moon saying lets have a peninsula wide referendum. The results of that referendum wouldnt be good for world peace. But, you know this is where theyre going. It is dangerous time. If were asked to leave, we leave. Thats what the United States does. So were not going to stick around even if it means the place falls apart and im really concerned that thats a unacceptably large chance of that occurring. Gordon chang, thank you. Thank you. Coming up, a new trade battle erupting between the United States and china. How could it affect your wallet . Thats next. Your brain changes as you get older. But prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered. In jellyfish. In clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. You wouldnt accept from any one else. Why accept it from an allergy pill . Flonase relieves sneezing, itchy, watery eyes and a runny nose, plus nasal congestion, which most pills dont. Its more complete allergy relief. Flonase. Todays Senior Living communities have never been better, with amazing amenities like movie theaters, exercise rooms and swimming pools, public cafes, bars and bistros even pet care services. 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All for an affordable monthly plan premium, and in some areas, no plan premium. Its all described in this free book. Call for yours, and discover how an allinone Medicare Advantage plan from humana could save you money. There is no obligation and the book is free. Call or go online right now. Okay, you are watching the president here, he is in new bern, North Carolina, as he is getting a better sense of the damage that florence has left behind. He has just visited a church thats giving aid to victims. There was significant, significant flooding early on in this town, on the coast, the city, actually, more than 300 years old. It was a colonial capita of North Carolina. You saw reporting from new bern as the area was inundated for hours, the days on end. Lets listen in for a moment. How many . Go sign up at the front door and well get you signed up, okay . Hes checking in with the recipients and asking if they needed anything. Hes there with a number of officials there to assess the damage. Based on the swollen rivers in that state, some preparing to crest a second time. We know theres still more to come. So well bring you more of the president s visit as he continues to tour the devastation left behind by florence. China slapping morte tariff on u. S. Goods, after the u. S. Of course hit china with tariffs on another 200 billion in products. Allison is live at the new york stock exchange. The market doesnt seem to be phased fazeed by this. Reporter this back and forth with these tariffs, its already priced into the market. Investors, at least to them, the Trump Administration imposing a 10 tariff instead of a 20 tariff shows theres some wiggle room in some of these tariffs. And its important that the eu doesnt devalue. These markets continue moving higher because of the president s tax cut plan, fundamentals of the u. S. Economy are strong and so are corporate profits. It you look at the dow so far this year, its up almost 6 , the nasdaq up 9 . A survey shows that 24 of investors are placing for Global Growth to slow down next year. And were hearing from a bunch of companies sounding the alarm about trade, sysco warning that if the next earnings season shows that theyre tearing into company profits, the markets could react and go lower. Earnings season gets under way next month. Join me on my live show markets today go to cnn. Com markets disease today. I like to be able to do both at once. I want to bring you to new bern, North Carolina, the president again live. Lets take a listen. Hows the house . How was the house . Did you sign up out front of the church . Yes, we did. Thank you. You got it. Do they have ice . Yes, they do. Go up there and theyll get you some ice. You did a good job. Go ahead. Youre going to make me cry. Good catch, good catch. Good save, good save. Whos got the camera here . Wheres mom . Thank you. Thank you. You hanging in there . Hows the house . Its okay. Here you go. You take care of yourself. Thank you very much. Are you doing okay in there . Youre looking at live pictures of the president and governor cooper, live there in new bern, North Carolina. The president handing out food and asking people how their homes are. We watched homes being battered i be floren in the initial hours of this storm. What do you think the president might see today and how the visit has gone so far . Reporter we learned from the white house earlier that the president was eager to get out there and meet people affected by the storm. And were already seeing him do that. He of course met with local officials at the marine base where he landed and then drove to new bern, which was one of the most hard hit areas, many were evacuated by boat as florence just poured more rain and the surge came in. We dont actually know where the president will be going from here, but, again, as i say, he wants to meet people. He wants to see the worst affected areas and perhaps theyre being cagey about the schedule because it is still fluid on the ground. We is just heard that the p. D. River quite near the coast, that is a potential danger area right now because all of the trillions of gallons of rain that fell here in North Carolina, South Carolina, those rivers still cresting. Were going to continue to follow the president s trip to North Carolina throughout the day as we listen in here, stay with us in just a moment, things pick up on inside politics with john king. Im john king in washington, welcome to inside politics, youre watching the president of the United States handing out lunching at an aid center in new bern, North Carolina. Hes traveling to South Carolina a little bit later in the day. Hes inspecting the damage, and giving support, relief and comfort, people who have been displaced from their homes, and who cant get supplies and the like. Lets listen to some of this. Thank you. Y youre a

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